**An opening video flashes to life on the MilleniTron, and "Violence Fetish" by Disturbed showers down on the packed NMW Arena. The word ‘Uprising’ appears on the video screen for a few moments, before being trampled by a crazed group of shadowy figures. **

Bring the violence
It's significant
To the life
If you've ever known anyone
Bring the violence
It's significant
To the life
Can you feel it?

**The image pans outward to reveal a large group of faceless men, fighting each other, all trying to reach a bright, golden glow in the background. Several of the men fall in battle, before one of them reaches out, grabbing the glowing object, and raises it above his head. The screen then flashes as clips from recent weeks are shown.**

How do you sleep
When you live with your lies
Out of your mouth
Up from your mind
That kind of thinking
Starts a chain reaction
You are a timebomb ticking away
You need to release
What you're feeling inside
Let out the beast
That you're trying to hide
Step right up and be a part of the action
Get your game face on
Because it's time to play
You're pushing and fighting your way
You're ripping it up

**Chang and Joker in a room, shaking hands and Joker agreeing to protect Chang after several attacks on Mustafa’s life. Chang Mustafa entering the arena, being cheered for the first time, and tagging with Crazy Joker against the Tides of Darkness. Crazy Joker is chasing away Chang’s would-be attacker, while Chang receives the Low Road to Hell in the ring. Chang is then shown weakly pinning Kaltuul, winning the match. FLASH. The view now shows Cliff hitting Triple J with a pink flamingo, knocking him silly. Triple J is now attempting the Painful Memories, but gets catapulted into a chair in the corner. Triple J and Cliff are brawling outside the ring after the 4-way match, and then battle backstage. Then the scene backstage is shown with Cliff screaming in pain as Triple J applies a boston crab. FLASH. Melvin Frost and the Knife are fighting in the ring, and then they are shown huggin in agreement to become a tag team. Jason Moore is shown assaulting a Mexican worker, and then the scene cuts to Knife delivering a spinebuster to Moore, smashing him through a table. Melvin is shown delivering the Study Hall to Knife, Knife is shown executing the Cutter on Melvin, and then the hugging scene is shown again.**

How do you live without playing the game
Sit on the side and expect to keep sane
Step right up and be a part of the action
Come get a piece of it before it's too late
Take a look around
You can't deny what you see
Were living in a violent society
Well my brother let me show you a better way
So get your game face on because it's time to play
You're pushing and fighting your way you're ripping it up

**FLASH. Mike Rathje is shown German Suplexing Triple J. Gravedigger is shown chokeslamming Zack Macomber. Rathje’s locker room is shown, as a flower pot is smashed over his head from behind by Gravedigger. A grave up on the stage is then shown, flickering in the background. Rathje hits a German Suplex on Gravedigger to prevent him from chokeslamming Zack. Gravedigger is then shown driving Rathje down into the grave with the Last Descent. The scene in Rathje’s locker room is repeated, ending with Rathje, blood pouring down his face, unconscious. FLASH. Thresh Crest is shown attacking numerous staff members, ultimately causing them all to quit. It then shows Thresh trashing the Mexican replacements, and breaking company equipment. Zack Macomber is shown arriving at the NMW Arena for the first time, and then later on stepping out of a limo followed by women. Cut to Thresh injuring Commissioner Greenwood, and Zack defeating several opponents. Thresh is shown Riot Acting President Winters, as Zack charges in and the two begin to brawl. Winters then gives Thresh the Corporate Takeover. Zack accidentally hits the Zackinoku Driver on Winters, and getting speared by Thresh. The two are finally shown standing off in the backstage area, eye-to-eye.

So tell me what am I supposed to be
Another goddamn drone
Tell me what am I supposed to be
Should I leave it on the inside
Should I get ready to play

**FLASH. The scene cuts back to the image of the man holding the golden glow above his head. The camera zooms into the glow, revealing the words ‘NMW Uprising’ inside it, shimmering in the gold that the man is holding. The camera then cuts to a live view of the fans in the arena, who are now going crazy as firework begin to go off from every direction. "Violence Fetish" by Disturbed comes to an end. The camera pans around the arena, picking up a few signs:

"Who rules??? Not Thresh!"

"Belthazar=First NMW Champion!"

"I need protection."

"Latest polls show 95% favor the gnome."

"Jason Moore plus Triple J=the perfect couple."

"X-Pac a double champion? God help us all."

The camera swings around the arena one more time, and settles on a huge sign in the front row, near the announce table. The sign has nothing on it except a large heart with the word ‘Mom’ on it. The view is obstructing some fans’ view, so security comes to take the sign. The man with the sign puts up a fight, and one of the security guards whips out his pepper spray. Right before he sprays it, the man with the sign hits the guards arm, and the spray is directed right at…Brian Erikson! Erikson screams and begins rigorously rubbing his eyes, as the camera comes to rest on Tyler Fredericks.**

Tyler Fredericks-Howdy NMW fans! Welcome to New Millenium Wrestling’s first Pay-Per-View extravaganza, Uprising!!! As always, I’m Tyler Fredericks, here with my partner, and straight-man, Brian Erikson!

Brian Erikson-**coughs and rubs his eyes**

Fredericks-Folks, tonight is sure to be explosive, as the first NMW champion of the new era will FINALLY be crowned, in the Uprising Rumble! Plus, we’ve got 5 other matches lined up, that are sure to be brutal as all hell.

Erikson-**still rubbing eyes** Tyler…are you there??? Are we on the air yet?

Fredericks-Just in case you’ve been living under a rock for the past month, let’s take a looksy at the card for tonight:







Erikson-I will have vengeance…

Fredericks-Ah, I see my broadcast partner has finally regained his senses.

Erikson-Frack you Tyler, frack you.

Fredericks-Right back at ya buddy. NMW fans, you’ve picked a great night to be with us here at Uprising, I assure you all tha…

**"Just Got Wicked" cuts off Tyler, as the fans erupt, rocking the entire building. NMW President Seth Winters steps onto the stage, holding a microphone in one hand, and a rather large, fancy-looking box in the other. He smiles at the reaction from the crowd as he walks down to the ring. He signals for a cutting of his music, as he stands silent for a few moments and absorbs the adulation of the crowd.**

Winters-Tonight will be a night like no other. Tonight will most definitely be a night that you all will remember for the rest of your lives…because tonight we will crown the FIRST NMW Champion of the new era!

**The crowd pops.**

Winters-Hopefully none of our shows have disappointed thus far, but I assure you all, that after tonight, NMW will be unstoppable. As I’m sure my trusty announcers have already informed the fans at home…we will have 5 matches on the card tonight, followed by the main event…the Uprising Rumble. After my attempt to draw the order of the competitors a couple weeks ago, I have come to the decision of keeping their entrance order a secret until the match takes place. I think that this will add a little more excitement to the match. Thus, without further ado, I give you…NMW Upri…

**"Synthetic" by Spineshank hits, cutting off Winters, and the fans explode again as Zack Macomber comes marching down to the ring. Most of the crowd buzzes in confusion as Zack walks past the President, stands up on the turnbuckle, and raises his arms, flashing a smile to the crowd. He then steps down and calls for a microphone from ringside.**

Zack-President Winters…I feel it’s time that you and I had a little chat.

Fredericks-Uh oh…I wonder what’s on Zack’s mind.

Zack-Ever since I’ve joined NMW, it’s been nothing but fun and games. But tonight, I’m out for more, a lot more. I want to be the NMW champion more than anyone else, and I WILL be NMW champion…I will do anything it takes. And NOBODY is gonna stop me…not even you Winters.

Erikson-What the…

**The fans go silent as they wait in anticipation for what is about to happen.**

Winters-Well, what do you mean by that, Zack?

Zack-I mean in my match with Thresh tonight, I want NO interference. I know you hate Thresh almost as much as I do, but I don’t want to see anyone at ringside.

**Winters grins.**

Winters-Zack, I’m afraid you’re wrong about something…

Fredericks-Such tension…

Winters-…you’re wrong about you hating Thresh more than I do!

**The crowd pops, as both men in the ring smile and shake hands.**

Zack-I’m glad you feel that way, in fact, I KNEW you would feel that way. Just make sure that I have Thresh all to myself.

Winters-You’ve got it. I look forward to sitting in my office, watching you dismantle that runt of the Crest litter. I have all faith in you Mr. Macomber.

Zack-Thank you very much Mr. President. I was hoping you wouldn’t be too angry about the Zackinoku Driver I accidentally hit on you last Saturday, but I was blinded by the mist, and I just happened to bump into you. Hope there’s no hard feelings. By the way, what’s in the box?

**The crowd chatters in curiosity.**

Winters-OH! I almost forgot. Within this box is the NEW NMW World title belt! I had it custom made and whoever wins the Rumble tonight will be the lucky man to hold it for the first time! But the catch is this…I’m not going to reveal it until the Rumble is over. I want it to be a surprise.

Zack-Well, then I only have one thing to say. Make sure that belt is nice and shiny by the time the Rumble rolls around, because at the end of the night, it’ll be on the waist of the Mack! Who rules?

Winters (and the crowd)-Macomber rules!

**"Synthetic" by Spineshank hits again as Zack and Winters head up the ramp, and into the backstage area.**

Erikson-Damn that suck-up Macomber…I was hoping that he was going to deck Winters there for a second.

Fredericks-Yeah, you would. Personally, I’m glad that there’s not going to be any interference in the Last Man Standing match, I want to see a good, clean fight.

Erikson-Good??? Clean??? Why are you in this biz???

Fredericks-**sniffs** I don’t know…my dad wanted me to be an Actuary…

Erikson-There, there, it’ll be ok…


**The camera cuts backstage directly to a door labeled "El Mexican Resistance". The cameraman opens the door and steps inside…and the sight is astonishing.**

Pablo-Tonight is OUR night!

**Close to 35 or 40 Mexican crew members are huddled around in a small area, with one of them, Pablo, standing behind a podium at the front of the room. All of them are completely silent, except for Pablo, who looks very focused.**

Pablo-Two weeks ago, Cliff gave us a motivational speech. He urged us to rise up against those who attack us. He urged us to rebel against those who commit numerous injustices towards us. Well, tonight, we will do just that! We have been mistreated for long enough! We are overworked, and underpaid…plus we have no medical plan to help us when we are severely injured by the ‘talent’ around here! I have a family, and I know many of you do too. We cannot survive like this any longer, and tonight, we shall take a stand! Are you with me???

Mexican crew members-SI!!!!

Pablo-Good, goooooood. I have a special mission for each and every one of you. This is the perfect time to strike, but we must do it carefully. We will show Winters that we will not be stomped on like rats any longer! Maurice, you have your assignment already.

**Maurice nods.**

Pablo-Enrique and Antonio, have you read the books I have given you?

**Enrique and Antonio nod.**

Pablo-Excellent. You must execute your part as carefully as possible. After Maurice strikes, you both must carry out your task. We must work together as a well-oiled machine on this night. However, we will not be able to survive amongst some of these musclebound monsters, so will need a leader stronger than myself. One has been chosen to lead us, and our Spanish announcers will take care of him tonight. Once he has agreed to lead us, we will be unstoppable.

**Enrique and Antonio nod once again.**

Pablo-Well, what are you all waiting for?!?! We have work to do. Let us go out into the arena tonight, and show that we are a force to be reckoned with!!!!

**The group begins cheering as they all turn and begin filing out the door.**


Fredericks-Oh man…this isn’t good.

Erikson-Heheh, I think it’s pretty funny. Cliff’s speech from two weeks ago seems to have backfired. Now instead of going after Thresh and the guys who have attacked them, they’re going after Winters for pay raises and medical plans!

Fredericks-I have a bad feeling about this…I mean, that’s a LOT of Mexicans. And I wonder who this leader is that they are going after.

Erikson-I know who it is…It’s me!!!


Erikson-Oh come on Tyler, are you really that blind? Can’t you see that my plan is falling into place? The Mexicans will ask me to lead them, hand me Jennifer Lopez as my bride and Latino Queen, and I will rule the Applesauce Empire with an iron fist!!!

Fredericks-This is going to be a loooooong night.


