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Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know About Dee

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Who are you
What aliases do you go by? I am called so many things... Danielle to most, Dee to the ones I like, Danni to those who are cute and can get away with it. I have been in the past Rogue, but that was a hair-dye mishap. My Sailor Moon name is Tomoe Hotaru which means "Death Firefly". My other Japanese nickname is Cho-Cho which means "Butterfly". My Indian name is Little Raven. My Ghetto name is Shiniqua. I have been called by boyfriends: Trouble, Sparkles, Kid, and Jail-bait. My Harry Potter alias is Gwen Ann Riddle. If you see any art or fiction online it's either under Dee or Little Raven. My screen-names are littleraven_d and rogue_385.
Birthdate? July 7, 1987
Nationality? I'm a mutt. I have Blackfoot Indian, Irish, Spanish, Italian, and Mexican in me.
Do you have any siblings? I have one half brother who is 7. His name is Lincolin. We were born on the same day.
Eye Color? Green
Hair Color? Dark Auburn Red
How would you describe yourself? I’m a little bit of everything all rolled into one, to quote Meridith Brooks. Sometimes I’m preppie, most of the time I’m punk, occasionally I’m a little goth, but I’m always a fangirl.
Religion? Existentialist. I believe that you should love life more than the meaning of it. I dabble in Wicca. I know what I’m doing, I’m actually pretty good when it comes to witchcraft. I go to a Baptist church because it gives me something to do on Sundays. I’m also a Sanguinarian, which means that I’m a blood-drinker. My beliefs are that of a Gnostic.
Sexual Orientation? Straight. I dabbled in being gay for a while, decided that I'm just a fag hag. I reserve the right to find women attractive in the physical, not in the sexual.
Significant Others? None at the moment. I’m looking.
Type? I don’t really have a type. I think goths come at the top of my list right after Harry Potter fans. I don’t like especially skinny guys, or really big guys either. I will not date a preppie. Ever. I have no age limit, really. Anywhere from 15-40. Age is just a number, and as long as I feel comfortable and compatible with some one, it’s all good.
Occupation? Student, Writer, Maid, Club Kid, Band Manager, Publicist, and Photographer. Respectivly.
Any tattoos or piercings? I have my ears pierced twice, will be getting a tattoo. Sparrow wings across my shoulder blades. Sparrow means awakening and triumph of common nobility. A sparrow is also the symbol of surviaval. Commonly mistaken with the double swallow which is the balance of sexuality and abstinence, good and evil, etc.

Color? Navy Blue, Royal Purple, and Hunter Green. Respectivly.
Food? Chinese. I like Dim Sum and Bubble Tea.
Music? I like everything. I’m listening to a lot of JPop currently like Gackt and Malice Mizer. I like oldies like the Doors and the Steve Miller Band. I like Phil Collins too. I’m also really into bands like AFI, Velvet Revolver, the Misfits, the Ramones, and Danzig. Not to mention that I’m partial to Billy Idol, Van Halen, KISS, Bon Jovi, and LA Guns. But on top of that, I like Ace of Base, the Corrs, Dido, Enya, Melissa Ethridge, Alanis Morrisette, Sheryl Crow, Lilah Morgan, Toby Keith, Keith Urban, Martina McBride, and Marilyn Manson.
Art? I like anime and manga art. I’m not too much into realism since I can’t do it. But fanart is awesome, if it’s done well. Greek and Roman statues are cool, I have a lot of miniatures around my room. I’m a huge collector of movie posters, which are art in their own right.
Celebrity? Jonathan Rhys-Myers, Jude Law, Angelina Jolie, Joaquin Pheonix, Johnny Depp, Kelly Hu, Milla Jovovich, Alan Cummings, Zhang Ziyi, Jet Li, and the entire Harry Potter Series Cast.
Literature or Author? The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling. The Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter Series by Laurel K. Hammilton. Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie, anything by the Marquise. Basically anything by Anne Rice. I like reading stuff about history too. Especially Pre-Renaissance Europe and World War II.
Movie? The Harry Potter Movies, The Lord of the Rings & Martix Trilogies, Quills, Monster, the Order, Secret Window, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Kill Bill I and II, anything by Terintino, Saved, Party Mosters, Thirteen, American Beauty, Boxing Helena (just saw it for the first time), and Alice in Wonderland.
Style? I don’t really have enough to like it much. I find classical punk to be quite attractive though. I’m partial to Renaissance and Edwardian fashion, and Urban Chic.
Quote? “I reject your reality and substitute my own!" Adam Savage of MythBusters.

Have you ever...
Smoked? Yes.
Drank? Yes
Done drugs? No
Broken someone’s heart? I think so. I don’t know, really. My ex keeps telling me that he’s still in love with me, and I don’t have feelings for him.
Streaked? Not yet. Just waiting until Graduation.
Cried during a movie? Always.
Stolen? If I tell you no, will you believe me?
Cheated on a boyfriend or girlfriend? Not that I can remember. But I avoid getting into relationships for the reason that I would, given the chance.

