**Inside the NMW Arena, the scene is dark, the MilleniTron is blank, and the fans sit in silent anticipation. Suddenly "Violent Reaction" by American Head Charge strikes up and the MilleniTron flashes to life. Fireworks shoot from seemingly every point on the stage, as clouds of smoke billow out over the now rabid crowd. New Millenium Wrestling’s Saturday Night Revolution goes on the air. The cameras pan around the arena, as always, viewing different signs in the crowd:

"One Man Rebellion!"

"Chang = NMW Champion"

"Zack the Mack is my idol!"

"Rathje is the new Canadian Crippler"

"9 out of 10 Klingons love Melvin"

"X-Pac had sex with my dog"

The camera continues to rotate around the arena, before settling on a small group of about three or four young women. They notice that the camera is focused on them, before pulling up their shirts and flashing the cameras. The crowd gets even louder than before as the camera now sits on the announce table.**

Tyler Fredericks-The women sure are lively here tonight!

Brian Erikson-*drooling* Yes they are…

Fredericks-Welcome once again to NMW’s Saturday Night Revolution! I’m Tyler Fredericks…

Erikson-And I’m Boobie Eriks…er, Brian Erikson!

Fredericks-Tonight is sure to be explosive, because the President has vowed to get revenge on Thresh Crest for possibly permanently injuring Commissioner Greenwood last week. Who knows what the President may have in store for Thresh.

Erikson-Also, the Xtreme title will be on the line tonight, as new champ, The Knife, defends against the ex-champ, Chang Mustafa!

Fredericks-Fans, I’m being told that something is going on backstage, and we’ve got cameras on the scene!


**The camera cuts to the back, and it seems to be inside the President’s office. President Winters, Cliff, and a few NMW ring crew members are standing in the room. On Winter’s desk is a large tumbler, filled with ping-pong balls.**

Winters-So, everyone’s name is in there, right Cliff?

Cliff-Yup, I double-checked it last night. Each one of those ping-pong balls has the name of an NMW superstar on it.

Winters-Splendid. Now all that’s left to do is pick the order of participants in the Uprising Rumble. Shall we, boys?

Crew members-Yes Sir!

Winters-Alrighty, let’s haul this thing out to the ring.

**The crew members lift up tumbler and leave the office. Winters and Cliff follow closely behind.**

Cliff-So, what exactly are we doing?

Winters-We’re taking this tumbler to the ring, and then we’re going to draw out the names of each of the NMW superstars. This will determine what order they enter in the Rumble at the Pay-Per-View.

Cliff-Ah, I see. Can I draw them out?

Winters-Well, actually, I wanted to do it.


Winters-Oh, alright.


**The camera cuts back to the announce table.**

Fredericks-What a way to start the show! President Winters is on his way out here right now to draw the order of the competitors in the Uprising Rumble!

Erikson-*yawns* Oh yay…

**"Just Got Wicked" by Cold hits and the crew members carrying the large tumbler walk out onto the stage, followed by Cliff and President Winters. The men make their way down the ramp, and slide the tumbler into the ring. One of the crew members sets up a small table, and they set the tumbler upon it. President Winters is handed a microphone from ringside.**

Winters-Greetings NMW fans! As I’m sure you all know by now, we’re out here to choose names for positions in the Uprising Rumble! Before we get down to that business, however, let’s go ahead and post that beautiful card up on the MilleniTron!




Winters-Ah yes, very very nice. Now, down to the real business. Boys, shake those babies up!

**The crew members begin turning the tumbler, as Winters watches, grinning. After a few moments, they stop turning it. Winters motions to Cliff to pull out one of the balls. Cliff reaches in, pulls out a name, glances at it, and hands it to Winters. The President looks at the ping-pong ball and smiles.**

Winters-And the first man to enter the Rumble, will be…

**Without warning, "Breathe" by Nickelback hits. The crowd explodes in anger, as Thresh Crest power-walks down to the ring, paying absolutely no attention to the fans. He stops at the bottom of the ramp, staring up into the ring, right at Winters. Cliff and the crew members ready themselves for a fight. Thresh just smiles and calls for ring announcer Anna Lopez to throw him a microphone. Anna obliges, and Thresh raises the mic to his mouth.**

Thresh-Hold on just a minute Winters. You can’t pick out names for the Rumble without your biggest superstar being present. So now that I’m here, continue.

**Winters scowls at Thresh. He says something to the three crew members. They nod and jump out of the ring, standing in front of Thresh. The three men cross their arms and seem to be blocking the ring from Thresh. Winters just stands in the ring and smiles.**

Winters-Thresh, I’m going to have to ask you to leave…either by choice, or by force.

**Thresh grins back at Winters and glances over at the crew members.**

Thresh-Is that a threat, Winters? Have you already forgotten what I’m capable of? Maybe you should go to the hospital and talk to Greenwood about wha…


**The three crew members nod and begin stepping towards Thresh. He leans back, as if ready to pounce. One of the crew members attempt to grab Thresh by the arm, but Thresh quickly swipes his fist across the man’s face, dropping him to the ground. The two other men see this, and quickly lunge at Thresh. Thresh sidesteps one of the men, and grabs the other by the throat. He kicks this man hard in the groin, and fluidly lifts him into the air, delivering a piledriver onto the steel ramp! By this time, the third man has recovered, and pounds Thresh from behind. This does not phase the Crest brother, as he turns quickly, and jabs the man in the face! While the crew member is dazed, Thresh pulls the man closer, draping his arm over the man’s chest, and executing the Riot Act (STO 2)!!!!!!!!! Thresh stands up, looks around at the three downed crew members, brushes himself off, and looks back up at Winters, as if nothing has just happened.**

Thresh-If that’s the way you wanna play it…then let’s play.

