**Inside the NMW Arena, fans are packing in, as usual, and getting into their seats. The camera cuts to backstage, where the MilleniTron shows a split-screen view, with Zack Macomber arriving on one side, and Gravedigger arriving on the other. Zack carries his gym bag into his locker room and sits down, as Gravedigger walks into his locker room, turns off the lights, and shuts the door. "Violent Reaction" by American Head Charge hits the speakers, and the view cuts back to the main part of the arena, where the newly-cleaned NMW ring shines like a bald math teacher's head. The jumping fans struggle to get their highly creative signs into the view of the camera as it spins through the crowd:

"MOW SH, PWF, SEW…It doesn't matter; they're all SOL."

"Tank is big."

"I want a lollipop of mediocrity."

"Is Gravedigger face or heel?"

"The Real Thing will confess to Jason Moore."

"NMW rules!"

The last fan leaps up and down as he gets his camera time, until a large homeless security guard rips the sign from his hands. He then gives the fans a sign that reads "X-Pac sucks." The fan shrugs and continues basking in his moment of fame. The camera then turns to show the gleaming, Zestfully-clean faces of Tyler Fredericks and Brian Erikson.**

Tyler Fredericks-Salutations New Millenium Wrestling proponents, and welcome to the latest edition of Saturday Night Revolution. I'm Tyler Fredericks, and with me is my colleague, and man on a mission, Brian Erikson.

Brian Erikson-On a mission indeed. I'm out to find NMW a decent slogan…something to catch attention. Here, I'll throw out a few. How about "NMW: Tastes like chicken." Or maybe "NMW: Hey, it beats eating cabbage with your grandma." Perhaps "NMW: We like corn."

Fredericks-Winters gave you those samples, didn't he?

Erikson-How did you know?

Fredericks-Lucky guess. Here's the card:




Fredericks-And…what? That's it. That's the whole card.

Erikson-You have GOT to be kidding me.

Fredericks-Nope. Those are the only matches the President released.

Erikson-Surely he has something else planned.

Fredericks-Think about that statement for a second.

Erikson-Hmmm…you're right. We're screwed.

**"Just Got Wicked" by Cold hits, and the fans burst into a melody of boos, as the sometimes normal, sometimes insane President Winters makes his way to the ring, microphone in hand. He steps in, and looks into the crowd with a stupid grin on his face.**

Fredericks-Well, maybe the Prez himself can clear up why there are so few matches on the card.

Winters-Greetings popcorn kernels and sweet potato pies!

Erikson-Or maybe not.

Winters-Well, that time of the year is approaching once again. As most of you know, Winter, my favorite season, is upon us. And that means that Winter's Wonderland isn't too far away. On December 30th, I guarantee that NMW's third Pay-Per-View will not disappoint…in fact, I guarantee that it will be the best damn show that any of you have ever seen!

**The crowd pops.**

Winters-Now, I know what most of you are thinking…Why are the white-tailed deer running free when there are so many ceiling fans in captivity? Well, I'm afraid I can't answer that question, but what I CAN answer is why Winter's Wonderland will be the best show, even though no matches have been signed for it yet. In fact, this PPV will be even better than a 24-hour marathon of "Mad Max and the Thunderdome!"

**The crowd makes no reaction.**

Winters-Speaking of the best movie ever made, I've decided to announce the main event for Winter's Wonderland!

**The crowd pops.**

Winters-First of all, how many of you have seen the world's greatest movie, "Mad Max and the Thunderdome", starring Mel Gibson?

**A few dorky-looking fans raise their hands and let out a feeble cheer, but other than that, the arena is silent.**

Winters-Not many, I see. Well, that's okay, because I have prepared an illustration of just what exactly the Thunderdome is. Keep in mind, this drawing was done by me in my spare time, and it isn't to scale, so the real thing will be a bit different, but you'll get the basic idea. Homeless crew, light up the MilleniTron and show them the Thunderdome!

**The MilleniTron lights up to show an image.**

Millenidome <---click it!

**The crowd pops loudly at the sight of the MilleniTron. Winters blushes and smiles a bit.**

Winters-Umm…guys…Wrong picture.

**The MilleniTron flashes and pops back on with a different picture this time. The crowd lets out a large "OOOOOO".**

Millenidome <---click it!

