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YOU MIGHT BE SOMEBODY ELSE: Explorations In The Art of Life by Gary Clark, Eco Artist, Tampa Bay, Florida

Explorations In The Art of Life


Gary Clark
Eco Artist, Tampa Bay, Florida

In my view as an artist, each person is a dynamic, organic presence on the Earth within vast interwoven networks of the growth process, the abundance and variety of animate and inanimate life: the effulgence. Life, for me, is all-ready deeply mysterious and all-ways fascinating. Creativity has become a necessary way of life.

I seek to FEEL the mystery of life, the presence of the Earth, the privilege of being alive. to be present all-ways WITHIN the process of life, the ongoing, unfolding progression of the Grand Mystery of all living things. My goal as a person and as an artist is to be alive, aware, and awake profoundly, deeply, enchantedly. And,so, I dream in the stream of consciousness AND the consciousness of stream, in immense space, outwardly, inwardly, playing imaginatively in endless vastness, seeking a more meaning-full and wonder-full way of being alive to better BEHOLD and EXPRESS the breadth of life.

Thank you for your interest in my art and writings. May you find fulfillment in all you choose to do with your life. [Link at end to online EARTH-FRIENDLY ART GALLERY, featuring all original paintings, hand-carved with found objects into acrylic paint on recycled boards.]


You all-ways, all-ready have a natural conneXion to flows of elemental energies of the Earth, silent currents that flow through all life-forms. It's YOUR choice to feel this more profoundly, to Deepen to experience this, to become more aware of it, to REAL-ize it within your daily life, to absorb it, take it deeply into yourself, to cultivate this. It's YOUR choice to nurture this conneXion, to abide there, to grow with it to a more vibrant life, a more meaningful life.


To live more in The Present, FOCUS on things around you with respect for their form and, especially, for their flow in and through your life, not merely their function. Honor as much as possible. Value as much as possible. BEHOLD. Combine intention with intensity. Choose the direction you most desire with passion and purpose. Set your mind to all-ways seek higher levels of energy and energetic living. You are choosing to be involved in the evolving. New meanings emerge.


What is genuine, authentic, real, true? What has lasting value and real worth? Can you sense Truth at deeper levels? Do you feel that you resonate to truth? That you are a good judge of character? Do you "know" when something is false? Do you FEEL what is real at maximal levels, heart-wise, mind-wise, and otherwise. E/motion = Energy in motion. Do you know how to read your Life Energy? The direction and quality of your life is based on your thoughts, choices, and actions. Seek to REAL-ize a more meaningful way of being alive on the Earth. What empowers you? What motivates you? Why are you alive? Create the life you truly desire with values that promote a better life for as many people as possible.

Earth. Embrace it to Be. Be emraced by it. You are immersed all-ways, all-ready embedded: interfused, interwoven, interplaying....

Choose to emerge to re-merge. Transcend. Believe in the powers beyond believing--of coming to Know with such certainty and conviction that you do not hesitate to make a full commitment to a course of action. You all-ready have a natural ability to REAL-ize values hidden in daily events. Use that ability for REAL-izing participation in the deeper sub-strata of mind and nature. Perfection is not required. You are free to perfectly REAL-ize pieces of the puzzle that comprise the essence and energy of your life. Balance. Valuing is all-ways more empowering than evaluating.


You all-ways deserve to feel the free-flow of creative energy. You have the right to live creatively, and well, and to experience fulfillment and abundance in all forms. Wealth takes many forms. You are welcome to embrace and embody as many of those forms as you so choose. Prosper on all levels. Through all layers. You are entitled to discover Truth on a regular basis, if you so choose. DISCERN. Many people are well-intentioned, but that does not mean they all-ways know Truth. There are often needs, interests, and motivations at work.

You can all-ways turn your life around for the better by changing your perception of a problem into the reception of a challenge. Embrace the opportunity at-hand. See from a new perspective to envision new prospects. Accept the challenge to revise any Life-Scripts that hold you back from deeper, more empowering flows of Life Energy and, hence, personal evolutionary possibilities. All-ways believe you have the freedom to create life revision. Think optimystically to balance and enhance your own personal Life Energy.


Articulate your Shadow Self by noting the inward voice you do NOT like in yourself. This is the voice that condemns and criticizes, the voice that is captious, fault-finding, that all-ways puts you down and keeps you from accomplishing what you truly desire. This is the voice that all-ways finds something wrong with whatever it is you did or are doing or hope to do. It is the voice that you internalized way back when. It comes from lack of love, from people who received little or no nurturing and, hence, did not know how to nurture you. Put this voice into words, so you can see just what it is. Spell it out to break its Spell! Do not be afraid of it. Do not ignore it. Put it all on the table, everything that is in your lesser known side, your other self. You are not it! No longer buy into it! Transcend it. It is all-ways your choice to do so. Proclaim your freedom and reclaim the Life Energy for re-investment in positive thought, choice, and action.


Do "old programs" STILL direct the flow of your life energy? Do they STILL appear to have unlimited control of your mind? Yet, just the opposite is true. They are limited and limiting. Find out what's keeping you from experiencing Wonder! So often, "What's Instilled in ya, is still in ya!" So, it's time to get it up and OUT! Put it on the table! Over-write "old programs" by living optimally, closer to and from your natural essence. Activate your natural essence through choices that promote deep conneXion, attunement, accordance.

BEHOLD "green" Life Energy qualities in your daily life to engender wonder. Also BEHOLD objects as well. Allow them to radiate positive energy, creating ripples of meaning. Make this an active part of your daily life. Re-claim valuable Life Energy expended via old "old programs" that you did not create or choose. Re-invest it! Proclaim your freedom and embrace the highest values to live a more fulfilling life through creative choice. [Note: As is sometimes the case, we do not all-ways see what is actually happening to us or through us. For example, it might be part of your destiny to simply transcend the preceding generation in your own family.]


Refine and Re-Define your life through Determination. A primary key for finding and applying life-enhancing knowledge is your willingness to persevere. Seek to embody Truths you have actually embraced in your daily life. Do this in spite of off-days, confusion, even feelings of being totally lost. This is summed up in the word Determination. When you have a real desire to change AND commit to that change, you discover new depths of inner strength, a sincere and heart-felt impulse to do whatever it takes.

You all-ways have the choice to change, to revise, to become who you choose to be. And, you are free to believe that without hesitation, without doubt, without fear. Transcend your Past by Creating your Future. Heal by becoming empowered. Find your way by exploring. Lead a more fulfilling life by listening, learning, and leaving behind anything that distorts Truth. Strangely, as you begin to experience your own Destiny, elements of your own natural essence, unexpected help comes from unknown sources, often showing up at unusual and unpredictable times.


You can all-ways change and charge your life for the better. You can live more in accordance with your natural essence, with an interior radiance, a deepened sense of truth and fullness. Seek essential knowledge that opens you up to new thoughts, images, and feelings. Freely explore and re-arrange the workings of your own mind. Everything you Experience is Empowering, if you so choose! Life Lessons are all-ways available for Life-Long Learning! The flow of your Life Energy responds to your current thinking. ENERGYOUNIVERSE.


Who are you--really? Such a simple question. Yet, a question often riddled with personal meanings, hidden agendas, ulterior motives, buried reasons, one with the most difficult of all answers. Perhaps because, for you, there is not simply one answer but multiple answers--a dynamic plurality of answers. To live fully is to grow abundantly, and to grow does not all-ways mean to know. REAL-ize you are Process, you are Change. There is a real sense in which you are a real sense of that which is. You are all-ways, all-ready a Wonder Child. When you are open to revision, refinement, replenishment, and rejuvenation, there will be times when your exact status, your personal whereabouts will be, in effect and in affect, unknown, perhaps unknowable. This uncertainty is to be expected. There is no cause for alarm. You are in transit, you are within the transformative process of identity. You are an Earth Presence in motion, on a ascending path of growth, a being ON the way, so much better than being IN the way.


Embrace Wonder to add vibrancy to your life. This gives you greater breadth of appreciation and a deeper understanding of the inner-workings of things and processes. An ongoing sense of Wonder provides you with strength and courage, leading to Insights beyond belief. Choose to Feel yourself alive on the Earth, the same energy as dawn's fire. Your Life is a Miracle Current in the River of Time. Awareness is all-ways a first step; application is the rest. A felt-sense of Wonder shortens the journey from mind to heart.


Examine anything in yourself that holds you back. Explore the origins of limiting beliefs, negative thought patterns, reactions, judgments, attitudes, images, and values. What keeps you from REAL-izing a deeper appreciation of The Gift of Life? Break these down as much as possible to break-through to what is truly possible. Note: the exact nature and extent of the break-through might be vague, but the mystery and uncertainty might be essential to creating the new direction you intend to go in.

#12. THE MYSTERY OF LIFE IS LARGER THAN OUR KNOWLEDGE [and, so, remains, mysterious....]

Life is challenge. The meaning of your Life is often buried in multiple layers of larger challenges that unfold across time. These are tough to discern; even tougher to include in your daily life. Life often seems to me an endless Mystery, an enchanting Spell. Are you aimlessly adrift in The Mysterious? Perhaps this is a good thing! Learning to dwell well in the Spell means gaining a sense of the mysteriousness of what being alive means. In your Life there seem to be all sorts of rules. Wherever you turn, there appears to be a certain way to do things, usually already laid out by someone else. And, yet, strangely, there are no "rules" per se. In the creation of a life endowed with wonder and youth-full adventure, there are no "hard and fast" guidelines to follow, no absolutely "tried and true" methods that will lead to something original and meaningful. It's like hide-n-seek, only better.


Increase enchantment in your life and deepen your conneXion to the flow of Life Energy by intentionally Beholding what you experience in daily life. Move beyond merely seeing the things of the world to appreciating that they exist at all, that they are participating in a larger process. And so are you. Live a more meaningful life by REAL-izing the blessings that all-ready exist within your life. Choose Bless, not less. When you seek knowledge that empowers you, enchants you, enlightens you, and helps you to evolve, you become a person-in-progress. Choose to be more fully alive NOW, living a life endowed with meaning, with radiant overflowings into luminous states of mind and body. How you conceive is what you perceive. What you believe is how you receive. You have the precious privilege of becoming that which you envision yourself to be.


Knowledge is a primary tool for change. Only you can decide if the knowledge you hold dear can lead you to higher ground and deeper meanings. Is it empowering enough to promote deepening, to create lasting change across your life? You will know by your own vibrant response, by ripples in your own Life Energy, by the resonant power the knowledge has to shake things up at your deepest levels. Focus on an optimal way of being alive, doing you best to make this real in your daily activities. This silently creates hope in your life and in the lives of others because you have chosen to seek the best, the superlative case, the apex, the very top. Behold life profoundly by cherishing each day of life. REAL-ize more profound states of mind by learning from the demands of your ego, then moving beyond them with patience. You all-ready have the power to live with more inner peace and well-being. Take steps to reduce and eliminate what keeps you from being where you truly intend to be.


