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.:: ( | Start Transmission | ) ::.

NWA has just opened the doors and there is one man that is needed in the NWA and that one man none other then The Living Legend Chris Jericho...And Jericho is here in the NWA Deep South to become the best in the industry.

-/|End Forward|\-

-|[Roleplay Title]|-
-|[The Iotola of Rock-n-Rolla makes his return]|-

As NWA is holding there first live event The camera man pans around the arena and shows the thousands opon thousands of fans in attendance. All of a sudden a bunch of piro's go off and then Chris Jericho's music hits and all the fans get on there feet and begin to go wild. Chris Jericho steps out of the backstage area and has his back turned to the crowd.

NWA Cameras
Jericho emerges from the back

Chris Jericho turns around and smirks at the crowd as they are on their feet cheering for him, Jericho appears to be shocked at the fans reaction because he is not receiving the normal boos. But after a minute or so Jericho begins to walk to the ring.

NWA Cameras
Jericho walks down to the ring

Jericho continues down to the ring none the less. Jericho climbs the steel steps and then slowly walks along the apron, stopping and posing for the crowd while he hangs on the ropes...

NWA Cameras
Jericho Taunts the Crowd

Jericho gets into the ring and struts around while the fans are still on their feet cheering for Chris Jericho. Jericho then signals for a microphone as Lillian Garcia walks over to ringside and hands Jericho a microphone. Jericho holds it up to his mouth, but then drops it back down to his side as he looks in the first row of the crowd. Jericho pauses for a few seconds and then raises the mic back to his mouth

NWA Cameras
Jericho Begins To Speak

-|[Chris Jericho]|-
Welcome to NWA is Jericho...that's right....Y2J is back Jack....and I am here for one reason and one reason take claim to the richest prize in the game...The NWA Heavyweight Title...Because that title is reserved for The One...The Only...True Iatola of Rock-N-Rolla....Chris Jericho....Thats right because from the looks of things...The competition around here is scarce...I mean for the love of have P-Dawg in the back thinking he has a shot at winning the sad is that....But Ladies and Gentlemen...its going to be okay...because The Highlight of The Night has signed a contract with the NWA Deep South and I am here to take the NWA by storm.

The fans start chanting Jericho's name and Jericho actually pauses for a second and waits for the fans to quiet down. Jericho then raises the mic back up to his mouth and starts to talk agian.

NWA Cameras
Jericho starts to talk agian

-|[Chris Jericho]|-
Hold on a second....just wait a god damn second...who told you A$$CLOWNS to cheer for Y2J....Did I tell you to cheer for me...NO...You see I am a Living Legend...and I dont need you people...You people make me sick...You people probably think I came here to the NWA Deep South for you...Everyone thinks I did it for the fans...NO...NO...NO...I am here because I am the Brightest Star of them All...I did it for myself...Don't you stupid hicks realize that I am the greatest thing that ever happened to sports entertainment...No you people just dont get it...but I have news for you...Its time that everyone realizes just how great I truly am.

Chris Jericho throws the mic to the ring guy and then walks back up the stage as his music blares once again through the arena. Jericho goes through the curtains and then disappears out of sight to the crowd.