Winters-Ah, that's it. As you can see, this domed structure is quite menacing. It is a large steel cage dome, from which multiple weapons of destruction are hanging. The participants in the Thunderdome are suspended with harnesses and bungee cords, as they engage in a fight to the death! Now, after watching this movie 238 times in the past week, I've decided to implement it into the PPV!

**The crowd pops at the notion of a fight to the death.**

Winters-Yes, that's right. At Winter's Wonderland, a reproduction of the Thunderdome will be erected, and some of your favorite NMW superstars will do battle inside to decide the NMW Champion! Thresh Crest will obviously be involved in the match, and his opponent will be announced later on. In fact, that gives me an idea. Since there aren't that many matches on the card, I'll add a new main event. Tonight, everyone's favorite Stooges, Zack, Chang, and Gravedigger, will take on the NMW Champion Thresh Crest, and the NMW Tag Team Champions, the Tides of Darkness. I'll be sure to keep an eye on that match, and whoever gives the best showing will be added to the main event of Winter's Wonderland, to fight Thresh in a battle to the death for the NMW title! On second thought, instead of a fight to the death, it will simply be a fight to unconsciousness, somewhat like a Last Man Standing match, because we wouldn't want any blood staining my floor.

Fredericks-He's concerned about the floor?

Erikson-Think about that statement for a moment.


Erikson-Oh well, at least we have an extra match added to the card.

Winters-Therefore, on December 30th, 2001, at Winter's Wonderland…Ladies and gentlemen, NMW will bring you…the MilleniDome!!!

**The crowd pops.**

Winters-Now if you'll excuse me, I have some antelopes to discombobulate. Cheeseburger!

**"Just Got Wicked" hits again, the President makes his way backstage, as the crowd buzzes with excitement over the huge PPV main event.**

Fredericks-Wow, this is definitely a first in pro wrestling. The MilleniDome…

Erikson-He's taken his obsession with that movie a little too far. Someone could get hurt in that match.

**Fredericks elbows Erikson.**

Erikson-Er, I mean, someone could get hurt in that match…YES!


**The Knife is shown walking into the NMW Arena, already dressed in his wrestling attire. He greets several homeless security guards, and makes his way through the lobby. He passes several locker room doors, and comes to one marked Melvin Frost. He sets his bag down, and looks at the door for a moment. He slowly turns the knob, which opens quite easily. Knife looks into the room, and sees nothing but darkness. Knife steps into the room very carefully, and turns on the light switch. The room is quite empty. Melvin's bags are sitting off in the corner, but other than that, there is nothing…except for a piece of paper lying on the floor near the door. Knife bends over and picks it up, as the camera pans over his shoulder to see the note. Knife reads it aloud.**

Knife-"Knife, you always WERE pretty dull." What the…?

**CRASH! Knife is instantly smashed from behind with a steel chair from Melvin Frost! Melvin steps into the room, and begins slamming the chair onto Knife's body. Melvin then steps onto his body, and looks down at him.**

Melvin-You wanna humiliate me Knife? You think you're bad for hitting the Cutter on me? Well, just wait, it's never gonna happen again…NEVER!

**Melvin slams the chair onto Knife one last time, and then leaves the room.**


**Jason Moore and the Mexican Resistance are in their locker room. Jason is sitting on a couch by himself, with the North American title laying over the top of the couch next to him. He appears to be deep in thought…when Maurice chimes in.**

Maurice-Hey esse! You ready for your match tonight man?

**Moore sits quietly, staring off into space.**

Maurice-Hey man, anybody home? Wake up Jason, I have the good news man. The Mexican Resistance might finally be getting what we deserve. The contract dispute is almost over, and we might be getting a medical plan. Jason!

**Moore continues looking off into the distance, focusing on some target that isn't there.**

Maurice-Come on Jason man! It is a time for rejoicing. We need to go party and smoke the reefer man. Come on!

**With that, Maurice slaps Moore on the shoulder, snapping Jason out of his trance…but the champ doesn't seem very pleased.**

Moore-What the hell are you doing? Can't you see that I'm concentrating? I have an important match tonight against Jackson King, and you're standing there bugging me. Leave!

