**Deep inside the NMW Arena, inside what seems to be some sort of a conference room, is a long table, on which one side are seated several Mexicans of Jason Moore's armada, and on the other side suited executives. Talking is heard coming from the meeting, but no clear conversation can be made out through the ruckus. Suddenly, one of the Mexicans, Pablo, stands up, as does one of the execs. The two men shake hands and smile, as the camera cuts to the main area of the arena. The camera twirls around the ring, as "Violent Reaction" by American Head Charge hits, and the crowd goes into a tizzy, as the words "Winter's Wonderland: One Week Away" appear on the MilleniTron. The large screen then switches to a still picture of Thresh on one side, and Gravedigger on the other. The camera then pans out and begins its journey around the stands, picking up several signs:

"Tank just isn't Desyrable."

"Shooting Star of Bethlehem!"

"Who's Cliff?"

"A new member of Anarchy…Pauly Shore!"

"Mustafa rules!"

"X-Pac is like a goat crossed with a glass of lemonade."

The camera settles on the final sign, as the fan looks up, and realizes that he has no idea what his sign means. He quickly pulls it down, yanks out a Sharpie permanent marker, and changes it to "X-Pac is a girl." He grins and holds the sign up once again with pride, as the camera cuts to the announce table, where 2-time Trash-Can-Lid-Sledding champions, Tyler Fredericks and Brian Erikson, are sitting.**

Tyler Fredericks-Yo yo yo, homies. Welcome to NMW's hood. We're one week away from Winter's Wonderland, and the main event has finally been announced. I'll leave it up to my beautiful partner, Brian Erikson, to analyze that match and break it down for us. Take it away Brian.

Brian Erikson-Well, here's the dilly-yo. Two men, Thresh and Gravedigger. One title, the New Millenium Wrestling world strap. And one dome…the MilleniDome. Each man harnessed to a bungee cord, with weapons hanging from the top of the dome. It'll be a battle until one man is no longer conscious.

Fredericks-Well done. Now on to the matters at hand tonight. We have an unusually full card…Or at least fuller than usual.

Erikson-That's right. Let's peep that card.






Fredericks-Wow, five matches. It's almost mind-blowing.

Erikson-All of them look pretty decent too. Maybe it'll be a perfect conclusion to President Winter's plot to raise the ratings. After all, Mr. Winters said earlier this week that today is the day that the ratings for all federations are released. I'm anxious to see where NMW ranks.

Fredericks-Aren't we all…

Erikson-I'm guessing we're #1, simply because NMW has the best announce team of all time…or at least one half of it.

Fredericks-Aw, Brian…I didn't know you cared.

Erikson-I was talking about me, you crapweasel.

Fredericks-I know dickhole, I was being sarcastic.

Erikson-You wanna go Fredericks??

Fredericks-Sorry, I don’t hit women.

Erikson-*sigh* Tuche.

**"Bodies" by Drowning Pool suddenly hits, as the crowd boos the crappy song, yet cheers Chang Mustafa, as he walks onto the stage with a microphone in hand. He carefully makes his way down to the ring, being cautious as not to trip and fall on his face. He high-fives a couple fans on his way, until one of them grabs his arm and tries to pull him into the crowd. Chang panics and quickly slams the mic onto the fans head, sending a loud echo throughout the arena. Chang frees himself from the fan's grasp, and runs the rest of the way to the ring. He slides in, and waves at the crowd.**

Erikson-Oh yay, Chang wants to speak, or at least attempt to.

**Chang slowly raises the microphone to his mouth.**

Chang-Hi NMW fanses! As you all know, I is Chang Mustafa, and I is the best dang wrestler here in NMW!

**The crowd lets out a small cheer.**

Chang-The reason I is out here right now is because a great injus…injusti…injusti…a great bad thing has been done! Gravedigger has been putted in the main event at Winter's Wonderland against Thresh Crest for the NMW title.

**The crowd boos.**

Chang-I is very unhappy about this, and I know that my close friend Zack Macomber is too. So here's what I think…I think that me and Zack should be put into the main event too!

**The crowd pops, mainly at the idea of Zack being in the main event.**

Fredericks-Since when are Zack and Chang close friends?

Erikson-I think it's all in Chang's head.

Fredericks-Ugh, I'd hate to see what kind of things are in HIS head.

**Chang stands there and absorbs the cheers for a moment, when suddenly the MilleniTron begins blasting static throughout the arena. Chang puts his hands over his ears, as do the fans. The static slowly fades out to show President Winters in his office, with his feet on his desk, and a half-eaten pineapple in one hand.**

Winters-Chang, your brilliance never ceases to amaze me. You know what? While I'm sitting here waiting for the quarterly ratings to come in, I'm gonna need something to amuse me…And your request definitely amuses me. Tonight, I'll give you a chance to be in the main event.

**The crowd cheers at this, and Chang smiles.**

Winters-Not only that, but I'll also give your good buddy and gnome-smasher, Zack Macomber, a chance to be in it as well.

**The crowd erupts at the sounds of this, and Winters grins.**

Winters-But, for this to happen, you must each win your assigned matches tonight.

Chang-But I don't have a match booked for toni…

Winters-Well Chang, you do now. You see, tonight, you'll be facing the NMW Tag Team Champions, the Tides of Darkness, plus their stablemate, Morbid Angel, in a three on one handicap match. If you can win that, you'll be part of the historic MilleniDome match…and I'm sure THAT will make our ratings rise.

**Winters smirks as the crowd begins a slight boo. Chang just stands in disbelief of the task at hand.**

Winters-As for Macomber, he's already booked against Gravedigger tonight. BUT…I think I'll add a little stipulation to that match. Since Gravedigger is already in the main event at the PPV, he has nothing to lose…well, except for his stapler. So, I've decided to make his match with Zack tonight…a Buried Alive match! Remember a while back, at NMW Uprising? Gravedigger fought Mike Rathje in that same match…and Gravedigger literally rose from the grave and destroyed Rathje. With any luck, he'll do the same to that Commissioner-killer Zack Macomber tonight. If for some reason Zack should win, I'll gladly throw his ass in the MilleniDome with Gravedigger and Thresh.

**The crowd flows forth with loud boos towards Winters. Chang, in the ring still, throws his mic to ringside and begins walking up the ramp.**

Winters-Oh…and Chang…

**Chang stops and looks up at the video screen.**

Winters-Above all…Have fun tonight.

**The MilleniTron cuts back to loud static as Chang marches backstage.**

Fredericks-Wow, an extra match added to the card, plus an added stipulation.

