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Information on Ryan Schwartz
Here is a short, but sweet, autobiography of my technical side of life.

Current Project: Shadows of Winter - A Dungeon Siege Modification
The current project that I am working on is a mod for the game Dungeon Siege made by Gas Powered Games. Please check the website for updates and more information.

Demo of Full Sail!
This demo was created by three people, including myself, for our final gaming project at Full Sail Real World Education. A text file is included in the zip for instructions on controls. Simply unzip the files to a location of your choice and run the Full Sail! - 3D Pirate Ship Racing.exe file.
Note: The production cycle for Full Sail! was two months, so the content reflects that time restraint. Two of the known issues are: somewhat unfriendly controls (however these can be modified to your liking) and ship to ship collision not functioning correctly. We ran out of time before being able to fix either of these matters. Also it should be noted that the demo is multiplayer only. The network capability is functional, however the "Join Server" option doesn't work correctly. To connect with another computer hit the tilde key (~) on the main menu screen which will bring up the console window, then type in this command: connect(""); (where the zeros are the IP address of the hosting computer). This will immediately connect you to the hosted game. Have fun!

Documentation for Full Sail!
Here is the documentation that we were required to turn in with our final project. The majority of the documentation was written by me. The scripting code samples were completed by the entire group.

Schedule for Full Sail!
This is the tentative schedule that we used during the creation of Full Sail! It was written and updated tri-weekly by me.
Note: This schedule is in the .mpp format for Microsoft Project.

Screenshots from Full Sail!
Here are a few screenshots taken from Full Sail! during gameplay.

2D Art Samples
Here are a few of the pieces of two-dimensional art that I've completed over the years.

Documentation for The Tainted Blade
Here is the documentation that was required of us for our final project in our Structure of Game Design class. I did about half of the documentation.

Documentation for River Madness
Here is the documentation that was required for our "Asteroids Clone" project in our Structure of Game Design class. This project was not a team project, so all of the documentation was written by me.

Pong Clone
Here is one of the first projects that I completed from my MFC class at Full Sail Real World Education. Very simple, but classicly fun.