**The NMW Arena sits in silence as vignettes are shown of the events which occurred a week ago at Uprising. All of a sudden, "Violent Reaction" by American Head Charge hits, electrifying the crowd. The cameras sweep the inside of the arena, as the trademark fireworks emit from the main stage, lighting up the usually dark arena with red and orange flashes, followed close behind by blue and gray smoke. The cameras pick up a few signs in the crowd as they float over the scene:

"King Melvin"

"Gravedigger is unstoppable"

"Thresh got Macked"

"I tried to kill Chang!"

"Poor Rathje"

"X-Pac is gay. Period."

After the camera has flown around the arena a few times, it comes to rest on the ENGLISH announce table, where Tyler Fredericks is seated…alone.**

Tyler Fredericks-Hello once again NMW fans, and welcome to Revolution. We’re coming off of what was definitely NMW’s most exciting show to date, Uprising! We saw Melvin Frost crowned as the first NMW Champion, plus we witnessed a war between Thresh Crest and Zack Macomber. It was definitely an amazing night, and I’m sure we’ll see some of the aftermath of its events take place here tonight. Speaking of amazing, I wonder where my broadcast partner could be…

**"Smack My Bitch Up" by Prodigy strikes up suddenly, as a group of ragged-clothed men begin to file out onto the stage. There are at least a dozen of them, and they are carrying some sort of…glass structure. As they begin to make their way down the ramp, the structure begins to come into view. Inside the large glass box sits a grinning Brian Erikson, lounging on a toilet. The homeless men carry the box down to ringside, before setting it down very carefully besides Tyler Fredericks. Erikson looks over to his partner from inside the box.**

Erikson-Well hello Tyler.

Fredericks-What the hell is this?

Erikson-It’s only my state-of-the-art bullet-proof BrianBox 2001.

Fredericks-And what is it for?

Erikson-It’s to keep something unfortunate from happening to me…just like it does on every show. Every time we are about to introduce ourselves, I either get sprayed with pepper spray, or a woman explodes and her innards land all over me. This is to protect me from all threats.

Fredericks-Well, I see you’ve at least thought ahead far enough to include a toilet in the ensemble.

Erikson-That’s right. I could stay in this baby for a solid 10 hours if need be. All I need is my crapper, and these.

**Erikson pulls a few packages of Twinkies out of his pocket.**

Fredericks-Wow, you’re set.

Erikson-Damn skippy. Oh! And check this out Tyler! I had the toilet specially designed so when I flush it, the water swirls in the opposite direction!

Fredericks-What possessed you to do that?

Erikson-Well, I’m just tired of watching it go down the same direction all the time.

Fredericks-I see…May I have a demonstration of this new technology?

Erikson-You sure can!

**Brian pushes the handle on the toilet, as the water begins to spin counter-clockwise, before heading down the hole. Suddenly, a loud spurting sound echoes inside the box.**

Fredericks-What was that?

Erikson-….I don’t know….

**The toilet begins shaking violently, as water begins backing up, flowing out of the bowl and building up on the floor of the box. Erikson begins jumping around inside, trying to keep his feet dry.**


Fredericks-Brian…did you forget that you need a piping system and a place for the water to go after you flush it?



Erikson-…I hate you.

**The water continues flowing out of the toilet, faster and faster. Before long, the water level has reached Erikson’s chest! He is now trying to stay above the water, and he is screaming frantically on the inside of the now half-full glass box.**


**Fredericks quickly grabs the ring bell hammer, and smashes it into the side of the glass. It shatters, sending enormous amounts of water spilling out, as Tyler stands up on his chair to avoid getting wet. Along with the water, Brian Erikson comes spilling out of the now shattered box.**

Erikson-Tyler! You saved me! You’re my hero! Come here, give your broadcast partner a hug!

**Fredericks pushes Erikson away.**

Fredericks-It was just a muscle spasm. I didn’t mean to hit the box.

Erikson-Aw sure…don’t deny it Tyler, you love me!

Fredericks-…I hate you.

**Erikson stands up and brushes some of the water off of him, when "Breathe" by Nickelback hits, taking the crowd by surprise after the commentator’s antics. Thresh Crest stomps down the ramp, dragging behind him senior referee Matt Springfield by the collar of his referee shirt. The crowd boos Thresh as he steps into the ring and drags Springfield in with him. He is handed a mic and signals for the crowd to be quiet.**


**The crowd boos even louder, and Thresh just scowls as he looks over at the captive ref.**

Thresh-Last week at Uprising, we all witnessed the crowning of the first NMW Champion, didn’t we? And who was it? That damn Trekkie, Melvin Frost!

**The crowd pops at the sound of their favorite geek’s name.**

Thresh-…Or was it? My friend Mr. Referee here has assisted me in putting together a little clip of some events that went down last Sunday that may prove that the f***in’ Frost dork is NOT the champion! Roll that footage, NOW!

**The MilleniTron comes to live and it shows a few various scenes from the Uprising Rumble. Thresh Crest is in the ring, along with Melvin Frost and Chang Mustafa. Melvin hits Thresh with a baseball swing from the chair, sending Thresh flipping off the top rope, and through the announce table. Thresh is announced as eliminated, and then the scene switches to the end of the Rumble, and Seth Winters is handing Melvin the new title belt, when Thresh comes hobbling back into the ring on one foot. He attacks Frost and Winters, before throwing both men out onto the floor and walking up the ramp with the World Title.**

Thresh-Now, as you all can see…Melvin Frost is NOT the NMW Champion!!! Tell them Springfield!!

Senior Referee Matt Springfield-Thresh is right…According the to rules of the Uprising Rumble, to be eliminated, one must be thrown OVER the top rope, and BOTH feet must touch the floor. After reviewing this video, I have come to the conclusion that Thresh Crest was NEVER eliminated from the Uprising Rumble. He WAS tossed over the top rope…HOWEVER, because he crashed through the announce table and landed on his back, both of his feet DID NOT touch the floor. Upon further observation, when Thresh got back into the ring after the Rumble was supposedly over, he hopped back on one foot, therefore still holding his place in the Rumble. After attacking Melvin Frost, Thresh threw him over the top rope, thus eliminating him!

Fredericks-NO! You have got to be kidding me!

Erikson-What a genius!!!

**The referee raises Thresh’s arm in the air, as the Crest brother grins, eliciting more boos from the angry crowd.**

Springfield-Therefore, I give you the new NMW World Champion…Thresh Cre…

**"Just Got Wicked" by Cold hits and President Seth Winters walks onto the stage, followed by Cliff, who seems naked without his lawn gnome. Winters raises a microphone to his mouth as he focuses his eyes on Thresh.**

Winters-Hold on a minute Crest. Springfield isn’t the boss around here, I am!

