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DISCLAIMER: I don't own digimon, so don't sue me. please.  Please note this is a ROMANCE and not a lemon.  Sorry to disappoint all you perverts out there.  So here's my best shot at it, don't blame me if it's crap, blame Tony Blair!


Discovery by Shinka


            Matt lay on his bed, the moonlight catching the highlights in his blond hair and lighting up the walls of his room, casting strange shadows across the floor.  Tomorrow was the day of his first anniversary with Mimi, a significant milestone in his relationship.  The restaurant they were dinning at was called Sandbacks and lay on the west side of the river, giving a beautiful view of the city.  His date started at 7 p.m. and they planned to head back to his place afterwards for drinks . . . and maybe a little more.  He sighed and rolled over, flicking his hair out of his eyes and thought about the big day.


            The next morning Matt was rudely awoken by TK and a water pistol.  Swearing, he pulled on his jeans and chased after the hysterical teen.  After catching him, he gave him a BIG wedgie and punched him in the stomach a few times for good measure.  After wolfing down his breakfast and kicking TK's butt a few times on Perfect Dark, the phone rang.

            "I'll get it!"  Shouted TK, tearing towards the phone.  "Oh.  It's Mimi for you Matt."

            Matt grinned and snatched the phone off of TK and headed for his room.

            "Hey Kinky, how are ya?"  Matt asked

            "I'm fine Blondage (It's 2a.m., I'm bored, don't worry. OW! OK, OK, I'm gone already . . .), you ready for our big night tonight?  I promise you'll like what you see there."

            "I'm drooling already.  See you there hun, and don't be late!  I only have the table for 2 hours, it's a popular place."

            "Don't worry, if it's you I'm coming for, I wont be late. Bye!"


            Matt replaced the phone on it's cradle and then headed for the bathroom for a shower.  (Who says guys don't take as long to get ready as girls, I certainly do . . .)  While he stood there, the water cascading down around him, he thought about his relationship with Mimi.  Even though it had been going for so long, there had always seemed to be something wrong with it for him.  Mimi, well Mimi was so happy he didn't think she'd notice if he set off a bomb under her.  He had already contributed the problem to lack of sex, and was hoping that problem would be fixed tonight when his parents were out.  Another grin cut across his face.  His fantasy's were interrupted by an irate TK pounding on the door needing the bathroom.  Laughing, he stepped out the shower, wrapped his towel around him and walked into his room, where he pulled on the faded black jeans and white shirt he had chosen to wear for this evening.  As an afterthought he slipped the grinning skull necklace he had received from an admirer on valentines day, and now served as his good luck charm.


            "Tai! Wake up honey, or you'll be late for Davis's soccer game!"

            "Whasa . . . Ah! I'm gonna miss the game, Davis'll kill me!"

            Tai tore out of bed and got dressed in about 10 seconds, then proceeded to eat as fast he could and sprinted down the flat, jumped on his bike and furiously pedaled in the direction of the soccer field .  Tai glanced down at his watch and saw he had 3 minutes to make it for the 9 o'clock kickoff.  Several near crashes later, he skidded onto the field and stopped at the side of the pitch just in time to give Davis the thumbs up and see the kickoff.  The match was intense, Davis breaking through the defense and scoring several spectacular goals.  He was a blur in red, blocking, tackling, defending and scoring.  The game ended and Davis's team had won by 8 goals to 3.  Tai walked over to Davis after the game to congratulate him on his play.

            "Hey D, great play out there, keep it up and you could become as good as I am."

            "You really think so Tai?  That'd really wipe the smile of that Ken guys face next time we play his team."

            "Yeah, we'll see how good "The Rocket" really is.  So what are you doing after the game?"

            "Um, I'm going to the movies with Kari to see that new Spielburg movie: A.I.

            "Cool.  I was hoping to catch some time with ya, but enjoy your date and don't you dare keep my sis out too late!"

            "Don't worry!" Shouted Davis as he ran of down the road towards his apartment block.

            Tai sighed as he made his way back to his own flat.  Davis was so lucky being able to find someone.  Loads of girls were interested in Tai, but he just wasn't interested in them.  About three years ago, he had figured out the reason for this strange feeling he got whenever he kissed a girl.  He was gay.  Bent.  A queer.  This thought had haunted him for that first year of revelation, so he told his sister and one of his best friends: Izzy.  Suprisingly, Kari was very understanding, and so was Izzy.  They gave him the support he needed to come to terms with this knowledge, and to be able to accept himself once again as a normal person.  The next revelation startled him, as he gradually realized that the first person he wanted to tell about this, but afraid to do so lest it ruin their long friendship, was the person that had captured his heart.  A year ago today, he had walked round to the apartment of that certain person to confess his darkest secret and love to.  But just as the door opened by the young teen and he opened his mouth to confess his feelings, he was yanked inside and held in an embrace of friendship.

