**The snow is pouring down outside the large building known as the NMW Arena. Around 1 to 3 inches lies on the cold ground, as the camera pans up to show a flashing sign that reads "NMW Saturday Night Revolution…Sold Out!" After showing this glowing red hue of the letters, the camera cuts to the inside of the arena, just seconds before "Violent Reaction" by American Head Charge hits, sending around 8,000 fans into a fevered frenzy. Fireworks shoot up from the steel stage, lighting up the entire arena with flashes of red, orange, purple, and blue. The camera pans around the arena, catching glimpses of some signs:

"R.I.P. Dave Thomas"

"If you smellllll…what Chang is spelling."

"I come from the water too!"

"Tony is gonna lay the skank down on Cazz."

"Watch UAW shows…They have a cool World Champion."

"X-Pac should be World Champion of the MOW Slaughterhouse."

The fan with the last sign is shown jumping up and down, until he turns his sign around, to reveal on the other side a picture of Richard Simmons, and in pink writing, "Nightshade is GAY". The camera then switches over to a view of the gayest straight men in sports entertainment, Tyler Fredericks and Brian Erikson.**

Tyler Fredericks-Hello everyone, and welcome once again to NMW Saturday Night Revolution! I'm your humble host, Tyler Fredericks.

Brian Erikson-And I am the Quintessential Bran-Muffin, Brian Erikson.

Fredericks-Tonight will be another rockin' night of action for NMW, as we're now two weeks removed from NMW's biggest PPV to date, Winter's Wonderland. And if you haven't seen it yet, do yourself a favor and go check it out.

Erikson-Or we'll be forced to send Grandma Spraggins after ye. And you wouldn't like her when she's angry.

Fredericks-Damn skippy. Well, let's take a looksy over the card, as it stands right now.






Erikson-Looks like a decent card, unlike usual.

Fredericks-What's that supposed to mean? We usually don't have good cards?

Erikson-Well, it's not that they're not good, it's just that they're put in the wrong order. Honestly, I'd like to see that crouton main-eventing.

Fredericks-I see…So you're saying that you think we'd have a chance against those other so-called "bigger" federations with a crouton as our main-eventer?


Fredericks-Now I see why Mr. Winters hired you.

**All of a sudden, "Breathe" by Nickelback hits, and Thresh Crest appears on the stage to a chorus of boos from the rabid crowd. He has the NMW title slung over his shoulder, and he smiles at the fans smugly, before marching down the long ramp. He snatches a microphone from Anna Lopez, and steps inside the ring, as the crowd continues booing him.**

Thresh-Shut your yaps for a second, you moronic pieces of sh*t!

**The boos get even louder.**

Thresh-I have but one thing to say to you idiots about tonight. For those haters out there who thought Anarchy had run its course…you will be proven very wrong here tonight. This is because finally…the new member of Anarchy will be revealed! I know you all have been waiting for it, and tonight, you will finally witness history being made…For Anarchy will reassert it's power, and strengthen its grasp on the throat of NMW. We will rule you all, we are already halfway there. It's only a matter of time before all of our adversaries have been destroyed, and we will…

**"I Come From The Water" by the Toadies suddenly strikes up, surprising all the fans and Thresh Crest alike. Mr. Platypus steps out onto the stage, and he's holding some sort of fish in his left hand. He also is holding a microphone, which he raises to his mouth as the crowd cheers him on.**

Mr. Platypus-THIS is a salmon.

**The crowd cheers at the sight of the salmon.**

Mr.Platypus-Now I'm sure you're all wondering…Who is this guy, why is he interrupting the NMW champion, and why is he holding a salmon. Well, lucky you, because I am about to answer all of your queries. You see, I am Mr. Platypus, NMW rookie and soon-to-be superstar. The reason I interrupted the champ, Mr. Crest, is simple… I don't like him, and I know all you people feel the same way.

**The crowd pops in agreement, as Thresh starts getting an angry look on his face.**

Mr. Platypus-And as for the salmon…Well, I kinda forgot why I brought a salmon out here, but I DID have a really good reason.

**The crowd laughs.**

Mr. Platypus-But Thresh, I'm sick of hearing you talk, because ever since I arrived here in NMW, all I've heard is you tooting your own horn. And quite honestly, I've never liked horn music. Therefore, I challenge you to a match tonight, so I can stick a cork…or better yet, a salmon…in that horn of yours. I don't care if you wanna put that belt on the line or not, because all I want to do…is have some fun. And I got a feeling I'm not the only one.

**Mr. Platypus raises the salmon in the air, as the crowd cheers.**

Thresh-You think you're funny little man? Well, you've got your match tonight, and YES, I WILL put my NMW title on the line. Just wait until I kill your ass in this ring with the Riot Act, and then we'll see how funny you are.

**Thresh throws down his microphone in the ring, as the crowd boos him. Up on stage, Platypus mocks Thresh and throws his salmon down.**

Mr. Platypus-Tonight Thresh…You will feel the Wrath of the Salm…er, Platypus!

**"I Come From The Water" hits again, as Platypus picks up his salmon and heads backstage. Thresh furiously leaves the ring, and stomps back up the ramp, heading backstage as well.**


**The camera is looking down the hallway when Tank comes walking down it. He makes a sharp right and walks into the door, when the camera gets there Tank is sitting in front of the crouton. He has a gently, fatherly tone in his voice as he talks to it.**

Tank- You did a good job last week little one. I couldn’t have planned that any better, just catch him off guard, muwahahaha. Have you heard anything new from the motherbag?


Tank- Look, I know you are a bit nervous. But don’t let that stop you from keeping in touch with them. They’re your friends and family from the assembly line. You all were made in the same batch for crying out loud!


Tank- Well, there is something that you have to know. Tonight I’ll be involved in my own match. I don’t want to risk getting injured before it, so I will not be coming out to help you. It’s time that you move on into your own championship glories and win the hearts of everyone.


Tank- I’m glad you understand. I’m sorry I can’t be there tonight, but I’m sure you will do fine. Good luck little buddy.

**Tank pats the back of miniature crouton and it flies off of the table and into the wall. Acting like a bug on a windshield, it slides down it as Tank leaves the room laughing to himself.**


**The camera opens up inside the office of President Seth Winters, where he is sitting at his desk, watching a nearby monitor and bobbing his head. The camera pans around to show that the monitor is set to MTV, and the video for Alien Ant Farm's "Movies" is playing. Winters continues bobbing his head and smiles.**

Winters-Wow, they actually go THROUGH the screen…Interesting.

**All of a sudden, Winter's office door flies open, scaring him half to death. Winters turns in his chair and looks up, nearly jumping out of his seat at the sight of a…green Crazy Joker. Joker pounds his fist onto Winter's desk, and seems to be very angry.**

Crazy Joker-I WANT MONROE!