**The camera cuts to a scene in a cemetery. The view floats over several tombstones, before settling on an open plot. The view pans upwards to reveal Gravedigger standing above the plot, with a strange, yet frightening, grin on his face.**

Gravedigger-Rathje, your time is here. Are you excited? Are you scared? Perhaps both? You should be…because tonight your death certificate will be signed, your coffin will be sealed, and your soul will be delivered.

**Gravedigger slides some dirt into the hole in the ground.**

Gravedigger-Did you think that German Suplex last week phased me? Just because I lost to Macomber does not change the fact that you WILL be put out of your misery tonight…in fact, it only emphasizes that fact. And as soon as I am through with you, I will have vengeance on Macomber as well. But first Rathje, you must be sent to rest. I have the plot prepared for you, as you know, and the good thing is…it’s not very far away from here. In fact, I have two plots prepared for our Buried Alive match. One is for myself, if by some unknown circumstance I lose…and the other is for you, of course.

**Gravedigger walks around the tombstone, peeling his shadow from the front of the stone, revealing the name ‘Mike Rathje’ on it.**

Gravedigger-You can’t win tonight Rathje. You’re in MY element. Tonight at Uprising, standards will be set, and YOU will be made an example of…

**The camera fades as Gravedigger remains grinning in the cemetery.**


Fredericks-Wow, strong words from Gravedigger, eh Brian?

Erikson-**from behind the table** Is it over yet??

Fredericks-Yes, it’s over.

Erikson-**sitting back up in his chair** Phew, good. Yes Tyler, it sounds like Gravdigger is ready for one hell of a match with Rathje.

Fredericks-Indeed. Oh, and Brian…BOO!!!


Fredericks-Hehehehe…you jumpy piece of poo.

Erikson-…I hate you…


Fredericks- This is not the first time these two teams have faced off. But this time it is for the gold.

Erikson- In a ladder match no less.

Fredericks- And no more for that matter.

**The lights go out as "Long Hard Road Out of Hell" By Marilyn Manson and the Sneaker Pimps strikes.**

Erikson- Hold me…

**The lights around the Millenitron begin flashing dark purple and blue as Kaltuul and Belthazar appear on the stage to a chorus of shouts and some cheers. They knock fists and begin to head down the rampway. Before sliding to the ring they laugh sadistically and the lights begin to flicker back to normal.**

Fredericks- These two scare me.

Erikson- HA! You wuss.


**"Bodies" by Drowning Pool hits and Chang Mustafa appears with Crazy Joker to a thunderous applause!**

Fredericks- This is insanity! They aren’t supposed to like him!

Erikson- Why not?

Fredericks- It’s just…It’s just not right!

**The two men make their way down to the ring, but set up one of the ladders outside the ring before sliding in.**

Fredericks- Now what is that going to d…

Erikson- Ladder...

Fredericks- It has to go ins…

Erikson- Ladder…

Fredericks- *sighs* Tuche…

Chang and Joker both slide into the ring as the Tides of Darkness pummel and kick at them. They throw Chang out of the ring and whip Joker into the ropes, they whip him harder into the other set of ropes, but Chang pulls down the top rope and showing some agility, Joker twists over them and lands on the concrete!

Fredericks- Marvelous

The two men laugh at the Tides of Darkness from outside the ring. But Kaltuul and Belthazar get some momentum and spring over the top ropes clotheslining their respective opponents! Kaltuul goes after Chang, while Belthazar picks Joker up. Kaltuul whips Chang into the metal steps while Belthazar gives Joker a body slam on the outside. Chang ends up sitting down against the stairs, Kaltuul rushes at him with his shin, but Chang moves as Kaltuul slams his shin into the steps! Belthazar has climbed up on the apron and leaps off with a powerful body splash!

Fredericks- It seems as though the big man on the Chinese Joker team is being manhandled.

Belthazar gets up and begins to taunt the crowd when Chang comes running with a clothesline, but it simply bounces off of Belthazar. Disgusted, Chang takes a knife edge chop at him with the crowd’s approving "OH!", but Belthazar just laughs at him! Chang winds up with a fist and swings, but Belthazar catches it with yet another laugh! Chang grins and kicks Belthazar right in the gonads! Dropping the big man.

Erikson- I’ll allow it.

By this time Kaltuul has gotten up and thrown a ladder into the ring, Joker climbs in behind him and grabs him by the back of the head, slamming him down on the ladder with a bulldog. Chang slides in aswell and they whip Kaltuul into the ropes and drop him on the ladder with a farewell! Belthazar rolls in as Chang begins to stomp on Kaltuul’s downed body. Joker runs at Belthazar with a clothesline but Belthazar catches him and drops him with a tilt to whirl slam!

Fredericks- Big man go boom boom…

Chang turns to see Belthazar’s boot right to his face! He drops hard on the mat. Belthazar taunts the crowd again as he sets up a ladder. Joker slides out of the ring and lands on the floor, and begins to look under the apron. Meanwhile Kaltuul has slid out of the ring and has pulled out a much taller ladder, which he slides into the ring. Kaltuul sees the ladder that Belthazar has set up and they both begin to climb it.

Erikson- This is way too soon…Even I know that!

Chang begins to stir a bit and sees the two men climbing, he runs at the ropes and dropkicks the center of the ladder, knocking it over. The Tides of Darkness get racked by the ropes on its way down! The two men hop on the ropes a bit, trying to get off of them. Chang runs over to the turnbuckle and leaps up on it, he jumps off and with two feet he bounces off the top rope, adding more bouncing to the already hurting men!

Fredericks- That’ll teach them!

Erikson- Some things are just low…But that was awesome!

Joker slides the table into the ring and he sets it up near the turnbuckle, Kaltuul flops off the rope first, then Belthazar. Chang sets up the ladder by the table. Chang begins to climb the ladder and Joker sets Kaltuul on top of the table. Belthazar, although dazed, gets up and kicks Joker across the face! He then pulls Kaltuul off the table and Kaltuul sets Joker on the table while Belthazar comes up behind Chang. He catches Chang in a Powerbomb and slams him down on top of Joker as the table busts under all the weight!

Fredericks- Bonecrushing…

Erikson- Don’t you just love it?

Meanwhile, Kaltuul slid out of the ring and has thrown yet another table into the mix. He slides back in and sets up the new table.

Fredericks- When were tables thrown into this match, out of curiosity?

Erikson- I think it’s the gnomes fault…

Fredericks- Erikson…the gnome isn’t real.

Erikson- SHH! You might hurt its feelings!

Belthazar picks up Chang and whips him into the ropes, setting him up for a back body drop onto the table, but Chang manages to kick Belthazar in the face! Stunned, Belthazar stands back up, shaking the cobwebs out before Chang manages to run into Belthazar bringing him down with a running DDT! Joker begins to stir aswell as Kaltuul gives him a kick to the face, putting him back to sleep. Chang gets up and receives a clothesline from Kaltuul. Grinning, Kaltuul slides back out of the ring and throws in yet another ladder! Chang and Joker manage to get back up and when Kaltuul slides in, he is kicked in the gut by Chang, and German Suplexed by Crazy Joker!

Fredericks- Geeze, they got him back rather quickly.

Erikson- He threw in a ladder…

Fredericks- Very good Erikson…

Belthazar begins to wake up and the two man team pummels him into a turnbuckle, Joker gets on his hands and knees and Chang goes for the poetry in motion, but Belthazar clotheslines him in midair! Belthazar then kicks Joker hard enough to have him fly off of the mat and land back on it, holding his stomach in pain. He walks over and nudges Kaltuul, who begins to get up. They manage to place the tables next to each other, and hoist the table up along with them. While they are doing this, Chang and Joker wearily move in underneath both of the ladders. Before the Tides of Darkness can get onto the table, Chang grabs Belthazar like a powerbomb and crushes him on the mat while Joker runs up the ladder a bit and brings Kaltuul down with a side Russian leg sweep!

Fredericks- Oh my god! This is coming to be one hell of a brutal match…

Erikson- Look at the table up there…Just waiting to be used…Hello Mr. Table *waves up to the table.*

Fredericks- You are an idiot.

Joker then sets up the larger ladder by the turnbuckle as Chang picks up Belthazar, Chang goes for a clothesline, but Belthazar ducks and grabs Chang around the waist, Chang breaks the hold and begins to run with Belthazar right behind him. Chang grabs the back of Belthazar’s head and performs an Acid Drop off the larger ladder! Joker pulls Kaltuul up onto his feet and whips him out of the ring. Joker follows with Chang right behind him. Chang fiddles under the ring and happens to find some chairs!

Fredericks- Look what our esteemed first Xtreme champ has found…

Erikson- ooOooOOoo….

Joker holds Kaltuul into place, and Chang takes a huge windup, Kaltuul ducks as the chair swings around and cracks Joker across the skull! Chang quickly turns but is dropped by a superkick that knocks the chair up into his face! Meanwhile, Belthazar has begun to wake up and climb one of the ladders that the table is set up on. Kaltuul taunts the crowd when he sees what Belthazar is doing, Kaltuul kicks Joker, inadvertently waking him up, as he begins to stir, Kaltuul slides back into the ring and the two men climb up the ladders. When they reach halfway, Joker has made his way to the turnbuckle nearest to the largest ladder, he begins to step up the steps and climb the turnbuckle when the Tides of Darkness have reaches the top of their ladders. Joker gets up to the top of his ladder and looks down on the Tides of Darkness as they stare back at him.

Erikson- Looks like Joker is caught in a hard place, eh?

The Tides just laugh at him and begin to step onto the table and reach for the belts. Chang manages to get up on the apron and look at the situation. Crazy Joker gets a look of ambition in his eyes and takes a huge leap! He lands right in the middle of the Tides, cracking the table! The weight from the 3 huge men snap the table as all 3 men come crashing down onto the mat!

Fredericks & Erikson- HOLY SHIT!

The three men lay unconscious as the crowd strikes up the "Holy Shit" chant. Chang manages to slide into the ring and pushes the Tides of Darkness out of the ring, he stumbles around a bit, still recovering from his chair shot, he sets the medium ladders next to each other under the belts. Chang then heads to the largest ladder, he knocks it over with a powerful shove, but it bounces off the turnbuckle and knocks him back! The ladder wobbles for a bit and lands on Chang with a thud.

Fredericks- It just goes to show you, something awesome happens…

Erikson- But stupidity ends it all…

Fredericks begins to chuckle as the camera pans in on all 4 of the downed wrestlers. The crowd begins to cheer, trying to wake some of them up when Chang begins to stir. Shortly thereafter Belthazar begins to shake to life. Both of the men crawl wearily over to their tag partners and shake them into waking up. The Tides of Darkness roll into the ring as all 4 men are in front of a ladder segment. The Tides of Darkness are on one side (side by side) and Chang and Joker are on the other. They begin to climb up their sides, after noticing their opponent on the other side of them, they start to climb faster. Suddenly, as all of the men are half way up the ladders, a man jumps the barricade and slides into the ring!

Fredericks- Oh my god! It’s Morbid Angel! What is he doing here?!

Erikson- Maybe he wanted a better view of the action?

Angel begins to climb up inbetween Chang and Joker, he reaches up and low blows them both! The Tides of Darkness watch in horror as Morbid Angel takes the heads of the Chinese Jokers and slams them against the ladders, they lean back a little bit and Angel hooks his arms under each of their heads and slams them down onto the mat with reverse DDT’s!

Fredericks- OH MY GOD! THAT’S JUST NOT RIGHT! He came out here to help out the Tides of Darkness!

Erikson- Marvelous!!

The crowd starts the holy shit chant again as Angel hops down off of the ladder and grins at the mischief he caused. The Tides of Darkness look at one another, they shrug, then climb up the rest of the way and grab ahold of the Tag Team Titles! The bell quickly sounds…

Anna Lopez- Winner at 14:23, and First Tag Team Champions, The Tides of Darkness!

**The crowd begins to whoop and hollar as Morbid Angel helps the two men off the ladder and holds their hands up high. An EMT squad runs down the rampway and carries off Chang and Crazy Joker back to the backstage area as the camera begins to fade.**



**Cliff is standing in the President’s office, tightening his elbow pads and preparing for his match with Triple J. President Winters is reading some sort of document while sitting at his desk.**

Winters-This is very interesting…

Cliff-What are you looking at?