Erikson-Both Zack and Chang are going to be destroyed in the same night! Merry Christmas to me!

Fredericks-You're a sicko.

Erikson-Hey…I make tiny race cars out of my poop.


**The camera shows several elves standing in front of a conveyor belt, on which parts of toys are being transported. A toy horse is put together. Then a small action figure. Next comes a girl's doll. All the while the elves are singing and making merry. They put together a pogo stick. Then comes the pieces of a computer. But then…a severed head slides past them on the conveyor belt. The elves' faces turn white, as they all collectively scream.**


**The elves scatter as the camera zooms in on the severed head. Then, an announcers voice is heard.**

Announcer-NMW presents Winter's Wonderland…Live on Pay-Per-View, December 30th. 'Tis the season to be gorey!

**The camera fades.**


Fredericks-We're back, NMW fans.

Erikson-Who comes up with those commercials? Don't they realize young children watch our show.

Fredericks-Brian, our President is practically a young child.

Erikson-True that.


**"Fuel" by Metallica hits, as Tank makes his way to the ring. The crowd shows a mixed reaction, much improved since his dumping of Winters. He stops in front of one fan with a sign that reads, "Winters is Tank’s BITCH!!!" Cracking a smile, he hops up onto the apron and into the ring.**

**"Fuck You Gently" by Tenacious D blares over the arena as Desyre struts her way down the ramp, the fans cheering loudly. She walks up the stairs onto the apron, and looks at Tank with a glimpse of fear in her eyes.**

Erikson- This is going to be great!! Tank is gonna break her into a million pieces!!

Fredericks- How can you say that? This match must be illegal in some states…….

The bell sounds as Desyre circles around Tank, who just stands there. She charges at him and knocks the big man back with a clothesline.

Erikson- What was that crap?

Fredericks- I believe that was a clothesline.

Erikson- Don’t get smart with me, Fredericks.

Fredericks- I wouldn’t imagine……..

Tank clears his head, and walks back over to his corner. He turns around and waits for Desyre to make her next move. Desyre charges at him once again and knocks him down with a big kick. Tank gets up, once again, and does nothing.

Fredericks- Would you look at that; Tank is refusing to fight her!

Erikson- Yes, I can see that. What a pansy.

Fredericks- So are you telling me that you would fight her?

Erikson- Absolutely. I would bash her head in.

Fredericks- Of course you would. By the way, you and what army?

Erikson- Um…uh…. shut up.

Desyre is beginning to look a little pissed off now. She walks up to Tank, stares up at him, and they exchange words. As they’re talking, Desyre gives him a soccer kick right to the nuts!! Tank is down!! She rolls him up for the cover…………1……….Tank pushes her off with authority. Tank is PISSED!! Desyre backs up with a mask of fear covering her face.

Fredericks- Not a smart move by Desyre there.

Erikson- Not at all.

Tank approaches Desyre, walking right up to her. Desyre back peddles until her back hits the turnbuckle. Tank stares down right into her eyes. All of a sudden Tank grabs her, and tosses her into the turnbuckle!! The Bombshell (Powerbomb into Turnbuckle)!!!!

Erikson- That’s it!! Finally, he killed her!!

Fredericks- That is not right…….

Tank looks down at the fallen Desyre with a look of regret in his eyes. He kneels down to see if she is ok. He puts his arms on her shoulders and lightly shakes her to see if she’s ok. The ref starts the count………..1………………2………..……3!! Tank stands up and looks at the ref. Tank is pissed! He grabs the ref and sets him up for the Reload (Huge Chokeslam). The ref is out!! Tank turns back to Desyre.

Anna Lopez-Winner at 2:07, Tank!

Fredericks- I cannot believe my eyes. Tank just destroyed Desyre, and is now regretting it.

Erikson- He did what he had to do. It was self-defense.

Fredericks- Yea right.

Tank is still trying to wake up Desyre. Not succeeding, he picks her up and carefully carries her out of the ring, to a shower of cheers.

Fredericks- Now there is the true Tank. He is a real person.

Erikson- He’s a softie, how cute…….

Fredericks- Not a softie, just not a savage beast like everyone thought.


**Triple J is seen walking down the hallway carrying a lollipop in hand. He licks it as he walks when Crazy Joker comes into view from the other side of the hallway. Joker walks down the hallway and he and Triple J stop in front of one another.**

Crazy Joker- What are you doing?

Triple J- Just heading to my locker room.

Crazy Joker- Ah… Well what is that?

Triple J- This, my silly friend, is a lollipop. But not just any lollipop, oh no! It has cherry, candy apple, peach, AND bubble gum flavors intertwined in it!

Crazy Joker- Wow! Cherry?! Let me have a lick!

Triple J- No way, I don’t want your mouth there…

Crazy Joker- Oh come on…

Triple J- NO!

**Crazy Joker reaches for the lollipop and Triple J sidesteps him and trips him, causing Joker to fall to the ground.**

Crazy Joker- Why you little… Give me the lollipop, or I will beat the shit out of you!

Triple J- HA! You couldn’t unpack it even if you tried!

Crazy Joker- I’ll see you in the ring at the PPV, rainbow boy. And bring that lollipop with you!

**Crazy Joker walks through Triple J and heads down the hallway as the screen fades out.**





**The crowd is chattering amongst themselves, when suddenly "Boiler" by Limp Bizkit hits. The crowd pops as The Knife makes his way down to the ring. Knife slides in, turns around, and waits for Melvin.**

Fredericks-This match was apparently signed during the week, after these two men split up as a tag team.

Erikson-Melvin finally realized that Knife was holding him back.

Fredericks-That was a real original heel remark.

Erikson-Hey man, I need new material, I'll admit it. But I'm sick and tired of you busting my chops.

Fredericks-Go cry to you mom, nancy boy.

**"The Federation Theme" strikes up, as the crowd begins booing. However, Melvin doesn't appear on the stage. The music continues for a moment, as Knife stares at the stage, but still no Melvin. Suddenly, the MilleniTron flickers to life. Melvin Frost is apparently in his locker room, sitting amongst several trashed Star Trek relics.**

Melvin-Hello Knife, I'm sorry I couldn't be out there for our match, but I have more imporant things to do. Number one on the list is destroying all of this Star Trek crap. I can't expect to be NMW Champion again with a hobby like this. I mean, just look at this stuff…

**Melvin holds up a large model of the Enterprise ship.**

Melvin-Out with the old, in with the new. And Knife, FYI…You're the old…

**The MilleniTron fades out…when suddenly, Knife is hit from behind by a large model of the Starship Enterprise!!! The model smashes to pieces over his head, as he starts to fall, only to be grabbed from behind by none other than Melvin Frost, who locks him in a full nelson, and delivers the Study Hall (Full Nelson Slam)!!! Knife bounces off the canvas, and Melvin stands up over his body.**

Fredericks-What a cowardly attack by Melvin Frost! Knife has a match this Sunday for the North American title, and Melvin may have just severely hindered his chances!

