NMW eXclusion

**The MilleniTron flickers to life, as all of the NMW fans inside the sold out NMW Arena silence themselves all at once. The large screen lights up brightly, and focuses, to show that it the angle was pointed at the sun. It is a bright, clear day, and the bright blue sky lights up almost the entire arena. The fans watch in interest, as the camera starts to pan downwards from the cloudless sky. The view then shows a large grassy plain, where the lengthy grass blows in a slight breeze, the sun lighting up the scene. The camera pans around a bit more, showing nothing but plains, with a few trees in the deep background. Then, a girl appears off in the distance, appearing to be very small, and running around in the meadow. The camera starts to zoom closer, and soon it can be seen that the girl isn't so small. The very obese girl is hopping around in the grass, throwing a red ball up into the air, and catching it as it comes back down. The fat blonde girl is wearing a tight pink tank top, with the letters MOW SH in green letters across it. She hops around some more, throwing her ball up and down, and soon the camera can make out that there are three letters on the ball, reading UAW in bright yellow letters. The girl giggles as she plays around on this perfect day. Suddenly, a single cloud can be seen overhead, creeping into the blue sky. That one cloud slowly covers up the sun, causing a shady darkness to cover the scene for a moment. Suddenly, "Cold Cocked" by Pete kicks in…as a mack truck with the initials NMW on it blows onto the scene, steering directly into the girl, and plowing through the grass. The girl disappears, stuck to the front of the large truck as it drives off into the distance. Her ball is then shown as it floats back down to earth…moments before lightning strikes it, causing it to burst.**

Let me crawl inside your head
For just a little while
Get me underneath your skin
It makes you sick to smile.

**After the truck has hit the girl and the ball has exploded, the screen fades out to darkness. A second later, a bit of light sheds out from the screen, as an outlined figure is shown, with the light shining from behind him. The light shoots upwards, then spins around and sheds itself upon the front of the man, revealing the NMW Champion, Thresh Crest. He has the NMW Title around his waist, and has a very angry expression on his face. The camera zooms in a bit, as Thresh raises his arm and pulls it back, before punching at the camera, and it cuts to scenes from previous matches.**

Lift you up and make you real
Am I comin' through?
I trip you up or make you heal
It's up to you.

**Chang Mustafa is shown declaring his allegiance to "King Thresh" in his locker room, as President Winters bursts in on him. They step out into the hallway, and destruction is seen, caused by UAW superstar, Bear. NMW Tag Team champions Buddy the Clown and Aikeiro are shown, playing poker backstage. Buddy wins, and Aikeiro cries about it. A separate screenshot then pops up, with Chang and Bear on one side, and Buddy and Aikeiro on the other, with the words "Tag Team Titles" underneath.**

Hey are you with me when everything goes your way?
Hey you wanna be all the things you take from me
It's the one time, it's the one time, it's the one time.

**Desyre is backstage with Tank, where they are talking and sitting on a couch with each other, Tank with his arm around her. Footage is then shown of Cliff hitting Over the Edge (Sky High to X-Factor) on Desyre, as Tank lays outside the ring unconscious. The scene then flashes back to Cliff and Desyre together, as the scene then rips apart, and a new one pops up. It shows Cliff on one side, and Tank and Desyre on the other side, as the words "No Disqualifications" roll across the bottom of the MilleniTron.**

You can trust yourself to me
I'll take you there tonight
I'll cram a fist of love so deep
It makes you bleed inside.

**Cazz Selmer is shown next, running through the hallways of NMW with the High Stakes title over his shoulder. Footage is shown of Cazz facing Morbid Angel and Crazy Joker, and Great Kuda attacking Cazz from behind. The crouton is then shown winning several matches, and Triple J is shown finally shedding himself of the Lollipop of Mediocrity by beating Jason Moore. The footage cuts out, as a group of weapons including chairs, canes, trash cans, fire extinguishers, and many others goes spiraling around in a tornado fashion. The screen then flashes and a group of NMW superstars is shown, including those just shown, appears on the Tron, as the words "High Stakes Battle Royal" go scrolling across the large screen.**

Lift you up and make you real
Am I comin' through?
I trip you up or make you heal
It's up to you.

**Spike Moore is shown appearing for the first time in NMW, attacking Jackson King. Spike announces that he has joined Anarchy, and he and Thresh celebrate backstage with Angel and the Tides of Darkness. Spike is then shown beating up on Frank Williams after his interview segment. Anarchy is then in its locker room, as Chang Mustafa attempts to join them, and Thresh sends him out to fight Jackson King. The Tides then argue with Thresh, and Crest yells back at them with Spike Moore taking his side. Footage of Thresh and Spike vs. the Tides is then shown, with the Tides coming out on top. The screen then closes up as a graphic showing Spike Moore on one side and the Tides of Darkness on the other fills the screen, and "Handicap Cage Match" is shown at the bottom of the graphic.**

Hey are you with me when everything goes your way?
Hey you wanna be all the things you take from me
It's the one time, it's the one time, it's the one time.

**Gravedigger is beating up on a few of the roster members of NMW on one side of the screen, as scenes of Jackson King beaten up on several members of Anarchy are shown on the other side. Gravedigger then is shown fighting Thresh for the NMW title, only to have Chang Mustafa interfere and cause Gravedigger to lose. Jackson King is then fighting the Tides of Darkness, whom he beats in a handicap match in an attempt to get at Thresh. Zack Macomber is then shown dropping onto the scene, and Thresh goes after Zack, only to be pummeled. Jackson King is then shown being pushed towards a picture of Gravedigger, and the picture of Gravedigger being pushed towards King. The two pictures collide, and the words "I Quit Match" appear on the large picture.**

Let me crawl inside your head for just a little while
You know it makes me feel like a dirty child
I know, I know I'm talkin' about me
I'm fucked inside!

**A salmon appears on the MilleniTron, but soon disappears and in its place stands Mr. Platypus. The screen then flashes to a scene of the Knife hitting the Cutter on Platypus in his World title match against Thresh Crest. The screen flashes again to show Tony Monroe upsetting the Knife to win the NMW North American title. Monroe is then shown skankin' around everywhere, trying to give away a dollar to everyone. A picture of Knife pops up, showing him steaming over losing his title. This followed up by a shot of Mr. Platypus, who is swinging his salmon around in the air after helping Monroe win the NA title. The three pictures of the men slide together, as a cardboard box slides by the screen. The box leaves in its trail the words "Tables, Ladders, Chairs, and Cardboard Boxes Match for North American title" pop up.**

Hey are you with me when everything goes your way
Hey you wanna be all the things you take from me
Hey are you with me when everything goes your way?
It's the one time, it's the one time, it's the one time.

**Thresh Crest is shown in his locker room, putting on his boots, as he hears a noise in the bathroom after Winter's Wonderland. His boots have been moved when he comes back, and when he finds them, he finds a message that reads "Who rules?" Thresh storms out in a rage, as several of his NMW title matches are shown, plus his match with Spike against the Tides. Thresh is then shown doing sit-ups in his room, when he sees the word "Tonight" plastered on his ceiling. More footage of the Spike/Thresh vs. Tides match is shown, as Zack Macomber, dressed like an angel, descends from the roof, much to the delight of the fans. He clubs Thresh with a pipe, causing the NMW champ to lose the tag match. Zack is then pulled back up, as the screen focuses on Thresh's body. This then fades out, and two more graphics slide into place, one portraying Zack Macomber, and the other portraying Thresh Crest. A graphic of the NMW title then slams down in between them, as the words "NMW Title Match" emerge onto the screen. The screen then shatters, as the large mack truck from the beginning drives through it, and the lights in the arena come back on.**

It's the one time.

**"Cold Cocked" by Pete comes to a close, as the NMW Arena is shown, packed with fans on the inside. The fans are jumping up and down, women are showing their breasts, and all is well. People are drunk, and all is well. "Cold Cocked" begins to play again, causing even more chaos among the fans. The camera zooms around the arena, showing various signs and such:

"Dance Dance Revolution sucks."

"The Slaughterhouse sucks almost as much as Dance Dance Revolution."

"UAW sucks balls."

"If I were a gay guy, I would play Dance Dance Revolution."

"X-Pac is the creator of Dance Dance Revolution."

After showing the signs, the camera quickly spins around to face the two commentators for the evening, and the TRUE dynamic duo, Tyler Fredericks and Brian Erikson.

Tyler Fredericks-Good evening NMW fans, and welcome to Seth Winter's counter for MOW Slaughterhouse's eXile…This is eXclusion!

Brian Erikson-I'm glad to see the fans went all out on creativity for their signs tonight.

Fredericks-Folks, we don't wanna waste any time by blowing smoke out our asses…

Erikson-Speak for yourself.

Fredericks-…so we're gonna jump right into this action-packed show. First, let's peep the card for the eveing.








Erikson-Wow…there were a lot of stipulations added overnight.

Fredericks-Yes there were. Apparently Spike Moore gets to find a partner for his cage match with the Tides of Darkness now.

Erikson-Plus we have the second ever TLCCB match! Tables, ladders, chairs, and cardboard boxes rule all.

Fredericks-Plus, an "I Quit" match stipulation was added to King vs. Gravedigger.

Erikson-Maybe this PPV won't suck after all.

Fredericks-Don't speak too soon…Let's get through this first match. It features a spy that Rymiel sent over from UAW, the large Bear. Winters must have thought that it would be smart to team him up with Chang Mustafa.



Fredericks- A tornado tables match? Well, seeing the two teams I don’t know how long this match will last.

**"What is a Juggalo?" by Insane Clown Posse strikes up, Buddy and Aikeiro both make their steps out through the curtain with the patented red noses. They both honk them twice and the crowd continues the honkation.**

Erikson- Have you ever known of a wrestler with a certain gimmick that just makes you get a headache?

Fredericks- What?

Erikson- You know, like… Wait a minute… I hate you.

**Buddy and Aikeiro both make their way to the ring as the camera focuses on the Millenitron. The phrase "Moust Letirut Man" streaks across it. Then "Bodies" by Drowning Pool blares over the speakers as Chang Mustafa walks through the curtain….alone. He checks his back just in case his partner were to come out of no where. But is sorely disappointed and he walks down the ramp and stands outside the ring.**

Fredericks- Seeing how Buddy and Aikeiro own the tag team division… I don’t think Chang and Bear stand a chance…

Erikson- Yeah… they’re screwed.

Buddy and Aikeiro immediately go to work on Chang, whipping him into the ropes and giving him a double spinebuster. Buddy yells at Aikeiro and he nods, sliding out of the ring in search of some tables. Buddy pulls Chang up and locks a suplex on him. He lifts him in the air and finishes it off with a spin. The crowd starts cheering loudly and Buddy raises his arms in the air until he hears the sound of wood splintering. Buddy spins around to see Bear cracking the table Aikeiro had in to two parts! Bear reaches out to grab Aikeiro, but Buddy leaps over the top rope and flattens the huge man! Buddy gets up and honks his nose, Aikeiro nods and does the same. Aikeiro dives back into the ring and Buddy shoves a table into the inside. Chang grabs Aikeiro from behind and pulls him down into a diving reverse DDT! Buddy, after pushing the table in, turns to continue assaulting Bear. Chang picks up the table and sets it up as Bear low blows Buddy on the outside! Chang then puts Aikeiro on the table and runs to the top of the turnbuckle. He turns around and gets ready to jump, but Aikeiro slips off of it to the side. Buddy wobbles around, holding his groin when Bear grabs him and just places him on his shoulder. Bear then runs at the ringpost, but Buddy slides off of his back, shoving Bear into the post! Bear stumbles backwards and the camera focuses on the dent left in the post. Bear shakes the cobwebs from his head as the awed Buddy stares in disbelief. Chang sets Aikeiro back on the table and climbs the turnbuckle again. He turns around, and doesn’t see Aikeiro on the table, but instead sees him as Chang receives a hurracaranna off the turnbuckle!

Fredericks- Mindblowing.

Erikson- Well it certainly blows.

Bear rushes at Buddy, and Buddy is able to drop toe hold him on the outside. Bear gets back up quickly and roars, rushing again. Buddy turns and flees to the ring, with Bear in close pursuit. Aikeiro whips Chang into the ropes and Buddy and Aikeiro both duck as Bear clotheslines Chang straight to hell!

Fredericks- I’ve never seen a man flip that many times out of a clothesline!!

Erikson- You’ve also never seen Bear wrestle…

Both Buddy and Aikeiro quickly take it to Bear, trying to keep the man off his feet, but Bear simply puts his hands on their foreheads and shoves them away, making them to backwards somersaults on the mat. Buddy is the first to get back up and he runs up to Bear and punches him in the face, he then ducks down quickly as Bear swings a sloppy return punch, Aikeiro runs up and kicks off of Buddy’s back, performing a dropkick right into Bear’s forehead! Bear stumbles backwards and into the ropes, forcing him to walk forwards and trip over the still downed Buddy. Aikeiro quickly runs to the turnbuckle, he stumbles a bit though but eventually gets up to his feet. He turns and leaps without a second thought, but Bear was already up. Bear grabs Aikeiro right out of midair and jackknife powerbombs him right through the table!

Anna Lopez- The first to be eliminated, Aikeiro!

Buddy gets up now and leaps onto the back of Bear, putting him in a sleeper hold. Buddy uses his knee to push on Bear’s back, forcing the big man to slow down even more than he already is. Bear stumbles around for a moment and falls to a knee, his arms start swaying around as Buddy just tightens the hold.

Fredericks- Does he know he can’t win by doing this?

Erikson- I think the object is just to put Bear down until Chang is decimated…

Fredericks- Hmm… good call.

Buddy keeps the hold going strong until a sidekick from Chang forces him off. Buddy falls back to the ropes and Chang quickly follows him, but Buddy does a rope flippy thing and lands on the outside of the ring. This astonishes Chang as he stares in disbelief, allowing Buddy time to grab Chang by his feet and drag him out of the ring. Aikeiro starts to move around a bit, and Bear slowly wakens back up. Buddy grabs Chang and pulls him up onto his shoulder and quickly slams him down with a body slam. Buddy walks over to the tables that are set aside and sets one up. He then turns to be put in a grapple by Chang. Chang knees Buddy in the gut and grabs him by the leg. He then flips him over in a fisherman’s suplex on the hard outer floor! Chang grabs Buddy and throws him on top of the commentator’s booth.

Fredericks- NO! This show isn’t all the way through yet, I don’t want to lose my baby!

Chang then pulls the table over to the apron, making a bridge like structure. He stands on the apron of the ring and begins to run across the bridge when Aikeiro jumps on the turnbuckle, Buddy punches the off guard Chang, causing him to bend backwards on the already bending table. Aikeiro leaps off of the turnbuckle and lands on him with a flipping leg drop, breaking the table!

Anna Lopez- Chang Mustafa, eliminated.

Bear roars and runs to the ropes. He comes rushing back and leaps over the top turnbuckle, tackling Buddy and ramming him into the commentator’s booth. Both men lay nearly unconscious as Aikeiro grabs some tables and throws them into the ring. He then dives in and sets them up, before sliding out of the ring again and setting a table up near the 3 man unconscious pileup. He then grabs Bear by the head and pulls…. But he can’t pull the big man up to his feet! Aikeiro tries again, this time kicking Bear right in the face! But again, no luck. He grabs a pitcher of water that is nearby and splashes it across Buddy’s face, causing him to wake up. Buddy shoves Bear off of him and Aikeiro helps him getting up. Together the two man team pulls back on Bear, slowly getting him up off the ground. They set Bear on the table and it creases, bends, and falls to its side, landing Bear back on the ground. Both men look at each other, then at Bear, and fall into a huddle. Both men nod and break. Aikeiro runs to the back and Buddy continues pounding on the fallen animal. Suddenly Chang begins his warcry and Buddy spins around, just in time to back body drop Chang onto Bear! Buddy then grabs a table and sets it in front of the rampway. He pulls Chang over, lifts him up in the air and gives him the Psycopathic Slam (sitout powerbomb) through the table!

Fredericks- If only that could count…

Erikson- I actually have faith in these nimrods. They’re NMW, which means they are insane.