Winters-Some of the financial backing that our brother federation, UAW, has.

Cliff-Why is that interesting?

Winters-They’re production costs are almost twice as much as ours, and yet they still have a larger surplus than we do.


Winters-Anyways, are you ready for your "I Quit" match with Triple Gay tonight?

Cliff-Ready as I’ll ever be.

Winters-Good, good. I hope you’re ready for the Rumble too. I wouldn’t mind seeing my assistant win that sucker.

Cliff-That makes two of us.

**Suddenly the door to the office is thrown open and about 6 of the Mexicans shown earlier walk into Winter’s office. One of them walks up to Winter’s desk and slams both of his fists down.**

Pablo-Winters, things have got to change around here, starting right now!!!

Winters-What are you talking about?

Pablo-What am I talking about? I’m talking about the way my fellow Mexicans and I have been treated here in NMW since we started working for you. We DEMAND better treatment, including pay raises and a medical plan!

Winters-I understand where you’re coming from Pablo…but as I was just telling Cliff, we don’t have the budget for it right now. I’m sorry.

Pablo-You’re sorry? YOU’RE SORRY??? You have nothing to be sorry about Winters. If you won’t give us what we want, we’ll take it by force. And THEN, you’ll be sorry.

**Pablo storms out of the room.**

Winters-Do you think a group of Mexicans can really do any harm?

**Cliff shrugs.**

Winters-God I hope not…that’s all I need right now…


**The cameras cut to another area of the arena, where Thresh Crest is shown walking with a bag over his shoulder. The crowd can be heard booing in the background, as Thresh enters the doors to the NMW Arena. He walks into the lobby, and approaches a Mexican who is standing off in the corner, sleeping while leaning against a pillar. Thresh grabs the man and shakes him awake.**

Thresh-Where is Winters?


Thresh-Where is he???


Thresh-Either you tell me where Winters is, or I’ll make a burrito out of you.


**Thresh growls angrily as he grabs the man by the shirt collar and lifts him off the ground. Suddenly a voice comes from behind Thresh.**

Voice-I know where Winters is. Put the man down.

**Thresh drops the Mexican, as he turns around to see Pablo standing there, back by his Mexican army. Thresh grins and addresses Pablo.**

Thresh-You know where Winters is?

Pablo-Yes I do. He’s in his office, which has been moved. Just follow this corridor down about 12 yards, make a left, and there’s a door with his name printed real grande on it.

Thresh-Thank you very much.

**Thresh turns and begins to walk away.**

Pablo-Oh and Thresh…

**Thresh stops and turns.**

Pablo-Give him one for me.

**Thresh smiles and walks off.**


Fredericks-Oh man…this is NOT good. President Winters could be in a lot of trouble.

Erikson-Looks like all those critics are finally being proven correct.

Fredericks-What’s that’s supposed to mean?

Erikson-They said Winters wouldn’t be able to run NMW for long because of his comedic antics. They said he was bound to piss someone off with his attitude, and Thresh is the wrong man to piss off…not to mention the Mexicans.

Fredericks-As much as I hate to say it…it looks like things are beginning to catch up with our President.


**"The Kings of Rock" by Run DMC hits and Triple J steps out onto the stage. He is wearing his rainbow colored Jericho style pants and comes out with a smirk on his face. He jogs his way happily down to the ring and runs around it, snatching a mic from a nearby crew member.**

Triple J- Cliff, get your ass down here so I can make you submit! Silly boy!

**Within moments, "Fear" by Disturbed blares over the system to a loud applause from the crowd. Cliff steps out onto the stage carrying the lawn gnome! He holds it above his head much like Al Snow did with head and sets him down on the stageway. He then runs down the ramp and slides into the ring as Triple J does aswell.**

Fredericks- This should be a pretty good match up. I Quit rules only, so that means they will have to polish off the good ol’ submission maneuvers

Erikson- I think Triple J will win this one.

Fredericks- Why is that?

Erikson- Because he has a lot of submission maneuvers…

Fredericks- How do you know that?

Erikson-…Umm…Lucky guess…

Cliff quickly dives at Triple J with a spear, but Triple J simply puts his leg up as Cliff slams into it. He falls to the mat holding his stomach and Triple J quickly hooks up in a boston crab! He reaches for the mic that be brought into him and screams into it for Cliff to give up!

Triple J- Give up!

Cliff simply lets Triple J hold on for a little bit longer and reaches for the ropes, he begins to pull himself out of the ring, but before Cliff gets out of the ring Triple J lets go and Cliff falls onto the floor! Cliff is starting to get back up when Triple J runs to the other ropes, when Cliff stands up Triple J hits him with a baseball slide, slamming him into the barricade.

Fredericks- That has got to sting.

Triple J then runs at Cliff picks him up in the air and drops him face first on the barricade to a crowd’s "OH!". Cliff grabs Triple J by the hair and runs at the nearby poll, Triple J reverses it and begins to push Cliff into the pole, but Cliff jumps up and springs off the pole, turning around quickly and jump kicking Triple J in the face! Cliff looks under the ring for something handy.

Fredericks- This is a no disqualification I’m guessing?

Erikson- Was there ever a doubt?

Triple J begins to stir a bit when Cliff pops back up with a garbage can! Triple J runs at Cliff, but Cliff kicks him in the stomach and he hunches over. Cliff slams the can over Triple J’s head as the crowd begins to laugh. Cliff then proceeds to punch and kick the can until Triple J falls down on the floor. Cliff chuckles and looks under the ring again. This time he pulls out a table! He sets it up and walks over to Triple J, who has the trash can off of his head by now. Triple J is thrown back into the ring as Cliff slides in after him.

Erikson- But…the table…

Triple J recovers and kicks Cliff in the face. He then whips Cliff, but Cliff reverses it and whips Triple J into the ropes, Triple J comes back and Cliff picks him up on his shoulder, getting ready to slam him on the mat! Triple J begins to kick and slides off of Cliff’s shoulder, Triple J goes for a rear grapple, but Cliff kicks behind himself, hitting Triple J in the jewels! Cliff quickly turns and gets ready to X-factor him, but Triple J counters it and kicks him in the gut! Triple J goes for a fameasser, but Cliff counters it, holding him up for a bit and powerbombing him onto the mat! Cliff quickly pulls Triple J over to near the mic, which is lying on the mat, and puts him in a Walls of Jericho!

Fredericks- Geezus Christ! Those two are putting on a show!

Cliff- **lightly being heard since the mic is so far away.** Give up you turd burglar!

Triple J- I…Am…Not…A…Thief!!!!

Triple J kicks his legs really hard and Cliff goes flying, breaking off the hold. Cliff ends up bouncing off the ropes fast first and running backwards, Triple J trips him and locks on an armbar! He brings the mic to his mouth.

Triple J- I have this and much more big boy. So give up now!

Cliff pulls his other arm around and gooses Triple J in the gut! Triple J lets go and bounces off the ropes, Cliff jumps up and catches Triple J in a gangrel suplex. He drops him hard on the mat, but the force throws him out of the ring and onto the floor by the table!

Erikson- Table…

Fredericks- Good boy…

Cliff rolls out of the ring and places the trashcan back onto Triple J’s head, he then slides him on top of the table and signals to the crowd! He dives back into the ring and jumps on the turnbuckle.

Erikson- High risk….Ooooooo.

Cliff leaps off of the turnbuckle in a makeshift Swanton Bomb, crushing the trash can along with the contents therein!

Erikson- **With a soung of orgasmic pleasure** YES!!!

Fredericks- Holy Crap!

Erikson- **With a much deeper voice** I don’t think Triple J will be in this match much longer.

Fredericks- He hasn’t been in it for quite sometime now…

Erikson- I hate you Fredericks, and if at any time you believe that I do not hate you, just remember, that I do…in fact…Hate you.

Cliff laughs sadistically and picks up the injured Triple J, trash can and all. He throws Triple J into the ring and slides in after him. Cliff then picks Triple J up in the air and places him in the tree of woe on the nearby turnbuckle. Laughing once again he runs at the turnbuckle and performs a handstand!

Fredericks- Nice agility.

Erikson- Homo.

Cliff kicks his legs and drops down, slamming both feet into the trash can much like a makeshift dropkick! The crowd begins its "Holy Shit" chant once again as Cliff quickly gets up, taunting the crowd.

Fredericks- As much as I am enjoying this…I think Cliff is overdoing it!

Erikson- Look at his logic, it is twisted. He’s going to render Triple J unconscious, therefore he can’t say I Quit!

Fredericks- You figured that one out on your own?

Erikson- Well…that and I got a tip from an anonymous marble figure.

Cliff continues to have the mad look on his face when he knocks Triple J off the turnbuckle. He pulls the trashcan off of Triple J’s face and throws it out of the ring. He turns to look at Triple J’s face, but instead of blood he hardly sees a few scratches, and an even more sadistic smile!

Fredericks- WHAT THE HELL!?

Erikson- Hehe…You said hell.

Triple J begins to punch an astounded Cliff in the face, before clotheslining him out of the ring! Triple J then throws the mic out of the ring, and a nearby fan grabs it and holds it for dear life!

Fredericks- Oh geezus. He’s going to hold onto that forever…

Triple J slides out of the ring and the two men battle up the rampway. Triple J kicks Cliff in the stomach and picks him in a vertical suplex, and he drops him, turning it into a brainbuster! Cliff gets a bit dazed and begins holding his head. Triple J uses this time to begin kicking and stomping on Cliff, finally letting Cliff get back to his feet. He kicks Cliff in the stomach, hunching him over again, this time Triple J runs up his knee and attempts to kick the back of his head, but instead Cliff ducks and Triple J goes flying over Cliff. Cliff reaches up and grabs him in a full nelson as Triple J lands, he is then quickly thrown back up in the air and slammed back down on the metal ramp!

Fredericks- I told you this was going to be a great matchup.

Erikson- I want more high risk…

Fredericks- Pathetic…

Erikson- So?

Cliff picks Triple J up and whips him into the nearby metal railing. He notices the fan with the mic and yells something to him. The fan nods and Cliff locks Triple J up in a weird move. He floats over the other side of the rail and holds onto Triple J’s legs as he screams out in pain.

Fredericks- OH MY GOD! IT’S THE VERTIGO (Tarantula)!!!

The fan puts the mic by Cliff’s mouth as he shouts into it.

Cliff- Give up! I’m not breaking this one!

The fan moves the mic up to Triple J’s pain-contorted face.

Triple J- But…Cliff… **Cliff squeezes tighter, as Triple J’s face shows it.** I QUIT!

Triple J keeps yelling the two words, but Cliff doesn’t break it! Finally NMW referees come running down the ramp and break the hold on Triple J, they quickly separate the men and shove Cliff up the ramp. He walks over and grabs the lawn gnome before taunting the crowd one last time as "Fear" by Disturbed is blared once again.

Anna Lopez- Winner at 10:21, Cliff!

Fredericks-What a match!

Erikson-Triple J…how did you lose???

Fredericks-Gay boys never win, Brian.

Erikson-Tyler! We already have the Mexicans pissed at us…you want the homos too?


**After the match, Chang and Crazy Joker are being carried out on stretchers. Chang rolls off of his and immediately runs to Crazy Joker.**

Chang- Oh my god! Who is going to protect me now! Wake up Joker!

**The EMT’s roll Joker by the ambulance so that he can be treated.**

Chang- Why aren’t you taking him to the hospital so he can be taken care of!?

**Just then Winters appears with Cliff, who is a little weary after his match.**

Winters- No one leaves this arena until after the Rumble.

Chang- But he’s hur…

Winters- No one leaves! Everyone is getting a fair shot at this title. Even Thresh…

**Both Winters and Cliff leave as promptly as they had come.**

Chang- It’s okay Joker, I will find someone to take care of me so that you can rest… But who…

**Just then Chang’s eyes pan off to the side, the camera sharpens in to see what he is looking at. The camera focus’s on… The Lawn Gnome.**

Fredericks- *From ringside* You’re kidding me!

Chang- Hey Mr. Lawn Gnome, you want to be my new bodyguard?

Lawn Gnome- ….

