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Faithless By Shinka

Chapter Three: The New Menace


"Oi!, Kinsey, get the hell up or i'm gonna be late for work, Mr. Ishida'll murder me!"

"Wha . . . Urgh, i really despise mornings . . . Wait a second, Ishida? That's who i was staying with before you, Matt's dad. He knows all about the digimon too, so you'll have something to help with your arse kissing."

Nick threw a pillow at the half asleep boy and grinned. "By god i think he's getting it, finally learning to talk like a real person!"

K.D threw the cushion back at him. "Well what do you expect, i read way too many fantasy novels then hung out with a band of angels for a few years. Not as if i can help it."

Nick sweatdropped. "Man, your life is just too weird . . ."

K.D shrugged and quickly got dressed, routing around under the sofa for a few minutes, finally pulling out his coat and sitting down at the breakfast table with his already eating friend. "So, what exactly do you do at the tv station?"

"Well, i work for Mr. Ishida on the news crew, so i get out and about the area a bit. I came here about six months ago after finishing my japanese course. But how can you speak japanese? I just realised that we've been speaking it since i met you yesterday, and last i knew, you couldn't speak a word of it."

K.D looked up from his toast. "I'm not actually that sure . . . I think it must be some side effect of the uni-lingual coding i got in the digital world. Izzy seems to agree with me, since they managed to talk to the American called Michael fine."

Nick looked puzzled "Izzy? Who's he?"

"His real name's Koushiro Izumi, the digidestined's resident computer expert and hacker."

"Ah. Well, we better get going to work, or i am gonna be up to my eyes in shit."

"Right then, i just have to find tsukaimon."

A quick search of the house found the little 'mon asleep in the bath tub, under a pile of blankets. A few prods from Kinson's quater staff, and the black furball was flying onto his partners head.

"I'm up, I?m up. What we doing today then?"

"We're going with Nick here to the TV station, nothing else to do today anyway. But, the bath tub?"

Tsukaimon looked defensive. "Well it looked comfy last night . . ."

K.D sighed. "The state you were in, under the sink would have looked comfy. Anyway, let's go, Nick's waiting for us."

The two walked out to the car, with Nick already in the driving seat hooting the horn madly, drawing a lot of unwanted attention. The drive to the tv station was uneventful, except seeing the younger digidestined walking to school, and K.D spending the whole time playing snake on Nick's mobile. Arriving, Kinson was finally torn away from his fascinating activity and the two walked into the station. K.D was staring up at the giant ball that was the main broadcasting station. "That must have taken a looooong time to build."

"Uh huh, a few years ago it had to be replaced though. Official story is a terrorist bombing, but everyone says two monsters smashed it into a third one that was about 70 foot tall, after decimating anything in a mile radius. I thought it was absolute shit, but after your digimon story i'm not so sure."

K.D nodded. "I watched that fight in the sky, that was when myotismon was finally beaten by Tai's generation."

Tsukaimon looked down to his companion. "Do you think i'll ever get to mega? I'd love to see my form."

Nick turned round. "Why don't you know already? I thought you were born with the knowledge of your future forms."

Tsukaimon flew into the air. "I'm the only digimon of my type known, so there's no past experience on my forms."

"That must be frustrating. But anyway, where's Lily? Is she still in the digital world?"

K.D stopped. "In a sense. This is real hard for me to say, i know you were so close and everything . . ."

Nick looked worried. "She's alright isn't she? She's ok?"

Kinson hung his head. "She's . . . she's dead. Marinedevimon hit her with a strange attack, that not even tsukaimon recognised. She and her digimon weren't deleted though, so they couldn't reappear at Nursery Village."

Nick was on the floor by this stage, crying softly. K.D gave him a hand up and a supporting shoulder and they headed to the news room. Mr.Ishida stood up as they entered. "Nick! What's the matter? And why is Kinson with you?"

