**The scene opens up to show the NMW Arena in downtown St. Louis from the outside. The camera pans around the building as cars zoom by and people hurriedly walk down the sidewalks on either side of the street. Several fans enter the arena, as a large, shadowy figure can be seen in the corner of the camera's view. The figure steps out into the light to reveal UAW's Bear, who is standing not too far from the outside perimeter of the arena. The monster of a man looks up at the building, grunts, and then walks off from the camera's view. Inside the arena, the show is just getting ready to start, as American Head Charge's "Violent Reaction" smacks the sound system. The fans get up, cheering and wailing as fireworks shoot from and towards the stage. Smoke billows out over the crowd, as the music continues to blare, and the camera now twirls around the arena to get a look at a few signs:

"Toran and Thresh…Family Feud."

"Macomber rules as NMW Champion!"

"Slaughterhouse superstars give headjobs for cash."

"UAW superstars give anal sex for cash."

"NMW superstars dance the macarena."

"X-Pac dances the Watermelon Crawl."

As the signs are shown, the crowd's noise gets louder and louder, until "Violent Reaction" comes to a halt, as does the camera. The announce table area is shown, where two most electrifying commentators in sports entertainment today are sitting, Tyler Fredericks and Brian Erikson.**

Tyler Fredericks-Hello New Millenium Wrestling fans, and welcome to NMW's first show since our big bash, eXclusion. Some very unsavory events went down at the PPV, and we're here to clear everything up for ya. I'm Tyler Fredericks…

Brian Erikson-And I'm Tiger Woods.

Fredericks-Last week, we saw the crowning of a brand spankin' new NMW Champion in Zack "The Mack" Macomber. The only problem is that the title changed hands in a very controversial manner. Let's bring up the MilleniTron and show what went down.

**The large MilleniTron screen comes to life, and a caption at the bottom reads "Last Saturday, eXclusion". The screen shows President Winters wearing his referee shirt, staring up at a static-covered MilleniTron. Zack Macomber is lying on the mat, unconscious, and then-champion Thresh Crest is standing angrily behind Winters. The scene then takes motion as the static clears from the screen, to reveal the letters MOW. Winters and Thresh have pure shock on their faces, when a figure slides into the ring out of nowhere, with a large title belt in its hands. The figure hits Thresh Crest with the belt, and reveals itself to be MOW Slaughterhouse World Champion, and brother of Thresh, Toran Crest! Toran then spins Winters around, and nails him with the Royal Seal (3/4 Turn Neckbreaker). Toran then leaves, as all three men are out in the ring. Original referee Matt Springfield suddenly wakes up and crawls into the ring, as Zack Macomber slowly drapes his arms over Thresh's chest. Springfield crawls over the makes the count……"Just Got Wicked" by Cold then interrupts the footage from the PPV.**

Fredericks-Uh oh, looks like the Prez got tired of watching the footage from last Saturday.

Erikson-Either that or he just likes the sound of his own music.

**The fans cheer as President Winters steps out onto the stage in a black blazer, holding a microphone in his right hand. He has no expression on his face, but he does acknowledge the fans by raising his left hand in the air in a semi-wave. Winters walks down the ramp and climbs up into the ring, stepping towards the middle of the squared circle.**

Winters-Members of the NMW...No, FRIENDS of the NMW...Tonight I stand before you not as your boss, not as your president, and not as your employer. Tonight I stand before you as your comrade, your confidant, and your friend. Last Saturday, at eXclusion, the first official shots were fired in our three-pronged war. I admit, I brought this upon mysef...I declared war, and I expected war. But what I DID NOT expect was a low-down, dirty, under-handed sneak-attack by both the UAW and the MOW Slaughterhouse. First Rymiel sent one of his goons from UAW over here to destroy our backstage area, and then the big bastard got involved in the High Stakes title match and almost caused a crouton to walk out with the strap. And even worse, those scumbags over at the Slaughterhouse sent Thresh's brother, Toran, over here to ruin my main event! And I haven't even seen Thresh since then…So he has been given the night off tonight in order to heal himself.

**Winters clears his throat and takes a moment to calm himself.**

Winters-Well, I don't know about you guys, but I didn't wage this war just to look tough and then retreat right away. I declared war because I want to win dammit. What those two loser federations have done to us is unacceptable, and I for one am not going to stand for it. NMW is better than that, and each and every one of YOU are better than that. This war is bigger than any petty feud that may be going on inside NMW right now. It is bigger than all of the titles, and it is bigger than all of us. What I want to know is...who is with me in this war?