Buddy grabs Chang from the rubble and continues to beat the living hell out of him with punches and kicks. He grabs Chang in a whip and whips him, but Chang reverses it out of pure adrenaline and Buddy rams into the steel steps, causing them to fly out of sync. Chang, barely holding onto reality, gets up and rushes at Buddy with his knee, driving his knee into Buddy’s skull! Buddy’s nose starts to bleed as Chang kicks his stomach and chest. Chang then pulls Buddy up out of the corner and drops him with a snapmare, kicking him right in the spine. Buddy cries out in pain and turns over. Chang stands poised for Buddy, in the Rock stance. Buddy gets up and turns groggily, Chang grabs him in the Rock Bottom, he lifts him up, but Buddy pulls his arm back and spike DDT’s Chang’s head into the outside flooring!

Fredericks- Holy shit!

Erikson- I wonder what they are up too… I think Bear was on a sugar rush from all of those twinkies, now he’s out from his brain trying to get back to a normal working order.

Fredericks- Brian… There is no normal brain order with Bear.

Buddy turns the corner and checks on Bear, who is still laid out. Buddy walks over to the rampway and raises his arms into the air, honking his nose twice, getting the crowd pumped up. Just then Aikeiro bursts from the curtain in a full sprint down to the ring. He looks around and checks out the damage done, then smiles to see Bear still out cold. Aikeiro grabs another pitcher of water from nearby and slams the glass onto Bear, sending shards all over the outside of the ring! Bear, after being hit in the hardest spot on his body, groggily wakes up and slowly gets to his feet. Aikeiro realizes his mistake and dives back into the ring. Bear’s focus comes clear and sees Buddy, waving a cape with a giant twinkie on it! Bear bends down and kicks his feet back, getting ready for a huge rush. Bear doesn’t even get the chance to start when Buddy throws the cape to Aikeiro, who waves it from inside the ring. Bear turns and dives through the ropes from a standstill. Aikeiro throws the cape back to Buddy, who has now entered the ring.

Fredericks- Oh my…

Buddy holds the cape and flags it cautiously. Bear takes a few steps back, then blindly charges at the cape. Buddy pulls it out of the way and Bear stops. He turns to see Buddy waving the cape again. Bear snarls and charges at the cape again, but this time Bear switches paths and rushes at Buddy, Buddy gets down and trips Bear, plummeting him headfirst over the top rope and through the table that is standing outside the ring!

Fredericks- ITS OVER!! THEY DID IT!

Anna Lopez- Winners and still tag team champions, Buddy and Aikeiro!

**"What is a Juggalo?" hits again as Buddy and Aikeiro leap out of the ring and continue beating on the UAW superstar. Bear groggily begins to get up as Buddy and Aikeiro continue their petty punches and kicks. Bear explodes out of no where and double clotheslines them both! Chang climbs the nearest turnbuckle and points down at Aikeiro! He then leaps off, but Bear catches him to and powerbombs him on the floor!!!**

Fredericks- He just decimated his own team member!

Erikson- No, he killed his enemy. Along with two others.

Fredericks- Shit…

**The Millenitron lights up to show Seth standing in front of a construction crew hard at work.**

Winters- Oh Bear? I believe you are looking for these?

**Seth pulls a double pack of twinkies out of his pocket and holds them in front of the camera. He then waves them back and forth, like if he was hypnotizing someone.**

Winters- Come and get them you overgrown beach ball.

**Winters tosses them aside as the camera cuts out.**

Bear- TWINKIE!!! NO!!!

**Bear rushes up the ramp and dives through the curtain, taking sharp turns to get to the room where Winters is keeping the twinkies.**


**The camera quickly lights up the area as the voice of Seth Winters can be heard shouting orders.**

Winters- Alright! Right there! Okay boys, lower the twinkies!

**A bag of twinkies, with a hook running through them, lowers down from the roof and dangles in front of the cage. One of the homeless crew members give Winters the thumbs up sign and he nods.**

Winters- We’re hunting wabbits…

**Two of the crew members chuckle at Winters’ mistake as another crew guy comes running through the door.**

Guy- Bear! Coming! Hurry! Hide!

**The whole squad of workers and Winters quickly dive behind boxes and await their prey. Suddenly, Bear comes crashing through the door.**

Bear- Hmmm, new place. Bear smells…. Smells…. TWINKIES!

**Bear scopes out the twinkies in front of the cage. He dives for them, landing himself inside the huge metal contraption and Winters pulls a lever, shutting the cage!**

Winters- GOTCHA! Muwahaha, Bear, you are going back to UAW!

**One of the larger crew members reach in and grab one of the twinkies from Bear (it was a twin set). He laughs at him and eats it right in front of Bear. Bear suddenly reaches out through the bars on the cage and is stopped just an inch from the big mans face! The man leaps back and Bear lets out a animalistic growl.**


**Bear puts both hands on the bars and begins to pull them.**

Winters- Heh, tempered steel Bear… you won’t ge…

**Bear bends the bars back a bit.**

Winters- Crew… arm yourselves!

**The crew each grabs their trusty cattle prods as Bear smashes through the cage.**

Bear- Your licorice sticks don’t hurt me!

**Bear grabs one from a stunned homeless crewman as they all scramble to get away from the big man. The camera rests on Bear, who smiles and… waves?**

Bear- Hi mah.

**The camera fades out.**





**"Fuel" by Metallica hits the speakers, and the fans cheers as the imposing Tank and his girlfriend Desyre emerge onto the stage. Desyre waves at the crowd, and all the men wave back, as the two make their way down to the ring. Tank steps up and over the top rope, and Desyre stands at ringside.**

Erikson-Desyre is looking damn fine tonight.

**"Fear" by Disturbed hits, and the crowd cheer's quickly turn to boos, as Cliff appears on the stage. He flips off the crowd as he walks down the ramp, slapping people in the face along the way. Cliff then takes off and runs towards the ring, sliding in and raising his arms in the air to taunt the crowd and Tank. The bell rings.**

Fredericks-This No DQ match should prove to be pretty brutal.

Tank starts the match out by attempting a tie up that Cliff quickly counters by punching Tank in the face. Tank doesn’t seem phased by it, so Cliff throws another punch that finds its mark on Tank’s jaw. Cliff sees that this is going nowhere fast, and runs into the ropes and comes back with a clothesline, but Tank hits a powerslam instead.

Fredericks- "Doesn’t look to good for Cliff here."

Erikson- "What are you talking about? Cliff has this match in the bag."

Fredericks- "Heh, sure as hell doesn’t look like it."

Erikson- "Yeah, well….look harder!"

Tank picks Cliff up by the hair and throws him into the ropes. As Cliff comes rushing back, Tank connects with a swift kick to the gut that stops Cliff in his tracks. Tank easily brings Cliff up in a stalling suplex. Tank walks around with Cliff still in the air for a bit before bringing him down with a vicious jackhammer! Cliff kicks out before the ref has a chance to get down for the count. Tank lifts Cliff to his feet, but Cliff hits a low blow.

Fredericks- "What the hell?! Cliff just low blowed Tank!"

Erikson- "I think you need to lay off the drugs, man. I didn’t see anything."

Fredericks- "Go figure."

Cliff doesn’t waste any time and quickly whips Tank into the ropes. On the return, Cliff drops Tank with a droptoe hold and keeps locked on for a STF. Tank tries to fight toward the ropes, but Cliff wrenches further back on Tank’s neck. The ref checks Tank, but Tank doesn’t give up and the referee is forced to pull Cliff off of Tank. Cliff responds by shoving the ref and yelling in his face. Tank comes up with a clothesline to the back of Cliff’s head. Tank begins to stomp the hell out of Cliff, forcing him out of the ring. Tank quickly follows Cliff to the outside and up the ramp. Cliff keeps swatting at Tank, saying he’s had enough. Tank just laughs at Cliff and runs up the ramp after him. Cliff turns around just in time to be gored into part of the eXclusion set. The set starts to shake violently at this as metal bars and poles begin to dangle from the impact.

Fredericks- "Holy shit, that nearly destroyed the set!"

Erikson- "Yeah, that Tank would be in for it from Winters if that would happen."

Fredericks- "What are you talking about? Winters would just laugh and soak up the ratings."

Erikson- "Hehe…yeah, I know! Isn’t it great."

**Just then, as if on cue, the MilleniTron shimmers from the match to inside President Winters’ office. Winters is sitting at his desk watching a monitor when he notices the camera is rolling.

Winters- "Well, after that spectacular gore, I couldn’t help but think about how much I would enjoy seeing these two idiots kill each other! I’m sure the fans will love the sheer brutality. So, therefore, this match is now to be held under hardcore rules, instead of just simply No DQ! Have a wonderful evening.**

The MilleniTron starts showing the match once again as Cliff tries to get to his feet. Tank whips Cliff into the dangling bits of metal, causing Cliff to stumble backwards on impact. Cliff stumbles backwards right into a back suplex from Tank.

Fredericks- "Wow, what an announcement from Winters, and what a suplex from Tank!"

Erikson- "Suck up."

Fredericks- "Look who’s talking!"

Erikson- "Your mom? What?"

Tank pulls Cliff to his feet and goes to slam his face into the dangling pipes, but Cliff ducks and shoves Tank into them instead! Cliff hits Tank with a underhook belly to back suplex and quickly spins around and locks on a front face lock. Cliff uses the sleeper type hold to bring Tank to his feet, only to plant him again with a hard DDT. Cliff rolls over on Tank and starts to punch him in the face repeatedly. Tank tries to get his hands up to block, but is unable to do so. Cliff stops the assault and stands up to taunt the crowd.

Erikson- "Look at Cliff. He’s so damn good he doesn’t NEED to pay attention to Tank!"

Fredericks- "HAHAHAHA!! Oh..wait…you were serious, weren’t you?"

Erikson- "Ha ha ha, you think you’re soo funny."

Fredericks- "No, I don’t THINK I am, I KNOW I am."

Erikson- "….."

Cliff brings Tank up to his feet and slams him back into the eXclusion set. Cliff kicks the downed Tank a few times before heading back towards the ring. Cliff reaches under the ring apron and pulls out a table and some trashcan lids. He tosses the lids into the ring and slides the table in. Cliff slides in after the table, and grabs a trashcan lid. Tank starts walking back towards the ring as Cliff wedges a trashcan lid in between the second and third turnbuckles. As Tank props himself up on the apron, Cliff unties the turnbuckle pad for the top turnbuckle. Tank slides into the ring and stalks Cliff in the opposite corner. Cliff turns around, only to be gored right into the trashcan lid AND the exposed turnbuckle!!

Fredericks- "Wow. Tank is a monster. Cliff just can’t beat him."

Erikson- "You’ll be eating those words."

Fredericks- "Like I ate your mom?"

Erikson- "Dude, that was sick. Have you actually SEEN my mom?"

Fredericks- "It’s a figure of spe…"

Erikson- "No, I don’t want to hear it. That was just friggin sick!"

Tank takes a few steps back and shakes the cobwebs out of his head as Cliff lies in a mangled heap in the corner. Tank sets up the table by the opposite corner and motions for Desyre to slide in another table. Desyre reaches under the ring and pulls out another table and slides it in as Cliff sneaks up behind Tank and connects with a low blow. Cliff uses the moment to slam Tank’s head into the un-setup table with a reverse DDT. Cliff is too exhausted to make the cover, however, and both men lie there motionless as the ref starts his 10 count….1…..2…..3…..4…..5…..6…Cliff reaches an arm up..7…Cliff flops the arm down across Tank’s chest …………..1……………..….2…………….3, but Tank kicked out BEFORE the 3!!!

Fredericks- "OH MY GOD, that was close!!"

Erikson- "NO!!! Damn Tank!!! Damn him to hell!!"

Cliff looks up at the referee with a look of disbelief. Cliff starts to groggily get to his feet and picks up the un-setup table. Cliff places that table propped up on the turnbuckle and the other setup table. Cliff slides out of the ring and starts searching for something underneath the ring as Desyre comes up and slaps him across the face! Cliff responds by shoving Desyre into the ring steps!

Fredericks- "Look at this bastard, he has no right to hit a woman!"

Erikson- "Turn abouts are fair play!"

Fredericks- "For Pete’s sake, man! Where is your conscience?"

Erikson- "Conscience? When did that become part of the job description?"

Cliff pulls out a ladder and slides that into the ring. Cliff sets up Tank on the table that is propped up by the turnbuckle and the other table. As Cliff starts to climb the side of the ladder furthest from Tank, Desyre slides into the ring behind Cliff. Desyre climbs up behind Cliff and locks him in the "testicular claw"!!

Fredericks- "OH!!!"

Erikson- "Damn women!"

Desyre’s hold gives Tank time to recover and he slowly climbs up the ladder. Tank lifts Cliff up onto his shoulders and falls strait back in a Samoan drop off of the ladder, through BOTH of the tables!!!

Fredericks & Erikson- HOLY SHIT!!!

Tank stays on top of Cliff as the ref drops and counts…………………1…………………….2………………………..3!!!

Anna Lopez- Winner at 8:51, Tank!

**Desyre helps Tank out of the wreckage of the table and out of the ring as "Fuel" by Metallica blasts throughout the arena.**

Fredericks- "What an ending to a great match!"

Erikson- "Yeah, like I said…Tank had the match in the bag. You really do need to start rooting for the winners, Fredericks."


**Jackson King is sitting in his locker room, wrapping some gauze around his right fist. He stops for a moment to look up at the camera.**

King-Gravedigger…Tonight, you and I are walking into that ring to fight each other in an I Quit match. I guess it's only fair that I warn you…I don't quit. Never have, never will. You may have the same philosophy on quitting as I do, but it doesn't matter. I'm winning this match tonight, and I'll prove why I deserve to be the NMW champion. I may have gotten shafted out of the main event by Winters, but I'm going to make up for it tonight Gravedigger. I'm gonna kick your dead ass harder than NMW is going to kick the collective asses of UAW and the Slaughterhouse. Be careful big man…because I will not say "I Quit" tonight. And if you think any differently…then you can kiss my hairy black ass!

**The camera starts to fade as King goes back to wrapping his hand, but it stops for a moment, as the lights in King's locker room starts to flicker. A voice then echoes from between the walls of the room.**

Voice-I don’t quit either. Tonight King…You will be laid to rest.

**The lights then flicker back on to full power, as King punches his fist into his other palm, then gets up and walks out the door. The camera fades.**


**The camera skips to the Buddy and Aikeiro locker room where they are chattering as usual.**

Buddy- Geezus, that Bear freaked the hell out of me.

Aikeiro- He… frightened… me too.

Buddy- Well, he freaked me out, he didn’t frighten me. The only thing frightening about him really was his speech.

**Aikeiro frowns a bit because he knows his speech isn’t perfect.**

Buddy- But at least he has the "Moust Letirat Man" in the world as his tag partner. Good ol’ Chang Mustafa.

Aikeiro- Maybe… Chang can teach… me how to… speak.

Buddy- Don’t hold your breath. Besides, I think Chang will have enough trouble just trying to teach Bear not to attack him. That is, if they aren’t able to get him shipped back to UAW. Just stick with me kid, I’ll make sure you learn everything the legitimate way. By the way, do you want to play a game of poker? Be a good way of calming down after that great tag team title defense.

Aikeiro- Poker? Sure, I’ll whip you this time!

Buddy- Heh… Yeah… This’ll be fun.

**The scene fades as Buddy smiles gleefully.**


Fredericks-Shall we go over the rules of this next match?

Erikson-Let's shall.

Fredericks-Well, it's quite simple. A group of NMW superstars will all be in the ring at one time. To be eliminated, you MUST be pinned. No submissions, no countouts, just pinfalls. Once all men are eliminated, the last one left unpinned will be the NMW High Stakes Champion.

Erikson-Sounds easy enough. How many guys are actually in this match?

Fredericks-Good question.

Erikson-Huh? You don't even know how many guys are in it? Well then how do we separate the ones who are actually involved in it from the ones who are just interfering on the part of the 24/7/365.25 rule?

Fredericks-Luck of the Irish?

Erikson-But neither of us is Irish.

Fredericks-Well then we're fucked.


**A hush comes over the crowd, as "Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit smacks the ears of every fan in attendance. The High Stakes champion, Cazz Selmer, walks out onto the stage, with his belt around his waist. He looks a bit concerned, but is still confident in his walk, as he makes his way down to the ring, amidst the booing of the fans. Cazz walks around the ring and stands on the opposite side, in front of the announce table, as he waits for his competition.**

Fredericks-This should prove to be a very interesting match.