**The crowd pops.**

Winters-I can’t dispute the fact that you may very well be the NMW Champion…but what I CAN do is make you work for that distinction. Since obviously you believe yourself to be the true champ, I’m sure our REAL champ, Melvin Frost, would have no problem defending HIS belt against you, to decide who really is the better man!

**The crowd cheers again, as Thresh begins to yell something at the referee.**

Winters-The only problem is that our REAL champ, Mr. Frost, is already booked tonight…so your match will have to wait Thresh. Oh, but don’t worry, because tonight you’ll get a chance to warm up for your big title match…against one of the scary guys…Morbid Angel!!!

**Thresh begins to calm down a little, and even begins to smile at the sound of this.**

Winters-I’m glad you like that Thresh, because there’s one little stipulation for that match. If you can’t beat Morbid Angel, you lose your title shot next week. However, if you beat him, you got it. Good luck Crest, I have a feeling that you’re gonna need it.

**"Just Got Wicked" hits again as Winters makes his way to the back, followed soon by Springfield and a red hot Thresh Crest.**

Fredericks-WOW! What a change of events! Thresh was about to be declared the NMW Champion, and if he can beat Morbid Angel tonight, he gets to face Melvin for the title!

Erikson-Ladies and gentlemen, your NMW Champion, Thresh Crest.

Fredericks-But he hasn’t won it yet, he still has to go through Angel and Melvin.

Erikson-Like I said…your NMW Champion, Thresh Crest.

Fredericks-*sigh* Anyway, let’s take a look at the updated card for tonight…








Fredericks-Boo-Yah indeed.


**Chang is shown walking through the parking lot. He seems to be talking to himself.**

Chang- Hmm.. who would have the motive to kill me. I like myself. Why couldn’t anyone else?

**He takes a few more steps while pondering. Suddenly there is a loud screeching sound and Chang turns. He dives out of the way as a black sportscar slams into the wall, just barely missing him. The car’s front is smashed as the engine begins to emit smoke.**

Chang- That’s it!

**Chang jumps to his feet and runs to the car door, he opens it and peers in but doesn’t see anything. He looks down at the gas pedal to see a brick duct taped to it.**

Chang- F**K!

**Chang sits on the ground, resting against the car.**

Chang- Great….So now I have to find someone that duct tapes things a lot…

**The camera fades away as Chang pieces things together.**


**The Tides of Darkness are in their locker room, along with Morbid Angel. They are sitting and talking, and Beltahazar and Kaltuul each have their Tag Team Title belts laying in their laps.**

Beltahazar-Do you two feel it? Our power is growing stronger.

Kaltuul-Oh yes…and after tonight, we will be stronger than ever, and Cliff will feel our strength when he faces one of us tonight.

Morbid Angel-Indeed. But I’m sort of worried about my match with Thresh Crest tonight. That guy has no conscience.

Kaltuul-Angel, you are one of us now, you need not worry. Thresh is nothing. You can beat him, and soon you too will have gold, as we do. It’s only a matter of time.

Belthazar-Kaltuul is right. Just wait until Cliff’s match tonight. Our power will be truly demonstrated, more than it has been to this point…because HE will get his chance to shine.

**A shadow steps into view, but the face is still not visible.**

Morbid Angel-I guess you’re right. Thresh is mine tonight! He won’t live long enough to fight Melvin Frost next week!

Kaltuul-Very good…Go, show us blood, show us pain.

**Morbid Angel leaves the locker room, as the shadowy figure begins to step into the light…just as the camera fades.**


**The camera cuts back to the announce table, where neither announcer is seen. Tyler Fredericks pokes his head up over the table.**

Fredericks-Phew…Brian, it’s over.



**"The Rathje Anthem" hits, and the crowd goes wild as Mike Rathje storms to the ring. He stops just short of the apron, proceeds to walk over to the announce table and grabs a mic. He now rolls into the ring and begins to speak his mind.**

Rathje-Cut my anthem! Triple J, it is time for your lesson boy. I’m sick of coming up short, and with that begin said, I guarantee a win tonight, and I guarantee…

**"The Kings of Rock" by Run DMC strikes up and everyone, including the interrupted Rathje, gives full attention to the entrance way. Quicker than anyone can imagine, the battle begins…after Triple J attacks Rathje from behind, after jumping out of the crowd!!!**

Erikson-Well…that’s appropriate…Triple J attacking from behind.

Triple J flies into the ring and begins to pummel Rathje mercilessly. Rathje, not expecting the cowardly attack, stumbles and falls face-first to the mat. Now Triple J begins to stomp on the head of Rathje, as the Canadian screams in pain.

Erikson-Triple J really puts a new meaning to "the element of surprise."

Fredericks-He also puts a new meaning to a "back-fighting nancy-boy."

As Triple J picks Rathje off the mat, Rathje begins to give a series of elbows to his gut. Triple J grabs his midsection in pain, and Rathje elbows him in the face, sending him falling onto his back. Rathje takes a moment to pat himself on the back, and gives Triple J a chance to climb to his knees. Rathje bounces off the ropes and drives a huge dropkick into the awaiting face of Triple J. Triple J’s head snaps back as Rathje stands up and celebrates, receiving a cheer from the crowd. Rathje approaches the downed body of Triple J, only to receive a vicious low blow!!!

Fredericks-Did Triple J just touch Rathje’s…


Rathje falls to his knees in pain, as Triple J slowly recovers and stands up. He looks down at Rathje, and smiles. He grabs Rathje by the hair, and drives his knee directly into Rathje’s forehead! Rathje droops to the mat, as Triple J begins to climb to the middle rope. He leaps off, and connects with a Bionic Elbow. The crowd boos Triple J as he begins to lift Rathje. Rathje quickly counters and hits a couple jabs…before Triple J drops down and delivers another low blow!

Fredericks-Triple J sure does like having his hand down there.

Triple J bounces off the ropes and executes a nice Swinging Neckbreaker on Rathje. Rathje slams off the mat from the recoil of the move. Rathje slowly gets up, still in pain from the low blow. Triple J attempts another Neckbreaker, but Rathje spins out of it and locks Triple J in a rear grapple!

Erikson-German Suplex!

Triple J quickly swings his leg back, connecting once again with Rathje’s testicles! This time Rathje crumples to the mat, almost unconscious from the extreme pain. Triple J hops to the top rope, and taunts the crowd. He takes a flying leap off the turnbuckle, and connects with a huge leg drop! He spins around and pins Rahtje…….1…………2……….NO! Rathje pulls a shoulder up just in time. Triple J grunts as he gets to his feet once more, pulling up Rathje with him. Triple J hooks Rathje up for a Suplex, but Rathje quickly slips out of it, and nails a headbutt straight to Triple J’s nose!!!

