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The Circle

Art is an expression of one's life, every life is different...

A Digital Artist Showcase


This site may contain material that you personally consider to be questionable in content. If you are of a delicate nature, then move along, there's nothing to see here. (Hell, for that matter you're better off not being on the net.)

If you want specifics, there may be mild nudity displayed in some of the images presented in this ART GALLERY. However, in our opinion they are by no means pornographic.
You may also face the evils of bad language. Our mothers wouldn't be proud, but we can live with it. If YOU can't, then make use of the exit button.

At the end of the day, we're only posting this to cover our backs, so from here on in if you suffer it's at your own expense.

Oh, and by the way... Welcome to The Circle!


©2002 the circle®