**"In The End" by Linkin Park slowly starts up on the speakers, and the fans give a mixed reaction with the boos prevailing a bit, as the Great Kuda makes his way down the stage. Kuda looks across the ring at Cazz Selmer, who remains standing outside the squared circle. Kuda steps up onto the apron, and walks to the middle of the ring.**

Erikson-We haven't heard a whole lot from this Kuda guy, although he's been here for about a month. **CoughGreatMudaRipoffCough**

**Once Kuda is in the ring, "Gently" by Slipknot rolls onto the sound system. The fans' boos strengthen as one of the remaining members of Anarchy, Morbid Angel, makes his way onto the stage, and paces slowly down the ramp. Angel stops at the bottom of the ramp, and stares up at the Great Kuda. Morbid Angel then hops up onto the apron, and takes a seat atop one of the turnbuckles.**

Fredericks-Morbid Angel, a member of Anarchy…if Anarchy even still exists…

**The fans boos lessen a bit, and some even turn to cheers, as a pinkish hue shrouds over the arena. "The Kings of Rock" by Run DMC hits the system, and former Lollipop of Mediocrity champion, Triple J, makes his way towards the ring, skipping gaily. Triple J looks up at Angel and Kuda, then looks over at Cazz. Triple J squeals a war squeal, as he slides into the ring and runs at Kuda.**

Erikson-The gay one wants to get this thing started!

The bell rings as Triple J charges at the Great Kuda. Kuda simply sticks his arm out and smokes Triple J with a clothesline, sending Triple J into a spiral before he hits the mat. Kuda then lifts up Triple J and hooks up for a suplex. Great Kuda lifts up Triple J, and drops him down with a Vertical Suplex. Kuda then gets up over Triple J and taunts him…before Kuda is dropkicked from behind by Morbid Angel. Kuda falls to the mat, as Morbid Angel begins stomping on Triple J. Cazz drops his High Stakes title on the ground, and hopes onto the apron, ready for action. Kuda recovers after the kick he took, and starts punching Triple J in the face, knocking him back against the ropes. Cazz prepares to get into the ring, when Kuda whips Triple J to the opposite ropes, where Triple J slams into Cazz, knocking him out to the floor. Triple J then stumbles forward, right into a kick to the gut, followed by a piledriver by Kuda. Kuda then rolls Triple J over and hooks the leg……………………1………………………2……………………..Morbid Angel drops an elbow on Kuda, stopping the pin. Cazz now gets up on the outside, obviously very angry. Back in the ring, Morbid Angel pulls Great Kuda up to his feet, and begins socking him with right hands. Triple J gets up, dazed, and watches the two go at it. Cazz Selmer once again hops up onto the apron, just as Triple J catches a stray elbow to the jaw from Angel. Triple J stumbles back, slamming into Cazz once again and shooting the High Stakes champ off the apron once more.

Fredericks-Looks like Cazz might not get to participate in this match at all.

Great Kuda and Morbid Angel are still punching the crap out of each other, until Great Kuda drops to his knees and nails a legal low blow on Angel. Angel doubles over, as Great Kuda sets him up in a piledriver position. Kuda tries to lift Angel, but Morbid Angel blocks it. Then, Triple J comes running and clotheslines Kuda, causing Kuda to fall back and Morbid Angel to roll on top of him, hooking him in a modified pinning combination……………………..1…………………….2…………………..Great Kuda kicks out, and slowly gets back to his feet. On the outside of the ring, Cazz Selmer has lifted the apron skirt and is under the ring, until he pulls out a trash can. Cazz then screams out a war cry, as he slides into the ring. All three men already in the ring turn to look, as Cazz runs at each one of them, smashing the can over each man's head! First Triple J, then Kuda, then Morbid Angel. Triple J falls over, but Kuda and Angel remains standing, wobbly. Cazz nails each of them with another shot, but neither of them fall. Cazz drops the can, steps forward, and smashes their heads together! Both men now crumple to the mat…when suddenly, "Smooth Criminal" by Alien Ant Farm hits.

Erikson-Uh oh, that's Crazy Joker's music. I guess there's still some more participants in this match.

**Crazy Joker appears on the stage, green as ever. But he isn't alone, because following him is another man of the same size, and who looks very much the same as Crazy Joker, the main difference being that on the other man's long pants, instead of saying "Crazy Joker", they read "Insane Joker". Crazy Joker steps forward onto the stage, as does Insane Joker. The two men make their way down the ramp, as Cazz watches and taunts them to step into the ring.**

Fredericks-Hmm, it appears as though Crazy Joker has a friend.

Erikson-Yeah, I've heard about this guy. His name is Insane Joker…Creative, I know. Apparently, he is the brother of Crazy Joker. But I hear he isn't as useless.

Crazy Joker and Insane Joker both step up onto the apron, as Cazz waits on them. Both men step into the ring and hop over the downed bodies of the other three fighters. They both run at Cazz attempting a double clothesline, but Cazz ducks it. When they turn around, Cazz jabs Crazy Joker in the jaw, then does the same to Insane Joker. Cazz then starts doing a little Shake, Rattle, and Roll action, then he is quickly smoked with a forearm smash from both of the Jokers. Down on the mat, Great Kuda rolls over and drapes his arm over Triple J………………..1………………..2……………………3!! Kuda then starts to get to his feet as the crowd cheers a bit.

Anna Lopez-Eliminated at 3:02, Triple J!

Triple J rolls out of the ring a bitter man, as the match continues. Morbid Angel is now starting to get up, as is Cazz Selmer. The Joker await them, and ready themselves for a fight. Kuda flashes a glance over at Morbid Angel, as both men spring forward and they each gore the Jokers! Kuda begins pounding on Crazy Joker, while Morbid Angel mounts on Insane Joker and begins nailing him with the Ultimate Punches. Cazz Selmer then gets to his feet, and walks up behind Kuda and Angle, grabbing them both by the hair. Cazz pulls them both up, before locking them under his arms, and delivering a double Reverse DDT! Cazz quickly gets up to admire his handiwork, when he is clubbed from behind by Insane Joker, who now has the trash can. Cazz falls against the ropes, as Crazy Joker whips him to the opposite side of the ring. Cazz bounces back, as Insane Joker prepare to hit him with the can. Cazz runs towards Insane Joker, and dropkicks the can into his face before Insane Joker can make his move! The trash can is almost wrapped around Insane Joker's face from the impact, and he falls to the mat, before rolling out of the ring. Crazy Joker screams and runs at Cazz, but gets caught in a Reverse Armbar. Cazz starts wrenching on Crazy Joker, when all of a sudden, American Head Charge's "Violent Reaction" hits.

Fredericks-Uh oh…

**The crowd roars into cheers, as a Mexican emerges from the back, holding a silver platter with the crouton sitting on it. The Mexican walks down the ramp, as people reach out, trying to high-five the crouton. The Mexican paces towards the ring, and watches Cazz on the inside with an armbar on Crazy Joker. The Mexican shudders, and places the crouton on the ring apron, before turning around and walking back up the ramp.**

Erikson-The crouton has cometh.

Cazz holds his armbar on Crazy Joker, until Morbid Angel kicks Cazz in the head from behind. Cazz releases the hold, as Morbid Angel relentlessly begins wailing on Cazz with kicks to the head. Angel then takes a step back, and sets up for a superkick, as Great Kuda begins climbing to the top rope. Angel steps forward to deliver the kick, when he steps on the arm of Crazy Joker, causing himself to slip and fall to the mat on his back. Great Kuda quickly leaps off the top rope, and nails the Kuda Bomb (Swanton Bomb)!! Crazy Joker yells in pain after his arm is stepped on, and Cazz Selmer drops to pin Morbid Angel after Kuda has deliver his finisher…………………1……………………..2……………………3! Great Kuda gets up and sees that Cazz has pinned Angel, and gets very angry over Cazz stealing his spotlight. Meanwhile, Morbid Angel is rolled out of the ring.

Anna Lopez-Eliminated at 4:56, Morbid Angel!

The crouton remains sitting on the apron, as Great Kuda sneaks up on Cazz from behind, and drops him with a Belly to Back Suplex. Kuda then lifts Cazz leg, and steps over it, locking on a Spinning Toe Hold. Kuda spins around Cazz's wrapped leg, causing more and more pain. Just then, Crazy Joker, now at his feet, runs at the ropes, springs off, and bulldogs Kuda to the mat. Cazz is now released from the hold, as Crazy Joker quickly pins Kuda…………………….1…………………2…………………..Great Kuda gets a shoulder up. Crazy Joker gets up and curses, before turning around, and getting pushed into a Rushing Armbar by Cazz Selmer. Cazz knocks Crazy Joker to the mat, and pulls on his hurt arm. Kuda, meanwhile, sees this, and begins climbing the ropes once more. Cazz pulls up on Crazy Joker's arm some more, as Kuda reaches the top rope. Cazz then releases Joker's arm, just as Kuda leaps off the top, attempting another Kuda Bomb (Swanton Bomb)…but both Crazy Joker and Cazz roll out of the way. Kuda hits the mat hard, missing both guys completely. Cazz quickly gets to his feet, but gets superkicked out of nowhere by Crazy Joker. Cazz's head snaps back from the shot, and he almost seems to be out of it now. Crazy Joke takes advantage and runs at Cazz, leaping up onto his shoulder for a hurricanrana. But Cazz blocks the attempt, and drops Crazy Joker with a large Sitout Powerbomb. The ref drops to count the pin……………………..1…………………………2…………………………An explosion nails Cazz in the face, causing him to release Crazy Joker from the pin attempt!

Fredericks-What in the hell was that small explosion?

Erikson-Oh crap…Insane Joker is back, and he has bottle rockets!

Cazz lays on the mat, holding his face in agony, as Insane Joker gets back into the ring, with a handful of the firecrackers. Insane Joker prepares to shoot another one at Cazz, but he is blindsided by a flying elbow from the Great Kuda. Insane Joker drops the rockets, and Kuda begins stomping the crap out of him. Crazy Joker tries to hit Kuda from behind, but Kuda swings his leg back, connecting with a low blow! Joker falls to the mat, as Kuda starts stomping again on Insane Joker. Insane Joker is able to fight his way up to his knees, as Kuda continues his assault, with the other two men lying on the mat still. Kuda then pulls Insane Joker up the rest of the way, before hooking him, lifting him up, and dropping him with a Stalling Brainbuster. Kuda then hops out to the apron and scales the turnbuckle, preparing to leap onto Insane Joker. Right before he jumps, though, another of the small explosions cracks him in the face…causing Kuda to lose his balance and fall to the floor below! Kuda almost lands on his neck, as Crazy Joker is revealed to be the one who shot the bottle rocket at Kuda. Crazy Joker gets up, holding a lighter in one hand, and the rest of the rockets in the other. Crazy Joker wakes up Insane Joker, and points to the outside. Insane Joker nods and sees Kuda lying out there, so he rolls on out as well. Crazy Joker stands in the ring and laughs, when he is spun around by Cazz Selmer. Cazz whips Crazy Joker to the ropes. Crazy Joker bounces back, as Cazz goes for a Back Body Drop. Crazy Joker sees it coming and kicks Cazz in the face. Crazy Joker then tries to light one of the bottle rockets quickly, but Cazz runs at him and knocks the rockets out of Joker's hands. Joker retaliates by slapping Cazz across the face, getting a boo from the crowd. Cazz yells and whips Joker off the ropes once more, following him close behind. As Joker hits the other ropes, Cazz clotheslines him, and both men go toppling over the top rope, landing by the announce table.

Fredericks-Break our table and I'll murder you bastards in cold blood.

Erikson-Tyler…Such animosity…I love it.

Insane Joker has been toying with Great Kuda this whole time, reaching down and slapping him around as Kuda lies out cold on the outside of the ring. As Cazz and Crazy Joker spill over the top rope, Insane Joker looks up and begins to make his way over to help his brother. Insane Joker steps over the body of Great Kuda…when suddenly Kuda springs to his knees, grabs Insane Joker's legs from behind, and rolls him back into a Schoolboy Pin! The ref fall out of the ring and quickly counts…………………..1…………………..2…………………3!!

Anna Lopez-Eliminated at 7:23, Insane Joker!

Crazy Joker hears this announcement as he lies on the floor, and suddenly gets very angry, as his skin turns bright green. Joker slowly gets to his feet, and makes his way over to Kuda, who is now shaking the cobwebs out as he too gets to his feet. Insane Joker gets up and curses, as he sees Crazy Joker approaching. Crazy Joker yells at Kuda, causing Kuda to turn his attention to Crazy Joker…as Insane Joker grabs Great Kuda from behind, lifting him up with a Belly to Back Suplex. Insane Joker then turns around, as Crazy Joker hooks Kuda's head, and the two men execute a Back Suplex/Hangman's Neckbreaker combo. Kuda's head snaps back as he hits the floor, and finally security makes Insane Joker leave the scene. Crazy Joker just laughs as he kneels down and pins the Great Kuda……………………..1………………………2……………………….Cazz Selmer grabs Crazy Joker and pulls him up by the hair, but Joker breaks out of Cazz's grasp. Joker quickly goes for a low blow, but Cazz slides his legs together and shakes his head as if to say "No". Crazy Joker gets up and starts to back up, when he trips over Great Kuda's body. Cazz shrugs and gets down to pin Great Kuda…………………………1………………………2…………………………………….3!!

Anna Lopez-Eliminated at 8:54, Great Kuda!

Fredericks-They're dropping like flies now.

Kuda is still out cold as Crazy Joker scrambles to his feet and slides into the ring. Cazz gets up after pinning Kuda and sees Joker get into the ring. Crazy Joker frantically looks around, but sees no one to help him. His eyes then turn upon the crouton, still sitting on the ring apron. Crazy Joker quickly dives towards it and puts his finger on it. The referee runs over and begins to pound the apron as Crazy Joker makes the pin on the crouton……………………1………………………2………………………..Cazz pulls Crazy Joker's legs from inside the ring, causing Joker's finger to slide off the crouton. Crazy Joker rolls over onto his back and waves up at Cazz, who only scowls. Crazy Joker starts to scoot backwards, trying to get away from Cazz. Then, in one swift motion, Cazz runs forward as if to attempt a field goal kick in football, and jams his foot right into the groin of Crazy Joker! Joker howls in pain, as his eyes roll back in his head. The fans cheer as Cazz gets down, hooks Joker's leg, and the ref slides into the ring to count……………….1…………………..2…………………..3!! Crazy Joker is rolled out of the ring by the ref, and Cazz Selmer stands up, a bit fatigued from the match. He looks down at the crouton on the apron.

Anna Lopez-Eliminated at 10:14, Crazy Joker!

Erikson-And then there were two.

Cazz is about to pin the crouton, when a large shape enters the arena up on stage. The figure steps into the light to reveal…Bear from UAW! He has a Twinkie in his hand, and he begins walking down the ramp, biting the Twinkie in half as he approaches the ring. Bear slides in and looks at Cazz. Cazz just looks at Bear.

Fredericks-Oh my God…Please don't tell me Bear is in this match. Rymiel may have outdone himself.

Cazz starts to get angry, as Bear stares at him confused. Cazz tries to get past Bear so he can pin the crouton, but Bear doesn't let him pass. Cazz swings a punch and strikes Bear in the jaw, but Bear doesn't seem to mind. Cazz then starts screaming and pointing at Bear, and he then points in the general direction of the half-Twinkie. Bear, thinking Cazz is trying to steal his Twinkie, growls in anger, before grabbing Cazz by the head with one hand, and driving an ENORMOUS headbutt into Cazz Selmer's skull! The crowd lets out a collective "OOOOH" as Cazz slumps to the mat, unconscious. Bear looks down, shrugs, and takes a small bite out of the Twinkie. A disgusted look then goes over his face, as if the Twinkie tasted bad. Bear turns around to leave the ring, throwing the Twinkie over his shoulder as he goes. The Twinkie lands on Cazz's chest…as the ref looks around at the crowd, then drops to count………………….1……………………..2……………………….3!!

Anna Lopez-Eliminated at 12:06, Cazz Selmer!


Bear steps out onto the apron, then steps down to the floor below, when he spots the crouton sitting there. Bear picks the small morsel up and looks at it curiously. Bear slowly steps back into the ring, and starts sniffing the crouton. He then takes a lick of it, and his face once again turns to utter disgust. Bear throws the crouton down…and it lands in the center of the crème filling of the half-eaten Twinkie. Bear then turns and leaves the ring, unhappy that he didn't find any new good food. The ref watches Bear leaves, then looks down to see the crouton sitting on the Twinkie. He quickly drops and counts…………………….1………………….2…………………3!! The bell rings, as the ref leans down and picks up the crouton, licking off the bit of crème filling on it. He then raises it above his head, as the timekeeper grabs the High Stakes title belt.