Crazy Joker-I never got a rightful shot at the High Stakes title, and I've always been a top contender for it. I want my shot tonight, or I'll just take it myself!

Winters-Well, um, Tony is already booked against Cazz Selmer. And uh, what is up with your skin…It's kind of…green.

Crazy Joker-Oh, you like it? I got it last Thursday. Have you ever heard of mood tattoos? They change color whenever you change moods. Well, I got practically my whole body tattooed, and it turns green when I'm angry.

Winters-But, you didn't get every inch tattooed, and it looks kind of dumb…Just a bunch of green swirlies all over your skin.

Crazy Joker-That's not the point. I'm supposed to be just like the Incredible Hulk, you know? I turn green when I'm mad.

Winters-Incredible Hulk? You look more like Kermit the Frog with leprosy.

Crazy Joker-Whatever! I'll show you man! I'm gonna go get that damn High Stakes title!

**The green Joker pounds his fist again, before turning and walking out the door. Winters shrugs and goes back to watching TV, when suddenly "The Real Thing" Jackson King storms into the room. He grabs the back of Winter's chair and spins him around to face him.**

King-I want Crest.

Winters-Sorry man, he's already booked tonight against Platypus.

King-I DON'T CARE! I WANT CREST! I'm sick of being wasted around here, and last week at Revolution, he insulted me on national TV! I don't care if I get an official match or not, but I'm going to hurt him…badly.

Winters-Well, the best I can do is book you against him for next week.

King-That's not good enough. I want him tonight…and I will have him tonight…whether you like it or not. New Anarchy member my hairy black ass…Thresh is going to pay for insulting me, and he's going to find out why I'm "The Real Thing" tonight. Then next week, I'll take his damn title from him too. See you later…PREZ.

**King spins Winter's chair around in a full circle, before turning and leaving the room. After his chair stops spinning, the President collapses onto his desk.**

Winters-Geez, people around here are so greedy…

**The scene fades.**


Fredericks-Hehehe, Kermit the Frog with leprosy.

Erikson-I swear, someone needs to bring a shotgun to the arena and just ravage this place.



**"Long Hard Road out of Hell" by Marilyn Manson and the Sneaker Pimps begins to play as the lights curt into a strobe effect. After a few moments Belthazar and Kaltuul both strut through the curtain. The crowd’s boos echo throughout the arena as the Tides of Darkness raise their arms into the air. The lights start to flicker back to normal and they walk the rest of the way down the ramp, slapping around some of the fans along the way.**

Fredericks- It seems as though they haven’t been the same since the tag match with Buddy & Aikeiro at Winter’s Wonderland.

Erikson- I don’t think anyone would be the same after that.

**"Fuel" by Metallica hits, Tank and Cliff both step out onto the stage, looking around and feeding off of the crowd’s cheers. Following close behind them is Desyre, showing off her assets just like every other wrestling diva has done in the past. The crowd continues cheering for their favorite member of the "Resistance" as they walk into the ring and slide in, allowing Desyre to sit on the outside.**

The bell rings, Belthazar and Cliff both tie up. Cliff whips his arm around, slapping the chest of Belthazar, followed by the patented "OH!" from the crowd. Cliff grabs Belthazar, and goes for a whip, but Belthazar reverses it, catching him with a hard clothesline. Cliff doesn’t waste any time getting back up and is quickly back up on his feet. Dodging another clothesline, Cliff catches Belthazar in a rear grapple, but Belthazar is able to thrust his elbow back, nailing Cliff in the face. Cliff is caught off guard and Belthazar grabs the back of his head, whipping Cliff back in front with a snapmare. Belthazar takes a step to the side and drops an elbow onto the sternum of Cliff, holding on for the pin….1….Kickout! Cliff shoves Belthazar off of him and gets back to his feet, Belthazar swings a punch, and Cliff ducks under it. Belthazar spins around is squarely kicked in the gut. Cliff pulls Belthazar’s head down between his legs!

Fredericks- All who think Cliff is able to pull this off, say aye!

Erikson- Nay…

Cliff yanks back, trying to pick up Belthazar, but instead Belthazar lifts him off of the ground and slams him back around! But Cliff holds onto Belthazar and pulls him back from a modified sunset flip…1……2….. Kickout! Cliff and Belthazar both pop back up and exchange rights and lefts. Belthazar goes for another right hand, but Cliff blocks it and rides in with it, spearing Belthazar! Cliff pops back up and signals for Tank as the crowd goes wild! Cliff walks over and tags in Tank as the huge man steps into the ring. Belthazar is managing to get up and he turns around, seeing the huge man the camera is able to pick up the fear on Belthazar’s face! Tank uses the fear and clenches Belthazar around the neck. Setting him up for a chokeslam. He lifts him off the mat when he is suddenly hit on the back of the head by a forearm from Kaltuul! Tank drops Belthazar and stares at Kaltuul. Kaltuul backs up into his corner and stands there as if nothing had happened. Tank promptly goes back to Belthazar, lifts him up in the air and brings him crashing down! Tank points at Kaltuul, he shakes his head. Tank nods and lifts Belthazar into the air, bringing him to Kaltuul. Kaltuul is frozen in fright until Tank throws Belthazar into Kaltuul, causing a tag! Tank then reaches out and grabs Kaltuul, he hoists him up to the apron. But Kaltuul grabs Tank by the head and pulls him down, clotheslining him on the top rope! Tank flies back and lands on the mat, gagging. Kaltuul enters the ring and hoists Tank up. He tries to whip Tank, but Tank just stays still. Kaltuul tries again, but Tank pulls back, pulling Kaltuul back to him! Tank catches him under his arm and belly to belly suplexes him back to the mat! Outside the ring the camera shows Cliff walking over to where Belthazar is. He picks up the metal steps and gets ready to slam them down, when Belthazar puts a boot up in the air, knocking the steps back into Cliff’s face! Belthazar then grabs Cliff and throws him in the ring, slowly following him in as well.

Fredericks- I think this is starting to get way out of hand.

Tank sees Belthazar and walks over to him, but as Belthazar is getting up he punches Tank right in the groin. The huge man doubles over in pain as Kaltuul also gets up. They speak to each other then eye Tank wearily. Belthazar and Kaltuul get a running start, and double clothesline Tank out of the ring! Belthazar steps out as Cliff wearily stumbles near one of the ropes. Kaltuul catches Cliff by the throat and lifts him high into the air, but Desyre trips him up from under the bottom rope, allowing Cliff to bring Kaltuul down into a facebuster! Desyre holds down one of Kaltuul’s legs as Cliff pins him Tank is laughing, holding onto Belthazar, not allowing him into the ring to disrupt the pin.….1…..2…..3!

Anna Lopez- Winners at 3:15, Tank and Cliff!

