**President Winters is sitting in his office behind his desk. He is wearing the usual business suit, but he looks a bit more flustered than usual. He is on the phone, and bent over his desk, his face bright red. After a few moments his eyes squint and an expression of utter anger flushes over his face. Winters slams his fist down on the desk as he yells into the phone.**

Winters-What do you mean they already have it?!? I've already announced it, and it can't be changed now!

**Winters waits and listens.**

Winters-I don't care! Compromise is NOT an option here! I can't just bow down to them and let them walk right over me! NO!

**Winters slams his fist on the desk once again as the person on the other line speaks.**

Winters-You can only do one on that night? What do you mean they're bigger than we are?!? We're NMW for God's sake! What the hell kind of a name is "eXile" anyway? Well you know what? FINE! You can have it…It doesn't matter anymore. Tell them that NMW is still going to run them into the ground. Screw you too man!

**Winters throws the phone down onto the desk.**

Winters-That does it! That bastard has pissed me off enough. I'm gonna make sure tonight's show beats his…So I'm changing all the matches around. King isn't gonna fight Thresh and Spike…He's gonna fight the Tides! Knife was hallucinating or something earlier this week when he saw Melvin Frost, so that match against Morbid Angel won't happen, seeing as how that nerd is still in the hospital. But Knife will fight that Skankin' guy, and Thresh will fight Gravedigger for the title! Yes….Yes….Yes….

**Winters then lets his head fall to the desk, as the cameras cut to a live view of the inside of the NMW Arena. The fans are apparently restless, and several fights break out in the crowd. Then "Every Other Time" by LFO hits, and all of the fights stop. The fans look around in confusion as the music plays for about 30 seconds, before being cut off by the true theme of NMW, "Violent Reaction" by American Head Charge. The crowd pops as the music changes, and the camera begin to hover around the arena, recording several signs that it passes over:

"Jason Moore is a loon"

"I came to see Kermit the Leper"

"Where's Triple J?"


"The Real Thing is better than the crouton"

"X-Pac called looking for his career. It's nowhere to be found."

After showing all the signs, the camera pans around to the French announce table, there the commentators are eating croissants. It then goes right next door to show the leaders of the Anti-Croissant Order, Tyler Fredericks and Brian Erikson.**

Fredericks-Aloha NMW fans, and welcome to yet another episode of Mama's Family.


Fredericks-Er…I mean, another episode of Married With Children.

Erikson-Tyler…What have you been smoking?

Fredericks-**Gulp** Nothing…

Erikson-Tyler, I thought I told you not to sniff crack before we do a show.

Fredericks-**Starting to cry** I'm sorry Brian…But my daddy beat me when I was little, and my little sister used to throw me onto my head…

Erikson-**Putting his arm around Tyler** There, there…We'll make it through this. Psst…Camera guy, cut to the card.







Erikson-Feel better now?

Fredericks-**Sniff** Yeah. Thanks Brian.

Erikson-Don't mention it. You ready to do the show? Let's get into full-on commentator mode.

Fredericks-Ahem…Well Brian, it looks like this is shaping up to be a great show, and the card looks very nice.

Erikson-Yeah, and your mom was nice when I had sex with her last night.

Fredericks-Nice joke.

Erikson-Nice face.

**The commentators look at each other, smile, and then high-five.**


**Backstage, a dark room is shown. It appears to be a locker room, but not much can be made out, because it is so dark. The camera starts to pan around, but nothing can be seen. Then, a small light flickers on in the background. A large figure's outline can be made out in the foreground, until he raises his head, and he can be made out to be Gravedigger.**

Gravedigger-Last week, I decimated Chang Mustafa. This week, I decimate Thresh Crest.

**Gravedigger bows his head for a moment, then stands up, letting more light into the room, revealing that he is wearing a long black cloak. Gravedigger stares down into the camera, his hair blocking his face from being completely seen. The cameraman back up a bit out of pure fear, as Gravedigger stands motionless. He looks to the side, into a mirror.**

Gravedigger-Gravedigger will be the NMW Champion tonight. Thresh is weak, and I am strong. Nothing will stop me…Nothing.

**The camera pans around into the mirror, to show Gravedigger holding the NMW title in his hands. After a split second, the mirror shatters for no reason, and the camera pans back over to Gravedigger.**

Gravedigger-Thresh…Anarchy…They fear me. Chang fears me. Winters fears me. It's only a matter of time before YOU fear me too.

**Gravedigger points into the camera.**

Gravedigger-Be afraid NMW…Be very afraid.

**Gravedigger raises his head into the light…to reveal that he has no face at all! The cameraman, shocked, quickly shuts off the camera and takes off running, as Gravedigger can be heard evilly chuckling to himself.**


**Another camera then opens up inside another locker room, that of Jason Moore. Moore is sitting in a chair, getting ready for his match, and watching on a monitor the promo that Gravedigger just cut. Moore is tying his boots, when he suddenly stops and looks at The Unholy One on the screen.**


**The camera shows Moore's face in deep pondering as it fades out.**


Erikson-God…Gravedigger scares the hell out of me.

Fredericks-Why? Because he has no face?

Erikson-No…because he looks like he doesn't eat Fig Newtons. I love those little fruit bars.



**"Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit hits and Cazz Selmer, the High Stakes Champion, walks through the curtain, getting a mixed reaction from the crowd. He gets into the ring and waits for his opponent.**

**"Rope" by 40 Below Summer hits… and the lights go black. A figure in a dark robe slowly walks down the ramp… which appears to be Jason Moore posing as Gravedigger! Jason gets to the steps, and slowly lowers his hood. He stares at Selmer for a second, and gets into the ring. **

Erikson- My God, Jason Moore is so insane it’s embarrassing.

The bell rings, and Selmer moves around a bit, with Moore just standing there. Selmer moves in and punches Moore, and Moore flinches a little bit, but not enough that Moore stops acting like Gravedigger. Selmer punches Moore 1..2..3 more times, and hits a DDT. Selmer just shakes his head at Moore, and Moore sits up almost instantly!