Anna Lopez-Eliminated at 13:45, the Twinkie. Winner of the High Stakes Battle Royal, and new NMW High Stakes Champion, The Crouton!

**The crowd cheers, as the crouton is set back down on the mat by the referee. The High Stakes title belt is then placed next to it, as Cazz Selmer slowly starts to stir.**

Fredericks-I don't believe this…The crouton is the NMW High Stakes Champion.

Erikson-Seth isn't gonna like this…

**Just then, Crazy Joker, barely conscious after the severe low blow he took, slides into the ring. He begins stomping around in a tirade, and then he lifts up the defenseless crouton. The crowd gasps as Crazy Joker yells something at it…and eats it! He chews it up, and swallows, then raises his arms in the air. The crowd erupts into boos at this heinous act. Crazy Joker marches around the ring proudly…until Cazz Selmer taps him on the shoulder. Joker happily turns around, as Cazz knees him in the balls, and DDTs him into the mat. Joker's lights go out, as Cazz rolls him over and pins him. The ref shakes his head, but kneels down to count anyway………………..1……………………..2………………………3!! Cazz gets up as the bell rings again, and grabs the High Stakes belt. He groggily leaves the ring quickly, throwing the strap over his shoulder.**

Anna Lopez-New NMW High Stakes Champion, Cazz Selmer!

Fredericks-Well, I'm speechless. I guess Cazz gets the title back because the crouton was inside Joker…

Erikson-Don't try to analyze it Tyler…Just accept it. That's all you can do. This place does strange things…


**The camera opens to show The Skankin’ Punkabilly Tony Monroe sitting on a bench outside the arena. He holds in his hand the dollar bill that he’s had for two weeks now. Every time he tries to get rid of it, the dollar always makes it back to him… or so he thinks.**

Tony Monroe- Alright, I have you figured out.

**He pulls out a sharpie marker.**

Tony Monroe- And now I’ll see if you really are a magical dollar.

**He scribbles his signature on the dollar bill and puts the sharpie away. He skanks across the street to the Motomart gas station. He peers in the window and thinks for a moment. A smile spreads across his face as he enters the gas station.**

Night Shift Skanky Woman- Can I help you sir?

Tony Monroe- Yes, I’d like to purchase a scratch n sniff lottery ticket.

Night Shift Skanky Woman- I’m sorry sir, they aren’t sniffy… but they do scratch alright.

**The woman chuckles to herself only in the way that night shift women can.**

Tony Monroe- Right… well can I have that one?

**Tony points to a random ticket and she pulls it out. He hands her the dollar, and grabs a coin from the coin dish on the desk and scratches away at the card.**

Tony Monroe- WOO HOOO!!! A Free ticket. I’ll take that now please.

**The woman sighs to herself and gets off her little stool and grabs him another ticket. He chuckles to himself while he scratches away at the second one…**

Tony Monroe- Finally I am free of that damn dolla… oh shit.

**The camera focuses on the ticket to see he scratched off three "$1.00" prizes, giving him one dollar as his prize.**

Skanky Woman- Well there you go, here’s your 1 dollar!

**She hands them the dollar he gave her that still bears his signature. Tony sighs and skanks out of the gas station as the camera fades out.**


**Spike Moore is seen standing outside the bathroom, apparently talking to somebody inside.**

Spike- "Hey, thanks for doing this for me. I know you had a match tonight, but you gave it up to help me kick those ingrates' respective asses.

**Spike pauses a moment.**

Spike- "Yeah, of course I know what this means…we're going to go out there and prove why WE are the single greatest tag team in NMW."

**Spike pauses again, pressing his ear to the door, trying to hear what the person inside is saying.**

Spike- "My brothers? Those two idiots couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag. So what if Chris is the UAW Survival Champion….a title I should have had, but I'm not bitter….We just gotta go out there and prove why we are the best our families. Let's go, man.

**Camera cuts back to Fredericks and Erikson.**


Fredericks-Well, that was interesting. It looks like Spike has a tag team partner lined up for him. Any ideas who it might be?

Erikson-I'm thinking Thresh Crest. It's gotta be Thresh.

Fredericks-Well, you're usually wrong, so I'm gonna say it's not Thresh.

Erikson-Screw you Fredericks, I'm not gonna let you spoil my giddiness for this match. You turd…



Fredericks- Unlike most cage matches, this match will NOT allow use of that door.

Erikson- Damn straight, that is a cheap way to win for those who are afraid of heights. We say, if you are scared to climb down, JUMP! Or get pushed…

Fredericks- Damn skippy.

**The lights go out and "Long Hard Road Out of Hell" by Marilyn Manson and the Sneaker Pimps strikes up. Suddenly, dim lights brighten a walkway leading down the ramp to the ring as large pyros illuminate the stage. When the pyros stop there stands Kaltuul and Belthazar, the Tides of Darkness. Cameras flash causing a strobe effect as the Tides walk down the dimly lit path down the ramp. They eye the cage carefully before using the door to walk in.**

Fredericks- They look especially morbid today.

**"Rope" by 40 Below Summer hits and Jason Moore appears on the stage with Spike close behind him. The Moore brothers both stare down at the Tides of Darkness who are rampaging throughout the ring getting pumped up. The Moores turn to one another and knock fists. Afterwards they run down the ramp and scramble through the door.**

Erikson-Jason Moore is Spike's partner! Holy crap!

Fredericks-The brothers have apparently united. This should be good.

The match kicks off with Belthazar and Jason pairing off and Kaltuul and Spike going at it with fists of fury. Finally Belthazar knees Jason in the gut and drops him with a DDT. Spike grabs Kaltuul and whips him to the ropes, when Kaltuul comes back Spike runs a knee into his chest (jumping knee). Belthazar kicks Jason in the chest until Spike runs over and drops him with a bulldog. Jason gets up and catches Kaltuul in a neckbreaker when he runs over to help Belthazar. Spike pulls Belthazar up and whips him into the ropes, he comes back and Jason and Spike both grab Belthazar by the head and flip him around so he hits the cage upside down. Kaltuul manages to get back to his feet quickly and grabs Spike, spinning him around and launching him back with an overhead belly to belly suplex. Kaltuul turns to face Spike and pull him up, but Jason kicks the back of Kaltuul’s knees, forcing him to bend, Spike runs up one of the knees and kicks Kaltuul in the back of the head. Kaltuul falls to the mat and Belthazar untangles himself from the ropes, kinda. While Belthazar dangles between the ropes and cage, Jason pump kicks the cage, causing the rattling to put pressure on his neck along with the ropes! Spike lifts Kaltuul up by the hair and whips him into the ropes, when Kaltuul comes back, Spike lifts him up for a jackhammer! Spike jumps, spins around and slams him back down onto the mat!

Fredericks- These Moore brothers are tearing apart the Tides of Darkness!

Erikson- It’s all about teamwork, the Tides are more into each other’s strengths.

Jason pulls Belthazar out of the ropes and whips him into the ropes. The Moore brothers lift him up for a double suplex, but Belthazar kicks his feet back and double DDT’s them both onto the mat! Kaltuul, still holding the back of his head, gets up onto his knees and grabs Spike Moore by the back of the head. They run at the cage and Kaltuul throws him against the cage. He then holds Spike’s head against it and slowly runs him along the side of it, cutting him up! Spike tries to fight it by pushing off of the cage, but Kaltuul pushes harder. Finally Kaltuul lets go and Spike falls back to the mat. Spike gets up to his knees quickly but loses his head of steam and can’t get back up. Kaltuul grabs him and brings him the rest of the way up, whipping him to the ropes, Kaltuul grabs him and slams him against the cage again, then uses the momentum to take him to the other side of the cage and throw him into that one aswell. Spike falls back to his knees after slamming into the cage a second time. Kaltuul runs to the ropes and comes back again, diving with a clothesline that makes Spike double over backwards! Jason starts to get up, but Belthazar doesn’t give him much thinking time. He grabs Jason and twirls around, planting him with a russian leg sweep. Kaltuul lets Spike go and he picks Jason up. The brothers both whip Jason into the turnbuckle. Kaltuul gets on top of the turnbuckle and Belthazar lifts Jason up to Kaltuul’s shoulders. Kaltuul stands up, leaps and spins around, planting him in a viscous powerbomb!

Fredericks- Suddenly I think strength is outdoing teamwork.

Belthazar turns to get to Spike, but can’t find him, he turns again and is smoked by a super kick! Belthazar stumbles backwards and Spike runs in, catches him under the arm and plants him with a Sambo Suplex! Kaltuul runs over and grabs Spike for a bulldog, but Spike stops short and grabs Kaltuul’s leg, spins around and drops him in a tilt a whirl slam! He runs over and lifts Jason up, yelling at him to start climbing. Jason does as he is told, even though it is wearily, and he climbs the ropes and eventually starts up the cage. Spike eventually starts to join him. Spike catches him to Jason easily and even climbs up to the top quicker than him. Suddenly Belthazar yells at Kaltuul. Belthazar folds his arms over and Kaltuul runs at him, Belthazar catapults Kaltuul up most of the cage, allowing Kaltuul to cling on to the links. Kaltuul reaches up and snags Jason’s leg and lets himself fall, bringing Jason down with him, slamming him hard onto the mat! Unfortunately for Jason, Spike had already started down the cage! Spike starts to climb back up when Belthazar pushes out on Spike’s boots, making him lose footing! Spike clings on with only his hands but eventually the chain links get to him and he lets go, falling to the floor!

Fredericks- Excellent strategy on the part of the Tides, isolate them. Maybe they aren’t all brawn.

Erikson- According to the rules, Spike can’t climb back in to help out Jason. So he had better come up with something, and do it quick.

Belthazar laughs at Spike from the inside and walks over to Kaltuul who kicks Jason in the gut, dropping him between his legs! Trip to Hell’s Gates! (Tiger Driver) Jason lays out on the mat, seemingly unconscious. Kaltuul laughs and tells Belthazar to climb out. Belthazar nods and walks to the other side of where Spike is. Belthazar gets up on top of the ropes and starts climbing up the chains. Spike runs to the other side and sets the steel stairs up. Belthazar makes it ¾ of the way up the cage when Spike slams a chair right on Belthazar’s hands! Belthazar howls in pain as he barely holds onto the cage. Spike swings the chair again and Belthazar falls off of the cage and knocks right into Kaltuul, dropping them both out cold! The crowd starts rooting loudly for Jason to wake up. Spike slams the chair into the cage several times. Finally Jason starts to stir in the ring. He gets up to his knees and realizes that both Tides are knocked out. He slowly pulls himself to the ropes and then pulls himself up vertical. He climbs up the ropes slowly and gets to the chain links. Just then the Tides both start to stir enough to realize they are about to lose. They both get up and rush to opposite ends of Jason, climbing as quick as they can. Eventually Kaltuul ends up side by side as Jason. Jason elbows Kaltuul while Spike goes to town on Kaltuul’s hands with the chair from the outside. Belthazar makes his way up the cage as fast as he can, gets over the top and leaps off axe handling the chair into Spike’s face, dropping them both to the outside of the ring! Jason grabs Kaltuul’s hands, forcing him to lose his grip also as they both fall to the ring!

Fredericks- That’s Jason’s second fall major fall tonight. He had better get his act together, and quickly. Now Spike can’t be a factor in this anymore.

Both men lay in the ring, knocked out from their last fall. The crowd begins to cheer madly for Jason to get up, on the outside Belthazar gets up. Spike slowly follows suit but is quickly taken down by a harsh clothesline. Jason gets to his knees wearily, and Kaltuul pulls himself over to the ropes, attempting to get aid in standing again. They both slowly get up to their feet when Belthazar launches a chair up over the cage! The chair barely makes it over, hitting the top of the cage so it won’t fly as far, and it falls right into the hands of Jason Moore!!! Jason grins and swipes the chair, only catching air since Kaltuul evaded it with a roll to the side. Jason swings the chair again, just barely missing Kaltuul again. Jason is undaunted and swings it yet again, this time Kaltuul lets it hit him in the side, so he can catch it. He snatches it out of Jason’s hands and throws it to the side. Jason backs off slowly as Kaltuul runs at him with a pump kick, but Jason drop toe holds the foot that comes down, forcing Kaltuul to do the splits. Kaltuul sits there in pain, trying to save his groinal region. Kaltuul looks up, as if praying for help when he turns to see a chair slap him across the face! Jason hits Kaltuul again, and again, and again, and again until the chair snaps apart!

Fredericks- He broke the chair over Kaltuul’s skull!

The crowd begins to cheer madly for Jason to get his ass out of the ring. He runs to the ropes and begins to climb. Belthazar runs to the other side of the cage to where he is and begins to push his feet out of the link holes. Jason’s weary arms can’t handle the weight so he falls back to the ropes. Until Spike comes rushing by with a spear that knocks Belthazar into the other set of steel steps! Jason begins to climb again, but Belthazar’s antics gave Kaltuul time to get back up. He groggily makes his way to the ropes by Jason and begins to climb, tripping up his feet as much as he can to catch up to the Moore brother. Finally they are neck to neck, exchanging blows. After every punch they throw they climb up another step, until they are both standing there on the top of the cage, slugging it out!

Fredericks- I can’t watch!

Erikson- Oh but I can…

Jason kicks Kaltuul in the gut and slices his thumb across his throat…

Fredericks- He couldn’t possibly pull that off…

Erikson- Well… if he does then it will put a whole new meaning into that cutthroat he just did…

Jason interlocks his arms with Kaltuul and spins around, hoisting him up into the vertebreaker position! Jason wobbles a bit on the top of the extended topping on the cage with the incredible weight on his back. Jason screams out.

Jason Moore- I’m going to break his f*cking neck!

The crowd cheers wildly, some are even starting the holy shit chant early, up until Jason Moore turns and leaps off of the cage, crashing into the ground! Suddenly the whole arena falls silent. EMT’s come pouring out of the backstage area with a stretcher and life support equipment. Jason Moore gets up and turns around, looking and the crumbled mess that was known as Kaltuul.

Fredericks- HOLY SHIT!

**The referee runs over and whispers to Anna Lopez.**

Anna Lopez- Um… Winner at 6:24, The Tides of Darkness!

**The crowd bursts into boos, when suddenly "Breathe" by Nickelback blasts through the loudspeakers! The crowd shows their mixed reaction since they know that Thresh can only be coming out to cause trouble. Thresh Crest appears on the stage with a microphone in hand.**

Thresh Crest- Wait a second! I just saw that move, there is no damn way that Kaltuul hit the ground first. Role that beautiful bean footage!

**The Millenitron lights up and goes into "instant replay" mode, where it shows Jason and Kaltuul both hitting the ground, but Jason’s feet dangled down, so his feet hit the ground first, not Kaltuul’s… neck.**

Crest- Badda Bean! Now do your job ref or I’ll come down there and straighten the situation myself!

**The referee talks to Anna Lopez again and she nods.**

Anna Lopez- Your true winners, the Moore Brothers!

**The crowd goes wild as "Breathe" hits again and Thresh walks into the back. The EMT’s help out Jason, who promptly refuses any treatment. Spike holds him up as they both turn to walk out, both stopping on the stage and holding their arms up, receiving praises from the crowd.**


**Seth is sitting at his desk when there is a knock on his door. He flips through his schedule and grins.**

Winters- Finally, the sales rep from Xbox is here. I can’t wait to see the pictures of me for their game! Oh goody goody gumdrops!

**Winters gets up and clicks his heels, he walks over and opens the door and the hair-slicked business man enters and sets his briefcase on Winters’ desk. He turns and shakes the hand of Seth and sits down, as does Winters.**

Winters- Welcome to NMW Headquarters! I’m Seth as you know and I’m ready to hear your idea. What do my pictures look like?

**The business man raises an eyebrow, but nods and pulls out some pictures of a woman in a 17th century high-class dress. Seth looks rather puzzled, but keeps his cool.**

Winters- What in the blue hell is this? I was kind of expecting me in a suit… not in a dress. And these pictures of castles, NMW is in the modern era my friend, not the Medieval one!

Businessman- Yes, I know that. I didn’t come here to sponsor an NMW based wrestling game. Oh no, I have something much better!

Winters- But… what could be bet…

Businessman- Seth… close your eyes, picture Spain 600 years ago. No… scratch that, England 400 years ago. Spain is much like Canada, and no one really cares about a game there. So anyway, we’ll have castles and knights and archers, you know, the works. You get to be the squire in the castle, hell, we’ll even give him a dagger to start off with. No wait, we’ll give him a mace. Those mace guys always got the chicks.