**"Fear" by Disturbed hits as the trio begin to walk out of the area heading for the ramp, when the homeless/Mexican crews file through it. Running as hard as they can. They all scatter and jump over the barricades as the crew members run by. Each member of the trio is able to hide in with the fans well enough that the pursuing crew members just run by them. The camera fades out.**


**The camera clips on in a fast food restaurant showing Tony Monroe sitting at one of the tables. The little box in the corner says "Earlier Today". The camera zooms in to see the word "Wendy’s" written on the cup. He sits there calmly eating as it appears to be no skank in him.**

Monroe- I apologize to my fans, for now is not the time for skanking. I’m sorry you all must see me like this, but Dave Thomas, the owner of Wendy’s is my hero. I learned a lot from him and when I get my edumacation, I plan to open my own store, and name it Dave’s!

**Tony’s moment of happiness is slowly broken down as he thinks really hard for a moment. (or tries at least) He folds his hands together and speaks again.**

Monroe- God? Why did this have to happen to one of your precious? He never did anything wrong, sure he overcharged his food. But it was food that was well worth it! Please give me a sign that Dave is alright, right now, looking over me.

**A spark causes Tony to blink, and when he looks down he notices a few ketchup packets by his fries. A tear streaks down his cheek as he squeals in delight. He then digs in, eating his food like only a Punkabilly Skank can.**


Fredericks-Poor, poor Dave Thomas.

Erikson-He will definitely be missed.

Fredericks-But up next, we have a match with the now infamous crouton!



**"The King’s of Rock" by Run DMC hits as the Lollipop of Mediocrity champion, Triple J walks through the curtain. He stands tall on the stage, flexing his muscles out to the crowd while sucking on the lollipop of mediocrity. After a few moments he makes his way down the ramp and slides into the ring.**

Fredericks- He’s going to get germs all over that thing!

Erikson- Do you really think anyone else will ever own that "title"?

Fredericks- Good point…

**"Violent Reaction" by American Head Charge hits and a Mexican, charged with the duty of bringing the crouton out comes out from behind the curtain with the crouton on a silver platter. He walks down the ramp as the fans go crazy for their favorite salad topper. The Mexican steps into the ring and places the crouton down in front of Triple J.**

Fredericks- Alright, let’s get this match underway…

The referee calls for the bell, and Triple J pulls the lollipop out of his mouth, revealing a pink sucker part.

Erikson- I thought the lollipop was a blue color?

Fredericks- It is!

Triple J pulls the lollipop back into his mouth and bites off the tip and spits a pink mist towards the crouton! But halfway through the spitting Triple J stops and starts holding his throat, seemingly choking!

Fredericks- He’s choking on the capsule!

Triple J’s face begins to turn a light shade of blue, then darker as he falls backwards and lands on the ring, spitting the capsule out. The force of Triple J hitting the ring sends the crouton into the air and lands on top of Triple J. The referee gets down for the pin!….1….2……3!

Anna Lopez- Winner at :10, The Crouton! Loser and still Lollipop of Mediocrity champion, Triple J!

**"Violent Reaction" hits again as the pestered Mexican comes back and picks up the crouton, carrying him away to god knows where.**

Fredericks- Even cheating won’t get him anywhere.

Erikson- I think the crouton and Triple J are going to become really good friends now.

Fredericks- Why’s that?

Erikson- Because they wear the same color tights!

**Erikson bursts into laughter at his own joke as Fredericks just stares at him.**

Fredericks- Croutons don’t wear tights…

Erikson- I hate you… You’re fat.

**The camera zooms away from the 3rd grade rivalry and eventually fades out.**


**Back stage, "The Real Thing" Jackson King is storming down the hallway, throwing everything around that he comes into contact with. He walks by a trash can, throws it. He walks by a table with flowers sitting on it, throws it. He walks by a soda machine, attempts to throw it, but can't pick up, so he kicks it.**

King-I'll show those bastards. I'm tired of being held down here. If they won't give me an opportunity, I'll just take one, and Thresh is gonna be sorry that I ever showed up here in NMW. I'll teach him to insult me.

**King continues marching down the hall, and now begins punching locker room doors as he passes them. He passes Cazz's door, punches it. He passes Jason Moore's door, punches it. He passes Triple J's door, which suddenly opens, and Triple J walks out, and King punches him in the face without noticing. Triple J collapses on the floor, as King continues on his way.**

King-I can't believe Platypus is actually getting a shot at Crest before me. And for what? Bringing a goddamn fish out onto the stage!?! What the hell kind of federation did I join? Well, it doesn't matter, as long as I get my shot at Thresh next week...I'll just bypass a couple of the steps I planned on…like the North American title. Screw that, I want the big gold, and I know I can beat Thresh. It's only a matter of time…And I think I'll start with my plan…tonight.

**With that, the camera fades, as King continues on his tirade down the hallway.**


**The camera enters one of the locker rooms to show Aikeiro and Buddy the Clown sitting at a table playing poker.**

Aikeiro- Object… to get… same card?

Buddy- Well, kind of, just keep betting!

**Aikeiro pushes 3 red chips into the pile in the middle of the table as Buddy gets an even bigger grin on his face, even starting to get antsy in his seat.**

Buddy- You know Aikeiro, you did a great job at Winter’s Wonderland. You made a pretty good clown too!

Aikeiro- It was… nothing… You did Korean… Leg Drop well too.

Buddy- Well what can I say, an extra 20 feet to fall and I’m a luchadore. It’s a shame Zack didn’t fend too well from his drop.

**Both Aikeiro and Buddy lower their heads for a second and Buddy pops back up.**

Buddy- Want another card?

Aikeiro- Uh… Do I have to?

Buddy- Do you have 4 of the same card yet?

Aikeiro- Yes…

Buddy- You don’t want that! It’s bad! Get rid of 3 of them!

Aikeiro- Um, okay…

**Aikeiro flips his 3 cards away, accidentally flipping one of them over revealing an ace. Buddy sighs in relief and gives Aikeiro his three new cards.**

Buddy- Well, ante up.

**Aikeiro lays down his cards revealing a 10, jack, queen, king, and ace of hearts. Buddy’s face turns to a frown.**

Aikeiro- So what do I have?

Buddy- Um…you have jack sh*t.

Aikeiro- @#%@ (Korean lingo)

Buddy- Don’t worry, you’ll get the hang of it.

**Buddy sweeps the pot onto his side as the camera slowly fades out.**


Erikson-That is about the most unfair poker game I've ever seen in my life.

Fredericks-I don't know man…I've seen a turtle lose to a cockatoo before.



**"Boiler" by Limp Bizkit hits and The Knife, carrying his North American title on his shoulder walks out onto the stage. He holds his title high up into the air as the fans go crazy for their hero. He walks from one end of the stage to the other, showing the crowd his belt as they take pictures. Eventually he turns and walks down the ramp to the ring, handing his belt to the referee before sliding into the ring.**

Fredericks- Knife looks a lot more focused tonight than he did last week.