**Thresh slides into the ring, causing Cliff to jump in front of President Winters and raises his fists in front of him. Thresh laughs at Cliff’s attempt to protect the President, when Cliff leaps at Thresh with a clothesline. Thresh ducks it, and snatches up the tumbler. He raises it above his head, and when Cliff turns around, Thresh brings the large metal tumbler down over Cliff’s head!!! The tumbler rebounds off of Cliff’s skull, as the President’s assistant collapses to the mat, his head cut open and bleeding. Meanwhile, all of the ping-pong balls are spilling out of the tumbler. Winters watches all this happen, while standing in one of the turnbuckles, his face showing partly fear, partly disappointment. Thresh drops the tumbler and turns to Winters. Thresh begins stepping towards the President, crushing the ping-pong balls under his feet. He gets face to face with Winters in the corner of the ring, and yanks the microphone from his grasp.**

Thresh-You’re not safe, Winters. You’ll never be safe. Even your little assitant can’t protect you. I run this federation from now on, I don’t care who the President is. I WILL be the NMW champion, and you won’t stop me Winters…I won’t let you.

**Thresh drops the mic and continues staring at Winters, eye-to-eye. Winters braces himself for an attack, as part of the crowd waits in silence, while the other part boos Thresh. After a moment, Thresh turns and leaves the ring, leaving Winters untouched. Winters breathes a sigh of relief, as "Breathe" by Nickelback hits again, and Thresh walks to the backstage.**

Fredericks-Wow, that was tense for a moment.

Erikson-We need a cleanup crew down here! Winters pissed in his pants!

Fredericks-Disregarding my retarded broadcast partner…I’ve just been told that a limo has just pulled up backstage. I wonder who it is…


**The camera cuts backstage and shows a black, shiny limousine pulling up in the parking lot. It stops, and the driver opens one of the doors. Zack "The Mack" Macomber steps out, and the fans can be heard cheering in the background. As he walks away from the limo, several women begin stepping out and following him. First one, then two, then three…seemingly an endless flow of women keep emerging from the limo. After about a dozen women are out, the driver shuts the door and he drives the limo off.**


Fredericks-Looks like our next NMW champion has just arrived.

Erikson-What!?!? How can you say that? We’re announcers, we’re supposed to be unbiased!

Fredericks-Shut your mouth, you cheered for Thresh last week.

Erikson-Well I…Aw, screw it…


**"Bodies" by Drowning Pool hits as Chang Mustafa walks out, and half of the crowd is actually cheering for him. He looks confused, boggled by this new, strange reaction from the crowd. He then grins and skips down to the ring.**

Fredericks-Wow, the crowd is actually warming up to Chang.

Erikson-Ignorance is bliss Tyler.

**"Boiler" by Limp Bizkit blasts and The Knife walks out, mostly to boos from the crowd. He shrugs off the negative reaction, raises his Xtreme title in the air, and runs down to the ring. He gets to the bottom of the ramp, tosses his belt to the side, and slides into the ring.**

Fredericks-And here we go!

The bell rings as Knife quickly spears Chang. Knife climbs on top and begins wailing on Chang with rights and lefts. After a moment, Knife stands and yells something at the crowd, causing them to boo. Chang takes advantage and hooks Knife up for a back suplex. However, Knife backflips out of it, and lands on his feet behind Chang. Chang spins around, and gets Snap Suplexed by Knife. Chang’s body bounces off the mat from the impact, as Knife once again yells at the crowd. Now Knife walks over to one of the turnbuckles, and hops up onto the second rope. Chang jumps up with great speed and punches Knife directly in the gonads! Knife holds his junk, as the crowd roars in approval. Chang reaches up and grabs Knife under the arms, before launching him forwards in a type of Inverted Outsider’s Edge!!! Knife lands face-first on the mat.

Fredericks-Amazing move by Chang!

Erikson-Chang actually has wrestling ability?

Chang looks down at Knife’s body, and seems as though he can’t believe that he has the advantage. He does a little jig, garnering another cheer from the crowd. He then walks over to Knife, and lifts him up. He lifts Knife into a vertical suplex, but Knife swings back down, and DDTs Chang hard into the canvas! Chang’s noggin bounces off the mat as Knife gets to his feet. Chang sits up, and gets a reverse chinlock applied to him by Knife. The crowd begins cheering louder and louder as Chang fights to his feet. He hits two elbows to Knife’s gut, and then pushes Knife off the ropes. Chang swings a clothesline, but Knife ducks it and slides out of the ring. Knife reaches under the ring and pulls out a chair!


Knife pulls up the chair, but gets it baseball slide dropkicked into his face by Chang! Knife stumbles backwards, and leans on the announce table. Chang begins punching Knife over and over again. Knife suddenly screams in rage and headbutts Chang, knocking both men silly.