**Winters steps closer to the camera, with a concerned look on his face.**

Winters-To be truly honest, I cannot win this war that I've begun unless I have the help of all of you guys, and I mean all of you. You all are important pieces in this battle, you all are NMW. Together, we all can take down the larger behemoths that threaten to take away our livelihood. Together, we can do what nobody thinks we can, we can topple our opposition. And together, we will win this war, because together...we are NMW.

**Winters backs away from the camera a bit.**

Winters-Now, to start off our defense lines, I need to know who is with me for sure and who is not. I can't risk having anyone stabbing me in the back, and I think you all can understand that. In a time like this, one has to be paranoid, because anyone could be a double agent, or even a straight-up spy. So right here and right now, I want anyone is undoubtedly on my side…on NMW's side…to come out here and prove to me that you're in it for the long haul. So I guess, in other words…

**Winters smiles.**


**Winters waits in the ring, looking up at the stage, and the crowd sits in anticipation of who will step up. A moment passes by, and nothing happens. Winters starts worriedly pacing about in the ring, his face now looking a bit concerned.**

Fredericks-Is no one willing to help NMW?

**Just then, "Wonderboy" by Tenacious D strums onto the speakers, and the crowd cheers loudly. Winters smiles in relief as "The Real Thing" Jackson King emerges from the back onto the stage. He also holds a microphone, and he waits for the crowd to settle down before he speaks.**

King-Winters, let's get one thing straight first of all…You've been holding me down here in NMW ever since I started, you know this. But I'm not out here to bitch about that, because I know there are bigger things on the horizon. And quite frankly, I'm willing to fight for NMW before I'll even think about fighting against it.

**The crowd pops and Winters nods, as King stands tall up on the stage. Suddenly, a few figure starts to appear behind Jackson King. They step out into the light and reveal themselves to be Mr. Platypus, Cliff, and "The Skankin' Punkabilly" Tony Monroe. The three walk up behind King, and look down at Winters, as if to say "We're here too". Winters grins, as a couple more figures emerge from the back…Jason and Spike Moore. They stand alongside King and the rest of the crew, and the crowd's cheers start getting louder and louder. Soon after, several more people walk out onto the stage, first The Knife, then Cazz Selmer, then Tank, and Chang Mustafa. All of the superstars stand up proudly on the stage, as Winters smiles at his troops. The crowd is now cheering louder than ever.**

Winters-Well then, let the games begin.

**With that, "Just Got Wicked" by Cold hits again, and Winters leaves the ring to head up the ramp. He walks amongst all of his loyal roster members, high-fiving several of them as the group heads backstage to the cheers of the crowd.**

Erikson-Looks like we might actually have a war after all.

Fredericks-NMW definitely isn't gonna go down without a fight.

Erikson-Sort of like your mom went down last night.

Fredericks-You just HAD to sneak that in there, didn't you?


**The camera opens up to show Spike and Jason Moore both sitting in their locker room. Suddenly Spike shoots out of his seat.**

Spike- I have a great idea!

Jason- Oh? What’s that?

Spike- Well, this whole Moore gimmick is getting us crap. I mean…so far you have been the North American champion, and lollipop champion. Sure you had the High Stakes title, but please… who hasn’t?

Jason- You…

Spike- Carrying on…So I was playing good ol' Nintendo the other day when it hit me like a fireball from fire Mario.

Jason- Wouldn’t that burn you?

Spike- You are ruining this…

Jason- Sorry, keep going.

**Spike points his finger in the air…**

Spike- We can be the Moorio Brothers!!!

**Jason’s face turns to that of Stimpy when he sees a kitty litter box…**

Jason- THAT IS A GREAT IDEA! I get to be Moorio!

Spike- F-That! Luigi sucks ass…

Jason- But you’re experiences with a vacuum cleaner show that you are better for Luigi… remember that Gamecube game, Luigi’s Mansion?

Spike- I hate you…I was young…and stupid…

Jason- And electrical…Great idea, Spikigi!

Spikigi- Fine… so what do you think Thresh will say about this?

**The Moorio brothers both stare at each other and a smile forms.**

Moorio- Well…Anarchy is a ship sinking under it’s own ego. I say we jump that ship before it sinks.

Spikigi- Like a super jump?

Moorio- Even better…Where is my damn raccoon suit…

Spikigi- Forget that, the fireball suit rocked!

**Moorio and Spikigi argue for what seems to be eternity and the camera fades back in with a little "Five Minutes Later" on the bottom of the screen.**

Spikigi- So everything works? Spikigi and Moorio, the Moorio Bros.!

Moorio- Moorio and Spikigi…and yes. I can see the entertainment industry buying into us like there is no tomorrow…

Spikigi- Sweetness…Now you just have to get rid of that damn lollipop. It’s more like that little annoying toadstool that ran around in the games…

Moorio- Good call…But don’t worry, I’ll get rid of it tonight against the Great Kuda.