Winters- uh huh…

Businessman- Anyway, we’ll add medieval folk to the picture, make it seem like you have full options, you could slice the head of a guy that has a woman you want. You’d be penalized, but its all good for a nice medieval "ride". You know what I’m sayin’ you know what I’m sayin’?

Winters- That sounds great! But… every game has an ending… What’s this one?

Businessman- Well, I picture a queen, yes a queen. But no ordinary queen, she’ll be 20… no too young… how about 30, yeah 30. You’ve seen those chicks that are kind of that age, but can still look hot? We’ll make her a brunette… that’s right a brunette with fair skin and a huge rack.

Winters- But weren’t most Englishman red haired with light skin?

Businessman- IS THIS YOUR GAME!? This is my idea! My brainchild!

Winters- Fine… continue…

Businessman- And she’ll be a virgin.

Winters- A 30 year old virgin?

Businessman- Yeah, and… the object of the game will be to make her lose her virginity!

Winters- Your even more insane than me…

Businessman- Dude, in order to win the game, she’d have to lose it! How cool is that?

**Seth sits back in his chair like he had been hit with a mortal blow. He thinks about the current situation of his company and how much money he could make from this. Because Playstation 2 sucks ass of course…**

Winters- Alright… You’ve got your game. But I want to be the main benefactor from this. Got it?

Businessman- NO problem! Just sign here… and here… and here… and here…

**They go into the signing mode as the camera fades out.**


Fredericks-Our next match of the night is set to be an I Quit match, and it should be a real doozy.

Erikson-Definitely. Whoever wins between this two could be the next "big thing", because they're both on the verge of superstardom, and Gravedigger has already had a taste of that. I'm sure he wants more.

Fredericks-We're about to find out.



**"Wonderboy" by Tenacious D plays and Jackson King appears on the stage. The crowd is cheering out of their mind as he walks down the ramp and approaches the ring. King climbs inside the ring and holds his right arm in the air, as the crowd pops for him. He then stretches and gets ready for the war ahead.**

Erikson-King is such a sellout.


Erikson-The damn bastard sells out all of his merchandise quicker than I do.

**"Blackened" by Metallica hits and the crowd starts booing as the lights in the arena dim at once. Gravedigger steps out. With the light fog that rolls in from around the pathway, he emerges and makes his way down the ramp towards the ring. He seems to be carrying a mic which he throws to the side of the ring on the ground, and then slides under the ropes.**

Both men square off into the ring, staring each other down. The bell sounds and the two men lunge at each other, with Jackson King swinging at Gravedigger. Gravedigger ducks and hits Jackson King with a Pumphandle Slam. Gravedigger takes a moment to jeer while Jackson King gets up and runs at Gravedigger giving him the knee smash! While on the ground Jackson King gives Gravedigger a few kicks to the legs and then cheers to the crowd, feelin' the love.

Fredericks-Looks as though Jackson King has the crowd on his side, we'll see how long he can keep this match under his control.

Both men get up again and stare each other down, once again they lunge at each other with Gravedigger going under Jackson King and giving King a clothesline.

Erikson-Well…that certainly didn't last long.

Fredericks-Give him time, he'll be back.

Jackson King gets up and whips Gravedigger out of the ring, then goes out and whips him into the barricade, stomping on him a bit. King then wanders over to the microphone and gets ready to beat Gravedigger with it until Gravedigger flies up with yet another clothesline, doubling King over, sending the mic out of the ring area into the crowd.

Erikson-We know we aren't getting that mic back.. Damn Mexicans..

Fredericks-Can we get another mic down here?

**Out comes a little monkey with a shriner cap, bringing the mic to the commentators, who insist it be placed on the ground. He does so then wanders back to the backstage area. Brian and Tyler just stare at each other in disbelief.. **


Back in the match, laying for awhile after his clothesline, Gravedigger gets up and heads towards the new mic, King sees this and runs at him, punching him to the back of the head, turning him around and giving him a scoop slam onto the floor outside the ring. Then King then heads towards the mic, Gravedigger gets up and shakes some cobwebs out and slides into the ring.

Fredericks-Maybe if they weren’t so obsessed with that mic they'd be more focused. Just an idea..

Gravedigger lays inside the ring for awhile, and King comes in, standing over Gravedigger he says, "Say I Quit! It's the only way out of the hell you will receive!". Gravedigger just stares up at King for a moment, then punches him in the stomach, and putting his feet underneath the arms of Gravedigger and slamming him headfirst into the mat!

Erikson-That will teach him, making threats like that.

Both men lay there a little dazed, then finally Gravedigger gets up, and then King. Gravedigger starts to run at King, King pulls out the mic and clocks Gravedigger over the head! A little dazed and pissed Gravedigger gets up and whips King into the turnbuckle face first. Going for a turnbuckle move, Gravedigger reaches for a grapple, but King swiftly reverses with a quick elbow to the jaw, follow quickly by a scoop slam. Picking Gravedigger up, King gives him an eye rake, followed by a variety of punches and kicks. Gravedigger catches one of the punches and gives King a kick into the gut, followed by an uppercut that sends King onto the mat.

Fredericks-Now that had some power to it!

Gravedigger goes after the mic and King slowly climbs to his feet. Gravedigger swings the mic at King and King catches his arm! Turning it into an arm wrench. Turning Gravedigger over King grabs the mic and stands over Gravedigger again, "End this now! Spare your relatives of seeing you ruined". Gravedigger punches the mic into the air, sending it yet again into the crowd.

Erikson-Goddammit! Not again! Ugh…someone send that monkey back out here!

**The monkey comes back down carrying another mic, passing by the two wrestlers, he lays the mic down on the ground. The commentators call him over and sit him on the seat.**

Fredericks-And what is your name little buddy?

**The monkey gives him a card and runs away back to the backstage area.**

Fredericks-Carl Lubnuts, Microphone Grabbing Technician....

Erikson-…Right…back to the match anyway..

Back in the ring, Gravedigger and King are staring each other down, and it turns quickly into a slugging match, punching each other repeatedly. Finally Gravedigger kicks King in the gut, which makes King tumble to the mat in pain. Gravedigger picks him up and whips him into the turnbuckle, making him fall to the ground.

Fredericks-Very impressive! Gravedigger put a lot of power into that one!

Gravedigger slides out of the ring and picks up the mic, and slides back in, picking King up, he bitch slaps him with the mic, making him turn around, dazed. With another slam to the back of the head with the mic, King tumbles out of the ring. Gravedigger turns King over and stands on top of him, "Now it is your turn to feel the pain".

Erikson-He didn't even ask for him to quit! Gravedigger is getting some revenge!!

Gravedigger picks up King and whips him into the barricade, delivering punch after punch both with the mic and some without. Finally after awhile King blocks a punch, delivering one of his own, which is also blocked! This time Gravedigger gives him a kick in the stomach and sneers at King, who is holding his stomach while standing up. Gravedigger goes for a clothesline, which King ducks under and gives him a reverse DDT!

Fredericks-Gravedigger is laid out!!

King reaches for the mic and stands over Gravedigger, "I'm not going to be a fool, give up now and you will be saved the torture!" Gravedigger just shakes his head, King kicks him in the chest and picks up Gravedigger.

Erikson-He looks pissed!

King goes for a grapple and Gravedigger ducks around it, spinning King around into a falling neckbreaker! He then picks up King and turns him around, delivering a full nelson slam!

Fredericks-Gravedigger has control of this match now. Seems as though he has it completely wrapped up!

Gravedigger whips King into the ropes and lifts him up for a powerslam, but drops him onto his knee!

Erikson-That was one hell of a Stomach Crusher!

Gravedigger starts taunting the crowd, giving time for King to get up. Gravedigger sees this and rushes at him with a power clothesline, King ducks and Gravedigger flies into the turnbuckle bouncing him back off! Dazed a bit Gravedigger turns around just in time to be speared back into the turnbuckle by King!!

Fredericks-What a quick turn of events! This match is far from over!

King picks up Gravedigger, and whips him back into the turnbuckle face first, reaching up King hooks him up for the diving reverse DDT and slams him down onto the mat!

Erikson-That last move looked like it winded King aswell as Gravedigger!

They lay there for a bit and King gets up, picking up Gravedigger with him. King whips Gravedigger into the ropes and Gravedigger evades King, sliding under his clothesline, coming back around Gravedigger and King hook up in a grapple, where King kicks Gravedigger, gives him an eye rake, and then power clotheslines him!

Fredericks-King has some intensity! Did you see all of that power?!

King picks up Gravedigger and goes for another whip to the ropes, when Gravedigger comes back he is met by a knee smash, which lays him out for awhile. King picks him up and Gravedigger seems a little relentless to King's actions so he gives him another knee smash. King wanders over and grabs the mic, he then stands over Gravedigger, "GIVE UP NOW!" Gravedigger explodes with energy, kicking King in the arse then uppercutting him, sending him onto the mat, picking King up, he whips him to the ropes and catches him in a side buster. Picking King up, Gravedigger delivers another falling neckbreaker. Then he climbs up the ropes and pulls a knee drop onto the back of King, who screams in pain.

Fredericks-That had to hurt!!

Erikson-It seems like there will be more pain like that shortly though.

Gravedigger then runs to the ropes and climbs up, King starts to get up and waltz around, catching his balance, while Gravedigger flies off the top into a flying clothesline!! The momentum makes King tumble and roll up to his knees into the turnbuckle, which he uses to pull himself up, Gravedigger starts to run towards him for a ho train attack when King explodes and nails a flying lariat on Gravedigger!!

Fredericks-I've never seen such a huge man do that before! There's always been the Undertaker but hes not nearly as big as this man!

Both men get up, Gravedigger is showing that he is running on pure fumes from his last burst of energy, and they lock up in a grapple, once again King gives him a kick in the stomach and another eye rake. Then runs at him with a clothesline, but Gravedigger cuts him off with a hand around the throat. Gravedigger turns King around for all the fans to see, before lifting him off the ground by his neck, holding him there for a moment, and then driving him down with the Embalmer (Chokeslam from Hell)!! King bounces off the mat hard, and Gravedigger stays on his knees for a moment.

Erikson-Gravedigger is lucky he pulled that off!! This one could be over!!

Gravedigger looks winded after that last move, after laying for awhile he crawls to the mic and puts King into a figure-four leglock, he puts the mic to his lips. "SAY IT! GIVE UP!" King endures the pain and is looking a bit passed out, he lays his head down on the mat and Gravedigger breaks the hold. Completely flustered he picks up King for another Embalmer (Chokeslam from Hell). The Unholy One grabs Kings around the neck once more, before lifting him up high into the air. King begins kicking his legs, trying to break free, and Gravedigger's fatigue causes him to drop King. On his way down, King hooks Gravedigger's arm and cracks it down over his shoulder, when a loud SNAP is heard.

Fredericks-He may have just broken Gravedigger's arm!

King hits the mat and Gravedigger stumbles back, holding his shattered arm in agony. King sees Gravedigger focusing on his air, so he gets up and charges. Gravedigger swings with his good arm, but King hooks it, and drags him down to the mat…locking on the Reality Check (Butterfly Lock)!! The ref gets down next to Gravedigger's face with the microphone, asking him if he wants to give up. Gravedigger's eyes roll back in his head, but he refuses to give it up. King lets out a fatal scream, as another loud SNAP is heard, this one coming from Gravedigger's other arm. Gravedigger's head falls limp, as the ref gets up and calls for the bell. King releases Gravedigger from the hold and looks down at him.

Anna Lopez-Winner at 14:14 as a result of excessive injuries, Jackson King!

**"Wonderboy" hits the speakers, as Jackson King falls out to the apron, barely able to stand. He raises his arm in the air, and walks up the stage, as the ref checks on Gravedigger in the ring. Gravedigger seems to be out cold, when suddenly…he sits up! Gravedigger, not moving either of his arms, gets to his feet and climbs through the ropes, before leaving the arena by going up the ramp. The fans watch in disbelief.**

Fredericks-Holy crap…Gravedigger must have two broken arms, and yet he is still going! I don't belive this!

Erikson-He must have the spirit of Hanson in him…Mmmbop!


**The camera lights up in Mr. Platypus’s locker room. He is suiting up for his match and doing a few stretches when he notices the camera peering in on him.**

Mr. Platypus- Ah, hello there my electronic friend. I suppose you want to know why I called you in for this meeting?

**The camera moves up and down.**

Mr. Platypus- Well, I like to tune in on our competition. And I recently tuned in to see this man named Hooligan address Outcast about an eel cage match. COME ON!? Talk about cruelty to animals… especially those of the water.

**Mr. Platypus slams his fists down. Accidentally knocking over bandage rolls and other equipment things.**

Mr. Platypus- Now you all may not know this, but I come from the water. And if a member of my aquatic family is in trouble, then I will NOT fail to help him or her in their quest to life.

**He looks to his aquarium where his trusty salmon swim there, watching him. "Being there for him."**

Mr. Platypus- Those are my two friends, they are here to back me up in my quest to free all imprisoned sea creatures that are unwillingly held behind well… their will. So UAW, you think you can hurt my precious creatures?! NEVER! I will find a way to get back at you Hooligan, for making such a rude an abrupt remark. Just you wait and see. Now if you will excuse me, I have a North American title match, and then I think I have a call to make to the Animal Rights Board.

**The camera slowly fades out as Mr. Platypus steps out the door for his match.**


Erikson-Yay! It's time for that damn cardboard box to get smashed!



Fredericks- I’m afraid of this.

Erikson- Why? It’s just a tables, ladders, chairs, and cardboard box match.

Fredericks- JUST a tables, ladders, chairs, and cardboard box match!? JUST?! Do you have any idea how many helpless children are killed because their older siblings have seen our shows and try to put them through cardboard boxes?!

Erikson- Do you know how many babies it takes to screw in a lightbulb?

**Fredericks is caught off guard by the question, but answers anyway…**

Fredericks- Uh… one?

Erikson- No, babies can’t screw in a lightbulb.

**The lights turn a blue mystic color and wave around the arena as "I Come From the Water" by the Toadies hits. A few moments later all of the blue lights focus on the curtain as Mr. Platypus bursts through it! He stands on the stage and sticks a finger up in the air, holding for a pause. He runs back to the back and comes out wearing a cowboy gun holster. He stands back on the stage and looks out in the crowd, suddenly he "draws" his gu… er… salmons! He takes a few shots with them before flipping them back around his fingers and puts them back in their holsters before unlatching the belt and heaving it into the crowd. He walks down the ramp and slides into the ring.**

Fredericks- What if it were a dead baby?

Erikson- Excuse me?

Fredericks- You know, how many dead babies does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Erikson- Dude… not cool.

**The crowd starts to get pumped up and "Punk Nation Unification" by AFI hits the loudspeakers. The crowd begins to cheer for Tony Monroe, their favorite punkabilly, as he skanks his way out onto the stage, with the North American title belt wrapped around his waste. He undoes the belt and pulls it up into the air for the crowd to marvel and cheer over. Afterwards he walks down the ramp and hands the belt to the referee, and slides in.**

Fredericks- It was just a joke.

Erikson- Ha… baby killer… Ha!

Fredericks- WHAT?!

**Mr. Platypus and Tony Monroe are stretching when suddenly Monroe takes a stretch back on the ropes and flies forward knocking the off guard Mr. Platypus down to the mat with a clothesline! Mr. Platypus gets to his feet quickly and dodges an oncoming superkick, but is quickly taken back down with a ho train rush when they both come springing back from the ropes! Suddenly, "Boiler" by Limp Bizkit hits! Knife comes running out from the back carrying a chair in his hand. He slides into the ring and raises the chair right when Tony Monroe whips Mr. Platypus into it! Mr. Platypus stumbles back and lands on his knees, Monroe sprints and runs off of Platypus’s back, spinning heel kicking the chair into Knife’s face, causing Knife to spill to the outside of the ring!**

Erikson- Forget you, baby killer, this match is hot and underway!