Explore the emotional investment you have in your beliefs. This of extreme importance. Are your beliefs merely token gestures, an iffy sort of thing? Or, do they have passion and power? You have to decide if they are worth it or not. Meaningful beliefs are charged with emotion and are, therefore, powerful. They form the very fabric of your life.


Change usually takes time; patience takes dedication. But, the time-frames of Change are themselves dynamic and all-ways open to change. In addition to "slopes" and learning curves, Quantum Leaps are also possible. This is good news for people seeking higher ground, seeking a more meaningful way of dwelling on the Earth: deepening. This requires vigilance and a revision of assumptions about the nature of change. There are simply too many new ways to access knowledge. This heightens the good news that CHANGE IS POSSIBLE! Just knowing this can charge your life with new possibilities. BE FREE!


You can achieve balance. Life is not all-ways the chaos is sometimes appears to be. A sense of purpose is a matter of choice. You can endow your days and nights with greater awareness, choosing to live consciously, thankful for your life and appreciative of the vastness of all Life, in touch with something beyond the merely visible. REAL-ize more of what Life is, more of what is alive around you, more of your particular place in life, more of what is meaningful to you, more of what is Empowering. Seek to behold and honor the Presence you yourself all-ready are, the awareness that you hold as a gift. Begin there. You all-ready ARE Life Energy. You do not have to create that; just deepen your awarenss of it. You have within you the ability to RE-create your life through thought, choice, and action. Sacred Space is wherever you are, if you choose to be aware of the momentum of the moment as momentous.


Believe in the value of awakening a deep, felt-sense of conneXion with everything in your immediate surroundings, then on the Earth, then to everything in the Universe. REAL-ize that you all-ways have an intricate, intimate, and inward conneXion to All That Is. This conneXion exists because you are alive and aware and choosing to awaken on the Earth. You are all-ready interwoven within the interplay of elemental Earth energies. Seek essential knowledge that encourages and empowers awareness and appreciation.


Your life is all-ready, all-ways an artform, with an immediacy of Presence, like a painting. As you re-define yourself, you re-create yourself, framing a new picture, sculpting a new image, carving a way of living more in accordance with your natural essence. Your destiny is to create your life based on the best values for all concerned. Know what defines you, what motivates you, what your priorities and preferences are. Live with passionate purpose.


You have the ability to create a more natural and fulfilling life by embracing AND embodying the essential knowledge that best best promotes your own personal process of deepening. What empowers you to live optimally? What do you intend to be empowered by? What new ways of knowing and being have you integrated into your daily life? Do these work in the face of challenge? The new qualities of your life that emerge from this clarifying will involve you naturally in your own deepening process, unpredictably, yet necessarily. These will empower you experiencing of daily life more magically, more mystically, and, most significantly, more meaningfully.


Promote the best of all possible actions for yourself and others by including intuition in your choices. What is most empowering to you? Know what you believe in, and why. [What have you dedicated your life to?] When you decide to begin living your dream, be sure you are walking your talk as much as possible, yet be fair with yourself if you falter or fall behind. Share your findings in unique ways to empower others. Contribute to the evolution of humankind by living the best values in your daily life.


Gratitude is an Attitude, an ongoing feeling of thankfulness that broadens out into new options and opportunities. You can choose how to look at any situation. So much is open to interpretation. WHAT IF?--So much more is still possible? Why grasp more than you truly need to know at any one point in time? This often has a strange comfort level to it, a familiar feel, a sort of deeper REAL-ization that emerges suddenly, like deja vu. This translates into event-fullness, even if nothing external changes. Gratitude becomes the overflow. Attitude becomes Altitude.


You have the option to embrace Thanks-Giving as a perpetual state of mind. Focus on whatever will promote a deepened sense of inward radiance to experience well-being. This as as though an offering: a sense of deep and vast conneXion with the Source of All That Is. BE FREE! You are all-ready adrift in endless m'oceans of energies, you are all-ways embedded within the magnitude of magnificence that IS the Earth, that expands out into the vastness of the Universe, then back again, to your mind, to the briefest thought in your mind. Truth? WHAT IF--The Truth of your life is all-ready within you and discernment reveals direction?


Adopt yourself, care for yourself, nurture yourself. And, during all of this, you will learn even more about others, their dreams, hopes, fears, and loves. Step into the flow of your own evolution, choosing what to put into yourself, what to think about, what to wonder about. Author-ize yourself with the best of all possibile knowledge. Become the Director of the Flow of your Life, the Producer of Waking Dreams!

#25. DEPTHS OF LIFE: Dream Fields

As you open to vast possibilities in the fields of life, you also open to the concerns of others. Your passion to understand the depths of Life leads to a compassion to comprehend the depths of other lives.


The knowledge you focus on is of the utmost importance. You turn into what you tune into. Purity of heart and clarity of intention precede Truth. The degrees of the former determine the depths of the latter. It is not enough to know what Truth is. What's required for positive change is the actual living of that Truth, of what's real and what's really necessary for the betterment of life for all people. Your personal re-Vision process works best when grounded in the heartfelt belief that you deserve to transcend your past and create your future. Sincerity of Purpose involves commitment.


Endow your purest intention with desire and deep personal meaning. Embody your own vision quest optimally by taking it to heart, making it and essential aspect of your day-to-day activities. Make it REAL inside of yourself. Through thought, choice, and action, seek awareness, alertness, and awakening. This may be viewed as a challenging opportunity to REAL-ize and create and embrace your own Destiny through discernment and decision. You ARE Free Will! Results from your choices may or may not be obvious. Change may or may not occur in the time frame you desire. The most important aspect at this point is your personal investment of energy in how you intend to be On the Way, not merely in the way!


You all-ways have a choice in how you view what's happening to you. Your life belongs to you, longs to be you, is up to you. You are responsible (response-able) for evolving to the best version of yourself. You all-ready have the ability to participate in and partake of Life Energy at optimal levels. Life is a vibrant journey if you choose to flow within natural process with awareness and appreciation. At any time, you can choose to be committed to the creation and REAL-ization of an empowered and meaningful life. Regardless of your actual age, you all-ways dwell on the Earth as a Wonder Child of the Universe, overflowing with a natural sense of wonder. By choice, you can create positive energy and enjoy a deep and silent stillness. Take action when the time is right. Above all, be resilient, a living center of courage and hope.


Truth is like Pure Light splintered into a spectrum of cues and clues. Too much Truth all at once is blinding. Pacing is the key. You are free to choose which cues and clues work best for you at any given time. Freedom means you can make them part of your life, blend them into your daily patterns of living, learning about the Truth of your life and of what is True in and of Life along the way. This comes with practice and patience, like any new habit, but with rewards that exceed all expectation, that blossom beyond belief.


Truth is all-ways available in your daily life. You can choose to begin REAL-ize it, to sense its presence and unfolding and offerings. It often seems that Truth loves to hang around in disguise, playing Hide-'n-Seek or Blind Man's Bluff or Keep Away or 20 Questions. Perhaps Truth is elusive because its very nature is to be secretive, open only to those willing to discern and decide. This is, then, what makes it so especially empowering.


One of the best ways to embody Wisdom in life is to REAL-ize what is all-ready waiting deeply and silently inside. Find the deep stuff, the insights and sayings and proverbs that offer empowerment. Wisdom is best recognized and understood through exposure to it. But that is merely the beginning. There is also teacherless knowledge that comes naturally, that flows from your own heart. Contemplate. Ponder. Ruminate. Intend! The real illusion is to believe there are no illusions. One of the greatest secrets of life is that the human Mind is one of the greatest secrets for life. There may very well be an unspoken voice of Wisdom silent all-ready within you--just waiting for you to acknowledge it, use it, become it. There is a very real sense in which you are all-ready an Oracle, aware of secret longings and desires, aware of ways to change and grow, aware of deeper knowings and guiding signs. You all-ready know Truth--the feel of it, the power of it. You recognize it, respond deeply to it. You all-ready ARE it!


Make a sincere commitment to create substantial change in your Life. Take the whole matter of Seeking very seriously. Yet, allow for fun, pleasure, and spontaneity. Do not box yourself in so tightly with your search for Freedom that you forget how to be free. Here are some worthy goals and key ideas: (A) increase in personal Life Energy, (B) generate more positive mental states, (C) create more hope,(D) seek activites that excite feelings of youthfulness and vitality, (E) deepen visually, imagistically, (F) embrace inner peace and a calmer, voiceless mind, (G) search for an enriched sense of conneXion with Universal Energy, (H) free yourself from fear, (I) a renew Trust in ability to create via intuition, (J) demand more clarity of yourself in your decisions, (K)discern clues and cues re your destiny, (L) increase your participation in the power of beauty, especially via nature.


So many wondrous things about life remain unknown and, hence, unlived. Even the well-intentioned and caring persons in your life might not have had the kind of knowledge to help make you aware of the beauty and mystery of Life. They might not have the ability to inspire you profoundly. They might not have known how to nurture and sustain the deeper feelings and intuitions that often emerged in your early reveries and dreams. But that was who they were. You can choose to understand that they did not have the ability to understand, they did not have the background to comprehend the needs or the necessities. You have the option to bring this kind of clarity to these kinds of matters.


Knowledge to create positive change is no longer a secret; no longer the privilege of the few, the initiated, the chosen. It is readily available! And plentiful! Knowledge takes the form of perspectives and possibilities, of opportunities for deep personal insight, for creating intentions that re-focus your Life Energy on directions YOU CHOOSE, for stimulating Revelations that offer glorious openings for personal empowerment, enchantment, enlightenment, and evolution. There are so many ways knowledge flows, so many options to stimulate, access, develop your deepest potential: books, videos, tapes, television, continuing education, night-school programs, open-admission colleges, online universities, home study programs, training packages, correspondence courses, life coaches, spiritual advisors, psychics, personal growth counselors, Elder Hostel courses, tele-courses, tele-conferences, CDs, CD-ROMS, DVDs, seminars, volunteer programs, web-sites, new networks and webrings on internet, electronic chats in real-time, public offerings at libraries, centers, galleries, churches. It's positively overwhelming!


Seek knowledge that provides insights for REAL-izing more about your genuine place in life. Generate responses of thankfulness to create an on-going sense of active appreciation across your entire life. These lead to a felt-sense of gratitude and enhanced well-being. Embrace the ultimate worth of Life itself,your ulitmate worth as an Earth Presence.


