**The scene opens inside a packed NMW Arena, where the fans are already worked into a frenzy, despite a lack of fireworks or MilleniTron videos thus far. The lights in the arena suddenly go a bit dim, as "Just Got Wicked" by Cold hits, working the crowd into even more of a frenzy. The MilleniTron comes to life with video images of the owner of NMW, as Seth Winters steps out onto the stage, with the MOW Slaughterhouse World Title strap over his shoulder, a microphone in hand, and decked out in full business suit attire. Winters grins at the crowd for a moment, before raising his mic and speaking.**

Winters-NMW fans, we're gonna do things a little bit differently tonight, and that should come as no shock, because NMW has been known for doing things a bit differently. I mean, in how many other feds have you seen a crouton go on a winning streak? Have you seen that in UAW?

**The crowd responds with a loud "Hell no!"**

Winters-Have you seen that in MOW Slaughterhouse, which by the way, I'm the World Champion of?

**Once again, a roar of "Hell no!"**

Winters-Well then, in how many other feds have you seen a lawn gnome as the commissioner? Or a salmon as a fan favorite? Or a genius show title like "Mayor of the Square"? Have you seen that in UAW?

**Crowd shouts "Hell no!"**

Winters-Well, have you seen it in MOW Slaughterhouse, which if you didn't know, I'm the World Champion of?

**One more time with feeling, the crowd yells "Hell no!"**

Winters-Precisely. As I said, we do things a bit differently here in NMW. Therefore, tonight will be a night of skews from normalcy. We will have no flashy show intro, we will have no pretty pyros, and we will have no bullshit. This show will be the meat and potatoes, whereas UAW and MOW Slaughterhouse could only provide the pretty lacy napkins. This show is about pride, respect, and rising stars. Tonight will be a tournament to crown a new main eventer for NMW. And the winner of that tournament will also be the man to bring the NMW title back home where it belongs, and out of the clutches of that bothersome maggot Zack Macomber!

**The crowd roars in approval.**

Winters-So without further ado…I give you the first inaugural "Mayor of the Square" tournament!!

**Winter's music hits again and he heads backstage, as a single bottle rocket explodes above the stage, signifying the beginning of the show. The camera starts to pick up speed and twirl around the arena, catching shots of several fights, many flashed boobies, and an unbelievable amount of spilled beer. Oh, and amongst all that, there are a few fan-made signs:

"Bring back the gnome!"

"Mayor of the Square?"

"You know, like King of the Ring?"


"Zack's short reign is about to become a drought."

"Winters is the MOW SH World Champion!!"

"I can be your hero baby."

"What does X-Pac use to cure his muscle aches? Bengay!"

The camera shows the signs, then settles on an area between the seats, where two fans are dressed up like croutons, wearing large cardboard boxes with holes cut out for their arms, legs, and heads. The boxes are spray-painted yellow, with green specs all over them. The two fans are dancing around in the aisle, as the rest of the crowd cheers them on. The camera then swings around to the announce table, where the lead guitarists for the nu-metal band Positive Tang are sitting: Tyler Fredericks and Brian Erikson.**

Tyler Fredericks-NMW fans, welcome to the first inaugural "Mayor of the Square" tournament! Tonight, a lowly mid- to under-card wrestler will be elevated to heights so high that his brain may explode.

Brian Erikson-Unless you're Chang, and you don't HAVE a brain.

Fredericks-Now now Brian, let's try to be professional tonight. After all, our President is the NEW MOW Slaughterhouse World Champion! For those of you who haven't heard about this yet, we'll fill you in.

Erikson-Yeah, Winters, competing as Psyclone in the nearly defunct Slaughterhouse, faced World Champion Toran Crest in a singles match. Well, Winter's ex-assistant Cliff interfered, and helped the Prez beat Toran, just as he has so many times in the past.

Fredericks-Thusly, Mr. Winters is the MOW Slaughterhouse World Champion, and I'm sure all our NMW fans will join me in saying congrats to the President on a job well done, and more importantly another step towards the total destruction of the Slaughterhouse.

Erikson-Indeed. Not to mention the fact that Winters also stole one of the Slaughterhouse's elite tag teams in The Grid. Tech Hunter and Grant D. Mise are definitely great additions to the NMW roster. One problem though…

Fredericks-What's that?

Erikson-Their music is "Fear" by Disturbed. That's also Cliff's music. I see a battle over theme music coming up in the near future.

Fredericks-Great insight on that completely irrelevant issue Brian.

Erikson-That's what I do best.

Fredericks-Now, let's take a look at the first round match-ups in the tournament.














Erikson-That definitely looks like a decent first round.

Fredericks-Indeed it does. Well Brian, care to make a bold prediction on who you think is going to take the whole thing?

Erikson-Hmmm…Well, I already know who is going to win, because I saw the script backstage. But just for the sake of making this interesting, I'm going to go with Dark Destroyer. He's new, but he is very intimidating, and he has more personalities than he knows what to do with.

Fredericks-Ok, so you're going with Dark Destroyer. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Spike Moore, mainly because we haven't really seen what he's capable of yet here in NMW. I think he could be a big time sleeper in the tourney.

Erikson-I see…Care to put a little wager on that?

Fredericks-Sure, I'm confident in my choice. How much do you wanna bet?

Erikson-How about $50?

Fredericks-Oh come on you pussy, I'm a high roller.


Fredericks-$200 and you got a deal.

Erikson-*Sniff* But that was my last paycheck…

Fredericks-Get tough nancy boy!




**Buddy the Clown and Aikeiro are sitting in their locker room, on opposite sides of a couch. They both are propping their heads up with their hands, and look extremely bored. The Tag Team titles are laying on a table in front of the couch, looking somewhat dull. Buddy sheepishly looks over at Aikeiro, who sheepishly returns the glance.**

Aikeiro-Buddy…Aikeiro is…sorry…for what he…did…two weeks ago. Aikeiro…did not…mean to cost…Buddy his…match against…Cazz.

Buddy-Oh don't worry about it you crazy Korean you. I got over that a long time ago. After all, we're a team right? A team with no competition, but a team nonetheless.


**Buddy smiles and leans forward, grabbing the tag titles off the table in front of him. He hands one to Aikeiro.**

Buddy-You know what we need to do 'Ro?


Buddy-We need to get out and find ourselves a tag team worthy of facing us for these titles. We've had them for long enough, and honestly, it's about time we drop them to someone who's better than us.


Buddy-Come on little buddy, let's get out there and find a team we can lose to!

Aikeiro-Yeah…Let's…go lose…

**Buddy giggles with glee, as he and Aikeiro hop out of their room.**


Fredericks-Buddy and Aikeiro want to LOSE their titles?

Erikson-Apparently. Either boredom has finally gotten to them, or their stupidity is finally shining through to everyone else besides me.

Fredericks-Oh well, perhaps we'll find out later on in the show. Because right now, we're ready for our first match-up of the night.



**"Blackened" by Metallica hits, and the lights in the arena dim to a dark hue, as the fans give out a mixed reaction for the Unholy One, Gravedigger. Gravedigger solemnly emerges onto the stage, and then makes his was down the ramp towards the ring. The large man climbs up onto the apron and then steps through the ropes, as the lights begin to come back on. Gravedigger stands emotionlessly in the ring.**

Fredericks-It's been a while since we've seen Gravedigger in action here.

Erikson-Yup, and he'll have his hands full against the many personalities of Dark Destroyer.

Fredericks-Fo' sho'.

**The crowd's cheers strengthen a bit as the newest member of NMW steps onto the stage to the sounds of Metallica's "For Whom The Bell Tolls". Dark Destroyer walks down the large ramp, with the High Stakes title over his shoulder. He hands his title belt to Anna Lopez, who gives it to the timekeeper as Destroyer steps over the top rope and into the ring. The bell sounds.**

Fredericks-These are two very intimidating men, but Destroyer holds a slight size advantage, standing approximately three inches above Gravedigger.

Erikson-Tyler, you speak as if size matters.

Destroyer and Gravedigger slowly move towards each other, as the crowd gets behind both men. They lock up in a grapple, and Destroyer gets the first shot in as he drives his knee up into Gravedigger's gut. Gravedigger quickly retaliates with a huge clothesline, knocking Destroyer down hard to the mat. Destroyer gets back to his feet in a moment, and Gravedigger now grabs him by the back of the neck and drives a straight jab into DD's face. Gravedigger then whips Destroyer off the ropes and goes for a big boot, but DD ducks under it and bounces off the ropes again. Gravedigger leans down and goes for a Back Body Drop, but DD stops short, and kicks Gravedigger in the face. Destroyer then kicks him in the gut and moves in for a DDT, but Gravedigger is able to push him off the ropes, and this time the Unholy One hits a big boot. Gravedigger drops and pins Destroyer………………1………………..2……………….Kickout by Dark Destroyer. Gravedigger quickly pulls DD up to his feet.

Fredericks-So far it seems that Gravedigger has the upper hand.

Erikson-That's gross Tyler.

