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The Collaring

Master Toran Dark collaring of soft smilingeyes – on January 27, 2001

The Welcome

Jason_Christian_West: As you enter the glade and look about you see lush mountains littered with rich green trees. To the left is Toran's Mountain Hideaway, surrounded on three sides by beds of white lilies, a cabin built of logs with smoke billowing from it's chimney and a gentle sloping roof with a porch that circles it and boasts a spectacular view of the valley below and the snow peaked mountains across. A special place of peace and tranquility where he and soft spend endless hours in each other's embrace.

Jason_Christian_West: See too the glittering waterfall that flows down the side of the mountain that shelters this glade and trickles into a small private lake where swans swim freely and loons call to each other, and horses graze quietly and sip from the fresh waters of the lake. It is there by the lake on a lush blanket of green grass that these two will be joined amongst the voices of nature and where we will all watch as they vow their love to each other.

Jason_Christian_West: Good evening to each and every one of you. Thank you for joining together tonight as we gather to cast our eyes upon and feel within our hearts as we watch, bearing witness as a man and a women exchange a precious moment in their lives on this most special evening of enchantment---the Collaring Ceremony between Master Toran Dark and his soft_smilingeyes.

Jason_Christian_West: Steeped in the tradition of both a Dominant and submissive giving and receiving a Gift of Love, Trust, Honor and Respect, this evening becomes a very worthy occasion for us to gather, indeed. We join here tonight not only as individual people who live a highly charged and greatly misinterpreted lifestyle, but as faces and names that we each see and hear daily, and yet many of us have never set eyes upon each other...

Jason_Christian_West: Unlike the majority of you, I am not a member of the BDSM Lifestyle. I am only one voice that is very honored to witness our friends Toran and soft---Two extraordinary people---who tonight, in our presence, are to become as "One"---bonded together by their mutual admiration and intimate love that is shared between them as Dominant and submissive.

Jason_Christian_West: Please allow the proper reverence of this occasion to proceed with the least amount of interruptions and let us strive to make it a hallowed affair. Over the months and times that Toran and soft have known both you and I---I feel certain that they would do the same for any of you. We shall now proceed with their Collaring Ceremony and may they each be forevermore blessed as their years unfold together.

The Entrances

Master_Toran_Dark: riding into the glade on his fine stallion Eternity, his cloak of midnight blue billows about him, revealing that he is dressed all in black. His shirt of black silk with silver buttons is revealed as he rides and on his left side a whip dangles and his tight leather pants showing his masculine thighs. On his feet high boots with silver attachments rest with assurance in the stirrups as he pulls up on the reins and brings Eternity to a stop at the edge of the lake.

Master_Toran_Dark: as he swings his leg down from Eternity’s back and steps to the ground. And, with a whistle sends Eternity to his place by the trees where he stands proud. Dropping the hood from his cloak rich blonde tresses are exposed as they blow in the breeze and his smoking blue eyes glitter as he survey's the guests gathered here this day and moves with graceful steps to stand by the lake and wait for his soft_smilingeyes to arrive.

LordJungle: He rides next to his Brother Toran, his chestnut steed glistening in the sunlight. His best lion-skin robes fluttering in the breeze. As he dismounts next to his Brother he sends his steed to the nearby field to await his return.

TWs_precious_jade: drawn by the intoxicating beauty of the still waters, she moves effortlessly with grace, in her burgundy silks, silky brunette curls cascade down the back of her neck, as this girl makes way to her place, where she will stand beside her sister soft_smilingeyes with a song in this girl's heart as their union begins.

Soft_smilingeyes: A vision of tranquility she steps lightly from the cabin and drifts soundlessly on the soft cushion of grass. Deep blue silks hugging the curves of her body, parting slightly to offer a glimpse of creamy thighs as she moves. Skin glowing in the soft light of the moon, long brown hair shimmers with auburn highlights reflecting the starlight as it falls loose down her back and whispers around her in the gentle breeze. A white lily is tucked safely behind her left ear.

Master_Toran_Dark: He smiles as he watches his soft as she moves towards him. His eyes drinking of her - caressing her.

Soft_smilingeyes: Soft brown eyes searching for the one who is her Master - seeing him a smile plays upon her lips as she looks to him where he waits for her by their lake. Her eyes held captive in the deep blue of his burning gaze she moves to stand quietly by the side of her Master - Toran Dark. Looking up to him she smiles warmly as she stands proudly by his side.

Master_Toran_Dark: as she stands at his side he turns to her with a smile on his face. His eyes find hers and smiles upon her with not but love glowing from his. He whispers, very softly in her ear, how very much he loves her.

The Vows

Master_Toran_Dark: He turns back to soft_smilingeyes and speaks. My love of my life, the first day I spoke to you I felt touched by your words and the person in you. I remember the warmth I felt in your words and the caresses in your voice. I fell in love with you at that moment and I wanted to drown in you. I love you for who you are. The kindness of your soul strokes me.