**Moore goes back to trying to focus, as Maurice hangs his head in shame. Just then, Pablo and Enrique peek their heads around the corner of the door, listening to what's going on inside.**

Maurice-Caramba, I'm sorry Jason man. I just wanted to clue you in on the big news.

**Again, Moore's concentration is broken.**

Moore-Maurice! I don’t care! I don't care if your little contract dispute has been settled. I'm glad you guys get medical plans and all, but I have my own problems to worry about. So if you'll excuse me, I'm busy.

**Maurice hangs his head again, and walks out of the room…where he is stopped by Pablo and Enrique. They begin talking to him with anger on their faces, and Maurice too quickly gets a look of anger on his face. The three men shake hands and walk off down the hall, as Moore continues to prepare for his match.**


Erikson-Those damn Mexicans…They might actually be getting a medical plan.

Fredericks-But more importantly, Jason Moore seems to be a little too consumed in his North American title and Extreme title match. Remember, earlier in the week, the Prez took their Extreme title match, and made it a title for title bout. Moore has reason to worry now.

Erikson-True that. Damn Mexicans…

Fredericks-Speaking of the North American title, up next is a match to see who will get a shot at that title at Winter's Wonderland, whether Jason Moore or Jackson King is the champion.


**"Fuel" by Metallica hits as Tank walks out to a shower of boos. Tank merely ignores the crowd and heads down the ramp and slides into the ring.**

**"Full Nelson" by Limp Bizkit hits as Melvin Frost walks out to a mix of cheers and boos. Full Nelson taunts the crowd from the stage before running down the ramp, and stopping at the ring.**

**"Boiler" by Limp Bizkit hits as Knife appears on the stage to somewhat of an ovation. Knife slowly walks down the ramp, staring at Melvin the entire way.**

Erikson-Poor Melvin, look at him...he's stuck between Knife and Tank.

Fredericks-I think I'd go with trying to fight Knife.

Melvin decides it is better to try his luck against Tank and slides in the ring as the bell rings. Tank knocks Melvin down with a huge right hand, but Melvin is quick to his feet, only to be knocked down with a clothesline from Tank. Knife watches the action and slowly slides in the ring, trying not to be noticed. Tank turns around as Knife reaches his feet. Tank rushes at Knife but his taken down with a swift drop toe hold onto the bottom turnbuckle.

Fredericks-Great offense from Knife.

Erikson-Yeah, but Tank is gonna win.

Fredericks-Why is that?

Erikson-Cuz he said he was going to.

Fredericks-Oh, Tank said so. Therefore, it MUST be true. Just like him saying that he is commissioner, right?

Erikson-Um...well, shuttup!

Knife drags Tank to the center of the ring, and locks on a single leg crab. Melvin dropkicks Knife in the face to break the hold. Melvin pulls Knife to his feet by the hair. Frost attempts a spinning back heel kick, but Knife ducks and kicks Melvin in the gut when he spins around before hopping over Melvin, connecting with a sunset flip. The ref drops and counts……………..1...…………...2...…………….Tank pulls Melvin out of the ring just before the ref made the 3. Tank slams Melvins head off the steel ring steps.

Erikson-Told you Tank was gonna win, look at his dominance!

Fredericks-Yeah, but don't underestimate either Knife or Melvin.

Knife climbs the turnbuckle and connects with a missle dropkick to the back of Tank's head! Knife grabs Melvin and Tank each by the hair and slams their heads together, much to the delight of the crowd. Knife slides Melvin back in the ring and hops up on the apron. Tank crawls over to the guard rail, and uses it to prop himself up. Knife connects with a slingshot leg drop across the neck of Melvin. Knife stands up to see Tank laying across the barracade. Knife steps out onto the apron and leaps off with a spinning guillotine leg drop across the back of Tank! Knife crawls back in the ring and lays an arm across Melvin's chest. The ref counts……………1..…………...2...…………..Tank drags Knife out of the ring to break up the count. Tank whips Knife into the steel steps and rushes in with a huge gore that nearly breaks Knife in half!

Erikson-Hehe......go get him, Tank!

Fredericks-I thought we were supposed to be unbiased.

Erikson-Where's the fun in that?