K.D stepped forward to explain. "I'm afraid i had some very bad news for Mr. Hitome, and he is also my friend from England who i stayed with."

"News? Anything broadcastable?"

"A friend who died in the digital world. I don't think it's the right thing to put all over the world, especially after the dioboromon incident. The digital world is almost common knowledge. But importantly, i would not want my friends untimely death to become part of your program."

"I suppose you're right . . . Take the day off Nick, i'll keep watch over Kinson for you."

"Excuse me? I can look after myself thank you very much, i did so for fifteen years."

"I realise that, but the fact still remains that you are sixteen and a police officer might take you in for skipping school, they're rather strict on it over here."

K.D sighed in despair. "All right, but teach me how to use some of this broadcasting equipment, your modern technology fascinates me."

And so the day continued, Kinson once again becoming an annoying teen for the first time in many years, until about 4 o'clock, when the schools were breaking up for the day. Mr Ishida was just waving goodbye to the quickly disappearing figure when Davis and co. ran up to him asking where he went. They finally managed to catch up to him at the tower, which he had started to climb. He stopped at the viewing place after noticing them chasing him, but T.K was a bit distracted. "This is where Sora and Mimi beat Skullmeramon . . ."

A new voice made them all jump. "Beat? Don't make me bloody laugh! Those two couldn't beat a numemon if it was knocked out!"

K.D spun round. "Skullmeramon . . . What are you doing in our world?"

The giant figure shrugged. "Following my orders and killing you lot, especially you cognati."

Kinson grinned. "An ultimate as well, looks like devidamon's getting his work out at last. Tsukaimon, you know what to do."

K.D held up his hand and a beam of light shot from the ZERO D, engulfing tsukaimon accompanied by the cry of: "tsukaimon digivolve to . . . DEVIDAMON!"

The figure that appeared before them was a dark image of angemon. The wings were black and tattered, the mask cracked, white and blue replaced with black and red, and a long, thin, silver sword held instead of a staff. Skullmeramon threw back his head in laughter. "A champion? Oh please, that's just stupid! At least give me a challenge!"

Davis jumped forward. "I'll give you a challenge you piece o. . ."

K.D put a hand out to stop him. "No, someone died because of me once. This is my fight, my crest is here if i need it."

"You stupid idiot, i outta punch you for that!"

Kari stepped forward and held Davis back. "Leave him, i'm sure he knows what he's doing."

K.D threw of his coat and pulled on a pair of fingerless fighting gloves, his staff appearing in his hands. He turned to Devidamon and nodded and the two rushed forward together, a blade clicking out of both ends of his staff. Devidamon took to the air crossing over K.D and slashing at skullmeramon's right side, K.D the left. The ultimate roared and held his sides, a small piece of data falling out of each wound.

"Nice shot, my turn now. Metal fire!"

A stream of blue fire headed towards the five digidestined. "patamon digivolve to . . . ANGEMON! Angel staff!"

Devidamon rushed forward as patamon was digivolving, crying out 'Demon sword' at the same time as angemon's attack. The fire was reflected into harmless space and the two angels glared at each other before Devidamon rushed back into the fray. Angemon landed in front of his tamer and the other digidestined holding his staff protectively. Devidamon's next attack was reflected by the knuckle duster on the chain adorned digimon, and the black angel landed next to his companion.

"TWO champions! I'm a-quiverin in my boots!" Skullmeramon laughed again. "Jesus . . . I was hoping for a challenge here . . . Oh well, at least Maphesto will be pleased."

K.D's eyes blazed and he stepped towards the giant. "MAPHESTO? WHO DARES TO TAKE UP THAT ACCURSED NAME!"

"Hehehe. I got him angry. Nobody took up that name, he's always had it, and he's stuck with it."

K.D nearly sat down from the shock. "Marinedevimon . . . but we deleted him!"

"Yup, and he's mightily pissed off about that. But he aint Marinedevimon this time, he took a different path of growth."

