**The scene opens outside the NMW Arena, showing some fans packing into the building at the last minute. Suddenly, a long, black limo pulls up outside the arena, and several fans begin to crowd around it. The door opens…and President Winters steps out. The fans begin to swarm him, but Cliff swats them away, following closely behind the President. Winters looks down at his watch, and his eyes open widely in surprise. He begins pushing his way through fans to get into the arena, as the camera cuts inside. "Violent Reaction" by American Head Charge blows over the inside of the almost full building, and the fans go completely nuts as fireworks and smoke come pouring out over the seats. The camera begins to twirl around the arena, catching a few signs:

"Buddy will RULE you!"

"1572…that’s a lot of armbars."

"I’m a Mexican…recruit me Jason."

"I’m homeless…hire me."

Overhead Belly to Belly, Top Rope, Head and Arm, German Zackieplex!"


"I’m cool"

"X-Pac United. Turning people gay, one fan at a time.."

After viewing the signs, the camera spins around and comes to a halt on Tyler Fredericks and Brian Erikson.**

Tyler Fredericks-Hello once again NMW fans, to yet another edition of Revolution! We’re now only one week away from NMW’s second PPV, Parallax!!!

Brian Erikson-What does Parallax even mean Tyler?

Fredericks-I believe that it’s a Physics term, used to describe the margin of error caused by mov…

Erikson-Nevermind. You know Tyler, I've never noticed how unattractive a girl can seem through extreme stupidity, until last night.

Fredericks- Heheh, had one of those experiences, eh?

Erikson- Yeah, I found out tonight that a girl's personality actually means something. God, I wanna be shallow again...*sigh*

Fredericks- Heheheh.

Erikson- I finally meet a really hot chick who might be into me...but she doesn't know what rain is…Excuse me while I stab myself in the face.

Fredericks- She doesn't know what RAIN is?!

Erikson- Here's my imitation of her: **Holds hands up into the air as rain falls** "What is this moisture falling from the sky?"

Fredericks- She was being honest?

Erikson- Yes. This girl was an idiot…And she wasn’t retarded either…At least I don’t THINK she was…Or maybe that’s the reason why she actually liked me, because she’s retarded. The mind boggles.

Fredericks- Dear god....

Erikson- Dear god indeed.

Fredericks- Well if she likes ya, there's no harm in continuing some. But eesh - I can't believe someone like that is still alive

Erikson- I don't know if I'll be able to stand it though. I mean, she's a really hot chick, but the fact that she is stupid beyond belief knocks her looks down a notch…or 2…or 50. Eh, oh well…I’m done bitching.

Fredericks- Believe me man, I know what you mean.

Erikson- That's good, I think…

Fredericks- It's so unattractive for a girl who'se idea of intelligent conversation is, "Wow, that's a pretty color"

Erikson- Heheheheh. Exactly…although I do enjoy discussing the finer points of the color periwinkle. I find it quite pleasing.

Fredericks- Oh geez....

Erikson- Wow, I just realized that I’ve been gaining weight lately. I better lay off the food, for the sake of the chickies. After all, they all love me.

Fredericks-Oh geez…get over it.

Erikson- Get over what?

Fredericks- I don't know....but it sounded good at the time

Erikson- Yes it did. It sounded good.

Fredericks- And that's half the battle, like looking cool. If you look cool, you’re already halfway there

Erikson- Half the battle, eh? But who are we fighting in this battle? If I look cool, then there is no battle.

Fredericks- Every other cool looking person

Erikson- There are no other cool looking people. I am the only one.

Fredericks- Here we go…

Erikson- All the others died in the fire on that fateful night...

Fredericks- Or they will, eh?

Erikson- Heheh…Damn you Tyler…You have discovered my plot.

Fredericks- Remind me to stay quite a distance from you.

Erikson- Tyler…I said I'm out to kill the COOL people...You’re in no danger.

Fredericks- DOh! Ohhhh smooth strike man.

Erikson- Thank you. **Takes a bow.**

Fredericks- So what're you up to?

Erikson- Eh, just trying to calculate how many ways Thresh Crest can hurt Seth Winters

Fredericks- Well.... there are 268 bones in the human body.....

Erikson- 268?

Fredericks- **shrugs** Something like that. I never took Human Anatomy.

Erikson- For shame...

Fredericks- Hehehe, I can tell you anything about any plant or aquatic animals.

Erikson- Hmmmm… What is the life span of a walrus?

Fredericks- 60 to 80 years.

Erikson- Wow.

**As the two commentators continue to…converse/stall for time because of the late Presidnet, "Just Got Wicked" by Cold hits. The fans begin to cheer as a flustered, and fashionably late, President Winters makes his way down to the ring, carrying a suitcase, and a microphone. He steps into the ring, brushes himself off, and smiles at the crowd.**

Winters-Good afternoon NMW fans! Thank you sooooooo much for coming to the show today. We’ve got a doozy of a show planned for you all, and I think you’ll enjoy it! Tonight, I have a match booked that none of you have seen for a long, long time. It is an NMW classic…a cardboard box match!!!!

**The crowd erupts in cheers! Winters sets his suitcase down on the canvas, opens it, and begins rummaging through some papers. He finds the one that he is looking for, and stands up once again, smiling.**

Winters-Also on the card tonight will be…WAIT A SECOND!

**Winter’s smile turns to a frown as he frantically begins reading over the paper in his hand. After a moment, he crumples it up and slams it onto the mat.**

Winters-I don’t belive it! Fans, I’m sorry to say that apparently…there will be no cardboard box match tonight. It seems as though the commissioner has gotten into my documents, and has scratched the match from the card.

**The crowd boos horrendously.**

Winters-Yes I know, I’m disappointed too. I was looking forward to that match just as much as all of you were. Well, I’m going to have a little chat with our commissioner…But while I’m still out here, I’ll fill you all in on the matches that WILL happen! First of all, we have the newcomer, Cazz Selmer, taking on none other than Triple J. Plus, Jason Moore will be putting his North American title on the line…against another newcomer, Buddy the Clown! Hehe, I love that guy. Also, I’ve signed a top notch main event that the commissioner didn’t have time to get his hands on. Tonight, Thresh Crest will be in action against the Unholy One, Gravedigger!