Tank slides back in the ring to be met by an elbow to the back of his head, thanks to Melvin. Melvin pulls Tank to his feet and kicks him in the gut and whips him into the ropes. Melvin swings a clothesline, but Tank ducks. Melvin spins around to be kicked in the gut by Tank. Tank sets him up, and slams the young Frost down with a huge powerbomb! Tank pins Melvin, not noticing that Knife has climbed up onto the apron. The ref counts…………1………..(Knife climbs the turnbuckle)…………..2...………...Knife leaps off the turnbuckle with a body splash onto Tank and Melvin!

Fredericks-Knife is still in it!

Erikson-Shoot me!

Tank stands up and turns around to face Knife, only to be met by the Cutter (Stone Cold Stunner)! Melvin gets to his feet and locks Knife in a full nelson and attempts a Study Hall (Full Nelson Driver), but Knife backs Melvin into the corner and starts elbowing him in the head. Melvin releases the hold as Knife takes a few steps forward. Knife turns around and kicks Melvin in the nads and sets him up on the turnbuckle. By this time, Tank has gotten to his feet. Knife sees this and gives Tank another Cutter (Stone Cold Stunner)!! Knife drags Tank into position and walks back over to Melvin. Knife climbs up onto the second turnbuckle and punches Melvin in the face a few times before climbing to the top turnbuckle. Knife then superplexes Frost onto Tank!! Tank thrashes about in pain as Melvin gets to his feet. Knife taps Melvin on the shoulder, and nails him with a Cutter (Stone Cold Stunner) when he turns around!!! Knife hooks Melvin's leg as the ref drops and counts…………1……..........2....………......3!!!!

Anna Lopez-Winner at 4:12, and #1 contender to the North American title, The Knife!

Fredericks-Knife has done it! Knife beat Melvin and Tank!

Erikson-Correction, Knife beat Melvin, NOT Tank!

Fredericks-Either way, YOU WERE WRONG!

Erikson-I hate you....


**Cazz Selmer is arriving at the arena, and he walks into his locker room. He pulls out some money, and heads out to get a soda. On his way out, Morbid Angel runs into him. Aikeiro is behind Morbid Angel, and the two men stare at Cazz.**

Cazz-You bitches better watch where you're going. I don't wanna have to put you both in the hospital.

**Morbid Angel looks at Aikeiro and smiles.**

Morbid Angel-Do you know who you're talking to?

Cazz-I'm talking to two armless men unless you get out of my way.

Morbid Angel-And what if we don't? We're Anarchy, we abide by no rules. And we don't listen to little punks like YOU.

**Morbid Angel emphasizes this by pushing Cazz.**

Cazz-Oh really? Well if you're such a hardass, why don't you two meet me in the ring in a few minutes? Just let me get my soda, and I'll be glad to embarrass you both.

Morbid Angel-You got it, cocky bastard…

Cazz-What did you say?

Morbid Angel-I called you a cocky bastard.

**Cazz and Angel get face to face…when Aikeiro steps in, and nails a stiff kick to Cazz's head! Cazz falls to the ground, holding his head.**

Morbid Angel-See you in the ring, moron…

**Cazz slowly gets to his feet and watches the two walk off, as the camera fades.**


**Desyre and President Winters are in his office, apparently working on some wrestling moves once again. The President applies a hammerlock, and pulls Desyre close to him.**

Winters-Ok, now you have to reverse it.

Desyre-No problem, Seth.

**Desyre twirls under Winter's arm, and goes to lock on a hammerlock of her own, when the President falls "accidentally", and Desyre is pulled down on top of him. She looks at the sly Prez and smiles.**

Desyre-You better be careful Seth, we could have gotten hurt there.

Winters-Meh, I'm willing to put my health on the line for you.

**Desyre giggles, as her and the President's faces begin to creep closer and closer together…when Crazy Joker walks into the office. Desyre quickly rolls off of Winters, and the Prez sits up.**


Crazy Joker-Whoa, chill out Mr. Winters. I just came here to see what Desyre was up to. I challenged her to a match recently, and she never said anything.

Desyre-I've been…uh, busy.

**Desyre looks at the President and smiles.**

Crazy Joker-Geez…well, do you want the match or not?

Winters-Sorry Joker, but Desyre is already booked tonight.

Crazy Joker-Against who?


Crazy Joker-But why would you wanna fight her? I thought you two had a little something going on.

**Winters shakes his head.**

Winters-Joker, why don't you go find Triple J or something?

