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The Trailer Park

Salutations! Welcome to the Trailer Park.

Yes that is my family's real trailer.

I thought it was about time for a facelift on the ole trailer, maybe give her a new coat of paint, so I added some new pics.

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My father claimed that there was no family on this earth with as many problems as ours, and I quote,

We put the 'fun' in dysfunctional.

Pictured above-Smoking Sam
Gathered here are pics, stories, vignettes, newspaper clippings, etc. to prove that the aforementioned claim is untrue!
Observe, but I guarantee you won't find anything out of the ordinary.


This here is me during my first Spiritual Exhortation, it must run in the family, afterall, my parents did meet in seminary.

Family Normalcy

Dad's Dad's side of the family.
Dad's Mom's side of the family, considered more interesting
My immediate family, explains a lot

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