Fredericks-Holy crap!

Triple J stumbles backwards, holding his nose in pain. Rathje charges at him, but Triple J sidesteps. Rathje bounces off the ropes, and knocks Triple J down with a clothesline. Triple J quickly gets up, and is driven back down with a Bulldog from Rathje. Rahtje approaches Triple J as he gets to his knees. Triple J winds up for another low blow, but this time Rathje reaches down and grabs his arm!! Rathje pulls Triple J up by his arm, hooks him in a Suplex, lifts him up, and brings him back down to earth with a Brainbuster!!! Rathje now climbs out of the ring, grabs the time keeper, and launches him into the crowd. He then proceeds to grab the vacant steel chair.

Fredericks-It looks as if the psycho is pulling out the heavy artillery.

Erikson-Now see…this is dirty pool! He thinks he can get away with murder. And while I’m on the subject of dirty pool…if my neighbor is watching this telecast, if your dog craps in my pool one more time, I’m gonna…

Fredericks-You’re gonna have sex with it…Now shut up! Jackass…

As Rathje turns to face the ring, he is greeted with a surprise. There, standing tall, or at least trying, is a gang of Mexicans.


The first Mexican does a suicide dive over the top rope and is met in midair with a huge chair shot, to the face no less, most likely ending his life. Seeing this, the other Mexican gang members flee in horror. Rathje climbs into the ring, charges at Triple J, and right when he gets ready to smoke Triple J in the face…he trips on a sombrero, and lands face-first on the chair!!! Triple J picks Rathje up and prepares him for a Powerbomb. But while on Triple J’s shoulders, Rathje in a blind rage begins to gnaw on his forehead, causing Triple J to fall backwards…with Rathje landing straight on Triple J’s neck! Rathje picks up his bloody opponent. Triple J misses a dizzily thrown right hook, Rathje spins him around, and delivers a German Suplex…which sends Triple J clear over the ropes, and through the announce table!!!!!

Fredericks-Oh my God!! He has been decimated!

Erikson-He still might have some fight left in him though!

Fredericks-Yeah…maybe he can unconscious him to death, you jackass!

Rathje climbs out of the ring and pulls Triple J back inside, before rolling him on his back and covering………1………….2……………..3!!!

Anna Lopez-Winner at 3:48, Mike Rathje!!!

**Out of nowhere, one of the fleeing Mexicans comes back to the ring for his sombrero…but accidentally bumps into Mike Rathje!**

Fredericks-Business is starting to pick up!

**The Mexican begins backstepping as Rathje grins at him. The Mexican man slowly starts stepping between the ropes, hoping to get away unharmed. The man turns his back to Rathje, and almost immediately he is lifted up onto the Canadians shoulders! Rathje walks over to Triple J’s crumpled body, and delivers the Rathje Slam (Electric Chair Drop) to the Mexican, dropping him face-first onto Triple J! Rathje laughs as his anthem hits, and he makes his way to the back.**

Fredericks-I believe Mike found that funny.

Erikson-That psychotic piece of elephant crap.


**The camera fades in outside the door labeled Jason Moore. It quietly steps into the cramped room as Jason Moore stands in the middle of the room surrounded by a group of Mexicans. Seemingly, giving them another pep talk.**

Jason Moore- During Uprising, we gave the NMW a totally new look at you all. Now you have all won your pride back!

Mexicans- Hooray!

Jason Moore- Now you may be asking yourself, now what do we do? Who isn’t afraid of us? I te…

**Jason Moore is cut off by Thresh Crest thrashing through the door. He grins widely at the new treasure he has found.**

Thresh Crest- Who isn’t afraid of you? I’ll tell you who isn’t afraid of you… ME!

**Suddenly 2 Mexicans from either side rush at Thresh, who just steps back and lets them run into each other. Another Mexican lunges at Thresh, but he merely puts up a boot to stop the attack.**

Thresh- There is no reason to fear any of you. The only thing you have going for you is that you attack in numbers.

**Another Mexican rushes at Crest, Crest catches him and knocks him back with the Riot Act! (STO 2).**

Thresh- Maybe I can ruin your nice little party…

**The camera kicks out to outside the locker room as a large amount of scuffling is heard from inside. Finally, after a few moments, Thresh walks out, he looks at the collar of his shirt and notices it is ruffled.**


**Crest runs back in and cries of pain are heard before he walks back out and continues on his way down the hall. The camera quickly flashes into Seth Winters’ office.**

Winters- Y’know. For once Thresh has shown some use to me.

Cliff- Indeed.

**Winters gets a large grin on his face as the screen fades.**


**The camera cuts to a small, dark room somewhere backstage. The room is completely dark, except for two small, red glowing dots floating around. Suddenly, a small light is lit in the room, and a figure is revealed, wearing infra-red goggles. The man is dressed in all black, from head to toe. The crowd cheers as they recognize him as Silent Assassin from the Uprising Rumble. The man is searching through some sort of file of video tapes. The camera zooms in on the file, just as Silent Assassin pulls one of the video tapes out…labeled "Gravedigger."**


Fredericks-I see one of our new talents is doing a little research backstage.

Erikson-Silent Assassin, eh? I wonder if he’s deadly too…


Erikson-The only thing worse than a Silent Assassin is a Silent But Deadly Assassin.

Fredericks-Good point.


**"Bodies" by Drowning Pool hits, and Chang Mustafa appears on the stage. He cheers back at the thrilled crowd as he makes his way down the rampway and slides into the ring.**

Fredericks- He certainly has the crowd on his side.

Erikson- GO CHANG!!!

Fredericks- Point proven.

**"Smoothe Criminal" by Alien Ant Farm begins to play as Crazy Joker comes out on the stage. He doesn’t look as enthused, but he does look peppy. He to scrambles into the ring as the two men await their competition.**

**Suddenly the lights go out and on the Millenitron, images of Star Trek flicker as the Star Trek theme song plays. Melvin Frost makes his way out of behind the curtains, being followed by the Knife. Melvin keeps the NMW Title draped over his shoulder until he gets down to the ring, in which he hands the belt over to a referee, who signals to Anna.**

Anna Lopez- This match is to decide the number one contenders for the Tag Team Titles!

After the announcement, the bell sounds as Melvin slides into the ring and Chang stays in. Joker and Knife step out into their corners and watch. Chang takes a quick lunge at Frost, but Frost stops him with a kick to the stomach. Chang hunches over as Melvin sets Chang up for a piledriver. Chang reverses it though, flipping Frost over him and onto the mat.

Fredericks- Nice reversal.