**Melvin reaches down and picks up the bridge of the Enterprise, only to throw it down onto Knife's chest. Melvin then climbs out of the ring and heads to the back, as the crowd boos him.**

Erikson-Ah yes, the sign of a champion.

Fredericks-Attacks from behind?

Erikson-No, the Starship Enterprise.

Fredericks-You confuse me more than women do.

Erikson-As it should be. I am an enigma, a paradox, a mystery.

Fredericks-A fag.

Erikson-A fag…I mean, HEY! F--k you!

Fredericks-Hehe. Feel the censorship. Embrace it, Brian.

Erikson-I've said it before, and it has become my anthem…I hate you.


**The masked Mexican, Z-Man, walks into one of the break rooms throughout the arena and takes a seat. He takes a piece of bread from the entrée dish on the table and begins to eat it as Chris Cringle walks into the room.**

Cringle- I don’t get it, no one will accept Christmas and be jolly!

Z-Man- Maybe if you weren’t so lame about it, like…

**Z-Man changes his voice to match that of Cringle’s.**

Z-Man- I have many moves, like the Shooting Star of Bethlehem, or the Ornament Crusher… blah blah blah. Bah humbug!

**Cringle just stares at Z-Man, a tear steadily rolls down his cheek as if his esteem had been wholeheartedly crushed.**

Cringle- You just said bah humbug…

Z-Man- Yes, Yes I did. And what of it?

Cringle- You and I will meet in the ring. You will not survive…

Z-Man- I just said bah humbug! Lighten up man…

**Cringle turns and leaves the room, shortly thereafter a crewman appears…**

Crew guy- Wow, he’s pissed off man!

Z-Man- I know…

Crew guy- What did you say?

Z-Man- I just said bah humbug…

Crew guy- Ugh, way to go, you’re screwed. He’s the personification of Christmas and he’s going to deck your halls.

**Z-Man turns and frowns, the camera fades away.**


Fredericks-Looks like another match for the PPV has just been formed.

Erikson-I love fluff matches.


**"Wonderboy" by Tenacious D strikes up as "The Real Thing" Jackson King emerges from the backstage. He holds his arms up in the air, receiving a chorus of boos from the crowd. He politely flips them off and walks down the rampway, dodging the random beer cups and popcorn holders that are thrown. He slides into the ring as he waits for Cazz to come out.**

**"Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit hits while Cazz Selmer comes out and stands on the stage. He stands on the stage, posing for the crowd, receiving boos in the process. He gives them a cocky smirk, then makes his way down the ramp, running the same gauntlet as King did, with the beer cans and holders. He makes it through and slides into the ring.**

Fredericks- Wow, if I hadn’t seen a better bunch of passies…

Erikson- Oh come on, do I ever make fun of your team?

Fredericks- Yes.

Erikson- Tuc…. Shutup.

**A loud cackling laughter shakes the rafters as "What is a Juggalo" by Insane Clown Posse begins to play. Buddy the Clown does a little jig as he comes out of the curtain. He pinches his nose, making the comedic honking noise, as the crowd falls to the ground laughing. He makes his way down the ramp and stands before the ring, awaiting Aikeiro.**

But as everyone is waiting, Cazz goes on the offensive and uses the ropes, leaping out of the ring and nailing Buddy with a dropkick! Buddy falls to the ground, caught completely by surprise. King crawls out of the ring and assists Cazz as they both pummel Buddy with kicks and punches. Buddy tries to get away but suddenly the crowd begins to erupt in cheers as Aikeiro slides into the ring behind the gang attack! The two man team keeps pounding on Buddy as Aikeiro reveals that he has a chair! He leaps off the top rope, flips, and slams the chair down, catching both Cazz’s and King’s heads with the same blow! The two men land on the ground as Aikeiro pulls Buddy up to his feet and the two men slide into the ring.

Fredericks- What a great way to start off this match.

Erikson- Chairs……….

The crowd begins to cheer loudly as Cazz and Jackson King both get up and stare at each other blankly. They then look into the ring to see their opponents and dive in. But the bell rings and the referee is able to catch Cazz as the two men try to attack Buddy and Aikeiro. Cazz puts up a fight, unknown to King, as King runs right into Buddy picking him up in the air, setting him up for a 3-d, but instead Aikeiro does a hard dropkick into King’s face! The crowd begins to cheer loudly as Aikeiro steps out through the ropes, while the referee turns around and sees that Buddy has gone for the early pin….1…..2….. Kickout! Buddy runs to the turnbuckle and raises his arms in the air as the crowd begins to chant phrases like "We all float down here" and "Don’t you want your Buddy the Clown?" Jackson King gets up and Buddy hops down from the turnbuckle as they both get into the ever-so-popular stare down.

Fredericks- Buddy and Aikeiro are tearing this match up! That double team maneuver was awesome.

Erikson- Yeah, but that’s all it was, a double team maneuver. Singly, they’re screwed.

King gets impatient and goes for a tie up, but Buddy glides underneath it, and as King turns he is promptly leveled with a clothesline. Buddy quickly grabs the legs of King and pulls him up, he then falls back catapulting King into the turnbuckle! He bounces back, stunned, but then falls back to the mat. Buddy goes back to the crowd and honks his nose, receiving his praise. Jackson King slowly gets back to his feet and they are back to square one. King goes for another tie up, and Buddy gets under it again, King turns, and is punched in the face, again, and again, then Buddy does a little jig! He honks his nose twice and goes for the fourth punch, but King ducks under it and grabs Buddy by the neck and falls back, executing a neckbreaker! But Buddy doesn’t stay down for long, he quickly gets back to his feet, shortly behind an already worn out Jackson King.

Fredericks- The Real Thing pulled out a great move, but Buddy is fresh and ready to go.

Erikson- That’s what your mom said to me last night…. Yeah ok it’s old… but what other come back do I have? Shutup? Geeze that’s lame.