Spikigi- Do you think you’ll be needing some of that Moorio Bros. assistance?

Moorio- Nah…I’ll knock that little koopa on his arse.

**The Moorio Bros. jump up and give each other a high five before turning to the camera and flashing the "peace" sign. (After each level in the SUPER NES version, when they finished a level they’d do it… God I hated that, almost as much as that damned dog in Duck Hunt…)


Erikson-Oh sweet Jesus…Hit me with a lightning bolt, I want to die.

Fredericks-Chill out Brian, they're just playing around.

Erikson-Just playing around? That's the same thing they said about the Unabomber.



**The lights turn to a dark red and flash around the arena as "In The End" by Linkin Park begins to play. After a few moments of the music, Great Kuda appears through the curtain. He takes a few steps then stops, he begins to punch the air and do many kicks before stopping with his foot held high from what could be called a superkick. He lowers his foot as the crowd claps in agreement that it was cool. He walks down the ramp and takes the steps to step into the ring.**

Fredericks- Impressive…

Erikson- Hardly… I’ve seen Winters do that at a party when he was drunk…

**"The Techno Mario Bros. Theme Music" blares over the speakers as the Lollipop of Mediocrity champion, Jason Moore walks out onto the stage, carrying the lollipop of mediocrity of course. The crowd gets behind the one half of the Moorio Brothers as he makes his way down to the ring. He gets down the ramp and hands the lollipop to the referee before sliding into the ring.**

The bell rings as the two men attempt a tie up, before Jason can get the grapple on, Kuda flips him over with an arm drag. Jason pops back up and charges at Kuda, who snaps him back over with another arm drag. Jason pops back up and gets ready to charge and Kuda assumes the stance. Jason halts in his tracks. Kuda laughs at Jason, who promptly charges as Kuda and knocks him out with a high knee! Jason stands to the side of Kuda, who gets up quickly and charges at him. Jason grabs Kuda under the arms and lifts him up, but Kuda dropkicks out of it, sending Jason into the ropes! Jason comes back from bouncing off the ropes and Kuda brings him down with a drop toe hold. Kuda jumps to the ropes and springboards off the middle rope, landing an elbow into Jason’s spine! Kuda pulls Jason over for the pin…1…..2….. Kickout!

Fredericks- Kuda isn’t doing too shabby here.

Erikson- Dude, that was the first paragraph…

Fredericks- Good point.

Jason shoves Kuda off of him and gets up on his knees, standing up. Jason gets up on his feet but Kuda dropkicks one of his legs, dropping him down onto one knee. Jason pulls himself back up and Kuda does it again, dropkicking him on the same knee. Jason gets up quickly and charges at Kuda with a clothesline, but Kuda ducks, pulls him up in a rear grapple, lifting him in the air and slamming him down in a shinbreaker! Jason falls on the mat and Kuda pulls his leg up, and locks on a figure 4 leg lock! Jason screams out in pain as leg is pulled and contorted out of place. Jason holds his arms together, not letting himself tap out… After a few moments he pulls his body to the side, then swings across and begins to flip Kuda over!

Fredericks- Oh my… Quite impressive.

Erikson- Shutup.

Kuda gets completely flipped over and wails in pain. Kuda reaches for the ropes but Jason pulls himself with his arms to the middle of the ring! Kuda lifts his arm up to tap, but holds on for a bit longer. The referee asks Kuda if he wants to submit and he shakes his head no. The referee breaks up the hold and Jason slowly gets to his feet. He pulls Kuda up and whips him to the ropes. Kuda comes back and Jason lifts him up vertically, lets him go, catching him on his shoulder, and slams him on the mat! The crowd goes wild as Jason pins him…1….2…Kickout! Jason slaps the mat in anger and quickly gets back to his feet. He picks up Kuda and whips him to the ropes, when Kuda comes back Jason grabs him in a sleeper hold! Kuda starts to fight it and try to walk out of it, but Jason yanks back and falls to the mat in a sleeper drop! Jason hops over Kuda and pins him again….1…….2…… Kickout!

Fredericks- Kuda doesn’t want to lose this.

Erikson- You wouldn’t want to win that lollipop…

Jason pops up and slices his thumb across his neck! The crowd goes wild as Jason pulls Kuda up to his feet and kicks him, dropping him down. He locks on the vertebreaker and sets him up for it. But he lets go of the hold when he looks at the turnbuckle. Jason carries Kuda over to the turnbuckle and drives him head first into it. He then picks Kuda up and sets him on the turnbuckle. Standing on the second rope, he locks on the vertebreaker again, turns and jumps off hitting the Confession! (top rope vertebreaker) Jason pins Kuda…..1……2…….3!

Anna Lopez- Winner at 3:12, Jason Moorio! You’re new Lollipop of Mediocrity Champion, Graet Kuda!