Gravedigger kicks DD in the gut and places his head between his legs. Gravedigger then lifts Dark Destroyer up into a Powerbomb position, but DD slides off of Gravedigger's shoulders and lands in front of him, before nailing him with a headbutt. Gravedigger stumbles back a bit and hangs onto the ropes. Dark Destroyer takes off running, and clotheslines Gravedigger over the top rope, sending both men spilling to the floor below. The ref begins the ten count………….1…………..2………..Dark Destroyer gets to his feet first, and walks over to the announce table, where he starts throwing the monitors away.

Erikson-Hey, those cost a lot of money you whore!

Gravedigger now rises to his feet behind Dark Destroyer, who doesn't notice him and continues to rip up the announce table. The Unholy One stalks up behind DD without him noticing, and Gravedigger prepares to hit him…when Destroyer swings around and nails Gravedigger with a monitor………….3…………..4………….5………..6…………Dark Destroyer now lifts up Gravedigger and slides him up onto the table………….7………….8……….DD quickly runs back over to the ring and rolls in to restart the count, before rolling back out, just as Gravedigger sits up on the announce table…………1………..2……….Dark Destroyer walks over to Gravedigger and punches him in the face, knocking him back down onto the table………..3………..4……..Just then, a figure comes running down the entrance ramp.

Fredericks-That's Cazz Selmer! Destroyer beat him for the High Stakes title last week!

Cazz runs around the ring as Destroyer steps up onto the table, grabbing Gravedigger by the hair and attempting to pull him up………..5……..Cazz runs up behind DD and nails him with a hard low blow, causing Destroyer to let go of Gravedigger, who drops and rolls off the table. Another referee follows closely behind Cazz, as Selmer climbs up onto the table in front of Destroyer, and hooks him up for a suplex………6……..Cazz lifts Dark Destroyer into the air, showing a great amount of power, and then drops him through the announce table with a Falcon Arrow!……..7…….Gravedigger sits up on the arena floor as he realizes what is going on, and he slides back into the ring……….8……..After delivering the move, Cazz reaches down and places his hands on Destroyer's chest, as the second referee counts…………………1…………………..2……………………..3!! The bell rings.

Anna Lopez-Winner and NEW NMW High Stakes Champion, Cazz Selmer!

Cazz jumps to his feet and laughs as he snatches the High Stakes title from ringside and takes off to the back.…………9……….Dark Destroyer is still lying amongst the broken table pieces, as Gravedigger gets to his feet inside the ring………..10!! The ref signals over to the timekeeper's table.

Anna Lopez-Winner at 4:35, and moving on to the Semifinal round, Gravedigger!

**"Blackened" hits again, as Gravedigger steps over the ropes and heads back up the ramp, the crowd emitting a mixed reaction once again.**

Erikson-MOTHER F--KERS! The first match and they broke our table already!

Fredericks-Settle down man…At least they did it quickly and painlessly.


Fredericks-Oh and Brian…It looks like you lost the bet.



**President Winters is shown backstage sitting behind his desk in his office. He is apparently playing with two G.I. Joe action figures, bending and twisting them around on his desk. One of the G.I. Joes throws a punch at the other, and knocks him for a loop.**

Winters-Yeah! Take that Rymiel!

**The same G.I. Joe then picks the other one up and slams him down with a Jackknife Powerbomb.**

Winters-Go Seth, it's your birthday, go Seth.

**Then, the G.I. Joe kicks the other in the gut, jumps into the air, and delivers the Corporate Takeover (Fameasser) to the other unfortunate G.I. Joe.**

Winters-My God! The Corporate Takeover! It's all over, Rymiel is done!

**Winters then places the G.I. Joe on top of the other one, hooks his leg, and counts.**


**There is a knock at the door.**

Winters-Crap! Who is it?

**No answer. Winters grunts and gets up, walking over to the door.**

Winters-Is anybody out there? You can come on in.

**No answer once again. Winters sighs and turns to walk back to his desk, action figures still in hand. Suddenly, the door is thrown open, and Winters stops in his tracks, still facing the other way. A familiar man stumbles in, one who has been on the show in the last couple of weeks looking for the President.**

Man-SETH! Dude…I've been looking all over for you…

**Winter's eyes widen, as his head then slumps against his chest, and the G.I. Joe's drop from his hands. A look of utter depression surrounds Winters, as the man walks in and slaps the Prez on the back really hard.**

Man-Bro, I've been looking all over for you dude. Hey, you gotta any food in here man?

**The man starts searching around Winter's office, as Seth now starts to look a bit peeved.**

Winters-Jeff, for God's sake, if I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times…I don't want you here. This is my company, and I don't need my loser, stoner brother screwing it up for me.

**Jeff Winters turns around, stopping his food search for a second.**

Jeff Winters-Dude, I gave up weed a long time ago…

Seth Winters-Then what the hell is that smell?

**Jeff reaches into his pocket and pulls out a plastic bag full of weed.**

Jeff Winters-Oh…That must be my weed…Hahahahaha!

**Seth smacks his forehead in disgust, as Jeff goes back to searching for food. The President walks over to him, searching for something to say.**

Seth Winters-Jeff…Listen to me. As your older brother, not to mention the owner of this place, I am demanding that you get the hell out of here.

Jeff Winters-Dude, no need to shout, I'm leaving…

Seth Winters-No! You can't stay! I have a company to run and I…Wait, you're leaving?

Jeff Winters-Yeah dude, chill. I'm outta here. You don't have any munchies anyways. No biggie…I'll just see you next week.

**Winters smiles in relief.**

Seth Winters-Gee Jeff, thanks a lot. I never knew that you could be so agree…uh…What do you mean you'll see me next week?

Jeff Winters-Dude, you promised to sign me onto the roster, remember?

Seth Winters-I never did that!

Jeff Winters-Yeah you did…See?

**Jeff pulls out a crumpled up piece of paper out of his pocket and straightens it out. He holds it up for Seth to see. The paper says "NMW Contract" across the top, and has Winter's signature at the bottom. Seth's eyes widen once again.**

Seth Winters-I never signed that! It must be a forgery!

Jeff Winters-A forgerwhat? Dude…All I know is that mom gave me permission to work in NMW. Besides, I need to get out of her basement…The rats are starting to breed bro.

Seth Winters-Wait a minute…MOM signed the contract in MY name? She can't do that! I'm the owner of a million-dollar company for God's sake! DAMMIT!!!

**Jeff turns his head to the side, with a confused look on his face. Seth just stares back, in complete disgust. Jeff then snaps out of his trance for a moment.**

Jeff Winters-So anyway, I'll see you next week bro. Peace out…

**With that, Jeff turns and leaves the room, slamming the door behind him. Seth stands there for a moment, before collapsing to the ground. The scene fades out.**






**"Boiler" by Limp Bizkit hits the speakers as Knife walks through the curtain. Checking out the fans, he walks down the ramp and steps through the ropes. He slumps in the turnbuckle, waiting for his opponent, Chang Mustafa.**

Fredericks- I can’t count the times these two have faced each other.

Erikson- All we know for sure is that it’s probably the least watched part of the show.

**"Bodies" by Drowning Pool hits as the Millenitron lights up, flashing the ever popular "Most Letirat Man" across the screen. Chang bursts through the curtain, and keeps charging down the rampway, slapping hands along the way, he eventually takes a dive into the ring and rushing right into Knife, spearing him into the turnbuckle!**

Fredericks- This is kicking off right quick, I think it could be a good match to watch.

Erikson- I think our sponsors are now choking on their coffee…

Chang backs up and rushes again with right hands this time, eventually nailing him with an elbow into the side of the head causing Knife to fall to the mat. Chang doesn’t waste any time and pulls Knife up to his feet and snapmares him back down, followed with an elbow drop and another. Chang walks to the turnbuckle, stands up and screams out to the crowd, receiving the same treatment back. He slaps the turnbuckle pad then hops back down, turning around to receive a DDT! Chang crumbles onto the mat as Knife stomps away on his opponent. Chang is able to push himself back to his knees, but Knife keeps on the offensive, sidekicking him in the face! Chang falls back and lands on the bottom rope, holding onto it to keep him off of the mat. Knife grabs Chang by the legs and pulls them up under his arms, he holds him straight up, then rolls backwards, catapulting Chang up into a clothesline from the middle rope!

Fredericks- Very heated. I think they get the picture that whoever wins in less time will have more energy for the next match.

Erikson- It’s a shame they both think like that.

Chang holds his throat in pain as Knife yanks him back, dropping down for a pin…1……2…… Kickout! Knife starts to get up, but Chang grabs him by the neck and twirls him around into a small package!…1…..2…. Kickout! Both men scramble to their feet and stand there, staring at one another. Knife initiates a grapple, and Chang goes with it as they lock horns. Chang tries to pull Knife’s arm around so he can get to a rear grapple, but Knife keeps his arm straight. Chang tries to grab Knife’s arm and twist it around into a hammerlock, but Knife holds on and grabs him in the spin-around, holding on for a rear grapple. He goes down and wraps both arms around his waist, hoisting him up into the air!

Fredericks- He’s going for a reverse tombstone!