King grabs the arm of Buddy and pulls it into an armwrench, but instead of finishing it, he locks the head of Buddy and drops him in a reverse DDT! King gets back up quickly, expecting Buddy to follow suit, but Buddy seems to have had his head rattled, as he slowly gets back to his feet. Buddy throws a weak punch, but King counters it with an eye rake, followed by one of his own quick punches. He then takes a big windup, and smokes Buddy, dropping him to the canvas. King laughs, but then quickly swings a punch at Aikeiro, but he just barely ducks as King swings around, Aikeiro grabs the back of King’s head and pulls it to the tope rope and he goes bouncing off! Buddy quickly trips up King and locks his feet on King’s, reaching back and pulling on the front of his face! King screams out in pain as Buddy adds more strength to the submission maneuver! Jackson King raises his hand in the air as if he were to tap out, but Cazz quickly gets into the ring and sidekicks Buddy off of his tag partner! The referee quickly gets Cazz out of there before Buddy can retaliate, but by the time the ref turns, both Buddy and King are back up and staring at each other. Buddy grabs King by the arm and whips him into the ropes. Buddy then rushes at King, but King kicks him in the gut and hops onto the turnbuckle, preparing Buddy for a twisting DDT! But Buddy punches King in the groin when the ref wasn’t paying attention! King holds himself in pain as Buddy gets up on the second rope, he lifts King up into a standing position, and flips him over with a super overhead belly to belly suplex!

Fredericks- Oh my god! Great offense by Buddy the Clown!

Erikson- How come you always get to say something first? What about me? What about Brian?

Buddy crawls over, much to the crowd’s excitement, and throws an arm over King…..1…….2…… KICKOUT! The crowd turns to boos as Buddy grabs King by the hair. He lifts him up, but is unfortunately caught with a low blow! Buddy leaps into the air from the attack, and hobbles around in pain as King stands up on two feet. He runs to the ropes, bounces off and nails Buddy with a monstrous clothesline! King then looks at a very excited Cazz, who is desperately wanting a tag. King coolly makes his way over to Cazz and tags him in. Cazz practically dives through the ropes and immediately locks on a Texas cloverleaf! Buddy screams in pain, only in ways that clowns who scream in pain can. Cazz tightens his grasp as Buddy begins to squeeze his nose to keep him from tapping out. Suddenly Cazz begins to laugh, and loosens the hold, eventually completely breaking it off in uncontrollable laughter! Buddy slowly stops squeezing, and at the same time Cazz comes back to his senses. Cazz pulls Buddy up and takes him to the ropes, he swipes his arm across Buddy’s chest, as the crowd gives the move its approval with an "OH!" He does it again, then grabs Buddy by the arm and whips him to the ropes. Buddy comes back, but Cazz gets down on the mat. Buddy jumps over and runs to the ropes again. This time Cazz jumps, but Buddy catches him in midair and prepares him for the Psychopathic Slam! (Sitout Powerbomb/Pin) He lifts Cazz up, but Cazz begins to punch Buddy, Buddy lets him down and Cazz lands a few punches into the midsection of Buddy. He then runs to the ropes, bounces off, and comes rushing back, but Buddy got his leg up in time and stops him cold with a boot to the face! Buddy points at Aikeiro as the crowd goes crazy!

Erikson- Oh no… Don’t make the tag…

Buddy strolls over and tags in Aikeiro. Aikeiro quickly enters the ring by flipping in, he runs to the ropes, bounces off the second one and performs a moonsault, landing it perfectly! Aikeiro then yells something to Buddy, he nods and hops down off of the apron. Aikeiro then picks up Cazz and whips him to the ropes, he runs to the other one and they both meet in the middle with Aikeiro dropping Cazz with another clothesline! Meanwhile, Buddy has fished under the ring and found two tables! He pulls them out from under the ring, but doesn’t get a chance to put them up when King comes up from behind with a punch to the kidneys! Buddy stumbles a bit as Aikeiro keeps landing stomps on the downed Cazz in the ring. King goes for another huge punch, but Buddy turns as quick as he can and swings a chair into the punching fist of King! Jackson King holds his hand in pain as he slowly turns to realize that Buddy has a chair, his face turns to horror as Buddy swings the chair, knocking him out! Buddy grins and begins to set up the tables over the downed body of the "The Real Thing". Back in the ring, Aikeiro has gotten to the turnbuckle, he signals to the crowd, he jumps off and performs a regular flipping leg drop! Aikeiro gets ready to go for the pin…… but doesn’t cover Cazz!

Erikson- What the…

Fredericks- I think the are going to add some humiliation to that of Cazz and "The Real Thing"!

Buddy slides back into the ring and he and Aikeiro take Cazz to the turnbuckle. Buddy gets up on it and Aikeiro picks up Cazz, setting him on the shoulders of Buddy.

Fredericks- No way… King is still under those two tables!

Buddy gets ready to leap off when suddenly the Tides of Darkness leap the rail! The referee is quickly knocked out by Belthazar, unawares to either Buddy or Aikeiro. Kaltuul trips up the leg of Buddy and Buddy drops Cazz down to the ground very sloppily as Buddy falls and is racked on the turnbuckle itself! Aikeiro tries to help out, but is stopped by Belthazar, who yanks him back by the hair! Belthazar then screams something to Kaltuul and they both switch opponents. Kaltuul grabs Aikeiro by the head and sets his head inbetween Kaltuul’s legs, setting him up for the Trip to Hell’s Gates! (Tiger Driver). Belthazar grabs Buddy and sets him up for the Low Road to Hell! (Last Ride) Belthazar leaps off the turnbuckle planting Buddy through both tables and even down onto Jackson King! Kaltuul lifts up Aikeiro and very brutally slams him down onto the mat, folding him up like an accordion! Kaltuul and Belthazar both exit the ring as the crowd’s boos slowly awake Cazz! Cazz Selmer looks around to see the destruction that had happened. He then sees Aikeiro laying helpless in the ring. He slides into the ring and quickly goes for the cover! But the referee is still out! Cazz stands up and waves to the backstage area and another ref comes running out! Cazz goes for the pin…1……..2…………..3!

Anna Lopez- Your winners, at 4:12… Cazz Selmer and "The Real Thing" Jackson King!

**The crowd erupts into even more boos as "Break Stuff" begins to play again. Cazz gets up to look around for his partner. He then walks over to the mess where Belthazar had powerbombed Buddy the Clown. The referee that came out for Cazz quickly slides out of the ring and counts the pin that Belthazar has on King!…1……2….. Cazz pulls Buddy off of Jackson King!**

Fredericks- Now there is a well respected human being.

**Cazz goes for the pin!**

Fredericks- What the….


