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TICKETS for Proof
David AuburnŐs Pulitzer Prize-winning Play

Directed by Amani Hamed


Your Name:                                                                             


Home Phone:                                            Cell Phone:                                     





PERFORMANCES:    January 11, 12, 13 @ 7:30 p.m.

TICKETS (In Advance):  $8.00 or $6.00 with an ASB card

TICKETS (At the Door): $10.00 or $8.00 with an ASB card



For which night do you want tickets?


Use a new form for each night you need tickets.


q Thursday            January 11 @7:30

q Friday                 January 12 @ 7:30

q Saturday             January 13 @ 7:30



How many tickets do you need?                                                                    


We assume everyone would like to sit front and center unless you indicate a preference.


Make checks payable to: Westmont Drama


Deliver this order form with payment in a sealed envelope:


Westmont High School

Attention: Mr. Bengford

4805 Westmont Ave.

Campbell, CA  95008