Knife pulls him straight into the air, but Chang starts kicking! He kicks his feet back around and gets both back on the ground and pulls Knife into the air on his back! Chang grabs Knife by the head and pulls it around, he falls backwards slamming Knife down in a kryptonite krunch! Chang shakes the cobwebs out of his head and drops an arm over Knife……..1…….2…….Kickout! Chang walks over to a turnbuckle and begins to unstring the padding, eventually tearing it off. He walks over to Knife and pulls him up to his feet. Chang hoists him up on his shoulder for a body slam, but doesn’t slam him down. Instead, Chang takes charge towards the turnbuckle, attempting to ram Knife’s head into it! But Knife is able to drop down off of it, and Chang crashes his own head into the post. Knife takes the opportunity to do a back slide into a pin!….1……2….. Chang gets his hand on the ropes! The referee breaks the hold, and Knife pulls Chang up to his feet groggily. Knife whips Chang to the ropes, and when Chang comes back, he powerslams him. Knife doesn’t pin him though, but instead drops several stomps onto his ribs. Knife grabs a fistful of hair and pulls Chang to his feet, Knife kicks Chang in the gut, getting him ready for the Cutter, but Chang pushes Knife off of him. Knife runs to the ropes and bounces off, on the way back Chang pulls Knife onto his shoulder and spins around in the air, slamming him onto his back! Chang quickly pins Knife….1….2….Kickout.

Fredericks- Not so bad? Eh, Brian?

Erikson- It’s tolerable.

Chang pulls Knife up, and grabs tosses him out of the ring onto the outside. Chang rolls when he hits the ground and slams into the guardrail. Chang holds his arms up to the crowd, receiving the praise from the crowd. Knife slowly pulls himself back up to his feet and tries to regain his balance. Chang grabs the top rope, using it as leverage to lift himself up and over the top rope, he brings his hands up in the air, going for an axe handle smash. Knife leaps up and punches Chang in the stomach, causing Chang to bounce when he hits the ground and cracking his head on the guardrail! Knife makes a run-by and brings his foot high up in to the air, attempting to do a kick onto Chang’s head, but Chang falls off of the guardrail and Knife’s foot cracks down on the hard railing. Knife holds his foot in pain, but slowly regains his feeling and helps Chang to his feet, and then tossing him back into the ring. Knife crawls in after him and pins him…1…..2… Kickout. Knife pulls Chang up to his feet and gives him a swift kick into the stomach. Chang doubles over and falls to his knees. Knife runs to the ropes and comes back, going for a field goal style kick into Chang’s exposed ribs. When Knife kicks, Chang pulls himself to the side, and holds an arm up, catching Knife under his arm and stands up at the same time. Chang wraps his other arm around Knife’s neck and slams him down in a samoan drop!

Fredericks- Chang’s chances are turning quickly.

The fans start cheering for the heated match as Chang pulls Knife back up to his feet, wearily. Chang kicks him in the gut to bring him down for the Buzzsaw (Tiger Driver). He locks Knife’s arms and gets ready to lift him, when Knife thrusts his head straight up, racking Chang! Chang lets go of Knife’s arms and he holds his crotch, bouncing up and down. Chang wobbles around in a circle, and Knife kicks him in the stomach, CUTTER! (Stone Cold Stunner) Chang falls to the mat and Knife covers him….1……..2……..3.

Anna Lopez- Winner at 4:49, and moving on to the Semifinal round, The Knife!

**"Boiler" by Limp Bizkit strikes up again as Knife leaves the ring, heading up the ramp to the back.**


**Mr. Platypus is sitting on the floor of his locker room, standing up some dominos. He has a perfect row of them set up, and is preparing to knock them over, when suddenly someone steps into his locker room and slams the door, causing them ALL to fall over. Platypus scream and jumps up, looking at the man who just entered the room angrily. He appears to be a member of the Mexican crew.**

Platypus-What the hell are you thinking? I almost has the Guiness World Record for longest domino stack!!


Platypus-Dammit, you're Mexican!


Platypus-Grrr…Stop being Mexican!!


**Platypus screams again as he marches over to the crew member and starts trying to push him out the door.**


Mexican-Uno momento Senor Platypus.

**Platypus stops and looks at the Mexican, who reaches into his pocket and pulls out a business card. He hands it to Mr. Platypus.**

Platypus-Hold on a minute…Your name is Jesus?

Mexican-Hey-Zeus…Senor Platypus.

Platypus-Hey-Zeus? Is that how you pronounce it? Sorry man, but I like Jesus better. What can I do for you Jesus?


**Platypus suddenly starts smiling.**

Platypus-Hmmm…you know what? I could have a use for you. I'm not busy, and by the looks of you, you're not busy either. So some with me Jesus, we're gonna chat.


**Platypus puts his arm around the Mexican and they walk off, as the camera fades out.**



Erikson-Hehe, Jesus.



**"Rope" by 40 Below Summer hits, and the crowd cheers as former North American Champion Jason Moore steps onto the stage. He raises his hands into the air for the crowd, and walks down the ramp. His music continues to blare as Jason slides into the ring under the bottom rope and steps up onto the second turnbuckle, raising his arms once again. He then steps down and stretches a bit.**

Erikson-There's that ingrate Jason Moore. Shunning a great gimmick like the Moorio Brothers…I have no love for him.

Fredericks-I'd agree with you Brian, but those Mario games sucked ass.

**The crowd boos as "Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit hits the speakers, and the man of 1572 armbars, Cazz Selmer, walks onto the stage, carrying his newly won High Stakes title in his left hand. He raises it into the air, getting even more boos from the crowd. Cazz shrugs and walks down the ramp, dragging the title belt behind him. Cazz walks up to the ring and drops his High Stakes title at the bottom of the ramp, before stepping through the ropes and running at Jason Moore.**

Erikson-Go Cazz!

The bell rings as Jason Moore drop toe holds Cazz to begin the match. Cazz quickly hopes to his feet again and runs at Jason once more, but this time Moore takes him over with an armdrag. Selmer grunts and gets back to his feet, as Jason Moore taunts him. Cazz Selmer takes off running once again, as Jason Moore attempts another armdrag. But this time Cazz clamps onto Jason's arm in midair, and manages to lock on a Cross Armbreaker, as he slams onto the mat from the momentum from the armdrag. Cazz pulls back on Jason's arm, as Moore yells in pain. Jason Moore is able to slide over a bit and grab the bottom rope. Cazz quickly releases the hold, gets up, and goes to drop an elbow onto Moore's shoulder, but Jason rolls out of the way, causing Cazz to hit the canvas. Both men get to their feet at the same time, and lock up in a grapple. Cazz comes out with a hammerlock, pulling up on Jason's arm. Jason reverses it into a hammerlock of his own, before quickly kneeling and pulling Cazz's legs out from under him. Selmer hits the mat face-first, and Jason quickly stomps on the back of his head.

Fredericks-Jason Moore is definitely doing well for himself in this match. I almost forgot how great of a singles competitor he is.


Jason Moore stands besides Cazz's body for a moment, waiting for him to get up, but Cazz doesn't move. Jason rolls him over and reaches down to pick him up, but Cazz quickly lunges up and rolls Jason into a small package, as the ref drops to count………………1…………………2………………..Moore escapes the pin. Both men get to their feet once again, and Jason quickly swings a hasty clothesline. Selmer ducks it, and drops Jason with a Hangman's Neckbreaker. Moore hits the mat hard, and Cazz quickly leaps up onto the middle rope, as the crowd boos him.

Fredericks-Cazz is going to try some high risk?

Erikson-He's on the middle rope…More like somewhat risky.

Cazz leaps off the middle rope, and drives his clenched fits into the neck of Jason Moore. Jason begins spasming on the mat, clutching his throat, as Cazz looks around at the crowd and smirks at the jeering fans. Moore springs up suddenly, pulling Cazz back by his tights and rolling him up into a fast schoolboy pin. The ref slides into position and counts………………1………………….2………………..Cazz kicks out with authority. The men get up at the same time a third time, and lock up in a strong grapple. Cazz drives his knee up into Jason's groin, and the referee doesn't see it. Selmer lifts Moore into the air, holds him up for a moment, and then drives him down hard with a Falcon Arrow. Cazz then lays over Jason for the pin attempt…………………..1………………………..2………………….Moore gets a shoulder up just in time! Cazz can't believe it, and he jumps to his feet in anger, pulling Moore up with him. Cazz kicks Jason in the midsection, and then hooks him up for a suplex again. Cazz lifts Jason halfway into the air, until Jason shifts his weight and swings back downwards, driving Cazz's head into the mat with a DDT! Cazz's body bounces vertically off the canvas as the crowd erupts.

Fredericks-Wow! Did you see the speed at which Selmer's head hit the mat!? His brain must be scrambled!

Erikson-Great, that's all we need…Another Chang.

Fredericks-Good call.