**The referee calls to Anna Lopez to announce the new champion!**

Anna Lopez- You’re new High Stakes Champion…. Cazz Selmer!

**"Break Stuff" plays again as the crowd boos, but they don’t know which to boo for, Cazz’s dirty trick, or that Cazz won in the first place… The camera fades out.**


**Thresh Crest is standing in what seems to be a conference room. The camera pans back to show the rest of Anarchy sitting at seats along the table.**

Thresh Crest- Great job Kaltuul, I didn’t know you had it in you. Belthazar, you equally showed your importance in being a member of Anarchy. I think Aikeiro has learned who the real dominant force in NMW is.

**The camera’s angle shifts to Belthazar and Kaltuul.**

Belthazar- Don’t worry boss, I think we even phased Buddy the Dink.

Kaltuul- No one, not even the flipping Indian Aikeiro shall defy us.

Thresh- That’s great, but Aikeiro is Korean.

Kaltuul- Wow, that means he makes tacos like Pablo and Juan?

**Thresh turns to Morbid Angel, completely ignoring Kaltuul’s comment.**

Thresh- Keep the match with Chang under control, I don’t need a third person in that match.

Morbid Angel- What about Zack and Gravedigger later tonight?

Thresh- I have faith in Gravedigger to come through and stomp Zack. He is in the Millenidome with me, so he must have done something right.

Morbid Angel- You know, it has been a lot harder to keep our influence strong since the lawn gnome got smashed…

Thresh- I’m glad you brought that up my friend. I have already made plans on our next member, and have spoken with them on the idea.

Morbid Angel- Basically you cornered them and forced them into accepting the position?

Thresh- Exactly.

Morbid Angel- Heh, NMW rules.

Thresh- No, Anarchy rules.

**The camera fades as Morbid Angel and the Tides get up and head out the door.**


Erikson-I wanna know who the new member is!

Fredericks-Chill out man, we all know who it is…

Erikson-We do?

Fredericks-Yeah…Cameron Diaz.


Fredericks-Just think about it…the blonde hair, the legs, the eyes.

Erikson-Is that you Seth?


**"Long Hard Road Out of Hell" by Marilyn Manson and the Sneaker Pimps begins to play as the lights dim and a purplish glow fills the arena. Katuul, Belthazar, and Morbid Angel step out onto the ramp to a chorus of boos. They soak up the boos and confidently walk to the ring.**

**"Bodies" by Drowning Pool hits as Chang Mustafa walks out to a pop from the crowd. Chang marches down to the ring.**

Chang stares at the 3 members of the Anarchy inside the ring for a few moments before taunting for the crowd and sliding in. Like a pack of wild dogs, Katuul, Belthazar, and Morbid Angel begin stomping the hell out of Chang Mustafa. Each time Chang tries to get to his feet, he's met by a kick to the gut from one of the Anarchy members. The ref finally makes the Tides go to their corner as Morbid Angel continues the assault on Chang.

Fredericks-This doesn't look good for Chang.

Erikson-Sure it does. If Chang wins, he gets his shot at the title at Winter's Wonderland, and that is alot more than that idiot deserves.

Fredericks-Do you honestly think Chang is gonna win this?

Erikson-Hehe, nope!

Fredericks-Didn't think so.

Morbid hits a snap suplex, floats over, and drops an elbow across the chest of Chang Mustafa. Morbid brings Chang to his feet and gets him in a front headlock before tagging in Katuul. Katuul connects with a big boot to Chang's rib cage. Chang drops to the mat and immediately curls up into the fetal position, holding his ribs.

Fredericks-Poor Chang...this is madness.

Erikson-Serves Chang right. Tryin to pick on the Tides.....

Fredericks-Oh shuttup!


Katuul places a foot on Chang's head and uses the other foot to push himself up and off the ropes for a leg drop across the neck of Chang. Katuul laughs as Chang lets out a howl of pain. Katuul brings Mustafa to his feet and whips him off the ropes, but on the return, Chang nails Katuul with a headbutt to the nads!

Fredericks-Whoa! Chang had offense! There is still hope!

Erikson-It was a fluke! There is no chance of Chang actually WINNING!

Fredericks-*sigh*Yes. Yes, I know.

Katuul drops in pain from the head to his genital area. Belthazar reaches out and tags himself into the match and immediately drives an elbow to the back of Chang's head. Belthazar rolls Chang over and immediately starts punching him in the face and temple. The ref pulls Belthazar off of Chang, only to be shoved out of the way! Belthazar lifts Chang up by the hair, and plants him with a massive snap powerbomb! Belthazar tags in Morbid Angel and lifts Chang up on his shoulders in a DVD position. Morbid climbs the turnbuckle and flies off with a flipping neckbreaker, and Belthazar falls back in a Samoan Drop! Morbid rolls Chang over as the ref counts………….1.………….....2...………..Morbid Angel sits up and says he's not finished yet.

Fredericks-Morbid may end up regretting that....

Erikson-I think you were dropped on your head too many times, it's 3 on 1!!

Morbid Angel jumps up onto the top turnbuckle. He flies off, landing an elbow drop onto the near lifeless body of Chang Mustafa. Morbid then tags in Katuul. Katuul, eager for payback from the headbutt earlier, starts stomping on the head of Chang. Katuul lifts up Chang and sends him into the ropes, and planting him with a spinebuster. Katuul tells Belthazar to go get some chairs as he tags in Morbid Angel. Morbid distracts the ref as Belthazar slides in with two chairs. He hands one to Katuul. Katuul brings Chang to his feet and both Tides run into the ropes and come back, swinging their chairs at Chang. But Chang ducks, causing the Tides to level each other with their own chair shots! Morbid sees this and runs at Chang, but Chang kicks him in the nads and plants him with the Buzzsaw (Tiger Driver) onto one of the chairs! Chang rolls Morbid Angel over and covers………….1....…………….2....………….3!!!!

Anna Lopez-Your winner at 5:24, Chang Mustafa!!

Fredericks & Erikson-Oh...my....God.....

Fredericks-Chang won!?!

Erikson-How in the hell did he do that?!

Fredericks-FLUKE! FLUKE!

Erikson-Chang is going to be in the main event at Winter's Wonderland???

Fredericks & Erikson-We're screwed.