Erikson- Does it seem kind of quiet to you?

Fredericks- Only because we aren’t talking as much.

Erikson- Oh.

Chang drops an elbow onto Frost’s chest and quickly gets back up. Melvin climbs back up to his feet, and Chang whips him into the ropes. Chang catches Melvin in a sleeper hold! Melvin gets behind him though and whips Chang into the ropes, catching Chang in his own sleeper hold. The crowd begins to heat up as Chang reverses it and whips Frost into the ropes. Chang puts a big boot up, but Frost catches it! Frost yanks on Chang’s leg, pulling him into a capture suplex! Melvin pops back up, he runs to the nearby ropes and gets ready to bounce off but Crazy Joker kicks Melvin! Frost turns and slugs Joker off of the apron, he turns and is kicked in the stomach by Chang! Chang quickly floors him with a snapmare and climbs up to the top rope. Joker gets back up and tags Chang! The referee begins to wave Chang off of the ropes as he abides by the referee’s ruling.

Erikson- Why are we not talking as much?

Fredericks- Cuz Winters told us we needed to pipe down a bit.

Erikson- Oh.

Joker comes in as Chang gets out onto the apron. Joker picks up Frost and whips him to another turnbuckle, where he leaps up, attempting a forearm smash, but Frost counters with a clothesline, leveling Joker! Melvin steadily makes his way over to Knife, and tags him in. Knife comes in and repeatedly kicks Joker in the head before picking him up. He drops Joker onto the mat with a body slam and climbs up the turnbuckle. He turns and leaps off of the top rope with a body splash, but Joker gets his knees up! Knife rolls off of Joker’s knees in pain and holds his stomach.

Erikson- Why did Winters tell us that we couldn’t talk as much?

Fredericks- Because apparently we aren’t entertaining enough.

Erikson- Oh.

Joker gets back up and pulls Knife up by the hair, Joker whips Knife into the ropes and catches Knife in the air! He carries Knife over to the ropes and drops him, ramming his ribs into the ropes! Knife crumbles over the ropes, holding himself in pain. Joker begins to shake the ropes, bouncing on them, causing even more pain to the weary Knife! Finally Joker had enough, he pulls Knife off and whips him into a turnbuckle, Joker runs at Knife and jumps on him, he gets ready to do a monkey flip when Chang reaches across and tags himself in!

Erikson- Where did Winters get this information?

Fredericks- He just said that we aren’t that appealing to the fans. That there is no humor or entertaining spirit in our laudable jokes.

Erikson- Oh.

Chang runs at the turnbuckled Knife and performs a body splash on him. Knife begins to walk off from the turnbuckle when Chang gets in front of him and picks him up. He spins around a few times and drops him in a death valley driver! Chang quickly pops back up and signals to the crowd!

Erikson- Did the person responsible say anything else?

Fredericks- Yes. They said that things like this *smacks Erikson in the back of the head.* And this *Slams his heel onto Erikson’s foot, causing him to leap into the air in pain.* Are unacceptable.

Erikson- *Rubbing his foot* Ouch… I mean Oh.

Chang picks Knife up and kicks him in the gut, signaling for the Buzz Saw!! (Tiger Driver) Knife quickly raises his arm into the air, low blowing Chang! Chang falls onto the mat as Knife begins to crawl to an anxious Frost. He leaps into the air and tags Frost in! Frost enters the ring right when Chang leaps to tag in Joker, but Joker steps off of the apron! Chang looks up and sees that Joker isn’t there, he turns to see Melvin looking right at him. Quickly, Joker jumps back up on the apron and tags himself in! Chang ducks as Joker comes flying over him with a clothesline that knocks Frost off of his feet! Chang steps back onto the apron, laughing at the trick they just made when he raises his hand for a high five, Joker goes for it as the ref signals that another tag has been made!

Erikson- So let me get this straight, we aren’t allowed to talk as much anymore?

Fredericks- Unless you want to take it up with Winters. Even though he was the one to tell us to spruce up the matches with our colorful commentary in the first place.

Erikson- *sigh* Oh.

Chang reluctantly steps back into the ring as Joker begins to step out, Chang turns to tag Joker back in but Frost rolls him up! The ref gets down, 1….2…. Kickout! Chang gets back to his feet and begins to walk back to Joker, but Frost grabs him around the waste and flips him back with a back suplex! Chang is undaunted and quickly gets back up, he begins to make his way to Joker again, but Frost comes behind him and grabs his head, bringing it down to the mat in a facecrusher! Frost finishes his momentum by punching Joker off of the apron and onto the floor! Frost picks Chang up, Chang swings a clothesline, but Frost ducks, he locks his arms around Chang. He sets Chang up for the Study Hall! Chang quickly swings his foot around and kicks Melvin on the button, who let’s go of Chang quickly and falls to that mat.

Erikson- So no talking then… Right?

Fredericks- Right… So let’s be quiet. Starting… now.

Erikson- Now?

Fredericks- No, before that.

Erikson- So now?

Fredericks- NO! Ugh, start over, starting, now.

Erikson- Okay.

Fredericks- Shut up!

Erikson- Gotcha.

All of a sudden Joker slides back into the ring, he gets ahead of the referee that is trying to push him out and leaps over the top rope, nailing Knife! The two men fall to the floor and begin scuffling! Chang walks over and watches the two men. The referee is standing there yelling at the two men to get back to their positions. Chang is laughing at them when he turns around and is spun around by Melvin, STUDY HALL! (Full Nelson driver) Melvin makes the pin! The ref is still yelling at the two wrestlers on the floor! Frost gets up and walks over to the referee and spins him around, the ref turns as Melvin gets down for the pin! 1…..2….. Kickout! Melvin quickly gets up and begins to yell at the referee. Chang slowly begins to recuperate while Melvin is still shouting his obscenities. He moves in and rolls up Melvin! The ref gets down, 1….2…. Kickout!

Erikson- Close call…

Fredericks- Shhh!

Meanwhile, on the outside, Joker picks Knife up and rams his head squarely into the turnbuckle post. He then slides into the ring while the ref is checking on Knife. Melvin gets back up and is immediately kicked in the face by Joker! Joker whips him in the ropes and drops him with a spinebuster! He yells at Chang, who nods and quickly climbs the turnbuckle. Joker picks him up in the doomsday device style and waits. Chang leaps off of the turnbuckle in a spinning heel kick, sending Frost down onto the mat! Chang goes for the pin while Joker slides back out of the ring. The ref turns and gets down…….1…..….2………….3!!!

Anna Lopez- Winners at 4:53, Chang Mustafa and Crazy Joker!

Fredericks-Wow, that was unexpected…

Erikson-Were they scheduled to win?