**The crowd cheers at the thought of the two bad guys beating the crap out of each other.**

Winters-Not only that, but Thresh was so desperate to get his hands on Gravedigger tonight, that he has decided to put his World title #1 contender status on the line in that match! Whoever wins our main event tonight will face Melvin Frost for the NMW title at our second Pay-Per-View, Parallax!!! As for any other developments on the card, well…watch the show. I’m sure something will happen. Now I’m off to chat with one Commissioner Lawn Gnome.

**The crowd roars again, as "Just Got Wicked" hits once more. The President gathers up his suitcase, and leaves the ring to head to the back.**

Fredericks-Wow, it sounds like we’ve got a great show planned tonight.

Erikson-And this week, it actually is PLANNED.


**The camera cuts to the back, where NMW interviewer Frank Williams is standing alongside NMW’s newest member, Cazz Selmer.**

Williams-I’m here backstage with NMW’s newest member, Cazz Selmer. Cazz, tonight you face Triple J, who is regarded as one of NMW’s top superstars. Are you ready for this great challenge?

Cazz-Frank, I seriously hope you are joking. Triple J is a nothing, a nobody. If that punk isn’t careful, I’ll rip his arm straight from the socket, and leave nothing but a bloody stump.

Williams-Wow, that’s pretty brutal. But then again, you’re known for having a brutal past. My sources say that you spent 6 months in prison.

Cazz-Yeah, but it was time well spent. Ya see, I snapped on this old man at a place where I was working. The old bastard crumpled as soon as I slammed him into a wall, and I proceeded to tear every ligament in his arm…until the cops arrived.

Williams-So you’re familiar with prison I see. Would you happen to know a Bubba, or Uncle Joe? See, Triple J and I spent a couple of months there, and those guys REALLY made us feel comfortable. I mean, it almost felt like hom…

Cazz-What the hell is the matter with you?!?!? Guys like you are the reason I’m here in this federation right now. NMW is nothing but a big joke, and as long as idiots like you and Triple J are running around, I don’t want to be affiliated with this dump. So tonight, I’ll make sure that Triple J won’t be around for a long, long time…

**Cazz stares at Frank for a moment, then walks off, as the camera fades.**


**The camera opens to see Kaltuul and Belthazar in their locker room. They seem rather down in the dumps.**

Kaltuul- Y’know, here in the NMW, we don’t get that much air time since we are a tag team.

Belthazar- You’re right. We’re the tag champs… but there is no one to face.

**As if on cue the tv screen clicks on and a cheesy ad appears.**

TV Ad- Pro Wrestling getting to you?

Kaltuul and Belthazar (in the stare of 100% concentration)- Yeah…

TV Ad- Wish you could get more action and people wanting you?

Kaltuul and Belthazar- YES!

TV Ad- Wish you could get rid of those tag team titles?

**Kaltuul and Belthazar stare at each other for a moment, then nod in approval**

Kaltuul and Belthazar- Not really…

TV Ad- Then call 1-800-NMW-PREZ now! Our trusty associate will hook you up with a match TODAY! **Under his breath** For 5 easy payments of $19.99!

Kaltuul- Get the phone!

**Belthazar picks up the phone and dials the number.**

Belthazar- But there is no Z!!

Kaltuul- Just call Winters…

Belthazar- Gotcha…

**The phone rings for a moment and is picked up.**

Belthazar- Hey, Winters. Credit Card number? Um… alright? 23235232131-2313… Yeah we called in regard to a tag match. Yes… What a great idea! No problem el prezzo. Thank you!

**With that Belthazar hangs up the phone**

Kaltuul- And?

Belthazar- We have a match with Melvin Frost and The Knife!

Kaltuul- Sweet! That means we can get some cool points with Thresh Crest!

**The screen fades off of the duo while it reopens in Winters’ office.**

Cliff- Think the commercial was a good idea?

Winters- We made $99.95…Didn’t we?

Cliff- Damn skippy.

**The two men proceed to share an evil laugh as the camera fades out.**


Fredericks-Well, there’s another match added to the card.

Erikson-Damn skippy indeed.


**"The Kings of Rock" by Run DMC hits and the crowd erupts in a mixed reaction. Triple J walks out and it seems the crowd has gotten even more confused. Triple J just smiles, does a little dance on stage, and then walks down to the ring.**

**"Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit hits and out comes Cazz to a more assertive response of boos. Cazz stares at Triple J and then runs down to the ring.**

Erikson-It’s just one of those days.

The bell sounds and Triple J jumps Cazz from the start, pounding on him. His shots seem to have little or no effect as Cazz just brushes them off. Cazz blocks a punch and clotheslines Triple J, and follows it up with a cross armbreaker. Triple J squirms and slowly starts moving towards the ropes. Cazz wrenchs back but Triple J reaches the ropes.

Erikson- Cazz is going right after him.

Triple J gets up holding his arm and attacks Cazz, who drops down and hits a drop toe hold. Cazz starts driving forearms into Triple J's shoulder, Triple J is screaming in pain. Cazz slides over and locks in a reverse armbar this time around. Triple J tries to squirm but he can't move as fast as before. Triple J has inched himself close enough to lift a leg to the ropes.

Fredericks- This Cazz guy is nuts.

Erikson-Don’t you just hate those kinds of matches where one of the guys focuses on only one body part?


Erikson-Well I don’t. Cazz is the man!

The ref makes Cazz break the hold, and both men get to their feet. Triple J winds up for a big clothesline, but as he swings, Cazz catches his arm once again, this time locking on a Fujiwara armbar!! Triple J hits the mat and begins screaming in pain once again. Triple J is still near the ropes, and he is able to reach up with his free hand and grab the bottom strand. Once again, the ref makes Cazz break the hold. Cazz stands up, and begins to yell at the crowd. Triple J gets to his feet, as Cazz runs at him. Triple J hits a Back Body Drop on Selmer, but Cazz rolls through after the flip, grabs Triple J’s legs, and rolls him up into a modified Sunset Flip……..1………..2………….Kickout! Triple J quickly gets to his feet, as Cazz does the same, and two men begin to brawl, throwing punches at one another.

Fredericks-And now it’s broken down into a brawl.