Soft_smilingeyes: My beloved Master, with these simple words this one pledges herself to You. I vow to you, before all gathered here, to embrace the richness of our love. To face each day as a new beginning with a fresh love that can only but grow stronger each day, to end no day with harsh words between us that nothing may dampen the eternal flame of my soul that is you.

Master_Toran_Dark: When we had to part that night I felt like I was losing something because I feared not seeing you again. I offered you friendship but I meant to offer My love. I took the tears you cried that night and threw them in the sky where they became stars as they passed the moon. That was the moment when I found Myself in you - and it has never changed since.

Soft_smilingeyes: Master this one offers you her gift of submission and vows with all that she is to love you, honour you and serve you to the best of her abilities. To be faithful to you, to have the courage to change, to grow under your guidance and to learn to be a better person, and to stand by you always till her last breath is spent, being blessed to be with you and share the moments and hours of our eternity.

The Dance

At this point in the ceremony soft did her most beautyful and erotic dance for me. It is quite a long dance so rather than display it here, I have added the link to her Dance Page.
To view the dance text and hear the music clic the following link.

Whip Dance

The Collaring

Master_Toran_Dark: He turns to the congregation here to witness the joining and with a firm voice he speaks; With you as witnesses my friends and family I now and forever vow to the one who will be mine – my submissive, my eternal love to her. Turning to his one, his voice gentles and resounds deeply with emotion; My dear, beloved soft, I swear and promise to love you with all my heart and all my soul through eternity. I will care for the fire of the love you brought to my heart and kindle it carefully for I know that from this day forward it can but grow.

Master_Toran_Dark: I will always cherish you and the time that the goddess allows us to spend together. I will guide you to the best of my abilities and help you to find the way to the eternal light of my love for you. I will never be cruel, and I promise to respect you not just as my submissive but also as a human being. I swear I will never attempt to break your spirit. I will train you to the best of my knowledge to help you, through your trust in me, to find your path of true submission.

Soft_smilingeyes: turning to face him and look into his eyes she speaks; Master Toran Dark, I love you for who you are and for who I am when I'm with you. For what you have made of yourself and what you are making of me. I love you for the music you bring to my soul without words, touch or signs but just by being you. You are my sun and my moon - bringing light into my life and guiding me always. You are my North, ever bringing me home to rest by your side. You are my bliss.

LordJungle: In his hands he holds an ancient wooden box with silver inlays adorning it. The silver design shows the Family Tree of Toran’s previous generations. On this day the newest inlay for his Brother's love shines brightly in the light.

LordJungle: Looking to soft, he smiles and turning speaks to the gathered assembly; The collar embodies the heart and soul of both dominant and submissive. In collaring the submissive the Master pledges to respect, cherish trust, love and care for the submissive in all ways and never abuse the gift he has been given. It is an outward symbol of the trust the submissive places in her Master's hands - a trust that is priceless and a rare gift.

LordJungle: The collar, once accepted, is forever and should be worn and honoured at all times. The submissive has given herself to her Master to be protected, disciplined when necessary, and cherished for the gift she has given him. With the collar the bond between submissive and Master is intensified because in accepting the collar the submissive confirms has given her to him and only him, trusting him entirely to guide and direct as he sees fit. The dominant has done the same, displaying that he wishes no other to be with more than she.

LordJungle: Turning once more to face soft, he continues; In accepting the collar you as his submissive must be honest with yourself and your Master. You must be able to look deep inside, acknowledging who and what you are and accept that. Acceptance is a pledge of your gift of submission and commitment to your Master – your dominant.

LordJungle: Once more turning to the assembled witnesses and friends; the collar that cannot be seen with our eyes is that which binds submissive to Master in heart, mind, body and soul. We are but witness to the outward symbol of this union as Master Toran Dark offers the collar and it is accepted by soft_smilingeyes.

LordJungle: He opens the box and gently takes the collar gently from the box and hands it to his Brother Toran Dark.

Master_Toran_Dark: With a soft, firm voice he looks to his soft_smilingeyes and speaks to her. This fine silver collar has been passed from generation to generation of my clan. It has been worn with pride and dignity and brings honour to the one who wears it. Made of the finest silver interwoven with golden threads, on it are engraved the names of those who have worn it and their Master's as well as symbols of my clan.

Master_Toran_Dark: He speaks quietly..."soft, kneel before me now."

Soft_smilingeyes: She kneels, resting on her heels, back straight, arms by her sides with hands, palms up, resting on her slightly parted thighs offering him a hint of the gift she offers only to him. She lowers her head as a sign of her submission to him.

Master_Toran_Dark: reaching down he lifts her chin and smiles into her eyes.

Soft_smilingeyes: and she rests quiet on a bed of lush green grass by her Master, Toran Dark.