Cazz lays on the mat motionless for a moment, as Jason Moore gets up and starts firing up the crowd. Cazz slowly starts to climb to his feet, but Moore is there to cut him off with a jab to the face. Cazz falls back into the turnbuckle, and Jason points over to him, getting a cheer from the crowd. Moore marches over and chops Cazz, and gets a "WOO" from the crowd. Jason then mounts the second turnbuckle, and begins laying into Cazz Selmer with right hands, as the fans count along with him…1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8…9…Jason stops for a moment to raises his arms in the air for the crowd…And Cazz bursts out of the corner, carrying Jason's legs with him, and then drops Moore face-first into the top turnbuckle pad! Cazz takes a moment to recover on the mat, as Jason groggily gets back to his feet. Moore takes a swing at Selmer, but Cazz ducks it and grabs Jason's arms, before snapping it over his shoulder. Moore stumbles backwards and bounces weakly off the ropes, right into a Powerslam by Cazz!

Fredericks-Whoa! Cazz with a big powerslam.

Jason Moore appears to be out on the mat, so Cazz flicks off the crowd and heads over to the nearest turnbuckle, near the entrance ramp. Cazz begins climbing up the turnbuckle, and this time he surpasses the middle rope, going all the way up top, as Jason Moore doesn't move. Cazz appears to be attempting a moonsault from the top, when suddenly Dark Destroyer leaps out from the crowd and shouts up at Cazz, who looks down…only to see nothing but flames spraying from Dark Destroyer's mouth!! Cazz holds his hands up to his face in pain, as he loses his footing and gets crotched on the top rope. The crowd cheers as Destroyer runs backstage, just as Jason Moore gets to his feet in the ring. Moore sees Cazz in position on the top rope, and he quickly runs over and hops onto the middle rope, hooks Cazz's arms, and delivers a huge Confession (Top Rope Vertebreaker)!!! Cazz gets folded up on the mat as the crowd explodes into cheers, and as Jason Moore pins the nearly dead Cazz…………….1………………2……………….3!! The bell rings.

Anna Lopez-Winner at 6:32, and moving on to the Semifinal round, Jason Moore!!

Fredericks-Well, it looks like Dark Destroyer got some revenge on Cazz for stealing the High Stakes title earlier tonight.

Erikson-Ugh…Interference makes me sick…Unless it's a heel doing the interfering.

Fredericks-Destroyer is a heel half of the time…

Erikson-That's not good enough.



**Backstage, Jason Moore is shown after his match, and he is sweating profusely. His brother Spike then walks onto the scene and high-fives Jason, who is completely out of breath.**

Spike-Hey man, nice win over Cazz.


Spike-Now I'm gonna go out and show that Punkabilly what skanking is all about!


Spike-You seem a little out of breath.


Spike-Tell you what. You go back to our room and take a nap, then when you wake up, we can celebrate our wins together.


**Jason and Spike high-five again, as Jason heads off to his locker room. Spike, meanwhile, steps up to the Gorilla position, getting ready to make his entrance. Suddenly, a baseball bat hits him in the side of the head!! A large man then steps onto the scene, holding the baseball bat which just struck Spike's head. The camera pans upward to show none other than UAW's "Kaotic" Chris Moore!**

Chris-You always were the runt of the litter. I'll show you and Jason how real wrestling is done. Right boys?

**The camera pans over behind Chris, where several other UAW stars are standing, known as The Wraiths: Lee, Immortal, Tanik, and Strife.**

Tanik-Let's go assassinate someone.

Chris-Oh…We'll do more than that, Tanik. We're going to murder each and every single loser in this place.

**With that, the five men make their way out towards the stage for the next match, each one kicking Spike in the ribs as they pass his body.**


Erikson-Oh my God…

Fredericks-I can't believe I just saw that.



**"Punk Nation Unification" by AFI hits as the North American Champion, Tony Monroe steps out onto the stage to a loud ovation. Monroe confidently walks down the ramp and slides into the ring.**

Fredericks-Oh man, Spike Moore just took one hell of a beating backstage…

**"Messiah" by Fear Factory hits as the lights dim and bluish purple and red lights flash about the NMW arena. Chris Moore, with his demonic Wraiths, emerge from the back and walk down the ramp. Chris stops suddenly when he gets to the ring. Tony is telling Chris to bring it on, but Chris just stands there, glaring at Tony.**

Erikson-Holy crap! That's Chris Moore from UAW, leader of the Wraiths! He can't be in this tournament, can he?

Fredericks-I think he is now…

Chris continues to glare at Tony as the red and purple lights flash with a strobe effect on the ring. Chris climbs up onto the apron as the lights return to normal. Monroe quickly rushes at Chris with a clothesline, but Chris doesn’t move. Tony runs back off of the ropes and is met by a hard right hand from Chris Moore. Chris climbs into the ring and walks to the fallen punkabilly who is struggling to regroup. Moore quickly picks Tony up and whips him into the turnbuckle. Moore wastes no time in running back in with a huge clothesline. Chris whips him into the opposite turnbuckle and does the same thing.

Fredericks-Chris isn’t showing any mercy here.

Erikson-The guy is huge! UAW is a sitting duck with this guy and his Wraiths. And it looks like NMW is too!

Chris grabs Tony by the throat and tosses him across the ring! Monroe scrambles to the ropes and uses them to pull himself up. Chris runs at Tony and attempts a big boot, but Monroe ducks, causing Chris to rack himself on the ropes!! Monroe wastes no time in climbing the turnbuckle and leaping off with a flipping neckbreaker onto Chris!! Monroe goes for the quick cover. 1….2….Chris easily powers out of the pin and gets to his feet. Monroe quickly dropkicks Chris in the kneecap.

Fredericks-Smart move by Monroe, he’s going to need to take out the big man’s vertical balance if he wants to win.

Erikson-Yeah, but if he’s not strong enough to do it…

Chris stumbles backwards a little bit, but remains standing. Monroe quickly runs off the ropes, but Chris catches him with a huge bearhug! Chris lets out an evil growl as he slams Tony down in a huge spinebuster. Chris lifts Tony up and quickly grabs him by the throat. Moore lifts the Skankin Punkabilly high in the air, but Tony manages to wrap his legs around Moore’s head and flip him over with a flying head scissors!! Chris sits up with a look of disbelief on his face. Monroe starts skankin in the middle of the ring, pumping the crowd up.

Fredericks-This isn’t a smart move by Tony. He better pay more attention to Chris Moore instead of the fans.

Erikson-I’m shocked at you! You said that an opponent is more important than the fans. The fans are everything in this business, you dolt! Tony Monroe knows that, and he’s got the upper hand.

Fredericks-Brian…you’re on the verge of becoming face.

Erikson-Don’t be ridiculous…wait a sec…NO!!!

Fredericks-There, there….it’ll be ok.

In the ring, Chris gets up and levels Tony Monroe while he’s skankin with a huge boot to the face. Chris climbs out of the ring and slides back in with a few chairs. Monroe gets up and quickly low blows Chris and follows up by planting him with a huge DDT onto one of the chairs. Chris rolls over, holding his face in pain as Tony Monroe climbs to the second turnbuckle and leaps off with a diving elbow to the dark heart of the Kaotic One. Monroe quickly floats over and attempts another cover. 1…..2…..Chris gets his shoulder up. Monroe lifts Chris to his feet and attempts a piledriver, but Chris stands up and slams Monroe down hard on the mat. Chris then stumbles backwards, trying to clear the cobwebs from the DDT earlier. Monroe gets to his feet as Chris swings a clothesline at him. Tony ducks and, on the return, kicks Chris in the gut. Monroe quickly leaps down with a jawbreaker to Chris. Chris stumbles backwards toward a turnbuckle. Monroe sees this and quickly climbs the turnbuckle. Tony hooks Chris’s head up from behind and hits a tornado reverse DDT off of the top rope!! Tony hooks Chris’s leg, but the ref is distracted by Immortal on the outside. Tony grabs a chair and slides out of the ring, behind Immortal. Monroe nails Immortal in the back of the head with the chair! Tony drops the chair and slides back into the ring. Chris gets to his feet and spots Tony walking towards him. Tony runs at Chris, but Chris moves out of the way causing Tony to smack himself chest first on the turnbuckle. Tony slowly turns around only to be met by a vicious gore from Chris!!

Erikson-Gore!! Gore!!

Fredericks-Oh boy….

Erikson-What? I’m actually getting into this match!

Fredericks-That’s a first!

Chris cockily folds Tony’s hands over his chest and hooks a leg. 1…..2……Tony kicks out!!!

Fredericks & Erikson- What?!

Chris shares the expression of the commentators and glares at the ref evilly. The ref begins to second guess himself as Tanik slides into the ring behind referee Matt Springfield. Tanik taps Springfield on the shoulder and nails him with a modified version of the Assassination Attempt (Super Brainbuster)!! At that point, Chris stands back and allows the Wraiths to enter the ring. Immortal and Strife pick up Tony Monroe and hold his arms. Lee slides into the ring with the North American Championship belt. Chris stands in the corner, coldly watching the goings on around him as Lee nails Monroe in the face with the belt! Tanik then throws Monroe into a turnbuckle. The Assassin, Tanik, lifts Monroe up onto the top turnbuckle and connects with the Assassination Attempt (Super Brainbuster)!!!