"I don't believe this . . . it's not possible! Lily's crest sealed him!"

"Uh uh, wrong again. Some little trinkits called the black gears gave him power to break his prison when they were destroyed."

"No . . . Well i beat him before, i can do it again!"

"Oh please, he's some where you'll never find him. Anyway, he would have done it himself but he's not at full strength yet. He gave me the pleasure of doing it myself. But when are you gonna unleash the 'awesome power' of saberdevidamon on me? I was kinda looking forward to it."

K.D spat at his feet. "We wouldn't bother wasting that much energy on you."

Kari was looking a bit worried. "Do you think he can take this guy out alone? I know he's really intense and had a lot more experience that us . . . But this guy is an ultimate, maybe angemon should help."

Angemon suprised them all by speaking quite angrily. "Help him? Help this traitor? I would watch him die."

T.K turned to his partner in suprise. "Why do you say that? They've saved our life before!"

Angemon turned away in disgust. "That . . . that parody of me, is the reason that the deivmon chain exists."

Cody tore himself away from the battle and looked puzzled. "What do you mean?"

Angemon turned back towards them. "A long time ago, a very, very long time ago, there was a war in the digital world. A band of angemon and magnaangemon, led by a strangely coloured seriphimon and a red magnadramon revolted against the holy order, led by Azulamon and a being known only as Uriel. The rebellion was unsuccessful however, and the angemon were cast down, given the forms of the devimon chain, the majority of their power stripped away. One special fate was in reserve for their leader. He was turned into tsukaimon, the power still within him but unable to be unlocked. He was also cursed never to digivolve again. But somehow, he's managed to become a chosen digimon. Azulamon must have thought he could redeem himself, and i know i should forgive, but he is pure evil!"

All five of them looked pretty shocked. Yolei was the first to speak up. "That's . . . that's pretty deep . . ."

"I suppose that's one way of putting it . . ." T.K said looking extremely bewildered.

On the platform the fight had stopped again and a heated arguement was in progress. K.D appeared extremely calm now, and devidamon was warily hovering a few feet away from him, sword still drawn. Skullmeramon loked a little worse for wear, a chain cleaved off his body and his face cracked. The five listened in on the conversation again.

"Why do you work for him? Don't you know what attrocities he commited?"

Skullmeramon held up his arm. A black version of the ZERO D was on it, glowing softly. "Maphesto very kindly made these copies of your friends digivice. The power of the darkness makes us realise what fun we were missing from the old days."

"He still has her digivice then . . . And it also means i cannot delete you, as you obviousley reformed . . ."

"Oh please, would an unwilling servant do . . . THIS?"

Skullmeramon dashed forward before anyone could blink and punched Kinson, hard. He flew backwards off of the platform into empty space. Devidamon rushed forward and caught him as he curved towards the ground. "Kinson! Where are you hurt?"

"Ribs . . think they're . . . broken" he managed to gasp out.

The fallen angel placed him down and flew back to face the evil that did this. "You lowly bastard. You attacked my tamer! Pay!"

Devidamon sheathed his sword and pulled his arm back. "Fist of Freedom!"

A beam of silver light shot out of his hand as he punched forward. The radience cleaved right through the side of the ultimate, taking out a sizeable chunk, and making him gasp in pain, clutching the wound.

"You . . . I will never forget this, i will have my revenge." So saying, a digiport opened behind him and he jumped through leaving the digidestined in shock as to what happened to Kinson. Devidamon felw back to him and landed.

"We have to get him to a hospital, quickly."

"Hey . . I'll be . . . kosha . . . We got through . . . worse things than . . . this."

Angemon stepped forward. "No need, i can help. even though i loath this turn coat, i cannot let a human die."

"How can you help?"

"The unused power your friends crest is giving off will let me digivolve, magna antidote will heal him." Angemon then digivolved to his ultimate for long enough to administer the treatment, then reverted back to patamon.