Chang- Good! You start effective immediately! Don’t worry, I get all the chicks around here. I’ll hook you up.

**Chang picks up the lawn gnome and begins to walk away with him as Joker, from his bedside raises an arm longingly towards Chang. The camera fades back out.**


**Thresh is sneaking around stealthily backstage as he searches for the President’s office.**

Thresh-Oh President Winters…where are you?

**He soon comes upon a door with the President’s name on it. Thresh smiles as he turns the knob, but it doesn’t open. He scowls before taking a step back, and ramming the door open with his shoulder. He steps inside, but the room is dark.**

Thresh-Oh Winters, where are you boy? Not in here? Even better…

**Thresh takes a couple steps into the room, looking around. He flips on the lights and steps behind Winter’s desk.**

Thresh-Such a nice room, what a shame…

**Thresh begins laughing as the camera fades.**


Fredericks-Crap! Thresh found his way to the President’s office!

Erikson-I’m sure Thresh is mature enough to leave it as it is.

Fredericks-Did you graduate high school?

Erikson-Well…not really…5th grade always got me.

Fredericks-I’m not surprised.



**The camera cuts inside the locker room of the Tides of Darkness, where Kaltuul and Belthazar are sitting, holding their newly won Tag Team titles.**

Belthazar-Finally, we have gotten what we deserve.

Kaltuul-Yes indeed, Belthazar. We shall reign above the tag team division! NMW will cower beneath us, especially now that we have been joined…

**Morbid Angel steps out of the darkness in the back of the room, and takes a seat next to the Tides.**

Morbid Angel-You guys got what you deserve, and now it’s MY turn.

Belthazar-Yes Angel, you helped us out, and now we shall help you.

Kaltuul-And once we have done that, we shall call forth our ‘other’. And once we have him, we will rule over NMW, and we will be…UNSTOPPABLE!

**The three men begin to laugh as a shadowy figure stands in the back, where Morbid Angel stepped out from. The figure cannot be distinguished as the camera fades to black once again.**


Fredericks-That was weird…

Erikson-Great…this is ALL we need…more scary guys…


**"Transparent" by Spineshank hits the loud speakers and a chorus of boos quickly follows suit. Jason Moore emerges from the back wearing his new all black attire. He walks towards the ring giving the crowd the international "F*** You" sign.**

Fredericks- WOW, he's not all MR. America any more.

Erikson- Guess he's not that popular anymore.

**"Full Nelson" by Limp Bizkit hits and a large crowd of Trekkies begins to scream for Melvin as the rest of the crowd seems to be amused by this. Melvin walks out wearing Mr. Spock ears and holding a mic.**

Erikson- Great we have to put up with him again...and he's wearing those damn trekkie ears.

Fredericks- Hey he has something to say.

Melvin- To all my fellow Trekkies **He holds up the Vulcan sign** Live Long and Prosper.

**"Boiler" by Limp Bizkit hits and Knife emerges from entrance and the Crowd erupts. The Xtreme Title is draped over his shoulder as he walks to the ring. He gets in the ring and Melvin waves the Vulcan sign at him and Knife just smiles and shakes his head.**

The bell rings and Jason Moore goes right after Knife. Knife turns around and greets him with a shot from the Xtreme Title. Moore drops to the ground very hard. Frost charges moore and begins to stomp him. Knife stops him and they lift him up and Frost whips him to the ropes and they both side kick Moore in the face. Knife says something to Melvin and Melvin leaves the ring. Knife picks Jason Moore up and drives him down with a suplex.

Fredericks- Melvin's got a chair.

Erikson- No, he's got 2.

Melvin slides back in the ring and throws Knife the other chair. Jason slowly begins to rise as Melvin and Knife set up the ConChairTo. They swing and Moore drops to the ground and avoids it, both Knife and Melvin are stunned and Moore delivers a low blow to Knife and gets up and Frost turns to try to attack Moore is there holding up the Vulcan hand signal. Melvin Frost stops dead in his tracks and smiles and holds up the Vulcan hand sign. Moore quickly kicks Frost in the stomach and signals for his finisher.

Fredericks-Finally we get to see this...


Knife drives a chair into Jason Moores spine! Knife grabs Moore and throws him out of the ring. Knife follows suit and begins to chase Moore into the back. Melvin runs after them waving his hands telling them to wait up. Jason Moore runs into a bathroom to hide and he throws a drunk Mexican out of his way to get in. Knife follows him in and drives his foot into Moore's gut and drops him with a Single Arm DDT, and pushes Moore’s face into a toliet!!!!!

Knife- Go ahead ! I believe you needed to go to the bathroom.

**Melvin Frost comes running in as Pablo unzips his pants and proceeds to take a leak on the back of Jason Moore's head.**

Melvin- Nasty! I'm not touching him!

Knife begins to laugh at Moore, who all of a sudden stands up and gores Knife in the stomach and drives Knife through the bathroom door, continues charging, and through a locker room door into Melvin Frost Locker room!!!! Moore stands up and grabs Frost's framed Star Trek movie poster autographed by Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock! He swings it back nailing the charging Frost and swings it towards Knife who ducks, causing the poster-frame to break on Melvin Frost's Original Enterprise Model shattering both the model and the frame! Melvin rolls over, seeing the destruction of his precious collectibles, and beings to cry.

Erikson-You have GOT to be kidding me.

While Melvin is blubbering, Knife nails Moore with a low blow! He reaches back and goes for the Cutter (Stone Cold Stunner)…but Moore pushes him face-first into a wall. Knife, dazed, stumbles backwards into a Back Suplex from Jason Moore! Moore quickly pulls Knife up and begins pulling him back out to the stage. Moore jacks Knife with a ferocious right hand, and Knife falls to the steel ramp. Moore stomps on Knife as he rolls down the ramp towards the ring. When they get to the ring, Moore rolls Knife inside, before ascending the turnbuckle. The crowd boos as Moore gives a signal…before leaping off and nailing a variation Frog Splash onto Knife…….1………….2……………..NO!!!

Fredericks-Knife showing some guts!

Moore pounds the mat in anger as he gets up onto the top rope again. He signals to the crowd another time, but Knife quickly jumps up and pushes Jason’s foot off the rope, crotching him! The crowd cheers for Knife as he begins to climb to the top rope and hooks Moore up for a Superplex! Moore, however, punches Knife in the ribs a couple times, before lifting Knife into the air, and dropping him onto the mat in a makeshift Reverse Suplex! Moore jumps down off the turnbuckle and flips off the crowd, as he once again pulls Knife up. Knife punches Moore in the gut a couple times, before taking off towards the ropes. Knife runs back at Moore, swinging a clothesline, but Moore does the same, and both men are knocked out!

Fredericks-I HATE when that happens!

Erikson-As do I.

Just then, Melvin Frost makes his way down the ramp, to a large ovation from the crowd! Melvin walks over to the announce table and grabs the hammer for the ring bell from the timekeeper. He slides into the ring and waits for one of the men to stand up. Moore stirs first, and struggles to get to his feet. As he does, Melvin lifts the small hammer above his head. He brings it down onto Jason’s head…but it doesn’t phase him! Moore kicks Melvin in the gut, and delivers an Inverted Fireman’s Carry! Melvin’s body bounces off the canvas as he rolls back out of the ring.

Erikson-Ladies and gentlemen, your non-factor, Melvin Frost.


Moore yells something down at Melvin, and when he turns around, he’s met with…The Cutter (Stone Cold Stunner)!!!!!!! Knife drops Moore with his finisher, and rolls out of the ring. He reaches underneath the ring, and pulls out a table! He slides it into the ring and sets it up, as Moore begins to twitch on the canvas. Knife lifts Moore up, and sets him up for a Powerbomb! Knife lifts him up, but Jason slips off his shoulders. Moore grabs Knife’s head, and slams it off the table. Moore then rolls Knife onto the table, before scaling up the turnbuckle again.


Moore signals to the crowd for the end, and the crowd responds with boos. Just then, Maurice runs down the ramp! Moore turns and sees him coming, but it’s too late, as Maurice leaps up onto the apron, punches Moore in the balls, and jumps down. Jason Moore holds his nads in pain, as he begins falling off the turnbuckle, stiff as a board.

Fredericks & Erikson-TIMBER!!!

Moore goes freefalling from the top rope, crashing right through the Spanish announce table!!!! Antonio and Enrique stand up, going nuts! They quickly bend down to Jason and begin saying something to him, almost like they’re trying to wake him.

Fredericks-What are our Spanish announcers doing?

But back in the ring, Knife has rolled off the table, and is looking down, smiling at the broken Moore. He doesn’t notice as Melvin Frost jumps into the ring. Frost grabs Knife from behind and attempts the Study Hall (Full Nelson Driver)!!! But Knife spins out of it, hooking Melvin in a rear grapple. He quickly pulls Frost’s legs out from under him, dropping Melvin face-first on the mat. Knife grabs onto Melvin’s legs, lifting him into the air, turning, and then drives him down through the table with a modified Reverse Powerbomb!!!!!! Knife pauses for a moment, before rolling Melvin over and pinning him…………1………………2…………………..3!!!

Anna Lopez-Winner at 9:21, and still NMW Xtreme Champion, The Knife!

Fredericks- Knife retains his title, but poor Melvin...

Erikson- Serves him right, but you know whats more important than that?

Fredericks- What?

Erikson- Jason Moore's new gimmick can be the Human Toilet.


**President Winters and Cliff are walking in the hallway backstage.**

Cliff-I’m telling you…he’s been kidnapped! We have to call the police!

Winters-Cliff…it’s a frickin lawn gnome…let it go.

Cliff-NO! I won’t let it go. It’s the only person who’s ever understood me.

Winters-But it’s not a person.

Cliff-Well…it’s the only inanimate object who’s ever understood me.

Winters-If you don’t stop this, I’m getting a new assistant.


**They get to Winter’s office and open the door. Both men’s faces quickly turn ghost white and their jaws drop as they look inside.**

Winters-Oh my God…

**The camera pans around to show Winter’s office. It looks like a complete disaster area. His computer has been smashed. His documents are lying all over the room, torn to shreds. His desk has been crushed into two separate pieces. Winters and Cliff slowly step into the room, with looks of disbelief on their faces. They look around and turn to see something written on the wall.**

Winters-Mother F***er!!!!!!!!!

**The wall reads, in red spraypaint, "I’m #1."**


Cliff-Dude, chill out. You’re gonna have a nervous breakdown.

Winters-NO!!! I’ve had it! I might not be able to interfere in the Last Man Standing match, but Crest is NOT going to win MY NMW title! NO!!!!

**Winters shoves past Cliff as he tears out of the room.**

Cliff-I’ve got a bad feeling about this…if only my lawn gnome were here…


**The camera cuts to a strange scene in another area of the backstage. Antonio and Enrique, the Spanish announcers, are helping Jason Moore walk to his locker room, each man with a Moore arm over his shoulder. They come to the door which reads "El Mexican Resistance." The door is opened, and the two announcers carry Moore inside.**

Pablo-Antonio, Enrique, great job.

**The two men nod as they sit Moore down on the couch. Pablo walks over to him.**

Pablo-Jason Moore, it seems to me that you’ve been searching for a different identity here in NMW.


Pablo-Well, I have a proposition for you. My amigos and I, we have been planning an attack on NMW. We have great numbers, but we need a true leader. Someone who has wrestling ability. Someone who can lead us to victory. Jason Moore, that man is you. We have chosen you to lead us.

Moore-W…what’s in it for me?

Pablo-An identity Mr. Moore. You will be known as the leader of the first dominant group in NMW. We will back you wherever you go, in whatever you do. You will win gold in NMW, and all you have to do is lead our rebellion.


Pablo-Think about it Jason…You will be backed by an unstoppable army, and people will respect you. Isn’t that what you want? Don’t you want respect?


Pablo-Then join us Jason. Join us.

Moore-Ok, I’m in.

Pablo-Excellent. Then let the games begin!

**The Mexicans cheer as Moore stands and smiles, raising his arms in the air.**


Erikson-Viva La Mehico!

Fredericks-Oh Jesus…

Erikson-Fear the Mexicans, Tyler.