Erikson- Maybe he’ll get over the fact that he just about killed his best friend!

**In the ring, Knife turns to face Erikson, and frowns, apparently slipping away from reality into depression. Suddenly "In the End" by Linkin Park begins to play. Knife turns his attention to the stage, looking for the Great Kuda, when he is clocked with a spinning heel kick to the back of his head!**

The bell rings as Kuda picks Knife up, he whips him into the ropes, and before Knife can counter the whip Kuda leaps into the air, performing a dropkick that sends Knife sprawling backwards! Knife backs up and hits the ropes and lunges forwards, catching Kuda in a clothesline while he’s getting up! Kuda keeps on going though and quickly gets back to his feet. Knife gives him a right hand and locks him up in a snap suplex, slamming him down to the mat! Kuda lifts himself up and holds his back until Knife grabs him by the arm and puts on a mahistrol’s cradle!…1…..2….. Kickout! Kuda starts to get up and gets to his knees, Knife is already up and challenging Kuda to come and get him. Kuda starts into a sprint, but Knife uses Kuda’s momentum against him, grabbing the back of his head and throwing him into the turnbuckle! He then repeatedly kicks and stomps on Kuda, until he ends up sitting on the ground, resting back on the turnbuckle. Knife runs to the opposite ropes, comes back and smokes Kuda with a knee to his face!

Fredericks- Knife is really laying it on Kuda.

Knife runs to the ropes to attempt the move again, but this time Kuda moves and Knife’s knee slams into the turnbuckle! Knife hobbles backwards, holding his leg in pain, until Kuda pops up and levels him with a clothesline. Kuda drops down for the pin…1….2…. Kickout! Kuda grabs Knife by the hair and pulls him to his feet. Knife swings a sloppy clothesline and twirls around. Kuda grabs him and drops him in a full nelson slam! Kuda then pops back up and swings his arms in the air, signalling the Kido Bomb (Swanton Bomb)! He runs up the turnbuckle and cheers to the crowd, holding his arms up in the air! He then turns around and gets ready to leap when he is kicked in the gut and given the Cutter all the way down to the mat! (Stone Cold stunner) Knife crawls over the Kuda and pins him….1……2……3

Anna Lopez- Winner at 4:15, The Knife!

**"Boiler" hits again as Knife grabs his North American Title from the referee. He holds it up high to the crowd before spinning around and walking up the stageway, and through the curtain.**


**The camera cuts to a locker room where the lights are down low. There is a figure inside the locker room ransacking it mumbling incoherently. Finally the figure walks through a bit of light to reveal its Jason Moore!**

Moore- Hmm… There are 17 ways to skin a cat, and Buddy… I’ve got your number.

**Jason fumbles through a locker labeled "Buddy" on it when he pulls out a replica of Buddy’s attire! Before he slams the locker door he looks on the shelf where the light seems to be pointing at…. Buddy’s red nose!**

Moore- Without his nose he is powerless…

**Jason hears something outside the room so he takes off and dives behind some boxes. Right on time, Aikeiro and Buddy both bust through the door.**

Aikeiro- I… will… beat you… some… day

Buddy- Highly doubtful buddy. You’ve gotta understand that a 2, 5, 7, 9 of hearts always beats 4 aces.

**Buddy goes to his locker and opens it up to see that his nose is missing!**

Buddy- Heh, another one of those sucker wrestlers stole my little red nose. Those poor saps. It’s a good thing they don’t find it though, without it I’d be powerless.

**Buddy and Aikeiro both grab whatever they were looking for and leave the locker room, turning the lights off behind them. When they are gone the camera is able to pick up a word coming from behind some boxes that somewhat sounds like "SH*T!"**


Fredericks-Jason Moore sure does have some sort of identity disorder going on.

Erikson-Yeah, someone needs to set him straight.



**The crowd waits impatiently for something to happen, when AFI's "Punk Nation Unification" suddenly fills the arena. The crowd erupts into one simultaneous cheer, as "The Skankin' Punkabilly" Tony Monroe skanks his way onto the stage. He makes a belt motion around his waste, before skanking down the ramp. He gets ready to slide into the ring, before he has a sudden revelation, and starts digging underneath the ring.**

Fredericks-Tony looks like he needs a weapon for his High Stakes title match.

Erikson-I don't understand why there is ALWAYS crap under the ring. Who puts it all under there? And why in the hell do they use it as a storage space? You'd think they'd have more consideration for the wrestlers' well-being, and put stuff like pillows or something else soft under there.

Fredericks-Since when have you been concerned about the wrestlers' well-being?

Erikson-Oh I'm not…I just accidentally read your cue card.

Fredericks-Damn you Erikson.

**Tony continues searching under the ring, when "Break Stuff" by everyone's favorite band, Limp Bizkit, sets the crowd into a roar of hatred. Cazz Selmer walks out, with the High Stakes title slung over his left shoulder. He looks down at Monroe, who is still half-buried underneath the ring apron. Cazz grimaces, as he slowly makes his way down the ramp, while the crowd boos him like they've never booed before. Cazz drops his belt on the ramp, before sneaking up behind the unsuspecting Monroe. Cazz reaches down and pulls him up by the shirt….but Tony quickly spins around and smashes Cazz with a trash can lid!! Cazz stumbles backwards, as the bell rings.**

Erikson-Wow, I bet they could hear that shot up in the nosebleed section.

Fredericks-Yeah, and I bet they could hear your mom up there last night too.


Fredericks-Oops, my bad. I read YOUR cue card.

Tony runs at Cazz and once again smashed him with the trash can lid, as Cazz begins a backward retreat up the steel ramp. Tony waves his arms to the crowd, as he charges up and goes running at Cazz once more…until Cazz ducks and takes him down with a Reverse Fujiwara Armbar, causing Monroe's face to bounce off the lid on his way down! Cazz quickly releases the hold, however, and stands up again, only to drop a hard elbow to the spine of "The Skankin' Punkabilly". Tony yelps in pain, as Cazz grabs him by the hair and pulls him up. Cazz punches Monroe in the jaw, sending him back against the crowd barricade. Cazz then charges at Monroe….who ducks, and Back Body Drops Cazz over the barricade and into the crowd! Monroe takes a moment to recover, as Cazz can be seen standing up in the crowd. Selmer looks shaken, until a fan dumps a cold beer over his head from behind! Cazz spins around and decks the man, and begins making his way up and over the barricade. Cazz stands up on the large barricade, preparing to leap on Monroe, but Tony quickly skanks his way over to Cazz's feet, and pushes his left foot off the barricade…causing Cazz to land crotch-first on the barricade! The crowd pops, as Monroe quickly follows up by stepping up onto the barricade himself. He pulls the groggy Cazz up, and hooks him in a suplex position. Tony then lifts Cazz vertically, turns his body in midair, and falls back onto the steel ramp below, executing a picture perfect Corkscrew Suplex! Both men now lie on the ramp in pain after the drop, before Tony is able to skank/crawl is way over and make a pin attempt……………..1……………….2…………….Kickout by Cazz. Tony gets up and plays to the crowd for a moment, when suddenly he is hit from behind with a pane of glass.

