into the flood again same old trip it was back then so i made a big mistake try to see it once my way [(layne staley 1967 - 2002)]


"now i can see that things have changed. we've gone our separate ways now.  and it's not "you and me" anymore.  why can't it be the way it was?  my closest friend, how could it be? you are a million miles away.  and i guess i'll hold my breath. there is no harm in hoping for change." - tjt

"i'll be looking through your windows at night watching you sleep... i'll be at the same parties as you and i'll meet you in the closet... i'll follow you home when the sun comes up... " - p

28days 6hours 42minutes 12seconds

i haven't been played with since: 26-Jul-2002 12:53 PM

Hit Counter since 03/13/02 


Joss: Creator, Developer, Bringer of Bliss... Welcome to "In Joss We Trust" Do you trust in Joss? Here is just one of the several reasons why YOU should... His interest in super heroes, horror stories and other twisted tales was out of the ordinary. ''It was deeper, more consuming than [with] other children,'' he says.  

Ok, so this whole site is not all about Joss; but being that my six favorite words in the world are "Written and Directed by Joss Whedon," I figured that I would at least pay appropriate respect to my all time favorite writer, creator... whatever. Thank you...Joss... this is for you.   




Did you know that there is no set definition for communication?  This is an issue that has been discussed and debated for years.  Some claim that communication is solely identified by two people engaging in conversation.  Others say that if a message is misunderstood amongst the two taking part in a particular conversation, as a result, communication does not truly take place.  One of the most basic models of communication, known as the Sociological Model, attracts attention to various social upbringings.  Furthermore, what may mean or represent something in one culture, may mean something completely different or opposite in another.  This in itself proves that ones background may be the cause of misunderstandings, where in some cases,  equals no communication. The Psychological Model addresses the possibility of noise, or distraction to distort the message trying to be sent and/or received.  Depending on your beliefs and views, this can be the deciding factor of whether or not communication has taken place.  However, there is one model which relates more closely to my beliefs.  It is called the Pragmatic Model of Communication.  This model is based on moves made by two individuals. Think of it as though you were playing a game of chess.  With each action, comes a response to compliment this prior move.  Therefore, even if something is misunderstood, it still causes a reaction which will eventually lead a correctly interpreted message to be conveyed.  Everything in the world is relative.  Every action made stems off from an action that may have been made 20 years prior to the current moment.  All communication, at one point or another, stemmed from some form of misunderstanding. If there were no misunderstandings in life, speech or actions, several of the occurrences in your life would not have taken place.  To view my revision of the Pragmatic Model, and for further views on the topic, [click here]