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Hey everybody!!

Guess what everyone, I finally had time to put towards this webpage and decided it was time to do it. I took all the pictures that I could scan for the last two years at Disney and decided to put it on the web so everyone can check it out. I put them in groups, the groups ofcourse are based on the seasons I was working at Disney. If anyone wants me to put pictures up of them, just email me the pics and I will slap them on. And dont get offended if your pictures aren't on here, just send it to me and I will put it on. My email for anyone who doesn't have it is My goal is that I can get all kind of pictures put up on here so everyone can check it out, so that means send me pictures.

WE have been informed of very recent upsetting news, one of the most important bars ever to a Disney Cast Member has news of closing; yes the
BIG BAMBOO is closing, unless we support the bar and drink with many of our friends. WE must unite beer drinkers and enjoy the last few remaining days at the BOO!



The Webpages of Friends

Coming soon,Whistler

click to listen-I got a new microphone for the computer and decided to slap a wave on here. Its just me being a dork, nothing to new.

back up

I just like to take the time to thank everyone for all the wonderful times in florida and keep coming back for the continual updates to this page.

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