[01] Today’s Date? 03/04/2002

[02] Full name? Gemma Louise Pearson (like I’m the only person with Louise as a middle name)

[03] Birthday? 31/03/1985

[04] Age?
17 just, hehe han!!

[05] Sex?
Female (I don’t have a twisted mind like Jamie!! Hehe)

[06] Your sign?
Aries the ram hmmmmmm what’s wrong with this picture!!

[07] Where do you live?
Leonay (Australia)

[08] Do you have a boy/girlfriend?

[09] If so what's her/his name?
Hmmmm (that’s not their name by the way!!)

[10] Have you ever been in love?
Yeah and it was heartbreaking when we has to flush him down the toilet!! I loved that damned goldfish!!!

[11] Who are/were your crushes?
Well, I suppose I should mention, Han(you sexy beast), Issy (you saucy devil!) and Jamie I’ve told you already that I wish you’d stop stalking me I don’t like you that way (only joking babe!!)

[14] Do you have any piercings?
Yep my ears, my eyebrow, my nipple and I can’t wait to get my bellybutton down (NOT!!!)

[15] Do you have a tattoo or want one?
No can’t really imagine how you’ll look when you’re old and flabby and all the skin around the area’s gone wrinkly- SEXY!!!

[16] If so what kind and where?

[17] Where do you shop at the most?
Well, it used to be Tesco but now it’s Woolworths (Tesco equivilant over here!)

[18] What colour is your hair?
Brown but has known to be red or black on occasion (oh I’m such a rebel!!)

[19] What colour are your eyes?

[20] How tall are you?
5’5" (I think I’m not sure though!!)

[21] Do you smoke?
"would you like an ashtray? No thanks I don’t smoke it’s a filthy habit" (from Ace Ventura just to clear that up for you!)

[22] Do your friends smoke?
Yes, but HAN, ISSY (not sure if you still do so sorry if you don’t !!), RACH and JAMIE you will quit. You’re strong confident women who don’t need to smoke! (hey – I don’t smoke! J)

[23] Do you like to shop?
On the odd occasion

[24] What sports do you play?
Channel hopping mostly (good for the forearm and reflexes you only have a certain amount of time to realise what’s on before you can turn over!!)

[25] What turns you on?
Well, I have this little button just on the back of my neck, my parents have to remember to press it when they wake me up in the mornings………… (oh you don’t mean that!!)


[26] What turns you off? The same switch, oh once again you caught me out!!

[27] What place do you go for fun?
Generally school it’s such a hip and happening zone (like my choice of cool words!)

[28] What do you do for fun?
Study, I mean if you do it well it can give you such a rush!!!

[29] How many phones do you have in your house?
3, however one’s not really in use.

[30] How many TV's do you have in your house? 4 (but they’re not all in use or plugged in)

[31] What's your favourite foods?
I’d have to say Chinese methinks

[32] Do you look like anyone famous?
I’ve been told I slightly resemble Christina Ricci, however it’s not nice to be called Wednesday all the time. I really feel sorry for ppl who have names like days of the week, bless ‘em.

[33] Who are the most attractive people you know?
Well, me of course, then there’s Han, Issy, Rach, Sammy, Diana, Jamie actually everyone in year 12!!

[34] Are you a virgin?

[35] If you’re not a virgin how many people have you slept with
? Interesting choices of questions.

[36] Who was the last person you slept with?
Well, it’s not really a person but my teddy…ohhhh got me again!!

[37] Do you wish to be like your parents?

[37] What are you listening to right now?
The noise of gunfire and music, my bro’s playing on the playstation

[38] What time is it?

[39] How many hours per day do you spend talking on the phone?
None really


[40] Do you have your own phone line? Hmmm, no!! (otherwise I’d be up all night talking to you guys!!

[41] Have you ever kissed someone of the opposite sex? yep

[42] Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? Yes, my stepmum everynight. Dang it stop doing that to me!!

[43] What are your favourite shoes? I don’t think it’s fair to say, I don’t want to insult any of my shoes we have a special bond!!

[44] What kind of clothes do you sleep in, if any? Comfy silk PJ’s I bought in Thailand for like 10p

[45] What's your favourite soda?
Fanta and Sprite

[46] What things do you say a lot?
Um, well I can’t actually, um think of anything at the mo, um oh wait yes I can, um no no it’s gone again, um.

[47] Who is the coolest person in the world?
I’d have to go with the Fonz, I mean if he wasn’t cool then I don’t know who is

[48] Do you think you're weird or funny?
I’d have to say funny and closet weird!!

[49] Who was the last person you called?
Can’t for the life of me remember.

[50] Where do you wanna get married?
Don’t mind really as long as it’s not anywhere muddy.

[51] What are your favourite girl names?
Tracey and Sharon, great wholesome names

[52] What are your favourite guy names?
Calvin and Ralph. Hmm where have I heard those before!!

[53] What's your worst memory in the past 5 years?
Leaving you guys and moving to Auz.