Fredericks-Knife really knows how to use his head! Ha ha!

Erikson-You are soooo gay.

Knife recovers from the impact and slides Chang back into the ring. Knife then reaches under the ring once again and slides out a table!!! Despite their hatred for Knife, the crowd cheers for the table. Knife slides the wood into the ring, and slides in himself. Chang slowly starts getting up, shaking his head. Knife is setting up the table diagonally in the corner, when he is met with a dropkick from behind by Chang! The kick sends Knife’s head into the leaning table and he drops to his knees. Chang raises his arms to the crowd, before picking up Knife slamming him back down with a Sidewalk Slam! Chang now points to the turnbuckle with the table leaning on it. He steps out onto the apron and climbs to the top rope. Knife springs to his feet, grabs the bottom of the table, and thrusts it upwards, right into Chang’s jaw!!!!

Fredericks-OOOOH! That’ll break some teeth.

Erikson-Did Chang have teeth to begin with?

Chang wavers on the top turnbuckle as Knife sets up the table on the mat. He then climbs up and faces Chang, hooking him up in a Superplex!!! He lifts Chang straight up in the air, and holds him there!!! Knife then begins falling backwards, but Chang floats over somehow…and Reverse DDTs Knife through the table!!!!!!!!

Fredericks-HOLY CRAP!!!

Erikson-Whoa…Ok, where’s the REAL Chang?

Chang rolls over and drapes an arm over Knife…..1……………2……………..NO! Knife rolls his shoulder off the mat. Chang can’t believe that Knife escaped the pin, and begins to look angry. He stomps to his feet and pulls Knife up by the hair. However, Knife shoots his arm upwards, right into the groin of Chang! Chang falls to the mat onto his stomach. Knife quickly ascends the turnbuckle, as Chang gets to his hands and knees. Knife leaps off and nails a leg drop onto the back of Chang’s head, driving his face into the mat! Knife pins Chang……1…………..2…………..Kickout!

Fredericks-Chang is really impressing me here.


Knife pulls up Chang, and kicks him in the gut. Knife hooks Chang in a suplex, but Chang blocks it. Chang lifts Knife into the air, but Knife resists it and lands his feet back onto the mat. Knife quickly spins around, and brings Chang down into the Cutter (Stone Cold Stunner)!!!!!!! Chang’s head bounces up into the air as his body collapses to the mat. Knife pins……..1………….2………………..3!!!

Anna Lopez-Winner at 5:14, and STILL NMW Xtreme Champion, The Knife!!!

Fredericks-That was actually a decent match…Wow.

Erikson-*crying* What kind of world is it where Chang can have a good match?


**Seth Winters is sitting in his office backstage, all by himself. He is typing on a computer, and as the camera pans around, the letters "UAW" can be seen on the screen. Winters continues clicking and navigating around what appears to be the UAW website. He stops for a moment and reads something on the screen.**

Winters-Hmmm…The Arena Cage…What an interesting concept…

**Winter’s door suddenly slams open, causing Winters to jump in his chair. Zack Macomber walks into the room and makes his way over to Winter’s desk.**

Zack-Hey man, I heard about what Thresh pulled earlier. If you need some help, I’m here. In fact, I want you to give me a match with that son-of-a-bitch tonight!

**Winters smiles at Zack’s enthusiasm.**

Winters-Well, thanks Zack, but I’ve already got plans for Thresh tonight. He is going to pay for embarrassing me out there, and for acting the way he has been. So I’m sorry, but I can’t make your match. But what I CAN do is make the first official match for Uprising.

Zack-I’m listening…

Winters-You want Thresh? You got him, my friend. At NMW’s first PPV, it’ll be Zack vs. Thresh…in a Last Man Standing match, and I want you to set him straight.

Zack-That won’t be a problem Prez. But is there any way I can still have a match here tonight? I’m pretty fired up and I wanna kick someone’s ass.

Winters-You sure can. I just signed a new guy by the name of Morbid Angel. I’ll inform him to get ready, and you can face him in his debut match here tonight? How does that sound?

Zack-Sounds like this Angel guy is gonna lose his first match in NMW.

Winters-I figured that’s what you would say.

Zack-Thanks a lot Prez. I’ll see ya later. Peace.

Winters-Same to you.

**Zack leaves the room as Winters goes back to perusing the UAW site.**


**The camera then cuts to another area backstage, where Chang Mustafa is walking down a hallway. He is holding his jaw after receiving the Cutter (Stone Cold Stunner) from The Knife earlier in his match.**

Chang-I is going to win a match hear in NMW…

**Suddenly, a huge crate drops from the ceiling and lands right behind Chang! The impact of the crate hitting the ground shocks Chang and he hits the floor. Chang looks back and sees the huge crate, half smashed, lying on the concrete. He then glances upwards and sees a shadowy figure running out of sight up on an upper level.**


Fredericks-Well, that was weird…

Erikson-Is someone trying to eliminate Chang? Why would anyone do such a thing?

**Fredericks and Erikson look at each other and snicker.**

Fredericks-So it looks as though Zack Macomber will be taking on a newbie tonight, the newly signed Morbid Angel.