Fredericks-Fans, up next, we’ve got one hell of a matchup for you. This one has been building up over the weeks, and it should all come to a head here, right now!


**"Canadian National Anthem" hits and Mike Rathje walks out onto the ramp. He looks to both sides of the stage, where there are two large piles of dirt, one on each side, along with a dug plot. A tombstone is also prepared atop each grave, one with Rathje’s name, and one with Gravedigger’s. Rathje slowly walks to the ring, seemingly paying no attention to the crowd’s cheers as he steps into the ring and focuses on the entranceway.**

Erikson-And now for the Cryptkeeper himself…

**The crowd’s cheers turn to boos when "Blackened" by Metallica hits. Gravedigger emerges onto the stage as the lights go dim. He inspects both plots of dirt before making his way down to the ring. He stares up at Rathje as he methodically climbs into the ring.**

Fredericks-This one’s gonna be a real Slobberkn…er, Barnbur…er…

Erikson-A Donutbaker!


The match starts off with Rathje connecting with a few rights that don’t seem to phase Gravedigger. Rathje tries for a left, but Gravdigger catches his fist and squeezes it until Rathje is on his knees in pain. Gravedigger lets go of the hold and Rathje gives him an uppercut low blow! Gravedigger now drops to his knees as Rathje rolls out of the ring. Rathje walks to the timekeeper’s table and grabs the ring bell! Rathje hops back into the ring, walks over to the fallen Gravedigger, spits on him, then climbs onto the 2nd turnbuckle, ring bell still in hand. Rathje jumps, attempting to hit Gravedigger with the ring bell, but Gravedigger reaches his hand up and slams Rathje with the Embalmer (Chokeslam From Hell)!!!!

Fredericks-This one could be over quickly.

Erikson-Nah, it won’t be over til that psycho Rathje kills someone.

Gravedigger picks Rathje up and stalls, landing about a minute later with a Stalling Brainbuster…onto the bell!!! Gravedigger throws Rathje out of the ring, and soon follows. Gravedigger gets a table out from under the ring and sets it up on the steel rampway. He sets Rathje up for a Powerbomb, but Rathje stands, lifting Gravedigger over his back, turns, and drives Gravedigger down with a variation of a Sidewalk Slam, right through the table!!! Rathje, holding his neck, leans against the guard rail, catching his breath for a bit. As Gravedigger starts to get up, Rathje walks over and Irish whips him into the barracade. Rathje picks Gravedigger up and connects with a Pendulum Backbreaker. Rathje walks down, reaches under the ring, and pulls out a baseball bat…wrapped in barbed wire!!!!



Rathje begins to smash the bat over the back of Gravedigger. Rathje quickly locks on a camel clutch, then proceeds to run the barbed wire over Gravedigger’s face, turning it to a bright crimson color!

Erikson-Blood! Blood! By God Tyler, it’s blood!

Gravedigger, driven by rage, rises with Rathje hanging onto his neck. Gravedigger whips Rathje over with a vicious snapmare, followed by a jumping knee to the face! Gravdigger picks up the barbed wire bat and holds out his arms, letting out a sinister howl, taunting the crowd and Rathje. Gravedigger repeatedly smashes the bat onto the face of Rathje, busting him open all over his face!!! Gravedigger picks Rathje up in a Military Press, and carries him up the ramp, throwing him into the top of the entranceway! Gravedigger walks over to Rathje and is met by a roll-up Ankle Lock! After a few moments of the hold, Rathje lets go, walks to the back, and returns with another table!

Fredericks-This is brutal!

Erikson-I’m on Cloud 9!

Rathje lays the table over Gravedigger’s plot! He then lifts up the Unholy One, and drops him down with the Rathje Slam (Electric Chair Drop) onto the steel ramp! Gravedigger’s face bounces off the steel, and blood stains the ramp. Rathje picks up Gravedigger and throws him backstage. Gravedigger slams into a stack of pipes, as Rathje grabs him again and repeatedly slams Gravedigger’s head into a garage door until the door begins to slide open. Rathje attempts a Piledriver onto the concrete, but Gravedigger counters with a Back Body Drop!

Fredericks-Gravedigger still has some fight left in him!

Gravedigger sees a golf cart sitting nearby and runs to it. He hops in and speeds to where Rathje was, but when he gets there, Rathje is nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, Mike Rathje pokes his head down from the roof of the cart! He flips off Gravedigger before swinging down with a dropkick that sends Gravedigger stumbling out of the golf cart. Rathje jumps off the roof and lands on Gravedigger with a guillotine leg drop! Rathje then picks up Gravedigger and whips him into a sheet of glass that was leaning against a wall!!!

Erikson-That was Glasstastic!

Fredericks-You’re a fag!

Gravedigger, with shreds of glass falling from his body, somehow manages to rise to his feet. Rathje grabs him by the head and throws him back onto the stage, which receives a cheer from the crowd as the two men emerge back in the main area. Rathje slowly picks Gravedigger up by the hair and Russian leg sweeps him onto part of the PPV set! Gravedigger stumbles forward, allowing Rathje to connect with a floatover DDT onto the stage! Rathje glares at the table laid over Gravedigger’s plot, and runs backstage once again, emerging with another table!

Fredericks-Where are all these tables coming from?

Erikson-From the magical backstage area…where milk and honey flow freely.

Fredericks-It’s too bad that the milk and honey don’t realize that nothing is truly free.

Rathje carries the table over to Gravedigger’s plot, and actually sets it up on top of the first table!!! Gravedigger meanwhile, stumbles to his feet, as Rathje hooks him up and drives him onto the steel with a German Suplex!!!

Fredericks-HOLY CRAP!

Erikson-The end is near…

Rathje struggles to pull Gravedigger to his feet, as he lays the man onto the 2nd table. Rathje then begins to climb part of the scaffolding of the PPV set! He reaches the top of the ‘N’ in the ‘NMW’ part of the set, before signaling to the crowd in a cutthroat manner. The crowd cheers...as Rathje leaps off the top…falling almost 30 feet, landing with a Diving Headbutt through Gravedigger and both tables!!!!

Fredericks & Erikson-HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!!

Rathje and Gravedigger both crumple into the grave, but Rathje quickly sits up. He scrambles out of the grave…as Gravedigger sits straight up!!!!!

Fredericks-NO WAY!!!

Rathje sees Gravedigger sitting, grabs Gravedigger’s tombstone…and smashes it over the Unholy One’s skull!!! Gravedigger lays back into the hole, with pieces of the tombstone lying on top of him. Rathje, running on adrenaline, frantically starts kicking dirt down onto Gravedigger, until he is completely covered!! The ref calls for the bell and the "Canadian National Anthem" hits!

Anna Lopez-Winner at 12:42, Mike Rathje!!!

Fredericks-That was unbelievable!

Erikson-How did Rathje win Gravedigger’s own match???

**Rathje drops to his knees over Gravedigger’s plot and raises his arms in victory as the crowd cheers him! Suddenly, a hand launches out of the grave and grabs Rathje around the throat!!!**

Fredericks-WHAT THE HELL!!!

**The fright on Rathje’s face is indescribable as Gravedigger slowly rises from beneath the dirt! He holds his grasp on Rathje’s throat as he steps out of the grave. Gravedigger lifts Rathje into the air, via his neck, walks over to Rathje’s grave, and delivers the Embalmer (Chokeslam from Hell) into it!!!!!!! Gravedigger then lifts Rathje’s tombstone, and drops it into the grave. The stone lands on Rathje with a sickening ‘crack’, as Gravedigger begins shoveling large amounts of dirt into the hole! After covering Rathje, Gravedigger looks to the crowd, which boos at him, and "Blackened" by Metallica hits as Gravedigger heads backstage.**

Fredericks-Someone has gotta help Mike Rathje!!

Erikson-Did…did…did…**He passes out.**

**The paramedics quickly race out from the backstage area and start digging through the hole, attempting to uncover Rathje. After a couple moments of frantic digging, Rathje’s head pops out of the dirt. His eyes are wide open, and he looks like he’s just seen a ghost. He quickly hops out of the grave, and begins pacing around the stage, while the paramedics try to calm him down. Rathje rapidly brushes the dirt off his body, and begins scratching his arms nervously, before running off the stage, followed by the paramedics.**

Fredericks-Oh man…Rathje was freaking out bigtime.

Erikson-Serves him right.


**The cameras cut backstage, to show Zack Macomber lacing up his boots. The crowd cheers in the background as The Mack prepares for his match with Thresh Crest. He stands up, stretches, and walks out the door of his locker room.**


Erikson-Zack is ready…I’m sure Thresh is too.

Fredericks-Folks, this next feud has been boiling before NMW even had its first match. Thresh Crest and Zack Macomber have held a hatred for each other that comes along only once in a long while. It has been heating up over the past month, and much like the Rathje vs. Gravedigger match, it should come to a head here. Let’s take a look back at how this rivalry has developed.

**The MilleniTron flashes to life and a scene at UAW’s Eon’s End is shown, where Zack and Thresh faced off for the first time. Scenes are shown of Zack winning the match by DQ after he is hit with a chair from Thresh. Several scenes of Seth Winters saying ‘Things are going to change’ are shown. Thresh hits the Riot Act on Zack, Zack locks the Zack Sleeper on Thresh. Scenes go back and forth with each man having the advantage. Then it shows Zack hitting the Zackinoku Driver on Seth Winters, and the scene freezes, with a voice in the background. "Thresh will not win MY title." The voice echoes as the same scene is shown again. Then Thresh’s voice is heard. "Do NOT mention my brothers!" His voice echoes as Thresh is shown hitting the Riot Act on Winters. Zack’s voice then rings out. "I will be the first NMW Champion." Zack is then shown revealing himself as a cameraman and attacking Thresh, as his voice echoes. The scene then cuts to a graphic, with Thresh on one side, and Zack on the other, with the words "Last Man Standing" underneath the two men. The MilleniTron then fades to black.**

Fredericks-Well, that’s how it’s happened, now let’s get to the match!


**"Breathe" by Nickelback blasts over the speakers, and a wave of boos flushes over the crowd. Thresh Crest steps out onto the stage, and takes a deep breath to inhale the hatred, and makes his way down to the ring. He makes a stop at ringside and grabs a chair before stepping into the ring.**

**The crowd continues booing Thresh, as "Synthetic" by Spineshank hits, and the words "Macomber Rules" appear on the MilleniTron. Zack "The Mack" Macomber walks out and heads down the ramp, concentrating on Thresh. Zack steps onto the apron as Thresh readies the chair above his head.**

Fredericks-Finally, we get to find out who the last man standing will be!

Erikson-We also get to see who’s gonna get knocked the frack out!

Zack keeps his eyes on Thresh as he slowly steps into the ring. Thresh immediately charges at him as the bell rings. Thresh swings the chair, but Zack sidesteps him. Thresh quickly turns and tosses the chair, which Zack catches. Thresh proceeds to go for a Yakuza kick into the chair, but Zack ducks the kick. Thresh turns just as Zack is thrusting the chair downwards…but Thresh reaches up and grabs the chair, preventing it from hitting him!!

Erikson-Somebody get hit for God’s sake!

The two men pull on the chair, trying to snatch it away from the other’s hands. Thresh suddenly lets go, and Zack stumbles backwards. Macomber bounces off the ropes…as Thresh punches the chair into his face!!!


Thresh shakes his hand in pain after punching the chair, but Zack is in more pain, laying on the mat holding his nose. Thresh picks up the chair with his good hand, raises it above his head, and brings it down on Zack…but Zack rolls out of the way just as Thresh slams the chair onto the canvas! Zack quickly rolls out of the ring to regroup. Thresh follows closely behind, still clutching the chair. Zack walks over towards the announce position, before turning and waiting for Thresh.

Erikson-Get off our table you slacker!

Thresh goes running towards Zack with the chair in swinging position, and screaming in rage. Zack quickly steps to the side, tripping up Thresh with a drop toe hold…which sends the Crest brother face-first into both the chair AND the announce table!!! Thresh flops down onto the floor as Zack yells something at the crowd, receiving cheers in return.

Fredericks-I believe that was a Zackian Facebuster.