As a living presence on the Earth, you all-ways have a choice to breathe a new song of hope. You can re-formulate how you think to re-define yourself, to generate new forms of positive energy. You are a unique Earth Presence: truly one-of-a-kind. The more you choose hope, the more hope there is to choose from. It's as though one door opens to a room with ten other doors inside: endlessly radiating possibilities. The flow of your Life Energy responds to your current thinking.


One of the most important aspects of being alive is how you view yourself. What defines you? Not in an egocentric or self-centered way but, rather, as a centered self, an Earth Presence, seeking clarity and balance, honoring life with a sense of appreciation, cherishing and celebrating all that has come before and all that is yet to be.


Seek to arrive naturally at that place of being a uniquely aware person. You can use intention and commitment to become an integrated self, a centered self, a balanced self, truly embracing and embodying the ancient values of Truth, Beauty, Goodness, and Justice.


Questions about Life are Quests in disguise. They create possible paths to Truth and paths to possible Truths. Yet, answers are all-ways provisional, all-ways open to revision and refinement in light of new revelations. They are merely doors that open to clarity and growth. Intriguing mysteries and meanings linger as keys to further deepening. Remain open to new possibilities in yourself. Do not all-ways set out to find out anything specific. Do not over-analyze. You do not have to figure everything out to the Nth degree. Proceed generically, with consistent dedication. Welcome strange surprises (sur-prizes!). Assume nothing beforehand. There are no steps to follow. There is no set group of principles cast-in-concrete, no fool-proof concepts that lead to pure and positive energy, to radiant enlightenment. Your research into the mystery of Life is an Open Book. Be thankful for the variety of viewpoints created by human beings, as though each one is a new avenue of thought to be explored, considered, and integrated as appropriate to your own patterns of growth.


Your life is a magnanimous meta-gift every momentous moment of your existence. It's up to you to REAL-ize this, to bring it home to yourself. Revolution precedes Evolution. Revolution contains Evolution as possibility. Become an inquiring human being, entering the flow of your own personal R/Evolution and taking a current reading. Who knows exactly what will happen? That is precisely where the excitement of the adventure begins--and never ends. Expect The Unexpected! Revel in New Revelations! Embrace the Certainty of the Uncertain! You all-ready, all-ways are precisely what you seek. What matters is HOW you go about it, the day-to-day quality of your way of BEING ALIVE ON THE EARTH. Seek to behold organic life forms to deepen into natural process.


You dwell all-ways in the Life-Energies of the Earth. You are embedded in these natural energies flowing all around you, through you. Allow yourself to feel the miracle of your own Presence. You are all-ways, all-ready a living being with the inherent ability to become aware of the momentousness of every moment. You are ALIVE! Seek to experience a strange and radiant sense of wonder. Acknowledge the deeper mysteries of life that pervade your own life at every moment. These mysteries are rarely experienced as momentous because they are so much a part of the "givens" of daily life. Being in the moment is momentous being.


You become who you envision yourself to be through the choices you make. What you think about is who you become. Thinking creates thoughts. The nature of your thinking creates the way you experience life. It plays a vital role in shaping the days and nights of your life. REAL-ize, truly feel, that you have the ability to think yourself free. With commitment to Truth and dedication to task, you have the ability to free your own Life Energy though your thoughts, choices, and actions.


You all-ways have options in thought, choice, and action. Choose to embody what you have embraced. Knowledge does not free you from the curse; it merely frees you to know the cure. It is of little use to think but not act upon the wisdom you have found. Another way of saying this is found in the expression Walking the Talk. As a person who seeks a deeper understanding of life, keep the watchword EMBODY in mind and strive to become response-able to and for yourself, for empowering forms of change and progress. Discover new ways to live what it is you have discerned. Intend with sincerity and patience to apply in your daily interactions with others what you have learned in your reading and listening and thinking and feeling.


You empower others by actually living a value-rich life of meaning, purpose, and integrity. This is YOUR contribution. This is who you are. When you share the magic of life, you offer others enchantment. When you speak knowingly from your own experience, you offer enlightenment about what has really worked. When you bring to life new possibilities, you offer others a glimpse of what's possible, of new ways of dwelling on the Earth. When you quietly and genuinely radiate positive energy, you are offering others in your immediate life-world the option of embracing the joy of being alive.

You fulfill your Destiny best by re-creating your life to be the most it can be in the circumstance you are in. Choose your optimal form to be and do your best in the moment AND over time to contribute in maximal ways. When you live your Destiny, you are fulfilled. When you are fulfilled, you are living your Destiny. You ARE the Living Proof that the Proof is in the Living. Many people still seek a way to begin [and continue] on the ultimate journey of a deepened life in the here and now of their daily existence. Such a life is possible through thought, choice, and action when viewed from the perspective of re-creating your life to embrace empowered living.


You are a vital mixture of memory and belief, a unique presence on the Earth. You are all-ready one of the supreme essences of Life Energy, vibrant with potential for your deeper awakening. Your life is all-ways intermingled with the all-ways on-going dynamic interplay of Elemental Earth Energies. Your thoughts and emotions power your world. When you center your personal vision-quest on Truth, you are free to trust in your intuition, as though a deeper secret has been revealed. This sense of surety, grounded in values of goodness, empowers you to rise above the usual state of affairs in everyday life. You see beyond what is merely presented and know intuitively what needs to be done for positive change. Then, you create steps to REAL-ize the best of all possible outcomes for all people concerned.


You have the ability to behold Truth in daily living, discovering the deeper mysteries of your own essential nature through lessons interwoven with common events and experiences. You are all-ready, all-ways a radiant presence on the Earth. Balance body and mind through quiet reflection, listening for whispers of meaning in your breath before words. The unspoken breadth of life. Your life is all-ways a precious current in the ongoing stream of Life Energy.


Your inward Truth lives within all the experiences of your life AND in how you choose to experience life; that is, the quality of your experiencing. As much as possible, discern patterns hidden in each day. Revel in this process. Each life is a pulse of living energy in the heart of all that matters. In deep silence, seek insight into what endows your life with a sense of ultimate worth. All-ways nurture your awareness of the sustaining power of the Earth. FEEL the Flow of Life! Life matters personally, locally, interpersonally, panoramically, globally, universally; it matters beyond personal belief, beyond personal awareness. Yet, you are a ripple in the ocean of energy surrounding us all, in us all, as us all. You are rippled in this ocean AND you create energy within this ocean. FEEL the meaning of life by taking time each day to realize what is most important for the greatest number of people. FEEL the meaning of YOUR life by realizing what is most important to you--and WHY? This form of knowledge is essential, intrinsic, of ultimate personal worth in an immediate conteXt. Seek all-ways to KNOW that your life has a worth before and beyond words.


Follow what you believe life on Earth should be, creating new ways of knowing and doing. As your Path emerges, others will be encouraged to pursue their own. Choose to live daily life beyond routine, not selling yourself short or settling for less. Seek inspiration and be willing to provide it to the extent you can share. BE FREE! Discern the Wonder all-ready present in your life and REAL-ize how far you've come. This is especially true regarding difficult times and what used to seem to be insurmountable or impossible tasks. Those problems are now behind you--forever! Embrace the future with hope, confidence, and resolve! Your courage will encourage others.


As much as possible, Open yourself to Beauty, gathering qualities that reveal Truth. So much depends on how you view things, on how you interpret what goes on in your life, in the life of those around you, and in life generally speaking. There is all-ways more. Often, the essence of life is veiled in dis-TRACT-ions that lead you off the TRACK of your own destiny, that keep you distanced from your true calling, dis-able you instead of en-able you. The energy of beauty is a natural and free form of empowerment. Beauty is often hidden in the texture of your days. What happens to you is all-ways a message in disguise, a hidden meaning well-masked. The message may not be clear, but may emerge across time (or at the strangest time).


Threads of meaning lace your life together and offer new patterns of Truth, with all its layers and levels of meaning and insight. They are there, within you, available through receptivity. Your mind presents new patterns in its quest for order and form. These are possibilities, interwoven with meaning, opportunities for new integrations. These are opportunities to re-weave the fabric of your life and of life around you. Seek them out; make the conscious choice. So much that is unfamiliar becomes clear through new patterns that emerge suddenly, spontaneously.


All-ways remember where you live. Hold in mind that the Earth is often called the Jewel of the Universe, with living patterns woven in secrets of mist and wind, soil and stone, the planet of wondrous miracles. There is an intricate calibration between mind and nature that often escapes detection, as though all-ways operating behind-the-scenes, but never on center stage. REAL-ize that you are all-ways nurtured by the perfect closeness of the distant sun, floating in dynamic interplays of energy, drifting between shores of your own wakefulness.


Here and now, in this moment, feel yourself dwelling on the Earth. You are a living presence within the vastness of time and space, with the potential to deepen to a purified awareness of yourself as an Earth Presence within the flowing miracles of life. Your mind is interwoven with the Earth in ways still hidden. To behold new dimensions, enter the depths of your own experience, allowing for revision (re-VISION) on a grand scale. Choose to care about the Earth, to seek your place on the Earth beyond your merely domestic self, to find your greater heart. In caring about the Earth, know that you are actually caring about yourself, about others, about everything.


Intuitively sense the Earth as an ancient mystery, surging with waves of Life Energy bathed in the radiance of the ancient sun. Each day the Earth spins endless flows of wonder, offerings to sustain your inward core of strength and hope. Each cloud is visible change; each grain of wood a secret inscription. Open yourself to greater visions by imagining the subtle and dynamic powers of the Earth forever composing, like a grand organic symphony of lifeforms, offering elemental themes and endless variations, lessons of life that grow into living clarity right before your eyes.


You can choose to be an Opti-Mystic person, open to empowering viewpoints. Imagine the living Earth as a powerful dream unfolding through the passages of what we call Time, each day weaving a veil of mystery across 4.6+ billion years of planetary evolution. Local weather is a passing glimpse of how the Earth is still evolving. Think about that. Be Thankful for that. Be Thank-Full for the Origin of the Earth and for the fact that it still continues to evolve all around you as an interwoven interplay of dynamic elements spinning invisibly, endlessly. The flow of your Life Energy responds to your current thinking.


Right now, in this moment, in accordance with the powers that are the Earth and that drive the Earth to be what it is for you, Cherish what you see, what you feel. In conjunction with all the strange and mysterious powers that are in your mind (that are your mind!), you can take great deLIGHT in the choices you make, in the options you have discovered, and in the secrets you have learned how to discern. REAL-ize the organic gift of Life that enables you to become aware of this at all, that offers you reflection and insight and the wondrous option of living consciously, of being aware, and of discovering knowledge that will promotes evolution for you and for those around you and beyond.