Erikson-But more importantly, what has Winters got planned for everyone’s favorite superstar, Thresh Crest?

Fredericks-I guess we’ll have to wait and see.


**"God Bless the USA" by Lee Greenwood plays over the loudspeakers as Jason Moore steps out from behind a curtain carrying an American flag. He waves it in the air with a chorus of cheers from the fans. He walks down the rampway and hands the flag over to a confused staff member and slides into the ring.**

Fredericks-And here comes the "American Dream" himself, Jason Moore, a newcomer to NMW.

Erikson- More like American Wet Dream…

Fredericks- *Murmurs* Taka…Who said that? *coughs* Kaienti rip off *cough cough*

Erikson- Dusty Rhodes? What?

**Both commentators chuckle as "Full Nelson" by Limp Bizkit plays to a huge ovation from the fans. Melvin Frost comes through the curtain and stands up on the stage. He puts his hands up and forms the Vulcan sign with both hands, as the fans imitate him and do it back. He makes his way down to the ring and slides in.**

Fredericks-Apparently Melvin Frost has stated that he wants to be known as Mrullv Frrssst, his Klingon name, for this match.

Erikson-So, in other words, we’re still going to refer to him as Melvin Frost?


The bell sounds as Moore and Frost lock horns, Frost goes for a quick snapmare, but Moore reverses it and holds on for a rear grapple, Frost swings a leg back for a low blow but Moore catches it between his legs! Moore hooks Frost up in a full nelson headlock and pulls Frost up in the air, and slams him down on the mat! Frost gets up on his knees and begins to shake the cobwebs out when Moore rushes in and kicks Frost in the gut! Moore cockily walks over to Frost, picks him up by the hair and runs him face first into the turnbuckle. Moore hooks up with another rear grapple and puts Frost up on the turnbuckle, he climbs up and picks Frost up with him. Moore falls back and drops him with a Back Suplex! Moore gets up and signals to the crowd!

Fredericks- This could be that "new and unseen" finisher he was gloating about!

Erikson- It’s only 45 seconds into the match!

Moore picks up Frost by the hair, but Frost wraps his arms around Moore and flips him with an Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex. Frost gets up and the crowd starts cheering for him, he gives them the Vulcan sign and looks at the arising Moore. Moore judges the distance and goes for a superkick, but Frost catches his leg! Frost springs forward and catches Moore, he then drops him with a Capture Suplex! Moore lands on the mat with a thud and Frost bounces back up. He goes over and picks up Moore by the hair. He gives him a swift knee into the stomach, then picks him up for a Powerbomb. Melvin has some trouble picking him up, and Moore stands up, flipping Frost over him. Moore walks over to Frost’s feet, he picks him by the legs and catapults him into the turnbuckle post. Frost springs forward, hitting the turnbuckle, he begins walking backwards when Moore grabs his arm and whips him into the other turnbuckle, he then rushes towards Frost with a clothesline, but Frost kicks him in the stomach and jumps on the turnbuckle. He leaps into the air with Moore’s head tucked under his arm, and drops him with a Tornado DDT! Frost stands up and garners some cheers from the fans.

Fredericks- Funny, these matches just go from one side, to the other. It’s almost like they are scripted…

**Both commentators stare into the camera, cough, then the view goes back to the match.**

Frost quickly gets back to Moore. He jumps in the air and lands both knees across Moore’s chest. Frost goes for the pin………1…………. ………….2……….. Moore reverses it………1………2…………… Kick out! Frost gets up quickly and kicks Moore in the stomach. Frost grabs Moore’s legs for a lion tamer, Melvin locks it on and Moore screams in pain! Suddenly Moore struggles a bit and Frost is flipped forwards!

Fredericks- Oh my lord! That had to take some tremendous leg strength on Moore’s part.

Erikson- Well…He is a Moore…

Fredericks- More what?


Moore struggles around for a bit and makes his way to a turnbuckle, he climbs his way up and rests for a moment. Frost gets up on a knee and finally stands when Moore comes over and whips him into the ropes. Frost comes back but Moore lays on the mat, Frost jumps over him and gets whipped back around by the ropes, this time Moore leaps into the air but Frost catches him! Frost spins around and drops him with a Powerbomb! Frost goes for the cover……….1…………..2…………………kick out! Frost gets that look as he stares at the referee, the ref quickly backs up as Moore gets up, Moore whips Frost into the ropes, Frost comes back around with a clothesline and Moore ducks, the clothesline hits the ref as he goes spilling out of the ring! Moore wraps his arms around Melvin and gives him a German Suplex!

Erikson- Now he’s getting other guys moves! He’s like…a gellatin mime…

Moore gets up and signals to the crowd!

Fredericks- This has to be the finisher!

Suddenly Maurice, the disgruntled Mexican worker runs down the rampway! He slides into the ring and busts Moore across the face with a hidden object! He then rolls out of the ring and tosses the ref back in. Melvin moves off to Moore and pins him…….1……………..2……………………..3!!!!

Anna Lopez-Winner at 4:21, Mrullv Frrssst!!!

Erikson- She had some real trouble rolling that off her tongue.

Fredericks- I can think of something she would have some more trouble with…

Erikson- *Shocked, doing some hand motions* I feel it Fredericks…Kinship.