Fredericks-This isn’t right!! It’s a 5 on 1 assault!!

Erikson-Actually, 4 on 1….Chris isn’t doing anything but watching. And what else would you expect from a bunch of UAW nothings.

Fredericks-Wow…I didn’t know you had it in you to insult a fellow heel.

Erikson-Yeah, well…this is full on war, dammit!!

Chris lifts the lifeless Monroe to his feet then slaps his huge hand around Monroe’s throat. Chris lets out an evil growl and lifts Tony high in the air before slamming him down onto a nearby chair with Kaos Rising (Huge Chokeslam)!! Chris nudges referee Matt Springfield with his foot, trying to wake him up. Chris folds Monroe’s arms over his chest like the Undertaker used to do, and hooks a leg. Springfield still doesn’t move, so Immortal picks up the ref’s hands and counts: 1……2…….3!!!

Anna Lopez-Winner at 5:43, and moving on to the Semifinal round, "Kaotic" Chris Moore!!

Fredericks-That son of a bitch won! Damn it!!

Erikson-Yeah, but you’re forgetting he has to face his brother, Jason, next. There’s no way Jason is going to lose. After all, he IS the longest reigning North American Champion. And he’s got a pissed off Spike on his side too.

Fredericks-Yeah, but Spike is hurt. Even if Spike wasn’t hurt, Chris has 4 other Wraiths to take out his two younger brothers.

Erikson-I have a bad feeling about this…

Fredericks-So do I…

"Messiah" by Fear Factory strikes up again as the victorious "Kaotic" Chris Moore leads his Wraiths up the ramp and to the back.


**Frank Williams is shown backstage, in front of a large projector screen. There are tournament brackets projected on the screen, and he has a pointer stick in his hand.**

Williams-Well, all of the first round matches are now done with. Let's review what happened, as well was what will happen in the next round. As you have already seen, Gravedigger defeated Dark Destroyer, The Knife defeated Chang Mustafa, Jason Moore defeated Cazz Selmer, and in an unexpected turn of events, UAW's Chris Moore defeated Tony Monroe. Now, let's take a look at the matches for the next round.

**The projector switches slide, and the updated brackets are shown on the screen…**








**The camera then cuts back to Frank.**

Williams-As you can see, there are definitely some good matches on the horizon, especially in that battle between brothers. Now, let's take a look at some possible scenarios that could take place.

**The projector clicks again, and a picture of a naked man appears on the screen. Frank unknowingly starts to point up at the screen, without looking at it.**

Williams-Now, as you can see here, if Chris Moore does end up winning, NMW will be in for some HARD times. But, if Jason can somehow pull through, things might not be so HAIRY after all. As for the Gravedigger vs. Knife match, it's pretty close to call, but I think that Gravedigger can PULL IT OFF. But hey, anything is possible here in NMW.

**Williams then glances up at the screen and does a double take as he sees the naked man.**

Williams-TRIPLE J!!! I told you to stop using my projector you little homo!

**The scene fades out.**


Erikson-That f--kin' fag Williams. I hate him so much.

Fredericks-A little homophobic, Brian?

Erikson-No, a homophobe is someone who fears that they are gay. I know I'm straight, and I also know that Frank is a flaming faggot.



**The crowd starts clapping and cheering as the lights in the NMW Arena dim, and Metallica's "Blackened" strikes up. Gravedigger, looking 100% fresh, walks out onto the stage, with actually a bit of a smirk on his usually emotionless face. He lumbers down the ramp and steps into the ring.**

Fredericks-Gravedigger certainly had an easy time in his first round match. Dark Destroyer was assaulted by Cazz Selmer, and Gravedigger won by Count Out.

Erikson-An easy time? Do you realize how hard it must have been for Gravedigger to hold himself back from kicking Destroyer's ass for those 10 seconds?

**Before Tyler can answer, Gravedigger's music transforms into "Boiler" by Limp Bizkit, as the fans' cheers now increase by a large margin. The Knife walks out from the back, pointing his finger down towards Gravedigger in the ring. Knife remains focused on the big man as he walks down the ramp.**

Fredericks-Knife didn't have such an easy time in the first round, where he actually went through somewhat of a war with Chang Mustafa. Chang put up a hell of a fight.

Erikson-Chang actually showed me something in that match. He showed me how to suck worse than the Knife.

Knife gets to the bottom of the ramp, before running and sliding into the ring. The bell sounds just as Knife takes off towards Gravedigger, hitting him with a clothesline. However, Gravedigger isn't phased, and Knife is left with a hurting arm. The Unholy One reaches out and grabs Knife by the hair, before driving his knee up directly into Knife's jaw! Knife's head snaps back from the impact, and he starts to lose his balance. Gravedigger lunges forward with a clothesline, but Knife surprisingly ducks it. Gravedigger spins around, as Knife kicks him in the gut and sets up the Cutter (Stone Cold Stunner)!

Fredericks-It might be over already!

Gravedigger pushes Knife off of him quickly, sending Knife bouncing off the ropes. The Knife runs back, right into a standing Avalanche from Gravedigger. Knife is stopped cold, and Gravedigger takes advantage by locking up Knife in a suplex position. Gravedigger slowly lifts Knife into the air, but Knife slips out of his grasp and lands behind Gravedigger, pulling him down with him and rolling him up in a modified schoolboy. The ref drops and counts………………..1………………….2………………Kickout by Gravedigger with authority. Knife is thrown a few feet from the kickout, as the crowd gasps. Gravedigger sits up as Knife gets back to his feet. Knife quickly runs at the sitting Gravedigger and smokes him with a low dropkick to the forehead! Gravedigger falls back down to the mat, and Knife quickly jumps on top for another pin attempt………………1…………………2……………..Gravedigger kicks out powerfully once again.

Erikson-Knife is a pinning whore.

Gravedigger quickly gets to his feet this time, as Knife gets up a bit slower. Gravedigger slowly walks over to Knife, who is now at his feet. Gravedigger pulls back and nails Knife with a right hand, sending him sprawling into the ropes. Gravedigger moves in and pounds him with another right hand. The Unholy One then whips Knife off the ropes…but Knife reverses the whip. Gravedigger bounces back as Knife runs at him and nails a big clothesline, which doesn't phase Gravedigger once again. The crowd gasps once more, as now Gravedigger shoots forward trying to headbutt Knife, but the Knife ducks and runs behind Gravedigger, bouncing himself off the ropes. Before Gravedigger can respond, Knife flies back and clips Gravedigger's legs out from under him. Gravedigger spills to the mat, and the crowd cheers for Knife. Knife then signals towards one of the turnbuckles. Gravedigger lies motionless as Knife begins scaling a nearby turnbuckle.

Fredericks-I don't think this is a good idea. Gravedigger is going to end up doing an Undertaker and sitting up right before Knife hits the mat.

Erikson-Or Gravedigger will just roll out of the way old school style.

As the commentators argue, Gravedigger slowly gets up, but the Knife doesn't notice it. Knife continues climbing up, and when he turns around, he runs right into the hand of Gravedigger, which now is clutches around Knife's throat as he squats atop the highest rope.

Fredericks-OR he'll do that…

The crowd begins booing as Gravedigger prepares to slam Knife off the top rope with the Embalmer (Chokeslam from Hell)! Gravedigger turns around, bringing Knife's body with him, still high in the air. But Knife kicks his legs frantically, and as Gravedigger starts to slam him down, Knife wriggles free and grabs Gravedigger's head on his spiral downwards…pulling Gravedigger down right into the Cutter (Stone Cold Stunner)!! Gravedigger's head bounces off of Knife's shoulder hard, and sends him sprawling backwards from the recoil of the move. The crowd erupts as Knife shakes the cobwebs out and slowly crawls over to Gravedigger. Knife jumps on top and hooks the leg…………………1…………………..2………………………NO! Gravedigger kicks out with authority once again! Knife and the crowd can't believe it, as Gravedigger sits up and starts getting to his feet.

Erikson-He's alive! ALIVE!!

Knife quickly stands back up, as he watches Gravedigger rise. Knife runs in and starts raining right hands upon The Unholy One, but Gravedigger continues to get to his feet. Knife rears back and throws a haymaker, but Gravedigger reaches up and grabs Knife's fist in mid-punch. Gravedigger then begins squeezing Knife's hand, causing a look of agony to come over Knife's face. Knife drops to his knees, as Gravedigger continues putting pressure on Knife's hand. Then in one swift move, Gravedigger swings his other arm around and slams it hard onto Knife's outstretched arm! Knife then drops to the mat in pain, clutching onto his arm.

Fredericks-My God! His arm may be broken! I think it bent the wrong way!

