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Faithless By Shinka


Chapter Two: The Revelation


The digidestined as one turned to the digimon as he said this. "A negative crest? Is that possible? Wouldn't that make him evil?" Yolei asked a little frightened.

Tsukaimon shook his head. "We're not evil, but the principles of our crest are very complicated. But at the moment, that doesn't matter, Kinson must be rescued, or the end of the digital world will come."

Davis stepped forward. "He's right! I say we go storm Ken's base now, get this guy outta there!"

Tsukaimon gave Davis of pure scorn. "Have you any idea how many ultimate digimon Ken has in and around there? I scouted it with K.D and storming it is impossible. Besides, T.K must do this alone."

"Why on my own?" T.K asked

"There is only one thing powerful enough to hold that boy in chains, and that is the power of his crest. The despair gets to him so much sometimes it eats right through him, and he can't move for a few hours. Ken will have found away to channel the power of that despair and only your pure hope can shatter those bonds,"

Patamon flew up onto T.K's head. "He's right, i say we get going now, before Ken has time to arrange something to attack us when we get there."

"Right, Digi-armour ener-gise!"

Tsukaimon jumped onto the back of pegasusmon with T.K, and the two flew off in the direction the airdramon had taken. The 4 digidestined stood watching helplessly.

Kari sighed. "Guess that's it for today, let's get home. T'K'll e-mail us sometime soon i think."

So saying the TV terminal they entered by glowed, and pulled them back to the real world.


Ken let a smile steal across his face as the digimon made their way back to his base, accompanied by his exulted self, and the problem known as Cognati. He had been reading up on this legend ever since he first came to the digital world, and it was obvious that he was the origional player. Times change, and a new master was needed for this game. Ken wouldn't of course make the teen do anything unspeakable, he was human and Ken wasn't a monster at all. Musing over what to do with him, he decided on simply keeping him in the cell he had specially designed for this occurence. Ken continued along this chain of thought until they reached the cell he had designed for K.D. The boy was strangely submissant, but the thing that scared the Kaizer the most was his smile. It had not left his face through any of this time, a thin, lingering grin, as if he knew something that Ken didn't. Ichijouji tried to push this out of his mind and roughly pushed Kinson into the darkness of the cell, where he lay on hands and knees, the long black hair obscurring any facial expresion. Ken followed him in, holding his whip ready, and pulled him round by the shoulder. He could already see the effect that the negative energy was having on the boy, K.D was having trouble keeping consciousness. The Kaizer's mind took this as a perfect oppertunity to manipulte K.D to find out the secrets of the game, if there were any. "Cognati, we meet at last."


"The pleasure is entirely yours Ichijouji, you are going yo regret the very day you even saw your digivice when i'm finished with you."


"How touching my mysterious predecessor, but as you see, you are the one trapped, and i am in control."


"Predecessor? How dare you! I'm a digidestined, not a sadistic sociopath! I try to help this world by stopping people and digimon like you."


"You are my predecessor in this game, that or it's designer. I wish to know it's secrets, like i have seen you perform."




Ken backed away a step, disturbed by this onslaught.


"What else could it be, the existance of these monsters is a scientific impossibility!."


"You don't realise . . . HERE'S YOUR WAKE-UP CALL ICHIJOUJI!"


K.D dived forward and slamed his fist into Ken's face, snapping the shades in two.


"You're a monster Kaizer" K.D spat the words. "The number of my digimon friends i've witnessed you delete, you do not deserve to be called human, let alone a digidestined."


Ken got off the floor a little unsteady. "A digidestined? Like those hackers who interfere with my rule?"


K.D grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him hard. "Wakup Ken!. This is not a game, it's a real world and the digimon are real beings! You're hurting them!!!"


K.D tore the cloak of him and ripped it in two, throwing the remains to the ground, leaving Ken before him in the remainder of his Kaizer outfit, but not for long. He sunk to the floor on his knees and the clothes disintergrated, leaving him in his school uniform.


"My god, i'm a monster . . . I can never fix the damage i've done can i?"


K.D shook his head. "No, but you can try."


Suddenly an alarm went off around the base and a screen appeared in front of Ken. "The ones named Takeru and patamon are trying to get in, along with a small black digimon i have never seen before.


"They'll be trying to rescue me, you want to start doing some good, make sure they don't get killed. Call you slaves off the hunt."


"Of course, but i think i better keep a low profile in case Takeru gets the wrong impression."


"That would be advisable, yet i have not finished with you. Tonight, meet me at the football pitch where you played Davis, at 11 o'clock."


"Alright, i'll be there, count on it."




K.D walked out of the cell pulling his coat back on and smiling as a small pink glow emerged from his clenched right fist. Ken did not notice these however and rushed up to his control room, leaving the Cognati to reach his companions. T.K was walking through the complex feeling uneasy. They had been walking through the complex for over an hour and still no sign of K.D, or anything for that manner. A few minutes later however, they nearly walked straight into Kinson, and tsukaimon shared a joyous moment with him. The four quickly rushed out and to patamon's and T.K's suprise, the power in the base turned offf, and hords of digimon - without black rings - came pouring out and running (or flying) around in celebration of freedom. K.D just smiled to himself and tsukaimon gave him a knowing look, before the t.v terminal opened and they found themselves in yolei's apartment oncemore, scaring the hell out of her as she was typing her english homework. K.D immediately walked out of the room and was heard leaving the apartment, but T.K collapsed on her bed and dazidly told her what had happened. Within ten minutes all of the origonal digidestined and the new were in her room and T.K was repeating his story again. Tai looked at the others and said: "So, this means Ken's gone? What did that guy do to him?"