Each day offers you new views of Truth. These are opportunities to see into the Truth of your life, to be absolutely positive about the direction of your life. You are the origin of that direction, with the ability to change the course of your life by recognizing and putting into practice the best examples of goodness you can imagine and REAL-ize within yourself. If you do not look forward to getting up in the morning, to facing the day with energy and excitement, then CHANGE is definitely in order for you. Ultimately, there is no one to blame; there is only the mirror, the one reflection without deflection.


Know in your heart that you are the one who creates the meaning of your life through your thoughts, choices, and actions. Keep your Promises, especially those to yourself, and develop your devotion to Truth, in your life and of Life, striving gracefully for clarity and understanding. Discern hidden agendas and intentions, in yourself and in others. Come to know what's really going on behind the scenes. Unexpectedly, you will find yourself seeing life for what it truly is, creating forms of beauty in new areas of thought and insight, as though daily life itself is an artform, life's artform, a masterwork toward Truth in progress. The flow of your Life Energy responds to your current thinking.


What is the truth value of what you believe in? What qualities do you cherish the most? What do feel passionately about, and how deeply? The overall tone and quality of your daily interactions with the Earth, with yourself, and with others is the outward expression of the answers to these questions. This is especially true for larger questions of Life. Savor insights into uncommon meanings of common events, for a more complete manifestation of personal energy and life-tone. Being empowered this way develops your own sense of and appreciation for yourself as an Earth Presence. May you all-ways be evolving to your highest form!


Seek wider angles of being alive, revealing new patterns of dwelling on the Earth, exploring the breadth of Life. This empowers you to make more informed decisions, to reduce fear of the unknown (for now known), and to open vistas bathed in the light of clarity and hope.


Sense the incredible worth of what it means to be a unique Earth Presence by listening to the goodness of your inward voice. Believing in and living the deepest goodness promotes conneXion to that voice, to your own sense of self as presence, to the emerging and evolving REAL-zation of your own natural essence. Nurture yourself then with more patience and trust than ever before, as words begin to reveal what silence so often conceals.


The lived qualities of life are precisely what being human means. You are all-ready a unique expression of the Universe, all-ways one compression of elements, dynamically alive within the daily quest. You are an interplay of the symphony of Life Energies, where unique meanings of the Earth and the Universe are born and find a home. You all-ready ARE the Radiance of Inner Peace. Behold, with care, everyday visions, the vapor of dreams, the impulse within a wish. Language like that, poetic in meaning and metaphor, resonates best with those all-ready committed to The Way.


Truth and Beauty are important for keeping Wonder alive and well. By centering on Truths that offer empowerment, that bring a promise of enlightenment, you will feel more Wonder within your daily living. This applies to thoughts, choices, and actions. The events of daily life mean so much more when their Truth is embraced as Beautiful, when their Beauty is envisioned as Truth. By abiding WITH things, allowing things to have their own way, your own Way becomes clearer. By accepting the Presence of other things, REAL-izing they have a right to their own moment in the sun, your own moments begin to shine.


Naturally seeking inward REAL-ization creates deeper emotional responses to the Earth. This opens up greater possibilities. Each "opening" may take time or happen "over-night," offering new ways of dwelling on the Earth, new ways of living with a deepened sense of mystery and enchantment. This is all the more true for all the good things that have happened to you and that are yet to happen to you through your own choice. This is a reality if you choose to step into the river of life and direct the current-flow of your own evolution with commitment and integrity. The inevitable outflow of doing the right thing for the greatest number of people contributes to the welfare of humankind with the highest of all possible values.


Just being Thankful for waking up is a great beginning, for truly and sincerely appreciating that you are alive on the Earth, present to options of thoughts or activities across the day. Being Thankful creates openings to deeper regions of yourself through an inward sense of growth. Thankfulness creates inward fullness, a completion of thinking and feeling, new depths of courage. Know beyond all question that you all-ways have the power to try, the power to Hope, the power to generate new avenues of thought or action.

Curiously, small events in everyday life can arouse a wondrous sense of things, revealing patterns of meaning and a sense of the ultimate mystery of life. Memories, dreams, aspirations, hope, inward sureties of knowledge and beliefs--these all hold the wellsprings of Life Energy that can turn into personal empowerment, enchantment, enlightenment, and evolution. These are precisely the positive qualities you can REAL-ize within yourself. As a presence on the Earth, you are all-ready endowed beyond belief.


Daily living takes on radiant qualities when you REAL-ize that you are all-ways in the flow of luminous Life Energy. When you choose to acknowledge this, you are responding to the callings of your own heart. Upon awakening, remember simple glories of the morning, the rebirth of everything in sunlight, of what it means to be here on the Earth. Remember: you are interwoven positively with the elements and energies of your home planet as it spins its ancient legacies of nature and mind across the silent streams of millennia, the smooth and invisible flow of Dream-Time. You are all-ways within the dynamic and organic magnificence of the Earth. As you release yourself to the deeper silence of night, embrace the strange wonderment you feel as you stare in awe at the quiet vastness of a distant, starlit sky.


In your way of looking at things, all-ways remember you are coming from a certain perspective, even a specific way of beholding, of being WITH the world. Your viewpoint is your angle of vision, the way you see things, take in the world, process sights and sounds, interpret what you think is there. BE FREE! There are all-ways new ways of looking at things. There are all-ways new ways that figures could be placed against alternative backgrounds. There are reasons things appear to be the way they are. You believe things are the way they appear for those reasons; otherwise, you would be lost. Truth, however, is often a different matter. REAL-izing this helps to maintain perspective and to transcend its limitations, thus promoting panoramic consciousness.


So many of the innovations of contemporary life were only dreams across sleeping centuries. Technological innovations in medicine, media, and transportation have changed life drastically in the last hundred years. But, those innovations are also analogous to the In-Ovations going on in knowledge and thought, in the evolution of mind, in awareness, in conscious choices, intentions, and affirmations. You can intend that your life is not merely a dream, that you are not caught in a web of enticing illusions, that you are alive, aware, awake.


Proclaim a deepened way of living! Reclaim enchantment and wonder through your Style of being alive, aware, and awakening. Your Style is that blend of qualities that YOU have opted for, selected from options available as the right ones for who you are inside. Your Style exists only through you in all the Universe. Your Style is true when it best reflects your Natural Essence, that unique flow of Life Energy you all-ready, all-ways are! Be sure that Who and How you are in the world reflects and manifests your Essence, your own way of being on the Earth, and your way of REAL-izing and HONOR-ing Earth Presence through all the world. You are response-able for bringing your unique Style to Life.


Your life has so many wondrous qualities: memory and dream, belief and thought, action and desire, intention and will. Is your life essentially a quest for balance and peace? When your mind is free to roam in limitless realms of imagination, images from life begin to flow in heart-swells of e/motion, as though your blood has the same currents as the mighty streams and rivers of Earth. Depths portrayed in your daydreams can enlighten you in strange ways, speaking silently--but powerfully--to situations and concerns of your daily life. More than ever, your thoughts reveal this when you begin to shed fear and choose to embody the knowledge you have embraced, when you become the living proof of the power of proven living! Essential knowledge promotes the knowing of essence.


You can all-ways choose to embrace daily living as an exciting adventure. It's up to you to search for options and choices, thinking things through, reconsidering, taking other viewpoints into account. You have the right to embrace courage to make major life-changes, to go in new directions, to find new ways to promote peace in yourself and in the world. At any time, you can dwell on the Earth with more insight and more meaning. You can re-think and revise your life to discern truths within daily living, uncovering them in real-time, within day-to-day experiences. You can explore new options within daily living. Wherever you are, you're all-ready embedded in the flow of the world, with the wondrous opportunity to awaken to the deeper wonders of life. You are all-ways within the miracle! More than ever, you have good reason to be Thank-Full to be alive, awakening to deeper awareness and appreciation through your own choices and commitments.


The river of dreams flows through you with many currents, where all your beliefs and fears find form and where, too, vapors of memory shape magnificent delusions. Dream awake to awaken to your dream. To think is often as powerful as to do. Thinking is an impetus to action, a jumpstart that prompts and promotes creative activity. The current of thinking is often an early dream-stream for later action. Considerations. What is not-yet-here comes into being, becomes presence, as you generate energy and conditions for it to become real. You are the dream-organizer without knowing it, the balancer of life-energies within and around yourself.


Seek all-ways to behold everyday visions, the misted tracery of dreams, the impulse within a wish, the desire for difference, and the necessity for alternatives. The Essence of your life is in the feelings and sensings of your days. Your memories are currents of energy, as if you were wide awake, daydreaming sleep. No one else has your way of dwelling on the earth, thinking what you think, of feeling, sensing, dreaming, wishing, wanting, of needing, of sharing, of becoming and being. No one could ever be exactly Where you are, How you are, Who you are.


You are this real-time, all-ways in-progress, one-and-only Earth Presence. Each life is a particular embodied Life, an expression, an impression, a dynamic compression of Elemental Earth Energies. You are a unique Presence in the Here and Now, with unknown boundaries and undiscovered qualities within your Natural Essence. Envision what lies beyond belief to clarify what remains hidden in mystery, thus beholding Truth in manifest forms. You ARE Free Will.


Become watchful, perpetually vigilant, with your feelings, dreams, and intuitions. REAL-ize that even a passing thought or feeling may include a hint of Truth. Often this is well-concealed. Wonder about what you see and feel in day-dreams, in delicious reveries, about how you feel during various tasks of daily life, about the inward or outward stances you take. Take note of the characters (and selves) you play out, their changing roles as you stage revised versions of yourself according to context and others. Who is it that you manifest daily in the world? Which version of yourself is the one most known? Does anyone in the world know you as you know yourself? (Or as you could come to know yourself?)


You are the presenter of possibilities and perspectives. You have the profound ability to create and select empowering choices, discern options, seeing into and through the events of daily living, learning what is going on behind-the-scenes, knowing underlying reasons for the truth they hold. What else might they reveal? What is their source? Where might they lead? What are they most inter-related to? The flow of your Life Energy responds to your current thinking.


Being receptive provides fresh inspiration and intuition for new paths. It promotes innovative speculation, new ways to see old problems, and alternative angles of thinking, feeling, and acting. Receptivity stimulates emotions, simulates motions, re-enchanting everyday life, offering Wonder a real chance at the perpetual re-birth of your own Destiny!


