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These are letters to you. If you wander back here out of curiosity, wondering if I still think of you, just click here.

5/8/03 I found a ticket stub today dated February 2, 2001. I picked it up and I remembered the night like I was right there, like it really was yesterday. I remember that we were in the theatre that was right in front of the consession stand and that it had maroon seats that had cracked leather-y seats and I sat on the inside and he sat on the outside of the row. We were watching Valentine, quite possibly the worst movie ever made, and he kept jumping. I thought it was funny, but I didn't touch him, even though I wanted to. The next day, he confided in me that he'd wanted to hold me throughout the movie, but I wasn't scared and he was. It was funny and endearing and... I didn't know what to think. I don't know what I thought, really. I didn't know if I liked him or if I didn't, if he could ever be more than my friend. And now... My heart rejects every person because he made such an impact. I don't know what he did to become my heart, but he is... I may never have love again, but when my memories come back to me, what I had was so good, perhaps, I don't need it again. I don't want to lose again... It's like I had a diamond mine and thought it was just a pile of dirt so I gave it to a poor, ugly girl. I didn't do it because I wanted her to have my dirt. I just wanted her to fall in and get buried, but she found the diamond... and she has it all now.

I started this page in December 2001. I was so happy about our one year anniversary and was going to surprise you with this. I wanted you to know that there were 114 reasons to love you, and I know now that there are so many more. So, she doesn't know about our place, but if you ever want to remember, please do, and if you feel compelled, read what I've written to you. Tu esta mi corazon. (I know you remember.)