Knife quickly gets back up and looks under the ring apron for some goodies. In the ring, Tony Monroe grabs Platypus and whips him to the turnbuckle, Platypus bounces off and Monroe runs to the ropes attempting a face crusher, when Platypus turns and catches Tony, dropping him in a spinebuster! Knife pulls out a ladder and slides it under the ring. Platypus makes his way to the chair, but before he can get it, Knife springs up and they both stare each other down. They both set to throw the right hands when the ladder swings by and clocks both of them! Tony keeps swinging around with his head inbetween one of the steps. When he is tripped up by Knife, causing him to fall face first, forcing the ladder to somewhat open and give Tony one heck of a chin breaker! Knife pulls Platypus up to his feet and whips him to the ropes, Platypus comes back and Knife slams him with a powerslam! Knife stands tall in the ring and points out to the crowd, screaming whatever and pointing to himself and then at the title belt sitting on the chair at ringside. He turns and a chair is slammed down over his head, Tony drops the chair and holds his jaw again. He drops and slides out of the ring, walking around he picks up a table and slides that in, then stumbles upon a cardboard box. He holds it up in the air as the crowd goes crazy, he throws it into the ring and magically it lands in the middle of the ring. He slides back in and begins to set up a table in the corner when Platypus gets up and pulls Knife up, whipping him to the ropes. Tony yells at Platypus and both men stand awaiting Knife. Knife comes around and Tony and Platypus double-arm drag Knife through the table!

Fredericks- Oh the things that you can do if you work as a team…

Tony exchanges high fives with Platypus and they both split up. Platypus grabs the chair and slowly creeps up behind Tony. Suddenly, Tony leaps into the air and slams the chair back into the face of Platypus with a rin-ne! Tony lands on Platypus for the pin….1…….2…… Knife is able to break it up! Knife pulls Tony up to his feet and whips him to the ropes, Tony comes back and Knife kicks him for the Cutter, but Tony pushes him away, Knife comes back and Tony kicks him, but instead of the Cutter, Tony grabs Knife’s head and whips it back, slamming the back of Knife’s head on the overused chair! Tony spots the ladder and sets it up over the cardboard box. He goes to the side and climbs up, up, up, until he reaches the top. Tony peers down for a moment then looks back up, scared poopless. He looks down again to scope out where Knife is and takes a deep breath. He gets ready to leap when the ladder is pushed out from under him! Tony falls from the top of the ladder, but since the ladder was so tall, he flies out of the ring and lands on the outside as the crowd gives their unapproving "boos". Platypus holds the ladder steady and climbs up the other end. He turns around and jumps off and does a double axe handle onto Knife’s face! Knife’s body thrashes around as Platypus picks him back up. Platypus kicks him in the gut and hooks his arm over his head. He pulls Knife up in the air and gets ready to slam him down, when Knife flips over to the back of Platypus! Mr. Platypus swirls around only to be kicked in the gut and dropped with a double axe handle to his back! Mr. Platypus holds his back in pain as Knife pulls him back up, Knife grabs him by the back of the head and runs to the turnbuckle, slamming him face first into it! Knife holds onto Platypus’s head and hits another turnbuckle. He then goes for the third when suddenly Tony Monroe jumps on the apron and pokes his eyes with two fingers! Monroe bounces on the bottom rope, leaps over Mr. Platypus, floats over Knife and lands behind him. He pulls back on Knife and Knife falls back into the sunset flip/pin…1….2…. Platypus breaks it up by kicking Monroe in the head!

Fredericks- It’d be easier if it weren’t for that third man.

Erikson- Can it baby killer.

Platypus stands behind Monroe, waiting for him to get up. Monroe gets up and turns around, to be dropped with a sambo suplex! Platypus lifts Monroe back up quickly and pulls him to the turnbuckle. He picks up Monroe like a suplex and puts him up on the turnbuckle! Platypus gets up on the second rope and signals to the crowd… He gets ready to slam him when Knife locks under Platypus’s legs in a powerbomb position. Knife pulls Platypus aware from the turnbuckle and holds him up a bit higher. Monroe leaps off of the turnbuckle in a spear, knocking Platypus forwards and slamming him down on the mat with the powerbomb. Knife tries to go for the pin, but before he can even get a one count Monroe kicks Knife off of Platypus. Knife stumbles backwards but Monroe whips Knife to the ropes, but Knife reverses it, on the way back Knife grabs him from for a whip over the top rope, but Monroe reverses that and launches Knife up and over the rope and to the outside! Tony turns and looks for Platypus, but doesn’t see him anywhere, until Platypus leaps from the top of the ladder smoking Tony with the dented chair! Tony falls back on the mat with his head forming a bloody cut. Mr. Platypus goes down for the pin…..1……2….. Kickout! Knife lifts the apron up again and pulls out another chair, which he promptly chucks into the ring, which happens to smack Platypus in the head, knocking him down! Knife walks to the guardrail and grabs one of the tables that are lining it, sliding that one in aswell. Knife checks the outside of the ring for more goodies before sliding into the ring.

Fredericks- Ladder… 2 chairs… 1 broken table and 1 unbroken table… and a cardboard box are all in the ring. Disaster can come from many ways, and with these 3… who knows how it will happen.

Erikson- Peace ho!

Knife gets in as Monroe starts to get up. Tony Monroe darts at Knife much like a football player would from the line of scrimmage, but Knife sidesteps the football wannabe and sticks his foot out, tripping Monroe, getting him tangled in the ropes. Mr. Platypus is getting to his feet and he too rushes at Knife. Knife kicks him in the gut and gives him the Cutter!!! (Stone Cold Stunner) Knife walks over to set up the table as the commentators go crazy…

Erikson- Pin him you idiot! Look! He’s completely vulnerable, the other guy is in the ropes!

Fredericks- Woo!

Knife turns and hoists Platypus up, setting him on the table. Knife picks up the ladder and sets it up. He then begins to climb as Monroe gets himself untangled. Monroe watches Knife get set up on top of the ladder. Finally Knife gets to the top and gets ready to leap when Monroe upsets the ladder, forcing it to fall forwards for Knife. Knife jumps without balance and Monroe grabs him by the back of the head, slamming him in a face crusher onto Mr. Platypus, shattering the table into pieces! Knife lays there on top of Mr. Platypus and the referee counts it….1…..2…. Monroe breaks it up! Tony Monroe points up to the ladder as the crowd goes crazy! He gets to the top where so many other wrestlers have stood before and looks down at the two men. He begins to lose his footing as he tries to decide who to jump on. Finally he gets ready to leap, but it’s too late as the ladder falls to the side, dropping Monroe on the top rope, straddling it. Tony Monroe falls off of the top rope and lands on the mat. The referee begins to count….1 …..2……3……4… Tony Monroe and Knife both start to move around….5….6…. Tony reaches up to the ropes that prevented him from fathering children while Knife gets on his knees….7….8… Knife gets himself standing and shortly thereafter Monroe gets up. The referee stops counting and Mr. Platypus starts to move around. Knife and Monroe both wearily walk up to one another not letting their eyes part. Knife throws a right hand that Tony Monroe blocks, returning one of his own, but Knife grabs his fist and steps to the side and back kicks at Tony, who catches his kick inbetween his body and his left hand. Knife lets go of Tony’s hand and Tony catapults Knife’s leg up into the air, trying to get Knife to flip on his face, instead, Knife flips onto his feet and turns with a kick to Tony’s midsection! Knife grabs him for the Cutter, but Tony locks on a tazzmission! Knife swings a foot back that low blows Tony, making him hunch over. Knife drapes a leg over Tony’s neck and gets ready to give him the fameasser, but Tony lifts him up and gets ready to slam him in a powerbomb, which Knife starts pummeling Tony in the face while he’s up there. Tony gets a bit wobbly and Knife jumps up and around landing on the mat and pulling Tony down in a sunset flip!…1……2….. Mr. Platypus breaks it up!

Fredericks- Where did he come from?

Erikson- The water…

Fredericks- I hate you.

Erikson- And so do clowns.

Mr. Platypus pulls Knife up and kicks him in the gut, dropping him swiftly with a DDT. Knife uses the momentum of the DDT to help him get back up and he "quickly" locks on a grapple on Mr. Platypus. Knife locks up for a suplex and lifts him in the air, but Mr. Platypus kicks his legs down and falls back, reversing the move into an armbar! Knife is able to reach for the ropes though and breaks out of it. Mr. Platypus gets up quickly and lands a few kicks onto Knife. Knife tries to get up, but Mr. Platypus drops even more kicks on him, keeping him from arising. Finally he helps Knife up, kicking him in the gut, he grabs Knife by the head and spins him around, locking on a rear grapple. Knife tries to fight the grapple, Platypus pulls Knife into the air in a blue thunder, but midway through Knife wraps his legs around Platypus’s neck and pulls him down to the mat in a hurrancaranna. Mr. Platypus lays on the mat out of breath as Knife climbs up to the turnbuckle, he gets ready to leap off when Tony Monroe wakes up from his comatose state and hits the ropes, causing Knife to fall and rack himself!

Fredericks- OH!

Erikson- Like you didn’t see that coming… I swear, one day a man will change the way federations are... he'll break up these things that are so predictable… Someday…

Fredericks- Nay sayer…


Mr. Platypus grabs Tony and tosses him through the ropes to the outside, he then goes back to Knife, kicking him into the turnbuckle. He lifts Knife up, so he is standing in the turnbuckle, and slams a knee into his midsection! Knife falls back into the turnbuckle and holds his stomach in pain. Mr. Platypus does it again, and again, and again, until the referee pulls him out of the turnbuckle! Mr. Platypus points at the referee and turns around again, to be dropped hard with a clothesline from Knife! Knife covers Mr. Platypus….1…..2….. Kickout! Mr. Platypus quickly gets back to his feet and whips Knife to the ropes. Knife comes back and Mr. Platypus grabs Knife by the shoulders, places his head under Knife’s and gives him a chin breaker! Mr. Platypus then grabs the ladder and sets it up at the turnbuckle. He then grabs Knife and whips him at the ladder, Knife reverses it and Mr. Platypus slams headfirst into the steel ladder, causing it to faulter. It starts to fall down, but Mr. Platypus catches it and whips it around, slamming it into the stomach of Knife. Knife stumbles backwards and Mr. Platypus turns it to broadside and rams it into Knife’s head. Knife falls back and holds onto the ropes for support. Mr. Platypus tosses the ladder aside and grabs a nearby chair. He turns to face Knife, he races at him, with the chair held up high. He swings the chair down, but Knife drops down and lets the ropes go, slamming the chair back in his face! Mr. Platypus falls backwards, Knife runs and bounces off of the middle rope going for a moonsault, but Mr. Platypus is able to put the chair up in his defense and knock out Knife!

Fredericks- It’s almost too much…

Mr. Platypus kicks Knife in the head and sits down on his chest then begins to pummel him! Platypus lands a few square punches in before Knife swings his feet forward and catches Platypus by the neck and flips him back. Platypus rolls out of it and gets to his feet only to be caught up in a full nelson by Monroe. Knife runs to the ropes and comes back as Monroe lifts Platypus into a full nelson face buster. But Knife runs up behind them and slams Monroe down in a face buster also! Knife raises his arms into the air and lets out a "Woo!" as he picks up Platypus and whips him out of the ring. Monroe starts to get up on to his feet but is sent backwards by a sidekick from Knife. Tony lays back in the turnbuckle and Knife runs up, getting ready to do a monkey flip, but Tony punches Knife square in the jaw that sends him flying back, almost landing on the cardboard box!

Erikson- That box will be destroyed tonight.

Fredericks- What are you implying?

Erikson- That the box will be destroyed tonight…

Platypus grabs one of the tables and slides them into the ring. He follows it and sets it up while Knife and Tony are pummeling away at one another. Mr. Platypus sets it up right by the ropes and Tony Monroe whips Knife over to him. Mr. Platypus picks him up like a sky high, spins and hits the top rope, bouncing him off he lifts him completely over his head so he is falling face first onto the table when Tony comes up and they do a 3-D to Knife through the table!

Fredericks- Oh my god!

Tony gets up and looks for Platypus, who disappeared. He looks down at Knife and quickly covers him for the pin…..1…….2…… Mr. Platypus pops up pulls Tony off Knife! Tony quickly gets up and screams at Mr. Platypus, leaning his head through the ropes, Mr. Platypus smiles and raises his middle finger to Tony before swinging the chair around and clocking Tony Monroe with it! Tony stumbles back and Knife’s body trips him, somehow his hand falls on top of Tony’s chest and the ref counts….1……2….. Mr. Platypus pulls Knife off of Tony!

Erikson- He just can’t win…

Platypus slides into the ring and bashes the chair over Knife’s back. Tony Monroe rolls out of the way as Mr. Platypus keeps slamming the chair on the out-cold Knife. Mr. Platypus slows down his onslaught and backs away for a moment. He turns around and a chair is slammed into his face! Mr. Platypus falls straight backwards, slamming his head again only on the mat. An instant reply screen forms in the corner and the chairshot is "relived" with the actual chair blown up to show the dent right when the chair was swung down. Tony sets up a table on top of the cardboard box. He then tosses Mr. Platypus on top of the table and sets up a ladder not too far away. He starts to climb the ladder, checking on his two opponents to be sure no one is sneaking up on him. Monroe gets to the top of the ladder and looks down. He takes a deep breath and leaps off, performing a splash on top of Mr. Platypus! But the table doesn’t break! The cardboard box holds it up! Tony Monroe looks up to realize the table didn’t break. He steps off of it and pulls Mr. Platypus off of the table aswell pinning him…..1………2…………3

Anna Lopez- Winner at 8:19, and still North American Champion, The Skankin’ Punkabilly, Tony Monroe!

**"Punk Nation Unification" hits again as the referee gives Tony Monroe his North American Title belt. Tony slowly makes his way out of the ring and up the ramp into the back.**

Erikson- That damn box!!!!!

**Brian Erikson leaps over the commentators booth and slides into the ring. Just as he does that Knife leaps out of no where and tackles him before he can get to the cardboard box. Brian tries to get out from under Knife, but Knife keeps him pinned down. Finally Brian shoves Knife off of him and gets up, pointing and yelling at Knife. Knife looks to the crowd as they start cheering wildly. Knife smiles and points at Brian.**

Knife- You’re done!

**Knife kicks Brian in the gut, CUTTER!!! Erikson falls back from the stunner and rolls out of the ring. He manages to crawl his way back to the commentators booth and sits back in his seat, putting his head equipment back on.**

Fredericks- I told you not to go out there…

Erikson- They protect that puppy like its Fort Knox… But I’ll show them… This war has just begun!

Fredericks- Actually… you declared war on that box at Eulogy…

Erikson- I hate you.

**The camera fades out.**


**Tank and Desyre are sitting back in their locker room, on a couch together and watching a TV monitor.**

Desyre-You were great tonight Tank. I'm glad Cliff finally got what he deserved.

Tank-Yeah, me too. Nice testicular claw by the way. Where did you learn to do something like that?

Desyre-Well, actually, I learned it from a friend…

Tank-I hope this friend isn't a male.

Desyre-No of course not. And I've been wanting to talk to you about this.

**Tank squints his eyes, and smiles at Desyre.**

Tank-Talk to me about what?

Desyre-Well, you know, I'm the only girl around this place, and it's kind of uncomfortable for me. You know?

Tank-Yeah, I can understand that.

Desyre-Well, I was thinking…I have this friend from a while back, and she's the one who taught me that ball-grabbing move. I was thinking about maybe inviting her to NMW to compete with me.

**Tank grins.**

Tank-That's nice, but why exactly did you want to talk to ME about this?

Desyre-Because I figure that the three of us can have our own little matches back here too…

Tank-But I don’t wanna hurt…

**Desyre smiles slyly and licks her lips.**


**The camera fades out.**


Erikson-Excellent! Desyre wants to bring in a new chick…Fresh blood.

Fredericks-Aside from my horny partner, it's main event time. We finally get to see which of the two biggest stars in the NMW can shine the brightest in a pure wrestling match.

Erikson-Don't even call me horny, Mr. Cliché.



**The crowd goes absolutely nuts, as "Synthetic" by Spineshank blasts over the arena speakers for the first time in over a month. Zack "The Mack" Macomber arrives onstage, looking as fit as ever, pumping his fists into the air and letting the fans fuel him. Zack energetically makes his way down the ramp, high-fiving nearly every fan he passes. Macomber struts around the ring and walks over to the announce table, in front of Fredericks and Erikson. He yells something at them over the cries of the crowd.**

Fredericks-Zack says that Thresh has no chance of winning tonight. Now that's confidence.

Erikson-No, that's stupidity. Zack has been on the shelf for a few weeks now, he's gotta be out of shape.