Fredericks-BRIAN! Are you implying that are matches are predetermined?

**Both commentators look into the camera, then go back to staring blankly at the ring.**


**Chang walks, happy from his win, into his locker room with the lawn gnome and takes a seat by the table loaded with snacks and other foods. He gets ready to take a bite when there is a knock at his door. He gets up and opens the door to see Crazy Joker, still out of breath.**

Joker- Hey man, great job in the match. I just wanted to make sure that you’re ready for our Tag Team title match next week with the Tides of Darkness.

Chang- Of course I’m ready, when am I not?

Joker- True, are you still carrying around the lawn gnome?

Chang- **Moving in front of the view of the gnome** Of course not. I gave up on him at the Rumble when you saved my life… er… Whatever that was. Although I do thank you for the attempt.

Joker- Don’t you worry, the killing attempts are drawing to a close, I think I know who is behind it.

Chang- Well, when you bring it down to the last few suspects, let me know.

**Joker gets ready to speak again when Chang slams the door shut. He sits back down at his table and raises the fork to his mouth when there is another knock on the door. Cursing, he places the fork back down and walks back to the door and opens it to see referee Matt Springfield.**

Chang- And what can I do for you?

Springfield- I just wanted to let you know that you ARE officially the #1 contender to the Tag Team titles.

Chang- Of course! I’m not an idiot. Just make sure you tell all those other nincompoops that.

Springfield-I already have. I just thought I’d tell you too, because I find it very hard to believe…

Chang-Get out of my locker room! You disgrace me!

**Springfield raises a finger at Chang and begins to say something when Chang slams the door and walks back to his table. He gets the fork up to his mouth again and waits for a knock. He chuckles to himself and gets ready to place the fork in his mouth when there is another knock on the door. He slams the fork down onto his plate and storms to the door.**

Chang- WHAT?!

**Cliff shoves Chang out of the way and begins to search the locker room.**

Cliff- Where is he?

Chang- Who?

Cliff- The lawn gnome!

Chang- **Pointing at a chair** He’s right there

Cliff- Excellent, I’ll take this.

Chang- Excuse me? He’s mine!

Cliff- Fine, I can settle this. We’ll set him inbetween us and the first one he walks to will be who he wants.

Chang- Fine by me.

**They set the gnome between them and wait. And wait… And wait…**

Cliff- He flinched to my side!

Chang- **Sighs** Well… Alright, just take good care of him. Let him go out with the other gnomies at night and please don’t forget to change his litter box!

Cliff- **Nodding…** LITTER BOX!?

**Cliff picks up the lawn gnome and begins to walk out before he looks at the table of food.**

Cliff- Chang, you better eat your food, it’s getting cold.

**Chang begins to storm around as Cliff leaves with the lawn gnome in hand.**


Erikson-That friggin gnome…

Fredericks-What about it?

Erikson-I’m just being a little bitch because IT has a better chance of being the new commissioner than I do.

Fredericks-And for good reason.

Erikson-Reason being?

Fredericks-The lawn gnome doesn’t talk.

Erikson-…Can’t argue with that logic.


**"Fear" by Disturbed kicks and Cliff comes out on the stageway with the lawn gnome tucked safely away under his arm. He walks down the ramp with a cheering crowd behind him. He slides into the ring and awaits his opponent, not knowing what to expect.**

Fredericks-Now for the mystery opponent.

Erikson-I bet it’s Frank the Blue Dinosaur.

**"Waiting to Die" by Head PE blares over the speakers, and the word "Aikeiro" flashes on the MilleniTron, as an Asian-looking man steps out onto the stage to a mixed reaction. He bows his head and folds his hands, in a prayer motion, before looking up and letting forth a sickening scream. He begins to walk down the rampway when Cliff interrupts it.**

Cliff- You know what? Korean boy, you need a proper debut here in NMW…something for people to remember you by. So I tell you what, to give you a fighting chance, I proclaim this match a hardcore match.

Aikeiro stops on the ramp. He chuckles to himself then hops down off the ramp and onto the floor, he goes back for a moment and comes out with a trash can. He walks back to the ring and sets the trash can down on the outside, then slides in. Cliff quickly kicks him in the head a few times, then grabs his arm and twists it. Aikeiro gets up while is arm is being twisted, he reaches back with his other arm and pulls Cliff up in the air and brings him down face first on the mat! Cliff rolls out of the ring and begins to crawl over to the trash can, Aikeiro follows out of the ring. Cliff begins to get up until Aikeiro jump-kicks him in the face! Cliff drops back down and Aikeiro grabs the trash can and rises it high into the air!

Erikson- Cliff did a number on Triple J with that trash can, remember that?

Fredericks- But Triple J didn’t even get scarred from it.

Erikson- Looks is all that matters.

Aikeiro brings the trash can down onto Cliff’s back, knocking him back down on the floor. He keeps slamming the trash can onto him before flinging it away. He picks Cliff up by the hair and whips Cliff into the barricade. Cliff screams out in pain as he his the barricade, flattening against it. Aikeiro picks him back up and leads Cliff by the hair up the rampway. They walk through the curtains and into the backstage area. Cliff begins to struggle, but is kneed in the stomach by Aikeiro. Finally Aikeiro slams him face first into the concrete and then steps off for a moment. Cliff begins to get up, seemingly unhurt, when Aikeiro comes running at him with a chair held high above his head! Cliff ducks as Aikeiro swings the chair, he turns and Cliff brings him face first down onto his knee with the chair being brought down before Aikeiro’s head!

Fredericks- Very nice.

Cliff quickly takes the chair from Aikeiro and proceeds to slam it into his back, then clocking him in the head with it, knocking him onto the concrete floor. Cliff then walks off while the camera keeps its view on Aikeiro. Aikeiro begins to get up when suddenly he lunges in mid air as a golf cart comes screeching by! His lunging was spearing Cliff out of the moving vehicle and slamming his head into the floor!

Erikson- Holy shit!

Aikeiro picks Cliff up and drops him with a one handed body slam, he looks around for something to use, he walks over and rests on a table, still looking for something. Finally he turns around as Cliff comes charging, he lifts Cliff high up in the air and slams him through the table! Cliff lies there as Aikeiro goes for the pin……..1……….2………Aikeiro picks Cliff’s head up! He proceeds to lift Cliff up all the way and picks him up much like a spinebuster maneuver, and slams him back down on the broken remnants of the table!

Fredericks- You know that has to hurt. This Aikeiro guy has got some skill.