Gravedigger looks around at the crowd for a moment, before reaching down and grabbing Knife around the throat. Gravedigger pulls Knife up to his feet, before lifting him high into the air, and then slamming him down with a vicious Embalmer (Chokeslam from Hell)! Knife's body bounces off the mat, as Gravedigger once again peers into the crowd. He then makes a cutthroat motion, as Knife quivers on the mat and fans begin to boo. Gravedigger reaches down and pulls Knife up by his hair. Once Knife is up, Gravedigger locks up his head and places him in a suplex position. Gravedigger then lifts Knife vertically into the air, and brings him down to the mat with the Last Descent (Screwdriver)!! Knife's head can be heard cracking against the canvas, as the fans boo even louder now. Gravedigger rolls over and pins Knife with both hands on his chest…………………..1…………………….2……………………Knife gets his foot on the nearby bottom rope! The fans cheer as the referee stops the count!

Erikson-What a cheap move!

Knife lies on the mat, still unmoving, as Gravedigger's eyes shoot up to glare at the ref. The referee slowly starts to back away, as Gravedigger stands up and starts walking towards him. The ref backpedals until he bumps into one of the corner turnbuckles, and has nowhere else to go as Gravedigger gets face to face…er, chest with him. Gravedigger then reaches down and grabs the ref around the throat! Just then, Gravedigger is spun around by the Knife, who starts going to town on him with a flurry of right and left hands! The crowd starts getting pumped up as Knife lays into Gravedigger. Knife then grabs Gravedigger's hand and whips him towards the opposite corner, but Gravedigger reverses the whip and pulls Knife towards him, laying a boot hard into Knife's mid-section. Knife doubles over, as the referee slide out of the corner. Gravedigger once again hooks up Knife in a suplex hold, setting up for another Last Descent (Screwdriver). Gravedigger places Knife's arm over his neck…when suddenly Knife spins around, and drops Gravedigger down into another Cutter (Stone Cold Stunner) out of nowhere!! Gravedigger once again is slammed onto Knife's shoulder, and he flies back onto the canvas. Knife hesitates for a moment after the move, holding his arm in pain.

Fredericks-The Cutter! But Knife's arm may be hurting too bad for him to make the cover!

Erikson-Tyler! You're way too excited!

The crowd starts a "Knife" chant, as the Knife slowly rolls over and places an arm on Gravedigger's chest. The ref quickly slide into position and starts to count………………….1…………………….2………………….Gravedigger sits up from under Knife's arm! The crowd cheers in disbelief, as a look of shock goes over Knife's face and eyes.

Fredericks-Holy crap! Gravedigger escaped a second Cutter!

Gravedigger sits there for a moment, with a blank stare on his face. He then falls back down to the mat, with Knife's arm still on top of him. The ref snaps out of it and starts to count once more……………………….1…………………………2………………………….3!! The bell rings and the crowd erupts as Knife slowly gets to his feet to get his hand raises in victory.

Anna Lopez-Winner at 6:45, and moving on to the Final match, The Knife!!

Fredericks-What the hell was that all about?

Erikson-I guess Gravedigger had one of those pre-death spasms. You know, like when you kill a rabbit, but it keeps on kicking around even after it's practically dead.

Fredericks-You are a sick human being.

**Back in the ring, Gravedigger once again sits up, this time with a very angry look on his face. Knife looks down and sees Gravedigger getting up, so he gets the hell out of the ring and runs back up the ramp. Gravedigger gets up and climbs through the ropes, heading solemnly backstage.**


**The camera cuts backstage, where Tank is sitting on a loveseat in his locker room. Kandi and Desyre are sitting on a couch across from him, and Tank is smoking a cigarette as he watches the two women make out with each other. Tank seems unimpressed.**

Tank-You know, there's only so much lesbianism one guy can take.

**The two stop kissing and look at Tank.**

Desyre-Is something wrong Tanky?

Kandi-Would you like us to stop and pay more attention to you for a while now?

Tank-No, that's ok. I've had enough sex to last me the next two days or so. What I need is some ACTION.

Desyre-But we can give you action.

Tank-No, I need real action. Like I need to face someone in the ring.

Kandi-But that tournament is tonight, and you didn't respond quickly enough to get into it.

Tank-Well, I might not be in a match, but I can still have an impact tonight. Don't you go anywhere ladies. Tanky has some business to take care of.

**Tank gets up and leaves the room. Kandi and Desyre just shrug and go back to making out as the camera slowly….slowly…slowly fades out.**


Erikson-I officially hate Tank.

Fredericks-Don't we all…



** "Rope" by 40 Below Summer hits as smoke rolls out from the back and blue strobe lights engulf the stage. The crowd begins to go nuts as Jason Moore emerges from the back. Jason continues down the ramp, taking in the crowd’s praise and adoration.**

Fredericks-Let's hope the younger Jason can defeat his older brother, or else we're in for one hell of a final match.

**The Milleni-tron flickers to life to show Chris Moore and the Wraiths in the back.**

Chris-Alright boys, stay back here. This is something I have to do….on my own.

Tanik-Are you sure, almighty one?

Chris-Yes, Tanik…I am sure.

**Chris turns and heads toward the ring. Moments later, "Messiah" by Fear Factory blasts around the arena as bluish purple and red strobe lights engulf the arena. An explosion hits the stage as Chris Moore emerges from the back alone. Chris takes in the boos with pride as he walks demonically down the ramp.**

Erikson-This guy is a f--king monster. I don't even want to think about what might happen if he gets past Jason.

Chris stops at the base of the ring and glares at Jason before climbing onto the apron. Chris taunts Jason from the apron, waiting for Jason to attack.

Fredericks-We’ve seen this before in the last match. It’s good strategy by Chris.

Erikson-Yeah, but Jason isn’t falling for it.

Jason gives Chris the international bird and motions for him to bring it on. Chris smiles wryly and climbs over the top rope, only to be met by a jumping leg clothesline from Jason. Jason begins to stomp the hell out of the downed Chris until the ref makes Jason back up. Chris slowly gets to his feet, a bit surprised that his brother got the better of that exchange. Jason motions for a tie up and Chris agrees. Jason ducks under Chris and hits a spin kick to the gut of the UAW superstar.

Fredericks-Jason is really taking it to his older brother. I’m surprised the Wraiths haven’t come running down here yet.

Erikson-Hey, now…Chris said he needs to do this alone, and he is.

Jason quickly rolls Chris up in a cradle pin, but Chris kicks out before the 1 count. Chris sits up, and quickly gets to his feet, only to be met by a dropkick to the kisser from Jason. Chris stumbles backwards and rests in a turnbuckle. Jason gets to his feet and rushes at Chris with a body splash, but Chris catches him and locks him in a bearhug. Jason tries to fight it, but Chris only locks it on harder. Jason begins to drift off as Chris slams him down on the mat with a spinebuster.

Fredericks-Well, Jason WAS doing good….

Erikson-Told ya Chris would do it alone!

Fredericks-The fat lady isn’t singing yet.

Chris grabs Jason by the hair and lifts him up to his feet before bringing him up over 7 feet in the air in a gorilla press. Chris walks around with him and eventually drops him so his face hits a turnbuckle. Jason slumps in the corner, trying to shake the cobwebs. Chris grabs Jason and slams him face first into the turnbuckle. Jason spins around from this and uses the turnbuckle to help him stay on his feet. Chris raises his huge hand and brings it down hard across the chest of his little brother. Chris then attempts to whip Jason into the opposite turnbuckle, but Jason reverses the whip and sends Chris instead! Jason quickly runs to Chris and lands a huge splash. Jason locks Chris up for the shattered dreams and dropkicks Chris in the groinal area!!

Fredericks-Ouch…that looks like it’s going to leave a mark.

Erikson-Yeah, no kidding. I was going to say that it doesn’t look like Chris would be having kids anytime soon, but it looks like that anyway! Haha!

Chris falls forward, holding his groin in pain, but his legs are still caught up in the ropes. Jason sees this and quickly runs and hits a baseball slide to the back of Chris Moore’s head!! Jason then climbs to the second turnbuckle and leaps off with a twisting leg drop to Chris’s right leg!! Chris howls in pain and manages to free his legs. Jason drags Chris to the middle of the ring and quickly locks on a leg grapevine!!

Fredericks-Brilliant move there by Jason Moore. He knows what needs to be done in order to win against his brother.

Erikson-And unlike that ‘Skankin Punkabilly,’ Jason is actually able to pull it off!

Jason uses the ropes as leverage against Chris, but Chris still manages to break free of the hold. Chris manages to slowly get to his feet as does Jason. Jason attempts a dropkick to Chris’s leg, but Chris side steps. Chris picks Jason up and plants him with a chokeslam. Jason bounces off of the mat hard, and struggles to his feet. Jason groggily runs at Chris, but Chris easily slams him down with a vicious tilt-a-whirl slam! Chris floats over for the cover. 1…2…..Jason barely gets a shoulder up! Chris doesn’t get pissed this time, but instead wraps his huge hand around Jason’s throat in a blatant choke hold. The ref scolds Chris, but has to resort to the 5 count. The ref gets to 5, and kicks Chris’s hand off of Jason! Chris glares at the ref, who is probably regretting his actions, and gets up. Chris starts walking toward the ref, yelling at him, when Jason gets up behind him and low blows him. Jason quickly capitalizes and hits his older brother with Bloody Obsessions (Downward Spiral)!!

Fredericks-Wow, what a great match from both of these superstars!