**Zack hears Erikson's comment, and spits in his face. Erikson wipes the saliva out of his eye, as Zack grabs a microphone from ringside, before sliding into the ring. He plays to the fans a bit more, before signaling for them to be silent.**

Zack-It's been a while! Finally, "The Mack" has come BACK to NMW!

**The crowd pops.**

Zack-I'm sure some of you are wondering where I've been, what I've been doing, and how I'm still alive. Well, I've got your answers. I've been chillin' at home for the last month or so, recovering from my injuries at Winter's Wonderland, and preparing my next attack on Thresh. I've always said that the NMW title will be mine, be it through my superior strength or my superior intellect. Well, this time, my intellect has gotten the better of Thresh, after I completely threw him off his game last week. And as for the whole "Zack is dead" fiasco…Yes, I actually was pronounced dead, as you all heard Winters say a few weeks back. The only thing is…the doctor that pronounced me dead wasn't exactly a trustworthy physician. Ya see, I sort of payed an actor to give our trusty Prez the "bad" news. This way, I could sit back and plot on how to win the NMW title, while Thresh and Winters were none the wiser!

**The crowd cheers at Zack's intelligence.**

Zack-Well, what are you sound guys waiting for? Hit that bastard's music so I can take his title!

**Zack paces around the ring and tosses the microphone back to ringside, just as Nickelback's "Breathe" kicks in. The crowd's cheers quickly turn into vicious jeers, as the NMW Champion, Thresh Crest, slowly walks onto the stage, dragging the NMW title belt behind him. He looks around at all the fans, mad as ever, and begins making his way down the ramp. Thresh has a bandage on his forehead after getting hit in the head with a pipe last week, but he seems to be in pretty good shape nonetheless. Crest climbs into the ring and surrenders his belt to the referee, who holds it up in the air. Thresh and Zack just stare each other down. Referee Matt Springfield prepares to start the match, checking each man for hidden weapons.**

Erikson-Springfield is feeling them up!

Fredericks-No, you moron, he's making sure that neither of them has any weapons on them. This could possibly be the biggest match in NMW history, and Matt wants it to be clean. These two guys have been in NMW the longest since its rebirth, and boy do they have a history. I can just remember back at UAW's Eon's End when they…

**Fredericks is cut off by Cold's "Just Got Wicked". The fans give a mixed reaction, as President Seth Winters emerges onto the stage, wearing a pair of Adidas windpants, still wearing the coat from his business suit. He has a microphone in hand, and seems to be in a good mood.**

Erikson-The Prez looks like he's read to go for a brisk jog…Well, except for that suit coat.

**Winters raises the mic to his mouth, hushing the crowd.**

Winters-Zack, I'm so glad to see that you're back, and not dead. Quite honestly, I don't give a damn that you decided to take the month off, because NMW has done just fine without you, and we're poised to overtake BOTH the MOW Slaughterhouse and UAW. All of the guys on the roster have been committed to this cause, and as much as I hate to say it…I need you too Zack. You're one of my biggest ratings-getters, and if NMW is going to completely obliterate its competition like I know we can, then I'm going to need you on ship. I don't need your decision…Just by competing here you're helping NMW out. So, to make sure that this main event is NMW-caliber…

**Winters drops the microphone on the stage, and puts his hands on his waistband. He smiles as the crowd looks on in amusement…and drops his pants, revealing his tighty-whiteys! The crowd explodes into laughter, as Winters smiles, and looks down. He notices that he is half-naked, and blushes as he pulls his pants back up. Winters then realizes what he did wrong, as he unbuttons his suit coat…to reveal a referee shirt! The crowd gasps and then cheers, as Winters drops his coat, and begins to make his way down the ramp.**

Fredericks-Mr. Winters is going to referee this match?!

Erikson-Excellent! With his crazy ass in there, I wouldn't be surprised to see a mountain goat win the NMW title!

**Winters rolls into the ring, as Zack and Thresh both watch him cautiously. Winters walks over to Matt Springfield, who doesn't look very happy. Seth tells Springfield to leave the ring, but the head referee refuses to go. Winters simply shrugs, and kicks the ref in the midsection…before hitting him with the Corporate Takeover (Fameasser)! Springfield goes face-first into the mat, and Winters quickly rolls his lifeless body out of the ring. Winters walks to the middle of the ring, and looks at both competitors. They stare back at him, waiting. Winters grins and signals for the ringing of the bell.**

Fredericks-It's showtime!

As the bell rings, Zack and Thresh each take a few steps towards each other, before getting face to face with each other. Winters steps to the side, and watches in interest. Zack begins mouthing some words to Thresh, and the NMW champion does the same. The crowd continues getting louder and louder, as the two men angrily start yelling at each other. They then engage in a strong grapple, jocking for position and pushing as hard as they can at the other. Thresh comes out on top with a standing armbar, twisting Zack's arm to the side. Zack quickly rolls through it, and flips Thresh onto his back. Thresh kips up, just as Zack swings a clothesline. Thresh leans back right after the kip-up, into a Matrix-style pose, ducking Zack's swing. Thresh then stands back up, as Macomber spins around. Thresh cuts off Zack with a kick to the gut, and then quickly sets Macomber up for a piledriver. Zack reverses it though, into a Back Body Drop, sending Thresh flipping over him. Crest, however, hooks onto Zack's legs on his way down, and rolls him up in a Sunset Flip. But before Winters can even start to count, Zack kicks out of Thresh's grasp, and jumps back to his feet, as does Thresh. The two men grapples again, and this time Zack gets the advantage by quickly kneeing Thresh in the midsection. Zack then hooks up Thresh for a Vertical Zackieplex, lifting the champ into the air, and holding him there for a moment. Zack prepares to fall back, but Thresh is able to spin his body around, and land behind Zack. Macomber spins around once again, and the two men stand face to face once more, as the crowd erupts.

Fredericks-Holy crap! What an exchange that was!

Erikson-But…neither guy got hurt…

The two men go to grapple once again, but Zack slips under Thresh's reach, and takes him down with a Double Leg Takedown. Thresh falls back to the mat, as Zack leaps forward for an elbow drop, which Thresh rolls out of the way of. Zack hits the mat, as Thresh regroups and attempts a leg drop, which Zack rolls out from under. Thresh lands on his butt on the canvas, as Zack gets up and attempts a dropkick to Thresh's face, but Thresh leans back, causing Zack to miss. The two men get to their feet at the same time and once more engage in a very aggressive grapple. They lock horns tightly and remain like that for a few moments, before Winters moves in and attempts to break them apart. He struggles against both men, until they break the grapple and shove Winters away! Thresh then clocks Zack with a right cross, as Zack retaliates with a left hook!

Fredericks-Now it's a boxing match!

The two men continues pounding away on each other, neither bothering to even try blocking one of the blows. After about two dozen punches have been landed, the two men grapple once again, and this time they spin into one of the turnbuckles, Zack with his back to the buckle. Thresh takes a step back and chops Zack across the chest, getting a large "WHOO!" from the crowd. Before Thresh can land another, Zack grabs him by the ears and throws Crest into the spot Macomber was just in. Zack then nails a chop of his own, getting the same response from the crowd. Thresh explodes out of the turnbuckle, wrapping up Zack once again in a grapple, and the two men head in the direction of the opposite turnbuckle. Right before Zack is pushed into the turnbuckle, he drops to the mat, allowing Thresh to keep running…Before Macomber drops Crest with a Drop Toe Hold, sending him face-first into the middle turnbuckle! Thresh holds his face in pain, as both men get back to their feet. Thresh turns around to meet a jab to the gut from Zack, followed by a quick Snap Zackieplex. Macomber then floats over into the first cover of the match, as Winters drops to count…………………..1………………….Crest kicks out. Both men once again climb to their feet at once, but Zack keeps control by grabbing Thresh's arm and whipping him off the ropes. Thresh hangs onto the top rope to keep himself from bouncing back, and Zack charges at him. Thresh drops down and low-bridges Zack, sending him flying over the top rope. Crest marches forward, taunting the crowd…not knowing that Zack landed on his feet on the apron. Zack readies himself as Thresh turns around, and leaps up onto the top rope. Macomber springboards at the unsuspecting Thresh…but Crest is able to respond with a fast dropkick straight into Zack's ribs on his way down! Zack hits the mat, as does Thresh.

Fredericks-Finally, a bit of offense.

Erikson-Ugh…This is like torture. SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING!!

This time Thresh gets up a bit quicker than Zack, but Macomber is still able to get up fairly quickly, although he is now holding his ribs. Thresh reaches out and grabs Zack by the hair, before ramming his raised knee up into Zack's ribcage. Zack groans in pain, as Thresh not lifts up Zack in a bodyslam manner, before dropping him down over his knee in a Rib Breaker! Zack falls to the mat in pain, and Thresh pins him…………………….1……………………Macomber gets a shoulder up. The crowd starts getting louder, as Thresh gets up and pulls Zack to his feet. However, Zack cuts off Thresh with an uppercut to the jaw, and follows up with a quick Jawbreaker. Thresh bounces back up off of Zack's noggin, holding his lower jaw. Zack quickly leaps back up, sizes up Thresh, and attempts a Superkick, but Thresh catches his foot! Thresh spins Zack around in a 360, before locking him up for the Riot Act (STO 2)! But before Thresh can hit it, Zack elbows Thresh in the side of the head once, and then spins to the side, taking Thresh down with a Drop Toe Hold, and then locking on an STF. Winters kneels down and checks Thresh, who refuses to give up. Zack wrenches back on Crest's head, but the NMW champ is able to reach out and grab the bottom rope. Winters forces Zack to break the hold, and he does. Macomber gets back to his feet and waits, as Thresh slowly gets up as well. Zack get impatient and reaches down to pull Thresh up…but Crest grabs Macomber and pulls him down into a Small Package……………………….1…………………………..2……..Zack kicks out. Both men scramble to their feet, and Macomber mauls Thresh with a big clothesline.

Fredericks-These guys just keep going back and forth.

Erikson-It's excruciating. I'm finding this very hard to watch.

Thresh gradually gets up to one knee, though he seems a bit out of it after the clothesline. Zack marches over to one turnbuckle, and prepares to charge across the ring at Thresh. Thresh gets to his feet, with his back to Zack, and Macomber takes off running. Zack is about to spear Thresh, when Crest rolls to the side, causing Zack to go ribs-first into the turnbuckle pads. Macomber bounces backwards after the impact, right into a Roundhouse Kick from Thresh Crest. The crowd starts to give Thresh a mixed reaction, as he starts scaling the turnbuckle. Zack is prone on the mat, and Thresh prepares to backflip onto him. Crest sets himself for the Entropy (Rios Backflip Splash)…but Zack is able to shoot up and push his foot off the top turnbuckle, causing Thresh to crotch himself on the top rope, facing the crowd! Zack then slowly gets up, as Thresh sits in agony atop the turnbuckle. Zack climbs up, hooking Thresh's arm over his head, and then carefully stepping up onto the top rope himself. Zack lifts Thresh, attempting a Belly to Back Zackieplex off the top rope! Zack falls backwards with Thresh in his grasp…until Thresh shifts his weight, wraps his arm around Zack's head in midair, and drives Macomber down with a super Reverse DDT!! The entire ring shakes as both men crash down, and the crowd really starts getting into it. Thresh eventually is able to crawl over and lay his body on top of Zack's, as Winters drops to count……………………..1……………………………2………………………….Macomber kicks out. Thresh is a bit surprised, but keeps going, pulling himself to his feet. Zack is still out of it, lying on the mat, while Thresh stands up, bounces off the ropes, and drives his forearm down onto Zack's ribcage. Zack coughs after the shot, and this seems to cause him to snap out of his trance, as he now starts pushing himself up. Crest tries to stop him by sending his foot up into Zack's ribs several times, but Zack fights his way to his feet.

Erikson-Man, these guys need to pick up the pace a bit. That top rope reverse DDT was nice, but I need more action!

Fredericks-You need more action, eh? I'd make a joke here, but it's just too easy.

Thresh now waits for Zack to get completely up to his feet. Once Zack does, Thresh goes for another Roundhouse Kick, but this time Zack catches his leg, and drops him with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Zack holds onto Thresh's leg after taking him down, spins around it, and locks on a Figure Four Leglock, much to the delight of the crowd. Thresh screams as Zack applies pressure to his knees. Seth Winters gets down by Thresh's face, asking him if he wants to quit. Crest once again refuses to give up, and he endures the endless pain as Macomber clamps down on his legs. Thresh attempts to reach out to the ropes, but they are far out of his reach, so he tries to flip Zack over and reverse the pressure of the hold. Thresh almost gets Zack turned, but Macomber shifts his weight to pull Thresh back into the hold. But when Zack shifts his weight, Thresh carries through with it, and uses Zack's momentum to flip him over! Zack now yelps as Thresh pushes the pressure back onto Zack, straining "The Mack's" legs as he tries to reach the ropes. Macomber is able to grab the bottom strand, and Winters makes Thresh break the hold. Thresh refuses, and puts more pressure on Zack's legs. Winters starts the five count, and at four, Thresh finally breaks the hold. Zack pulls his legs up towards him, trying to recover from the effects of the hold, and Crest does the same on the other side of the ring. Thresh starts to pull himself up by the ropes, as the crowd cheers Zack on. Thresh gets up weakly, trying to find the support he needs to stand. He finally is able to balance himself, as he turns to lean on the ropes…when Zack flies out of nowhere, launching his body into Thresh's, sending both men tumbling over the ropes, and landing in front of the announce table!

Erikson-Yeah! There ya go! Pain! Agony!


Erikson-Chee…You cock.

Both men start to get back to their feet very, very slowly, as the fans start to get behind Zack once again. Once Macomber and Crest are both on their feet, Winters starts to count them out of the ring………….1…………2……….Zack takes a swing at Thresh, but Crest blocks it and swings Zack's arm into the turnbuckle post…………3……….Zack stumbles backwards, holding his arm, as Thresh now runs at him……….4………..Thresh tries to strike at Zack, but Zack counters with an Overhead Belly to Belly Zackieplex, sending Thresh upside-down into the side of the barricade! The fans erupt, as Winters keeps counting………..5………..6……….Zack walks over and grabs Thresh by the hair, before pulling back towards the ring…………7……….Zack is about to throw Thresh into the ring, when Thresh elbows him in the ribs, and slams Zack's head onto the apron……….8……..Zack stumbles back towards the announce tables, holding his nose, as Thresh rolls into the ring for a split second, to renew the count. Winters sighs and starts all over again, as Thresh now heads over towards Zack………..1……….Zack leans against the French announce table, still holding his face, as Thresh now strikes him with a kick to the chest……..2……Zack falls back onto the French table, and the commentators skidaddle…….3……Thresh also climbs onto the announce table, and pulls Zack to his feet………..4………Thresh slips under Zack's arm and shoots a glare over at the English announcers, as he sets Zack up for the Riot Act (STO 2)!

Erikson-WOO HOO! This rules, he's gonna cause mass destruction on Zack…PLUS it'll be through those damn Frenchie's announce table!

Thresh kicks his leg out to deliver the move, then Zack drops to his knees, and wraps his arms around Thresh's legs……….5……….Zack then yell out and with all his might, lifts Thresh and flapjacks him face-first through the English announce table, falling back and catching a decent amount of the move himself…………6…………Zack lays there for a moment, as Erikson and Fredericks both scramble out of the way.

Erikson-You bastards!

Thresh twitches, and Zack very slowly starts to stir…………7………Macomber uses the fans' support to get to his knees, and he starts to crawl over towards the ring……….8………Zack gets to the bottom of the apron, and he pulls himself up onto it, while Thresh shows no signs of movement……….9……….Zack gets up onto the apron and rolls himself inside the ring just in the nick of time to stop the count. Macomber lays there for a moment to catch his breath, as Winters looks out at Thresh, who is still lying among the wreckage. Winters shrugs and starts the 10 count once again, while Zack once again forces himself to his feet………..1………2……….3……..4………As time passes, Zack regains his composure, and looks out at Thresh…………5………..Macomber then looks like he has a revelation, as his eyes widen.

Fredericks-I think Zack just realized that he can't win the title by Count Out.