Zack leans on the announce table as referee Matt Springfield begins to count Thresh down……..1…………..2……………3……….Thresh gets to his feet. The two men grapple, and Zack hooks Thresh into a Vertical Zackieplex. Zack lifts him straight into the air, but Thresh flips out of it, landing behind Zack on top of the announce table. Thresh leaps off the table, grabs Macomber’s head, and bulldogs him onto the floor! Thresh pulls Zack back up, and slams his face into the announce table, not once, not twice, but three times! Zack suddenly bursts back at Thresh with rights and lefts, knocking Crest back towards the ring apron. Thresh counters with a knee to the gut, which slows Zack’s momentum. Zack quickly swings a clothesline, but Thresh ducks it and locks on the Riot Act (STO 2)!!!

Erikson-It’s over!

Zack quickly counters with two elbows to the side of Thresh’s head. Thresh releases the hold, and Zack tosses him with a Release Northern Lights Zackieplex! Thresh bounces off the floor, and slowly gets to his feet. Zack reaches out, grabs Thresh’s arm, and whips him towards the steel ring steps. Thresh jumps up onto the steps, and leaps off, nailing a moonsault press on the charging Macomber! Thresh pulls himself up onto the apron as the ref begins to count Zack down…….1…………2………..3………….4……….Zack is able to get to his feet, but is immediately stomped on by Thresh.

Fredericks-Thresh is playing it smart.

Erikson-Damn right, he’s staying on top of Zack.

Thresh grabs Zack by the head, hooks him in a reverse chinlock, and plants him on the floor with a DDT!!! The referee starts to count Zack down again…….1………2………Zack begins to stir………3………..4………Thresh stomps on Zack a few times before lifting him back up.

Fredericks-Someone needs to inform Thresh that he can’t win if he picks the guy up.

Erikson-Oh, Thresh knows that. He also knows what it’s gonna take to beat Macomber…

Thresh begins slapping Zack around, toying with him. Zack fires back with a headbutt, and the crowd erupts! Thresh stumbles dizzily, as Zack kicks him in the gut, and gives the high sign! The Mack lifts Thresh up for the Zackinoku Driver (Michinoku Driver)…but Thresh slips out and lands behind him. Zack spins around, and Thresh hits him with…the Riot Act (STO 2)!!!!!!! Zack is driven hard down onto the floor!

Fredericks-The Riot Act! It might be over!

The referee looks down at Zack’s body and begins the 10 count………1………..2……..Zack still isn’t moving……….3……….4………..His body begins to twitch……..5………..6………Thresh growls as he reaches down and pulls Zack up again! The crowd boos Thresh as he punches Zack and lays him on the announce table.

Fredericks-This is bad strategy on Thresh’s part.

Erikson-I don’t think so…Look!

Thresh is climbing the turnbuckle nearest to the announce table, as the crowd boos him loudly. He flips off the crowd, before turning his back to Zack, who is lying on the table motionless. Then, in a brief moment, Thresh is airborne with the Entropy (Rios Backflip Splash)!!!!! He flips off the turnbuckle, just as Zack rolls off the table!!!!! Thresh goes crashing through the announce table stomach-first!!!

Fredericks-OH MY GOD!

Erikson-Our table!

Zack lays on the floor as Thresh lays among the broken pieces of the table. Erikson and Fredericks are now standing behind the spot where their table used to be. The referee notices that both men are down, and begins counting…….1………..2……….3………Zack begins to stir, and gets to his knees……….4…………Zack is to his feet, but Thresh is still not moving………5………….6…………..7…………Thresh starts to stir………….8…………..Thresh suddenly wakes to hear the ref counting……….9………Thresh jumps to his feet, just before the ref gets to 10! But Zack is waiting for him, and clotheslines him right back down!

Fredericks-Smart move by Zack.

Zack now lifts Thresh up, and rolls him back into the ring. Zack slides in as well. Thresh struggles to get to his feet, as Zack readies himself in the corner. Thresh stands up, and Zack goes charging at him…until Thresh swings his elbow back, connecting with Zack’s jaw!!! Zack falls to the mat with a ‘thud’, and Thresh smiles groggily. The referee quickly slides into the ring and begins to count……..1…………2……….3……….Thresh begins climbing to the top rope………..4…………5…………Zack starts getting up………..6………..Zack gets to his feet, only to get nailed by a missile dropkick from Thresh!!! Zack drops, but gets back up rather quickly. Thresh charges at him and clotheslines him over the top rope. Zack stumbles and lands on the steel ramp.

Fredericks-And here we go, back to the outside.

Erikson-This is beatiful…*sniff*

Thresh begins pounding Zack, who is still laying on the ramp. After a few punches, Thresh lifts him up, and begins dragging him back to the announce position. Once there, Thresh picks up the previously used chair, which has been dented heavily. Thresh screams as he brings is down hard upon Macomber’s skull, with a loud crack!!!! The crowd let’s out an "OH" of amusement, followed by boos directed at Thresh. Thresh ignores them as he throws Zack back into the ring. Before he follows, he grabs another chair, and throws them both into the ring.

Erikson-Two chairs!

Fredericks-Double the pleasure, double the fun.

Erikson-Tyler! I feel a close bond between us…

Thresh slides into the ring, as the ref begins to count Zack down again…….1……..2…….Thresh pushes the referee down!!! Zack slowly begins to get up, and when he does, Thresh throws him one of the chairs. Zack catches, as Thresh follows up, by smashing his chair into the chair Zack is holding, sending it right into The Mack’s face!!! Zack drops to one knee, shaken. Thresh laughs as the crowd boos him again. He just flips them off, but for the moment that he diverts his attention, Zack comes out of nowhere with a thunderous chairshot of his own!!! The crowd cheers as Zack steadies himself, ready for more. Thresh wavers, but fires back with another shot, straight to Zack’s head!

Fredericks-This is like a Roman test of strength!!!

Erikson-It’s a Chair-Off!

Zack begins to crumble, but he stays up long enough to smash another shot, this one to the side of Thresh’s face!!! Thresh’s head snaps to the side, and blood begins running from his ear, while at the same time, the red stuff begins oozing from Zack’s brow. Thresh winds up for yet another shot, as Zack puts up no defense, and takes another vicious chairshot to the skull! Macomber stumbles backwards, using the ropes to keep himself up, as well as to propel himself back at Thresh to deliver another shot, this one right on top of the Crest brother’s cranium!

Fredericks-They have got to be almost out of it!

Erikson-Look at them! They’re both on Jello legs!

Fredericks-How in the hell are they still standing?!?

Thresh now drops to one knee, as he tries to shake the pain out of his head, sending blood spraying out in the process. He then screams in rage as he delivers an enormous blow to Zack’s face, right across his temple! Thresh then grunts as he falls back against the ropes, barely conscious. Zack, also almost out cold, bounces off the ropes once again as he uses every bit of strength he has to shoot himself at Thresh. Zack connects with a chairshot, weak compared to the others, but it sends Thresh spilling over the top rope to the outside, and Zack does the same…except his neck gets tied up in the ropes!!! Thresh smacks the floor, but Zack is left hanging…his feet dangling barely above the floor!!! The referee begins to count………1………….2…………..3……………..4………………5…………Neither man is moving……………..6…………….7………………8………….Still nothing…………..9…………………..10!!!!!! The referee signals for the bell!

Anna Lopez-Winner at 16:56, Zack "The Mack" Macomber!!!

Erikson-NO F***ING WAY!!!!!!!

Fredericks-Yes! Yes!

**The referee quickly tends to Zack, who is still hanging in the ropes, unconscious. The ref unwraps the stiff ropes, and Zack’s body crumples to the floor besides Thresh’s. "Synthetic" by Spineshank hits, and the paramedics come rushing out to help both men up.**

Erikson-That wasn’t fair! Zack wasn’t even standing!

Fredericks-All’s fair in love and war…and THIS was definitely a war!

**The medics are able to revive both men after a moment, as Zack is helped to the back first, followed by Thresh. The crowd is cheering at unbelievably high decibels, possibly even for both men’s efforts.**

Fredericks-I’m speechless…

Erikson-As am I…

Fredericks-And we still have the main event!


**The camera cuts to Seth Winter’s office, where everything is still trashed, but he and Cliff sits at his desk, watching the aftermath of the last match. Winters is smiling as he watches the monitor.**

Winters-That was awesome.

Cliff-Most definitely.

Winters-And now…it’s time to go to work.

Cliff-What do you mean?

Winters-You’ll see. The Rumble is up next. Good luck friend.

**The two men shake hands as Winters leaves the office.**


Fredericks-The time has come…

Erikson-Yes it has. Well, at least we got the crew…well, what’s left of it…to make us a sweet little table so we don’t have to stand behind the broken memories of our old one.

Fredericks-Drama Queen…

**"Just Got Wicked" by Cold plays and Seth Winters appears on the stage, holding a briefcase. He folds his arms over his chest and grins, looking through the crowd. Finally he lets his arms down and makes his way down the rampway. He slides into the ring and calls for a mic, a stage hand throws it to him and he begins to speak.**

Seth Winters- Greetings NMW fans! The next match here tonight will be the Uprising Rumble! As you all know, the only way to be eliminated is to be thrown out OVER the top rope and have both feet land on the ground. The winner of this Rumble will be the first NMW Title owner!

**The crowd pops to Winters’ announcement.**

Winters- The last three men to be eliminated will face off in a Triple Threat match next week on Revolution for the North American Title! And as for those who get thrown out first…well, I’ll have something planned for you as well.

**The crowd laughs as "Just Got Wicked" hits again. He makes his way through the ropes and walks over to the announcers table.**

Fredericks- So you decided to join us Mr.Winters?

Erikson- **Mockingly** So you decided to join us Mr. Winters?

Winters- Of course, it’s our first huge match. How could I miss the opportunity? And now, I get to watch Thresh get even more of an ass-beating. He wanted to be #1, now he’s got it.


**"Breathe" by Nickelback blasts through the speakers as Thresh Crest appears, still bloody and beaten from the previous match. He wearily makes his way back down to the ring. The countdown timer starts at 1 minute and 30 seconds and begins counting down as Thresh slides into the ring and stretches. Seth grabs the walkie talkie he has with him and yells into it, "faster!". The countdown quickly jumps down to 10 and Thresh turns angrily to Seth, he runs over to the ropes and begins to yell and curse at him while the fans scream over him with the countdown, 6, 5, 4…**

Erikson- If they do this all night, I’m going to kill myself.

**3, 2, 1.. A loud siren goes off and "Boiler" by Limp Bizkit plays, and Knife steps out on the stage as the countdown refreshes and begins lowering again. The Knife walks steadily down to the ring before standing before an awaiting Thresh.**

Erikson- Heh…he really is a chicken!

Fredericks- He’s just using his head. Wait a bit then attack…

Knife steadily climbs up onto the apron when Thresh comes running, Knife grabs Thresh by the head and pulls down, guillotining him on the ropes! Knife then slides into the ring and grabs Thresh by the head, picking him up first then holding his head like a grapefruit and ramming it squarely into a turnbuckle. Thresh turns around to receive a slap across the face, Knife goes for another but it is blocked by Thresh! Thresh quickly grabs Knife and throws him back into the turnbuckle where he punches with lefts and rights then knocks him down with some kicks to the midsection. Thresh turns around and runs to the other turnbuckle, where he makes a spin and begins to charge at Knife. But The Knife thinks quickly and was reaching under the ring when Thresh ran off, he quickly pulls up a chair and when Thresh goes for a shin to the face, Knife slams the chair into his left knee! Thresh’s face turns from anger to that of utter pain as he steadily gimps away from the turnbuckle.

Winters- Run away if you can you stupid f*ck!

Erikson- Ooooo the Prez dropping the F-bomb…

Winters- Is he always this annoying?

Fredericks- More so than now…

Winters- Remind me to raise your pay Fredericks…

The Knife quickly gets up and brings the chair over his head and slaps Thresh in the head with it! Knife is getting ready to hit Thresh again when he realizes the countdown has already started! 4! 3! 2! 1!