            "Tai!  It's brilliant, I just asked Mimi out and she said yes!  And then she kissed me!"  Shouted Matt in jubilation.

            Tai managed a weak smile "Congrats man."

            A beer bottle was thrust into his hand and Tai spent the rest of the day at Matt's watching movies and drinking, his heart beating painfully all the while as if it was going to tear in two.  Tai snapped out of his daydream and opened the door of his flat with his key to be immediately grasped by his father and led into the front room.  Tai found himself sitting on the sofa next to his sister and his mother.  His father sat in the chair opposite.

            "I have decide to take you all out to dinner at that new place on the waterfront: Sandbanks.  We're leaving at 6:30 to make our 7 o'clock reservation.  It's a very respectable restaurant, so make sure you dress smart.  That means no trainers."

            Kari put on a shocked face "But I have my date with Davis tonight!"

            "Well I'm sorry honey, but you'll have to cancel it.  Tonight is a night for family."

            His wife gave him a slap on the knee "Oh don't be such a spoilsport, she sees us all the time, let her spend time with her boyfriend, and I have to finish some business off here, so I can't go either."

            Mr.Kamiya grinned.  "Looks like it's just father and son tonight then Tai."

            Tai smiled.  "Yeah dad, I hear the food's really good there and I've been wanting to try it."

            "Good. That settles it, we can have a nice long chat about things tonight then."

            Tai gave a weak smile and went into his room to pick out something to wear so he didn't need to bother about it later.  He took a pair of blue jeans and a light bluey green shirt out of his wardrobe.  To pass the time he logged onto his computer to check his e-mail.  The message 'Two New Messages' flashed on the screen.  The first was an order update from amazon for his new book, but the second was from his English penpal Ben.  He'd met the English boy when he came to his high school on an exchange.  The two had formed a tight bond, along with Matt and the younger boy Davis.  The four were inseparable, but then Ben left back for England and Tai slipped away from the group a bit, then a lot more after his feelings about Matt had surfaced.  The two still kept in contact by e-mail though, and they enjoyed chatting on those few hours when their time zones matched up.  Tai smiled when he was reading the e-mail, then  printed it and added it to the others he had received before typing a reply.  After this daily task was finished, he started to browse the web.  Somehow his browser came to rest upon the site dedicated to Matt's rock band and he smiled again at the photo of the saxophonist.  His gaze wandered over to the photo of him and Matt at that summer camp so many years ago, and he felt that little pang in his heart he felt whenever he saw a photo of the blond.  Still smiling but feeling a little saddened, he switched off his computer and lay on his bed reading for a couple of hours.  His dad banged on the door after a while and told him to get ready.  Tai quickly changed into his smart clothes and pulled on a cord jacket.  He walked out of his room and went with his dad down the lift and out into the car.


            Matt grabbed his coat and guitar case and ran out the door and down the stairs.  He paused for breath at the bottom before walking out into the car park and climbing onto the scooter.  Turning the brand new motor on, he once again admired it's black frame.  God this is one cool way to get around he thought to himself.  Kicking it into life he drove out onto the streets and drove along the waterfront to the river inlet and turned with the road and continued about a mile upstream.  He pulled up outside the restaurant and parked his bike in a conveniently close parking space.  He looked at his watch, it read 6:30.  Good, he thought, I have at least half an hour until Mimi arrives.  That should be enough time to fix what I need,  Removing his helmet he walked into Sandbanks, hanging his coat up and placing his head wear on the bench provided.  He walked in and gave his reservation, and then asked if he could talk to the manager.  The waiter said he could and he was led through the kitchens and into the manager's office.

            "Well hello son, what can I do for you?"

            "Um, well I know you have a band playing here and I'm taking my girlfriend here for my first anniversary so I was hoping I could play something for her on the guitar." Matt held up the case in his hand.  "I even brought my own with me."

            "Say . . . You're that Matt kid aren't you?  The one who plays in the rock band?"

            Matt nodded and the man grinned and held out a hand.

            "You got yourself a deal son, what tune are you wanting to play?"

            "I kinda wrote my own piece, and the rest of my band said they'd come over to help.  I just need a drummer because ours can't make it here."

            "Jeez, pretty well prepared aren't you.  Just give me a second and I'll get you your drummer."