Fredericks- My God!!!!

Selmer, still in shock, tries to punch Moore, but Moore, with his face still looking solemn, catches Selmer’s fist and twists it! Selmer screams in pain! Moore’s eyes then go wide, and he lifts his free arm back, and clinches his hand on Selmer’s throat, getting ready for the Embalmer (Chokeslam from Hell)!!

Fredericks- No, he can’t do this!!

Erikson- Gravedigger has a copyright on this move!

Selmer starts screaming for help, as Moore lifts Selmer up in the air… and Selmer kicks him right in the nads! The crowd moans in sympathy as Selmer hits a karate kick to Moore’s face. Selmer then picks Moore up and tosses him into the turnbuckle. He mounts as the crowd counts with him..1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10! Selmer poses on the top of the turnbuckle for a second…and then wishes he hadn’t. Moore lifts Selmer up, and drop him, jaw first, on the turnbuckle! Selmer stumbles around as Moore lifts him up and drops him with a stalling suplex. Moore pins……….1…….…2…….kickout.

Erikson- Idiot. That won’t do it!

As Selmer starts to recover, Moore goes and grabs a steel chair. Selmer’s still stumbling around when Moore gets back in the ring. Moore swings…Selmer ducks…and the chair hits the ref! The ref falls like a vat of pancakes in a lake!! Moore stares in shock at the ref, reminding him of what The Knife did to Melvin Frost. As he remembers, he is turned around by Selmer and hit with the Psychotic Armbar {Jumping Armbar Takeover}!!! Moore screams for a couple of seconds, then taps like crazy!! But the ref is out, and he doesn’t see the tap! After about 5 seconds, Selmer lets go, and he tries to revive the ref. Moore, searing in pain and still trying to act like Gravedigger, sits up again!!! Selmer realizes what the crowd is cheering at… and when he turns around, he is hit with the Last Descent {Screwdriver}!!! Moore pins, as Selmer’s reviving starts on the ref…..1…………….2………………..3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anna Lopez- Your winner at 5:34, and NEW NMW High Stakes Champion, Jason Moore!!!

**"Confession" plays again as Jason Moore, for the fist time in the past month, acts like himself. He mounts the turnbuckle and acts all cocky, with his new title. He gets down from his fourth turnbuckle, and he turns around to see Cazz Selmer! Moore gets hit with the Psychotic Armbar once again!! Moore, after 5 seconds, taps!!**

Anna Lopez- Your NEW NMW High Stakes Champion, Cazz Selmer!!

**"Break Stuff" hits and Cazz leaves the ring, leaving Moore almost in tears in the ring.**


**Thresh Crest shown arriving outside the NMW Arena, with the NMW title thrown over his shoulder as he steps out of his vehicle. Thresh walks towards the arena, before stopping and taking a deep breath. He looks up at the large glowing sign that reads "Sold Out".**

Thresh-Ah, it's a good night to kick someone's ass.

**The camera pans up to show the sign Thresh is looking at once again, as the text scrolls across and it reads "NMW Saturday Night Macomber".**

Thresh-What the [ ]!!!

**Thresh blinks a few times, then looks up at the sign again. The red text scrolls across one more, showing "NMW Saturday Night Revolution". Thresh sighs in relief, as he pats his title belt and enters the building.**


**Inside the arena, a large group of fans are gathered around a long table. The camerman pushes his way through the crowd, to show that this is an autograph session. The fans are screaming and shoving their way around, as the camera reveals that the person signing the autographs…is the crouton! Except it isn't really signing the autographs, it's just sitting there as the fans throw pictures down for it to sign.**


**The fans cheer as the crouton does absolutely nothing, until a Mexican crew member approaches the crouton behind the table.**

Mexican-Mr. Crouton, you are up next against Crazy Joker.



**The crew member lifts up the crouton and carries him off, as the rabid fans watch him go. One little boy in the front row starts to cry as he didn't get his autograph. But then he looks up on the table and finds a lone speck of garlic left. The boy is overjoyed as he picks it up and skips off.**


Fredericks-I don't get it! It's a crouton, and it's more popular than we are!

Erikson-Chill Tyler…This is NMW.

Fredericks-Oh yeah…I forgot.


**"Smoothe Criminal" by Alien Ant Farm hits and Crazy Joker walks out onto the stage. He flexes his muscle’s and a red color fluctuates throughout his mood tattoo.**

Fredericks- Red? I wonder what that stands for. Maybe bashful? What about…

**Crazy Joker looks at a fan holding up a sign showing the crouton kicking his ass and Joker’s tattoo instantly turns green. He makes his way down to the ring and awaits his salad topper of an opponent. Just then, "Violent Reaction" by American Head Charge hits and one of the Mexicans bring out the Crouton, on its pillowed platter. The fans go absolutely crazy, just enraging Crazy Joker even more. The Mexican sets the crouton down inside the ring and sits on the metal steps awaiting the match.**

Erikson- This match is gunna rule!

Crazy Joker, still very angry, picks up the Crouton and holds it in his hand. He turns around and examines it even more. Then Crazy Joker lifts his hand up high into the air and gets ready to squash the poor helpless but dangerous Crouton. Suddenly, Crazy Joker sneezes! Crazy Joker throws the Crouton up into the air and Joker sneezes again, sending his head back into the turnbuckle, knocking him out! Joker falls to the mat with a thud and the Crouton, falls down next to Joker. The referee shrugs and sets the Crouton on top of Joker…1…..2…..3!

Anna Lopez- You’re winner at :10, and still undefeated salad topper, The Crouton!

Erikson- The referee helped out the Crouton!

Fredericks- Dude… was there a doubt that the Crouton was going to win?

Erikson- No…. but good point… I wonder what was wrong with Crazy Joker.

Fredericks- Maybe he’s allergic to croutons?

Erikson- Or… Garlic!

Fredericks- Muwahaha… Super Sleuth Commentators solve another case!

Erikson- WHORHAY!