Fredericks- That move frightens me everytime I see it… It put Kaltuul out… who knows who will be next.

**The camera fades.**


**The Jokers are walking around in their locker room, getting ready for their upcoming match against Buddy and Aikeiro. Crazy Joker's skin is green once again tonight, indicating that he is angry.**

Crazy Joker-Bro, I just can't believe that I lost my chance at the High Stakes title! I was SO close.

Insane Joker-I know what you mean. I was almost there too. Damn that Cazz Selmer…

Crazy Joker-Yeah, but it's ok, cuz we'll make up for it tonight. Buddy and Aikeiro are going down hard, and the Jokers will be the new NMW Tag Team Champions!

Insane Joker-Damn right. By the way…how did that crouton taste last week?

**Both men burst into laughter at the thought of Crazy Joker eating the crouton at eXclusion. The fans in the background can be heard booing at this, because of the loss of their fan favorite. Crazy Joker calms himself down and pats Insane Joker on the back.**

Crazy Joker-That was a good one bro. I think our time is about now, so we should head out to the ring.

Insane Joker-Let's do it.

**The two men knock their fists together, as Insane Joker walks over to the door and opens it up to walk out. However, he freezes in his tracks once he opens the door. Crazy Joker steps over to see what's wrong.**

Insane Joker-Dude…you don't wanna see this…

**Crazy Joker pushes past his brother and looks out the door, seeing nothing. But he slowly looks down…and sees an open bag of croutons with a large number of the little morsels covering the floor in front of the locker room door! Crazy Joker gasps, as he slaps his hands to his face, and takes off running out the door, hopping over all the croutons. Insane Joker looks down at the army of croutons, and takes off running after his brother.**


Erikson-Those Jokers crack me up. They are so damn funny.

Fredericks-What did they do that was funny?

Erikson-Well, you know…The stuff…and the thing…



**The lights go into a strobe effect as "Smooth Criminal" by Alien Ant Farm hits the speakers. After a few moments Insane Joker, followed by Crazy Joker make their way through the curtain and onto the stage. They stand up tall as the crowd show their mixed reactions with some cheers and mostly boos. They soak up what they can from the crowd and walk down the ramp, and slide into the ring.**

Fredericks- Both men are around 7 foot tall, it’s a shame they are just now becoming a tag team when all the others have the experience of being together.

Erikson- Yeah… what a real shame.

**The fans begin to cheer wildly, knowing who is coming up next, their prayers are answered when "What is a Juggalo?" by ICP hits. The arena, as always, fills with gleeful nose-honkings that even a mother would hate. Buddy and Aikeiro both step out onto the stage with their tag team titles over their shoulders, and microphones in their hands.**

Buddy- We have seen so far how wrestlers in this federation have laid down their personal quabbles in order to spearhead MOW Slaughterhouse and UAW. To them I say, Con-gradja-f*cking-lations.

**The crowd cheers for their favorite word being used as Buddy hands the mic to Aikeiro.**

Aikeiro- To those… of you who do not… s…s…speak up, we will learn where… y… your true loyalties lie.

**The crowd begins to talk amongst themselves and the Jokers prance around the ring like monster jokers would.**

Buddy- But as for us, we are all for the N-M-W!

**With that, Buddy spikes the mic and runs down the ramp, followed by Aikeiro. They both slide into the ring as the bell sounds.**

Erikson- Well, at least we know where our premier tag team stands…

Fredericks- Was there ever a doubt?

There is an explosion in the ring as Buddy and Crazy Joker tie up, and Aikeiro spinning heel kicks Insane Joker. Buddy pulls Crazy in and lifts him up on his shoulder, pulling back and slamming the back of Crazy’s head on the canvas in a spinebuster! Insane gets back up and is quickly pushed out of the ring by the referee, which he later does to Aikeiro. Buddy pulls Crazy by the hair and pulls him up onto his feet, he whips him to the ropes and on the way back Buddy pulls him up for a tilt-a-whirl drive. Crazy slides off of his back and grabs Buddy by the head, yanking back on Buddy’s head pulling him into a neckbreaker! Crazy spouts nonsense like he does so well and gets up, tagging in Insane. Insane waits for Buddy to get up on his own accord and when he does, Insane rushes in for a clothesline, which Buddy ducks, hooks Insane’s leg and drops him in a samoan drop! The crowd begins to honk their noses for a tag.

Fredericks- Great opening there for Insane Joker.

Erikson- Yeah, he’ll do great here in NMW.