            The man picked up his phone and asked the front desk to send Robert over to his office.  An English boy of about 19 appeared a few minutes afterwards looking a little confused.  The situation was explained and the part given to him, which he said he'd be able to play easily.  Matt then went to the front door to await Mimi's arrival.  About 5 minutes later Mimi's mother's car pulled up, and Mimi stepped out.  She was wearing a stunning light pink silk dress with an open back.  Her hair was tied back in a ponytail, fully exposing her face.  Matt stood there aghast for a moment, then offered his arm to her.  Giggling (It's a girly thang), she took it and the two walked into the restaurant together.


            Tai opened the passenger door of his dad's car and sat down on the brand new seats.  The car was a result of Mr.Kamiya's boom in business, another reason why he was being treated to a night out at the most popular restaurant in town.  His father climbed in the other side and turned the ignition, the engine purred into life, and they pulled out of the apartment block car park.  Mr.Kamiya turned to his son with a serious look on his face.

            "Tai, what's bothering you, you've seemed a bit depressed over the past month or so. what's wrong?"

            "Nothing dad, really, I've just had a lot of things to think about lately."

            "Oh, OK.  But you do know that if anything's wrong, you can talk to me."

            Tai smiled and nodded as a reply.  The rest of the journey passed in conversations about the present state of football and the league table.  After arriving at the restaurant and walking in, Tai gasped in disbelief.  In a corner table was Matt, but more importantly with Mimi.  Tai felt the sadness rise within him, and walked dejected with his father to their table.  Mr.Kamiya must have noticed the change in his offspring's mood, as he commentated:

            "It's them - Matt and Mimi - isn't it?"

            Tai clutched the edges of his seat in agitation.

            "Wha . . What do you mean?"

            "Why you've been depressed, it's that Mimi girl, you obviously like her a lot."

            Tai relaxed and replied "Yeah, you're right.  But I can't intefere, look how happy those two are together.  I'd only ruin it."

            "You're right, of course.  Plenty more fish in the sea though."

            "Yeah . . ."

            Mr.Kamiya ruffled Tai's hair and handed him a menu.


            "Oh Matt, everything's so expensive!" Mimi exclaimed

            "Don't worry, I've been working hard so I can afford anything you want."

            A waiter walked over to them and asked if they were ready to order.

            "Yes, I'll have the salmon please."

            "I'll have the same please, aaaaand a bottle of the Chateau du Bouilh white, 1986, please."

            "Certainly sir.  Your orders will be ready as soon as it is possible."

            Matt sat back in his seat and waited for that special time in the evening.  Glancing around the room, he realized that Tai and his father were her in the restaurant.  He grinned, told Mimi and went over to speak to his friend.  When he got closer though, Tai seemed some what agitated, and he gave him a curious look as he explained his game plan for the night to his friend.


            "Ready to order yet Tai?"

            "Um, yeah, I think I'll have the veil escaloupe."

            "Great.  I'll have the T-bone steak please."

            The waiter scurried off to the kitchens, and glancing after him, Tai noticed Matt making his way between the tables to them.  Tai must of showed how agitated he was, because Matt gave him a funny look before telling him about his date and what he was going to do for Mimi.  This made Tai feel very depressed and a little ill, and he rushed off to the toilets thinking about what he was going to do about the pain in his stomach.


            Matt walked back to his table a little bewildered.  Why had Tai run off like that when he'd said about the 'drinks' part afterwards?  He sat back down at his table and spent the next hour or so in a haze, eating and making conversation with Mimi, oblivious to the outside world.  He glanced at his watch, and saw it was time for him to act.  He stood up, and took a slim box from his pocket and gave it to Mimi.  The girl opened it in disbelief, and clipped the opal necklace he had presented to her as an anniversary gift around her neck.  She then stood up and lip locked with Matt for a while, before he broke off and told her:  "It's not finished yet."

            He walked over to where the band had been playing and picked up his guitar.  His band and the drummer replaced the present band, and Matt started the song he had written with a solo, a slow beat, but was the most beautiful thing many of the people there had ever heard being played.  He played for five minutes, with the accompaniment of his band, before returning to a tearful with joy Mimi.


            Tai managed to get a control on himself in the bathroom.  Why can't I just accept that it was meant for Matt and Mimi to be together? he asked himself.  The reply came as he knew it would.  Because you love him, more than anyone else you have ever loved, and you can't accept that he cannot return that love to you.  Tai lifted his head away from the sink and looked at himself in the mirror.  He wasn't totally unattractive, and he was sure somebody else will feel the same for him someday.  Getting a final grip on himself, Tai walked and sat down at the table and ate his food, even though it was tasteless and he had lost his appetite.  About an hour later, he noticed the melodious sound of Matt's playing, accompanied by his rock band, a sound he had heard so many times before.  This calmed down Tai even more, but the next thing that happened brought him straight back into the depressed mood he was in earlier. Mimi had gone to where the band had been and picked up a microphone.  She asked for everyone to quieten down, and she spoke to Matt.