Izzy looked up from his laptop. "What amazes me is how he got out, i think we are owed an explanation, but we have to find him. Any ideas?"


Matt nodded "Only a few places he knows around here, the park, Izzy's, and my place."


Davis stood up. "Let's go then, we'll take the park, you older guys can split your apartments between you."


Yolei gave Davis a strange look. "Davis making intelligent plans . . . Either the heat's getting to his brain or he's paying attention in class . . ."


Davis walked past her with his shoulders slouched. "Yeah, yeah miss braniac, just cos i'm dumb doesn't mean i can't have good ideas from time to time . . ."


Yolei blanched and the three groups split their separate ways, Tai Matt and Mimi going to Matt's apartment. Opening the door,, they found their quarry straight away, asleep on the sofa with what looked like a pied of string dangling from his hand. He was rudely wakened by a sereies of prods from Tai, and asked to explain his miraculous escape. Unwilling to tell them about the encounter with Ken, he spun a skilled web of deceit which satisfied the older digidestined. After this, they left him alone and he fell asleep on the sofa again until late in the evening. After he awoke around half past ten, he explained to Matt that he needed to go out for a while and left, leaving a very confused blond behind wondering what had just happened.


Ken was already at the footbal field, still in his school uniform and a scarf, with wormon in his arms. His face was redened around the eyes and recently shed tears still glistened on his cheeks. K.D approached him and layed a sympathetic hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry i was so harsh in the base. I once believed the digiworld to be a game, and did until i saw my human companion die. Nothing so drastic happened to you so i will try not to hold it against you."


"It's more than i deserve, but thankyou."


"I know, but i believe that you are yourself again, as you were before the demise of your brother."


"You knew my borhter? And how do you know i'm good again?"


"In answer to your first question, Sam is the only human i had talked to in fifteen years. He often came to the digital world to visit me. Secondly, the answer lies in this."


K.D delved a hand into his neo-style coat and produced something clenched in the same fist. He opened it holding onto a pice of protruding string and a crest fell down. It was pink, and resembled the kokiri emerald from zelda: ocarina of time. Ken stepped forward and inquired as to what it was. K.D just smiled and put it over the younger boys neck.


"Wear it, and when the time is right, you will know - as will wormmon."


Just as Matt before him, Ken was left extremely confused as he watched the dark haired boy disappear down the road on his blades. Shaking the creepy feeling off though, he started the walk back to his apartment.


Nick drained the last of his coffee and stood up, pushing his glasses back up his nose and brushing his hair out of his eyes. Tucking the chair back under his table outside the coffee shop, he picked up his books and started back towards his apartment near the tv station. Only after walking a few aces across the road though, a black blur crashed into him knocking him over and spreading his books all over the tarmac. The perpratrator stopped a few feet away and approached the fallen adult. All this appeared a blur to Nick though, as his glasses had been knocked off in the collision.


"My . . . my glasses, i can't see. Where are they?"


The blur came a lot closer and offered him a hand up, which he took. It then handed him his glasses which he started to clean with the bottom of his jacket.


"I am sorry neighbour, i should have been more careful."


"Neighbour? Jeez, that brings back some memories. . ."


Nick slipped his glasses back on and looked at the teen who knocked him over. The gasp of suprise that came from him nearly made him fall over again, for standing n front of him, was the person he least expected to see.


"Oh sweet jesus . . . Kinson?"


"I'm sorry, do i know you sir?"


"Oh god . . . oh god . . . it is you! It's me, zippy! Nick!"


"Nick? Nick . . . Hitome?"


"Yes! Where have you been? And how th hell are you still fifteen? Everyone was frantic when you and Lily Carter disappeared that night!"


"It's a long, long story my friend. One that would take a long time to tell."


"Well, i work at the t.v station now, so come and stay with me, and you can explain to me how this miracle happened."


"It would be a pleasure, but first i must tell the people i'm staying with where i am, they worry over me a lot for some reason."


"My god, you even still talk in that mystic gothic way . . . It's weird coming from a 15 year old . . ."


"Technically, i'm 30, but time was not the linear type you know where i was. And this is how i speak, i can't help that.


"Riiiiggghhhtttttt . . . But just drop it ok, it's creepy."


K.D shrugged. "I'll try, if it does bother you that much."


The two walked to a nearby car, a strange, am i dreaming? type look on Nick's face. The door closed behind them and Nick slid the car out of neutral, driving towards his apartment, still in shock of finding his childhood friend at exactly the same age as he was when he disappeared, while the boy in question tried to get to grips with Nick's mobile phone. Suddenly he was in his living room, then eating in the kitchen, then in the living room again with K.D concluding his strange tale, which Nick could strnagely remember word for word. He shook his head and put his glasses back on.


"That is just bizarre, if you hadn't shown me the digiport on the computer, i'd never have believed it. The weirdest thing about this evening is that it's gone by like i was in a daze, Tempus fugit if you know what i mean."


"Yes, i do. However, in the digiworld, i made myself a more fitting saying to the same lines, that conforted me whenever i started worrying about my age or time."


"What's that?"


"Tempus, fuck it."


"Very drol Reilly."


"Hey, so i have a limited sense of humour. Does it not matter that i tried?