Envision yourself as a work of art-in-progress. You are a project, open to re-Vision, an adventure ongoing, a venturing-forth, an exploration, night-wind in your sails, as though on moonlit oceans with exotic destinations beyond the horizon of all possibilities--you ARE the journey! Above all: REAL-ize you are an Earth-Presence, an inexhaustible source of Life Energy, with a wide array of thoughts, choices, and actions to grow in a positive direction. You can all-ways choose to weave goodness and beauty in harmonious rhythms. You can create new possibilities to evolve to more empowering realities.


Your life is a current of meaning within the river of time. Discern the purpose of your life by REAL-izing what provides the most meaning for yourself and for the greatest number of people. With diligence and patience, deeply appreciate the vastness of creation by making gratitude a genuine priority in your daily living.


There is a surprising sense in which you are many persons infolded, multiple selves that find expression and coherence as the need arises to do so. Strangely, these hidden qualities of your life enable you to have compassion for others. There could easily be all sorts of versions of you that never find expression, simply because the need does not arise for you to respond or to create or to envision. This, too, is your choice: a matter of open-ended exploration, a sort of universal playing-out of possibilities in the commonwealth of humankind.


What if: Wisdom is Truth and Beauty embraced as one? Clarify and purify and beautify your life. Welcome Truth. Clarity is the result of awareness and insight. Essential knowledge lived promotes wisdom realized. Focus leads to creative "doing," to the bringing-to-life of evidence of the deeper process and flow of Life Energy. Living an empowered life is the beauty and the reward. You all-ways have the option to participate in life as an incredible journey of mysterious origins and even stranger destinations. You can live in the present, deeply within THE NOW, yet remain open to the future to discover new insights that will empower your life and the lives of others.


You all-ways have the choice to regather the miracle of your own Earth Presence. This is your pristine self, your deepest, purest, most radiant essence. This is the origin of that radiant field of dream-seeds, where your mind overflows with magic. An upwelling of emotion can suddenly burst through from a typical event. You all-ways have the choice to enkindle childlike qualities in yourself: the velvet life-texture of make-believe, the natural gush of sensations that sweep over you when a thunderstorm rumbles in and shakes trees to their roots, as though reminding you of your own frailty and mortality in the face of extreme natural events.


Your inward core of beliefs contains threads weaving silent patterns in your life. You all-ready have the ability to REAL-ize the critical importance of seeing how these patterns define who you are. Further, you have the power to explore the beliefs that shape these patterns of thought and action, often determining the origins and/or authors of those beliefs.


The Life Energy within you is elementally the same as the Universal Energy of each dawn's sunrise. You are a micro-fusion of All That Is. You are the first morning rays of light streaming potently down through layered membranes of the Earth's atmospheres. You are the clouds, the vapor of water suspended in morning air. You are the prism that splinters light, offering colorful spectra of possibilities. Your mind becomes OptiMystical whenever you are willing to behold, to deepen, to REAL-ize new ways of being, new options in life. You are all-ways reSOURCE-full before and beyond words.


There is all-ways an inward light of morning through shadows of change. For you, there's all-ways more. And more. That's the joy of it. You do not have to be one definition. You certainly do not have to the accept the definition of yourself that was given to you at various jobs you held across your life. Your function does not define you. You are not a functionary. You are a person with the power of choice. What is it that you identify with? You are not Ego; you ARE Soul.


You are a living treasury of memories, wishes, and fantasies, the caretaker of your Soul, divinely on the Earth, an infinite song in a universe eternally composing. When you decide to seek your sense of mission, to find what really moves you deeply beyond all else, you create openings within (and around) yourself, allowing your potential to emerge. This becomes an offering of new REAL-izations about the Gift of Life, of being an Earth Presence with deepening awareness, radiant possibilities, and new evolutionary abilities, of having choice--and using it consciously for yourself and for others. Like so many other people, you might happen to have a negative VIH [Voice In Head]. You are not alone in this, of course. Consciously choosing instead of merely following internal life-scripts, you can activate a voice of Goodness within yourself to create visions of beauty to discover more about your own Truth. Interactions that flow from your natural essence are more empowered and more empowering to all concerned. Of course, life is not in words. Life is in the doing. So, all of this is easier said than done; but once said, consider the saying as a seed planted. Then, remain on the lookout for ways to nurture the growth to fruition.


You are a daily ritual of blood, flesh, and bone in the sunborn center of light. You are part and parcel of the Earth, the miraculous home planet, where every day there are lessons available, if you choose to learn them and to learn from them. For you, each voice offers yet another message to shed light on your current situation or, better said, your situation in the current! You are a studenteacher all-ways.


You all-ways, all-ready dwell at the core of freedom, with perspectives of yourself unknown, unexplored, unused, with the personal power to REAL-ize more about yourself. Your Destiny is revealed in part through moments of extra-ordinary vision. This is precisely when, through choice and intention, moments become momentous, and the momentum you intend becomes meaningful in its manifestation!


Imagine Wisdom as soft light, an influx of Wonder streamed with gentle clarity, calming life-winds to centers of quiet. Become the seeker who finds moments of silence, who can sense passion's truth before words are spoken, where all momentum sleeps. When you re-arrange your priorities to be more attentive to the wonders of Life, a welcome sense of inner peace appears. A new sense of possible purposes within yourself is born. When you choose to clarify who you are and what you are doing with your life, it's as though you have discovered an inward oasis of personal refreshment, replenishment, and rejuvenation. As all-ways, the flow of your Life Energy responds to your current thinking.


You all-ways have the choice to flood your way with the light of deeper understanding. Qualities such as patience, trust, and determination take on new depths and dimensions of personal meaning. Your REAL-ization of a sense of inner peace and purpose leads to a richly felt inward fullness, a plenitude of being, a radiance. You begin to truly sense yourself as an Earth Presence, deepening your appreciation for the Earth, for the miracle of Life, for all living things. You participate in reverence. BE FREE! This revision of your daily activities empowers you to behold the Earth with care, truth, and kinship.


You are a new beginning, an Alpha Genesis, an innovative flow of life-energies within the greater cycles of the Earth. You are elemental. Allow this REAL-ization to become an essential part of what you are aware of and what you think about and how you feel. You now have the self-chosen chance to carve your destiny, to shape your thoughts, to create your future, to become a living testimony to the empowering combination of Free Will and Will Power. You can choose from a vibrant spectrum of possible becomings, the one that best embodies your unique energy, the highest form of your presence. Being more aware helps you find out where and how you should be. You are most alive when in the realm of choice, in this state of mind, in this tone and texture of being alive that promotes and reveals truth.


The deepening of your moment-to-moment experiencing may be shrouded in silence and stillness: truly ineffable. Allow it to become momentous, not merely momentary. The life lesson emerges that not all that matters can be spoken, and not all matters can be spoken of. You can now accept that not everything can be properly placed into words or rendered with enough precision to pay homage to its manifestation. The art of life often resembles the mysterious creative energy flow of artistic creation. You yourself can shed light on your situation, finding a deeper entrance into the hidden chambers of your most secret life, revealing new clues toward the REAL-zation of Soul, your Natural Essence, endless origin of all that you all-ready are in potential,spiritual form, all you can become in actual, physical being.


The felt-sense of Soul is like a vast swirling spectrum of auroric light luminous in an evening sky. Deeply numinous. A presence. Intangible, yet felt. Subtle emotions, ripples of life energy. Perhaps now you begin to have more insights, as though you are somehow privy to essential knowledge that might just change your life forever. And these lead to new sources of inner strength, new inward conneXions of knowing. You are, simultaneously, creating and discovering your highest form. But not as an endpoint. You will still ebb and flow, working through layers of understanding, gaining new levels of meaning.


Truth hides in the small secrets each day presents, giving you, gifting you, offering you new angles of vision filtered through your beliefs and your perceptions. You are a mysterious mixture of mind and heart, light and love, as though an oracle with instreams of radiance. Hear in the night wind a forgotten song; feel in a stone the pulse of an ancient day. Seek visions of the Earth that re-create the fabric of thought, shimmering with possibilities like vast sunlit oceans, moving closer to the mystery of life. These are merely some of the things you can choose to seek. There are more. How many are familiar? How many new viewpoints and perspectives are all-ready part of your daily living? Invite the unknown to become familiar ground. Allow insights to find a way home.


You are a unique resource for your own voice, the personal style of your own ultimate song, of your own pulsing Life Energy. This is a given. This is the miracle. You Are Alive. There is no need to feel special. In this, you are no different than anyone else; just more aware of it, more committed to its manifestation, more attracted to its delicacies of insight. You are not better than others, you are simply different from them. This is true in terms of being in-progress, on the way, embarked, venturing, searching, exploring, seeking, finding, sharing. Yet, you are related to all at deeper levels; all is related to you. The origin and ongoing source of all care, consideration, and compassion. You all-ready have the ability to accurately discern the values hidden in the flow of Life Energy all around you. Choose from waves of influence the ones that appear to be offerings, invitations that positively empower you, enchant you, enlighten you, to shape you into someone who has chosen to consciously evolve. With this ongoing dynamic alive inside, you have the ability to define your pain, to learn from it, and to dissolve it to greater good. You are living process, an aware earth presence. You can discover and create through a deeper nature. You are life's artform.


Listen as closely as possible to your deepest Intuition to find the wonder all-ready there. A complete reliance on logic and reason are shortfalls in the oceanic flow of your natural powers, where e/motion swirls vision to new sights and a course emerges all its own, on its own, as your own. When you live in balance with intuition as an integral quality in your life, you will find that ordinary things begin to make extra/ordinary sense: daily living becomes then that place where insights can occur at any moment, where deepening is interwoven with surface concerns, and where feeling alive has precedence over figuring out why.


Intuitively, you know when something has a certain feel of rightness to it, makes sense beyond explanation. Intuition also helps you learn how to trust, especially when it matters most. By being vigilant with your intuitions, a passing thought may offer a glimpse of Truth. Your intuition allows you to behold Earth as precious, each breath a chance to voice praise. Your intuition meets revelation halfway home. You are unto yourself all-ways more than you seem. And, you can accept that, feel comfortable with that. There is all-ways more to learn about who you are and who you might become. What you know intuitively is interwoven with your feelings and dreams; thus, words may fall short when it seems they would matter most.


You are a unique source of beliefs, dreaming of new horizons of mind, of new insights that reveal the vastness of creation. The way you see the Earth is how you believe Earth to be. Your beliefs shape how you see your Vision of Life unfolding through the patterns of daily living. Your beliefs present the sights and stories you think are really there in exactly the way you see them. What you reveal is what you believe to be true. When you choose to believe in deeper revelations of mind, the nature of Truth becomes clearer and more meaningful. So much more seems and is possible. Thoughts become clear light for beliefs sailing blindly in night wind. When you on neither shore of certainty, expect waves of doubt to rise from colliding beliefs until you Trust angles of thought to reach shores of Knowing.


