Welcome to Ri's Fanworks! ^_^
This is a site to showcase fanworks from Japanese and American anime, manga and books, films and just about anything else I like!! =) Here, you should be able to see anything from drawings to doujinshi to dolls and plushies to random stuff covered in anime pictures and more! =D There will also probably be some free-use stuff like backgrounds, etc, made by me. ^.^ Overall, enjoy!!

Whenever possible, the most recent pictures are the first in the tables. ^.^

I am currently getting together friendly artists who are interested in having their art viewed on this site. =) Could that be *you*?? Email me at rgillaspy@attbi.com or message me on AIM at arie1chan.

Most, if not all of the pictures, including backgrounds you see around the site were made by me, Ri! ^_^ Please don't steal them and pretend you made them. =/ Any pictures not by me will be noted with their correct artist's name somewhere around it. =)
All computer colored graphics were made with The GIMP! ^_^