Triple J is able to dodge one of Selmer’s punches, and locks on a hammerlock. Cazz is quick to reverse it into a hammerlock of his own, however. Selmer quickly pulls Triple J’s legs out from under him, and Triple J falls face-first to the mat with only one arm to break his fall, as Cazz holds onto the hammerlock. Cazz now maintains the hold, but raises one of his legs into the air, and drives his knee into the twisted arm of Triple J!!!

Erikson-I think I heard a bone snap!

Triple J howls in pain, and Cazz drives his knee in once more. Cazz now lifts the barely conscious Triple J to his feet, and kicks him in the mid-section. Cazz now twists Triple J around and pins him with a backslide………1………….2……….Triple gets his shoulders off the mat. Cazz continues with the flurry of offense though, and drags Triple J over to the turnbuckle. He lifts Triple J to the top rope, then climbs it himself, looking around at the crowd, which boos at him. Cazz sets himself…but Triple J quickly shoves him off the turnbuckle! Cazz falls to the mat with a thud.

Fredericks-Could we possibly be seeing some offense from Triple J?

Erikson-I doubt it.

Triple J stands up on the turnbuckle, as Cazz slowly gets to his feet. The crowd cheers Triple J, who raises his arms in the air, as Cazz turns to look at him. Triple J launches from the top rope with a flying clothesline…but Cazz catches his arm in midair, locking on another Fujiwara armbar!!!!

Fredericks-What a reversal!!

Cazz puts the pressure on Triple J’s arm, and Triple J screams in pain once again. The ref gets down to check Triple J, but he refuses to give up. Cazz gets a look of anger on his face, as he cranks his elbow down into Triple J’s shoulder, before applying more pressure with the Fujiwara armbar! Suddenly, a loud POP can be heard, and Triple J’s head falls to the mat, as he begins to tap out!

Fredericks- My God! He just broke Triple J's arm!

Anna Lopez-Winner at 2:48, Cazz Selmer!!!

Erikson- And he did it in less than 3 minutes, he's my hero!

Fredericks- This guy is scary. He just totally dominated Triple J.

Erikson-Eh, Triple J is used to it…


**The camera pans out to see Aikeiro running through the hallway. He takes a turn and goes out of view. Another camera gets film on him, but it too loses sight as Aikeiro takes a turn into Seth Winter’s office. Seth Winters and Cliff immediately stand up. Aikeiro gasps for air from his sprint while talking.**

Aikeiro- Requesting… Extreme title… Now… or… later… tonight…

Winters- Well… Tough luck, Knife and Melvin just got booked for a Tag Team title match tonight!

Aikeiro- What?!

Winters- Indeed. Maybe next week?

Aikeiro- Oh… I’ll get my match.

**Aikeiro turns and leaves.**

Winters- You can come out now Cliff…

**Cliff peeks his head out of the nearby closet.**

Cliff- I was just checking for dust bunnies… they’re horrendous this time of year…

Winters- Gotcha…

**The camera fades out.**


**Thresh Crest is seen walking into the building swinging the Cattle Prod he used on Gravedigger. Thresh has a smile on his face as the Homeless Crew members run away at the sound of Thresh's whistling. He turns the corner and approaches a door marked Thresh Crest. He opens the door and walks in out of sight of the camera.**


**The camera whips around the corner to show Thresh Crest staring into an empty casket. Thresh angerily turns around and runs out the door.**


Fredericks- Well wasn't that interesting?

Erikson- No, I thought Thresh got rid of that scary guy.

Fredericks- I guess not.



**"Long Hard Road Out of Hell" By Marilyn Manson and Sneaker Pimps begins to play as their regular Millenitron video plays, only with the word Mysfits swirling around the screen. Suddenly, with a loud thud, the word slams into the background of the video right when Kaltuul and Belthazar appear through the curtain. They stand up on the stage, taunting the crowd before walking down the rampway and sliding into the ring.**

Fredericks- I have a lot of confidence in these two men…

Erikson- Y’know… for once I will go on the face side. I think Melvin and Knife will do a number on these two.

Fredericks- Why do you say that?

Erikson- Because you took my team to win…

Fredericks- Muwahaha…

**"Boiler" by Limp Bizkit blares over the loudspeakers as Knife, carrying his Extreme title, and Melvin, carrying his NMW title, appear on the stage. They take a look at each other, then a look at the fans, receiving a huge approving cheer. They laugh and continue on their way down, they reach the ring and slide in, in time to get boots and fists from the awaiting Tides of Darkness.**

Fredericks- Ring the bell! Ring the bell!

The bell sounds off as Kaltuul and Frost are quickly pushed to their corners by the referee. Belthazar and Knife keep their fight heated as a kneeling Knife punches Belthazar in the groin. Belthazar begins to fall over, so Knife runs to the ropes, bounces back, but Belthazar grabs him and plants him with a bossman slam! Belthazar quickly goes for the pin, but before the referee can even count to one, Knife has his arm back up off the ground. Belthazar gets up and grabs Knife by the hair, he begins to pull him up as Knife grabs the back of Belthazar’s leg, he hoists the big man into the air, and slams him down with a samoan drop!

Fredericks- That is some excellent ability from these two men.

Erikson- No it isn’t.

Fredericks- Hey Erikson, look! Girl scouts!

**Erikson turns his head to look, when he turns back around Fredericks slipped on a Thresh Crest mask, Erikson’s face turns pale and he falls back out of his seat with a womanly shriek.**

Fredericks- That will shut you up…

Both men lay on the mat, gasping for air. Finally, Knife rolls over and drapes an arm on Belthazar………1…………2……..…..Kickout! Knife gets up and leans against the turnbuckle, Belthazar gets up and the two men gaze at each other. Knife runs at him, but Belthazar gets a foot up, and kicks Knife in the stomach. Knife hunches over and Belthazar grabs Knife in a powerbomb position. Frost begins clapping his hands together and gets the fans to do it aswell, as Knife is hoisted into the air, he flips over Belthazar’s head! Knife begins to walk towards Melvin’s outstretched hand, when Belthazar grabs him by the head and takes Knife’s feet out from under him, slamming his head hard down on the mat! Belthazar stretches out a hand to Melvin and mocks him. Melvin takes a step through the ropes as the ref runs over to stop him, Kaltuul dives through the ropes as Belthazar whips Knife into the ropes, Knife comes back and receives a double spinebuster!

Fredericks- Geezus… They’re tearing him apart.