The siren goes off again when "The King’s of Rock" by Run DMC hits. Triple J runs out on stage and sees that Knife has a chair, so he goes back and grabs a trash can! He sprints down to the ring as the countdown refreshes itself again. He slides in and he and The Knife stare at each other. Then they both look down and see Thresh Crest. The crowd begins to cheer wildly as the two men grin. They pull their weapons back and begin to smash them down onto Crest repeatedly! Finally the two men stop and laugh again. They pull their weapons back and get ready to swing again when they both turn to each other and their weapons bounce off one another, knocking the two men out cold!

Winters- Damnit, you hire children to do a man’s job…

**Winters gets up and heads to the ring, he picks up another chair and chucks it into the ring and goes back to his place at the announcer’s table.**

Fredericks- Sir? What is that going to solve?

Winters- I want Thresh eliminated, and more weapons is the way to go for now.

Erikson- But you are allowing him to use those weapons t…

Winters- Shut up…

Erikson- Thresh can take a few shots and dish out…

Winters- Shut up…

Erikson- Bu…

Winters- Hey look Erikson! Boobies!

**Erikson quickly turns his head and Winters grabs a briefcase that he brought down with him, he quickly slings it over and knocks Erikson out of his chair.**

Fredericks- Thank God…

By this time the countdown has gotten down to one minute as Triple J and Knife get up, they begin swinging blows at each other, until Triple J stands straight up and Knife grabs him for a fireman’s carry, flipping him over and slamming him on the mat! Knife stands up and walks over to the nearest turnbuckle, he leaps up, turns, and jumps off with a leg drop that lands perfectly on Triple J! Knife stands up and grabs Triple J, he whips him into the ropes and Thresh gets up, grabs Knife and back suplexes him! Triple J, out of the whip, grabs ahold of the ropes and does a flip over them, but catches himself on the apron and flips back over and into the ring! Without looking, Triple J bounces off the ropes and begins to charge, but Thresh Crest stands up in his way! Triple J tries to stop but Crest puts a boot up, bringing Triple J down hard on the mat. Thresh stands tall when he looks over at the weapons that were brought in and used on him. He grins at the new chair that was thrown in as Winters begins to curse from his seat. Suddenly the crowd starts cheering, Thresh gets an even wider grin on his face as he turns to see the countdown running low! 8! 7! Thresh quickly grabs the new chair… 6! 5! 4!

He uses the chair to hit Triple J and Knife one last time then prepares it for his next opponent. 3! 2! 1! That all too familiar siren blares again.

Erikson- **From his spot on the ground.** I don’t want to go to school mommy, all the kids make fun of me…

"Fear" by Disturbed plays as the crowd goes nuts, Cliff appears on the stage and begins to taunt the crowd. He looks down at the ring and sees all the weapons, he grins and runs down the rampway. Just short of the ring he looks under it and pulls out a ladder! He quickly throws it into the ring and dives in after it. Thresh is awaiting him however and quickly levels in the head with the chair before he can even stand up!

Winters- Well… it is hardcore rules…

Winters gets up from his seat and walks over to the ring. He stands up on the apron as Thresh turns, hitting the 3 downed opponents. Thresh looks over and sees Winters standing there. Thresh is overcome with joy and rushes at Winters, bringing the chair up in the air! He brings it crashing down, but Winters ducks as the chair bounces off the ropes and nails Thresh between the eyes! He stumbles backwards as Cliff is there, he locks Thresh up and drops him with a Diving Reverse DDT! Cliff shoots back up in the air as the crowd begins to cheer again. He picks up the ladder and sets it up in the middle of the ring, he opens it up and begins to climb upwards. Triple J begins to kick to life as he makes his way up on one knee. He notices Cliff climbing and decides to climb up on the other end. He starts to climb when Thresh and Knife wake up. Knife runs at Thresh but is quickly dropped by a spinebuster, Thresh looks up and sees that Cliff has Triple J in a brainbuster attempt!

Fredericks- You’re kidding me right!

Winters- Well, Cliff did mention he was going to end this feud tonight. Maybe he meant by erasing Triple J’s memory?

Quickly, Thresh runs underneath Cliff and sets him up like a powerbomb! Cliff begins to pick up Triple J without noticing Thresh and lifts him high in the air! Thresh picks up Cliff aswell and all at once the 2 men are sent crashing into the mat! The crowd begins their "Holy Shit" chant as Cliff is dropped by the powerbomb and Triple J by the Super Brainbuster!

Erikson- **Quickly snaps awake** That thud…Something big happened…Didn’t it…?

Fredericks- Hell yeah! And you missed it!

Erikson- **Grabbing a fist full of his hair** NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

The fans are too caught up in the last move that they didn’t notice the countdown had run down to zero, when the all the lights cut out and "Gently" by Slipknot plays. The lights then flicker back on with a reddish tint, they break into a strobe effect as Morbid Angel steps out of the curtain! He begins to run down the rampway, but the lights don’t go back to normal! Angel slides into the ring and nails Thresh with a weapon that he brought with him! The lights go back to normal as Angel is standing in the middle of all the downed bodies.

Winters- Angel! Get Thresh out of the ring! NOW!

Angel picks Triple J up by the hair and whips him into the ropes. He then yells something to Cliff, Cliff gets up on the turnbuckle and perches. Angel kicks Triple J in the stomach which drops him down, he then picks Triple J up like a powerbomb, but drops him backfirst onto the top rope. Using the momentum from that he turns around in mid air as Cliff jumps off in a leg drop, Angel drops Triple J on the mat with the super powerbomb right when Cliff lands on him aswell!

Erikson- High Risk……oooooooo…

Fredericks- Lame brained idiot…

Winters- oooo…

Fredericks- Shoot me…

Angel slowly picks Triple J up off the mat and easily throws him out and over the top rope!

Anna Lopez- The first to be eliminated…Triple J!

Thresh finished resting in the turnbuckle and goes to clothesline Morbid Angel, but The Knife trips him! Thresh lands flat on his face, but quickly gets up and turns to Knife. Thresh gets ready to kick Knife, but instead a smile spreads across his face! He holds his hand out to Knife to help him up.

Fredericks- He’s so sadistic…

Erikson- **sighs** Yeah…Isn’t he great?

Knife takes it and Thresh pulls him up, laughing. Thresh then quickly pulls Knife into him and delivers the RIOT ACT! (STO2). Knife lands in a crumbled heap as the crowd begins their counting down. 3… 2… 1…

"Long Hard Road out of Hell" By Marilyn Manson hits and Belthazar comes out on the stage. He lets out a bellowing laugh at the people in the ring. Belthazar goes back behind the stage area and brings out another chair. He then heads down to the carnage in the ring. He slides in and instantly bashes the chair into Thresh’s head. He then continues to hit everyone else in the ring, Knife, Morbid Angel, Cliff all become victims to Belthazar’s chair shots. Winters stands up and screams for Belthazar to eliminate Thresh, so Belthazar picks Thresh up by the hair and whips him into the ropes. He goes for a clothesline but Thresh dodges under it and when Belthazar is coming back around, Thresh nails him with a boot to the face!

Winters- Damnit, why can’t anyone get this job done!

Thresh turns to celebrate but is met in the face from a chair shot from Cliff. Cliff drops the chair and picks up Angel by the hair. He begins to run with Angel’s head in his hand and lunges him clear out over the top rope and onto the floor.

Anna Lopez- Second to be eliminated, Morbid Angel!

Knife lunges at Cliff, but Cliff catches him in a samoan drop and flattens him on the mat! Cliff pops back up with a shout from the crowd, but as he does this Thresh comes running at him with a powerful clothesline, knocking Cliff out under the top rope onto the apron! Cliff stands there dazed until Thresh comes running, just like before Thresh’s head is yanked down into another guillotine and he lands on the mat, holding his throat. Cliff hops down off the apron and fishes under the ring, he hear’s the crowd begin to count down and moves a bit more quickly. Finally he pulls out a table and chucks it into the ring! 3, 2, 1.

"The Star Trek theme song" hits and Melvin Frost is standing on the stage. He takes his time coming down the rampway as everyone is standing and brawling around. He dives in once the table is set up and unnoticeably begins to climb the ladder.

Erikson- This isn’t a ladder much…

Finally Cliff throws Knife up onto the table and looks to climb the ladder but sees that Frost is already up there. He yells at Frost and Frost nods, he takes a leap and performs a dragon attack, sending both men through the table. Cliff laughs sadistically and picks Knife up, he goes for Over the Edge (Sky High into an X-Factor) but Knife reverses it in midair, firmly planting Cliff with a DDT! Knife gets back up, as does Frost, and Knife whips Frost into the ropes, he runs at him with a clothesline, but Frost ducks and as Thresh comes in with a superkick, nailing Knife so hard that he flies over the top rope and lands on the floor!

Anna Lopez- Third to be eliminated, The Knife!

Frost keeps running through and Thresh catches him in a powerslam! Thresh laughs evilly as he turns to be met with a chair shot to his head from Cliff!

Fredericks- Geezus, those chairs are becoming brutal.

Winters- Indeed.

Cliff quickly snaps the chair over Belthazar’s head and then picks up Thresh by the hair and whips him into the ropes, but Thresh reverses it and picks him up with a overhead belly to belly suplex! Flying Cliff over the top rope aswell, right onto The Knife!

Anna Lopez- Fourth to be eliminated, Cliff!

Winters- F*CK!

Thresh and Frost both square off and face each other. Belthazar begins to shake a bit, as Frost gets kicked in the stomach. Thresh sets him up for a powerbomb, but doesn’t have enough strength to pick him up, but Frost picks him up! Frost holds him there for a bit, and reaches back, grabbing the head of Thresh and planting him with a kryptonite crunch! Belthazar gets to his feet as he and Frost stare at each other. Just then the siren goes off and "Bodies" By Drowning Pool hits! Chang steps out behind the curtain carrying the lawn gnome, he runs down to ringside and places it by the metal stairway and slides into the ring.

Fredericks- He seems rather determined

Erikson- That or stupid…

Winters- I’m shooting for the latter.

Thresh gets up as the four men look at one another. They look at the ladder, the chairs scattered around the ring, and the broken table. Frost begins to take a step towards Chang, as Thresh does to Belthazar. Frost finally lunges at Chang, who drops him with an arm drag, Thresh charges at Belthazar with a clothesline and connects, driving Belthazar into the turnbuckle. Thresh grabs Belthazar’s arm and whips him into the ladder, but instead Belthazar lands on the ladder and kicks the oncoming Thresh in the gut. Belthazar grabs onto his head and performs a swinging DDT! Frost lunges at Chang again, and receives another arm drag for the effort. This time when Frost pops up, he is speared into the other turnbuckle by Chang!

Winters- Good job Belthazar!

Fredericks- For a big man, he can certainly get the job done.

Winters- **Rubbing his chin** Indeed…

Chang sets Frost up on the turnbuckle and jumps back down, he turns and runs up the turnbuckle and wraps his legs around Frost’s neck for a hurrancarana, but Frost catches him!

Erikson- DO IT! DO IT!

Frost lifts Chang high up in the air, he gets ready to drop Chang in a powerbomb. He jumps in the air, but Chang reverses it into the hurrancarana in mid air!

The 3 Commentators- SWEET!

Belthazar has already climbed part way up the ladder and looks down on all the chaos. Chang looks up to see this and a grin spreads across his face. He runs up the other side of the ladder, leaps over it and catches Belthazar’s midsection, bringing him down in a sunset flip!

**Erikson passes out from pure ecstacy. As the crowd begins their "Holy Shit" chant.**

4, 3, 2, 1. The loud siren blares as "Smoothe Criminal" by Alien Ant Farm hits. Joker, holding his stomach in pain, makes his way down the rampway. He slides into the ring as Chang stands up to greet him. Joker stops and notices a red dot moving along Chang’s chest.

Fredericks- It’s a sniper’s dot! Get him out of there!

Winters- Low ratings have to come to an end…

Joker runs and leaps in front of Chang as a loud POP is heard. Joker leaps in the air so high that he goes sailing over the top rope and lands hard on the floor, holding his stomach.


The camera pans around to show a little teenage child holding a brown paper bag. Joker looks around, he looks at his stomach and notices that there is no blood. He then looks to the nearby referee who signals to Anna Lopez.

Anna Lopez- Fifth to be eliminated, Crazy Joker!

Fredericks- I’ve never been so scared before in my life.