Buddy gets up slowly, pulling himself to the ropes. Insane gets up a little too quick for Buddy and when Buddy leaps to make the tag, Insane grabs his foot, pulling him back a ways! Buddy leaps up and down on one foot, trying to make the tag, when suddenly Aikeiro leaps on the turnbuckle and jumps off, nailing Insane with a missile dropkick! Aikeiro slides back around on the apron and Buddy tags him in! Aikeiro leaps over the ropes and stomps away on the downed Insane Joker. He then pulls Insane up onto his feet and whips him into the ropes, Insane comes back and ducks Aikeiro’s clothesline and he leaps into the air to slam his forearm into Aikeiro’s head, but Aikeiro falls onto his back at just the right moment and uses his feet to monkey flip Insane into the corner! Insane slowly pulls himself up to stand up in the corner, and Aikeiro sets up. He dashes towards the turnbuckle and leaps for a dropkick, but Insane ducks and Aikeiro lands, sitting on the top of the post! Insane reacts quickly and gets on the second rope, where he pulls Aikeiro up and falls back, slamming Aikeiro down in a back suplex! Insane goes for the pin….1…….2….. Kickout! Insane gets up and quickly gets back to the turnbuckle, where he pulls himself up on top of it and stands perched for Aikeiro to get up. Aikeiro slowly gets to his feet and Insane gets ready to jump, when Buddy rattles the ropes, causing Insane to fall down on top of the post, racking himself! Aikeiro runs to the turnbuckle, steps up the two ropes and hooks Insane in a hurrancaranna! Insane falls to the mat, but Aikeiro hurt himself on the move! Aikeiro reaches up and tags in Buddy, who peels Insane off of the mat and kicks him in the gut, honking his nose to the crowd!

**The camera shoots to the commentators who are wearing the collector’s item of a red nose, and honk it with glee.**

Buddy pulls Insane up and gives him the Psychopathic Slam! (Sitout powerbomb w/ pin) Buddy covers for the pin as Crazy Joker dives through the ropes….1…Crazy dives to break it up….2…. Aikeiro superkicks Crazy Joker!…..3!

Anna Lopez- Winner at 3:15, and still Tag Team champions, Buddy & Aikeiro!

**"What is a Juggalo" begins to play, as Buddy and Aikeiro both stand tall in the ring, holding their wonderful tag team titles when the camera cuts to a promo.**


**The camera cuts to President Winter's office, where he is standing behind his desk talking on the phone.**

Winters-Yes, yes that's right…No, I'm not going to spare any expense this time…Those bastards are going DOWN.

**Just then, Morbid Angel walks into the room. Winters looks up and sees him, and motions for him to take a seat. Angel sits down in a cushy chair.**

Winters-Yeah, that'll do…Ok, I'll talk to you more later…Bye.

**Winters hangs up the phone and looks at Morbid Angel.**

Winters-I suppose you're wondering why I called you in here.

**Angel nods.**

Winters-Well, I was just wondering where you were when I asked everyone to come out and announce their loyalty to NMW earlier in the show tonight. Most of the roster was out there, and one of the guys I didn't see was you. Explain, or be terminated.

**Angel gulps.**

Morbid Angel-Well, I wasn't here yet.

Winters-You weren't here yet?

Morbid Angel-I didn't arrive in the building until after the first match was over. I was trying to talk some sense into Thresh and the Tides, and not let Anarchy die. But sadly, they officially ended it, as did the Moores earlier on. Thresh is still steaming over his loss of the title, and he's pretty banged up. Kaltuul is in intensive care after that Vertebreaker off the top of the cage at eXclusion.

Winters-Ah I see. So Anarchy is no more, eh? Well then, it seems some firings are in order.

Morbid Angel-WHAT?!? Not me I hope.

Winters-No, of course not. I need you around here as my midnight janitor. I'm talking about the Tides of Darkness. Kaltuul may be permanently injured, and to be quite honest, I don't need worthless wrestlers taking up my payroll. Therefore, the Tides are fired, and I expect you to deliver the message to them.

Morbid Angel-ME?

Winters-Yes you…Now, on to other matters. I want…

**Just then, there is a knock at the door of Winter's office.**

Winters-Wanna get that?

**Morbid Angel grunts as he gets up and goes over to the door. He opens it, but no one is there. He looks down and sees a folded piece of paper on the floor. He picks it up and hands it over to Winters. Winters opens it up and reads it aloud.**

Winters-"President Winters…I have typed you this letter to inform you that there is a spy among your troops. I found this out tonight, from a very reliable source. He has made it clear that he is going to desert NMW tonight, for an attack has been planned by one of your rival federations. He has been said to have links to the other federation, and word has it that he wasn't present in your opening speech tonight when you asked the roster to declare their loyalty to NMW. Keep your eyes open for the rest of the show."

Morbid Angel-That isn't good.