Fredericks-It's Morbid Angel!

Tony falls flat on his face after the glass has shattered over his back, as Morbid Angel walks onto the scene, just as Cazz Selmer is getting to his feet. Morbid Angel kicks Cazz in the gut, and delivers the New Abortion (Hangman's DDT) onto the ramp! Cazz slumps down onto the cold steel, as the crowd boos Morbid Angel. Angel ignores them, as he drops to pin in an attempt to win the High Stakes title………………1…………………2………………Suddenly, a green figure breaks up the count! Angel quickly gets up, as he is met with a hard haymaker from Crazy Joker! Angel reels backwards, heading up onto the stage. Joker takes another swing at him, and knocks Angel towards the edge of the stage. Joker then takes a step back and swings again…but Morbid Angel sidesteps him, causing Joker to lose his balance and topple off the stage into a swan dive, before landing on a stack of crates below! Angel smiles at his craftiness, as he turns around…only to be met with a kick to the head from Aikeiro! Morbid Angel's head snaps back, as he does the Nestea Plunge off the stage as well! Aikeiro grins, and turns around to high-five his partner, Buddy the Clown, who is also now on the scene. Aikeiro then points to the downed Cazz Selmer, and Buddy nods. Buddy runs over to Cazz's body, when suddenly Aikeiro is knocked out by a vicious chairshot from behind! The man holding the chair steps out into the light to reveal Jason Moore…in a clown suit! Buddy doesn't notice him, and goes to pin Cazz……………..1……………2…………..Moore slams the chair onto Buddy's back! Buddy angrily stands up, only to have Moore bring the chair down upon his face! Buddy falls down onto his back, as Moore raises his hand to his nose, squeezes, and "Honk! Honk!" Moore then does a little dance for the crowd…before Tony Monroe spins him around out of nowhere, and DDTs him onto the steel! Moore bounces off the ramp and lies motionless, as Monroe skanks his way over to the still-out-cold Selmer. Monroe signals to the crowd, then bends over to make the pin…only to have Selmer pull him down into a small package pin, holding onto Monroe's tights……………1…………….2……………3!! Cazz quickly leaps up, grabs his title belt, and runs off to the backstage!

Anna Lopez-Winner at 5:01, and still NMW High Stakes Champion, Cazz Selmer!

Fredericks-What a cheap win! Cazz had a huge handful of tights!

Erikson-Well, sometimes the cheap ones are the best ones.

**Back up on the ramp, Tony Monroe angrily gets to his feet, yells at the ref for a moment, then furiously skanks his way to the back, as the camera fades out. After Tony has left, the rest of the NMW superstars involved in the match…Buddy, Aikeiro, Jason Moore…all get to their feet, look at each other, and laugh. Buddy shakes off the shots he took, and heads backstage holding his stomach.**


**Frank Williams, followed by a camerman enters the door labeled "Seth Winters". Seth Winters, caught off guard, unties the bag of croutons that are hanging from the wall and sits down at his desk.**

Winters- And what can I do for you?

Williams- Seth, we hear more and more everyday about the disturbances that you, Psyclone, are causing in the MOW Slaughterhouse. What are you doing?

Winters- I see you can’t make any sense of this. It’s as easy to understand as the similarities of apples and oranges. Slaughterhouse is falling. And quite frankly I am tired of seeing it falter on the line of living and dying. So by using my great cunning, I plan to deal the final blow to it.

Williams- And how do you do that?

Winters- Does a baseball player show his fans all his great recipes? You will just have to find out.

Williams- Fine… But what will you do if the Slaughterhouse comes onto our turf?

Winters- Then I guess I’ll have to do what every other great military strategist does when he’s approached by an enemy.

Williams- And what is that?

Winters- Bake them brownies. Now if you’ll excuse me, I must find out where these croutons are hiding their champion…

**Seth strings the croutons back up and pulls out the mallet. He takes a wide swing and knocks the bag around.**


**The camera fades out as Winter’s swings again, holding the bag with an iron fist.**


**Mr. Platypus can be seen helping himself to the buffet when Buddy the Clown comes up, holding a plate.**

Buddy- Heh… a salmon…

Platypus- Yup, I thought it was quite clever myself.

Buddy- Where is that salmon right now anyway?

Mr. Platypus- Umm…

**Mr. Platypus looks around wondering where he left it. When he sees Knife putting a fish into his mouth, then pulling out the bones. He shrieks and drops his tray, running over to Knife, he leaps over the table and clotheslines him on the spot! Knife rolls back from the move and gets back to his feet, still stunned from the attack. The NMW roster hold back both men as they try to get at each other.**

Mr. Platypus- YOU ATE MY SALMON!

Knife- It was a carp, I swear!

**Knife burps and something pink comes out of his mouth and lands on the floor inbetween them.**

Knife- A pink carp…

Mr. Platypus- This isn’t over Knife. I’ll be hooking your ass later.

**Mr. Platypus shrugs off the other NMW stars and walks out of the room, making sure to slam the doors on his way out.**


Erikson-That salmon is just causing all kinds of problems.

Fredericks-Yeah, but up next, Chang wants to get some revenge on The Unholy One after Gravedigger chokeslammed him last week.


**Drowning Pool's "Bodies" slams onto the speakers, as the crowd lets out a decent cheer for the most illiterate man in sports entertainment, Chang Mustafa. Chang plays to the crowd a bit, high-fiving some of them as he usually does. He then heads down the ramp and climbs inside the ring. He looks a bit angrier than usual, and he now waits for Gravedigger.**

Fredericks-These two have been at each other's throats since the main event of Winter's Wonderland. Gravedigger eliminated Chang there, and Chang returned later on to smack Gravedigger with a pipe when the Unholy One was attempting to interfere.

Erikson-Honestly, I think it's a conspiracy against elementary school teachers.

**Suddenly, the arena lights go dim, as the chilling sound of a bell rings, followed by Metallica's "Blackened". Gravedigger steps out onto the stage, absorbing the jeers from the crowd. He keeps his head bowed, as he slowly paces down the ramp. Chang gets impatient and starts walking back and forth in the ring. Gravedigger eventually makes his way up onto the apron, and he steps over the top rope, as the ref calls for the bell to start the match.**

Erikson-My pick for this match is Chang, simply because he can't spell "defeat".

Fredericks-Nice strategy.