**Back once again in President Winter’s office (which really seems like the place to be lately), Chang Mustafa bursts into the room, seeming both frightened and angry all at once. He pounds his fist on Winter’s desk.**

Chang-Somebody just tried to kill me!

Winters-Whoa, chill out Chang. What’s the problem?

Chang-I almost got a frackin box dropped on me!!!

Winters-Well I’m sorry to hear that Chang. I’ll do my best to get to the bottom of it.

Chang-Thanks Prez.

**Chang leaves the room. Winters looks over to Cliff, who is standing beside him. They both smile.**

Winters-Great job Cliff.

Cliff-You can always count on me man. We can have ratings-droppers like good ole Chang just running around, now can we.

**Both men laugh again. Suddenly, the door bursts open once again, and Triple J comes stomping into the room. He is wearing some strange-looking pink shorts, and is talking with a slight lisp.**

Triple J-Where is Frankie?

**Winters and Cliff look at each other, with expressions of fright on their faces. They then look back at Triple J.**

Triple J-Well, where is he?

Winters-……Uh, I haven’t seen him. He’s probably off interviewing someone.

Triple J-Oh ok, I’m gonna go find that silly boy…

**Triple J hops out of the room. Winters slumps in his chair and puts his head in his hands.**

Winters-Some of these wackos are driving me nuts.

Cliff-Don’t worry Seth, I’ve got something that will cheer you up.

**Cliff walks over to a corner of the room, grabs something, puts it behind his back, and walks back over to Winter’s desk.**

Cliff-You know how we lost our commissioner last week?

Winters-Ugh, how could I forget?

Cliff-Well, I’ve been thinking. We NEED a new commissioner. So, I thought to myself, maybe we should choose one of our wrestlers to take the spot. But then I thought, nah…we need a new face. So Seth, I present to you my choice for the commish spot.

**Cliff whips his arms out from behind his back and he is holding…….a lawn gnome.**

Winters-Shoot me…


Fredericks-Wow…looks like the President is swamped back there.

Erikson-If I see one more shot of Winter’s office, I’m leaving this place.

Fredericks-Oh chill out. We all know you’ve got a thing for Triple Gay…er, J.

Erikson-Yeah, and your mom is a crack whore.

Fredericks-Dude…my mom is dead.

Erikson-I hate you.


**"Synthetic" by Spineshank hits and Zack Macomber appears on stage. The crowd begins to chant "Zack the Mac" and he feeds on their cheers. Eventually he walks his way down to the rampway and slides into the ring.**

Fredericks- Zack the Mac has a special opponent today. It’s his debut match, so I’m sure he is going to give it his all.

**"Gently" by Slipknot blares over the loudspeakers as the arena gets dark, then flickers with red lights. Morbid Angel steps through the curtains and stands on the stage way. Suddenly pyro shoots out from the stage and the man begins his march to the ring.**

Fredericks-Time for a good ole debut match.

Erikson-Let’s go Morbid Angel, let’s go!

Fredericks-"My name is Brian Erikson, I’m not biased."

Erikson-Shut your piehole.

Morbid Angel slides into the ring, but Zack gets the advantage by kicking him in the head, dropping him onto the mat. Finally Zack lets the man get up, Angel runs at Zack, but Zack grabs him, Angel reverses it into a flying head scissors! Zack gets up and rushes Angel, but Angel throws him with an arm drag, he gets up again and runs, but once again Angel drops him with an arm drag! Zack stands back up and is speared into the turnbuckle.

Fredericks- Quick reactions by Morbid Angel.

Erikson- Can I pick ‘em or what?

Angel runs at the turnbuckle for a body splash, but Zack effortlessly clotheslines him and goes back to resting on the turnbuckle. Zack pulls himself up on the turnbuckle and waits for Morbid Angel to get up. He starts taunting the crowd as Morbid climbs steadily up to his feet. Zack judges the distance then jumps in the air with a double axe handle! Angel puts a foot up high in the air as Zack comes crashing down on it. He falls on the mat clutching his throat. Angel runs to the ropes and performs a moonsault, landing on Zack perfectly………1……….2……………Kickout!

Fredericks- That was certainly close.

Angel gets back up and kicks Zack in the ribs, he then pulls him up by the hair and kicks him in the stomach. He hooks him up for a suplex, and lifts him up in the air. While in the air Zack kicks his feet in and lands on the ground, pulling Angel high up in the air! He then falls back and drops Angel on his head!

Fredericks- Nice brainbuster, now if he can get back into winning this match…

He quickly gets back on his feet and walks over to Angel’s, he grabs his legs and catapults him into the turnbuckle. Angel hits his head on the turnbuckle post as Zack comes rushing in with a powerful body splash! Angel loses the strength in his knees as he holds on tightly. Zack picks Angel up and sits him on the turnbuckle. He then climbs up there with him and puts Angel on his shoulders.

Erikson- Oooo high risk…God I love this federation!

Zack jumps off the turnbuckle as Morbid pulls down on him aswell, landing him in a crucifix pin! The ref gets down for the count………1…………2…………..Kickout!

Fredericks- Oh my god! How is he kicking out of this!