Belthazar steps out through the ropes as the ref turns. He sees Kaltuul in the ring and slaps his hands together. Kaltuul goes for the pin……….1………….2…………Kickout! Kaltuul looks a little flustered, but whips him into the turnbuckle. Knife bounces off the turnbuckle and looks a bit groggy, Kaltuul runs to the nearby ropes and prepares for a facecrusher, but Knife turns and levels him with a monstrous clothesline! Knife falls to the mat from exhaustion and they both lie there. Both Melvin and Belthazar begin clapping, and trying to get their partner’s attention. Finally the two men begin to move and crawl to their corners. Knife dives and tags Melvin as Kaltuul tags Belthazar. Melvin leaps into the air and levels Belthazar with a drop kick and hammers a rising Kaltuul with a clothesline. Melvin screams something to Knife and he begins to get up. Frost whips Belthazar into the nearby ropes, Frost hits the ground, forcing Belthazar to leap over him, but Knife grabs him like an Angle suplex, launching Belthazar even further! Belthazar lands upside down, with both of his legs tangled in the ropes!!

Fredericks- OH MY GOD!!

**The yelling wakes Erikson up and he slowly climbs to his seat.**

Erikson- I missed something didn’t I…

Fredericks- YE…

Erikson- I hate you…

Knife dives out of the ring and holds Belthazar’s head back through the ropes. Melvin runs at Belthazar and double drop kicks him! Belthazar’s head snaps back out of Knife’s reach and gags himself on the rope! Knife turns to get back into the ring, but is cut short by a boot across his face! Knife falls to the floor as Kaltuul kicks him a few more times. Kaltuul turns and dives back into the ropes. Frost runs at him, but Kaltuul dodges the oncoming clothesline, Frost turns, but is kicked in the gut, and dropped with a DDT! Kaltuul turns and climbs up the nearby turnbuckle. He gets ready to leap when he is punched in the side by Knife! Suddenly, a man in all black leaps over the guard rail with a steel chair! Knife quickly climbs up the turnbuckle, punching Kaltuul the whole way. Knife leaps into the air and wraps his legs around Kaltuul’s head, but Kaltuul muscles him back up. Knife looks to get ready to reverse it into a hurrancarana, but the chair is brought down over his head!!

Fredericks- OH MY GOD!

Erikson- It’s almost over… I can feel it now…

Knife falls backwards and Kaltuul rolls with it, Kaltuul lands on Melvin Frost and holds on for the pin as the man in black climbs the turnbuckle with the chair……..1……The man leaps into the air, flipping, he puts the chair under his leg………..2……….The man lands on Knife’s head…………3! The man in black pins Knife’s shoulders……..1………..2………....3!!!

Anna Lopez- Winners at 5:57, and still NMW Tag Team champions, The Tides of Darkness!

**Belthazar falls out of his tangled up position as Kaltuul helps him up…The two men raise their arms in the air with the assistance of the man in black. He raises his arm with theirs as his hood falls off, showing Aikeiro!**

Anna Lopez- Your new Extreme Champion, Aikeiro!

**Aikeiro grabs the Extreme title from ringside, and the Tides grab their Tag titles. The trio make their way out of the ring as "Long Hard Road Out of Hell" plays again.**

Fredericks-Aikeiro just won the Extreme title!

Erikson-Hooray for the 24-7-365 rule!


**Thresh bust into Gravedigger's locker room to find it completely empty except for a small table with a monitor on it. The Monitor is showing the scene of Thresh's bloody attack at the hands of Gravedigger. An enraged Thresh throws the monitor and kicks the table and storms out of the room. In the darkest corner out steps Gravedigger with a shovel in hand, and no emotion on his hideous face.**

Gravedigger- It's time Thresh ......

**Scene fades.**


**The scene opens to show Seth Winters’ office.**

Cliff- That Aikeiro guy has becoming a problem…And I’m too crazy about Morbid Angel either. In fact, the whole damn group of Mysfits have been pissing me off lately. I think I’ll have a little match with Angel at the PPV…that way the fans can PAY to see him PAY! Hahahaha. But they still scare me…

Winters- Oh well, it’s not like they are any threat to us… er… well me.

**Seth begins to chuckle as Buddy the Clown enters the room.**

Winters- Buddy! Glad to see you!

Buddy- Thanks Mr. Winters. I’m ready for my match tonight.

**Buddy honks his nose and stretches out a hand to Cliff. Cliff takes it and is sent reeling from an electric shock.**

Winters- That’s GREAT!!

**Winters rolls in laughter as Cliff reaches for a hand up, Buddy doesn’t help him, but squirts him with his flower. Winters is nigh on hysterical as Buddy turns to leave the room.**

Buddy- North American Title, here I come!

**Buddy leaves the room and the camera fades off.**



Fredericks-Don’t you want it? Don’t you want your North American title?


Fredericks-Hehehe, I love playing with your fragile mind.



**"What is a Juggalo" by ICP begins to play as Buddy the Clown appears on the stage! He does some break dancing, much to the cloud’s cheering. He runs down the ramp and slides into the ring. He honks his nose, much to the crowd’s delight.**

Erikson- I could do a better job than that clown…

Fredericks- No you can’t. According to the last survey, 67% of our viewers wanted the killer of Chang to miss him and hit you.

Erikson- Would that have made people laugh?

Fredericks- According to the next survey,100% said yes it would.

Erikson- Muwahahaha…

**"Confession" by Cold plays as Jason Moore appears through the curtain. He takes a few steps out on the stage then turns, as a lone Mexican appears and walks behind him. Moore makes his way down the ramp with the Mexican close behind him. When they reach the ring, the Mexican walks to the announcer’s table while Moore slides in.**

Mexican- Greetings.

Fredericks & Erikson- …..

Mexican-Ah… I see how it will be… I’m going to the Spanish announcer’s table.

Jason Moore and Buddy square off in the ring as the bell sounds. They reach out for a grapple, but Buddy grabs Moore’s arm and twists it around, sending Moore in a flip. Buddy quickly drops a few elbows before allowing Moore to get back up. They go for the tie up again, this time Moore grabs Buddy’s arm and twists it, Buddy flips over, but lands on his feet and wraps Moore’s arm around his neck, pulling him down much like a reverse DDT!

**Erikson is watching the Mexicans having their little fiesta broadcasting.**

Fredericks- Buddy is quite the agile clown, don’t you agree?