Chang rushes at Gravedigger, but Gravedigger just puts up his boot, easily knocking Chang to the mat. Chang is quick to his feet however, but is again knocked down by the huge Unholy One. Gravedigger lifts Chang to his feet and connects with a suplex. Chang quickly rolls out of the ring so he doesn't get pinned. The Unoly One follows him out, only to be met by a quick dropkick to the knee. Gravedigger drops to one knee before rising back up and lunging at Chang with a clothesline. Chang ducks and hits Gravedigger with a neckbreaker on the pads outside the ring. Chang quickly slides back in the ring and starts taunting for the crowd, who responds with cheers. Gravedigger seemingly has had enough of this and slides in the ring behind Chang. Chang turns around and his met by a hard right hand that sends him flying into the turnbuckle. Gravedigger lunges at Chang with a huge splash but Chang drops to his butt, causing Gravedigger to smash chest first into the turnbuckle. Gravedigger stumbles backwards and Chang rolls him up in a school boy………..1……........2…….......Gravedigger easily kicks out and rises to his feet. Chang dropkicks Gravedigger in the knee again, causing the Unholy One to drop to his knees. Chang begins to throw kicks at the torso of Gravedigger and tops it off with a spin kick to the face of Gravedigger. Chang quickly rolls Digger over for the cover……….1…….....2….......Gravedigger body presses Chang off of him.

Fredericks-Unbelievable power by Gravedigger. This man always seems to be angry.

Erikson-Yeah, he's like the polar opposite of Triple J, who always seems to be happy…Gay even.

Gravedigger quickly gets to his feet as Chang jumps on Gravediggers back and locks on a sleeper hold. Gravedigger takes a few steps back and rams Chang into the turnbuckle, but Chang still holds on. Gravedigger reaches back and grabs Chang by the head and flips him over with a vicious snapmare. Gravedigger drops and quickly places his hand around Chang's neck in a strangle hold. The ref quickly makes Gravedigger break the hold. Digger doesn't seem to pleased about this and starts shoving the ref. The Unholy One turns around and clocks Chang as he's getting up, then turns back around to continue yelling at the ref. Chang groggily gets to his feet quickly runs to the turnbuckle and climbs it. Gravedigger doesn't turn around, but runs into the ropes instead, causing Chang to rack himself. Gravedigger climbs out onto the apron and walks over to Chang. Gravedigger looks at the nearby announcer's table and reaches up, grabbing Chang by the neck. Gravedigger points to the table and flies off, giving Chang the Embalmer (Chokeslam from Hell) off the top turnbuckle and through the announce table!! The Unholy One stands over the broken body of Chang and laughs sadistically as he picks up some broken parts of the table and a monitor and throws them in the ring. Gravedigger lifts Chang to his feet and military presses him into the ring. Digger then climbs up onto the apron and over the top rope. The Unholy One walks over to the broken parts of the table and stacks them up with the monitor ontop. Gravedigger then walks over to Chang and sets him and connects with a Last Descent (Screwdriver) onto the broken table parts and monitor!!! Gravedigger rolls Chang over and pins………..1………….....2.……………..3!!

Anna Lopez-Winner at 4:52, Gravedigger!

Fredericks-Well, that was a very unclean win by the Unholy One.

Erikson-Speaking of unclean, I think I see Bruce Vilanch in the audience. WASH YOUR HAIR DUDE!

**Back in the ring, Gravedigger emotionlessly steps over the top rope, and heads to the back. Chang is then shown still lying in the ring, holding his head as he slowly gets back to his feet. He glances around at the broken pieces of table and monitors. He all of a sudden gets a look on his face like he has just had an idea. Chang quickly picks up one of the broken monitors and heads backstage.**



**Thresh Crest is sitting in his locker room, suiting up into his wrestling gear, and getting ready to face Mr. Platypus. Thresh sits down and is tying his boots, when suddenly he hears a crash coming from somewhere else inside his locker room. He quickly takes his boots off, and tiptoes towards the bathroom. Thresh peeks around the corner, but no one is there. He looks around a bit more, shrugs, and then goes back to his boots.**

Thresh-What the…?

**Thresh looks down to see that his boots are now gone from the spot where he left them. He looks around, up and down, but can't find them. He paces around his locker room, even opens the door and looks out, but sees nothing. Thresh walks around a bit more, but still can find no sign of his boots.**

Thresh-Who's in here?!? Show yourself dammit! Don’t be a coward!

**After yelling out, Thresh hears another crash coming from somewhere nearby, most likely the bathroom. Thresh marches over, then slowly pushes the door open. He looks over…and sees his boots sitting on the toilet seat. Confused, he steps in, when he notices the mirror.**

Thresh-Holy crap…

**The camera pans inside the bathroom, to show the large mirror, and in red writing, the words "WHO RULES?" are scribbled on the mirror. Thresh yells in anger, and punches the mirror, shattering it to a million pieces. He walks over, snatches up his boots, and storms out of the bathroom. The camera closes in on the writing, as the scene fades out.**



Fredericks-That was damn weird…

Erikson-Tyler…You don't think that he…

Fredericks-I don't know man, I don't know.



**The crowd erupts into a frenzy, as "I Come From The Water" by the Toadies strikes up, and the undeniable charisma of Mr. Platypus appears on the NMW stage. Mr. Platypus stands still for a moment on the stage, then takes off running forward, and does a leaping cartwheel as he makes his way down the ramp. The crowd "Oooo's" and "Ahhh's" at Platypus's agility, as he slides into the ring, and awaits the World champ.**

Fredericks-Mr. Platypus sure looks like he is ready to take on Thresh. Such confidence for such a new guy…

Erikson-It's almost as if he's been in other federations before…or possibly is STILL in them…

Fredericks & Erikson-Hmmmmm….

**Just then, "Breathe" by those crazy Canadians, Nickelback, hits the loudspeakers. Thresh Crest cockily walks onto the stage with the NMW title strapped around his waist. He struts halfway down the ramp, before seeing a fan with an outstretched hand, looking for a high-five. Thresh smiles and shakes the fan's hand…only to yank on it, and send him sprawling over the barricade, and banging his head on the edge of the ramp! Thresh cackles as he continues on his way, handing the NMW title to the timekeeper, and stepping into the ring.**

Erikson-Thresh is my idol…I've never known another man with so much power, and yet so much grace.

Fredericks-Well, except for Michael Jackson.