Erikson- Miss Cleo isn’t getting her $1.95 a minute now…

Fredericks- Miss who?

Erikson- No one…

Fredericks- You called Miss Cleo for the winnings of these matches, didn’t you?

Erikson- No… not at all!

Fredericks- Pathetic…

Zack lays on the mat lifelessly as Angel gets up. He knees Zack in the ribs dropping him on his knees, and signals to the crowd.

Fredericks- It looks like this one may be over!

He picks Zack up in the air in a powerbomb maneuver, but Zack drops over his shoulder and turns around and locks on the ZACK SLEEPER! (Tazzmission). Morbid drops on his knees and Zack clings on tighter! Zack nods to the referee and the ref picks up Angels hand………..1…………….2……………….3!!!!! The ref calls for the bell!

Anna Lopez- Winner at 3:06, "Zack the Mack" Macomber!!!!

Fredericks-Morbid Angel loses his debut match, but I see a lot of potential in this guy.

Erikson-Yeah, well you also saw a lot of heterosexuality in Triple J, and look where THAT went…


**Jason Moore is walking around in the back, apparently still sore after his match with Melvin Frost. He is heading down one of the hallways, when a small girl approaches him. She looks to be about 10 years old, and she’s holding a small teapot. Plus her voice sounds eerily similar to Eric Cartman’s.**

Little Girl-Would you like some tea?

Moore-Sure, little girl.

**The little girl pours a cup of tea and hands it to Moore. He takes a sip of it…when suddenly a steel chair smashes over his head from behind!!!**

Little Girl-You stupid mother f—ker.

**The little girl pours her hot tea onto Moore’s broken body. She then slams the pot over his head and skips off down the hallway. A shadow-covered figure steps out into the light, revealing a man of Oriental descent. He is holding a dented steel chair, and is standing over the body of Jason Moore.**


**The man walks off, leaving Moore unconscious on the floor.**


Erikson-NO! Somebody just attacked our American hero!

Fredericks-Correction…Somebody put him out of OUR misery.

Erikson-Good call!

Fredericks-Uh, hey Brian…

Erikson-Yeah Tyler?

Fredericks-You know what I just now noticed?


Fredericks-There is a big ole mound of dirt up on the far left side of the stage…

Erikson-What the hell…

Fredericks-It looks like a grave or something.


**"Fear" by Disturbed blares over the loudspeakers as Cliff appears on the rampway. The crowd cheers for him as he runs back behind the curtains and grabs the lawn gnome! He looks out at the crowd then abruptly stops and stares at the grave. He looks quite puzzled, but heads down the rampway. He slides into the ring and places the lawn gnome underneath the their teams turnbuckle then stretches.**

**"The Canad…. Rathje’s Anthem" hits and Rathje jumps through the curtains. He starts to go down the rampway with a huge smile on his face when he turns and sees the grave. He stops and stares at it for a moment, he then walks the rest of the way down, peering at the grave every few moments. He slides into the ring with Cliff as they eerily stare up at it.**

Fredericks- Judging by their competition, Gravedigger and Triple J better be able to mount some pretty good defense.

Erikson- Defense? Defense from what? I say Cliff and Rathje met in prison, and that is where Rathje learned to do the German Suplex, dontcha know…

**"The King’s of Rock" by Run DMC plays and Triple J pops out of from the back. He takes a few steps, and he to looks at the grave. He cocks his head to the side, shrugs it off, and heads towards the ring.**

Fredericks- I guess he feels safe knowing that Gravedigger is on his side eh? Erikson? Erikson?

Erikson- Is Gravedigger’s music over yet….?

Fredericks- Heh heh heh…Yes it’s over…

**Just when Erikson gets up, the lights go dark and a lightning streak flashes through the arena, an explosion hits the stage and "Blackened" by Metallica begins to play. Gravedigger walks through the curtain carrying something along with a mic. He holds up his hand and his music is stopped.**

Erikson- That’s it! I like the guy but the entrance has got to go! Tell him to skip down, or tend to some sheep, just get rid of the lightning!

Gravedigger- Rathje, do you see this? *holds the object up high* This, this is your tombstone.

**With that, Gravedigger throws the mic, and walks over to the grave, he then slams the tombstone onto the outside of the grave. Rathje stares emotionless at the tombstone that reads "Rathje R.I.P.". After which, Gravedigger walks down the rampway and he and Triple J slide into the ring as the bell sounds.**

As the two men slide into the ring, they are met by kicks and punches by Cliff and Rathje. Eventually the ref pushes Gravedigger out of the ring, but while Gravedigger resists, Rathje whips Triple J into the ropes, on the way back, Cliff and Rathje double arm drag him, slamming him into the canvas! The ref turns and sees Triple J lying on the mat, he then turns to Rathje and pushes him out of the ring. Cliff picks Triple J up by the hair and is met by a low blow. Triple J raises both fists in the air and slams them down on Cliff’s back! Cliff falls to the mat and Triple J continues to beat on him with punches and kicks. He then eyes the nearby turnbuckle. Triple J grins and climbs up.

Erikson- I wished on a star that there would be some high impacts tonight…

Triple J taunts at the crowd and leaps into the air, but Cliff rolls out of the way and Triple J lands on his stomach.

Fredericks- What a dolt! You can’t expect to pull that off so quickly!