Winters-No, no it's not. Well, we're not gonna let this puke get the better of us. Hmm, who could it be? The note said that he has ties to another federation…and he wasn't present earlier tonight. A lot of guys weren't present…but who has links to another federation. Wait a minute! Gravedigger is fighting Bud Dawg tonight! Bud Dawg agreed to fight Gravedigger last week in a promo at the Slaughterhouse. I bet they're planning to not fight each other and turn against NMW!

Morbid Angel-Brilliant deduction.

Winters-That MUST be it. Plus, Gravedigger kicked me in the face last week when I was talking to the Slaughterhouse wrestlers. HAHAHA! We have you Gravedigger!

**Winters bursts out of the room as the camera fades.**


Erikson-YES! A supreme beating is coming up!

Fredericks-I hope Winters is right. By the way, how did Bud Dawg even make it here to face Gravedigger?

Erikson-What do you mean?

Fredericks-Well, I was watching a Slaughterhouse show just a couple hours ago that was live. There's no way Bud Dawg could have made it here in that amount of time.


**The stage lights go out and "Blackened" by Metallica blasts over the loudspeakers. Suddenly a streak of lightning bolts from the ceiling and explodes on the stage. When the smoke clears, Gravedigger is standing in its place! The crowd cheers madly for their NMW hero. His facial expression is the regular morbid one as he looks throughout the crowd, then focuses on the ring. He walks down the ramp and steps up onto the apron, stepping over into the ring.**

Fredericks- Just in case our viewers don’t know, Gravedigger here accepted the match against Bud Dawg in MOW Slaughterhouse.

Erikson- Heh, also what they didn’t know is that Gravedigger kicked Seth Winters in the face!

Fredericks- No love loss between those two, we’ll see Gravedigger's worth to NMW in this match.

**The camera zooms back up to the entranceway when "Harvester of Sorrows" by Metallica hits! The crowd boos to their little hearts content as they wait for Bud Dawg to come out. And they wait… and they wait… Suddenly Cliff, Buddy, Tank, Cazz, Knife, Jason Moore, and Spike Moore come rushing down the rampway heading for the ring!**

Fredericks- What the hell…Is Bud Dawg even here? Why are these guys coming out?

The six men frantically dive into the ring as Gravedigger keeps backing up. Gravedigger turns to run away but is met by a spinning heel kick by Aikeiro as he hops in behind Gravedigger! Gravedigger quickly gets back up and punches Cazz, sending him backwards, and repeats the same with Spike Moore, making him lose his balance as well. But he is cut short with his next punch when Knife kicks him in the gut and gives him the Cutter (Stone Cold Stunner) as the crowd goes crazy!

Erikson- Marvelous!

Fredericks- NO! I think they are too bloodthirsty, they have to get action now!

Gravedigger is quickly picked back up and Cliff hoists him in the air, pulling him up and slamming his back on the ropes, turning him around and giving him the Over the Edge (Sky high into an X-Factor) onto the canvas! Gravedigger turns back onto his back from the impact and in time to receive the Korean Face Buster from Aikeiro (Flipping leg drop with chair)!

Fredericks- This just isn’t right! What sick, sadistic mind would…

**Just then, "Just Got Wicked" by Cold hits!**

Fredericks- Who would have guessed…

Erikson- ME!

Fredericks- I hate you.

**Seth Winters walks onto the stage with a microphone in his hand. When the cheers for the George Washington of NMW die down he speaks.**

Winters- Y’know…Gravedigger when you hit me with that kick, it kind of…knocked some sense into me. Why am I putting up with you when I can just as easily make your life here a living hell?

**The army of wrestlers continuously pound on Gravedigger, still taking turns with their finishers. Winters walks down the ramp as the onslaught continues. When he reaches the ring the wrestlers stop, Buddy and Aikeiro hold Gravedigger up by the arms and Seth continues to talk.**

Winters- Get this straight Gravedigger, I OWN NMW. And any rebellious behavior by MY NMW will be taken care of ASAP. GOT IT!? Try turning your back on us now!

**Winters spikes the microphone on the ring and gives him a vicious Superkick! Gravedigger’s body falls back with the extra push from Buddy and Aikeiro, his head bounces off the canvas with a sickening thud as blood pours from Gravedigger’s face. The camera gets close to the broken body of Gravedigger and all that can be heard is Winter’s voice.**

Winters- Now THAT is a kick…

**The camera fades out.**


**Tony Monroe and Mr. Platypus are shown sitting backstage at a round table. Monroe has a Wendy's meal sitting in front of him, and Platypus has his salmon lying on the table.**

Monroe-So what's your take on this whole federation war thingy?

Platypus-I don't know, I'll have to consult the Salmon.

**Mr. Platypus puts his ear next to the head of the salmon and nods, almost as if he is hearing something.**

Platypus-The Salmon doesn't like it. He says that war gives him gas.