Crazy Joker-Ooooooh, good idea. That'll be an easy win for the Joker-man!

**Joker laughs and runs out of the room, as Winters looks over to Desyre.**

Winters-Ugh…see what I have to deal with here?

Desyre-Yeah, these guys are morons.

Winters-No kidding. But anyway, where were we?

Desyre-I think you were showing me how to pin…

**With that, Desyre crawls back towards the President, as the camera fogs up and fades.**


Fredericks-Damn, the Prez sure is lucky.

Erikson-I always knew that chicks had a thing for crazy guys.

Fredericks-Moving along, we now have a match that was just booked moments ago, stemming from a backstage altercation.

Erikson-What matches DON'T stem from a backstage altercation??


**"Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit hits over the speakers as Cazz Selmer walks out onto the stage to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Cazz walks to the ring and slides in.**

**"Waiting to Die" by (hed)PE blasts throughout the arena as Akeiro and Morbid Angel step out onto the stage to a chorus of boos. Akeiro and Morbid ignore the crowd and walk cockily down to the ring and slide in.**

Erikson-Selmer doesn't stand a chance.

Fredericks-I agree.

Erikson & Fredericks-NO!!!

Inside the ring, the referee makes Akeiro wait on the outside of the ring as Morbid and Selmer circle each other. The two men lock horns, with Cazz getting the better and locking Angel in a hammerlock. Morbid easily reverses the hold, but Selmer brings him over with a snapmare. Cazz taunts Angel, begging him to get up. As soon as Angel gets to his feet, he's taken back down with a clothesline from Selmer. Angel gets up and hurriedly tags in Akeiro. Morbid and Akeiro run at Cazz with a double clothesline, but Cazz ducks and dropkicks Akeiro, sending him to the outside. Cazz and Morbid exchange punches until Angel gets the advantage. Angel whips Cazz, but Cazz reverses the whip and powerslams Angel on the return.

Fredericks-I guess we were wrong.

Erikson-See what happens when you agree with me!

Akeiro silently slides back in the ring and drops Selmer with a spinning roundhouse to the temple. Akeiro begins to go to work with a variety of martial arts style kicks to the back and head of Cazz. Akeiro picks up Cazz and tags in Morbid, who climbs the turnbuckle. Akeiro whips Cazz into the ropes and tries to hit him with a high leg clothesline on the way back, but Cazz ducks and runs into the other ropes, racking Morbid Angel as a loud "OH" can be heard throughout the arena.

Fredericks-Looks like Morbid might not be enjoying himself for a while.

Erikson-What are you talkin about? It's called "Kiss it and make it better." Duh! Do I have to teach you everything?

Cazz comes back at Akeiro as Akeiro attempts a clothesline, but Selmer reverses it into an armbar takedown! Akeiro screams in pain as he struggles toward the ropes. Morbid regains composure on the turnbuckle and leaps off with a guillotine leg drop! Selmer sees him coming, and moves out of the way, causing Angel to leg drop Akeiro's arm!! Selmer kicks Morbid in the nads and plants him with a hard spike DDT and kicks him out of the ring. Akeiro gets to his feet, holding his arm as Cazz rushes at him, grabs the injured arm, jumps, twirls, and lands with a Pyschotic Armbar (Jumping Armbar Takedown), but holds on with an armbar submission hold. Cazz cranks on Aikeiro's arm, but the ex-Extreme champ doesn't tap out. Morbid Angel quickly slides back into the ring and knocks Selmer off of Aikeiro.

Fredericks-Almost thought he had him there.

Cazz gets up and begins exchanging punches with Morbid Angel. Angel whips Cazz into the ropes, and clotheslines him down. Angel picks Cazz up and whips him again, and this time he misses a clothesline. Cazz springs off the ropes, comes back, and grabs Angel's arm from behind, bulldogging it down! Angel holds his arm in pain, as Cazz pulls him back up. Aikeiro then spins Cazz around, and nails him with an uppercut! Cazz stumbles backwards, bumping into Angel and accidentally hitting him in the groin. Angel falls to his knees in pain, as Aikeiro punches Cazz again, causing him to fall to his knees in front of Morbid Angel. Aikeiro takes a step back, and goes for a large kick to the head of Cazz, but Cazz drops stomach-first to the mat, causing Aikeiro to connect with Morbid Angel's head! Angel collapses onto the mat, as Aikeiro reaches down and tries to wake him up.