Cliff leaps to Rathje and makes the tag. Rathje steps into the ring and promptly walks over to Triple J, he picks him up by the hair and knees him in the ribs, he then picks him up and drops him with an underhook suplex! Rathje gets back up to his feet and once again picks Triple J up, he locks horns with him, he sets him up for a suplex, he picks him up and holds him in the air!

Fredericks- If Triple J doesn’t kick some life in soon, this match is clearly won!

Triple J then kicks his feet and pulls completely around, DDTing Rathje into the canvas! Triple J rolls over and pins Rathje………..1………….2……………..Kickout! Triple J gets onto his knees and climbs to his feet, he kicks Rathje a few times in the stomach and looks over at Gravedigger, he begins to walk over to their corner when Rathje snaps up and wraps Triple J up in a reverse grapple!

Erikson- NNOOO!! Get out before he kills you too!

Triple J quickly snaps his foot back and squarely low blows Rathje, Rathje’s eyes roll in the back of his head as he lands on the mat. Triple J finishes what he started and tags in Gravedigger! He steps over the ropes and looks at Rathje’s helpless figure. Rathje begins to stir a bit, he gets on one knee and looks at fans and commentators alike that are telling him to stay down!

Fredericks- STAY DOWN!!!

Rathje turns as Gravedigger begins to lunge at him, but Rathje uses his momentum and overhead belly to belly suplexes him! Gravedigger lands in the tree of woe position on the turnbuckle as the crowd begins to cheer loudly! Rathje lays for a moment and kicks himself up, he turns to face the helpless Gravedigger and charges right at him. Rathje leaps into the air and spears Gravedigger right into the stomach! Rathje turns to see Cliff, anxiously awaiting a tag. Gravedigger regains some composure and begins to kick around for a bit, trying to get out of the tree of woe situation. Rathje walks over and tags in Cliff, who steps in as Gravedigger gets out of his turnbuckle position. Gravedigger starts to get up as Cliff runs at him, setting up for a body splash! Gravedigger quickly drop toe holds him and Cliff is guillotined by the ropes! He bounces back up and Gravedigger grabs him in the camel clutch position, he pulls up on Cliff’s head against the top rope.

Erikson- High risk dangit! Come on Gravedigger, use your shovel to spin on…or maybe just hit him with it!

Gravedigger releases Cliff’s head and Cliff bounces back off the middle rope, then lands on the mat. Gravedigger picks Cliff’s head back up and stares at Rathje, he puts his hand up in the "come get some" fashion, when Cliff grabs the arm and picks him up and drops him in a Death Valley Driver! Cliff stands up and looks at Rathje, who is anxious to come in, and the crowd begins to cheer loudly. Cliff walks over and tags in Rathje, Rathje leaps over the top rope and picks Gravedigger up by the hair and drops him quickly with a snap suplex, but he holds on and does it again! After the second time he lets Gravedigger go and climbs the turnbuckle cheering back out the crowd.

Fredericks- He better start paying more attention to Gravedigger and less to the crowd.

Erikson- Why? Gravedigger is just giving him a false sense of security, need not to worry my little peanut.

Fredericks- Okay snuggles…

Both men stare at each other and clear their throats, as the match continues. Rathje gets down from the turnbuckle to await a right hand from Gravedigger! They start to duke it out, trading lefts and rights when Gravedigger gives Rathje a knee to the ribs, Rathje bends over and Gravedigger plants him with a DDT. Gravedigger gets up and looks at the helpless Rathje, he grins and picks him up by the hair. Gravedigger taunts the crowd then slaps a hand onto Rathje’s neck!

Erikson- Ooh Goody! I do believe this is the part where Rathje cries out in pain.

Gravedigger picks up Rathje for the Embalmer! (Chokeslam from Hell) But in mid slam, Rathje wraps his legs around Gravediggers head and swings him around for a hurrancaranna!

Fredericks- I believe this is the part where Gravedigger gets the crap beat out of him.

Both men lie on the mat, Triple J and Cliff start clapping and the crowd does so aswell. The ref administers the 10 count……..1………..2………..3……..Gravedigger starts to stir……..4………Rathje begins to get up on a knee and starts in the direction of Cliff, Gravedigger begins to motion for Triple J………..5……….Gravedigger lunges forward and tags in Triple J right when Rathje tags in Cliff! Triple J and Cliff both take a step into the ring and eye each other up. They get closer, and closer, then stand in the middle of the ring eye to eye.

Erikson- Come on…Carnage!!

They part and look their separate ways, then they both turn around and begin punching each other! First Triple J has the upper hand, then Cliff has the upper hand, Triple J then kicks Cliff in the gut, bending him over, Triple J runs up his leg and kicks him behind the head! Cliff falls to the mat as Triple J gets up and picks him up again, Triple J whips Cliff into the turnbuckle, but he hits the referee! Cliff stumbles backwards but Rathje pulls him back to the ropes as Triple J lunges in the air, he misses Cliff but hits the referee again! Rathje jumps into the ring and runs over to the other side, he dropkicks Gravedigger off his spot next to the turnbuckle and climbs out of the ring!

Fredericks- Oh my god! It’s an explosion!

