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Little HaRdCoRe Dudley Dogg Spike
~(({{-Start of Disclaimer-}}))~
This layout was made by ME Brendan Lawlor,I WOULD like to give credit to ME for the not so brilliant Layout, But I Carnt Say Anything To Stop You Stealing It So In The Name Of Nike "Just Do It"
~(({{-end of Disclaimer-}}))~


Intro: After just more then a few years since the opening of the WWFX, the federation has gotten more popularity then they could have expected. The federation has big named stars.... Booker T,Kurt Angle,Scott Hall ,The Rock,just to name a few. But there is something that the WWFX is missing, there is one more thing that it rock the history of the WWFX, a wrestling name who is still young and whenever a person hears the name of this wrestler they will think of the glory the WWFX got off of this man, and vice versa. The WWFX needs a wrestler that will help build the WWFX into a bigger federation that it allready,this man will help WWFX be the best in the world.That wrester is now here.
The scene fades in to show the thousands of WWFX fans sitting for a WWFX house show. The fans know that there will be several new wrestlers who will make an apperance hoping to win the fans over, hoping that they will get what they have been dreamin about since the first day that they watched wrestling, that is a WWFX Contract. a couple of hours pass and several stars make their debut in matches to the WWFX, but there still has been no one that has caught the fans attention. The show is coming near the end and the fans are starting to wonder if the $35 they spent for a ticket has been worth it. A match ends in the ring and the two wrestlers leave the ring and the crowd waits for what will hopefully be an exiting ending to the WWFX House Show. The lights dim and the titantron flickers to life. The titantron is pitch black when slowly red words fade into the titantron, they say ' The future is here...(the words change on the titantron)...You are about to witness the greatest cruiserweight wrestler make his debut in the WWFX......(the words change on the titantron)... Spike Dudley is here!' The words dim as a guitar solo can be heard over the P.A system suddenly Spikes Theme blasts over the music system as the crowd stands on their feet in exitment knowing that this guy is going to be big. After several seconds a Small man weighting very little wearing black workout pants with two white stripes running down the sides, white adidas all stars with black stripes, a pair of black Oakleys and a shirt that says 'I am an official Spike fan!'. Also Spike is holding some sort of championship title.Spike begins to walk down the ring with a confident look on his face. --
About half way down the ring a huge explosion of red and gold pyor shoots off from the sides of the ramp along with about a dozen rockets that shoot off from the ceiling and hit the ramp right behind Spike. Spike finaly reaches the ring and climbs a turnbuckle raising the championship into the air while hundreds of camera flashes go off. --
Spike climbs down and goes to the opposite turnbuckle and does the same thing. After this Little Spike gets a mic to speak with.
Spike Dudley:You are looking at the future. The future of the WWFX, the future of wrestling... Hell the future of sports entertainment. You are looking at Spike Dudley, a multi Champion in multiple federations. I have competed in everything from Royal Rumbles to Hell in the Cells. I have held tag titles and I have held HaRdCoRe Titles. I have been in the biggest federations in the world and I have been in dead federations. I am one of the biggest names in the world of wrestling. Just ask your President,Adam Norton, he will tell you about me. --
Now looking at this federation I see much talent.There is The Rock, Booker T and Brock Lesnar Obviousy bigger superstars than myself.The WWFX has developed themselves into a solid federation WITH A MASSIVE REPUTATION. It is time that they get a true champion. As I look in the backstage locker room area, I see alot of talent, but I dont see a challenge. I know that I am better, more skilled then most wrestlers in the backstage area. I know that I have what it takes to defeat wrestlers like Rey Mysterio And Matt Hardy Who Are WWFX Champions. I know that no one stands a chance against me.The second I execute Dudley Dogg it is all over. I know that I maby wont ever become the wwfx World Champion,but maby i will i dont mind just aslong as i do well,So to all you wrestlers in the back, beware for Spike "The Dogg" Dudley Is coming."
Spike's music hits the P.A system and he once again climbs the turnbuckle raising the championship into the air. After this Spike walks into the backstage area while the House Show goes into a commercial Break.
Back From Commercial
Part 2
The scene returns to show Spike Dudley walking backstage.Spike walks into a vacant locker room and sets his championship down on a chair. He then walks out of the room and continues on his way. On the way there Spike walks by locker rooms with names like Brock, The Rock, and RVD on them.Spike also walks by Trish and gives her a smile and a wink as he continues on his way. Spike eventualy ends up where he intended on going. Spike walks up to Adam Norton's door and knocks. After a minute or so Spike tries knocking again. Micheal Cole walks up to Spike who is still waiting to get into the room.
Cole:" Sorry but The Chairman has gone on some errand runs."
Spike:" Do you know when he should be back?"
Cole:" Sorry I do not, but since you have made your debut here in the WWFX would you mind if I asked you a few questions?"
Spike:" Sure thing Cole."
Cole:" Well first off I would like to congradulate you on joining the wwfx team, you have made a wise choice."
Spike:" Well thank you Cole."
Cole:" Ok now you have won numerous championships in other federations, what makes you think that you will have the same sucsess in this federation?"
Spike:" Well Cole, I know my abilities, and I know that I am a major threat in that ring. I have proved to the world many times that I have what it takes to go the distance, to do the unthinkable. I have won matches that everyone said I would lose. I have defeated some of the best of all feds. Now I come to the WWFX and I expect that people will dout what I can do, I know that people will dout that I am what I say I am, and I know people are going to dout my abilities in the ring. But I know that I am the one of best wrestler in this federation and I am prepared to prove it."
Cole:" (Lookin' Spike Up And Down In Disbeleif) So are you going to go for the championships right away?"
Spike:" No, I am not. I am gong to show this federation what I can do. I need to prove to the wrestlers and to the owner that I am worthy of a championship. I need to prove that I deserve a shot. After I get a few wins under my belt, then maby I will go for a title."
Cole:" Now I am going to say a few wrestlers names and I want you to tell me what you think about them."
Spike:" Ok."
Cole:" Lets start off with Booker."
Spike:" A decent wrestler I feel that he is alot better because have has alot of experience."
Spike:" Great High flier, great curiserweight,Stupid Superhero but that is all that he will be, a stupid super hero."
Cole:" Matt Hardy."
Spike:" He has alot of skill and deserves everything that he has got in the federation. I just hope he doesn't get on my bad side."
Cole:" Trish."
Spike:" A talented and lovely wrestler, Will be a pleasure to work with her."
Cole:" Finaly Brock Lesnar."
Spike:" Now here is a wrestler, borck is big and usless haha!!!."
Cole:" Now moving on, who would you like to face for your debut match?"
(NAME):" Well I dont care who I face. I know that I can face anyone in the ring. The question is who wants to face me for my debut match."
Cole:" So what are you saying?"
(name):" I am saying that if any wrestler in the back has any balls what so ever then I challenge them to a match but if adam just wants to put me in one LET IT BE."
Cole:" You heard it here, (name)has opened a challenge to anyone who thinks they are man enought to take him on. Well (name), thank you for your time."
(name):" No prob. Well I got to get going."
(name) walks off back towards his locker room area. The cameras fade to black showing (name)walking down the hallway towards his locker.

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