The bell rings, as Platypus and Thresh begin to circle each other in the ring. After a moment, they lunge at one another, and lock horns in a strong grapple. Thresh knees Platypus hard in the midsection, doubling him over in pain. Thresh then pulls his face up, and clocks him with a right hand. Thresh signals to the crowd as if to say "Too easy", as he grabs Platypus by the arm and whips him off the ropes. Platypus bounces back, and ducks a clothesline from Thresh. Platypus bounces off again as Thresh turns around, and this time Thresh connects with a running knee to the midsection, causing Mr. Platypus to flip over his knee…but Platypus is able to hook Thresh's leg on his descent, and rolls the champ up in a modified schoolboy pin……………1………….Thresh kicks out with authority. Both men get to their feet, as Thresh lunges and levels Platypus with a vicious close-range clothesline. Platypus bounces hard off the mat, but gets back to his feet fairly quickly. Thresh grunts and swings another clothesline, but this one Mr. Platypus ducks under, sending Thresh into a 180 degree spin…as Platypus grabs him and drops him with a quick Belly to Back Suplex. Thresh holds his back for a moment, as Platypus quickly gets back up and waits for him. Thresh stands up after a bit, as Mr. Platypus nails him with a hard knife edge chop. The crowd omits a "WOO" as Thresh is knocked back against the ropes. Platypus nails him with another chop, before whipping him off the ropes. Thresh reverses the whip, however, and sends Platypus bouncing off the ropes instead. Platypus comes back and leaps up for a Cross Body Block…but Thresh catches him in midair. Thresh then runs full speed ahead and slams Platypus awkwardly into the top turnbuckle, back-first. Platypus falls hard to the mat, as Thresh stomps on him a few times. Platypus rolls slowly out of the corner, and lays on his back a few feet from the turnbuckle. Crest quickly leaps up onto the top rope…and backflips off, attempting the Entropy (Rios Backflip Splash)! Thresh comes down hard……right onto the raised knees of Mr. Platypus!

Fredericks-Ouch! I hate it when that happens!

Erikson-Hey Tyler…Don’t look now, but here comes the cavalry.

Up on the stage, the crowd starts to boo as the rest of Anarchy makes its way down towards the ring. The Tides of Darkness and Morbid Angel, all still looking pretty beaten up after their earlier fights, walk up to the ring and stop just in front of the bottom of the ramp. Platypus and Thresh are still lying in the ring, as the ref starts to count them down…….1…….2……3…….4……5……Mr. Platypus starts to get to his knees……..6……7……Thresh also starts getting up……..8……Platypus and Thresh each get to their feet, and Platypus strikes with a jab to Thresh's jaw. Thresh stumbles back, but hammers Platypus with a punch of his own. Platypus rallies the crowd quickly, before winding up a big swing, only to have Thresh duck it and lock on the Riot Act (STO 2)!! Thresh kicks his leg out to execute the move, until Mr. Platypus bops his head sideways, nailing Thresh with an unforgiving headbutt to the temple! Thresh lets go of Mr. Platypus and drops to his knees, holding his ear in pain, as the crowd starts to get behind Mr. Platypus. Platypus shakes the cobwebs out, as Thresh is still in pain. Platypus readies himself to attack Thresh, when suddenly Morbid Angel leaps onto the apron and grabs Platypus by the shoulder from behind. Platypus spins around and swings, but Angel ducks it, and pulls Platypus's neck down over the top rope! Platypus bounces off the rope, and turns around, right into a boot to the gut from the now-arisen Thresh Crest. Platypus doubles over, as Thresh hooks him up for a suplex. Thresh lifts Mr. Platypus into the air, but Platypus begins violently kicking his legs about, still with a lot of fight left in him. Thresh isn't able to hold Platypus up, and drops him back down to a standing position. Platypus maintains the suplex hold…and quickly lifts Crest up and drops him with the Wrath of the Platypus (Brainbuster DDT)!!

Fredericks-Wrath of the Platypus! It's over!

Thresh hits the canvas head-first as the crowd explodes into cheers. Just then, Kaltuul and Belthazar leap onto the ring apron, right as Platypus jumps on top of Thresh for the pin. The ref ignores the pin, and attempts to get the Tides of Darkness down off the apron. Platypus notices that no one is counting the pin, and quickly gets up off of the NMW champion. Platypus spins the ref around, before double clotheslining the Tides off of the apron, causing them to hit the floor below. Platypus then turns around, and sees that Thresh is getting to his feet. Mr. Platypus thrusts himself backwards into the ropes and bounces off…but Morbid Angel grabs his ankle from the outside and trips him up, causing Platypus to fall face-first onto the mat! On his way down, Platypus accidentally headbutts the referee, causing him to roll out of the ring. Just then, a figure jumps over the crowd barricade, as Platypus slowly gets back up, holding his flattened nose in pain. The figure slides into the ring, to reveal the Knife! Knife screams something about "not eating Platypus's salmon", before kicking him in the gut, and delivering the Cutter (Stone Cold Stunner)!! Knife then spits on Platypus as the crowd boos him, and the North American champ heads backstage. Platypus, meanwhile, slowly is able to get back to his feet. He walks forward unsuspectingly, right into the grasp of Thresh Crest…who hooks him up, and drops him with the Riot Act (STO 2)! Platypus is folded up on the mat, and the crowd begins booing loudly, as Thresh crawls over and places his arm over Mr. Platypus's chest………….1……….





Fredericks-Son of a bitch!

Anna Lopez-Winner at 7:32, and still NMW Champion, Thresh Crest!

Erikson-What a champ!

**Back in the ring, Thresh gets back to his feet, as the rest of Anarchy climbs into the ring. The timekeeper hands Crest the NMW title, and the Tides of Darkness and Morbid Angel gather around him in glory.**

Fredericks-This just isn't right…Anarchy blatantly interfered.

**Back in the ring, Morbid Angel begins stomping on Mr. Platypus, as Thresh demands a microphone from ringside. Before speaking, he orders the Tides to pull Platypus to his feet. They oblige, holding both his arms, as he just hangs in their grasp. Thresh laughs and then raises the microphone.**

Thresh-Earlier tonight, I promised that the new Anarchy member would be revealed. Well, that time has come, and you are about to witness the ruling class in NMW getting even stronger than before! And just for kicks, this lowlife rookie will be made our new member's first victim!

**Thresh drops the microphone…as "Wonderboy" by Tenacious D hits. The crowd begins booing, as "The Real Thing" Jackson King emerges on the stage. He glances down at Anarchy in the ring for a moment.**

Erikson-King is the new Anarchy member!? Genius! Pure genius!

Fredericks-No way…You have gotta be kidding me.

**King, after standing on stage for a moment, darts down the ramp, and slides into the ring. He steps up face-to-face with Thresh, before clocking the NMW champ with a right hand! Thresh falls back, and yells at the Tides to get him. The Tides drop Platypus to the mat, and he rolls out of the ring. King goes to town on both Tides, nailing jabs and crosses left and right. Morbid Angel attempts to strike King from behind, but King nails him with a back elbow, then spins around and locks on a Cobra Clutch…before launching Angel with the Genuine Article (Cobra Clutch Suplex), sending his flailing body right into the Tides of Darkness, and causing all three men to sprawl out of the ring!**

Fredericks-Yes! King isn't the new member after all!