Cliff reaches around the turnbuckle and grabs the lawn gnome! He gets up, and as Triple J turns around, Cliff cracks the lawn gnome over his head! Cliff runs back and puts the lawn gnome where he had it he dives for the cover on Triple J! Rathje runs back over and slaps the referee around and wakes him up. The ref turns around and counts……..1…………Gravedigger slides into the ring……………2…………Gravedigger kicks Cliff in the head! Rathje dives into the ring, and clotheslines Gravedigger! Gravedigger falls out of the ring and lands on the outside. Rathje climbs out after him and Triple J gets up, he bounces off the ropes and runs at Cliff, but Cliff catches him… OVER THE EDGE! (Sky High into X-factor). Cliff rolls on top of Triple J for the count………..1……………2………………3!!!!!!

Anna Lopez- Winners at 7:32, Cliff and Rathje!!!

Fredericks- God, I’m glad this is over!

Erikson- It’s not over…

Fredericks- What do you mean?

Erikson- Look!

**Rathje and Gravedigger are battling their way up the rampway! Gravedigger goes for a short arm cloteshlines but Rathje catches him and gives him another belly to belly suplex! Rathje snaps back up and looks at the grave! He looks down at Gravedigger, picks him up, and drags him in front of the grave. He spins Gravedigger around and wraps his arms around for the German Suplex! But Gravedigger elbows him into the temple, once, twice, three times and Rathje let’s go! He starts to topple on the edge when Gravedigger grabs him and pulls him back to safety!**

Erikson- WHAT?!?!

**Rathje looks a bit confused, but not when Gravediggers boot gets him in the stomach! Gravedigger picks him up and drops him with THE LAST DESCENT! (Screwdriver) Right into the grave!**

Fredericks- Oh My God!! He could have been killed!

Erikson- He may be…

**The camera sharpens onto the tombstone that reads "Rathje", then fades away to the back…**


**Thresh Crest is shown gathering up his stuff from his locker, and getting ready to leave the arena. He picks up his duffle bag and leaves his locker room, but as he shuts the door behind him, he notices a note on the door. Thresh reades the note aloud.**

Thresh-"Mr. Crest, after the way you’ve acted tonight already, plus all of the other incidents that have taken place ever since your tenure began in NMW, I have decided to take it upon myself to dole out some punishment. If you are reading this, you’re most likely on your way out of the arena, but you’re night isn’t finished yet, oh no. You’re main eventing tonight…and your opponent shall be…The Tides of Darkness, Kaltuul and Belthazar! Have fun Thresh. Oh, and if you choose not to come to the ring, consider yourself #1 in the Rumble, and you how hard that position can be. See you in the ring. Sincerely, Seth Winters." MOTHER [ ]ER!!!!!!!

**Camera cuts out as Thresh goes storming down the hallway.**


Fredericks-The Prez pulled a fast one on Thresh!!!

Erikson-I don’t believe this…


**"Breathe" by Nickelback hits and Thresh Crest marches angrily down to the ring. He climbs in, and crosses his arms, awaiting Kaltuul and Belthazar. He is obviously furious, but seems prepared to compete nonetheless.**

Fredericks-Thresh is NOT a happy camper.

**"Long Hard Road Out Of Hell" by Marilyn Manson & Sneaker Pimps strikes up and the crowd waits for the Tides of Darkness. However, after a few moments, no one appears. Thresh seems thoroughly pissed now, and he walks over to the ropes and leans over them, yelling something up the rampway. Suddenly the crowd bursts into cheers…Zack Macomber has slid into the ring behind Thresh!!!

Fredericks-It was a setup!!!

Zack is holding a steel chair and is motioning for Thresh to turn around. Thresh has no idea what’s going on and is still focusing on the ramp. Suddenly, "Just Got Wicked" by Cold hits and President Winters walks down the ramp. Thresh is screaming at the top of his lungs towards Winters now. The President simply smiles and tells Thresh to turn around. Thresh does, and is met by a horrendous chairshot from Zack! The crowd pops!!!**

Fredericks-The crowd popped! They popped!

Erikson-Eh, shut up Tyler, this is a dirty trick. What kind of President would play his employees like pawns in some game?

Fredericks-A very smart one.


**Thresh is knocked senseless by Zack. Zack raises the chair once again and crashes it down onto Thresh’s skull once more. Thresh falls to the mat in a heap. Zack then motions for Winters to get into the ring. Winters does, and he walks over to Thresh’s downed body. Zack high-fives Winters, before pulling Thresh to his feet. Zack kicks Thresh in the gut, and Winters delivers the Corporate Takeover (Fameasser)!!!! Thresh’s face bounces hard onto the canvas, and he lays motionless. Zack then reaches into his tights and pulls out a spray can. He hands it to Winters, who spraypaints "Toran" and "Zion" on Thresh’s back. He then high-fives Zack again, as "Synthetic" by Spineshank hits. The two men make their way to the back as the camera focuses on Thresh’s beaten body.**

Fredericks-My God! President Winters gets his revenge, and how!

Erikson-Yeah, but next week, there’s gonna be hell to pay.

Fredericks-There’s no doubt about it! We’ll see you next week on Revolution folks! And remember, only two more weeks until Uprising!!!

**The cameras cut.**

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