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Want to learn a little more about non-traditional lifestyles? Live a little and learn a little visiting some of the links below

A few of my thoughts on being Pagan, being me, and what it all means :}
Lesbian and 'Women Only' Cruises
The Witches Voice
If you liked my profile... here's more from some other passionate women
Planet Out
Rainbow Pentacle ... It's on all our minds....
(temp. disabled) Rainbow Unions.....Announce your wedding or commitment ceremony here

Maybe you read my profile and are curious about me? Or perhaps you just wonder at the mysterious "Celt" that has claimed my affections? Our story will be told here as time allows. You are likely already aware that we are lesbians in a commited relationship. We are domestically partnered which is a politically correct way of saying that we are married without the benefits and without the federal recognition. The sad truth is that marriage is about body parts. If one of us were to have a sex change we could be legally married with all the benefits and federal recognition. We are also Pagan.This does not mean we are Wiccan. The idea that the two are interchangeable is merely a lack of education on the part of the general public. It is safe to say, that all Wiccans are Pagan... but not that all Pagans are Wiccan. This works in the same way that all Baptists are Christian, but not all Christians are Baptist.

  • Be Well and Blessed

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  • So, I have time on my hands and will tell a little more of the story that I have promised for so long. Celt and I met online. We were both involved with other people at the time. The uncommon part of our relationship begins here. We spent most of our time talking, trying to help one another with our respective relationships. By the time we met in person we were already great friends. I was divorced approximately one year after our first online encounter and she was broken up with her girlfriend. Both of our lives had crumbled before our eyes. Everything that we believed and clung to had proven to be disillusionment and lies. Celt lived in California and I lived in Georgia. She offered many times over for me to come and spend some time in Cali with her just to "get away from it all" By the time I finally made it to California we had both been single for some time. I spent four days on a Greyhound bus to get to where she was. When I stepped off the bus (and she FINALLY came over to where I was) she hugged me the way you might hug someone (that you weren't sure you actually knew) at a family reunion LOL Her mother had insisted on taking the trip to the bus station with her as I might be some depraved lunatic... I guess once she saw that I was all of 118 pounds her worries let up a bit. We went to breakfast and everyone waited patiently while I devoured some obscene amount of food. Amazing what four days of junk food on a Greyhound bus will do for your appetite. By the end of breakfast and a couple of pots of coffee later we found ourselves slipping easily into our old comfy friendship that we had been perfecting online for over a year (complete with the hugs and snuggles we all throw about in chat) Somewhere between breakfast and lunch it was decided that we were heading for a tattoo shop owned by a friend of Celt's. (Understand that parts of this day are a blur of caffeine buzz and lack of sleep.) I had a 'jailhouse' tatt on my shoulder, that was nothing more than the outline of a heart, that I had been wanting to finish for about 13 years and somehow ended up flipping thru a book looking for inspiration. A few hours later I had a brand new sore and shiny green dragon clinging to my now red heart. This was Celts "Welcome to California" gift to me. In another situation... with another person, I may have felt that I had obliged myself by accepting such a thing... but with Celt, it was just the natural course of our friendship. Whatever one of us had.. the other was welcome to. It remains that way to this day...and it truly started that very night... but that, is a story for another time
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