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[ Transmission #10 ][ Transmission Aired: April 20th,2002 ][ "The Incarceration/ Jason's Cell" ]
-| If you are offended by profanity, violence, sexual remarks of any nature, or the practice of one being explicitly honest and showing a lack of regard to authority, I advise you not to read on. You have been warned. |-

[ Damp. Odor-filled. Ridiculously hot. That was your typical Mexican Jail cell. Doesn't sound all that pleasant does it? I don't think so. Unfortunately, a lot of foreigner would experience such a jail cell when traveling to Mexico, what would you expect with such a crooked law system, most closely related to a state of Anarchy. There was no order. There was no equal protection under the law. What was there? There were tacos in the prisons..thats one upside, but no matter, the country was unjust. Just ask Jason Royce..he was being thrown into a jail for no apparent reason. He had done nothing wrong at all..expect for assault a bartender, steal some glass mugs, and use fake Identification..but thats not like..bad things. They're minor misdemeanors, nothing that should result in being incarcerated. Couldn't tell that to the sheriff of this little mexican town though, he was hardheaded..he didn't enforce the law, he thought he was the law. Little did he know, Jason wasn't your average prisoner. Uh uh, there was no way he was simply going to rest and be silent for the remained of the how. No matter what it took him, he planned on getting out, come hell or cold burritos. Cold burritos? ]

[ The large steel door aburptly swung open, not too long after Jason Royce entering the building, followed not far behind by the sheriff and Michael DeNiro. Jason had taken his mexican sombrero off by now..and there wasn't that usual smirk on his face. More of an emotionless, not emotionless..not dreadful..nothing. It was obvious he didn't want to be there though by the way he dragged his feet across the floor. The sheriff slammed the door shut behind him as they entered, and walked over to his desk, leaving Deniro and Royce standing in the small office area. ]

Jason Royce : I knew I never should have come to Mexico....What were you thinking putting banana merchant on your fake Id? That was stupid.

Michael DeNiro : Oh and I guess you're smart by putting Potato Farmer?

Jason Royce : Its better than Banana merchant..I mean there aren't even any bananas in Mexica are there?

Michael DeNiro : I'm going to kill Giovanni when we get back to New York..I told him not to put bananas..

Jason Royce : Giovanni as in Giovanni Picello?

Michael DeNiro : Yeah...?

Jason Royce : Giovanni Picello has Down Syndrome! How could you have him do the fake id's?

Michael DeNiro : He seemed normal to me besides from the slurred speech and random outbursts..but other than that he seemed normal.

Jason Royce : Ughh..I should have known.

Michael DeNiro : Should have known what?

Jason Royce : That if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.

[ The sheriff returns from his desk, now with his hat off and a burrito in one of his hands. he takes a bite off the burrito and then approaches Royce. ]

Sheriff : Alright...enough chit chatting, its time for you to go to your cell Mr.Rico Suave..

Jason Royce : Hold on...what the fuck..I don't get a phone call? An email? A fax? Anything...?

Sheriff : Nope, you get nothing but a cell block number so come on..

Jason Royce : How about a smoke signal....some bongo drums?

Sheriff : Like I said...this isn't the you don't get those priveleges. Now for the last time..walk this way to the cell.

Jason Royce : Did you know that when you got mad your ears twitched?

[ The sherrif pokes Jason in the back with his nightstick and finally Royce begins walking in the direction of the inmate cells. It wasn't long before Jason would actually reach his predetermind cell, and the sheriff would fidget with some keys before opening the cell and nudging him into the cell with his nightstick. Royce looked around the cell and noticed an obese man laying on the top bunk, looking straight at him. ]

Jason Royce : Um...this cell is already occupied can I have a different one?

Sheriff : Nope, this is where you're staying..and thats final.

[ The obese man's attention was caught by the burrito in the sheriff's hand and his eyes lit up like lights on a christmas tree. ]

Roberto : Ay sheriff essa..that burritos lookin' real good from where I'm sitting..

Sheriff : Trust is good Roberto..

Roberto : How about you come over here and give me a bite of it?

Sheriff : Last time you said that and I trusted you, you stole my burrito and almost bit of my finger.

Roberto : I was hungry never feed us in here..all you give us is pork and beans, and you know pork and beans gives me gas...

[ Just as the obese man, Roberto, says that, he lets a a loud ,erupting fart which practically makes the walls vibrate. Jason's eyes get a look of dread in them as he puts his hand over his nose and wipes the air away with his other hand. ]

Jason Royce : Come on poncho you've got to be kidding me..I can't be in here with him..he has gas..

Sheriff : And?

Jason Royce : And he's fat! Being fat and having gas are a deadly combination.

Sheriff : So long Rico...

Jason Royce : Poncho..don't do this to me..this is cruel and unusual punishment..sherrif...sheriff!..poncho?

[ It was too late, the sheriff had already walked off around the corner, probably heading over to get DeNiro by now. Royce realized he was going to be in here for he mines as well take a seat. He walked over to the bottom bunk and sat down on the hard matress...slowly slumping back against the cement wall. A lot of thoughts ran through his head..among those..his match at Blood on the Beach..]