Erikson-Well, in Chris’s case it’s stupidstar!! Hehehe…

Fredericks-Did you make that up all by yourself?

Erikson-*proudly* Yes, I did thank you very much!

Fredericks-It shows…

After the tide-turning move, Jason is too worn out to capitalize and both men lie motionless in the center of the ring. The ref has no choice but to start the 10 count. 1….2….3…...4……5……Jason begins to stir…6…..Chris rolls onto his back….7….Jason raises an arm…..8……9….Jason drops the arm down across Chris’s chest and the ref starts a new count. 1….2….Chris sits straight up and looks toward the back. Suddenly, the lights dim and 4 figures are seen running down the ramp.


Fredericks-Oh boy, here come the Wraiths…

The 4 figures slide into the ring and one begins to pummel the ref as the other 3 attack Jason. The lights come back on to show Chris Moore standing over Jason’s beaten body with the Wraiths on either side of him. Chris begins to laugh menacingly as Immortal and Tanik pick up Jason’s lifeless body. Chris slaps a huge hand around Jason’s throat and slams him down with a huge Kaos Rising (Huge Chokeslam). Chris then picks Jason up and tosses him out of the ring. Lee and Strife follow Jason out, and drag him over to the announce table.

Erikson-Uh oh…I don’t think I’m going to like this…..

Suddenly Jason snaps to life and kicks Lee in the groin. Strife swings a clothesline at Jason, but Jason catches it and plants Strife with Bloody Obsessions (Downward Spiral)!! Lee quickly gets to his feet and runs at Jason, but Jason sidesteps him and tosses him onto the announce table. Jason climbs up after Lee, and hooks him up for a vertebreaker. Jason nods his head toward the barracade as the crowd goes nuts. Jason steps over onto the barracade, then jumps backwards, sending Lee through the table with a modified Confession (tope rope vertebreaker)!!!

Fredericks & Erikson-HOLY SH*T!!!!!

Fredericks-Looks like Jason has the Wraith’s number now!!

Erikson-I don’t know about that, but he sure is kicking their ass!!

Tanik and Immortal quickly rush out of the ring and grab some chairs. They stand on either side of the downed Jason and bring him to his feet. Once Jason is on his feet, they swing the chairs in a conchairto, but Jason ducks and slams their heads together!! Jason grabs a chair and slides back into the ring. An angry Chris rushes at Jason with a clothesline, but Jason ducks and smashes Chris over the head with the chair on the return! Jason quickly hops up on the turnbuckle and flies off with a Fallen Angel (Lo Down), but there is no ref to count!! Jason gets up to wake the ref and tosses the chair out of the ring. The ref begins to stir and Jason turns back to face Chris, who sits straight up. Chris gets to his feet and Jason attempts a hurricarana, but Chris reverses it into a Trip to Hell (Last Ride)!!! Chris drops and covers Jason. The ref crawls over and makes the count. 1…..2…..3!!!

Anna Lopez-Winner at 6:32, and moving on to the Final match, "Kaotic" Chris Moore!!

Fredericks-That damn Chris Moore, somebody has got to stop him!!

Erikson-Well, look on the bright side of things…at least if Chris wins this tournament, he’ll show that Zack Macomber a thing or two, and give him exactly what he deserves!

Fredericks-Yeah, but the NMW Title will still be in the hands of UAW!!

Erikson-Oh yeah….


*Thresh Crest and "The Real Thing" Jackson King are in the back. Thresh looks extremely pissed, and King appears to be trying to calm him down.*

Thresh- I…am…not…going…to….f*cking…take it..any…MORE!!!

King- Whoa, man!!

*Thresh goes psycho, nailing everything in sight. He breaks a lamp, and Jackson King jumps on Thresh’s back, knocking him down as Thresh screams.*

Thresh- LET ME THE F*CK GO!!

King- Man, just listen. Someone here is gonna win the tournament tonight. Once they beat Zack Macomber for the NMW Title, King Thresh’ll rule, and win back his deserved title! So, don’t worry!

Thresh- But…. I want to KILL ZACK!!

King- Well, man, learn to control your temper.

Thresh-I guess you're right. But I know something that will make me feel a lot better.

King-What's that?

Thresh-Kicking someone's ass.

**Thresh gets up and starts to walk towards King.**

King-Who do you have in mind?

Thresh-Well, those Wraiths have made an appearance in every Chris Moore match tonight, and I can bet Zack's annoying ass that they'll interfere in the final match as well. So how about you and I provide a little insurance against those who trespass against the NMW?

King-Gee, I don’t know man, we might get hurt out there.

*Thresh just looks at King for a second. He raises his fist, then drops it and chuckles as the camera fades.*


Fredericks-Main event time. God help the Knife.



**The crowd erupts into the loudest cheers of the night, as "Boiler" by Limp Bizkit smacks the loudspeakers. The Knife triumphantly stomps onto the stage, crosses his arms, and looks around at the lively crowd. Knife starts to make his way down the entrance ramp, when suddenly he falls and tumbles down about 10 feet! The camera swings up to show Chris Moore and the Wraiths standing at the top, and Chris has apparently hit Knife from behind. The five men stalk towards The Knife, and he starts to get to his feet, as they walk up behind him again.**

Fredericks-That isn't right! They're attacking Knife from behind like a bunch of cowards!

**Moore gets to Knife first, as he wraps his large arms around Knife's neck, and delivers a huge Cobra Clutch slam! Knife lands at the bottom of the steel ramp, and holds the back of his head, as Tanik now peels Knife off of the floor. Tanik hooks Knife up, lifts him into the air, and drops him back down with a modified version of the Assassination Attempt (Super Brainbuster)!! Knife's head lands square on the steel, and he now lays there motionless, as the crowd showers the Wraiths with boos. Knife struggles to get up, but he can barely muster the strength after being attacked so viciously. Chris Moore and Lee not lift Knife up, and Chris rolls him into the ring. Moore then crawls into the squared circle as well, as the Wraiths surround the outside of the ring. The bell rings.**

Erikson-Oh man…This doesn't look good for Knife.

Chris Moore looks down at the battered Knife, who is already bleeding out of his mouth. Moore shrugs as he drops to his knees and strongly hooks Knife's leg. The referee reluctantly drops and counts…………………..1……………………..2………………………Kickout! Knife barely escapes from Moore's grasp right before the three, and Chris can't believe it. The crowd cheers Knife on, as the Wraiths begin to pound the apron from the outside. Chris Moore lifts Knife off the mat, kicks him in the gut, and places his large hand around Knife's throat. Chris then lifts Knife high into the air, but Knife starts kicking his feet, and escapes Chris's grasp after a swift boot to his gut. Knife lands on his feet with Moore still stunned, as he reaches back and goes for the Cutter (Stone Cold Stunner)…but Chris pushes him off, and Knife spills over the top rope to the floor below, right in the middle of all the Wraiths. Lee, Strife, Immortal, and Tanik all begin stomping away on Knife, not letting him even get a chance to stand. The four Wraiths then lift Knife up and slide him back into the ring, just so Chris can finish him off. Chris chuckles as he reaches down and grabs Knife around the throat once again, pulling him up off the mat and lifting him high into the atmosphere, before slamming him down with the Kaos Rising (Huge Chokeslam)!!! Knife's body bounces off the canvas as the crowd boos.


Erikson-It can't be over already, can it?

Knife lies unmoving once again after the assault, and Chris takes just enough time to taunt the crowd by high-fiving a few of his buddies, who smile on the outside of the ring. Moore then walks back over to Knife, and begins nudging him with his foot. Knife doesn't move, so Moore kneels down and plants both hands on Knife's chest. The ref counts………………..1………………………..2……………………………..NO!!! Knife's shoulder quickly shoots up off the mat just in time, and this time Chris is in utter shock. He angrily jerks Knife's body off the canvas, and throws him through the ropes to the outside, where the Wraiths lie in wait. They immediately start going to town on Knife once again, each man taking turns laying into him.

Fredericks-I can't believe what a blatant….

Fredericks is cut off as "Breathe" by Nickelback hits, and the crowd erupts into cheers once more. Thresh Crest and Jackson King come charging down the ramp, as the fans scream their heads off. Knife is still lying amongst the Wraiths, and Chris Moore watches from inside the ring. Crest and King run directly over to where the Wraiths are standing, and immediately start a large brawl, much to the delight of the fans. Thresh takes on both Tanik and Immortal, while King starts a fist fight with Lee and Strife. Crest starts to get the upper hand on his two men, until Lee strays over and hits him from behind. Suddenly, Jackson King runs up behind Lee, and launches him to the floor with the Genuine Article (Cobra Clutch Suplex)!! Lee lands hard on the floor, and lays there not moving. King then goes back after Strife, as Thresh quickly delivers a Riot Act (STO 2) onto Tanik! King and Thresh then flash a glance at each other, as they each whip their respective opponents, Immortal and Strife, at each other. The two Wraiths slam into each other, as King catches Strife on the rebound with a roll-up, followed by locking on the Reality Check (Butterfly Lock)! Thresh Crest catches Immortal with a Roundhouse Kick, then a leg sweep, before locking on a Figure Four Leglock! The fans are now going wild, as Knife now starts to get to his feet!

