Interesting Sites

This page was developed to to be a bookmark of sorts. There are so many talented people in the world that have web pages. I find it hard to keep track of all the wonderful resources available on the web. Any site that I personally find interesting I will put on this page. These sites are not topic specific, just sites I have found interesting, and hope you will too!

Wooden Clocks

Ever since seeing an artical in Fine Woodworking I have wanted to build a clock with wooden gears etc. I have built the index wheel, gear tooth templates and actually built all the gears. I have not however started the final assembly. Eventually, I will update this page with photo's and plans of the setup to help anyone else with this interesting hobby.

  • "Brian Law's" Excellent wooden clock site. Brian has developed several models, and provides FREE plans - Thank you Brian!

    Paper Air Planes!!

    Who does not love paper air planes?

    I have always been facinated by flying. My flying career started off like most adventurous boys...I jumped off the roof with boards tied to my arms...NOT Recommended! From the roof, off to Hang Gliding. I bought my own glider and enjoyed the thrill of flying, and the pain of crashing. Then off to something safer - Sky Diving!!! I made it ok, but my companions (Kimm and Jennifer) were not so lucky. Now I just stay on the ground and toss paper in the air. Here are some sites I have enjoyed:

    Worlds Best Paper Air Plane or so they say...

    Water Powered Rockets

    Every kid (even the big ones) love a water rocket in the summer! Check out these links and build your own with your son/daughter:

  • Check back soon...

    Lawnmower Generator!

    Here it is, the ultimate in reuse! Take one junker of a lawnmower (spring garbage days), clean up the engine and make sure it works...pull the engine off, assemble on this cool bracket with a battery, car altenator, and inverter - BINGO! You have an inexpensive generator! The EpiCenter started it all!

    Simple Wooden Boats

    Ok, so I have too many hobbies and not enough time! I love the water, and have had many boats over the years. Sometimes, it is nice to have an inexpensive little boat you can toss in the back of the truck and do some fishing. Well, here it is:

  • Herb McLeod's One Sheet Skiff started it all!
  • Steven Manzer's One Sheet Skiff

    Back to Steven Manzers CNC Machines!

    Hits since February 14, 2003
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