**The camera fades out.**


**The MilleniTron suddenly lights up, and a small text box in the lower corner reads "Earlier Today". The screen then shows footage of Frank Williams sitting in a cushy chair and Spike Moore sitting in another cushy chair in some sort of interview room.**

Williams-Hello NMW fans. I'm here with the newest member of NMW's roster, Spike Moore. Just last week, he made his debut, revealing that he was the new member of Anarchy. But what's even more peculiar is the fact that Spike was supposedly still under contract with Underground Arena Wrestling when he appeared on the show last week. Well Spike, I invited you here today to clear up some of this stuff.

Spike-Well Frank, there's not really much to clear up. Mr. Winters made me an offer I couldn't refuse, as the saying goes. Rymiel had me under an unexclusive contract, believe it or not. Apparently the dope must have prepared the papers wrong while he was going through all the planning with his "Sins" bullcrap. So as it turns out, Winters had just a little more money in his budget, not to mention the fact that he guaranteed me instant stardom…Something that UAW couldn't provide.

Williams-I see. Well, now you're aligned here with the NMW champion, Thresh Crest. How did that partnership come about?

Spike-That's really none of your business Frank, but I'll say this: Thresh and I have known each other for quite some time, and we've been waiting for this moment in our careers. NMW is the perfect place to unleash hell, and the best part is that Winters doesn't give a damn. He sees pain, he thinks ratings. He sees destruction, he thinks revenue.

Williams-Well, it sounds to me that Winters is starting to act a lot like Rymiel used to. Don’t you think that with all this greed floating around, you just might get buried in the mix again?

Spike-Bite your tongue Williams! Winters is NOTHING like Rymiel was. Winters is a lot smarter, and better yet…a lot more insane. Rymiel was blinded by his greed, while Winters is driven by his.

Williams-Well then, what do you think of the NMW thus far? Any complaints?

Spike-I've seen nothing disappointing as of yet. It's definitely as lot better than that dump of an arena they have over there in UAW. However…NMW could use a better interviewer.

Williams-Hey! I…

**Spike coldcocks Williams before he can retaliate. Moore then smiles into the camera, as he walks off the set and the scene fades.**


Erikson-Spike Moore is the man.

Fredericks-Yeah, he is pretty intimidating.

Erikson-No…He's the man because he finally shut Williams up.



**"Fuel" by Metallica hits as Tank and Cliff both come through the curtain. They hold their arms up in the air receiving the cheers from the crowd. After a few moments Desyre walks out behind them and they all walk down the ramp and to the ring.**

Fredericks- Wow, there will be two face teams together.

Erikson- NO! That means it’s going to suck, and one team will become a horrible heel…

Fredericks- You really do overanalyze what happens in WWF. Remember, this is NMW.

**"What is a Juggalo" by ICP hits and Buddy and Aikeiro come out wearing the patented red nose. They honk it just like the crowd does. Buddy and Aikeiro high five each other and run down the rampway, sliding into the ring and stand face to face with Tank and Cliff.**

The bell rings as the referee manages to kick Buddy and Tank out of the ring, leaving the two lightweights to battle. Aikeiro goes for a clothesline, but Cliff ducks it and grabs him in a rear grapple. Aikeiro flies an elbow back, knocking Cliff in the mouth and loosening the grapple, allowing Aikeiro to leap into the air and perform a Rin-ne. Cliff falls back from the hard hit but quickly gets back to his feet. Aikeiro runs to the ropes and comes back, Cliff hits the mat lying down and Aikeiro steps over him, Aikeiro comes back and Cliff leaps over Aikeiro, but Aikeiro catches him, turns and drops him in a powerbomb! Aikeiro gets up and drops a few kicks onto Cliff’s midsection. Aikeiro picks up Cliff by the head and drags him over to his corner. He tags in Buddy while holding Cliff’s ribs exposed. Buddy laughs and yells something to Aikeiro. Aikeiro nods, jumps up on the turnbuckle while Buddy holds Cliff’s arms behind his back. Buddy ducks and Aikeiro leaps off, pulling Cliff’s head onto the shoulder of Buddy! Akeiro steps out of the ring and Buddy kicks Cliff in the gut setting him up for the Psycopathic Slam! (Sitout powerbomb/with pin) Buddy hoists him up into position, but Cliff hops off of his shoulders into a face crusher! Both men lay helpless in the ring as the ref begins the 10 count.

Fredericks- They had a solid win until that powerbomb screw up.

Cliff slowly starts to crawl to his turnbuckle while Buddy slowly gets to his knees. Cliff reaches out and tags in Tank! Tank dashes into the ring and punches Buddy, he then grabs Buddy and whips him into the ropes. Buddy comes back and Tank drops him with a big boot to the face! Tank turns and sees Aikeiro poised on the ropes. Aikeiro leaps off, but Tank catches him in a choke! He lifts Aikeiro into the air and slams him down in The Reload! (Giant Chokeslam). Tank gets up and turns, just barely ducking a clothesline from Buddy. Buddy bounces off of the ropes and Tank grabs him from under the arms, throwing him in the air in a farewell! Tank looks to where Aikeiro is but can’t find him, so he’s caught off guard when Aikeiro leaps off of the turnbuckle and kicks him in the side of the head! Tank stumbles back and trips over Buddy. Tank yells something to Cliff who is standing on the outside. Cliff nods and jumps off the apron, fishing under the ring he pulls out a chair! Tank gets up and grabs Aikeiro by the arm, whipping him towards the rope. Cliff jumps on top of the turnbuckle, and at the same time Cliff jumps off swinging the chair down as Aikeiro reverses the whip, causing Tank to get smoked in the head with the chair! Cliff stands in the ring not paying attention, trying to talk to the downed Tank, when Aikeiro taps Cliff on the shoulder. Cliff turns and Aikeiro kicks the chair into his face! The chair flies in the air and Buddy catches it and throw it back to Aikeiro. Buddy puts the pin on while Aikeiro jumps on the turnbuckle, turns and performs the Korean face buster! (Flipping leg drop with the chair)………..1…………..2…………3!