This countdown is what you ask? The countdown until Blood on the Beach, the night that Jason Royce walks into his first title defense as Death Row Eternal Champion, and contrary to unpopular belief, he will be walking out the champion as well. Now, of course there will be those skeptics...those doubters..the ones who simply want to see "The Untouchable" Jason Royce fail. Does it really matter though what they hope for..what they dream for? You see..those doubters..thats all they're doing..dreaming. Dreaming of the day the Jason Royce loses his coveted titled, dreaming of the day Ace wins back the gold, dreaming. You see..the funny thing is..its just that..a DREAM. Can you spell that Ace? I only ask because we all know Ace was the class idiot in elementary school who would always spell cat "k-a-t." Hasn't changed much since elementary school..really. He still acts like a adolescent..yet wants us to believe he's a quoute" grown fuckin' man"? Ace, if you're a grown man then why must you constantly go around resorting to immature insults in an attempt to outdo someone? Ace, if you're such a grown man then why is your vocabulary that of a 7th grader. Ace, if you're a grown man..then Ron Tanner is actually a good wrestler. Hint, Ron Tanner isn't a good wrestler. You see, as much as Ace would like to believe that he as a man, and as much as Ace fills his head with fals confidence about himself being better than Jason Royce, it matters none..because all the dreams, all the skeptics, all the false beliefs..they will be put to rest at Blood on the Beach. Not only will Ace be embarrassed at Blood on the Beach though, no..Ron Tanner bares no exception. He too has a date with destiny, a destiny which is defeat. Defeat for Ron Tanner is simply inevitable. No if's..and's ..or but's about it. You see, Ron Tanner is really no better than Ace, as far as I'm concerned they're two of the same breed. A breed of has-beens craving a piece of the limelight. A breed which just doesn't realize that its over..go home. Honestly, is it really so difficult for you to just face reality Ace? Whats the reality you ask? The reality is.. in comparison to me, you're nothing. You're so called skills..nothing. I don't see how I could put it in any more primitave terms for you. Would you like me to spell out nothing for you? Ah, did I insult your intellegence again Ace? Hold on..what intellegence? See, those waters are already treaded by me though, so there's no use in stressing it over and over to you, you're never going to truley understand it. No worries though, I wouldn't expect comprehension from you though. From you I expect the same look on Ron Tanner's face when he realizes how pathetic he really is for trying to conversate with a ceramic doll.

Ron Tanner, the man that talks to something that only exists as a figment of his imagination. What is it Ron, do you want that why you go around talking to little dolls? Face it, you're lonely..your social life is that of a pimple-faced teenage girl who wieghs 400 pounds. I mean, don't get me wrong, I actually found it amusing that you talking to a little statue, but there come's a point in every man's life when he needs to grow up..apparently you haven't reached that stage yet. You're more like a nine year old in a man's body..I mean..its a joke, you talking to a doll. Not the type of joke where people laugh with you...the joke where everyone is laughing at you. Don't you realize this ron..everyone is laughing at you. No one is laughing because you're a comedian...people are laughing because your an idiot. No, idiot is not a good thing ron. You understand thus far? Talking to a gnome isn't going to get you anywhere in life..hell its not even going to get you a win. Do you think perhaps by talking to your little statue that its going to help you beat Jason Royce? Yeah right, you have better chance of succeeding at swimming across a pirahna infested river without getting attacked. You know what the means Ron? You have no chance whatsoever. Maybe you should seriously consider a new career though, something less hands on..maybe work at Wendy's? You'd make a great could even bring your ceramic doll with you to work with you everyday? Now wouldnt that just be so much fun. Just think...working at a place where most of the people are as stupid as you. Kind of makes you feel like you actually fit in, eh? I'll be honest with you though, ron, this wrestling thing just isn't working for you. I mean..when was the last time you put up a decdent match? When was the last time you talked and made sense? Its been awhile hasn't it. Perhaps its time to realize that wrestling just isn't your specialty. There is a great career for you besides Wendy's though. You could always take your show on the road and be a Ventriliquist. Just think, you can have your finger up a dummy's ass all day..sort of like you and scott pantera do already..only when you do it with a dummy you won't be considered a homosexual as you're looked upon now.