Aikeiro once again goes for the pin………1………...2……….He lifts Cliff’s head up again! Aikeiro picks Cliff up and whips him. Cliff reverses it and uses some adrenaline to level Aikeiro with a short arm clothesline! Cliff lays on the floor, resting from the desperation maneuver. Aikeiro pops head up, and gets up on his feet. Cliff looks wearily up at him, and slowly gets up to his feet aswell. The two men square off for a moment and then meet in a grapple, Aikeiro flips Cliff with an arm drag, but Cliff gets back up quickly. Aikeiro goes for another arm drag, but Cliff holds Aikeiro up, he wraps his other arm around Aikeiro’s arm and swings him high in the air before dropping him in a full nelson slam! Cliff walks over and grabs a chair. He stands by Aikeiro and waits for him to get up. Aikeiro slowly gets up to his feet as Cliff comes running with the chair! He smokes Aikeiro in the face and the man crumbles up on the floor!

Erikson- That sound… that was… perfection.

Cliff stands back again and waits for Aikeiro to get up, Aikeiro doesn’t wait around much longer before slowly getting to his feet. Cliff comes running again and clobbers Aikeiro across the face with the chair, knocking him back down onto the mat! Cliff laughs evilly before seeing Aikeiro stir again! He gets ready as Aikeiro once again gets up and turns around, Cliff goes for another swing, but in mid-swing Aikeiro spinning hell kicks the chair and it flies back into Cliff’s face! Cliff’s lifeless body lands on the floor with a thud as Aikeiro walks off for a moment.

Fredericks- Where is he going?

A beeping sound is heard as a large forklift appears! Aikeiro drives the forklift over to Cliff and rests the fork onto Cliff’s body, holding him down! Cliff begins to wake up and notices that one of his arms and his body is caught under the forklift, and begins to struggle under the large machine. Aikeiro grabs the chair that Cliff used on him and climbs to the top of the forklift. He jumps up in the air, he flips, puts the chair under his leg, and lands on the struggling Cliff’s face with a flipping guillotine leg drop, driving the chair into Cliff’s face!

Fredericks- Holy shit!

Erikson- Master… I have come long and far to see such great acts.

Cliff’s body suddenly goes limp as Aikeiro pulls the chair off of Cliff’s face to show that Cliff’s forehead has been busted open. Aikeiro gets down for the pin…….1……….2…………….3!!!

Anna Lopez- Winner at 4:42, Aikeiro!

Fredericks-Chalk one up for the scary guys.

Erikson-Is that their official stable name now?

Fredericks-It might as well be.

Erikson-Chalk one up for the Scary Guys!


**The Tides of Darkness are shown in their locker room once again. They are smiling and watching a monitor, which is now showing Cliff being helped out from under the forklift by several crew members.**

Kaltuul-Aikeiro has proven himself.

Belthazar-Most definitely. He is sadistic, he is evil…he is one of us.

Kaltuul-True. However, I feel we lack something still. The four of us are strong, but something is still missing, a gap which we must fill.


Kaltuul-Leadership indeed. Those Mexicans persuaded Jason Moore fairly easily. Perhaps we can choose someone and "persuade" him into leading our misfit group. Maybe the Gravedigger fellow?

Belthazar-Good choice. But methinks that he may turn us down on account of his own personal agenda. Plus, I believe that there are better choices out there?


**Belthazar looks at the monitor and smiles, as it now shows Thresh Crest suiting up in his locker room. Kaltuul looks at Belthazar’s face, and smiles back. The two get up and leave the room as the camera fades.**


**Melvin is shown in his locker room, polishing off some collectibles.**

Melvin- Finally! The mess is cleaned up from Uprising. Now I just have to tend to the broken enterprise model.

**Melvin taps his chest.**

Melvin- Melvin to Enterprise.

Enterprise- Damnit Melvin we told you to leave us alone!

Melvin- Oh come on, I’m on camera, give me a boost!

Enterprise- No Melvin, closing link, now.

**Melvin kneels down on the ground**


**He gets a furious look in his eyes.**

Melvin- Now I am focused. Thresh, next Revolution, you are going down. Trekkie sty….. FROST STYLE!

**Melvin spikes the broken enterprise on the ground and storms off.**


Fredericks-Well, it’s about time that we get to our next match. We’ll see if…

**"Just Got Wicked" by Cold plays as President Winters makes his way down to the ring. He climbs in as a stagehand hands him a microphone. He takes it and begins to chat.**

Winters- I am pleased to announce that even though our Mexican crew has backfired, that we have hired a whole new lineup of the homeless that were looking for jobs. Just goes to show that NMW not only cares for its people, but also the people of the community.

**The crowd begins to cheer as the MilleniTron lights up. It shows Thresh standing outside the door that says "Crew" on it. He laughs sadistically and turns to the camera.**

Thresh- Winters, you never will learn will you? Oh well, I guess it’s time to welcome the new crew.

**Thresh pops his knuckles and begins to head in as Winters chuckles to himself.**

Winters- I’m glad you want to welcome them. I have supplied them with a home…

**Thresh opens the door to the room.**

Winters- Food and water…

**Thresh dives into the room.**

Winters- And Cattle Prods…

**The crowd hears an electrifying sound as Thresh runs out of the "Crew" locker room screaming, he’s being chased by 4 new crew members carrying cattle prods.**

Winters- I hope you like them Thresh.

**The crowd is rolling in laughter as "Just Got Wicked" plays again and Winters walks to the back.**

Erikson-That was unfair!

Fredericks-Oh, and look, it’s time for our next match. What great timing!


**"Breathe" by Nickelback hits as Thresh Crest appears on the rampway. He is still a bit daunted after the cattle prodding he received earlier, but makes his way down to the ring, he slides in and looks around, a tad bit paranoid.**

Fredericks- He looks a bit frightened.

Erikson- Have you ever been cattle-prodded?

Fredericks- No…

Erikson- Well.. it hurts.

**"Gently" by Slipknot begins to play as Morbid Angel comes out of the back. He looks down at the ring, pops his neck and makes his way down the ramp. He slides into the ring as the two men square off.**

Fredericks- So you’ve been prodded?

Erikson- Well, a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.

Fredericks- You disgust me.

The two men circle each other for a bit until they meet up in a grapple. Thresh dives under Angel’s arms and locks him up with a reverse grapple. Thresh tries to muscle Angel into the air, but Angel locks his leg around Thresh’s. Thresh picks him up for a german suplex, but Angel flips over him and lands on his feet! Angel quickly runs at Thresh and brings him down with a bulldog. Angel immediately runs to the ropes as Thresh gets up, Angel moonsaults off of the ropes and lands on Thresh perfectly. Thresh throws Angel off of him and gets up. Angel pops back up as well, Angel goes for a clothesline, but Thresh catches him and sets him up for the Riot Act! Angel elbows Thresh in the back of the head and locks his arm around the head of Thresh, bringing him down into a DDT!