Victoriasilence: Stepping silently from the cabin carrying a wicker basket flowing with golden ribbons, small fresh delicate forget-me-nots and baby's breath, I move to my sister, soft_smilingeyes. A smile of joy on my face, honored to be here to attend to her and see the completion of her dreams. Silently shedding a tear of joy, I bend and kiss her cheek lightly, placing the basket by her side.

Victoriasilence: I take the fine silver filigree brush from the basket and gingerly I take the lily from her hair. Placing it into her hands for safe keeping and rejoicing, for I know my sister's journey now begins as she becomes one, with her One.

Victoriasilence: I lovingly brush the rich brown silken hair with gentle strokes, watching the light reflect and making it shimmer, removing any tangles. I do so knowing the One, that is this day to be my sister’s will do the same for my sister’s life.

Victoriasilence: I bend down and take three pure gold ribbons, one representing the past, one the present and the last, the future. I entwine them in her hair and admire the richness it boasts, reaching into the basket, I gingerly take up tender blue forget-me-nots, adding them to her braids, and allowing only a few small ringlets to kiss the side of my sister's face.

Victoriasilence: Exposing for all to see the slender un-collared neck where her Master will place his collar. Pressing a soft kiss to my sister's cheek, I reach for the lily and place it safely in the center of the up swept braids, then I step back silently beneath the sheltering trees, admiring the beauty, grace and love that sets my sister to glow.

Master_Toran_Dark: In a voice full of pride He speaks, in placing this collar on you I take you as Mine. From this day forward the collar will remain in place and no other may have belong to me.

Master_Toran_Dark: He places the collar around her throat and snaps the heart shaped lock into place, sliding the key onto the silver chain he wears around his neck and tucking it inside his shirt where the key hangs close to his heart.

Soft_smilingeyes: In accepting your collar this one pledges to you that she surrenders completely to you, heart, mind, body and soul. Master, I accept your collar and will wear it with great pride and love and submit myself unto you alone, and will strive every day to make you proud to own me.

The Gift

Soft_smilingeyes: You have taught this one to love completely. That love begins and ends with honesty, trust and compassion. As a symbol of my love I offer you this trinity amulet - a Celtic symbol of longevity, continuity and eternity - a symbol of enduring principles, like my love for you without beginning or end simply a continuity that spans eternity and beyond.

TWs_precious_jade: stepping forward, standing beside her sister soft, this girl reaches out and places the finely etched and jeweled silver box containing her sister's special gift to her Master, into her hands.

Soft_smilingeyes: Taking the silver box encrusted with rubies and sapphires and etched with pictures of wild horses from her sister jade, she displays the trinity amulet of white and yellow gold on a fine golden chain that sparkles with its own fire in the soft light of the moon.

Soft_smilingeyes: And, lifting her eyes to look upon her Master she speaks, if you take but one word from all I offer, make it love.

Soft_smilingeyes: Lifting the amulet carefully from where it lies she brings it to her lips, placing it around his neck she boldly kisses him, and whispers, you, are my trinity - I love you.

Master_Toran_Dark: Bending down to return her kiss he speaks, I accept this gift gladly and will cherish it for eternity.

TWs_precious_jade: with joy in this girl's heart, she lowers herself carefully to her knees, beside a girl’s true and forever friend, in this girl's hands she carries a leash of supple red leather, rich and without flaw, as their journey through life together shall be. This girl places the leash back into the hands of soft_smilingeyes enabling her to give with total abandon the gift of submission to the One who nurtures and feeds her very being.

Soft_smilingeyes: Taking the leash from my sister TWs_precious_jade with tears of joy shining in my eyes this one turns to Master Toran Dark and speaks softly. I place my leash into the safety and care of your hands, as I do with my heart, soul and body, that you may guide me as we journey through this life together and into eternity. I am yours if you will have me.

Master_Toran_Dark: Taking the leash from her hands he attaches it to the collar he placed around her slender neck.

Master_Toran_Dark: I will help you to grow with me and I will grow with you at the same time. I will do my very best to ensure that those smiling eyes of yours will never become dark or dull. I will nourish your soul with my knowledge and drink from your wisdom as well. Last but not least I promise you again the deepest love I have ever felt. Your gift of submission is the dearest gift I have ever received and I will honor it and defend it. I will protect you and stand for you with my life.

Final Words

Master_Toran_Dark: Turning to face all who are gathered he smiles and speaks with pride. To all I now introduce to you Torans_soft _treasure. She is heart, body, soul, and mine and I ask that you show her the same respect you would afford me and I would do likewise with yours.

Master_Toran_Dark: Thank you all for attending this celebration of our joining and our love.

Soft_smilingeyes: looking to my sister TWs_precious_jade thank you for being here for me this day and sharing with me. Not just today but always. You are a wonderful sister and a friend I hold dear and close to my heart. Thank you - for you - I love you.

Soft_smilingeyes: and Victoriasilence, thank you for all your help, your kindness, your support, your friendship and your love. You've helped me get through some really tough times and have always been there for me. Thank you, my sister, and my friend for sharing this day. I love you.

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Soft's Poetry