Erikson-My God, there's too much action! And if I can't handle all this, it's a good thing Chang isn't out here! His head would blow!

Fredericks-Heheh, you just said "head" and "blow".

Erikson-Tyler, did you take some "Be like Brian Erikson" pills this morning?

Out of nowhere, a steel chair suddenly connects in Thresh's face while he is putting the hold on Immortal, as Chris Moore steps back onto the scene! Immortal wriggles free of Thresh's now limp grasp, and he gets to his feet. Chris then sneaks up behind Jackson King, who still has Strife in the Reality Check (Butterfly Lock)…and smashes him over the head with the chair as well! King releases the hold and Strife gets up as well, while Moore turns around to see Knife getting up. Chris drops his chair and grabs Knife by the hair, tossing him back into the ring. Chris slides back in and quickly goes back to work on the groggy Knife, pounding him with right hands. Back outside the ring, all four of the other Wraiths are now either up or recovering, and they have begun assaulting King and Thresh, who are now helpless.

Fredericks-Dammit, I actually thought it was gonna be a fair fight there for a moment.

Erikson-Silly you.

Inside the ring, Knife is stumbling about, being rocked by straight jabs from "Kaotic" Chris Moore. Chris throws Knife back into the corner, and starts laying some boots into his gut repeatedly. Moore then leans back and winds up for a final blow, until Knife explodes out of the corner and clotheslines him down! The crowd pops, as Knife waits for Moore to get up. Chris does, and Knife runs and clotheslines him down again. The crowd starts getting louder and louder, as Knife prepares for a third shot. Knife starts to run as Moore gets up, but his ankle is grabbed from the outside by Strife. Knife kicks his way free, as he turns back to charge at the risen Chris Moore. Knife swings a clothesline…but Moore ducks it and swings Knife up into a Spinebuster. But instead of turning and planting Knife, Moore spins around and charges towards the turnbuckle, ramming the small of Knife's back directly into the top part of the corner. Knife's body bends backwards, as his body then slumps to the mat below. Chris laughs evilly as the crowd starts to boo again. Chris reaches down and grabs Knife's leg, sliding him out of the corner. Chris then drops down and pins Knife cockily……………………….1……………………………2…………………………….Kickout by the Knife! The crowd pops, as Moore pays no attention, but instead stays focused on Knife.

Fredericks-Crap…Knife is almost out of it. I don't know how many more times he'll be able to kick out.

Chris lifts Knife up, until Knife suddenly jumps up and delivers an uppercut to Chris jaw! Chris stumbles back, more angry than hurt, and he looks at his hand, where blood has dripped from his now busted lip. Knife tries to stay on his feet, as Chris now runs at him full speed. Knife drops and rolls just in time, and Chris slams the referee into the turnbuckle! The ref drops like a rock, and falls out of the ring. Chris ignores this, as he turns back around, right into a kick to the midsection…and the Cutter (Stone Cold Stunner)!! Chris hits hard, as the crowd explodes into deafening cheers. Knife quickly spins around and pins Chris, but soon realizes that the ref is out. Knife gets back to his feet and looks outside the ring, where he sees the ref lying. Knife yells down at him, but to no avail. Chris still lies on the mat, as the crowd starts cheering for Knife louder. Knife turns around to add more punishment to Chris Moore…but he is cut off as Lee slides into the ring and nails him with a running Big Boot! Lee then yanks Knife back up to his feet, before delivering a Snap Dragon (Jumping Piledriver)!! Knife bounces off the mat, all of his weight condensing onto his head. Lee then begins stomping on Knife relentlessly, as Tanik now joins him in the ring, both men assaulting Knife. On the outside of the ring, King and Thresh are trying to recover, but Immortal and Strife keep them at bay. Suddenly, "Fuel" by Metallica hits the speakers!


The crowd begins cheering again as the large monster Tank comes rumbling down the ramp. He leaps up into the ring and starts going to town on Tanik and Lee, while Chris Moore starts to get to his feet. Tank levels Lee with a large clothesline, causing him to flip over the top rope. Tanik hits Tank from behind, but Tank is unphased as he spins around and grabs Tanik by the hair, and starts spinning around. Tanik's feet are soon lifted off the ground as Tank picks up speed, swinging Tanik around in a modified Big Swing! Tank then lets go, and Tanik is launched through the ropes, almost becoming tangled in them, and lands on the outside near the announce table.

Erikson-Yeah! Take that you portable penis warmer!

Tank celebrates for a moment, before he is spun around by Chris Moore, who swings a right hand at him. Tank blocks the right hand, and nails Chris with a haymaker of his own. Chris, stunned, stumbles back into the corner, as Tank helps Knife get up. Chris then yells and runs out of the corner, spearing Tank, who falls back and slides under the bottom rope from the impact. Chris then turns around to see Knife slowly getting up. Tank, meanwhile, lands on the outside, where Immortal starts punching him on the floor. But soon, Jackson King and Thresh Crest are back on their feet finally, and the three members of NMW start to even the score with the four members of UAW. Inside the ring, Chris Moore starts to taunt Knife, toying with him. Knife takes a blind swing, but Chris ducks it and laughs at him. The crowd starts booing as Chris just ducks several more weak swings from Knife. But Knife then lunges forward, blood on his face, and connects with a punch to Moore's jaw! Moore almost falls over, but keeps his balance and now looks more angry than ever. He growls an enormous and thunderous growl, scaring even the fans. He then slams his hand over the neck of Knife, before raising him once more into the air! Moore stops for a moment and effortlessly hold Knife above his head.

Fredericks-HOLY CRAP! Moore is man-handling Knife! My God…He's choking him!

Chris holds Knife up even longer, as the ref starts to stir on the outside of the ring. He starts to crawl back in, and Chris sees him out of the corner of his eyes. Moore cackles as he now starts to shake Knife in the air a bit, and Knife dangles like a ragdoll. Moore then screams and slams Knife down as hard as he can, after holding him up for almost a minute, into a devastating Kaos Rising (HUGE Chokeslam)!! Chris yells out to his Wraiths, who are still beating on King, Thresh, and Tank on the outside. Chris then drops to his knees one more time, and covers Knife. The ref groggily rolls the rest of the way into the ring, as he now sees Chris pinning Knife. Chris yells at the referee, who slowly begins to count…………………………………………1………………………………………..2………………………………NO!!! Knife rolls a shoulder off the canvas from underneath Moore's huge body. The crowd is in utter disbelief, as is Moore. Another deafening cheer is emitted from the stands, as Knife struggles to get up.

Erikson-That was the longest f--king count in the history of the universe!

Fredericks-God bless the out of shape referees.

Chris seems almost disoriented now, as he gets up and starts to wander around the ring. He sees Tanik on the outside, who has separated from the big brawl. Chris yells at him, and Tanik nods befor heading over to ringside and grabbing a chair. Chris grins as Tanik picks up the chair and walks into the ring. The referee starts to pull himself to his feet, not noticing what is going on behind him. Suddenly, a dark figure crawls over the crowd barricade.

Fredericks-Who is that?

Tanik, meanwhile, slides the chair into the ring, as Chris flips off the crowd on his way over to get the chair. Tanik then rejoins the battle on the outside of the ring, and Chris leans down to pick up the steel weapon. Just then, the figure from the crowd runs over and reaches into the ring, pulling the chair away from Chris Moore's grasp! The camera pans around to show that the figure is none other than Spike Moore!

Erikson-Spike Moore!? Didn't Chris kill him with a bat backstage?

Spike grins, as Chris's face becomes shrouded with a look of pure hatred. Spike yells something up at Chris, and Chris begins throwing a tantrum in the ring, slamming his fists on the ropes and yelling down at Spike. The crowd is cheering Spike Moore on as he holds the chair just out of Chris's grasp. Chris Moore finally gives up as he turns around…..right into the Cutter (Stone Cold Stunner)!!!

Fredericks-The CUTTER!!

Knife, who has now gotten up, delivers his finished, as blood sprays from the mouth of Chris Moore. Moore falls to the mat after having his jaw busted by Knife's move, and he now lays their motionless. Knife slowly rolls over and lays his body over the chest of the larger Moore, and the referee falls down to make the count…………………….1………………………………….2…………………………………3!!! The bell sounds as the crowd gets to its feet all at once in an enormous cheer. Knife rolls off of Chris, as the battle ensues on the outside of the ring.

Anna Lopez-Winner at 10:57, and winner of the Mayor of the Square tournament, The Knife!!

**The referee pulls Knife up and raises his arm in victory, as Spike Moore smiles and runs over to join the fray on the outside of the ring. He swings the chair and takes out Immortal with a big chairshot. "Boiler" by Limp Bizkit hits as Lee slides into the ring and pulls Chris Moore up. The Wraiths begin retreating, as all of the members of NMW begin sliding into the ring…Thresh, King, Spike Moore, Tank, and the Knife. The other four men lift Knife up onto their shoulders as his music continues to play, and the cameras fade to black.**


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