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Homoeopathic Trio (Triangle)

H/Dr Mirza Saleem Baig (Gold Medallist)

President: Pakistan Homoeopathic Research Council (PHRC)


This is the term (Trio) given to three drugs that follow each other well in succession to cure the disease. Dr Hahnemann himself used it first. Treatment of chronic intractable or inoperable cases can be carried out with good results with a suitable Trio. If you can decide upon the constitutional remedy, it should be given in 200 potency for a week before starting the Trio.

Remedies in trio are deep acting. Each drug in the trio has a close affinity for each other and hence gives maximum benefit.

Trio acts on all miasms Psora, Syphilis and Sycosis. It energises and stimulates the vital force and all the tissues of the body to act.

Method of Administrating the Trio

The Trio remedies are given one after another in three courses or stages of three Ascending Potencies, 30-200-1M, 200-1M-10M.

Sulphur Calc Carb Lycopoidum

Course Potency Period of Period of Period of

Remedy Placebo Remedy Placebo Remedy Placebo

First 30 3 days 3 days 3 days 3 days 3 days 3 days

(18 days)

Second 200 3 days 5 days 3 days 5 days 3 days 5 days

(24 days)

Third 1M 3 days 7 days 3 days 7 days 3 days 7 days

(30 days)

Simple Trio

  1. To cure promptly, Gently and Permanently.
  2. Similar remedy, Single remedy and minimum dose.
  3. Plane of vital dynamism of organism, Plane of disease cause and Plane of medicinal substance.
  4. Perceive what is curable in disease, What is curative in medicine and application of the last to the first.
  5. Psora, Sycosis and Syphilis.
  6. Seeing, Hearing and observing
  7. Know the quantity or potency to be used, Proper time to give and proper time of repetition.
  8. Philosophy, Metria Medica and Repertory.

Medicinal Trio

  1. Cholera; Camphor, Cuprum Met and Veratrum Alb.
  2. Portal Circulation and Skin; Sulphur, Sepia and Sarsaparilla.
  3. Prostration; Carbo Veg, Arsnicum Alb and Muriatic Acid.
  4. Stomatitis and Stomach disorders; Capsicum, Nux Vomica and Sulphur.
  5. Croup Membranous; Kali Mur, Calcarea Phos and Kali Sulph.
  6. Nose Stopped (Obstructed); Ferrum Phos, Kali Mur and Heparsulphuris.
  7. Summer Heat; Bryonia, Glononine and Natrum Mur.
  8. Debility Due to Summer Heat; Natrum Carb, Gelsemium and Lachesis or Antimunium Crud.
  9. Anaemia due to Menstruation; Cyclamen, Ferrum Phos and Pulsatilla.
  10. Anaemia due to Amenorrhoea; Pulstatilla, Sepia and Natrum Mur.
  11. Anaemia due to loose of vital fluid; Calcarea Phos, China and Phosphoricum Acid.
  12. Scabies; Sulphur, Merc Sol and Causticum or Sulphur, Sepia and Calcarea Carb.
  13. Vericose Veins; Hamamelis, Zincum Metellicum and Fluric Acid or Aloe Scortina, Hamamelis and Pulsatilla.
  14. Urticaria in Obstinate cases; Graphites, Petroleum and Psorinum.
  15. Urticaria; Sulphur, Sepia and Calcarea Carb.
  16. Condylomota, Warts (Sycosis); Thuja, Staphysagaria and Nitricum Acid.
  17. Restlessness and Pain; Rhus Tox, Aconitum Nap and Arsnicum Alb.
  18. Epilepsy; Silicia, Lachesis and Lycopodium.
  19. Portal Circulation; Sulphur, Sepia and Lycopodium.
  20. Anus Fistula; Sulphur, Silicia and Calcarea Flur or Calcarea Sulph, Arsanicum Alb and Silicia.
  21. Injury Rheumatism and Stiffness; Arnica, Rhus Tox and Calcarea Carb.
  22. Dyspepsia and Distension; Carbo Veg, China and Lycopodium.
  23. Absorption of Exudation of Rheumatic Joints; Sulphur, Bryoina and Kali Carb.
  24. Drooping Eyelids; Sepia, Causticum and Gelsemium.
  25. Cataract; Silicia, Sulphur and Pulsatilla.
  26. Eye Sight; Chelidonium 6, Sulphur Iodatum 4x and Iodum 30.
  27. Opthalmia Arthritic, Scrofulous; Sulphur, Calcarea Carb and Nitricum Acid.
  28. Regulation of Menses; Crocus Sat, Viburnum Opulus and Opuim.
  29. Scanty Short duration Menses and sterility; Pulsatilla, Viburnum Opul and Opium.
  30. Kidney Stones and Renal Colic; Lycopodium, Sarsaparilla and Kali Carb.
  31. Gout; Silicia, Fluricum Acid and Calcarea Carb.
  32. Digestive Organs; Nux Vomica, Sulphur and Cyclamen or Pulsatilla.
  33. Joints and Legs; Rhus Tox, Ledum and Sulphur.
  34. Veins; Hemamalis, Zincum Metellicum and Fluricum Acid.
  35. Nose Eye and Bronchi; Euphrasia, Dulcamara and Sulphur.
  36. Scabies; Sulphur, Causticum and Merc Sol or Sulphur, Sepia and Calcarea Carb.
  37. Cancer of Skin; Phosphorus, Lycopodium and Arsnicum Alb.
  38. To remove the bad effects of ice cream and ice water; Arsnicum Alb, Carbo Veg and Antimunium Crud.
  39. Teething Trouble ;Aconitum Nap, Belladona and Chemomilla.

Note; It should be pointed out that administration of these remedies in trio in ascending potencies should not be done blindly, but a careful watch should be kept on the response of the patient. Hearing’s law of cure and Kent’s instruction on Prognosis should be strictly observed and the administration of remedies stooped if there is amelioration, as well as when there is an aggravation of the symptoms.