Erikson- **squinting his eyes** A… mi… dogreta..

Fredericks- What are you doing?

Erikson- Reading their lips…

Buddy runs up on the turnbuckle and shouts out at the crowd, receiving much applause. Jason Moore steadily gets up, he walks over behind the excited Buddy, gets underneath him, and crucifix powerbombs him! As Buddy falls, his red nose flies off. Moore walks over to the nose and steps on it, smearing it onto the mat. Buddy sees this and kips up. He runs at Moore and levels him with a tremendous clothesline! Buddy knees over Moore and pummels his head, before grabbing it and slamming it onto the mat repeatedly. Finally Buddy pulls Moore up off the mat, swings Moore around, grabs him in a rear grapple, and hoists him into the air. Buddy spins around, and around, and around in dizzying rate. Finally Buddy heaves him higher into the air and slams him down onto the mat in a powerbomb position!

Fredericks- Never mess with a man’s nose.

Erikson- **sigh** My uncle still has mine from when I was 4…

Buddy holds on for the pin………..1………...2…………Kickout! Jason Moore rolls backwards out of the pin and quickly gets up. When Buddy gets up Moore levels him with a clothesline of his own! Buddy gets right back and rushes at him, but is dropped by a drop toe hold. Moore holds onto his foot and lays his back on Buddy’s back, he takes his hands and places them around Buddy’s neck. Buddy screams out in pain as the ref goes to his side. Buddy raises his hand as if he’s about to tap out, but he holds it back down with his left hand! Buddy reaches for the ropes, but Moore just pulls him back even more, much like a bow. Buddy raises his right hand in the air, he starts to bring it down, but instead he swings his arm back and cracks Moore in the nose! Moore flies off of Buddy, but Moore gets back up and picks Buddy up by the hair. Moore whips him into the ropes, Buddy comes back and they both lock on with a clothesline! Both men land on the mat and lay there, unmoving.

Fredericks- Looks like they had the same idea…

Erikson- Oh dear, oh dear, what will we ever do?

The referee stands inbetween them and begins to count……1……...2…….3……..4…….5……..6…….Buddy begins to stir a little bit….7…..He drags himself over to Moore…8…..He puts an arm over Moore………1..…….2………Kickout! Moore flips himself over onto his stomach and begins to muscle himself up via the ropes. Buddy gets on his knees and wearily stares at Moore. Moore picks up Buddy and whips him into the turnbuckle, but Buddy reverses it and Moore slams his head into the post! Buddy raises his hand up, and honks his nose. He runs over to the opposite turnbuckle, and prepares to charge at Moore…when Cazz Selmer comes running down the ramp!

Fredericks-What is he doing out here?

Erikson-He still hasn’t shown us the other 1567 of his armbars yet!

Buddy doesn’t notice Selmer, as Cazz leaps up onto the apron, behind Buddy. Buddy begins to charge at Moore, but Cazz grabs him by his multi-colored clown hair, and yanks it, slamming Buddy to the mat! Buddy, dazed, stands up and sees Cazz standing on the apron. He takes a swing, but Cazz blocks it, grabs Buddy’s arm, and pulls it down over the top rope, hyper-extending it! Cazz now jumps to the floor and runs back up the ramp, as Buddy holds his arm in pain. Buddy sees Jason Moore still standing in the opposite corner, so he takes off running. Moore, however, steps forwards, and Back Body Drops Buddy...sending him flipping onto the turnbuckle! Buddy lands hard on the top rope, with his back to Moore!

Fredericks- Oh no…. It can’t be coming up…

Erikson- YES IT IS!!!

Moore looks up and sees Buddy sitting backwards on the turnbuckle. Moore climbs up on the second rope. He locks arms with Buddy, twists him upside down, and leaps off the ropes into the CONFESSION (Top rope Vertebreaker)!!!! Buddy’s body becomes limp as he nails the mat. Moore gets on Buddy and pins him…….1………..2…….….3!!

Anna Lopez- Winner at 6:32, and still NMW North American Champion…Jason Moore!

**The crowd erupts in boos as "Confession" plays again. Jason Moore steadily makes his way out, holding his precious North American Title.**


**Commissioner Lawn Gnome is sitting…er, standing in his office, when suddenly Chang Mustafa burst into the room. Commissioner Lawn Gnome pays no attention and continues doing what he was doing…standing motionlessly.**

Chang-Commissioner! I want you to give me Crazy Joker at the Pay-Per-View! He must pay for his attempts to kill me!

Commissioner Lawn Gnome-

Chang-Come on man! We go way back…can’t you book this one match for me? I thought we were buds.

Commissioner Lawn Gnome-

Chang-Aw man…don’t give me the silent treatment. I want Crazy Joker bad…I want to end his career after he tried to end mine. I’ll even let you pick the stipulations.

Commissioner Lawn Gnome-


**Just then, President Winters walks into the room, and sees Chang pleading with the commissioner.**

Winters-Chang, is there something I can do for you?

Chang-Yeah, the commissioner won’t talk to me. Could you please have a talk with him?

Winters-Oh, I’ve been meaning to. But first, I think I lost something behind his desk last night. Hold on just a second.

**Winters walks over and ducks underneath the desk, and suddenly a high-pitched voice emerges from the commissioner…although it sounds more like it is coming from under the desk.**

Commissioner Lawn Gnome-Fine, Chang. You got your match at Parallax. You will face Crazy Joker…in a Cardboard Box match! The commissioner has spoken…LEAVE!

**Chang smiles and leaves the room, happy to have his match with Crazy Joker. After Chang is out of sight, Winters steps out from behind the desk. He walks around, training his eyes on the lawn gnome.**

Winters-I can’t believe you! I hired you to help me split the duties of running NMW. But instead, you defy me and run around making your own matches, plus you scratch mine!!! Where do you get off doing that?

Commissioner Lawn Gnome-

Winters-Oh, is that so? Well, fine then. You don’t like Zack Macomber? Well, I do!

Commissioner Lawn Gnome-

Winters-OH REALLY?!? Well, we’ll see about that. Tonight, Zack can face the two Spanish announcers, Enrique, and Antonio. If Zack loses, he loses his shot at the North American title at Parallax. But if he wins, then the two Spanish announcers are FIRED!!!