Personality Traits
Mental Illnesses? Manic-Depressive, Schizoid, Anti-Social, Borderline Personality, ADHD, Dyslexia, and just a basic nutter most of the time.
Phobias? The dark, dogs, chickens, heights, and death.
Fetishes? Pirates, leather, chains, guns, and goths.Oh, and more pirates.
Philosophy? “Il n’y a pas moins d’éloquence dans le ton de la voix, dans les yeux, et dans l’air dela personne, que dans le choix des paroles” Which, in French, means: “There is no less eloquence in the tone of the voice, in the eyes, and in the manner of a person than in the choice of his words.”
Optimist or Pessimist? The glass is broken.
Introvert or Extrovert? Talk to me first.
Talents? I’m just a Jack of All Trades, but a master of none. I think that I’m mostly just a writer. That seems to be where most of my talent lies.
Character Flaws? Do I have to list them all? Alright... here is goes. I have zero self-confidence and portray a huge ego to cover it up. I like older men because I never had a stable father-figure. No, I mean I REALLY like older men... I have a pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation. I have difficulty controling my anger or saddness. I’m disassosiative. I don’t like close personal relationships yet have an inreasonable drive to enter into them. I lack remorse or guilt and am therefore incapable of jealously. I’m irresponsible, and I live in a world totally unlike what you would call “reality”. I’m a compulsive neat-freak. And I am a walking contradiction. I get pretty excited about getting good grades. Getting excited unintentionally leads to bragging, which is annoying. If I feel someone doesn't have a genuine concern with what I have to say, I don't say it. This is sort of logical, at least in my eyes, except that it often means being a bit off-gaurdish with people I don't know that well. As much as I love my coworkers and the cashiers at the mall, I'm sure they don't give a fuck what I had for lunch or what my new shoes look like, so i just don't bother. Then again, such an approach is an easy way to come off as a super bitch. I'm pretty desensitized to anything that goes on in my life. I'm quite aware that things can't always go my way, so I don't dwell on the things that don't. And when things do go my way, I'm often unimpressed. While such an outlook keeps me pretty levelheaded most of the time, it doesn't do much else. I end up not caring about how things turn out. I like knowing exactly what people want me to do. In detail. They pretty much may as well do it for me and let me watch... And I hate my mother.
Behavioral quirks? Draw me anime and I’m yours forever, a one-sided smirk marks an evil thought. Two-sided is a state of bliss. Love guys with: pink dress shirts, dress shirts rolled at the elbow, messenger bags, a pencil over the ear, brown/true green t-shirts, guys who are prettier than me, smokers of fine mentholated cigarettes, accents, kilts. Scared of guys with: big lips, puffy faces, white guys with shaved heads, shorts and sneakers at the same time. Daydreaming consists of designing my future apartment and writing my acceptance speech for when I win an Oscar. When I am deep in thought I put the pillows at the food of my bed and lay backwards. I don't like animals. At least living with them. I can make an exception for fish. But dogs, frogs, birds, mice, hamsters, guinea pigs, turtles, MORE turtles, and everything. I’m a work-a-holic and get bored a lot.
Death? When I die I want to be a shrunken head. There really is no better way to live forever. If you become an urn of ashes, then you sit on someone's mantle slightly weirding out house-guests and slowly being forgotten. If you become a shrunken head, you sit on someone's mantle REALLY creeping people out, until one day the housekeeper "accidentally" misplaces you and you end up on a blanket in a swap meet somewhere until some creepy guys pick you up for demonic rituals.
What makes you happy? The smell of rain, that moment between waking and sleep, the smell of jasmine, music I can dance to, having reliable friends, having intellegent conversations with friends, having people tell me what they like about my work, shopping without my mother, Pretty boys, cigarettes, hand guns, anime, porn, speech contest, photography, writing, horror movies, sour skittles, KaZaa and CD burners, B-Rated Horror Films, blonde orgies with Jason Isaacs and Tom Felton, self-insertion in PUBLISHED fiction, androgyny, Alan Cummings, Alan Rickman, Jason Issacs, and other various hotty older men, flavoured water, beanie babies, walking around half naked in my living room and feeling loved.
What will invoke a deathly rage? Not finding my socks in the morning, people picking stuff up off my floor, helplessness, garbage trucks that come at 8:00 A.M. on days you decide to sleep in, kids and preteens that are cruel to their peers because they think it'll make them feel cooler, bad grammar in fan fiction, use of the word “member” in erotica, self insertion in fan fiction, bible-thumpers, stupid people, perverts. People going through my things, unorganized people, people with bad hair, insomnia, hypocrites, religious freaks, conservatives, republicans, therapists, Britney Spears, boy-bands, humidity, Oprah, Dr. Phil, litter, barking dogs, and cheerleaders.

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