What you truly value is what really matters; who you really are is what you truly believe. You move closer to yourself, to your own natural essence, by believing deeply in the ancient values of Goodness, Truth, Beauty, and Justice. Since you are many possible persons infolded, view your beliefs as threads woven in a tapestry of silence, patterning your life. Your beliefs disclose ways of being alive, choices that are mysteriously real, born from deeper e/motions. They offer you versions of yourself, openings into the hidden chambers of your own heart. When you venture beyond typical, tried-and-true thinking, expect to be surprised by beliefs you were not aware of, but that were all-ready there, within you as dream-seeds, sleeping the deeper delta sleep. Wisdom begins with knowing what you believe, and why, then choosing which beliefs promote evolution personally and inter-personally.


Daydreams are so much more than mere idle [or even idol] fantasy. They are indicators that PLAY-FULLNESS of imagination nis still alive and well at the so-called adult level. When you allow dream-seeds to grow, when you actively pretend (pre-tend), you create vistas within yourself, terrains of emergent possibilities. This can be done with focus or just for the sheer joy of experiencing qualities of images in your mind. When you have learned to Trust so much that it's like finding a pure faith beyond mere belief, you will have the ability to clear things up profoundly. This might have an ancient feel to it, like finding sacred stones beneath a waterfall, offering thanks, feeling the serene presence of grace. You fulfill that moment's Destiny in and through your thought, choice, and action. You rejoice in wondrous ways of beholding and experiencing the world. You are most thank-full to be most alive!


There are times when your words will slip into Truth at a moment's notice, giving so much a Way it's hard to take in all at once. Waiting for belief to catch up, to take to heart what the heart has heard. Speak to yourself as a close friend, honoring. You all-ways have the option to explore and expand how you frame your daily living. Believe more is heard before the word. Listen to the world. Just listen.... The quiet endurance of stones across centuries. The deep rootedness of trees. The wind-carvings we call clouds. This is the voice of silence, the world of artistic impressions, the liquid light of music, the magical universe of poetry. There are also still moments of curious visions of magic, pure tones of harmonic sound, resonant, lyrical, the soft-logic of dreams, and that glow of twilight that seems to stir something so much deeper within you. Seek to REAL-ize this influx as blessed revelations of Life Energy, riding lightwaves to shores of incredibly fertile creative expression and deserved peace-fullness.



You are all-ready endowed with an inward core of freedom to discern and determine your direction in life. You can make a lasting commitment (commit meant!) to find your way, to broaden awareness and deepen understanding, to evolve at a pace that is perfect for you. Like so many other people, limits and restrictions have been imposed on you, often without your consent. Luckily, there is a remedy. You will begin to change them as soon as you choose to make the commitment, as soon as you truly decide to do so AND take the necessary steps to create positive change in your life. Are you ready to revise the inward programs or Life-Scripts which might be running (ruining?) your life? REAL-ize within yourself that the people who informed you during your formative years might not have been properly informed. Therefore, do your best not to blame anyone or generate a rush of negative energy about a situation that happened in the past. The word properly means that the people in your life might not be capable of nurturing you psychologically or spiritually, even though they might have provided for you physically. From a metaphysical perspective, they were just not able to "be there" for you, to begin caring deeply for your body/mind/spirit growth, encouraging your potential in multiple areas, promoting awareness through the events in everyday living, and instilling and inspiring empowering qualities for life-long learning. You are, therefore, now in charge of the life you have been given.

Behold in The Now to Know the New. Being in The Now IS how to Know, where ALL is New.

In all this vastness of a hundred billion galaxies, you are the only You in the Universe!


What you see in the world is what you believe to be true about the world. What you focus on is what you have allowed your mind to select from the multitude of viewpoints available. Your beliefs present the stories of life you think are there, how you interpret the world, like 10 blind men describing an elephant, or 20 witnesses to an accident, or 30 scholars interpreting Shakespeare, or your own memories of an event long ago, of the colorations that Time washes over the actualities of the past. Ultimately, you are the source and resource of your beliefs, whether you create them or accept them from outside yourself . You are all-ways Response-Able for what you see, which flows into what you feel and think and, ultimately, what you do, how you act, and who you are. Seeing the world is different from using your vision to find the world. The origin of your perspective, your take on Life, is more primary than you imagine, more primitive than your imagination. Yet, it is precisely your choice to use your imagination to free you to know your current perspective and to generate new streams of possibility in the river of life.


Is the way you perceive a given situation what is actually going on? Have you taken into account the backgrounds of others involved? Are you absolutely positive the way you see the world is true? Do you have the ability to Behold? Are you able to see what is there, what is going on WITHOUT interpretation? What you truly value is what really matters; who you really are is what you truly believe. What you truly believe is what you really see. Therefore, seek to behold the world in broader terms, with a kinship to the Truth of situations. Contextual truth enables you to REAL-ize your core of beliefs in a specific situation. Only YOU can determine if your beliefs limit or promote your Insight. Is it possible that your focus does not present the clearest, truest picture of what is actually going on? This is as true of relationships as it is with daily seeing.


Alive, breathing, there are all-ways lessons to be learned. You are all-ready more than what you see. You are all-ways choice, creative or created, a current between shores. You are embodied Life Energy, a dynamic form of being-here, a mysterious process all-ways flowing with deeper potencies. You are angles of light and understanding filtered through your Beliefs. The way you FEEL the Earth is how you believe Earth to be. Organically enter the flow of earth energies. Feel yourself flowing with the organic realm, the fertility of rain-soaked fields of rich, black soil in summer sunlight. WHAT IF a spectacular insight into the mysteries and depths of life could break through at any moment, empowering you momentously, enchanting and enlightening your daily living, perhaps changing your life forever? Such things are all-ways possible. They have happened. Thoughts are shore light for beliefs sailing blindly in night wind. Do you believe what you see, or do you see what you believe? Do you believe in the power of seeing into the sources of your beliefs?


When you are undecided about a course of action, waves of doubt rise from colliding beliefs until you make a commitment, until you gather your personal Life Energy into an organic flow, sculpting the meaning of your days. To venture beyond typical, tried-and-true thinking, suspend your current beliefs and go forward without knowing or judging. Know what you believe deeply, what you hold to be true, what is most primary. Whenever possible, discern the origin and meaning of your deepest beliefs. This is precisely the place to seek precision of insight. For example, what is True and Beautiful for you can become enlightening and enchanting, lasting across the flow of time that becomes your life, that shapes the texture of your days and nights. These do not fade, as though endurance reveals secret qualities of their potency and validity. Beliefs are threads weaving silent patterns in your life. They disclose ways of being alive, hidden choices that are mysteriously real, born from deeper e/motions of your most inward desires.


You are born into a language, into a certain proscribed way of framing the world and the mind through words, rhythms, viewpoints, and perspectives. You were, in effect, sentenced to Life. You were not asked how you choose to feel about things or how you choose to view yourself or the world around you. You were not consulted. You "showed up" and were handed streams of words, with the underlying and unspoken assumption that somehow the words and sentences and structures and, above all, the angles of interpretation they represent, would enable you to understand yourself , others, and the wondrously interwoven and complex workings of the Earth and the Universe.


What is the real Truth Value of the words you use? What do they reveal? How do they empower? Do they generate positive or negative energy? Do they lead to action that promotes a sense of goodness and propriety? Words give voice to things of the world, to processes of the world, to viewpoints and perspectives. Naming water, cloud, and stone reveals the offerings of the Earth. But there could easily be (actually are) so many hidden aspects of the Earth and of mind that go unnamed and, hence, unnoticed.


What is the mysterious, invisible ocean of Life Energy that makes things grow? What does the word organic really mean? Do you have a felt-sense of the interplay of elements in the growing process, the nutrients in the soil, the photosynthesis in the leaves of a tree, the absorption of water through roots? If you did, would this lead to a greater appreciation of what is actually going on with the Earth for you to survive? What does sustenance really mean? The more you appreciate, the more YOU appreciate! This, in turn, promotes a deepened sense of self-worth and gratitude. Poetically speaking, what is the organic light that sleeps invisible in the wind like the vague memory of a forgotten song?


As a presence on the Earth, your experiencing-through-words can create sensational opportune moments for change, for direction, for momentum. This is especially true with affirmations and intentions. For you, words can become lightstreams of organized energy for clarifying and purifying. You all-ready, all-ways ARE living energy, a miraculous organic source, with the ability to focus, concentrate, intend. You are a dynamically mysterious form that has the ability to wander strangely close to the innermost secrets of Life, to participate endlessly in the vast interplay of elemental Earth energies.


You have the ability to use words to define your pain and to dissolve it in the free light of understanding. The way you see Life becomes the life you see as your Way. Words are threads, strands in the wind, floating filaments, stitched and sewn versions of the Earth, creating the fabric of your thoughts. New patterns shimmer like sunlit oceans, dream-currents of possibilities, giving you so many waves to ride, to change in the new wind, to surge and go. Words can slip into Truth at a moment's notice, giving (gifting?) so much a way it's hard to take in all at once, waiting for belief to heal the soul.


A single sentence, well-shaped, deeply felt, keenly thought, can bring into focus crucial life-issues to be contemplated and understood, creating a sanctuary, offering peace, stillness, serenity. An entirely new realm of meanings can be divulged. You can think of certain words as a retreat, a withdrawing from the world of everyday life, and an invitation into direct participation with the greater mystery that surrounds you. You can conceive of words as a way to draw secrets out of hiding. For example, the word "luminous" can become more than merely a word, flooding you entirely with swirling light-glows of prismatic iridescence. Whether taken individually or collectively, you can seek words that offer illuminated moments, deeper insights, and creative opportunities for reaching higher ground at your own pace: empowerment, enchantment, enlightenment, energy, and evolution.


Words can function as dream-seeds of meaning for the energy fields of mind. The words you choose configure your world and can help you figure out the world. This is true especially for concerns rarely revealed otherwise. BE FREE! Interwoven patterns reveal textures usually hidden, insights not presented, secrets and mysteries kept all-ways in the background or underground. The words you choose can be viewed as treasures from the soul and as ways to establish an open line of communication with the soul. These words can function like an artform, a work of art that performs on its own in the absence of the artist. They can radiate echoes forever. They can instruct or destruct; they can receive or deceive; they can blow you away or show you a Way. The flow of your Life Energy responds to your current thinking.


