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Hello everyone. As you all might be wondering right now: "Where is the ENTER banner?" Well to put it in simple's not here anymore. Why? Well things came up all of a sudden. In about 5 minutes A LOT of things came up. That's all it took...5 minutes. You see i've got absolutely no time anymore. How is this possible? Well i'm not gonna lie. My grades have been slipping. From the A's and B's i've been getting since the beginning of the year i've dropped down to 3 C's and 2 F's. And since most people here know if i fail two classes (which i am currently doing right now) i will be forced to stay back and repeat the same year. I am not really looking forward to this. So i am closing the fed, TEMPORARILY! Until school is out and i have more time. So you guys can all come back on June 24th. That's a Monday and it's the day that this Monday's Madness will take place. Just so you guys have something to do untl then, i've increased the maximum number of RP's for this show to 6. I don't expect all of you to RP but still. It's just in case you want to. Here are links to the RP and OOC boards as well as the card for Madness.

Card for Madness: HERE
RP Board: HERE