Monroe-I agree. Say Platypus…That salmon of yours is looking mighty fine…Mind if I borrow it for the night?

Platypus-Huh? Have you lost it dude?

Monroe-You're the one who talk to a fish and you're asking me if I'VE lost it?

Platypus-Good point. I guess you can borrow him for the night.

Monroe-Excellent! But I couldn't take it without compensating you though…

**Monroe reaches in his pocket and pulls out…a one dollar bill! He slides it across the table to Platypus.**

Monroe-There ya go buddy. A brand new dollar, just for you.

Platypus-Golly gee! A dollar! Thanks Tony! But uh…what can I buy for a dollar?

**Just then, Mike Piazza and Terry Bradshaw slide onto the scene.**

Mike Piazza-(in highly monotonous voice) Gee Platypus, didn't you know that you can get fifteen-thousand collect calls for under a dollar?

Terry Bradshaw-(in highly hickish voice) Yeeup, and plus ya'll can slap my buttocks and call me Susan. YEE HAW!

**With that, Piazza and Bradshaw leave the scene. Monroe looks over to Platypus.**

Monroe-I want my dollar back.

**The camera fades out.**


**The camera is shown in a hallway where Seth is standing by his office. He yells down the hallway to his army of wrestlers…**

Winters- Hey boys! Come on in here, we have things to discuss! We're gonna make sure that losers like Gravedigger don't try to desert NMW again.

**Just then Cliff, Buddy, Aikeiro, Cazz, Jason Moore, Spike Moore, Tank, and Knife all come into view walking into the room and the door is shut behind them.**




**"Synthetic" by Spineshank blasts over the speakers as the NMW Champion, Zack Macomber, appears through the curtain. He holds the NMW Title Belt high up into the air as the crowd cheers madly for their beloved champion that finally dethroned Thresh Crest. Sounds of "Zack the Mack", "Dance Dance Revolution Blows", and "Thresh Killer" spread throughout the arena. Zack walks to the edge of the stage and down the ramp as his music comes to an end.**

Fredericks- It’s about time Thresh Crest was beaten. I was so tired of him…

Erikson- You do realize that this show is broadcasted in the back aswell, right?

**Tyler shreaks and quickly pulls up a piece of paper.**

Fredericks- Say’s one of the fans of NMW… Boy fan mail can get pretty hectic eh?

Erikson- Nice coverrup…

**"Bodies" by Drowning Pool hits and the multi-colored spotlights fly throughout the arena. The NMW Championship Match logo flashes across the screen as Chang Mustafa comes from the back and stands up on the stage. The words "Moust Luterat Man" flash across the screen as Chang points up at them, nodding excitedly. The crowd boos him, basically because he is facing their idol, but nonetheless, he is booed anyway.**

Fredericks- Not too much love for Chang here tonight.

Erikson- Do you love him Tyler?

Fredericks- Well… no…

Erikson- Then can it.

Chang stops before sliding into the ring and picks up a ladder, sliding that inbetween the ropes. He then glides in under the ropes as the bell rings. Chang and Zack both circle around each other, both attempting grapples, but the other evades. Zack goes for another grapple, and when Chang ducks under it, Zack moves to that direction, catching him in the grapple. Chang tries to break free, but Zack wraps both arms around Zack’s neck and pulls Chang straight down into his knee! Chang pops back up, only to fall back on the mat, out of breath. Chang slowly recovers and gets back up onto his feet, when Zack comes flying in with a clothesline that makes Chang double over in the air! Zack stomps on Chang for a moment then walks off and picks up the ladder. He sets it up in the middle of the ring and begins to climb. But when he sees that Chang has started to get up, he slides back down the ladder and Zack whips Chang to the ropes. Chang comes back and slides underneath Zack’s legs. Zack doesn’t spin around in time and Chang locks him up in a full nelson slam! Chang lays on the mat for a bit, out of breath, but then gets up on a knee, throwing his arms in the air, waiting for praise. The fans are quiet…

Fredericks- Chang is turning into the World’s Loneliest Man…

Chang looks broken… disheartened… He stands up by the fallen Zack and looks down at him. A fit of rage overcomes him and he starts stomping away at Zack, stomping as hard as he can on his face! Chang puts a foot on Zack’s forehead and thrusts himself off, raking his forehead! Chang pulls Zack up and whips him to the ropes, when he comes back Chang kicks him in the gut and sets him up for a powerbomb!