Commissioner Lawn Gnome-

Winters-SAME TO YOU!!!

**Winters storms out of the room, as the camera fades on a final shot of the commissioner.**


**The camera brightens up in Zack Macomber’s locker room. He looks at the monitor as Jason Moore is leaving the ring area. He smiles and rubs his hands together.**

Zack Macomber- Jason Moore… your time will come. I will be the North American Title come Parallax. But first, I have to take care of some Mexicans…

**The scene darkens, then fades away.**


Fredericks-Wow…talk about last minute booking.

Erikson-That’s what NMW is all about…spontaneousness.

Fredericks-Is that a word?

Erikson-It is now.


**The crowd explodes in elation as "Synthetic" by Spineshank hits. Zack Macomber emerges from the backstage area, looking as confident as ever. He raises both arms in the air, and the fans nearly blow the roof off the building. Zack smiles and runs down the ramp, sliding into the ring. He stands, and executes the thumb-pointy-thing, as the crowd chants "Z-R-M!"**

Fredericks-Zack sure is the popular fellow.

Erikson-What more would you expect? He’s popular because people can relate to him, with his overconfidence and oversized gut and such.

Fredericks-You’re a moron.

**"Livin La Vida Loca" by Ricky Martin blasts over the loudspeakers as a Taco Bell commercial begins to play on the video screen. The Spanish announcers, Enrique and Antonio, emerge from the curtain. They raise their arms in the air, but receive nothing but boos. They look at each other, shrug, and walk down to the ring.**

Fredericks-Wow, if Antonio and Enrique lose this match, they’re both out of a job.

Erikson-Winters thinks he’s so smart by trying to get rid of these two guys. Even if they do lose…that still leaves about 50 Mexicans in Moore’s army.

Fredericks-Good point.

Enrique and Antonio both slide into the ring, and they each go for a spear on The Mack. However, Zack catches them both effortlessly by the head, and nails a double ZZT onto both Spanish announcers! Zack stands up and poses for the crowd, as flashbulbs go off all over the arena. Antonio is the first to get back to his feet, and he dropkicks Zack from behind. Zack doesn’t budge, and turns around to face Antonio. Antonio runs at Zack and jumps up onto his shoulders.

Erikson-YES! Hurricanrana, go Luchadores!

Zack reaches up and grabs Antonio around the waist, slamming him down hard with a Mack Bomb!

Fredericks-You were saying?

Macomber stands up and poses once again for the crowd, as Enrique gets up. Zack turns around and is met with a flurry of rights and lefts from Enrique. Enrique whips Zack off the ropes, but Zack reverses the whip. Enrique bounces back, as Zack jumps onto the Mexican’s shoulders and delivers a hurricanrana of his own!


Erikson-Shut up…

After the move, Zack sits on Enrique’s chest for a cover………1………..2………broken up by Antonio!! Zack stands up just as Antonio attempts another dropkick. This one connects with Zack’s jaw, and sends him stumbling back a bit. Antonio jumps for joy in the fact that he connected with a move, before getting speared out of his shoes by a furious Zack! Antonio lands on his head after the vicious tackle, and Zack begins to climb the turnbuckle, ready to finish the duo off.

Fredericks-High risk…could be a Zackiesault…or perhaps a 450 Zackiesplash…possibly even a Guillotine Zackiedrop.

Erikson-Or how about a FredericksIsGay Bomb?

Zack prepares to leap, when Enrique quickly bounces himself off the ropes, causing Zack to loose his footing and crotch himself on the top turnbuckle. Zack is left sitting on the top rope, facing out towards the crowd, as suddenly, Jason Moore comes running out of the crowd!

Fredericks-I thought he left! His match is over!

Erikson-Apparently he doesn’t want to defend his title against Zack at the PPV.

Moore slides into the ring as the Mexicans chat with the referee. Moore climbs up onto the turnbuckle. He hooks Zack’s arms, and lifts up him for the Confession (Top Rope Vertebreaker)…but Zack is able to backflip out of it! Zack reaches up, locks Moore around the waist, and tosses him backwards with a German Zackieplex! Moore collides with Antonio, sending both men sprawling out of the ring through the ropes! Enrique is able to dodge the collision, but as he turns around, he walks right into…the Zackinoku Driver (Michinoku Driver)!!!! Zack crawls on top for the pin…….1……….2…………3!!!

Anna Lopez-Winner at 4:34, and still #1 contender to the North American title, Zack Macomber!!!

Fredericks-Hooray! He pulled it off!

Erikson-Dammit! Now that means those muscleheads are gonna have to break OUR table all the time!!!

Fredericks-Oh crap…


**Chang Mustafa is seen backstage, chatting with some of the homeless crew members. They appear to be inside a loading dock of some sort.**

Chang-So you say that the Chiquta ones are more durable than some of the ones that carry the canned goods?

Homeless Crew Member-Yup, that’s what I’m sayin.

Chang-Sweet, Crazy Joker is gonna pay.

**Chang lifts up a cardboard box with the word "Chiquita" written across it.**

Chang-Thanks Jimmy. I owe you one.

**Chang carries the cardboard box away, when suddenly it is kicked back into his face! Crazy Joker appears on camera, after nailing the superkick on Chang! Chang falls onto his back, dizzy and confused. The cardboard box is sent flying into the air, and it hits Chang on the head on it’s way down. Chang Mustafa stands up, and is hit with the Last Laugh (Powerbomb to Face Crusher)!!!! Chang’s head bounces off the concrete floor as Crazy Joker stands up, looking down at the battered body.**

Crazy Joker-See you at Parallax…where I’ll finish the job I started…

**Crazy Joker walks out of view.**

Homeless Crew Member-Ain’t THAT a bitch…

**The camera fades.**


**The camera quickly moves to the inside of Seth Winter’s office. The President is looking over some part of the UAW website once again.**

Winters-Bungee cords…definitely needs bungee cords…

**Without warning, Thresh Crest bursts into Winter's office, cattle prod in hand.**

Thresh- Where is he?

**Winters looks confused.**

Winters- Who?

Thresh- Gravedigger, you idiot!

Winters- Ummm ....call me crazy but ...**points towards Thresh** ...isn't that him there?

**Thresh turns around to see the metal end of a shovel nail him square in the face. Thresh drops to the ground in a heap. Gravedigger drops some chains and looks up at Winters.**

Gravedigger- Examples will be made…Rathje was the first, Thresh is next.