            "I know it isn't usual for the girls to do this, but I will, as it's something I have been dreaming about for a long time.  Since before our first date, I had prayed this moment would come. And it has.  Matt,  will you do the honour of making me the happiest girl in the world and take my hand in holy matrimony?"


            Several things happened after this startling announcement,  Everyone in the restaurant except Tai looked over at Matt,  Tai was trying his best not to be sick, and Mimi walked over to Matt and asked him

            "Would you be my husband and bear my children?"

            Matt lent back in his chair stammering "I . . . I'm sorry Mimi, b . . . but I'm just not ready for anything like that . . . I never really thought this would get this far . . . I . . . I need some space for a while"

            With that Matt jumped out of his chair and ran through the door grabbing his jacket and helmet, before jumping on his scooter and roaring away from the restaurant.  Tai turned to his father and asked him:

            "Dad, I need the car keys, I have to go and see if he's OK."

            "Oh all right Tai, but crash it and you are a dead man."

            Tai ran out of the restaurant just in time to see Matt's scooter turn off to Heighten View Terrace,  I know where he's going Tai thought to himself.  He started the car and drove off after Matt.  It wasn't long before he arrived at the former placed where he and all there best friends had grown up together, and saw Matt's blond hair reflecting a street lamp up on the footbridge.  He stopped for a moment, thinking if this was the right thing to do, decided it was and carried on towards the oblivious teen.  Tai lightly touched Matt on the shoulder to be met with a punch that nearly connected.

            "I said I wanted to be alone!"  Matt shouted, punching Tai in the chest.

            "I only came because I was worried about you!"  Tai managed to gasp out "And to help out if you weren't OK, that's what friends are for!"

            Matt stopped.  "You're right Tai, I'm sorry."  Matt turned around and shouted up at the heavens: "What is wrong with me!"

            "What's the matter man?"  Tai asked curiously.

            "Whenever I make out with Mim, or even kiss her, I get this weird feeling, like it's all wrong!"  He again turned skywards  "What does it mean!"

            Tai smiled a bit and told Mat: "I know what it means.  I felt the same thing a few years ago, took me a while to realize though."

            "What do you mean?"  Matt queried.

            "Here, let me show you."  Tai lent forward and kissed Matt on the lips.  At first Matt tried to break away, but realized that this was what he had wanted, deep, deep down, for a long time.  The two boys stood on the bridge like that for what seemed like an eternity.  Then the two broke apart, with tears of happiness in Tai's eyes.

            "Ever since I met you, I've secretly loved you, but it took me a long time to work that out.  I felt that you would never be able to return that though, that I would be cursed to love without love.  Tonight something has happened that I thought impossible.  Thankyou, for making this the happiest night in my life, I will always remember this.  I love you, Matt."

            "Tai, I, I guess i feel the same way about you, looking back, I think I always have.  Thankyou for helping me realise"

            They shared a passionate kiss on the footbridge, embracing eahc other tightly in their new found joy.  The two drove their respective vehicles back to the restaurant and walked back in.  Tai sat with his father, feeling the happiest he ever had in his life.  Matt had taken Mimi with him back to his apartment on his scooter to tell her.


            Tai re entered the apartment at 10 o'clock in a happy dream.  Kari was on the sofa watching TV and gave him a curious look when he came in.

            "What's lightened you up big bro?  You were in a real low mood earlier."

            Tai sighed happily.  "Love lightened me up Kari,  I'll tell you later."

            Tai walked into his room and lay on the bed, his head pressed into his pillow.  He stayed like this until he fell asleep.


            Matt closed his door and leaned back on it, relieved.  He rubbed his jaw where Mimi had slapped him.  They had been talking for about an hour, and things had gone just as he had expected: a lot of shouting and crying.  Tired out by the whole thing, he collapsed on his bed and was lulled to sleep to jamiroquai: synchronized playing out of his radio.



            Whew.  Finished at last.  If it's not very good, terribly sorry, as the whole thing was written in early hours of the various mornings I was typing on. Sandbanks does exist, but is actually a fashionable cafe that I frequent with my friends.  Robert is the name of the drummer there, and I get along with him really well.  He's kinda cute ;)  send your feedback, flames, death threats, or mobile suits to, and I do reply to all the comments I get, so don't be shy.  (I was actually listening to that jamiroquai albulm when i finished if you care . . .)