Now when I think Ron Tanner, I think of one basic..distinctive trait. He's an idiot..plain and simple. How so? Gee where do I start. It seems that Ron Tanner agrees on just about everything I say about Ace..thats good and all, but your brain disfunction so bad nowadays that you can't think of your own stuff to say the Ace. I mean, Ace is punchline on two feet. There are so many possible things you can say about Ace, so why must you simply "agree" with what I say? Creativity a problem for you Tanner? Apparently so. Did you think by simply agreeing with what I said about Ace, that thats going to put you in good graces and spare you the humiliation awaiting you on Sunday? I hope not, because its certainly not working. By copying what I've already said, you're only putting yourself in the same boat as Ace as being the opposite of original. I'm your opponent..not you're friend. I don't care about your thoughts on the match, all that matters is you show up on Sunday so I can make an ass out of you. Is that understood? You want to insult Ace..YOU insult Ace..don't use Jason Royce's already spoken words. If you do that, you're only making yourself look as stupid as Ace sounds everytime he opens his mouth with the same old meaningless b/s. And you don't want to be put in the Same catergory as Ace now, do you Ron? Trust me, you don't. Ace is a talentless, FORMER, eternal champion who makes about as much sense when he talks as Ozzy Osbourne. I can actually better understand Osbourne then I can Ace. Ozzy slurs when he talks..Ace doesn't slur, he just makes zero sense. I would rather listen to Ben Strein Recite the whole set of Encyclopedia's then here Ace talk, at least I would stay up longer. And Ace, unlike you, I don't sit through something that irritates me or is "boring" as you would put it...I either A)Turn it off..B)Turn it off...or C) Turn it off. Is it really such a difficult concept for you to get a grasp of? Ron's got the idea, perhaps it time for you to catch on. Ya think? Tanner may be pathetic in the sense that he needs to talk to dolls to reassure himself, but your just plain pathetic. In no way does that excuse Tanner of playing with doll's though, its plain queer. I don't care if its a gnome or Sunshine Barbie, a doll is a doll.

Ace...Ace..haven't we already been down this road before? And where did lead you? Nowhere. You talked on and on..and on and on..yet it didn't help you come match time? You know why? Like I said before..your mouth exceeds your talent. You seem so confident in yourself, yet you can't back up all your words. You said you were going to beat me last week. What happened? You said you were going to retain your title successfully...what happened? I tell you what happened, you got beat by the better didn't come fell else can I put it? Eh, well you lost. Its funny how you talk about fate..and how you're going to win..etc, because this all feels like deja vu doesn't it? You made all these same promises before. You said all the same things before. Whats the difference? What makes you think this time will be any different? I'll let you in on a little wont be any different at all this time around. Nothing will change. You'll still end up on the losing end. I'll still end up winning. Are you following thus far? No matter how obsessed you are, no matter how devoted are..hell go ahead and take your flinstones vitamins..say grace..I could care less. As much as you'd like to believe, and as much as you'd like to twist it around on me..I'm not the obsessed one. I don't spend hours talking nor thinking about you. Must I give examples even? You're the one that spends their whole promo talking about me. I spend what, a few minutes at most? But since when did this become about promos Ace? Are you so disappointed in the fact that you can't beat me wrestling that you want to start a what..a promo war?'re pathetic. Get a life. Seriously. Even if I took part in a promo war with you, I'd still win. Face it Ace, I'm just the better MAN. As much as you may be in denial, I am superior to you. You want to continue to focus on promos? Be my guest Ace, have fun while you're at it. I tell you spend all your time being a promo critic, I'll spend myself doing something winning. You can be Siskel and Eibert as much as you please, I'll continue to do what I do best..and do you know what that is Ace? Being victorious.

You see Ace, no matter how much you want me to degrade myself to your level and begin critiquing promos, I'm not going to let that be my main focus. I'm not going to let my words speak louder than my actions. I mean sure..your promos are pure nyquill..but maybe putting people to sleep is your objective? Who knows? I dont..nor do I care. Must I tell you time and time again I have better things to do? I don't have time to go word for word through promos over and over..trying to find the slightest of spoken errors. Heh, you know what I find funny could find exactly one small thing as a flaw in speech contained in my promo, yet I could easily find countless things in yours...but I don' know why? Say it with me now Ace..I got better things to do. And please, if you're going to try to correct someone's speech..try watching your own alright? The book is titled "SPEAKING English for Dummies"...not "Speking"...what the fuck is speking, another one of your made up words? Come on Ace, you see why I suggested the book now? As much as you'd like to discredit da mob's existance, feel you think it actually harms us? Any one member of the mob is more talented than any member of the Care Bear Killers...CBK. By the way..what happened to CBK..I thought they were so dominant..I thought they were so cold blooded? Hmm, to me it doesn't like cbk has any me it seems like tha mafia runs this fed. Would you beg to differ? What is title we dont hold? But you know, it ain't all about titles..its about respect..something you obviously have none of for yourself if you keep disgracing and making a fool of yourself. The Mafia..we get respect. CBK..they get laughed at. Half of the group is MIA..and theyre supposed to be so intimidating? Yeah right. You want to question the realness of The Mafia life? Heh, "when will they ever learn"..I guess never. My lifestyle..authentic. Was I raised in some rich family you want to know? No, I wasn't , I earned my dues. Yeah so my family has a history of organized crime which I was raised to indulge that makes me a fake? Right, go figure that one out Ace, you make a whole lot of sense. Just ask DeNiro how real the mafia is..afterall we all family he should know. Go ask Denitalo..nah you know what, on second though Denitalo would simply embarrass you as I do. You're a fool doubt about it..but I guess the saying is true.."you choose your own destiny"..and you've obviously chosen yours, come this Sunday, when all your babbling is done and you have to actually step in a ring and back it up..well , easily're fucked.'re going to lose. Aka..I'm going to show you just how real the mafia is. And you know why I'm walking out of Blood on the Beach..still eternal champion..of course you do..I told you last time remember..?...It's inevitable.

Call it a Night