Anna Lopez- Winners at 3:15, and still Tag Team Champions, Buddy and Aikeiro!

Fredericks- HA! Your theory has gone unproven!

Erikson- I don’t understand… oh wait…

**Desyre slides into the ring and looks at Tank and Cliff. She instantly dives to Cliff and checks on him, rolling him over and tending to him like a significant other. After a few moments Tank shakes the cobwebs from his head and slowly gets up to his feet. Cliff too starts to come around, as Desyre tries to comfort him. Tank meanwhile leans in one of the turnbuckles, holding his head. Cliff gets up and sees Tank over in the corner, and yells something at him. Tank doesn't seem to hear him, and pays no attention. Cliff gets angry and starts marching towards Tank, with Desyre holding him back. Cliff struggles to break free from Desyre, until he throws his arm back, catching her across the face and sending her flying across the ring! The crowd explodes into boos as Cliff seems not to care, and he approaches Tank. Tank, seeing what Cliff has done to Desyre, quickly stands up out of the turnbuckle and says something to Cliff along the lines of "What the hell are you thinking?"**

Fredericks-This can't be good.

**Tank and Cliff get up in each other's faces, and start exchanging heated words. Cliff then shoves Tank backwards, and Tank retaliates with a shove of his own, sending Cliff tripping backwards. Cliff trips over the body of Desyre, and curses at her as he gets back to his feet. Desyre now has tears running down her face as Cliff steps over her and gets back into Tank's face. Tank gets very furious…and grabs Cliff around the throat, much to the crowd's delight. Tank prepares to lift Cliff…when Cliff kicks Tank hard in the groin. Tank lets go and crumbles to the canvas in a ball. Tank then lies in the turnbuckle as Cliff turns around and sees Desyre now standing. He approaches her, and she slaps him in the face! Cliff smiles for a moment, before grabbing Desyre, throwing her into the air and hitting Over the Edge (Sky High into X-Factor)!! The crowd gasps and then boos Cliff as he gets back up and stomps on Desyre, before leaving the ring. "Fear" by Disturbed hits as Cliff heads backstage. Tank slowly manages to crawl over to Desyre and check on her, as the scene fades.**


**Thresh Crest is out in the hallway, drinking a soda. He chugs it down and throws it away, before pacing down the hall. He walks up to the Anarchy locker room door, then stops.**

Thresh-I've gotta chill out…Zack is gone…dead. I'm the NMW Champion, and I've gotta face Gravedigger tonight for some God-forsaken reason. You're the man, Thresh, you're the man. Get it together now.

**With that, Thresh opens the door and walks in…to see nothing but destruction. His jaw drops as he looks around the trashed locker room. Clothes are thrown everywhere, glass from the TV monitor is strewn everywhere, and Morbid Angel is lying amongst all of it, barely conscious with blood running down his face. Thresh rushes into the room and kneels down beside Morbid Angel.**

Thresh-Who did this?

Morbid Angel-

Thresh-Where are Kaltuul and Belthazar?

Morbid Angel-They…went out…to their match…Uuuugh.

Thresh-Are you gonna be OK?

**Morbid Angel nods, as he puts his hand up on Thresh's shoulder.**

Morbid Angel-You gotta beat…Gravedigger and keep…the title. Don't worry…about me.

Thresh-But who did this?!?

Morbid Angel-……………Zack………..

**Thresh's eyes widen as Angel's eyes close and his head falls to the floor. Thresh yells in anger as he stands up and grabs the couch in the room. He lifts the couch on one side and flips it over, then paces around the room kicking everything in sight. Thresh yells once again, as the camera fades.**


Fredericks-Oh man…This is weird.

Erikson-Tyler…Zack is dead……….right?

Fredericks-I think so…He was pronounced dead after Winter's Wonderland, remember?

Erikson-Well then what in the hell is going on here…


**The crowd pops in a very large manner as "Wonderboy" by Jack and Kyle of Tenacious D strikes up. As the song picks up, "The Real Thing" Jackson King steps out onto the stage, being his usual cocky self, and the fans eat it up. They cheer the man as he makes his way down the ramp, focusing straight ahead and not paying attention to any other distractions. King walks past the ring, goes over to the announce table, and snatches the headset straight off the head of Brian Erikson, who cringes.**

King-You know what really pisses me off? Cowards. You know what pisses me off even more than cowards? Pansies. Now you see why I hate Thresh Crest with the passion of a thousand men. He's both a coward and a pansy, and he doesn't deserve to wear that NMW gold. He can throw all of his little cronies at me at once, I'll massacre each and every one of them…And once I get to him, it'll be game over. Fredericks, I think it's time Anarchy had a little Reality Check.

**With that, King throws down the headset and jumps into the ring. Tyler Fredericks grins as Brian Erikson carefully places his headset back on.**

Erikson-Damn hippy.

**The crowd cheers quickly change directions as "Long Hard Road Out of Hell" by Marilyn Manson and the Sneaker Pimps hits the sound system. The fans let their displeasure now rain onto the stage, as the Tides of Darkness, Kaltuul and Belthazar, emerge into the public eye. The two monsters ignore the fans, and begin to walk down the ramp, concentrating on King. The two men look at each other as they approach the ring, and Kaltuul walks off to one side of the ring, while Belthazar walks to the other. King is left standing in the middle, preparing himself for a double-sided attack.**

Fredericks-Looks like the Tides are gonna use a little tag team strategy right off the bat.

Erikson-Yup. King stands about as much of a chance against the Tides as the average American stands against the diamond cartel.


Erikson-It's a conspiracy Tyler…They're in our heads.