**The fans in the NMW arena are sitting and anticipating the next match, when suddenly "Just Got Wicked" by Cold hits. The crowd spouts a violent mixed reaction as Seth Winters storms out of the back. He has several papers in his left hand, and his face is beet-red. Winters marches down the ramp, walks around the ring, and yanks the mic from Anna Lopez' grasp. He then climbs into the ring, and lets all of the papers fall to the mat.**

Winters-FOUR MONTHS! Four months, almost five, NMW has been attempting to make its second run. Damn near five months of nothing but sweat, toil, and turmoil to be the best federation there is. Today is the day I've been waiting for ever since we restarted NMW: Ratings day. The day when my company is judged by its peers in comparison with all the others.

**Winters leans over and searches through the scattered papers. He finds one, glares angrily at it, then stands up straight again.**

Winters-This paper in my hand right here symbolizes all of the sacrifices I have made for this company in the past months. And what do I get for my hard work?? A big f--king number eight!!! NMW is eighth among all other federations. THAT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!!!

**The fans boo loudly, partially at the bad rating, and partially at Winter's overreacting.**

Winters-Shut up! Stop booing! You people are part of the reason NMW sucks so horribly! Shut up!

**The fans' boos get even louder.**

Winters-STOP IT!! I'm trying to run a business here, and you people are messing it up! I have a Pay-Per-View next week! Shut up! CHARLIE!!!

**"I Am Homeless" by Bleeding Ulcer hits the arena, as a very large, nearly 7 foot tall homeless security guard comes racing down to the ring. He slides in and attentively looks at Winters. Winter's face almost seems as though he is about to cry.**

Winters-Charlie…my new assistant. You're much better than Tank could ever be. I don't need that loser anymore…He could barely even beat a weak little bitch like Desyre. Charlie…these people won't stop booing. Please…make them stop.

**Charlie nods and climbs over the ropes. He approaches the barricade, and proceeds to grab two male fans in the front row by their shirt collars. He drags them over the barricade and slides them both into the ring. Charlie then climbs back in as Winters watches, amused and yet still fuming over the low ratings.**

Winters-Examples will be made, and standards will be set. If you bastards don't stop booing and let NMW thrive, we will destroy you all! CHARLIE!!

**Charlie reaches down and pulls both men up. He then grabs them both by the back of their necks, as they struggle to get away. The nearly 7 foot Charlie then lifts them both into the air, and holds them there for a moment…before slamming their heads together!! The two fans splat onto the canvas with a thump, as the crowd erupts into boos. Winters, meanwhile, is preoccupied by the ratings sheet.**

Winters-Just look at this shit…MOW Slaughterhouse…SEW…PWF…BCW…UAW…GA---WAIT A MINUTE!!! UAW?!?!? That mother f--ker Rymiel! He told me that we would be equal partners! This is bullcrap!

**Charlie stands and watches as Winters continues on his tirade.**

Winters-That's it! I've had it! I've played by the rules so far, but now it's time to break them. NMW will be #1…and I don't care WHO we have to take out in order to be the best. At Winter's Wonderland, things are going to change! Just wait and see…I wouldn't be surprised if some obituaries of pro wrestlers were written the day after the PPV. Victory will be ours, Charlie…And the chickens will once again roam free in the mountains of Eastern Greenland!

**"Just Got Wicked" hits again and Winters and Charlie leave the scene as the crowd boos.**

Erikson-Beautiful speech by our esteemed owner and paycheck-signer.

Fredericks-Yeah…Very eloquent.


**Somewhere in the world, children are starving. Please, let the goodness in your heart shine through and give to the Poor Little Kids foundation. They really are starving, and really skinny, and they need your help. Send all donations to:

NMW Arena

Care of: President Seth Winters

2012 South Washington Street

St. Louis, MO 63108

President Winters will appreciate all donations, and he REALLY needs some new X-Box games…er, some new supplies for those starving and skinny kids over in Zimbabwe. Please send cash…now. This advertisement paid for by Seth Winters, NMW Entertainment 2001.**



Erikson-Genius…pure genius.

Fredericks-Something like that.


**"Fear" by Disturbed hits as Cliff walks out to a few cheers. He shows off for the crowd for a bit before heading down to the ring and sliding in.**

**"Confession" by Cold hits as blue lights flash around the arena. Silver pyros explode from the stage as Jason Moore walks through the pyros and toward the ring. Maurice and Pablo walk out shortly after Jason, Pablo carrying the North American title. Jason waits for the two Mexicans at the ring, and rips the title out of Pablo's hands when they get to the ring. Jason slides in the ring and shows off his North American title to Cliff before tossing it back out to the Mexicans.**

Erikson-Yay!! We get to see those greasy Mexicans!

Fredericks-Oh joy....

Erikson-Stand up and cheer for your North American Champ!

Fredericks-I can't wait until he loses that belt and you shut up!

Jason and Cliff circle each other before locking horns. Jason gets the upperhand and plants Cliff with an arm drag takedown. He holds on to Cliff's arm and locks on an armbar. Cliff fights to his feet and punches Jason in the temple a few times, causing him to break the hold. Cliff runs off the ropes and knocks Jason down with a shoulder block. Cliff runs off the ropes again, but Jason drops to the mat. Cliff runs back, jumping over Jason, and running into the opposite ropes. Jason gets to his feet and catches Cliff with a massive clothesline. Jason taunts the crowd, soaking up the boos.

Fredericks-Jason better keep his mind on Cliff if he expects to win.

Erikson-What are you talkin about? Cliff sucks!

Fredericks-What is the basis of this idea of yours?

Erikson-Mr. Winters fired him, besides....Jason Moore is the best damn North American Champion ever. Just ask him, he'll tell ya!

Fredericks-Oh, now THERE is some logic for ya...

Cliff quickly gets to his feet and waits for Jason to turn around. Jason cockily turns around, only to be met by a gore from Cliff that sends both men to the outside. Cliff is first to his feet and whips Jason into the ring steps. Cliff takes a few steps back, and runs at Jason. Jason uses quickly responds with a drop toe hold that sends Cliff face first into the ring stairs.

Erikson-What wonderful offense on the part of our esteemed Champion!


Jason groggily slides into the ring, then slides back out to restart the count. Jason walks over to Cliff and repeatedly slams his head into the steps. Jason lifts Cliff to his feet and slams him into the barracade. Jason walks over to Cliff and chops him across the chest a few times. This wakes Cliff up and Cliff counters with a Russian leg sweep into the barracade!

Fredericks-That's not gonna do the North American Champ any favors.

Erikson-He doesn't need favors. He's got Mexicans.