**Winters stares up at Gravedigger, as Thresh lies unconscious on the floor. Gravedigger looks down for a moment, before turning and leaving the room. Winters looks down at Thresh’s body, when Cliff walks into the room. He steps over Thresh’s body and walks over to the President’s desk.**

Cliff-What the hell just happened in here?

Winters-Gravedigger just hit Thresh with a shovel.

Cliff-Aw man…and I missed it…

Winters-You know Cliff, I’ve been thinking…these guys just can’t control themselves. They’re all either out for blood, or for gold. Am I right?

Cliff-You’re always right, sir.

Winters-Well, maybe the NMW title match at Parallax should have some sort of stipulation added to it, in order to keep some semblance of a wrestling match. You know, to maintain a little order.

Cliff-Good idea.

**Thresh begins to stir, as blood trickles from his nose.**

Winters-Eh, we’ll think about it more later. First, we’ll see who wins the #1 contenders match.

**Thresh slowly gets to his feet and sees Winters and Cliff standing there.**

Thresh-Gravedigger…where is he?

Winters-He should be out to the ring any minute now. You’re match is up next.

Thresh-Winters…I’m going to kill that f**ker…

**Thresh hobbles out of the room.**

Winters-Speaking of maintaining order, I’ve got some work to do.


**Winters walks out of the room, and the camera fades.**


Fredericks-And now for our main event.

Erikson-What do you mean, "And now for our main event"? Did you not just see what happened back there?!? Don’t you have any comments???

Fredericks-Eh, not really. A shovel to the face is nothing to sneeze at…but I’m not impressed.

Erikson-And now for our main event.



**"Blackened" by Metallica fills the arena, as the lights dim to an eerie glow. The emotionless Gravedigger emerges from the back, stops on top of the ramp, and stares into the crowd, which boos loudly at the Unholy One. A sadistic smile can almost be made out on Gravedigger’s face as he walks down the ramp and steps into the ring.**

Fredericks-Well, Gravedigger looks extra emotionless tonight.

Erikson-He doesn’t look emotionless to me…he’s got an evil grin on his face.

Fredericks-Evil isn’t an emotion, it’s a state.

Erikson-Like Nebraska?


**Gravedigger stands unmoving in the ring, as "Breathe" by Nickelback hits, and the crowd’s boos continue; however, there seem to be some cheers mixed in with the boos as well. Thresh Crest slowly makes his way out onto the stage, still bleeding from the nose, and still a bit dazed after Gravedigger’s recent attack. Thresh marches down the ramp, keeping his cold eyes trained on Gravedigger. Thresh gets halfway down the ramp, when he breaks into a sprint and slides into the ring to meet Gravedigger.**

Fredericks-Oh man, this is gonna be a war…

Erikson-I’m not sure if our homeless-person-constructed ring will be able to hold all the action.

Thresh Crest charges towards Gravedigger in a fit of rage, and the men engage in a fierce grapple…when "Just Got Wicked" by Cold hits.

Fredericks-What the…

Erikson-Uh oh.

**The crowd erupts as Seth Winters appears on the stage, smiling. He waves at some of the fans, as Thresh and Gravedigger quit grappling and both men turn their attention to the President. Winters begins strutting down the stage, and as he does so, he begins taking off his suit jacket…to reveal a referee shirt!!! The crowd explodes with cheers as Winters, still smiling, walks down to the ring. Gravedigger starts yelling something at Winters, when he is hit from behind by Thresh! Winters signals for the bell to ring.**

Fredericks-It appears we have a special guest referee for this match.

Erikson-Oh he’s special alright…

The bell rings and Thresh continues his attack, smashing his forearms over the back of Gravedigger. Thresh whips Gravedigger off the ropes, Gravedigger bounces back, Thresh swings and misses a back elbow. Gravedigger bounces off the ropes again, and clotheslines Thresh to the mat. Thresh gets back up quickly and begins throwing right hands mercilessly at Gravedigger’s face. Thresh winds up for a big knockout punch, and he lets it fly…but Gravedigger catches his fist! Gravedigger now twists Thresh’s arm into a standing armbar, and drives his elbow in Crest’s shoulder. He follows it up with a second, and third elbow. Thresh drops to one knee in pain. Gravedigger twists the arm again, and whips Thresh off the ropes. Thresh runs back, and ducks a clothesline from Gravedigger. Gravedigger turns around, and Thresh hits him with a Roundhouse Sidekick! Gravedigger falls hard to the mat, as Thresh regroups.

Fredericks-Back and forth they go…

Erikson-And where they stop, nobody knows.

Gravedigger slowly gets up, and Thresh kicks him in the gut. Thresh hooks Gravedigger up for a suplex and drives him back down to the mat with a Snap Suplex. Thresh retains the hold, pulls Gravedigger back up, and this time hits a Vertical Suplex. Thresh floats over into the pin……..1……….Kickout by Gravedigger. Thresh grabs Gravedigger by the hair and begins punching him in the face with straight jabs relentlessly. Referee Winters steps in and tells Thresh to open his fist up. Thresh stands up and stares angrily at Winters. Gravedigger comes out of nowhere with a Full Nelson Slam on Thresh while he is looking at Winters. Crest bounces off the canvas, and now Gravedigger glances over at Winters, before pulling Thresh to his feet. Gravedigger hooks Thresh in a suplex and holds him straight up in the air. After all the blood has rushed to Thresh’s head, Gravedigger drops him with a Stalling Brainbuster! Thresh sits up after the impact, and then falls to his back, followed by Gravedigger covering him. Winters drops and counts………..1………….2………..Kickout!

Fredericks-It’s been pretty calm so far.

Erikson-We’re only a couple minutes into the match Tyler.

Gravedigger stands and drops an elbow onto Thresh’s chest. Gravedigger gets up again and this time drops a leg over Thresh’s throat. Thresh now sits up, trying to shake the cobwebs out. Gravedigger reaches down the grabs Thresh by the neck, pulling him to his feet. Gravedigger signals for the Embalmer (Chokeslam from Hell), but Thresh kicks him in the groin! Winters moves in and tells Thresh to watch where he’s kicking. Crest pays no attention, as he executes a Piledriver on Gravedigger. The crowd gives a mixed reaction to the move, as Thresh begins to pull Gravedigger back up. Crest attempts another Piledriver, but Gravedigger stands up, flipping Thresh over the top rope and to the outside!