Erikson- No way…

Chang pulls back and hoists Zack up into the air and holds him up there! Finally, much to the crowd’s dismay, Chang drives Zack down into the mat in a jackknife powerbomb! Chang’s fit of rage subsides and he looks at Zack and the damage he had done. Chang then looks up at the NMW title, and to the crowd who has started cheering somewhat, then down at Zack. A smile spreads across his face and he pulls Zack back up and kicks him in the gut, dropping his head between Chang’s legs! Chang slices his thumb across his throat and wraps his arm around Zack, pulling up and slamming him down in the Buzzsaw! (Tiger driver)

Fredericks- Oh my lord… Chang completely turned this entire match around!

Chang looks up at the ladder and all it’s glory. He walks over to it and sets his foot on the bottom rung. The crowd begins to scream in shock that finally Chang has reached his moment in the sun. He takes the next step up… and the next… until "When Worlds Collide" by Powerman 5000 hits! The fans turn to the stage to see who it is coming out, when the letters "UAW" form on the Millenitron! Suddenly, Bad Influence Tim Lawson, Outcast Craig Williams, Bates Masterson, and Hardkore come out from the back! Lawson and Outcast run down to the ring and slide in.

Erikson-AHH! UAW guys!

**Jackson King's locker room door is shown from the outside, where a steel chair is jammed under the knob. King can be heard pounding on it from the inside, trying to get out. The camera quickly pans to Winter’s office, where the President is standing with Buddy, Aikeiro, Cazz Selmer, Cliff, Knife, the Moorios, and Tank.**

Winters- GET THEM NOW!!!

All of the wrestlers, including Seth, all dive through the door and charge towards the ring. The camera goes back to the arena. Lawson slides into the ring and shoves over the ladder. Chang is able to hop down and land on his feet, bouncing off of the ropes, Chang comes back and Lawson kicks him in the gut…The Dirty Deed! (3/4 Neckbreaker) Chang falls to the mat and bounces back onto his knees somehow. Outcast points up to Hardkore and Bates, who nod and reach up, grabbing the Millenitron. He pulls down on it, pulling the large screen down to cover the entrance! The camera shoots back to behind the Millenitron right when Winters and his army arrive, to see that they are blocked in!

Winters- Take the alternative routes! I don’t want them to escape!

The wrestlers split up as back in the ring, Chang slowly gets to his feet. Outcast kicks him in the gut, Good Riddance (X-Factor)! Chang lays flattened on the mat and Lawson’s and Outcast’s attention turns to Zack Macomber… who is slowly getting to his feet. Bates and Hardkore, after pulling down the MilleniTron screen, come walking towards the ring.

Fredericks- OH NO! Not our champion! Do something!

Erikson- I am… I’m staying away from the action. Wow I’m glad I’m a commentator!

Zack slowly walks to the center of the ring, so that Outcast and Lawson are at opposite ends of him, setting him up for their tag team finisher, the spear from behind and front. Outcast and Lawson both rush in but suddenly stop…and hold him up before he falls. They support him by resting their arms under his…Zack then shakes hands with both men, as he crawls out to ringside to grab his NMW title belt. Bates and Hardkore both slide into the ring, as does Zack, and they shake hands as well. Zack then raises his belt in the air as the UAW stars raises their hands as well!

Fredericks-Oh dear God! Zack Macomber was the deserter, not Gravedigger! Winters has made a huge mistake!

Erikson-Zack is joining UAW? NOOOOO!

The crowd finally sees what is happening and even more boos echo throughout the arena…When the army of NMW stars arrives on the scene! They come running from either side of the ramp, after making their way through the backstage area. Cazz Selmer is leading the charge from the left, and Knife is leading it from the right. Cazz is about to get the ring…when he runs into a big boot out of nowhere from Bear!! The large monster lunges forward and begins clotheslining everyone he comes into contact with. Knife nails Bear from behind, but Knife is then spun around and is hammered with the Bloody End (Stone Cold Stunner) from Hardkore! Bear meanwhile pounds away on Tank and Cliff, as Bates Masterson slides out of the ring, and gets into a brawl with the Moorio Brothers. Both Moorios are then hit with a double low blow from behind by UAW Arena Champion Tim Lawson, as Bates delivers a double Stroke (Front Russian Legsweep)!! Buddy and Aikeiro attempt to double team Bear, but he swings an elbow back, connecting with Aikeiro's temple. Buddy puts up a good fight, until he is caught from behind with a low blow from Outcast!

Fredericks-My God! The UAW stars are decimating our NMW troops!

Erikson-This sucks really badly!

**The camera shoots back to Winters, who is still standing behind the Millenitron, watching the action from a TV…**

Winters- You son of a bitch…Macomber…YOU WILL DIE… only for real this time!!!

**The camera shoots back to see Bates, Hardkore, Bear, Outcast, Lawson, and Zack Macomber, who is holding the NMW title belt over his head, all holding their hands up in the air as the NMW logo flattens on the screen.**


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