Well, here's the list of all those people that we love..and no, its not in order of who's most specialist to us, its alphabetical..and if you don't see an individual name thats cuz their band's name was listed...so deal. We love the following people and thank them with all our hearts:
2 Skinnee J's, David & the Agency Group, Andy Action, Big Blue Monkey, Bigsy, Bigwig, Mark Blewitt, Steph Brownstein, Vegas & Bruise Bros., David & BYO Records, Aaron Caputo, Daniel Castady, Anthony Checchia, CheeseMan, Simon Clayton, Paul Core, Count The Stars, Seth & Crazytown, Dead Legend, Rob & Dodgeball, Jason Dotson, Eminem, Billy & Empress Ballroom, F-Timmi, Evange & Fata Booking, Terry & Forever Burning, Craig Gass, Goldfinger, Good Charlotte, Ryan Grable, Greyfield, H2O, the Holiday, Anne Hoppus, Dave Hyde, Ignite, Erich Jackson, Jenna Jameson, Joe Johnson, Dom 'Fluffy' Keska, Melody King, Last Kyd Picked, Matt Lemieux, Mr Vinnie & Less Than Jake, Kev & LiT, the Living End, Matty Lupinacci, Josh Madden, Magoo, Cara Majestik, Kevin & the Maxx, Michelle & Tiffany & MCA Records, Tony McIlvane, Chris Messer, MeST, Jon Miller, Monty's FanClub, Billy & Motion Picture, Mike Mori, Shawn Mosher, Chris & N.M.E., Next II Nothing, Vinny Nobile, Jym Parrella, Charlie Paulson, Sprout & the Pennyroyals, Vicky Pfeiffer, Pipebomb, Pro Monroe, Punchy, Brian & the Reunion Show, Rhino, Amanda Ronner, Bren & Rory Breaker, Shauna & Will Salazar, Rick Sanger, Sevendust, David & Simple Plan, Laura Stribula, Mike & Sugar Daddy Records, TVT Records, Two Minute Minor, Unwritten Law, UPO, the Vandals, Heather & Victory Records, Tracy Warakomski, Warner Bros. Records, Webster Theatre, West Beverly, Hannah Wizenburg, Wolfpac, Ben Wu, WXCI, Riann Yoakum, Zebrahead, Joe Zivica...
there's many other people too..and we'll probably be adding names on a daily basis...remember, we slack alot.