Hello peoples. Well, here we are, a site dedicated to me! Bout time if you ask me :o)
Not sure how many of you will notice, but for the more observant of you, this is a new message from the creator (i.e. Me!)
Well, a lot's changed since I first put this site up, the first being pretty obvious; there's more stuff on it!
Not to mention the 900-odd people who have visited my site since then.
Oh, and YAY! almost reached 1000 viewers to this page... Of course, the poem page
reached that a fair while ago...

If you like any of the stuff you see, be sure to come back, 'coz there's gonna be more added to it as time goes by.
Anywayz, check out the stuff I've got put up for now, then tell me what you think by signing my guestbook. Enjoy!
Where to next?

About Me
Timmy & Rohan Show eps.
My Poems
Timmony's Missions
Meanings Behind Poems

I think these are the same monkeys that might choose to mock you with their monkey pants.
To check out what the heck I'm talking about, visit the Timmy & Rohan Show Page.

Sweet Sites

Homestar Runner.net (That's .com!)
Pretty funny but gross games.. Geon
Joe Cartoons
My friend Rohan's site
My friend Swa's site.
WARNING: on her site there is a blatant rip of the beloved Timmy and Rohan show. Don't be fooled!

Go visit one of these cool sites...The majority of them have heaps of funny (but wack) cartoons, they're usually a pissa.
Also I have my friend Rohan's (Yes, the same as my co-star in the 'Timmy and Rohan Show') Website, so check that out!
Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!

get this gear!

Email: Timmy_evo@hotmail.com