Macomber quickly slides out of the ring and grabs the unconscious Crest by the scruff of his neck…………6………….Zack attempts to drag Thresh back towards the ring, but doesn't find this to be an easy task………….7………..Zack drags Thresh little by little towards the ring, as Winters stands by the ropes and continues to count………8………Zack is about to get Thresh pulled out of the shattered announce table, when he hears Winters…………..9…………Macomber dashes over to the apron, grabs Winter's leg, and yanks it out from under him, causing Winters to hit the back of his head on the canvas, and lose count. Winters curses and gets back to his feet, as Zack goes back to Thresh, drags him over the rest of the way, and rolls him into the ring eventually. Zack then crawls back into the ring and quickly hooks Thresh's leg, as Winters slowly gets down to count…………………….1…………………………2……………………………Thresh kicks out. Macomber is in shock after this event, and he retaliates by punching Thresh directly in the face, causing the NMW Champ's nose to bleed. Winters orders Zack to get off of Crest, and Macomber obliges. After kicking out, Thresh lies on the mat for a moment or two before he starts moving again. Zack just leans in the turnbuckle, once again catching his breath. Crest starts to get up, and Zack readies himself for the next round. Winters waits in anticipation, as do the fans, as Thresh gradually gets back to his feet, and turns around to meet Zack. Macomber jumps in front of Crest, and goes right into his setup for the Zackinoku Driver (Michinoku Driver)! Zack lifts Thresh up and turns him upside down…but Thresh is able to slide off of Zack's shoulder, and land behind…before locking on the Zack Sleeper (Tazzmission)!!

Fredericks-Thresh has Zack in his own finishing hold! This is amazing!

Zack flops his arms around as the crowd pops, although whether it's for Thresh or for Zack's move is undetermined. Thresh clamps on the version of Zack's trademark move, and Zack slowly starts to fade into submission. The fans start chanting "Zack the Mack, Zack the Mack", as Macomber ever so closely comes near to defeat. Thresh holds on tightly as Zack gets closer and closer to the canvas, his knees obviously getting weak. Winters just watches, and waits for Zack to stop moving before he administers his referee authority. Suddenly, Zack springs to life, pushing himself back to his feet against Thresh's pressure. Crest is absolutely shocked, and the fans pop immensely for Zack's resurgence. Zack is able to break free of Thresh's grasp for a split second, and in that time, he reaches back and takes Thresh over with a vicious Snapmare. Thresh flips over Zack and lands square on the mat. Zack taunts Thresh to get up, and Thresh quickly does. Crest runs at Zack and swings a huge clothesline…but Zack ducks it and locks Thresh up, before executing the Riot Act (STO 2)!!! Zack delivers the move almost as good as Thresh, and he wastes no time in making a cover, as Winters drops to count the pin…………………………………1……………………………………..2………………………………….Thresh kicks out! The crowd gasps as Thresh's shoulder shoot off the mat at the last second, and Zack is totatlly stunned after thinking that he had it won.

Fredericks-Thresh kicked out of his own finisher! Holy crap, this is sweet!

Erikson-Man, after seeing that…I have a feeling that they aren't finished yet.

Zack rolls off of Thresh and sits there for a moment, pondering what to do next. Winters is now smiling, knowing that this must be bringing in a lot of money. Zack looks over at Crest, who is now starting to stir, and sit up on the mat. Zack looks around at the fans, then peers over at the nearest turnbuckle. He looks at Thresh again, and the champ is still trying to get to his feet. Zack gets up and steps out onto the apron, before climbing up onto the top turnbuckle and waiting. Thresh looks up at Winters, who makes sure that he can keep going, as blood is now running down his face. The bloody Thresh turns around, just as Zack comes off the top rope with a Missile Dropkick, and nails it right into Thresh's chest. Crest falls back to the mat, and lays there. Zack stomps on him a few times, then reaches down and pulls him up to his feet. Zack pushes Thresh off the ropes, then Irish whips him…but Thresh reverses the whip, pulls Zack towards him, kicks Macomber in the gut, and connects with the Cutter (Stone Cold Stunner)!! The fans explode as they recognize the Knife's finisher, and Zack's chin bounces off Thresh's shoulder as Thresh's delivers the move. Winters stands in utter shock, as Thresh now collapses once again to the mat, and Zack lies motionless.

Fredericks-My God, it's the Cutter! That's Knife's move!

Zack remains out cold on the canvas, and Thresh slowly starts to slide his body towards Zack. Winters steps closer and watches as Crest gets closer and closer to Macomber's body, before flopping himself on top of Zack. Winters gets to his knees and pounds the mat…………………………1…………………………..2………………………………..NO! Zack rolls his shoulder up just in time. The fans gasp and then cheer, as Thresh rolls onto his back, staring up at the ceiling, and Zack does the same, still on his back. Thresh turns his head, and looks at Zack, who is still staring upwards. Crest slides himself over to the ropes, and pulls himself up rope by rope. Thresh grabs one of Zack's arms and legs, and slides him over towards the center of the ring. Winters looks on as Crest slowly begins scaling the turnbuckle, obviously setting up for his trademark, Entropy (Rios Backflip Splash). Zack remains lying on the mat, still hurting from the Cutter. Thresh gets to the top rope, and positions himself, while Zack doesn't move, still lying perpendicular to the turnbuckle. Just as Thresh leaps off in the huge backflip, Zack rolls to his feet, towards the buckle. Thresh apparently notices this in midair, and counters by completely backflipping, and landing on his feet! The crowd "OOO's", as Thresh lands on the mat, but he is cut right off by the now standing Zack, who hooks him in a rear chinlock, lifts him straight up…and delivers the Last Descent (Screwdriver), driving Thresh's head into the mat. Winter's jaw drops as Zack executes the move, and Macomber pauses for a moment, before drooping himself over Crest. Winters quickly drops and counts……………………………1……………………………………….2…………………………………NO!! Thresh kicks out!

Fredericks-Oh my God! Zack just hit Gravedigger's finishing maneuver, the Last Descent…and Thresh still kicked out of it!

Erikson-This match just keeps getting better. I think these guys will have to kill each other just to win the match, and that makes me happy.

Zack is in utter disbelief, as are the fans, after Thresh kicks out of Gravedigger's trademark maneuver. Thresh is seemingly completely out of it, as he just lays on the mat, breathing heavily, and still bleeding from the forehead. Zack gets to his feet, and looks over at Winters, who simply shrugs, not knowing where this might go from here. Zack leans over, and picks up Thresh, whose dead weight makes it harder for Macomber to pull him up. Zack eventually gets Crest up all the way, before spinning him around, locking on a rear waistlock…and delivering a German Zackieplex with a bridge. Thresh gets folded up on the mat, as Seth Winters slides over and counts……………………………….1…………………………..2……………………………Kickout by Thresh Crest! The champ is able to slide his shoulders off the mat just in time, and he now lays face-down on the canvas. Both men are spent, but Zack is the first to start moving once again, as he uses Winters to pull himself back up. Zack then stands and waits for Thresh, attempting to recuperate. Crest eventually starts stirring, moving his legs around, before wobbling up onto his hands and knees. Zack walks over and drives his knee into the side of Thresh's head, as the crowd cheers him on. Zack then grabs Thresh by the back of his shirt, and pulls him up weakly to his feet. Zack prepares to grapple with him, but Crest rakes Zack's eyes! Zack stumbles back towards the ropes, and Thresh slowly regains his composure, making his way towards the challenger. Zack, still blinded, now walks forward, right into the grasp of Thresh, who hooks him up for the Riot Act (STO 2)! But suddenly Zack growls loudly, before slipping out of Thresh's hold, lifting him up for the Zackinoku Driver (Michinoku Driver)!!

Fredericks-Zack's going for the Zackinoku Driver, it's over!

Zack pulls Thresh up, but Crest's weight proves to be too much to bear, and Zack lets him go, allowing Thresh to land on his feet to the side of Zack. Zack spins around with a haymaker, and Thresh fluidly grabs him…and delivers his own version of the Zackinoku Driver (Michinoku Driver)!! Thresh drives Zack down hard, shaking the squared circle and getting a large pop from the crowd. Winter paces around, waiting for Thresh to make a cover, as both men now lie on the mat once again. The camera zooms in on the faces of both men, showing that Zack is now bleeding as well, apparently from the eyes. Winters starts the mandatory ten count, as both men remain motionless……………..1…………..2……………Neither man makes a move, as the crowd starts to get pumped up……………3…………….4………….Still no movement, so Winters continues……………..5………………..6……………Suddenly, Thresh pops up, throwing his arm over Zack in a last ditch effort! Winters quickly falls to his knees and counts.



………………………..Zack shoots his shoulder off the mat!

Fredericks-Oh man! This is unreal…What is it gonna take?

Erikson-Death Tyler…it's gonna take death. Oh please God, let it take death.

Thresh rolls back over, and Zack falls back down to the mat after shooting off of it. Winters once again starts the ten count……………1………….2…………Thresh reaches up and grabs the bottom rope……………3…………….4………….Crest starts to pull himself up on the ropes, little by little……………..5………………..6…………….Zack now starts to move a bit………………..7…………..Thresh now gets up to one knee, as Zack starts to slide over towards the NMW Champion…………..8………..Thresh now falls back down to both knees, finding it hard to stand, just as Zack reaches up and grabs onto Thresh's shoulder, pulling himself up…………9………Zack suddenly darts upward, as Thresh's legs completely give out as Zack pulls himself up. Zack throws his other leg over the back of Thresh's neck, and then kneels down…locking Thresh in Jackson King's Reality Check (Butterfly Lock)!! Thresh looks as if he's about to pass out as Zack applies the hold, which doesn't seem to be locked on quite right. Zack puts the pressure on nonetheless, and Thresh still seems to be in pain. Referee Winters observes the situation. Crest doesn't quit, but he looks to be barely conscious. With possibly his last bit of strength…Thresh stretches out his leg, bends it a bit, and is able to touch the bottom rope with the tip of his toe. Winters sees this, and tells Zack to break the hold. Zack refuses for a moment, as the crowd starts cheering him for bringing the pain. Thresh now howls in agony, as Zack wrenches back on his neck once last time before letting go of the lethal hold. Thresh lays there, as Zack gets up and falls into the corner turnbuckle. Winters starts to count Thresh down, while Zack rests in the corner, blood streaming down his face…………….1……………2………….3…………Still no movement from the tattered NMW Champion…………..4…………..5…………

Erikson-Oh come on, this can't end on a Count Out!

Winters continues counting, as the fans start to cheer on Zack………….6…………7………..8………….Zack looks around at the crowd, before marching forward, and grabbing Thresh by the hair………….9…………The crowd pops immensely, as Zack signals with a cutthroat high sign, and yanks Crest up off the mat. Zack grabs Thresh once more in a reverse chinlock, obviously for some sort of suplex. Zack then cups his other hand by his mouth, and screams out "Wrath of the Platypus!" The crowd erupts in cheers, as Zack lifts Thresh's other arm over his neck. Zack then lifts Thresh straight up vertically, going for Mr. Platypus's finisher, the Wrath of the Platypus (Brainbuster DDT). Zack readies to drop Thresh on his head, until Crest starts frantically kicking his legs about. Zack lowers Thresh back down to the ground, and gets ready to try again. Zack attempts to lift Thresh once more, but Thresh sticks his foot in between Zack's legs, blocking the move. Thresh then stomps both of his feet on the mat, and lift Zack into the air for a suplex of his own. But as Thresh falls back, Zack's legs hit one of the turnbuckles, and they become entangled in it, causing Zack to get hung up in the Tree of Woe position. Thresh, meanwhile, falls back the rest of the way, thinking he connected with a suplex. The Champ then gets up and looks at Macomber, who is dangling upside-down in the turnbuckle. Thresh walks over and lays a couple stomps into Zack's chest, and then he smiles evilly. Thresh reaches down and pulls Zack up by his shirt, sitting up on the turnbuckle, facing the crowd. Thresh then steps up onto the second rope, and ducks underneath Zack's body, causing Macomber to drape over Thresh, back to back. Thresh then hooks Zack's arms…


Erikson-YES! DO IT! It's the Confession!!!

Zack appears to be almost dead, as he hangs lifelessly on Thresh's back. The crowd waits almost in utter silence, as Thresh steadies himself on the second rope. Just then, Thresh's legs give out, and he falls backwards to the mat below…bringing Zack down with him into the Confession (Top Rope Vertebreaker)!!! Zack is folded up like an accordion, landing awkwardly on his neck, almost like the landing one takes after getting German suplexed, only much worse. Zack's legs fall to the canvas, and he doesn't move, as the crowd gasps. Thresh just looks up, and sees Zack down. Winters is in awe at the execution of the move, and he awaits the next decision. Thresh slowly crawls over, as the crowd cheers deafeningly. Crest leaps on top of Zack, and hooks his leg back, as Winters gets into position and counts.



……………………The lights in the entire arena flicker once, and the MilleniTron shoots to static. Winter's freezes his hand in midair, as the static causes him to place his hands over his ears. Winters stands up, and turns to look at the MilleniTron. Thresh, meanwhile, looks up furiously at the referee, and gets up off of Zack. Thresh is unbelievably angry, and he gets ready to approach Winters from behind, as Seth watches the MilleniTron in confusion.

Fredericks-What in the hell is going on here?

The static on the MilleniTron starts to clear up, and three letters can now be made out on the large screen. Winter's eyes widen, and his jaw drops…and Thresh stops from attacking him for a moment, as he too sees what the MilleniTron says. All of the fans turn their attention to the screen, as the loud static sound continues, but fades away a bit. Thresh and Winters both stand awe-stricken, as the three letters on the MilleniTron take total shape.


The crowd isn't sure how to react to this message, and neither does Winters nor Thresh Crest. Just then, a figure leaps out from behind the announce table and slides into the ring, behind both men. Thresh hears the footsteps behind him, and turns around…before getting slammed in the face with an extremely large, gold title belt! Blood squirts from Thresh's face, as he crumples to the mat. The figure drops the large belt on the mat next to Thresh, as Winters too now turns around slowly after being transfixed by the MilleniTron. As the President turns around, his head is hooked in the figure's arm, as the uknown man from the crowd drives Winters downwards to the mat…with the Royal Seal (3/4 Turn Neckbreaker)!


Erikson-NO! He's from the Slaughterhouse! What in the hell is he doing?!?

The MOW Slaughterhouse World Champion, Toran Crest, raises his arms in the air after dropping both his brother AND President Winters. The crowd is 100 percent dumbfounded by this event, as Toran grabs up his World title belt, holds it in the air, and leaps out of the ring as security comes running down the ramp. Toran Crest leaps the barricade, and takes off through the fans, who still seem to be oblivious at to what has just taken place. Toran escapes safely, as a few of the homeless security guards chase him through the crowd. Back in the ring, Winters is out cold, Thresh and Zack are both still down, and blood is covering the ring.

Fredericks-This can't be happening! He just ruined the entire main event! And now the referee, President Winters, is knocked out!

As if on cue, the original referee for the match, Matt Springfield, peeks up from ringside, where he has been lying for the entire match. He sees nothing but destruction, as all three men lay lifelessly in the squared circle.

Erikson-Well, at least Springfield is still alive. Hey wait…Is Zack moving?

In the ring, Zack Macomber starts coughing, and his body heaves in and out. Seemingly by instinct and instinct alone, Zack rolls onto his side, draping his arm over the nearby Thresh Crest, who is lying on his back, covered in blood. Winters is still out, but Springfield sees Zack with his arms over Thresh's chest. Springfield slowly rolls into the ring, and gets in position, as he starts to count the pin.




The bell rings after Springfield brings his hand down for the third time. But instead of helping Zack up and handing him the belt, Springfield just passes on in the ring.

Anna Lopez-Winner at 17:02, and new NMW World Champion, Zack Macomber!

Fredericks-Zack has finally done it! He beat Thresh…

Erikson-Jesus…What a match…

**"Synthetic" by Spineshank hits the speakers, as most of the crowd cheers for Zack, even though they are still stupified by the appearance of Thresh's brother of the MOW Slaughterhouse, Toran. Anna Lopez slides the NMW World title into the ring, where it stops next to Zack, who lies with his arm still draped over Thresh. All four men in the ring don't move a muscle, as the music continues to play. The camera zooms in on each man's face, first Springfield, then Winters, then Thresh, and finally Zack. Blood stains almost the entire ring.**

Fredericks-What a spectacular ending to a huge night! Zack won the NMW World title.

Erikson-But the Slaughterhouse has struck, and it left its mark. That's for sure.

Fredericks-Oh man…There are some guys that aren't gonna be very happy this week. I almost feel sorry for the Slaughterhouse.

Erikson-Why is that?

Fredericks-I don't think they realize how crazy Winters can be…

**With that, the camera shows an overhead view of all the carnage in the ring, as the scene fades to black.**


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