[54] What's your favourite childhood memory?
Going to my nan’s house it always had a great smell.

[55] What is your favourite fast food restaurant?
Burger King, better burgers than McDonalds.

[56] What do you really hate?

[57] Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Yep one bro, yippy!!!

[58] If so, names?

[59] Are you stupid?
Sometimes, now whr is that e button!!!

[60] What are you addicted to?
Hello my name is Gemma and I’m a gummiebearoholic!

[61] Do you like jewellery?
Suppose so.

[62] Who has it easier, boys or girls?
Dunno really, I’ve never been a guy, oh wait that’s a lie!!

[63] Would you rather be short or tall?
Neither I’d rather be just right, like the porridge, or beds or chairs in Goldilocks.

[64] Do you like to dance?
Yep although I don’t think other ppl like me to dance!!

[65] Do you like playing pranks on people?
No, that’s horrid!!! (hmmm)

[66] Do you have a Playstation or Nintendo 64?
Playstation but it belongs to my bro.

[67] If so, what are your favourite Playstation or Nintendo 64 games?
Rayman, it’s so cool!!!

[68] Do you sleep a lot?
Hmmm, yes I think so

[69] What’s your favourite radio stations?
Today FM, especially the morning crew they’re sooo funny!!!

[70] Are you a night person?

[71] Are you a morning person?

[72] Do you shave?
Yes, which reminds me I need a new razor, thanks for that!

[73] How often do you shower? If you’re lucky every other month, but if I’m really feeling nice once a year.
[74] Do you get along with your parents?

[75] What room do you spend the most time in? My bedroom usually!!!

[76] How many rooms does your house have? 12 I think (should I include the pool!! hehe)

[77] Do you curse a lot? Not usually

[78] Are you ticklish? Too ticklish

[79] Do you like to be tickled? Hmm if I’m really ticklish what do you think!!??

[80] Do you go to church? Nope

[81] Do you believe in God? Not really

[82] Do you believe in love at first sight? Well I fell in love with that goldfish after just one sighting!!

[83] What colour toothbrush do you use? White

[84] How many times a day do you brush your teeth? Twice.

[85] Do you have a job? No, I guess I should try to alter that situation!!

[86] What's your favourite candy? Gummy bears

[87] What was the best day of your life so far? hmmmm

[88] Who is the sweetest girl? Han, ahhhh.

[89] Who is the sweetest guy? Probably that gingerbread one in the shop window he looks like he could kill all my teeth in one go, BLAST!!!

[90] Are you wearing nail polish now? Not at the mo but I could put some on if that’s what you want.

[91] If so, what colour? Well I have a choice…..

[92] How many rings or necklaces are you wearing? 4 rings and 1 bracelet.

[93] Do you wear a watch? Yep

[94] Did/Do you have braces? Yes but look at my wonderful smile now, oh dear was that a mirror I heard cracking!!

[95] Are you tired? A bit

[96] Do you have freckles? Some but not really many

[97] What are you thinking right now? How many darn questions are there in this thing!!

[98] Have you ever cheated on anyone? nope

[99] Do you believe in Santa Claus? Why wouldn’t I? Are you trying to tell me something!?

[100] Do you believe in ghosts? maybe

[101] Rap or R&B? R&B

[102] Pop or Rock? Rock

[103] Rock or Metal? Rock

[104] Classical or Jazz? Jazz

[105] What do you think about Country? Not too bad, but I couldn’t listen to it all the time I’d end up going to kill myself cos the words were too sad (sad as in crying sad btw)

[106] Yes or No. Like Britany Spears? Hmmm let me think……I’m a 17 year old GIRL, answer you’re question!! (no, by the way!)

[107] Yes or No. Like Offspring? Yep

[108] Sappy/action/comedy/horror? Comedy, I love to laugh, oh my god Mary Poppins flashback!

[109] Cats or dogs? Both

[110] Shine or rain? Either

[111] Top or Bottom? Could you please clarify!?

[112] Favourite season? Autumn (cos my birthday’s now in Autumn not Spring isn’t that weird!!)

[113] Cereal or toast? Toast

[114] Night or day? Well we need both really!

[115] Call or text? Text

[116] Chewing gum or hard candy? Gum, yummy yummy gum!

[117] Lights on or off? When?

[118] What's your favourite colour? Red

[119] What's your favourite Drink? Don’t have one I’ll drink anything I’m given, apart from Tequila yuk!!

[120] What's your favourite Book? Any of the discworld novels by Terry Pratchett, along with lord of the rings (all three)

[121] What's your favourite Movie? Don’t really have one, I like all movies, but LOTR was great!

[122] What's your favourite TV show? Friends and ER

[123] What's your favourite Place? Han’s house, it’s so great you always have decent food, we have crap!!


[124] What’s your best memory from PHS? Too many to recall. (Need I just say… PHYSICS?!?! - J)

[125] How would you most like to be remembered? The funny weird one who could listen if needs be. Wow that took years to finish!


General Electronic Machine Manufactured for Assassination