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The 2003-2004 Skiing Season is coming soon!


We finally have our own internet domain name and the site is now hosted on an advertisement-free site!

Please visit us at and update your bookmarks.

¡Hola! and Welcome...
Wasi Cross Country Ski Club is a small club located about 20 minutes south of North Bay, Ontario - close to Callander and Astorville. A number of trails (2 – 15 km in length) meander through a mix of hardwood and conifers. Trails are classically groomed and track set and a warm up chalet is open and heated with a wood stove on weekends. Day users are most welcome. Join our club!

You can use the trails all week long even if the chalet is closed. A bulletin board with trail conditions and and other announcements is posted on the building. Also look for a thermometer and trail map. Trail maps are also posted at every trail intersection. A drop box is available for daily fees. Check current trail conditions and weather.
Visit the photo gallery

How to Get Here
From North Bay, take Hwy 11 south to the second exit: Lake Nosbonsing Rd/Hwy 654. Turn left (heading east) towards Astorville. Follow this road about 4 km over a set of railway tracks. About 1.5 km after the tracks, you will see the ski club on your left – at 907 Lake Nosbonsing Rd.

Official Opening of Our Upgraded Trails
Check the events page for coverage and pictures from Saturday January 25, 2003