K.D smiled weakly and looked up at them. "So, what were you looking for me for?"

Kari took out her D-terminal. "We got an e-mail from Gennai, it's addressed to you."

K.D reached up and took the port, then opening the message. He read it out loud: "'Kinson, i still don't know how it was possible, but Maphesto is back. He's sent someone to kill you, so be on the look out. Get to me with the new chosen as soon as you can, we have things to discuss.' Well that warning was a little late, but we better get to the digital world to see what he wants. Who's house is nearest?"

Cody stepped forward. "Mine, let's go, my grandpa is still teaching a new student, so we should hurry before he arrives home."

"Man, he's talking how i used to know."

Kari sighed. "He always did i'm afraid."

"Oh. Well, we need to get moving to Gennai's, what he has to say is usually important."

They headed out in a state of dire urgency, arriving at Cody's having hardly spoken a word on the way. They walked straight through the apartment and K.D summoned the digi port, bringing them out of a console near Gennai's lake. T.K typed a quick e-mail and the lake opened wide, water draining off the stone steps, revealing Gennai's strange house. For three of the digidestined this was their first visit to Gennai, and the parting of the waters gave them quite a shock. Yolei turned to T.K. "So what do I call you? Takeru or Moses?"

K.D snorted as they started walking down the steps. "Oh please, that's worse than my jokes, and my sense of humour's on permanent vacation. Anyway, back to business."

K.D finished saying this as they arrived at the bottom of the stairs and he tapped on the door twice. A shuffling was heard and the door opened, revealing the old Gennai looking up at them through squinted eyes. "Ah, Kinson, and the others, come in."

Kari tapped him on the shoulder. "Gennai, i thought you were young again, what happened?"

"One of Maphesto's little spells unfortunately, the only way to break it is the get rid of him."

Davis piped up. "Skullmeramon said he wasn't at full strength yet, let's get him now!"

Kinson looked up from the information Gennai had given him. "No chance, even if he's only at rookie or champion, no way we'll get past these guys. He had a team of five digimon last time as his bodygaurd. They escaped me last time, but they've resurfaced. Here they are." K.D held up the list."Skullsatanmon, ultimate. Wargrowlmon, ultimate. Ladydevimon, ultimate. Skullmeramon, ultimate. And the most powerful of the five, BlackWarGreymon, mega. He was only Irongreymon last time we fought, he must have digivolved."

Kari grabbed the palmtop. "Here's a picture! My god, he looks exactly like wargreymon, except for the colouring . . ."

K.D took it back and hooked it up to the main pc. The five images appeared together, and formed around the picture of a jagged sword. "He named these five his death squad, and put them under the banner of his weapon, Maphesto's Rage."

"How do you know all this though?" Yolei queried.

"Before we made our presence as the digidestined known, , devidamon entered the death squad as a spy for a few days, before taking off. The information we received gave us the leverage to get in and to lure Marinedevimon out into the open at the right time. Many good digimon died that day, along with Lily."

"Wait, i'm assuming that Lily is your friend who was with you." Yolei replied. "There's something about her i've been wondering about for a while. What did Skullmeramon mean by 'the darkness' when talking about her digivice?"

Kinson looked up again. "Before i explain it to you, you must understand that we were given negative crests, as the positive were needed for Tai's generation. It was believed that because we had dark digimon, dark energy would be better, although it corrupted us a little. Because my digimon was a parody of angemon, i was given the negative crest of hope. Lily's digimon was a parody of gatomon."

T.K gasped. "So that means her crest was the opposite of light . . ."

?Which is darkness.?


?Tis Shinka here (My god! It finally speaks!) **thumps offending person** Uh, yeah. Well. Uriel is a biblical type angel, he got left behind to guard the garden of Eden, if you were uncultured and didn?t know. Hope you enjoyed this, and I?ll be writing more when I get time so ciao for now.