Erikson- This Angel guy is showing some real moves here.

Fredericks- Shutup, sicko.

Angel picks Thresh up off of the mat and proceeds to ram his head into the nearby turnbuckle. Angel then takes Thresh’s head across the mat and onto the other turnbuckle. He steps off for a moment and let’s Thresh rest. Angel then charges at Thresh, he leaps into the air in a spinning heel kick, but Thresh ducks and Angel lands on the turnbuckle, eventually falling into a tree of woe!

Fredericks- Wow, great escape by Thresh!

Thresh rushes in on the hanging Angel and connects with a spear that makes Angel’s head rattle off of the turnbuckle post under the ropes. Thresh gets down on the mat and locks on a crippler crossface! The referee quickly breaks the hold since Angel’s on the ropes, but Thresh doesn’t let go. He begins to count, and Thresh let’s go, but then locks it back on! The referee counts again and Crest let’s go as Angel’s body falls out of the turnbuckle’s grasp. Angel holds his neck in pain as Thresh gets back up to a crowds wholeheartedly boo. He laughs as Angel gets up to his knees, Thresh charges in and kicks Angel in the midsection, making him flip and fall back onto the mat. Thresh picks Angel up by the hair and whips him into the ropes, running closely behind him. Angel jumps up onto the turnbuckle and kicks Thresh in the stomach, he grabs him by the head and brings the man down with a jumping DDT!

Erikson- Very nice, I couldn’t have performed the move better myself.

Fredericks- You might with a little bit of a jolt behind it… Or maybe a ‘spark’ of excitement. What about a ‘current’ of ‘energy’?

Erikson- **Sighs** Tuche.

Angel rolls over and makes the pin………1………..2…………Kickout! Angel gets up and climbs the turnbuckle, Thresh gets up and runs at the same turnbuckle, Angel turns and Thresh arm drags him off of the top of the turnbuckle! Thresh slowly gets back up and brings Angel back up with him. He kicks Angel in the stomach and drops him down. Thresh picks him up and plants him with a powerbomb! Thresh picks him back up and hits him with another powerbomb! He then grabs onto Angel’s legs and puts him into the Lion Tamer!

Fredericks- It seems like Thresh has been acting very… ‘submissive’ in this match. Is that right Erikson?

Erikson- I hate you…

Angel desperately reaches for the ropes when the "Union theme song" blares over the radio! Suddenly the 4 homeless people with cattle prods come running down to the ring! Thresh drops Angel and runs to the ropes, the armed crew members encircle the ring and prepare their weapons. Suddenly a Mexican song begins to play and a group of Mexicans come running down to the ring!

Fredericks- Oh my god, the odds are against Thresh now…

Erikson- Don’t count on that one! The Mexicans don’t like the new crew since they were fired because of them!

The Mexicans begin to attack the new crew as Angel gets up and turns Thresh around, he whips Thresh into the ropes as one of the crew members raise their cattle prods into the air. Thresh reverses the whip and Angel slams into the cattle prod and receives a huge shock! The burst of energy flies Angel forwards and Thresh catches him, RIOT ACT (STO 2)!!! Thresh quickly gets down and pins……..1…………..2………..….3!!!

Anna Lopez- Winner at 6:23, Thresh Crest!

**"Breathe" plays again as Thresh slides out of the ring and runs to the backstage before the crew members attack him.**

Fredericks-Damn…Thresh gets his shot next week on Revolution.

Erikson-Melvin’s title reign is about to come to an end. Thresh can’t be stopped.


**Seth Winters and Cliff are in Winter’s office watching UAW’s Deathmatch. They just finish seeing the triple threat match involving Outcast, Lawson, and Tanik.**

Winters- Holy shite. A 4 way strap/dumpster match at the pay per view?! What is wrong Cliff?

Cliff- I do not believe that was a big enough ending.

Winters- What are you talking about?

Cliff- Now maybe if they did a double reverse DDT off two ladders. That may be big enough.

Winters- Maybe. But that was a big ending. Those two guys in UAW, Outcast and Lawson, they have some real talent.

Cliff- I was thinking the same thing.

Winters- Maybe they should make a guest appearance some time?

Cliff- Maybe, but keep that Outcast guy away from my gnome…

Winters- OUR gnome.

Cliff- OUR gnome?

Winters- Well, yes. It’s gonna take more than just you to train him to be our new commissioner.

Cliff-Wait a minute…are you saying that the lawn gnome is going to be our new commissioner?

Winters- Sure, why not?

Cliff-You know I was just kidding when I was campaigning for this, right?

Winters- It doesn’t matter. We need a new commissioner, and I say the lawn gnome is in!

**Winters grins blankly, as Cliff gives him a very confused look.**

Cliff-If you say so…

**The two go back to watching UAW’s Saturday Deathmatch.**


Fredericks-Oh my God…

Erikson-I think he has lost it.

Fredericks-I’m speechless…I can’t believe the President is actually going to make a lawn gnome our commissioner.

Erikson-Maybe he was just kidding?

Fredericks-For the love of God, I hope so.


**"Confession" by Cold hits and Jason Moore, once again dressed in all black, struts onto the stage, followed closely behind by half a dozen of his Mexican "troops." The crowd boos himas he confidently makes his way down to the ring, while the 6 Mexicans take a seat at ringside, next to the Spanish announce table.**

Fredericks-Great…more Mexicans.

Erikson-How many matches have they been involved in tonight?

Fredericks-Too many. They’re definitely changing the complexion of NMW.

Erikson-Yeah, they’re making the complexion a lot greasier.

**The crowd’s boos increase as "Blackened" by Metallica strikes up. The lights dim in the arena, which is now illuminated only by an image of a tombstone on the MilleniTron. Gravedigger solemnly walks onto the stage and heads down the ramp. He flashes an evil stare over to the Mexicans before stepping into the ring.**

Erikson-Those poor Mexicans are crapping in their pants at the sight of Gravedigger.

Fredericks-Enrique IS smelling a little "el stinko."

**Without warning, "Synthetic" by Spineshank hits, turning the crowd’s reaction from boos to cheers in a split-second. Zack Macomber marches down the ramp, and stops when he gets to the bottom, just in front of the ring. He glances over at the Mexicans, then looks up into the ring at Moore and Gravedigger. Zack smiles, and slides into the squared circle as the bell rings.**

Erikson-I predict that Gravedigger will win this match.

Fredericks-What makes you say that?

Erikson-Because you’re a bastard.

Fredericks-Nice deduction.