Kaltuul and Belthazar simultaneously hop onto the apron and climb into the ring as the bell sounds. Both men charge at King, who quickly chooses a side, and picks that of Kaltuul. King turns his back on Belthazar and locks horns with the running Kaltuul. King uses his strength to push Kaltuul back against the ropes, as Belthazar comes from behind him and nails a hard axe handle to King's back. King remains locked up with Kaltuul, however, and shows no signs of stopping. Belthazar now launches himself towards the opposite side of the ring, bounces off the ropes, and runs back at King, who suddenly releases the grapple, falls to the mat…and causes Belthazar to nail a big boot on his tag partner! Kaltuul backflips over the top rope, and lands face-first on the floor below. Back in the ring, King gets back to his feet as Belthazar turns around and angrily attempts another big boot. King catches Belthazar's leg, and whips him around into a Dragon Screw takeover. King retains his hold on the big man's leg, and quickly twists it into a Spinning Toe Hold, before dropping to the mat and locking on a Figure Four leglock. Belthazar screams in pain, until Kaltuul gets back up on the outside, grabs Belthazar's arms, and helps him to flip over onto his stomach…thus reversing the pressure of the hold onto King. Jackson King quickly wriggles free of the hold, as Kaltuul hops back up onto the apron. King slowly gets back up and turns around, just as Belthazar charges up behind him. At the exact same time, Kaltuul leaps up onto the top strand, springboarding himself into the air and nailing a hard missile dropkick onto King, while at the same time Belthazar sweeps King's legs out from under him! King does a full backflip before nearly landing vertically on his face.

Fredericks-Holy crap almighty! What a double team move.

Erikson-I believe they call that the Piggly Wiggly.

King now lies dead in the ring, as Kaltuul instructs Belthazar to roll King over and pin him. Belthazar happily obliges, and covers the downed King………………1……………….2……………..Kickout by "The Real Thing". Kaltuul is in shock seeing that King kicked out of their excellent maneuver, and he quickly begins to scale the turnbuckle as he shouts an order to Belthazar. Belthazar nods and drops a quick elbow onto King's chest, before dragging him up to his feet, and locking him in a full nelson. Kaltuul readies himself to pounce, as Belthazar now lifts King into the air, still locking on the full nelson. However, King suddenly grabs Belthazar's head, and pulls him down into a Chinbreaker, just as Kaltuul leaps off and nails a flying Shoulder Block, straight into Belthazar! Belthazar takes a nasty spill backwards, as Kaltuul gets up, and begins yelling at his partner. King sneaks up behind Kaltuul, and locks him in a Cobra Clutch…right before executing the Genuine Article (Cobra Clutch Suplex)! King is too close to the ropes, but this bodes worse for Kaltuul, who goes spilling out over the top rope once again to the floor below, as the crowd cheers in pure bliss. Kaltuul now lies motionless on the outside, as King flips him off from inside the ring. Just then, King is hit with a low blow from behind, as Belthazar has now recovered and is back on the attack. King doubles over, and Belthazar turns him around, setting him up for the Low Road to Hell (Last Ride)! Belthazar pauses for a moment to taunt the crowd, and he then readies himself to destroy King. Belthazar lifts King up onto his shoulders and grabs the waistline of his tights. Belthazar then hoists King into the air…but "The Real Thing" quickly flips forwards, coming down behind Belthazar and rolling him up in a Sunset Flip. But instead of holding on for the pin, King quickly gets up, grabbing Belthazar's arm and stepping over it, locking on the Reality Check (Butterfly Lock) out of nowhere! Belthazar, stunned and without the help of his brother, attempts to free himself for only about a split second…before he taps out to the hold. The ref calls for the bell.

Anna Lopez-Winner at 5:46, "The Real Thing" Jackson King!

Fredericks-A spectacular counter by King gains him the victory.

Erikson-Meh, I've seen better counters. You should go to my uncle's house and check out his counter…It has daisies on it.

**"Wonderboy" hits once more, as King stands up triumphantly and has his hand raised. Both of the Tides remain downed, unmoving, while King celebrates his victory. Kaltuul finally starts to come around, and sees King standing victoriously in the ring, and now stepping out onto the apron. Katuul starts to climb to his knees, until Jackson King leaps off the apron, smashing Kaltuul in the head with a large stomp. Kaltuul falls back to the ground, as the crowd cheers on the winner, Jackson King.**


**The crowd awaits something to happen, when suddenly the lights in the arena go completely out. The MilleniTron then flashes to life, as scenes of several wrestlers are shown. First, several MOW Slaughterhouse stars are shown, including Toran Crest, Bobby Taylor, Nightshade, and several others. Moments later, the scenes fade out, and the words "MOW Slaughterhouse sucks" appear on the Tron. The screen then flashes, as more wrestlers are now shown, only these are apparently from UAW. Stars such as Ogre, Bates Masterson, and Tim Lawson are shown competing in several scenes, before they fade out and the words "UAW sucks" appear. The MilleniTron then cuts out for a moment before flashing with a blinding white light, as "Just Got Wicked" by Cold hits. The crowd lets out a mixed reaction, as President Seth Winters steps out onto the stage. He isn't wearing his normal business suit, however, and instead is wearing a dark blue wrestliner uniform. The word "Psyclone" can be made out on his back as he paces down the ramp with a serious look on his face. Winters grabs a microphone from Anna Lopez, before stepping into the ring and looking at the fans.**

Winters-It's time that you fans know the truth. For several weeks now, I've been working behind the scenes with several of my fellow NMW stars, and we've been working towards a common goal. That goal is…supremacy. Now it is time to fill all of you loyal NMW fans in on what has been going on. I'm sure most of you already know, we here at NMW are struggling to be the best there is in the wrestling business. Obviously, there are others out there that are considered to be "bigger" than NMW. Two of those federations that have been more trouble than the others are MOW Slaughterhouse and UAW. Now some of you are probably thinking, "But isn't UAW the brother federation of NMW?" Yes, that WAS correct, until I found out that Rymiel never actually signed the papers. So NMW was literally left out in the cold, without much funding for any of its shows. It was up to me and all the other stars here to work the best we could to garner enough money just to keep going. That's when Winter's Wonderland came along.