Cliff sends Jason back into the ring and climbs in himself. Cliff hooks Jason's leg…………..1...…………….2..………...Jason easily kicks out. Cliff lifts Jason to his feet, but Jason low blow's Cliff on the way up. Jason bounces off the ropes and connects with the Execution (Censor Kick) to the back of Cliff's head! Both men stay down as the ref starts his 10 count………1....…….2.........3...........4..........5......

Erikson-Come on, Jason! Get up!!

Fredericks-Will you PLEASE stop kissing each champion's ass!

.....6.........Jason pulls himself up on the ropes..7.........8.......Cliff gets to his knees......9......Jason is to his feet and hits a dropkick to the face of Cliff. Jason points to the turnbuckle, signaling for the Confession (Top Rope Vertebreaker), but Cliff spins Jason around and hits him with Over the Edge (Sky High into X-Factor)!! Cliff rolls Jason over for the pin…………..1……….........2.……………...Jason kicks out! Cliff picks Jason to his feet and whips him into the turnbuckle, but Jason reverses.

Erikson-YES!! It's Confession time!

Jason rushes at Cliff with a clothesline, but Cliff swings his body up and locks on the Vertigo (Tarantula)!! Just then, "Just Got Wicked" by Cold begins to play as President Winters walks down to the ring. Cliff breaks the hold and faces the ramp, and Seth Winters. Jason Moore sneaks up behind Cliff, spins him around, and slams him face first into the mat with the Bloody Obsession (Downward Spiral)!!

Fredericks-Moore pulling out some new offense. But why does he call that move the Bloody Obsession, anyway. That's just stupid!

Erikson-That's why!

Jason rolls Cliff over, exposing Cliff's bloody nose. Jason hooks the leg for the pin…………….1…………......2………………....3!!

Anna Lopez-Your winner at 10:15, JASON MOORE!!

Erikson-Now that is why he is our North American Champion. Nobody can beat him.

**In the ring, Jason starts stomping away on Cliff. He tells his Mexicans to grab him some chairs and the North American title. Pablo and Maurice willingly oblige and slide the weapons into the ring. Jason picks Cliff up and throws him into the turnbuckle. Jason sets up Cliff on the top turnbuckle as the Mexicans set up the chairs so that they are facing each other. They then place the North American title across the seats of the two chairs. Jason hooks Cliff up for the Confession (Top Rope Vertebreaker) and delivers onto the chairs and the belt!! **

Fredericks-Now this just isn't right!! The damn match is over, Jason needs to take his ass to the back!

Erikson-Why? He's following the boss's orders! Seth is everywhere tonight. What a hard-working man!

**Jason Moore gets up and looks down at the broken Cliff, as Seth Winters begins making his way down the ramp towards the ring. Winters slides into the ring and shakes hands with Jason Moore, before signaling for the Mexicans to pull Cliff up. They oblige, yanking the sleeping Cliff to his feet. Winters then springs off the ropes, and delivers the Corporate Takeover (Fameasser) onto Cliff! Cliff's body splats onto the mat, as Winters stands up and brushes himself off. He lets a half-grin shine through, as the crowd boos both him and Jason Moore. Moore, Winters, and the Mexicans then make their way to the back.**

Fredericks-Well, that was definitely uncalled for.

Erikson-What do you mean? Winters ousted Cliff as his assistant, and then Cliff disappears for a few weeks to cry about it. He showed up last week just to screw Anarchy, so I think he deserved what he got from both the Prez and Jason Moore, not to mention the Mexicans. Now Cliff really has something to cry about.

Fredericks-That he does.


**The camera follows Jason Moore as he, the President, and the Mexicans walk into the backstage area.**

Winters-Great job out there, Jason. Cliff is a nuisance that I don't need right now, and as far as I'm concerned, he's out of a job here in NMW.

Moore-Great. If you ever need anything again, just let me know.

**Winters and Moores shake hands again, as Winters walks off. Moore and the Mexicans begin to walk towards their locker room.**

Pablo-Hey Jason, about our contract settlements…


Maurice-Well, earlier today, we reached a final agreement with NMW to go back to being regular staff, alongside the homeless guys. We get a major pay increase, plus a medical plan.

Moore-What? So what about OUR partnership?

Pablo-Well Jason, I guess it's kind of over…

Moore-OVER?!? You can't leave me now! I need you guys to help me keep this damn belt! I have to face the Knife at the PPV this Sunday!

Maurice-Sorry esse, but we have families too, and we just don't make enough dinero as your flunkies.

Pablo-He's right.

Moore-Oh, so you're leaving me then, huh? Fine, I have no problem with that.

Maurice-You don't? I thought you'd be kind of angry.

Moore-No, no, no. Not at all. After all, I'm not the one who's going to be cashing in on my medical plan right away.

**Moore drops to his knees and jabs both Mexicans in the groin, causing them to double over in pain. Moore then stands back up, and plants them both onto the concrete with a double DDT! Jason stands up, and looks down at their bodies.**

Moore-I don't need you anymore anyways. Knife is going down at Winter's Wonderland…Just like you two just did, only much worse. Enjoy your medical plans, bitches.

**Moore gets in one more stomp on Pablo as he walks off with the North American title over his shoulder.**


Erikson-Those damn Mexicans. Jason doesn't need them.

Fredericks-Nah, they haven't helped him retain the North American title ever since he won it or anything like that.


Fredericks-Ugh…Moving on now…We have arrived at the main event. A Buried Alive match to determine whether or not Zack can make the main event at the PPV a four-way match. Chang won earlier, and as it stands now, it's a triple threat for the Pay-Per-View, but that could all change if Zack can somehow beat Gravedigger at his own game.

Erikson-Could have said it better myself.



**"Synthetic" by Spineshank blasts throughout the arena as the fans rise to their feet. Zack Macomber walks from the back and toward the ring to a loud ovation from the crowd. Zack slides in the ring and waits for Gravedigger.**

**Then, without warning, "Blackened" by Metallica hits as the arena becomes black. Small drops of light shine on the ramp in the form of rain as Gravedigger walks out to a shower of boos from the crowd. Gravedigger walks purposefully toward the ring.**

Anna quickly scambles out of the ring as Gravedigger climbs in. Zack rushes at Digger with a clothesline, but is caught with a clothesline from the Unholy. Digger lifts Zack and throws him into the ropes. Zack comes flying back with a huge dropkick to the face of the Unholy One, causing him to stumble back a bit. Zack is quick to his feet and starts throwing punches to the face of Gravedigger.

Fredericks-I'm not so sure Zack can win a punching match against this monster.

Erikson-I know...don't ya just love how faces are so stupid that they try to get the early advantage by punching huge guys?