Fredericks-Uh oh…they’re getting closer to us…

Erikson-See Tyler…there are no Spanish announcer whose table they can break…we’re screwed…

Gravedigger steps out of the ring, followed by Seth Winters, who yells at the men to get back in the ring. Gravedigger ignores him, and whips Thresh into the steel steps. Thresh bounces off with a loud crash, and Gravedigger pulls him up by the hair. Gravedigger pulls Thresh over towards the announce table, when Thresh suddenly fires a haymaker straight into Gravedigger’s jaw! Gravedigger stumbles back, a bit surprised, and Thresh charges at him with a spear. Gravedigger steps aside, and Thresh goes running straight at the barricade; however, Thresh jumps onto the barricade, and hits a Standing Moonsault onto Gravedigger off the barricade!!!!

Fredericks-What agility!


Both men hit the floor hard as Thresh gets up to some cheers from the crowd for his wrestling ability. He looks over at the announce table, and begins taking it apart, throwing monitors to the side. Gravedigger is slowly getting to his feet. Thresh grabs the Unholy One by the head, and slams him face-first onto the table! Winters continues to yell at both men to get back in the ring, but once again he is ignored. Thresh bangs Gravedigger’s head off the table once again. Crest now steps up onto the table, and tries to pull Gravedigger up onto to it as well. Suddenly, Gravedigger grabs Thresh around the legs, and falls backwards, dropping Thresh jaw-first onto the edge of the ring apron with a variation of a Flapjack.

Erikson-You know Tyler, I was just thinking…


Erikson-It sure does work to the President’s advantage to have these two guys beat the crap out of each other. No matter who wins, one of the guys that the Prez hates will be lifeless when it’s over.


Erikson-That is all.

Thresh rebounds off the apron, and holds his lower jaw in agony. Thresh turns around, and walks right into the hand of Gravedigger, who grabs him by the throat! Gravedigger lifts Thresh high into the air, turns, and plants him through the announce table with the Embalmer (Chokeslam from Hell)!!!!! Thresh goes right through the table, smashing it into a million pieces, as Winters begins screaming in Gravedigger’s face. Gravedigger gives no reaction, but instead grabs a steel chair from ringside and slides it into the ring.

Fredericks-Thresh is out cold!

Erikson-Our poor, poor table. I miss Enrique and Antonio already…

Gravedigger now climbs back into the ring, leaving Thresh for dead on the outside. Winters slides back into the ring as well. Gravedigger gets in Winter’s face and begins yelling at him to count Thresh out. Winters refuses, and Gravedigger begins to reach for the steel chair. Winters yells something along the lines of "I’ll fire your ass", as Gravedigger picks up the chair. Gravedigger tells Winters once again to count Thresh out, but Winters refuses because of the illegal use of the table. Gravedigger turns his back to Winters…but spins back around with a gruesome chairshot to the side of the President’s head!!! Winters is sent spinning from the intense impact, before he falls lifeless to the mat.

Fredericks-Oh my God!!! He just hit the President! And Thresh is still out!

Erikson-I don’t think Gravedigger is done yet…

Gravedigger looks down upon Winter’s body, as he lifts the dented chair into the air again…and slams it down onto the back of Seth Winters. He does the same thing once again, slamming the steel onto the unconscious, unmoving body of the President/referee. Gravedigger raises the chair above his head a third time…when "Full Nelson" by Limp Bizkit hits!

Fredericks-Here comes the champ! The crowd is going nuts!

The crowd goes nuts as Melvin Frost comes running from the back with a steel chair of his own! He races down the rampway and gets to the bottom…when the chair is sidekicked into his face…by Thresh Crest!!!! Melvin falls to the floor.

Fredericks-What the hell!!!!! When did Thresh sneak over there???

Erikson-I’m guessing while Gravedigger was beating the hell out of Winters.

Fredericks-What is he thinking??? Melvin was coming to help Winters…and if Winters is out, neither man can win!

Thresh picks up the steel chair that Melvin was carrying, and looks up into the ring at Gravedigger, who is paying no attention to Thresh. Gravedigger remains standing above the broken body of Winters, and he raises the steel chair above his head again! Thresh quickly slides into the ring with the chair, and waits behind Gravedigger!!

Erikson-Looks like the President will be saved after all.

Fredericks-This is gonna be good!

Thresh prepares the steel chair in both his hands, as he creeps up on Gravedigger, who is almost ready to slam his chair down onto Winters once more. Thresh quickly grabs Gravedigger on the shoulder, and spins the Unholy One around. Both men raises the chairs above their heads, but each man then drops his respective chair. The chairs fall to the mat with a crash, as Thresh and Gravedigger stand and look at each other…before shaking each other’s hand!!!


Erikson-NO WAY!

Thresh Crest and Gravedigger smile evilly as they continue the handshake. They then look down at Winters, and then glance over to the steel chairs. Each man picks up a chair, and they then look at each other and nod. Gravedigger walks over to one side of Winter’s laid out body, while Thresh walks to the opposite side. All at once, they each bring their chairs crashing down onto the President’s skull!!!! The crowd lets out a reaction of "OHHHH" followed by a chorus of deafening boos, as Gravedigger and Thresh each raises their arms into the air!

Fredericks-NO! Oh dear God, NO!!!

Erikson-YES! Tyler, do you realize what is happening? We are seeing the most powerful alliance ever…unfolding right before our eyes!!!

Fredericks-This can’t be happening! My God, the President…

**Thresh and Gravedigger both climb out of the ring, and begins to walk up the ramp. They then notice Melvin Frost, who is finally starting to get up after the earlier sidekick from Thresh. Thresh walks over to the NMW champion, and pushes him into Gravedigger, who lifts Melvin up into the Last Descent (Screwdriver), right onto the steel ramp!!!!!! The crowd boos louder than ever before, as the two men make their way up the ramp.**

Erikson-I can’t believe this!

Fredericks-I can’t either! Who is the #1 contender??? What’s going to happen at Parallax??? What’s going on here?!?

**Thresh and Gravedigger stop on the top of the stage, and each man raises his arms in the air in victory, as the crowd continues to boo…and the camera fades.**


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