The inward sense of yourself is all-ways an open question. The extent to which you allow the past to determine your present, you have no future. The extent to which you allow the future to shape your present, cancels your present. Worry is a waste of Wonder. All-ways! REAL-ize that you wear the chains you forge, not in some vague, aimless, mist-covered future but right now, here in the present moment. You are in control, if you so choose. Burdens and torments mean you have not taken to heart that you are able to revise your entire Life. You can re-write or over-write Life-Scripts, gaining new perspectives and patterns of thinking, examine and re-create your emotional responses. You can all-ways seek new insights, deeper understandings. What continues, what endures, is the action you initiate and take. Decide which areas of your life deserve refinement. Then, invest your own personal Life Energy. Decision is direction. Endurance is energy.


Step into the Flow of your own Evolution. Your attitude toward the events in your life determines their effectiveness. You have the option of interpreting what happens to you in multiple ways. This approach promotes balance, equilibrium, and buoyant well-being. Blame is a quick fix, but it will not cure your ills, though often it seems the sure-fire way out of an off-day or an off-mood. Pretending your own personal, deeply inward problems do not exist won't make them go away. Denial is a strange form of procrastination. Opting for the vast array of distractions available in the world only creates more distance between who you are and who you might be. The mirror reveals all.


Just for now: Sum up your life in one sentence. Can you define yourself essentially? Can you say what makes you tick deep-down? What ticks you off? Do you know what? Personal insight is often difficult without knowing how words or phrases shape your picture of life. Are you able to create an absolutely positive and affirming Life Sentence that sums up who you have decided to be? and, How exactly will you become that person? Can you define that? Are you convinced that your Destiny is to live via a POTENTial-rich Free Will. You all-ready have the ability to create your future through your thoughts, choices, and actions, especially when these are based on a deeply felt appreciation for life.


Cherishing the blessings in your life naturally increases the amount of gratitude you actually feel.. Is there a person or place you have forgotten? Consider spending one hour in complete THANK-FULLNESS, allowing all the joys of your life to come into focus. Words take you there, but do not keep you there. Savor the memory. FEEL as much as you can. You are all-ready engaged in enlightenment, a seeker on the way. Think Less and Thank More!


Choose words that convey the miraculous procession of life. There is a basic choice you can make: words are either a Prison or a Prism. You can choose, of course, Prism, the entire spectrum of magical possibilities, the poetics of the Soul revealed and revealing! Seek Personal Transformations, Higher-Order Integrations, Transcendence, Ascension, Deep Insights, Oceanic Experiences, the Sublime Feelings of Ah-Ha! or Eureka! Nirvana, Mystical Visions, Keen Revelations, Samadhi, Bliss, Happiness, Joy--or whatever it is you believe you are seeking (or what seeks you !). Or, is it possible you are reading or listening simply for pleasure or to pass the time, but not really seeking to behold, deepen, or evolve, especially re mind or natural process, or beyond?


What do you Resonate to? What makes your own natural essence sing its most superlative tune? What time of day or night do you seem to be most alive? Do you have a place that resonates for you, somewhere that seems to be more in accordance with your Natural Essence? In the complex richness of life in the information age, there is a constant flow of possibilities, as well as disTRACTions. Seek to discover and REAL-ize the right kind of information you need to evolve to your highest form. Is there really good reason to believe that you have been provided with the information you need in terms of empowerment, enchantment, and enlightenment? A deeper understanding of the mysteries of Life is precisely what promotes your own personal evolution. Resonance is a premier indicator. Whenever possible, clarify and purify whatever's possible.

#119. THE FLOW

When you go with the flow, where do you go? What does this mean to you--exactly? So many people say Go With The Flow, as if doing that solves virtually anything at anytime. All-ways consider the source of the saying. There are so many different contexts. Usually, people want you to see the world the way they see the world (because that's the only way they know how to see the world). Behind it all is something like this: don't buck the system, don't upset the applecart, don't swim against the current, don't fight city hall, don't try to change the world. That's a lot of don'ts.


Beware of the 't words, like can't, and shouldn't, and wouldn't, and couldn't, or even the old-fashioned one often used by distant aunts, namely, mustn't! Strange how the 't words operate like imperatives, as though issued by a supreme authority. It's as though someone uses them to author-ize your life. Do you recall times in childhood when adults would say things like: "Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you." Or: "You can't go to college, your grades aren't good enough." How about: "You couldn't do that if you tried." Simple little comments like that can become the beliefs about yourself that create hesitation, doubt, worry, fear, all sorts of personal obstacles, especially if accepted and then internally repeated. These inward roadblocks keep you from who you might be, prevent you from driving within the Flow of Life, stop you from discovering cues and clues that would reveal possible directions, decisions, and destinies.


Are there different versions of the Flow? Does it mean the Flow deep within? Where are the steps to tap into such a Flow? Is it perhaps a kind of Essential Knowledge that can reveal hidden patterns of Life, allowing access to deeper realms, alternative perceptions, more empowering dimensions? Is the Flow some sort of mysteriously mystical, magical, mythical Life Energy that offers profound insights into the meaning of Life and the ultimate realms of Wisdom? A FLOW in all upper case caps, perhaps, that can empower your mind so you intuitively REAL-ize the fusion of elements, get the feel of what the process of growth really is? And, then, miraculously, this FLOW begins to show you alternatives, to present nova perspectives, to re-form and re-arrange your daily life-tone and felt-sense of the world that you are ele-MENTALLY charged with excitement about the possibilities of life?


Go With The Flow has an alliterative ring. It begins and ends with the O sound, as though, perhaps, an Alpha and Omega of OM, flowing to realms that are meditative and contemplative, that lead to pondering and wondering. OM! What if Go With The Flow means riding high on the Flow of Earth Energies? There are ways to access this Flow: meditation, harmonic music, poetry, art creation and appreciation, gurus, enlightened and evolved beings, the mostly now-gone poetically rich philosophers (Emerson, for example, and Bachelard), there are all kinds of savants and sages (insightful, timeless guys like Rumi who reach in quiet stillness across the ages), breathing, chanting, yoga, spiritual groups, drumming circles, singing, praying, listening, reverencing, honoring, watchfulness, mindfulness, dreaming (nocturnal and diurnal), rebirthing, transfiguring, regressing. Some may promote REAL-ization, increase your appreciate of Life or just make you feel great, while others might be a waste of time. You will know if there really are benefits for you and if they are lasting or passing, profoundly deep or merely surface. Next step: FLOW WITH THE GLOW!


You are all-ways part of Earth Flow, inherent in larger energy flows of the Solar System, the Galaxy, and the Universe. You are all-ready free to REAL-ize Earth Flow when you live in Balance with the inexhaustible surges of creative energy and expressive forms that are Nature, that are the variety of natural phenomena and the dynamics of natural process. You can also REAL-ize Earth Flow as the hidden rush of invisible, large-scale energy that silently creates all things, winds its way through all things, is interwoven with all things, and IS all things. Words suggest, metaphors enhance, analogies strengthen. But felt-experience holds the complexity and wonder, the mixture of serenity and turbulence, the quiet majesty of spring mornings and life-threatening tropical waves.


How the Earth IS becomes important for you when you REAL-ize the intricate conneXions between mind and nature. This promotes Insight into Earth and into you. Do you judge the weather? When it rains and cancels out something you had hoped to do, do you call it an Off Day? Do you view Life by what weather does during your free time. Rain is an essential ingredient of Earth Flow. There are so many interwoven circles and cycles in your own life, silent patterns that harbor clues to your Destiny. The cycles of the Earth are essential to Earthspin, to the motion of the Earth, to the creation of Earth Flow. Who are you to say something about that? Or better, why does it even occur to you to say anything about that? Free yourself to dwell within Being as the Presence you all-ready, all-ways are. Radiant, luminous, sacred.


You all-ways have the option of seeking wider angles of being alive, broader bands of interconnected awareness. These offer choices of dwelling on the Earth and reveal patterns of meaning that can empower you and others in your field of life-vision. Surprisingly, uneventful moments in your daily life offer innovative ways of experiencing the depths of Nature and Mind. Choose in accordance with your Quest for clarity and understanding. New vistas of purpose emerge when you pursue them without hesitation, without fear, bolstered by a passionate personal commitment. The flow of your Life Energy responds to your current thinking.


You are all-ready, all-ways a unique collection of memories and beliefs. Through all the rhythms and cycles of Nature and Mind, through all the influences and information available in the world, you remain an integrated person. How strange the pull of the world, the daily give-and-take, does not uproot who you are, does not alter your natural essence. In the diverse processions of growth, death, and rebirth, you dwell as a person-with-choice, as a process-of-living-energy. In each, all; in all, each. You are here as a Presence on the Earth, abundantly endowed with the ability to find the knowledge you need to create your own future, discerning hidden meanings that empower, enchant, and enlighten. You are here to carve your destiny in accordance with the purest and deepest impulses in your natural essence. You are all-ways empowered by the dynamic interplay of elemental Earth energies.


Celebrate the dynamic and interwoven elements of Earth, REAL-izing them on a daily basis. Appreciate the growth and rebirth that is going on at every moment of your life. REAL-ize you are part of this. Share your own gleanings. Enhance yourself and those around you by beholding organic life, deepening into naturall process, sensing the hidden qualities that create things. As much as possible, behold things with fresh eyes, discerning possibilities and perspectives, enhancing clarity to the realm of crystal. You all-ways have the option to contribute to redefining the ultimate nature of humankind by opening to vistas of imagination that birth beauty and insight.


Interpret answers as clues mixed in with everything else. To embrace one all-encompassing vision of life might not do justice to how the world actually is. Accepting one vision of life might simply be a way of coping with complexity. In fact, it might offer false security at the expense of insights that could uncover a surprising sense of mission and meaning. Further, this vision might offer closure at the expense of openness. Truth might seem to appear as glimpses of certainty, though still framed by broader bands of uncertainty.


Embrace a sense of the Mysteries of Life by truly caring for the Earth. Amazed, astonished, deep in reverence and silence, gather wonder daily. Cultivate enchantment by sensing the vast flows of interplaying energies that ARE the Earth. Maintain an on-going and natural openness for the emergence of higher truths in everyday life. Discern wisely. BE FREE! There is a sense in which new dimensions of knowledge and new forms of knowing now flow into your life from all over the world. Unexpected conneXions from people anywhere could show up at any moment, perhaps offering new ways of looking at life, perhaps altering your direction forever.


Here are a few things that are worth noting about your life. That you are here at all. That you are all-ways more than you know you are. That you have choices beyond belief. That your past is still alive within you to learn from. That you can live fully in the present, realizing the incredible value of the moment. That you can discern Truth in your immediate surroundings. That you endure. That you are open to versions of yourself still hidden. That you can describe and seek the ideal version of yourself, creating a future. That you have the ability to behold the wonder of the world as a child does. That you all-ways are that child, wondering wonderfully! That you care about life in ways you can't describe. That you cherish the silence that sleeps forever before and beyond words.