Fredericks-Winters makes more sense than what you just said!

Erikson-Heh, yeah..I know...*sigh*

Zack keeps throwing punches at Digger until he's up against the ropes. Zack takes a few steps back, and flies at Digger with a flying forearm that sends both men tumbling to the outside. Digger lands on his feet and Zack lands with a thud next to him. Gravedigger laughs at Zack and picks him up in a military press and drops him face first into the ring steps. Zack holds his face in pain as he tries to fight to his feet. The Unholy One repeatedly slams Zack's face into the steps, busting his nose and lip open. Digger whips Zack toward the barracade, but ZRM reverses and sends Digger into the barracade. Zack hops up onto the apron and leaps off with a leaping high leg clothesline that knocks Digger over the barracade and into the crowd.

Fredericks-These two men want nothing more than to tear each other apart.

Erikson-That....and the NMW Title!

Zack hops up onto the barracade and flies off with a body splash that knocks Gravedigger off his feet. Zack begins to stomp away at Gravedigger with the crowd roaring in approval. Zack hops back up on the barracade. He shows off for the crowd, but as he's doing this, Gravedigger rises to his feet and spears Zack off the barracade! Gravedigger leans over the barracde, catching his breath, as Zack lies motionless on the ground by the ring. Gravedigger snaps out of the daze he was in and starts walking toward the grave next to the stage. A bloody Zack slowly pulls himself up, using the ring as a support.

Fredericks-These men are giving it their all in hopes of destroying each other!

Erikson-Zack just wants the NMW Title, the ungrateful, greedy bastard!

Fredericks-That and he wants retribution against Gravedigger.

Zack groggily follows Gravedigger toward the grave plot. Gravedigger lays a table over the grave and heads toward the back. Zack makes it to the plot as Gravedigger re-emerges, carrying another table. Zack sneaks up behind Gravedigger and plants him on the mound of dirt with a Russian leg sweep. Zack picks up the table Digger was carrying and sets it up ontop of the other table! This time Zack heads to the back. Zack comes back with a ladder, but Gravedigger is nowhere to be seen. Zack sets up the ladder in front of the grave and looks for The Unholy One. Thresh Crest slowly slides out of the grave, carrying a shovel!

Fredericks-This doesn't look good for Zack The Mack.....

Erikson-Serves him right for being so damn greedy!

Thresh stalks up behind Zack and breaks the shovel over the back of Zack's head! Gravedigger comes walking out from under the stage with a sledgehammer as Thresh slips away toward the back. Gravedigger picks up the motionless Zack Macomber and nails him in the gut with the sledgehammer! Gravedigger slams the sledgehammer across the back of Zack several times before lifting him up again. This time, Digger drops the sledgehammer and swings a clothesline, but Zack ducks and locks on the Zack Sleeper (Tazmission)!!!!! Zack hurls himself backwards onto the mound of dirt, putting more pressure on Gravedigger.

Fredericks-OH MY GOD!! HE'S ALIVE!!


Thresh comes running back out and kicks Zack in the face a couple times, but Zack keeps the hold locked on. Thresh starts pulling Zack up by the hair, forcing him to break the hold. Thresh kicks Zack in the nads and slams him back in a hard Riot Act (STO 2)!! Thresh starts laughing at Zack and drags him to the back by his hair.

Fredericks-What the hell is Thresh doing? This isn't his match!

Erikson-He's protecting his investment.

Thresh lifts Zack up over his shoulder and runs Zack's spine right into a pillar in the backstage area! Thresh lifts Zack up and swings a right at Zack, but Zack blocks and fires off a right of his own. This catches Thresh off guard, causing him to swing another. Again Zack blocks and throws a right back at Thresh's face. Zack starts throwing rights at Thresh and whips him toward a wall, brings him back and gives him an overhead belly to belly suplex into some metal pipes!!

Fredericks-Zack pulling out some desperation manuevers now.

Erikson-Damn right he's desperate. After all...he's not our prestigous NMW Champion, now is he?

Fredericks-Not yet, no.

Erikson-There's no 'yet' to it! Macomber sucks, and Anarchy rules! It's simple really.

Zack walks over to Thresh and picks him up. Zack grabs Thresh by the head and runs him face first into the pillar. Thresh stumbles back a bit and Zack plants him with the Zackinoku Driver (Michinoku Driver)!! Just as Zack slams Thresh down, Gravedigger appears out of nowhere and whips Zack through a window!! Gravedigger walks through the broken shards of glass and lifts Zack above his head and tosses him. Digger walks over to The Mack and grabs him by the throat with one hand. The Unholy lifts him up from the ground high in the air and slams him through some piles of wood with the Embalmer (Chokeslam from Hell)!!

Fredericks-Gravedigger's strength is just scary.

Erikson-Gravedigger is just scary!

Fredericks-Good point....

Gravedigger lifts Zack up and tosses him into a wall. Zack bounces off and groggily starts walking back toward the ramp. Zack collapses ontop of the stage and starts to crawl down the ramp and over toward the grave. Gravedigger follows Zack. Zack pulls himself up on the ladder and starts climbing it. Gravedigger starts climbing up the other side. When both men reach the top, Zack low blows Gravedigger and sets him up for a powerbomb, but Gravedigger easily tosses Zack off in a back body drop. But Zack holds on to Gravedigger and slams him through both tables and into the grave with a hard sunset flip.

Fredericks & Erikson-HOLY SHIT!!!

Zack kicks some dirt down into the grave ontop of Gravedigger's face as the crowd starts the "Holy Shit" chant. The ref calls for the bell.

Anna Lopez-Winner at 11:34, ZACK MACOMBER!!

**Zack gets his arms raises in the air by the ref, as he wipes some of the dirt from his brow. The crowd blows the roof off the house as they cheer Zack, and he makes his way backstage, with Gravedigger nowhere to be seen from within the grave.

Fredericks-Zack did it! It's now a four-way elimination match at the PPV! That is, if Gravedigger can get out of that hole!

Erikson-Meh, I have mixed feelings. In one regard, two guys whom I don't like were added to the match tonight. But on the other hand, there are now more people to be beaten to unconsciousness. I am in a conundrum.

Fredericks-Well, it'll have to wait for Sunday, because we're out of time.

Erikson-Good, I need some time to sort out my thoughts and decide whether I'm happy or sad.

Fredericks-Seek counseling, my friends. See you fans next Sunday at Winter's Wonderland! It's gonna be HUGE!!!


Copyright New Millenium Wrestling 2001 ©