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My work Yours truly
Rants, raves, etc. Cool places & people

Site is on indefinite hiatus. No, it's not dead, just resting. And I'm pining for the fijords.

Not dead, just on vacation. :) Although my subdimension email seems to be dead as the proverbial doornail right now. Guess that's what I get for going with an "alternative" service. If any of the 5 people still reading this needs to reach me, please do at Probably gonna be my permanent email addy from now on. Site redesign as soon as I pry myself out from under the pile of work I so unwisely requested last week...

Mmmmm, Sunday. I love the weekend. Carpe Diem 3 is up! More random goodies to come later, if I'm in the mood. :) Sorry it took so long, though. Finals are starting soon (yuck) so I'm kinda tied up at the moment. Here's a leftover from April Fools' Day. That's what happens when someone grabs the "shrinker gun" in UT... Maybe I'm weird, but that really makes me giggle...

Yeeee-haw! Carpe Diem 2 is up in the Stories section! It's also been sent to the Nifty College archive, where it should be posted in a day or two. It's 2 minutes of midnight and I'm a tad tired, but I'll post more tomorrow if I get the chance. Enjoy!

Ahhhhhh, vacation. No noisy neighbors or exams to worry about. Completely redid the links and "About Me" sections! Alex & Dan's latest adventure is still germinating, but I'm crunching through my writer's block at a reassuring rate. Must dash, I have an appointment with a book and a soft bed...

No, I'm not dead, just busy ;). Got my new HD installed and cranking away; it's from the "reliable but noisy" line. Not that I mind. I'm plowing through midterms right now, but the next Alex & Dan story is, umm... "germinating" as we speak. (I didn't realize how icky that sounded till I wrote it down....)

Hi! Just a quick update to let you know the first part of the Alex & Dan series, "Carpe Diem," is up. I think it turned out pretty well. Although I was disappointed by not being able to write a sex scene ;). Let me know what you think. Also, I got a new hard drive and a (legal) copy of Windows 2000! It's sweeeeeeeeeet. I don't know how I managed before...
EDIT:  Ugh. My brand-new hard drive just died a sudden and hideous death, taking with it most of my files [and all of my pr0n :( ]. So I was a little late posting to nifty. Bought a new one; we'll see how this goes... On the plus side, my email is back up.

My hard disk is dying a slow death. Using my computer is like trying to drive a semi through a lake of molasses. Also, the BOFH at SubDimension chose this weekend to clean the hair out of his servers. This means my email account has been well and truely screwed up. Good thing I backed up all my mail. Apologies to anyone who tried to reach me via email this weekend; I'm afraid your messages are now wafting about in the digital ether, lost to man and mankind. Please try again!

I got a lot of positive mail about my story Alex & Dan, so I've decided to try my hand at making it a series. Writing good romance is hard, though. In the meantime, I had a bit of fun and whipped up a steamy new story: Dorm Fun. Oh, come on. I have to indulge myself once in a while.
Also posted a new poem, Cycle. I did this thing where you start with the last line and write backwards. It came out pretty well.
EDIT: Find out about me!

Been a while, yes... I've been busy. But I found time to post the stories section! More later if feedback to this one is positive; we'll see how it percolates through the web....
Am also working on converting some of my more, um, "abstract" writing to html; I don't want this to turn into another boring personal site spouting shitty poetry, so I'll have to be selective with what I post. l4t3r.
EDIT: Poetry's up.

My first real update! Not as though I actually think anyone is reading the site, though. First new feature is the Internet! Peer-to-peer networking clients, download managers, etc. Like everything else here, it's a work in progress as I sift through all my experiences. l4t3r. (so I don't speak hacker. sue me.)
And yes, I do like the color blue. ;)

w00t! yeah, it's just another crappy personal website, but it's my first. and I'm not on AOHell, either. links section is up, but it'll be a while on the other three. drop me a line at subd if you want to.

p.s.: capitalization sucks.

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