**The crowd pops at the speaking of the last PPV.**

Winters-That Pay-Per-View set records in revenue for NMW, and it ranked as one of the highest-grossing shows in quite some time among all wrestling federations. Granted, it may have taken the life of Zack Macomber…but that was a small price to pay for the huge buyrates. And with that money, I was able to literally steal Spike Moore right out from under Rymiel's nose. However, that is just the beginning…A sign of things to come. With a champion like that Lawson moron, UAW is already doomed. NMW has never been one to sit around and let success come to it. WE TAKE IT.

**The loyal fans pop at this.**

Winters-As for the MOW Slaughterhouse…Well, I've been employed there for a few years now as most of you know. Hell, I started NMW under the name that I still go under in the Slaughterhouse, Psyclone. For the past few weeks now, I've been traveling to and from the SH Headquarters and the NMW Headquarters, telling everyone in sight how much of a lost cause the Slaughterhouse has become. When I joined it several years ago, it was the biggest and best federation there was. Then, under the guidance of idiots like Nightshade, it declined into nothing more than a roach for NMW to squash. Unfortunately, those greedy bastards over at the SH have decided that they wanted their next Pay-Per-View on the same night that NMW's next one was supposed to be, February 10th. Well, the PPV sponsors have chosen to give the slot to the Slaughterhouse for some ungodly reason, and therefore, NMW's next PPV will be one day sooner on February 9th! It will rival SH's "eXile" PPV, because on that date, NMW will bring you "eXclusion"!! And once again, NMW's ratings will triumph over those of the Slaughterhouse and UAW.

**Winters lowers the mic for a moment, as the crowd cheers in agreement.

Erikson-My God, he's just pissed off two large federations. Winters has lost it!

Fredericks-What are you talking about? He's always acted like this.

Erikson-I know that, but I have a clause in my contract that says I must say "He's lost it" at least once per show.

Fredericks-Damn, that sucks. It almost sounds like a clause some other hillbilly might have in his contract. Pretty soon you'll be calling yourself "Good Ol' B.E." and wearing a 10 gallon cowboy hat to the ring.

Erikson-I'm broken in half!

**Back in the ring, Winters begins pacing around. The fans actually start to cheer him.**

Winters-I figured I could count on YOU, the loyal fans of NMW, to back me up as I prepare to do something that will change the world of pro wrestling forever. For decades, wrestling federations have battled each other, but never directly. It has always been through either ratings, or backstage politics. Well as of right now, I am declaring war on the MOW Slaughterhouse, the UAW, and any other federation that thinks it is better than my NMW. Are you fans with me?

**The crowd explodes into cheers.**

Winters-Then from this moment on, the fun is over. The games are through. From here on out, we're at war. Whether the SH and UAW accept it or not, I'm going to strive to destroy them both. They can ignore and be eliminated easily, or they can heed my warning and put up a fight. Either way, NMW will reign supreme. And if you think I'm crazy…You're right.

**"Just Got Wicked" hits again as the crowd cheers on the President. He exits the ring and heads backstage.**


**The camera cuts to backstage, where Buddy the Clown and Aikeiro are sitting and watching on a monitor what Winters has just said. Aikeiro looks at Buddy in confusion.**


Buddy-Yes Aikeiro, he's declared war.


Buddy-What makes you say that?


Buddy-Oh, uh, I'm sorry Aikeiro.

Aikeiro-It…OK…Buddy. I…ate…their…corpses…to…stay…alive. And…now…I'm…champion…with…you.

Buddy-Um, Aikeiro…Get away from me.

**With that, Buddy takes off running in the opposite direction, as Aikeiro shrugs.**



Erikson-Winters or Aikeiro?

Fredericks-Neither…I've never seen a clown run that fast before.



**"Punk Nation Unification" by AFI hits and The Skankin’ Punkabilly, Tony Monroe steps out through the curtain. He holds a "Wendy’s" bag in his hand, waving it around like a flag as the crowd cheers. He walks down the ramp and slides into the ring, walking to each turnbuckle and throwing his arms up, feeding off the crowd.**

Fredericks- Tony has been fighting off the loss of his hero, Dave Thomas, the owner of Wendy’s.

Erikson- I’ll be his role model!

Fredericks- God no…

**"Boiler" by Limp Bizkit hits as the "North American Title" phrase spins around the screen. Knife makes his way out from behind the curtain, holding his NA Title high up in the air. After a few moments of showing it off to the crowd he walks down the ramp and slides into the ring.**

The bell rings and Knife and Monroe clash head to head with punches, both getting off a few square hits sending the other reeling back. Knife knocks Monroe back again, but Monroe comes back with a power clothesline, but Knife ducks and locks on a reverse DDT slamming Monroe onto the mat! Knife follows quickly with an elbow and a pin…1….Kickout! Monroe forces Knife off of him and slowly gets back to his feet. Knife helps him up and whips him to the ropes. Tony comes back and sidesteps a super kick, but bounces off the other ropes and catches Knife in a spear! Monroe locks Knife’s legs and folds Knife back in a sharpshooter! Knife screams out in pain, but manages to grab the ropes that aren’t too far away. Knife takes a few moments to get up, but Monroe doesn’t waste any time, and when Knife is on his knees, Tony Monroe comes by with a knee to his head! Knife flies back onto his back on the mat and tries to get up again, when Monroe pulls him up to his feet. Monroe kicks him in the stomach and holds him in a grapple. Tony Monroe hoists Knife up in a suplex and stalls it! But Knife kicks his feet back and flips out of the suplex behind Tony. Tony spins around and Knife kicks him in the gut for the Cutter, but Tony shoves Knife into the ropes! Knife comes back from the ropes and swings a wide clothesline. Tony ducks and Knife turns around, is kicked in the gut and DDT’d! Knife lays sprawled out and Tony backs up, getting ready to perform the Safety Pin Smack (Old Man Flop)! He leaps into the air, but Knife rolls out of the way right in the nick of time!

Fredericks- That was so close, it could have all ended right then and there.

Erikson- And because you said that, it didn’t.

