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Who's Who in the DtD

This is it, a who's who, a rogues gallery, all the people that the players have learned to fear, and some they haven't. I'm organizing the entries according to creature type, and maybe later we can have top ten lists or something. But for now, enjoy.

Who's Who Among the Vampires

Henry Fitzroy, Clan Brujah
Mr. Fitzroy is the duly appointed Prince of Kitchener Waterloo, and enjoys all privileges and responsibilities thereof. He has a reputation for hands on leadership, liking to get in the thick of things, rather than having his cadre manage his problems. Known across the Camarilla for his swift and brutal justice, he is a man to be feared and respected. The Prince's actions have recently come to the attention of Camarilla higher ups and, much to their chagrin, he has turned down two requests to ascend to the rank of Archon.

Hector Lazlo, Clan Tremere
As the Prince's appointed Scourge, one is forced to wonder exactly what rock the Prince looked under to find this particular gem. A frightening man to say the least, Hector has several city-wide Bloodhunts on his head for his "experiments". It should be noted that recent events have conspired to make Mr. Lazlo one of the most wanted men in the Camarilla. Three cities are currently negotiating with the Prince to obtain Mr. Lazlo for execution, and it is rumored that even his own clan has set a death sentence on him. Nothing has come of this so far.

Kenneth Lawson, Clan Brujah
Mr. Lawson has been an upstanding member of the Camarilla for quite some time, serving in many a city as either Sheriff or Keeper. He is reputed to be a fair man, with a deep seated belief in justice, and an unwavering faith in the Camarilla.

Medea, Clan Toreador
Medea (no last name) has been serving the Camarilla as a Harpy for as long as the oldest Archon can recall. Whether this is a show of age and power or an impressive use of Dominate no one is sure. What is known is that she is not someone to be trifled with, and her razor wit has cut many a neonate down to size.

Friedrich, Clan Nosferatu
Appointed Seneschal of the local Camarilla, not much is knwon about this usually reclusive Nosferatu. What few records of his previous Camarilla service that existed have gone missing, possibly under suspicious circumstances. He's silent enough at the hosting of Elysium, perhaps he keeps what could be a brutal dictator moderate?

Ivil, Clan Lasombra
Ivil's reputation for both daring and cold, calculated, evil has been growing for some time, and although he has recently disappeared from the Sabbat, his actions are so audacious that it's hard not to keep track. Having recently found some kind of unknown and independant backer, but still paying service to the Sabbat, Ivil has managed assemble one of the largest and most elite packs in the country, and possibly on the continent.

Damian Magus, Clan Caitiff
Damian has long been Ivil's partner in crime, and the pair are known to travel almost everywhere together, a deadly matched set. It is unsure at this time whether Damian is perhaps the real brains behind Ivil's erratic operations, with Ivil merely providing charisma, muscle, and an idyllic figurehead.

Who's Who Among the Werewolves

Blair Richards, Leads-The-People, Philodox Adren Silver Fang
Recently resurfaced from an unknown hiding place, it is rumored that this Silver Fang Garou is responsible for the loss of a local Caern. The Silver Fang elders have declared him a social outcast, but the Theurges have spoken highly of this Philodox. Politically dead, this man seems to be clinging to whatever part of the city he can hold.

Who's Who Among the Fae

Alexander Gwydion, Unseelie Baron
The current ruler of the Unseelie of the city, Alexander is the reigning Unseelie dueling champion of Canada, and the Seelie champion of Ontario, due to an incident on Samhain a few years ago. An inquiry is being made into the past and future agendas of the young Lord Gwydion, after last year's war.

Korindel, Unseelie Knight
Finally granted an offical position, Korindel has ceased his overt bucking for status. He's established his name in the city by owning a popular club downtown, by the name of "Through the Looking Glass".

Who's Who Among the Mortals

Micheal Archer
A decorated military officer, and the former head of Project Artemis, one of the many secret projects of Bunker 36. Micheal Archer is currently disavowed and on the lam, his whereabouts are unknown.

John Henry Steele
John Henry Steele is the leader of a roving group of hunters known as the Fold, recruited internationally to combat the vampire threat. Recently recruited by Firello, head of Bunker 36.

Mayor Mel Lastman
Serving his third term as Mayor of what has newly been named "The Wettest City in Ontario", Mel's been trying to make all kinds of changes to the previously lax city hall policy, to no avail. His "Swords into Plowshares" move was his most recent, trying to disarm the abnormally heavily armed street gangs of K-W. People wonder why this man keeps getting re-elected, but who doesn't vote for Mel? Nooooooobody!

Who's Who Among the Real Antagonists

Eric Vincent
Eric Vincent, a name that few actually know, and even fewer dare to speak aloud. He stalks the streets of the city, working by a sinister plan unknown to all but himself. Leaving a trail of blood and chaos, his purpose is a mystery even to the one man who has studied his every move.

The Ringmaster of the Dark Carnival
No master of the Midnight Circus is he, he's far more evil, and far more deadly. The Dark Carnival doesn't stop at wanting your soul, it wants your blood, flesh, sinew, and bone. It wants your pain and anguish, a sentient event that hungers for agony.

Honorable Mentions

Angelo Giovanni
Chris Kincardin
Eddie Edwards
Head Clown
Joe Six-Pack
Jonathan Freeman
Klaus Richter
Lucius Abbot
Mr. Sabbat
Nic Knight
Pietr Romanov
Phil Kincardin
Steve Anderson
Walter Peele
Wilhelm Faust
William Patrick Landon
Yuhei Kinoshita (Simon)

If there's anyone you feel should be added to this list, contact me. We'll talk.