Erikson-Well then who is?

**King, after eliminating all other Anarchy members, turns his head and looks down at Thresh, who is sitting on the mat beside his NMW title, staring up at King. "The Real Thing" moves closer and closer to Thresh, preparing to finish him off. Just then, a hooded figure leaps over the barricade from the crowd, and slides into the ring behind King. Before King can react, the figure pounds King in the back, then hooks both his arms…and delivers an Impaler! King's face bounces off the mat, as Thresh grins and slowly gets back to his feet, grabbing the microphone on his way up. He approaches the hooded figure, and shakes hands with him.**

Thresh-NMW fans and morons, I give you the newest member of Anarchy…

**The hooded man rips off his mask to reveal…**


**The crowd erupts in a collective gasp, before booing Thresh and Spike. They both look down at Jackson King, who appears to be out cold.**

Fredericks-Spike Moore! But he is supposed to be in UAW, our brother federation. What the hell is he doing here?

Erikson-Shut up and maybe Thresh will tell us.

**Thresh Crest lifts his hand into the air, signaling for the crowd to be quiet. They persist with their booing, and Thresh and Spike just look at each other and shrug it off.**

Thresh-That's right…I know what you're all thinking. Spike is a member of the UAW roster. Well, not anymore! Ya see, he wasn't fully appreciated over in that hellhole, so our President signed him to a lucrative deal, and he gladly signed on to the NMW roster. UAW's commissioner, Rymiel, will find out about it as soon as his advisors tell him, because up until now, no one had any idea what we were planning behind the scenes. Now, thanks to Mr. Winters, Spike is the newest member of our dictatorship…and his first assignment is to destroy this moron Jackson King! Ring that f**kin' bell!

**Thresh jumps out of the ring, as the bell is rung.**


Fredericks-I don't believe this! Winters STOLE Spike Moore from UAW!

Erikson-For such an insane guy, he sure is smart.

Fredericks-This CAN'T be legal.

Back in the ring, Spike Moore is pacing around Jackson King, toying with him. King is still recovering from the Impaler, and is struggling to get up. Once King has gotten to his knees, Moore drives his foot into Jackson's spine. King falls back down to the mat, and the crowd boos Spike's tactics. Moore just flips off the fans, and reaches down to grab King by the back of his shirt. King still seems to be out of it, and Moore cranks back his fist, and sends King reeling with a stiff right cross. King falls back into the turnbuckle, and Spike Moore approaches him. Moore lifts King's chin up, revealing that his eyes are half-shut, before pounding Jackson King with a few more quick jabs. Moore then grabs King's arm and whips him to the opposite turnbuckle. Spike turns around and charges…right into King's raises knee! Spike stumbles back, stunned, as King slowly regains his composure. King then charges out of the turnbuckle, but Spike swiftly smokes him with a hard clothesline. King lands on the mat, as Spike quickly recovers from the knee to the face. Spike pulls King up again, but King quickly throws Moore's arms away, and headbutts him directly on the nose! Spike falls back to the mat, and King grabs his head in pain. "The Real Thing" remains on the offensive though, and walks up to Moore, whose nose is now bleeding. King whips Moore off the ropes, but Moore reverses the whip, and holds onto King's arm, driving his knee right into King's groin! King doubles over in pain, as Moore spins him around and hooks his arms once more, preparing for another Impaler. Moore turns his body around…until King escapes it and shoves Moore off the ropes. Moore bounces back as King stands straight up. Spike attempts a running shoulder block, but King doesn't budge, as the crowd erupts in cheers. Moore quickly grabs King's arm and attempts to Irish whip him, but King reverses it, hooks Moore's arm, and loops him right into a Cobra Clutch! King tries to lift Moore up, but Spike is able to hook his foot under the bottom rope, preventing King from suplexing him. King releases the hold and spins Moore around, only to kick him in the gut, and nail him with a Snap Suplex. King floats over and covers…………1………….2………….Kickout by Spike Moore. King angrily gets back up, and pulls Moore with him…until Spike rams his arm up into King's nads, low-blowing him! Moore pauses for a moment to catch his breath, then stands up and flips off the crowd, before hooking King's arms for an Impaler and turning him around. Moore gets ready to sit down, when suddenly, King stands up, locking his arms around those of Moore, and delivers the Genuine Article (Cobra Clutch Suplex) out of nowhere!

Fredericks-Genuine Article! He's got Moore beaten!

Erikson-Dammit…And to think I used to like King.

Spike Moore flies backwards through the air, before landing on his neck, square in the middle of the ring. King slowly pulls himself up by the turnbuckle, as the crowd cheers him on. Spike lies motionless on the mat, as King makes his way over to the downed superstar. King stands over Spike's body for a moment, before reaching down, grabbing his arm, and locking on the Reality Check (Butterfly Lock)! Spike suddenly snaps out of his trance and begins screaming in pain, as King sits down on his bent body, causing even more pain. Spike starts kicking his legs, attempting to reach the ropes, but he is far from them. The ref gets down in Spike's face and asks him if he wants to quit, but Spike shakes his head, closing his eyes and clenching his teeth in apparent agony. King starts to wrench down even more…when a steel chair is suddenly crushed over his skull!! The crowd erupts in boos. King releases the hold and falls to the mat, as blood starts running down his face. Thresh Crest stands over the bodies of both Spike Moore and Jackson King, as the referee calls for the bell.

Anna Lopez-Winner by disqualification at 6:21, "The Real Thing" Jackson King!

**Thresh raises the dented steel chair into the air once again, before bringing it crashing down onto King's back. The Tides of Darkness and Morbid Angel slide into the ring and help Spike Moore get to his feet. Thresh pounds King with the steel chair once more, as Spike taps Thresh on the shoulder and says something to him. Thresh nods and drops the chair, only to yank the unconscious King back to his feet. He bends King over, letting Spike hook his arms, and deliver the Turmoil (Impaler) onto the steel chair! King's body falls flat on the canvas, as his blood stains the area beneath him. Spike stomps once more on his body, as all the member of Anarchy leave the ring. They begin walking back up the ramp, as "Breathe" hits the arena once again.**

Fredericks-Damn those Anarchy whores!

Erikson-Oh be quiet, or I'll sick Triple J on you. Thresh is a genius for helping to bring in Spike Moore, and I can't wait to see the look on Rymiel's face when he finds out about it.

Fredericks-This was truly an unbelievable night, and I'm sure once King wakes up, there's gonna be hell to pay on the part of Anarchy.

Erikson-Yeah, IF he wakes up…

**King's body is once again shown in the ring, as the camera then switches to one last shot of the smirking faces of Spike Moore and Thresh Crest, as they and Anarchy step up onto the stage, soaking up the boos of the crowd. The NMW logo appears at the bottom of the screen, as the scene goes dark.**


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