Chang looks down at Joker with a tear in his eye. He turns back to the action and receives a vicious chair shot to his head from Thresh!

Erikson- No bodyguard will save you from that hit.

Winters- Good one.

Erikson- I try.

Fredericks- **Sigh** Why me?

Belthazar begins to stir as Frost gets back up to his feet. Frost sees Thresh with the chair and runs to the ropes behind him and grabs him, bringing him down with a facecrusher onto Thresh’s own chair! Belthazar gets up on his knees and charges at Frost, Frost catches him like a gangrel suplex, and throws him over the top rope, and onto the floor!

Anna Lopez- Sixth to be eliminated, Belthazar!

Frost gets up and grabs another chair. Thresh gets up and jumps on the top rope. He jumps in mid air and turns around, he gets a really big leap when Frost nails him with a baseball swing, sending him off the top rope and through the announcer’s new table!

Fredericks- Holy shit!

Winters- That was wonderful! **Winters gets up and smacks Thresh across the face with the briefcase he had brought with him**

Erikson- **Sniffles, petting the broken table** Table…

Anna Lopez- Seventh to be eliminated, Thresh Crest!

Fredericks- They are dropping left and right…

**The fans begin to cheer wildly and chant Frost’s name when "Long Road Out of Hell" by Marilyn Manson plays again.**

Kaltuul steps out on the stageway. He makes his way solemnly down the ramp, then stands before the ring watching Frost pound on Chang with the chair. Kaltuul slides into the ring unnoticeably and creeps up on Frost. Frost pulls his chair back and Kaltuul catches it, he then brings a forearm over the head of Frost and across his collar bone, bringing Frost down to the ground.

Winters- From this point on, I do not care what happens. My goal has been accomplished.

Erikson- But Thresh can still mess with the matc…

Winters- Erikson, think about that. Think about all that he has been through tonight. Hopefully he’ll never wrestle again!

Erikson-But, isn’t that kin…

Winters-Shut up.

Erikson-Yes sir.

Kaltuul picks Frost up and brings him down in a backbreaker, he holds his knee there and bends Frost like a bow. He gives him a forearm to the stomach and lets him go. Frost falls to the mat and holds his back in pain. Chang gets up and Kaltuul laughs at him. Chang takes a slug at Kaltuul’s chest. Instead Kaltuul laughs again. Chang takes another hard right hand shot at Kaltuul. Once again he laughs, Chang runs across the ring and leaps for a body press, but instead Kaltuul catches him and military presses him!

Fredericks- Kaltuul is manhandling them.

Erikson- Indeed

Winters- …You two are agreeing?

Fredericks- As rare as it is, yes we are.

Winters- I…I’m stunned.

Kaltuul throws Chang up in the air and catches him, slamming him down on the mat! Just then the crowd begins their all-to-familiar countdown, 3, 2, 1. Suddenly "Rathje’s anthem" begins to play as Mike Rathje appears on the stage. He looks a bit freaked out as he makes his way down the rampway, occasionally checking his back. Finally he slides into the ring and is instantly given the big boot by Kaltuul.

Fredericks- I think something is wrong with Rathje.

Winters- Have you ever been buried alive?

Fredericks- Well, there was this time in Nam…

Winters- I didn’t think you were, so pipe down and don’t badmouth the poor fellow.

Fredericks- But..

Winters- Shut up…

Winters yells something into his walkie talkie and the countdown is instantly brought down to 5, the fans begin to cheer along with it, 4, 3, 2, 1. The siren goes off and "Transparent" by Spineshank hits. Jason Moore comes down to the ring. He stands outside the ring and whistles loudly. Suddenly about 20 Mexicans come running down to the ring! He whispers something to them and they dive in! They Charge at Kaltuul, Kaltuul is able to his boot to knock one of them out, and he throws 2 of them out of the ring, but eventually the multitudes of them double clothesline him out of the ring!

Winters- MOOOOOORE!!!!!

Fredericks- Uh oh…

Anna Lopez- Eighth to be eliminated, Kaltuul!

The Mexicans quickly turn to see Chang getting up, they dash at him, knocking him clear over the ropes along with a few of themselves.

Anna Lopez- Ninth to be eliminated, Chang Mustafa!

Fredericks- **Mumbles** Thank god…Who said that!?

The Mexicans than look at Rathje, who is even more frightened than before. He takes a step towards them, but then turns and jumps over the top rope himself, walking steadily and frightened up the ramp and to the back.

Anna Lopez- Tenth to be eliminated, Mike Rathje!

The Mexicans then turn and stare at Frost, who is beginning to get up.

Fredericks- It was all a setup!

Erikson- Ingenious, now Moore gets Melvin right where he wants him.

Fredericks- Something tells me a ring is not what he wants him in.

Erikson- Indeed.


Moore laughs at the clear disadvantage he has over Frost. Frost stands up vertical and does the Rock’s "Come and get some" hand gesture. Moore runs at Frost and Frost picks him up in the air, dropping him face first on the turnbuckle post. Frost grabs Moore by the head and leaps up on the turnbuckle and plants him with a Swinging Reverse DDT! The crowd erupts in cheers as Frost picks Moore up by the hair again and whips him into the ropes, he kicks Moore in the gut and drops him down, he picks him up like a powerbomb, but Moore floats over and grabs his head in a neckbreaker! Moore topples over the ladder and sets Frost inside of it, he then repeatedly slams the ladder on Frost until he drops the top part. Moore then climbs the nearby turnbuckle and does a nice little taunt. Moore leaps off in a body splash, but before he can jump Frost has moved himself out from inside the ladder! Moore comes crashing down on the ladder, and bouncing off, holding his stomach in pain.

Erikson- Ladder…. Yes….

Fredericks- Moore is pretty much being dominated in this matchup so far.

Frost picks Moore up and whips him into the ropes, Moore comes back and dodges Frost and bounces off the other set of ropes, Moore comes back and Frost elevates Moore high into the air, and Moore lands on the top rope, racking himself! He teeters on the edge of the top rope swaying in and out of the ring. Some of the Mexicans come around on his side to help him back in. Moore slips underneath the bottom rope, and runs to the announce position with his Mexicans.

Fredericks-Hey! That’s not right!

Frost sits down at the turnbuckle, resting when the crowd begins to countdown again, 4, 3, 2, 1. The arena goes black and a black rain begins to sweep across the stageway.

Erikson- Mommy…

Suddenly a lightning bolt streaks across the arena and explodes on the stage as Gravedigger appears. He makes his way steadily down to the ring, taunting the booing crowd. He sits outside the ring on the steps and waits for a moment.

Fredericks- I think these two men should just relax for a moment before going at it.

Erikson- They did go through horrific matches tonight.

Winters- Heh… Hah…. GET ON WITH IT! **Winters jumps up and spikes the walkie talkie down on Thresh’s body and sits back down** Stupid vegetable.

Gravedigger gets up and picks up the top step from the stairs he was sitting on. He chucks it into the ring as Frost jumps up from the impact of the steps. Gravedigger follows after the steps shortly thereafter as he and Frost square off. Frost makes a run at Gravedigger, but Gravedigger catches him on his shoulder and picks him up in the air. He holds him ready for a tombstone, but Frost begins to kick. Realizing that won’t work, he drops down and grabs Gravediggers ankle! Reversing it into an anklelock!

Fredericks- Good strategy.

Erikson- What?

Fredericks- Bringing the time down through submissions.

Frost looks at the clock which is now at 20 seconds, he lets Gravedigger go and the big man gets on his knees, slowly propping himself up. Gravedigger charges at Frost, but Frost trips him with a drop toe hold onto the steel steps that Gravedigger threw in! Frost grabs a chair and stands over Gravedigger, getting ready to perform a one man ConChairTo when "Synthetic" by Spineshank hits! Zack Macomber comes out and receives a huge reaction from the crowd. He sees that Frost is about to disable Gravedigger and quickly runs down to the ring and slides in. Frost runs at Macomber this time with the chair, but Macomber catches the chair and drives it back in Frost’s head! Frost falls down on the mat as Zack holds the chair above his head getting ready to slam it into Gravedigger’s head. Moore and the Mexicans are sitting at ringside, when suddenly,a man dressed in all black appears! He jumps over the barricade and runs through the group of Mexicans getting straight to Moore. He grabs Moore before any of the Mexicans can react, and slides him back into the ring.

Winters- That looks like the guy who has been secretly attacking Moore for the past few weeks!

Fredericks- I’m guessing he was the last one, since that is everyone now.

Silent Assassin picks Moore up by the hair and grabs him in a rear grapple, Moore reverses it and pushes Assassin into the ropes, he comes back and hits him with a shoulder rush. Jason falls down and Assassin leaps back at the ropes. He comes back around and Moore arm drags him, he rushes back at Jason, but once again he is arm dragged. Assassin gets back up and runs at Jason Moore, Moore catches him, but Assassin drops him with a flying head scissors! Gravedigger gets up and picks Frost up, he too catches him in a rear grapple and picks him up, dropping him with a blue thunder bomb!

Fredericks- They just keep dishing the pain out to Frost.

Gravedigger gets back up and grabs Assassin by the hair, he pulls him back and drops him with a reverse DDT! Macomber too gets up and they get Assassin back to his feet. Gravedigger slides under the ropes and brings a table out! Macomber kicks Assassin and gives him THE ZACKINOKU DRIVER! (Michinoku Driver) Gravedigger sets up the table outside the ring and dives back in, they whip Assassin into the ropes and then fling Assassin up into the air! Assassin comes crashing down outside the ring and lands with a hard crash on the floor! The four men left in the ring migrate to a turnbuckle…Moore, Macomber, Frost, and Gravedigger.

Anna Lopez- Eleventh to be eliminated, Silent Assassin!

Erikson- High risk…hehehe…

Winters- And then there were 4.

Moore goes after Frost right away, and begins punching him in the turnbuckle. He then climbs up and starts a 10 punch combo. But once he gets to 5, Melvin lifts him up, turns, and dumps Jason over the top rope. However, Jason lands on the apron! Melvin stumbles groggily, out of breath, and incidentally bumps into Jason, sending him sprawling to the outside, landing amongst his Mexican army!!!

Anna Lopez-Twelfth to be eliminated, Jason Moore!

Frost lies on the mat helpless as Gravedigger and Macomber shake hands. They laugh for a short period of time before they start throwing rights and lefts at each other! Macomber and Gravedigger keep punching and kicking one another until Macomber gets dropped on the mat, Gravedigger picks Macomber up by the hair and kicks him in the gut. He signals to the crowd! THE LAST DESCENT! (Screwdiver). Macomber’s body goes limp as he falls on the mat. Gravedigger picks him up brings him over near the ropes, he picks him up, seemingly going to chokelift him out of the ring, when out of no where, Melvin Frost comes charging with a battle cry and a double clothesline that sends both men out of the ring and onto the floor!!!

Anna Lopez- Thirteenth to be eliminated, Zack Macomber!!! Fourteenth to be eliminated, Gravedigger!!! You’re winner of the New Millenium Wrestling Uprising Rumble, the new NMW Champion, Melvin Frost!!!!!

**The crowd cheers and celebrates as Melvin breaks out with the Vulcan sign, taunting the crowd! Winters steps into the ring and opens the briefcase. He hands the NMW title to Melvin Frost and holds his hand up high. From no where, Thresh is seen hobbling on one foot and slides back into the ring!**

Fredericks-What the hell is he doing???

Erikson-It looks like he’s injured his leg.

**Thresh grabs a nearby chair and smashes it upon Frost’s head, dropping him in an instant! He then turns to Winters, who runs at him with a clothesline, but Thresh catches him, RIOT ACT (STO 2)!!!!!!! Winters is slammed hard to the mat, laying besides Melvin’s broken body. Thresh Crest snickers as he picks up the NMW title belt, and raises it above his bloody and battered head. The crowd erupts with boos! Thresh hops out of the ring, and hobbles towards the back as "Breathe" by Nickelback hits.**

Fredericks-What is he doing? He’s not the champ! Get him back here!

Erikson-But we’re out of time!!!


**The camera fade as the final image of Thresh holding the NMW title belt over his head on the stage is shown.**


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