Knife gets up to his feet and picks up Tony Monroe. Knife puts a grapple on Tony, and Knife digs down and grabs Tony’s leg, hooking it, and flipping Tony over in a fisherman’s suplex! He holds it for the pin………1……….2……... Kickout! Tony gets up the same time Knife does. Tony shoves Knife away and charges at him, but Knife is able to put Tony in a drop toe hold, putting a halt to his rush. Knife picks up and whips Monroe into the ropes, Tony comes back and is kicked in the gut… THE CUTTER! (Stone Cold Stunner) All of a sudden Knife is wacked over the head with some pink object by… Mr. Platypus! Knife falls forwards and one of Tony’s arms falls over him!….1……2……3!

Anna Lopez- Winner at 3:59, and you’re new North American champion, The Skankin’ Punkabilly, Tony Monroe!

Fredericks- Oh my god, Mr. Platypus just cost Knife the match!

**"I Come From the Water" by The Toadies hits and Mr. Platypus holds the pink object into the air, which is revealed to be a… a salmon! The referee lays the North American belt over Tony Monroe as the camera cuts off.**


**"The Skankin' Punkabilly" Tony Monroe is in his locker room, looking adoringly at his newly-won North American title. He pats it and looks up at the camera.**

Monroe-I warned Knife, but he wouldn't listen. He's just lucky that I didn't eat his pants.

**There is a knock at the door. Monroe gets up and opens the door, and none other than Mr. Platypus is standing there. Platypus walks in and offers his hand to Tony Monroe.**

Mr. Platypus-I just wanted to say congratulations on the win tonight my man.

Monroe-Thanks bro.

**The two shake hands, and Platypus looks down at Monroe's belt.**

Mr. Platypus-So, you're gonna give me a shot next week, right?

**Monroe looks confused.**

Monroe-Um…no. I was planning on taking the night off and celebrating with some buddies of mine. I am Tony Monroe, give me a dollar!

**Platypus now starts to get a little angry.**

Mr. Platypus-But I helped you win tonight. If I wouldn't have salmoned the Knife, you probably wouldn't have won that belt.

Monroe-Oh is that so? Well, I suggest that you leave my room, before I eat your pants…And if you're so good at swinging fish, then I'll see you next week on Revolution, Salmon-boy.

Mr. Platypus-You're on Pants-eater. I'll see you and your title next week. Oh, and one more thing...Wendy's sucks!

**Mr. Platypus giggles and runs out of the room, leaving Tony by himself. Monroe picks up his title and pets it, then whispers something to it.**

Monroe-Don’t worry little one…I won't let him buy you flowers.

**And the scene fades.**


Erikson-Where do we pick up all these weirdos?

Fredericks-Peanut Hills Psychiatric Hospital?


Fredericks-Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.



**The arena lights go dim, and the crowd begins booing, as Metallica's "Blackened" hits the speakers. The Unholy One, Gravedigger, paces onto the stage, doesn't stop or pause, and walks straight down the ramp. He climbs up onto the apron, steps over the top rope, and stands in the middle of the ring. He stands there for a moment, as the lights come back on. Gravedigger then walks back over to the ropes and climbs out of the ring, standing in front of it, as if to guard it.**

Fredericks-Apparently, Gravedigger earned this title shot last week when he beat Chang Mustafa. Funny…I didn't know that was a number one contenders match.

Erikson-Neither did I, but I've gotten used to the stupid shit that goes on here in NMW.

**As Gravedigger stands in front of the ring, "Breathe" by Nickelback starts up, and the crowd's boos go unchanged, as Thresh Crest steps out onto the stage, carrying his NMW title in his right hand, letting it drag on the ground behind him. He looks a bit rattled, as he pauses on the stage, staring down at Gravedigger. Thresh's eyes are almost glazed over, as he seems to be totally off his game. Nonetheless, Crest slowly makes his way halfway down the ramp, before Gravedigger starts walking up towards him as well.**

Fredericks-Uh oh, looks like this match is gonna start outside the ring.

**Gravedigger approaches Thresh quickly, and the two men come together at the bottom of the ramp. Thresh rears back and swings his NMW title belt at Gravedigger's face, but the Unholy One ducks, and grabs Thresh around the throat. Then, in one amazing show of power, Gravedigger turns his body back towards the ring, and launches Thresh down towards the squared circle by his throat. Thresh takes flight, hovering a few feet over the floor, before nailing the corner of the apron! Thresh then slumps to the floor, as Gravedigger once again walks over to him. Gravedigger now grabs Thresh's belt and throws it over the ring, in the general direction of the timekeeper's table. Gravedigger then lifts up Thresh's limp body, and rolls him into the ring. Gravedigger follows closely behind, and steps into the ring as well. The bell sounds.**

Erikson-This should be a damn good match. Although Thresh looks kinda screwy, and I can't blame him.

Back in the ring, Thresh slowly starts to get up, as Gravedigger simply stalks over him. Gravedigger kicks his leg forward, bringing it hard up into the ribcage of Thresh. Thresh's body jumps into the air from the impact, before slamming back down onto the canvas. Gravedigger seems unamused, and he grabs Thresh by the back of his shirt, pulling him back to his feet. Thresh regains his composure and stands on his own, as Gravedigger nails him with a headbutt to the back of the head. Thresh stumbles forward, bouncing off the ropes, and walking backwards towards Gravedigger. The Unholy One catches Thresh and lifts him into a Belly to Back Suplex. Thresh is able to backflip out of it, and lands behind Gravedigger. Thresh quickly loops his arm over Gravedigger's head on his descent, setting him up in a Reverse DDT position. However, Gravedigger's arms snap back and grabs Thresh's shoulder, and in another show of brute strength, Gravedigger stands up, lifting Thresh over his shoulder! Gravedigger takes a step forward, before planting Thresh down with a Powerslam. Gravedigger remains on top of the champ, attempting a pin……………..1…………….2…………….Kickout by Thresh. Gravedigger seems unphased by this, as he remains on the offensive, yanking Thresh back up to his feet. Thresh cuts him off with a quick jab, catching Gravedigger off guard. Gravedigger releases his hold on Crest, who then nails another jab to the jaw of The Unholy One. Gravedigger stumbles back, as Thresh rushes forward and slips under Gravedigger's arm. Crest then kicks out his right leg, and delivers the Riot Act (STO 2)! Gravedigger doubles over onto the mat, as the crowd lets out a semi-pop.