Questions about life are often Quests for meaning, for answers that would empower and provide reasons, that would help to make life make sense. Your unique presence is all-ways stabilized, yet it seems as though something still needs to be done to create fulfillment. This is an illusion. It's as though you are prospecting in the River of Life, panning for gold, for the ultimate gleam, for an insight that would set things in order and make sense to you in an absolute way. But it might be that answers contain knowledge and understanding to be newly formed into Questions. Thus, your Quest endures beyond first sight, moving into the realm of the unexpected, unknown, and unpredictable.


Pursue the dream in your heart. Balance making a living with making a life. Create new ways to generate positive Life Energy through your thoughts and actions. Know what you believe in and why. Decide how many of your beliefs were self-selected. Explore why you believe in some of them so passionately. Find your place in life through choices you make, believing that you are all-ways more than you seem, even to yourself. Keep your promises and commitments, inter-actively and intra-actively. Trust goodness in daily life. Nurture yourself as a friend in need. Awareness is merely the first step. The way you speak to yourself determines how you feel and what you will accomplish in a day or across the years of your life. You are all-ready free will all-ways available.


Seek lessons of life hidden in every moment, embodying the highest good by choosing and living the best values. It's possible that confusion is a prelude to clarity, a sorting out, a fore-knowing, a presage, a re-organ-izing of Life Energy, a process for releasing unstable or blocked energy. Cherish the Earth, thankful for each breath you take, each breath you give. Your mind is the lifeblood of your future. Your choices are the lifeblood of your mind. Your actions grow beyond themselves and take on a life of their own.


Who do you take yourself to be--and why? What are your known abilities? What are your unknown abilities? What have you tried that was not expected of you? No one exists in the personal Time-Space-Energy you are. Your uniqueness is just one of your gifts that become available to you depending on your insight into life, on your awareness of possibilities, on your values and priorities. Each opportunity brings with it a time for thankfulness. There is all-ways more, so much more. You are all-ways more.


What holds you back, what limits you, what blocks the flow of your personal Life Energy, what steals your joy? Freedom begins in knowing possible answers, in REAL-izing what might count as an answer. Do you believe too much in one thing, investing too much time and effort, while ignoring the dynamics of life, the possibility of other options and approaches? Do you fixate too much, thinking you are now fixed? Have you mistakenly culminated, come to an endpoint, reached the destination and, perhaps, neglected the mysteries of the journey? Do you still believe there is a cure out there for what deeply ails you? Are you sincerely willing to trust in your deepest intuition or do you avoid it because it seems to create too much dysruption in your life? Do you hedge over big decisions, creating obstacles, knocking your own blocks over? Do you let your imagination run too wild, projecting into the future, overflowing with negative possibilities to the point self-sabotage? Do you feel insecure about being insecure, so you hide it by all-ways seeking security? Are you anxious about a future that you don't REAL-ize you are creating every moment of your life? Did you forget that you have control over how your view external events through your attitude. Do you believe what other people tell you without thinking it through? Are you too gullible? Do you close yourself off from the deeper, tougher, thornier issues of life, savoring and all-ways seeking security and stability? Do you all-too-often take the easy way out, then get confused why things didn't work out better for you? Do things have to make sense or they don't count, don't even exist? Life has to be lived sensibly. Would you love serenity, more inner peace, but continue to have a hard time finding it in your daily life? Do you ever wonder where all the real Wonder went? Have you forgotten how to play? Maybe it's time to enLIGHTen up! Do you see only work to be done, never fun to be had (or created)? Do you crate your Destiny instead of creating your Destiny?


You do not have to overcome Fear. You are response-able for insuring [IN-suring] that Fear does not overcome you. The beginning of Freedom is the absence of Fear. How do you respond to Fear? Fear is often viewed as the greatest threat to Freedom. If you let it, Fear will create severe restrictions to prevent you from ever experiencing the joys of feeling FREE. Whether or not something unfortunate happens or comes to pass is not the question. The real question is your response to it all. How can you expect to have outlook and energy sufficient to deal with any situation, if you have unwittingly invested your energy into a mode of Fear. Why is that? Is it merely an old-fashioned way of survival, an arming of defenses, physical and psychological, toward a world that was once hostile.


Conjure mental images of life situations to discover what you resonate with the most. Picture yourself as living a life overflowing with fulfillment, in perfect resonance and harmony with your natural essence. Seek conneXion to greater flows of Life Energy and embrace creative projects that improve HOW you and others dwell on the Earth. BE FREE! Picture yourself as you would have yourself optimally be. Embody your best of all possible embodiments. Become alive to the moments of daily living as momentous offerings in the flow of life.


Have you ever had these thoughts about another person? What makes you think you are so important? Since when is what you have to say so worthy of being heard? You are no different than anyone else, yet you think you deserve so much more attention. What makes you an authority on everything? How come you are never wrong? It's hard to figure. Why are you so self-centered? Why do things always have to revolve around you? Why is your way always the right way and the only way? Where did you ever learn to be so incredibly pig-headed and close-minded? Being around you is like balancing on a tightrope in the wind over thick-goopy quicksand. You create an ambience of CAUTIOUS BEWARENESS. Even though there is no sign, there are plenty of indicators. Wonder how you were as a child. Wonder when all this started. Wonder just how far you will go in pushing who you are in the face of everybody else. Wonder who you think you really are. (Do you think anyone has ever had of those thoughts about you?)


In the NOW that all-ways IS, you are gradually drifting into awareness of that magnificent cluster of starpoints you all-ready are, revealing stellar meanings so very clearly. There is all-ways more to learn, to know, to experience. The InWord YOUniVerse you are is pure process in the purifying of procession. Even inward distances harbor echoes, where so much light vibrantly gleams inside caverns of darkness. The only word that matters here is not Matter at all. It is EXPLORE. That's all. The All. Realms of All-ness. It is the Process you all-ready are as Human Being: the Verb of Forever. There is all-ways More. There is All-Ways. There is ALL. There is. There. All's Well That Never Ends. Could it be that coveting closure is something learned at the expense of luminous openness.


You all-ways have a choice regarding which thoughts to allow in your mind. Through dedication and practice, you can allow ONLY thoughts that you yourself CHOOSE or CREATE. You can affirm this, stating it clearly, proclaiming it, declaring it. All other thoughts are not yours, not of your choosing or your creation. Therefore, they are not yours. They do not belong to you. They do not have a home inside of you. You are free to send them elsewhere. It's your life. It's your time. It's your choice.


There is a very real sense in which you are related to the energy fields of the Earth. And, it is certainly possible that you are important in ways not yet known, that you have friends waiting out there, ones you have not yet met. It is also possible that your whole life amounts to so much more than you could ever know. Consider yourself as a brilliant light, a wondrous Aurora in the grand sweep of Space and Time, a luminous presence in the midst and All That Is, has been, or will ever be. Imagine that if you had never been born, the world would be a different place. What if there is a sense in which you are a forerunner, a prototype of what life could be like. Suppose the grandeur of all life is within you at every moment. You are eternally blessed. The choice to REAL-ize this, to truly take it to heart within your daily life, to deeply abide with and participate in the wonders of life, is all-ways up to you.


Gratefully accept the diversity in yourself and in others. You can fit everywhere, belong anywhere. You have the ability to deepen your appreciation for your own life and do the same for others. You can all-ways choose to heighten the meaning of what it means to be a human being by radiating positive energy, thus embodying and promoting hope and peace.

#143. REAL-izing

When you choose to REAL-ize, to make an insight REAL within yourself, you gather energy and momentum of understanding through intensity and focus. You naturally overwhelm odds in favor of your thoughts, choices, and actions to promote the best version of yourself, the one that would mean the most to the world, to others, to the future. By choosing to live more in accordance with your own natural essence, choosing Soul instead of Ego, dwelling profoundly within your own unique presence on the Earth, you flow naturally toward a sincere engagement with the essence of nature.


Experience deeper meanings in everyday life by looking behind the scenes, off-center-stage, to find out what is really going on, especially in yourself. Knowledge is Power; but Self-Knowledge is Empowering. Why do you "react" around certain people or places? Use the Free Will you all-ready ARE to respond instead of react! Why do certain memories trigger specific feelings? What keeps you from an ongoing sense of deep, inner peace? Explore depths and layers in yourself that offer deeper insight. Seek reasons not obvious. Reveal the unexpected. Expect Revelations. Purge your precepts to purify your percepts. Allow life to appear as interwoven events riddled with hidden messages that only become clear(er) later on. The flow of your Life Energy responds to your current thinking.

SOME OF MY FAVORITE SAYINGS [used with the Earth-Friendly Art: 2005-2009]
















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Copyright 2010 by Gary Clark, M.A.
All Rights Reserved Internationally under the Berne Convention.
No reproductions of any kind are permitted without written consent of the author.
Contact for use and reprint permissions regarding all images and all words. Thank you for your honesty and integrity.



As both artist and person, the more I behold, the greater the breadth of vision becomes, the deeper the beholding IS. Forests display the ancient wonder of trees, roots, leaves, and vines. In a stone, ancient days are still alive. Ocean waves offer rhythms of energy, a visible current of flow. The drift of clouds against a pure blue sky promotes dreamstates. Caves take me back to primitive times, primal ways of being alive on the Earth. Immersion in the organic realm all-ways yields a new flow of colors and forms once back at work in the studio. Bliss IS Being.

"Artworks are really Art-Workings: they are dynamic dis-plays of interplaying energies, offering engagement and participation." gc

For me, art is success-ful-fillment! It's not simply that liking art frees you, or that creating art gives you freedom. Rather, it's living life as an artform that opens you to extraordinary possibilities within ordinary circumstances. Art is the outflow of this. It is not merely self-expression but, more significantly, evidence of the abundance of creative energy within. I believe everyone has this to some extent, not just so-called creative artists. So, at anytime, anywhere, for anyone, the next breath might reveal a new breadth, an enriched wealth of possibilities, the deepening of conneXion, a sense of the ultimate worth of our immediate surroundings!

Topics include: realizing conneXion, participation in life energy, broadening awareness, rekindling wonder, living life as an adventure, feeling more and thinking less, revising perspectives, appreciating textures and forms, living in the present as a gift, inspiration, feeling beauty, beholding, opening new options and opportunities, discovering and developing new sources of empowerment, sensing hidden mysteries of process, and deepening into essence.

Gary Clark
P.O. Box 3031
Clearwater Beach, FLorida 33767


EARTH-FRIENDLY ART by Gary Clark, Original Paintings Created with 100% Recycled Materials
APHORISMS: Insights & Inspirations
ART OF THE IMAGE: Reflections on Art, Artistic Process, and Aesthetics
