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The best Father, Grandfather & Friend,
his family and I have the privilege to have,

This page was made bright & cheery
because it best describes Stan, the brightness
describes his life & the cheery obviously
describes his attitude!
To have met Stan on the internet, to have him
on my crib team & to have him as my best
friend has been the most wonderful
experience of my life! He has been there for
me more times than enough, and whether he
knows it or not, has helped me through some
pretty tough times with his kind and gentle
words. I remember Christmas time,
I was so down, then a card came in the mail,
from Stan...suddenly my whole day turned
around! I was in the hospital, had major
back surgery, I remember laying there
thinking "knowone cares", and I was in such
pain, then the phone rings in the hospital,
it was Stan calling me to make sure I was
ok...he called from Texas to Canada, and
sent me the most beautiful flowers, he has
know idea what this all meant to me!
(The father I've never had!)
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These are the flowers!
For all these things, I am grateful for!
His children are 1 of two of his most
treasured posessions, he is constantly talking
about them...who they are, thier acomplishments
and thier families!
For this, I know they are grateful for!
His second most treasured posessions are
his grandchildren...once again, they are
always on his mind, and talks about them
constantly along with showing everyone
of them off!
For this, I know they are grateful for!
If you have the privalege of getting to
know Stan...please don't pass up the
oppertunety as you will see as everyone
else did, he's well worth having as a friend!
For this, you will be grateful for!

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" This Award is issued to this site by
the Advisory Board of the POW/MIA
Freedom Fighters
Organization, for it's early
and steadfast commitment to
our missing Warriors "