As Zack gets into the ring, both Gravedigger and Moore charge at him. Zack ducks under both men’s attacks, and takes off towards the ropes. He bounces off, and takes flight, nailing a double flying forearm on both men! The crowd cheers Zack as he pulls Jason Moore to his feet. Moore hits a jab to Zack’s gut, and winds up a haymaker. Zack blocks the punch, locks his arms around Jason’s shoulders, and thrusts himself backwards to the mat, driving Moore down face-first!

Fredericks-It’s a Zackliner!!!

Erikson-Hey Tyler, you know what I was thinking?

Fredericks-What’s that?

Erikson-Well, in the past, every time Jason Moore went for his "new finisher", Maurice the disgruntled Mexican was always there to break it up. Now Maurice is on Moore’s side, so we might actually get to see the move!

Fredericks-Congratulations Brian, you’ve just put together your first valid statement!

Moore rolls out of the ring, as Zack begins to pump up the crowd. Suddenly, Gravedigger jumps Zack from behind, knocking him to the ground with a double axe handle. Zack gets up and turns around to Gravedigger, who begins throwing punches at Zack. Zack ducks one of the punches and runs behind Gravedigger. Gravedigger turns, and gets a boot to the gut from Zack. Zack then wraps his arms around Gravedigger and delivers a Belly-to-Belly Zackieplex! Gravedigger is slammed off the mat hard, just as Jason Moore rolls back into the ring and spins Zack around. Moore whips Zack off the ropes, as Gravedigger gets to his feet. Zack runs back at Moore, who delivers a Back Body Drop. But as Zack flips through the air…Gravedigger catches him on way down, and plants him with a Sitout Powerbomb!!!

Fredericks-Wow, nice teamwork by Moore and Digger.

Gravedigger gets up above Zack’s body, as Jason Moore goes flying through the air and clocks Gravedigger with a flying hammer punch…but it doesn’t phase Gravedigger! Instead, he grabs Moore around the throat with both hands, lifts him into the air, and begins choking him. After a moment of strangling Moore, Gravedigger tosses him over the top rope to the floor below! Zack is now slowly getting to his feet, and Gravedigger stomps on his hand. Zack howls in pain as Gravedigger smiles, and lifts him up by the hair. Gravedigger then grabs Zack by the throat!

Erikson-Embalmer time!

Gravedigger lifts Zack into the air for the Embalmer (Chokeslam from Hell), when he is hit from behind! Gravedigger drops Zack and turns around to see…Silent Assassin! The crowd pops at Assassin beings going to town on Gravedigger with rights and lefts. Most of them don’t seem to hurt Gravedigger, as he grabs Assassin and launches him off the ropes. Gravedigger raises a boot in the air, but Assassin stops and grabs his leg, connecting with a Dragon Screw! Gravedigger falls to the mat, as Jason Moore slides into the ring and covers Gravedigger……..1……….2………….Zack breaks it up! Moore gets up and starts yelling at Zack, and get knocked down with a short-arm clothesline from Macomber. Zack begins stomping on Moore, when he is rolled up from behind by Gravedigger!………1…………..2…………..Silent Assassin drops an elbow on Gravedigger’s head! The referee gets in Assassin’s face and tells him to leave, when Gravedigger throws the ref out of the way and grabs Assassin by the throat! He then lifts Silent Assassin into the air…but on the way down, Assassin hooks Gravedigger’s head, and drops him with a DDT! Gravedigger bounces off the mat hard.

Fredericks-Silent Assassin has done some good scouting on Gravedigger!

Erikson-Tyler, how can you condone this interference by Assassin? You’re supposed to be the face commentator!

Fredericks-Well, Silent Assassin is the face, so I like him.


Assassin rolls out of the ring and stands at ringside, as Moore pins the downed Gravedigger…………1…………….2…………..The pin is broken up by Zack! Zack stomps on Moore’s head, before lifting him up and the two begin slugging each other in the face. Zack whips Moore off the ropes, and when he flies back, Macomber locks on the Zack Sleeper (Tazzmission)!!! Moore starts to fade, when he quickly drops down to his butt, driving Zack’s chin into his shoulder! Zack bounces up, holding his jaw in pain. Moore gets to his feet and delivers a standing dropkick! He quickly covers Zack……..1………..2…………Zack kicks out! Moore pulls Zack to his feet again, and locks on a headlock. Zack pushes Moore off, sending him off the ropes. As Moore bounces off, he is caught around the throat by Gravedigger!!! Zack quickly charges at the Unholy One, but gets caught around the throat as well!

Erikson-A double Embalming!

Silent Assassin grabs Gravedigger’s ankle from ringside, distracting him. Gravedigger lets go of both men, and yells down at Silent Assassin. Assassin hops up onto the apron, as Gravedigger takes a swing at him. Assassin ducks, and grabs Gravedigger’s head, draping it down across the top rope! Gravedigger springs off the rope, holding his neck, and stumbles right into the Zackinoku Driver (Michinoku Driver)!!!! Gravedigger rolls out of the ring, as Zack is hit from behind by Jason Moore. The tides turn quickly though, as Zack begins going to town on Moore with a vicious kicking comination, landing a few hard kicks to the head, causing Moore to falls to the canvas. Zack signals to the crowd, as he hops up onto the top rope! He turns his back to Moore, and gets ready for possibly a moonsault…when is hit in the face with a foreign objest by Maurice! One of the other Mexicans quickly push Zack’s feet off the turnbuckle, crotching him on the top rope, as he faces out towards the crowd. The two Mexicans high-five as they jump down off the apron.

Fredericks-That’s not right!!!

Jason Moore is now groggily getting up, and sees Zack in pain on the top rope. Moore raises his arms to the crowd, as he climbs up onto the middle rope, behind Zack. He proceeds to hook both of Zack’s arms, and pushes his head up between Zack’s legs. He then stands up, with Zack hanging upside down on his back!!! Moore then falls backwards off the ropes, driving Zack’s neck into the mat, leaving him folding like an accordion!!!!!!! Moore quickly hopes up and puts all his pressure on Zack’s folded body……….1…………….2…………………3!!!!!

Anna Lopez-Winner at 7:43, and new NMW North American Champion, Jason Moore!!!

Fredericks-HOLY SH*T!!!

Erikson-That was awesome!

Fredericks-We’ve finally seen Moore’s new finisher…and I hope Zack is alright.

Erikson-Wow, I don’t know how he could pull that off without killing someone. That was truly devastating. And now we’ve got our North American Champ!!!

**The Mexicans join Moore in the ring as he is handed the new North American title belt. He raises it above his head, as the crowd begins booing louder then ever before. The Mexicans lift him into the air on their shoulders, as he keeps the title raised above him.**

Fredericks-We’re out of time folks, be sure to tune in next week!


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