Fredericks-Riot Act out of nowhere! My God…How did he pull that off so quickly?

Thresh slowly crawls over and pins Gravedigger……………….1………………..2…………….Crest takes flight as he is shoved off powerfully by Gravedigger! Gravedigger gets back to his feet, as does Thresh. The two men then walk up face to face, and lock up in a strong grapple. Thresh lunges forward and drops Gravedigger with a quick Double Leg Takedown. Gravedigger sits back up, and is met with a dropkick to the face from the NMW Champ. Thresh now climbs the turnbuckle, as Gravedigger once again gets back to his feet. Thresh scurries up onto the top rope and prepares to leap, when Gravedigger turns around to face him, and shoots his hand up, grabbing Thresh around the throat! Thresh freezes in shock, as the crowd pops at the thought of what's to come. Gravedigger then lifts Thresh off the turnbuckle for the Embalmer (Chokeslam from Hell)…but suddenly Thresh breaks free of the grasp, and hooks Gravedigger's arm in midair as he begins to fall. Gravedigger is dragged down by Thresh, right into a Reverse Armbar! Gravedigger shows no emotion as the ref checks on him, and Thresh wrenches back on the arm. After a bit, Gravedigger stops moving completely, and Crest releases the hold. He rolls Gravedigger over onto his back, and steps out onto the apron. Gravedigger lies on the canvas not moving, as Thresh climbs the turnbuckle again. Crest gets to the top rope, turns his back to Gravedigger, and backflips off the top rope, going for the Entropy (Rios Backflip Splash)! Gravedigger quickly sits up, and Thresh misses the move, slamming face-first onto the mat! Gravedigger now gets to his feet, and seems as fresh as ever. Thresh too gets to his feet, holding his nose in pain. Gravedigger makes a cutthroat motion, before locking Thresh in a suplex hold. The crowd boos, as The Unholy One lifts Thresh up into the Last Descent (Screwdriver). Gravedigger holds Thresh vertically, letting all the blood rush to his head, when suddenly a figure appears running down the ramp. Gravedigger is about to drop Thresh on his head, when the figure slides into the ring behind Gravedigger, revealing that it is Chang Mustafa! Chang charges up behind Gravedigger, and hits him in the crook of the knee with a chop block! Chang then slides out of the ring, as Gravedigger topples backwards. Thresh then maneuvers and twists his body using Gravedigger's own momentum to propel him downward into a variation of the Clash (Jumping Reverse DDT)!!! Gravedigger lands square on the back of his head with a thud, and Thresh quickly hooks his leg…………………1…………………..2………………..3!! Chang jumps for joy on the outside, as Thresh groggily gets back to his feet.

Anna Lopez-Winner at 8:03, and still NMW Champion, Thresh Crest!!

**"Breathe" by Nickelback hits, as Thresh is handed his title belt. He steps up onto the second turnbuckle, as the crowd boos him. Gravedigger, meanwhile, sits up and sees Chang celebrating on the outside. Gravedigger rolls out of the ring, and engages in a fist fight with Chang Mustafa. Back in the ring, Thresh flips off the crowd.**

Fredericks-Wow, if it weren't for Chang, Gravedigger would be the NMW Champion right now, no doubt about it.

Erikson-That's the advantage of No Disqualification matches Tyler. You know the interference is gonna come, it's just a matter of when. Gravedigger was obviously thrown off guard by Chang's illiteracy, and that factor allowed Thresh to pick up the win.

Fredericks-Great post-match analysis Brian.

**As Gravedigger and Thresh continue to go at it on the outside, Thresh celebrates his victory inside the ring by pissing off the crowd even more. Just then, a man appears in the ring behind Thresh, apparently coming from the crowd. The crowd pops as they realize that it's "The Real Thing" Jackson King! King just shake his head in disgust as Thresh stands up on the second turnbuckle pointing at his title and taunting the crowd. King then stomps his foot on the mat, causing Thresh to turn his head in curiosity. Crest's face turns to surprise, as King gallantly leaps onto the second rope, springboards himself into the air, hooks Thresh's head, and pulls him off the turnbuckle into a Hangman's Neckbreaker! The crowd erupts as Thresh lies in the ring unmoving, and King gets back to his feet. Jackson then grabs Thresh's title and raises it above his head, as the rest of Anarchy-Spike Moore, Morbid Angel, and the Tides of Darkness-come running down the ramp. Jackson King quickly kisses the belt and throws it down onto Thresh's chest, before leaping between the ropes and exiting through the crowd, just as Anarchy enters the ring.**

Erikson-Damn that Jackson King! His hairy black ass is always getting involved where it shouldn't be!

Fredericks-How do you know his ass is hairy Brian?

Erikson-Because I've seen…I mean because he says it in every one of his damn promos!


**Anarchy tends to Thresh, as the camera cuts to Chang and Gravedigger, who are still brawling over by the announce table. Homeless security guards begin to run down the ramp from the back, and they swarm the two men, separating them. Gravedigger thrashes around, and calmly walks away from the scene. Chang trash talks Gravedigger as he walks away, as the guards struggle to restrain Mustafa. Inside the ring, Anarchy has helped Thresh to his feet.**

Fredericks-Things are definitely heating up for Thresh, not to mention the NMW. I can't wait to see what's in store as we get closer to the next PPV.

Erikson-Yeah, no kidding.

**The camera zooms in on a shot of Crest's face. He looks half-furious, and half-frightened, almost the look of a psychotic man. Anarchy offers to help him leave the ring, but he angrily refuses, clutching onto his belt as he steps out onto the apron and heads up the ramp. Anarchy follows close behind, as the NMW logo appears at the bottom of the screen, and the image fades out.**


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