Erikson-Big mistake by the Korean wonder.

Aikeiro attempts to pull Morbid Angel up, but he is obviously unconscious. Aikeiro quickly turn around, and sees Cazz getting up. Aikeiro goes for a huge roundhouse kick, but Cazz ducks underneath it and sneaks behind Aikeiro. Aikeiro spins around again, as Cazz charges at him and locks on a Rushing Armbar!! Cazz yanks back on Aikeiro's arm, as the ref checks him. Aikeiro struggles to get to the ropes, but the body of Morbid Angel is blocking his path. Finally, Aikeiro gives up and taps out!

Anna Lopez-Winner at 3:56, Cazz Selmer!


Fredericks-What did I do?

Erikson-YOU had to go and agree with me. SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DO THAT?!?!

Fredericks-Calm down. Look.

**As "Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit hits, Cazz makes his way up the ramp, with his hands held high in victory. Inside in the ring, Akeiro and Morbid have finally recovered and gotten to their feet, and are busy exchanging words. Morbid Angel is heard yelling something about "Aikeiro losing the match", and Aikeiro gets very angry at this. The words eventually turn into shoves…until one shove causes Akeiro to sidekick Morbid in the head. Soon the Tides of Darkness run to the ring and breaks up the two. Akeiro breaks lose of Katuul's hold and walks up the ramp as "Waiting to Die" by (hed) PE hits again.**

Fredericks-Hmmm...looks like dissension within Anarchy.

Erikson-See, you agreeing with me has brought about the apocalypse!

Fredericks-Dissension within the Anarchy is hardly the end of the world.

Erikson-Yeah, ok...we'll see. I can't wait to say 'I told ya so'!



**Triple J is standing next to Frank Williams backstage.**

Williams-Triple J, recently you haven't been seeing much action. Or at least, not good competition. What's the deal?

Triple J-Well silly, I just haven't had any problems with anyone. They've all been just peachy to me, and I have no reason to fight anybody. Besides, I'm a lover, not a fighter.

Williams-Oh, I kno…I mean, uh…Good answer, or something. Anyway, in a segment earlier on, Crazy Joker was noted as saying that he's out to get you. What do you think of that?

Triple J-Personally, I think Crazy Joker is just silly. In fact, everyone in this darn federation is silly. Even you Frank! You're silly! You silly boy!

Williams-Calm down man.

Triple J-No! I won't calm down! There's too much sillyness, and I have to…

**Triple J is cut off as Crazy Joker spears him out of nowhere. Williams begins slapping Joker on the back, trying to get him off of Triple J, but Crazy Joker pays no heed. Joker begins pummeling the helpless homosexual, and even goes as far as to bloody his face. Joker then stands up and looks at Frank.**

Crazy Joker-No more games. I'm tired of being pushed down by "The Man". From now on, I'm going up to the top. And Triple J, you're my first victim.

**Crazy Joker walks off as the camera fades on Triple J's bloody face.**


**The Tides of Darkness are sitting in the Anarchy locker room, and Thresh Crest is sitting off in the corner, concentrating on something. Morbid Angel then walks into the room, with an ice pack on his head. He takes a seat next to Kaltuul.**

Morbid Angel-That Korean bastard…He lost the match for us.

Kaltuul-We know…We saw it. But it's no big deal. Aikeiro has been on a losing streak as of late, and he is easily expendable.

Morbid Angel-Expendable? What do you mean?

**Thresh gets up out of the corner, picks up his title, and walks over to the group.**

Thresh-Aikeiro IS expendable. Angel, Anarchy has contracted a new member. He is a great asset to us, so long as his identity remains a secret.

Morbid Angel-Great! Who is it?

**Thresh leans over and whispers something to Angel.**

Morbid Angel-No way! How did you convince him to join us?

Thresh-It was quite easy really. All I had to do was…

**Thresh is interrupted by Aikeiro, who looks beaten up and dejected.**

Thresh-So glad you could join us Aikeiro. We have some important news for you. We've noticed that you've been on a losing streak as of late. Well, we're giving you an ultimatum…You either win back that Extreme title TONIGHT, or you're out of Anarchy.


Thresh-Well, then I guess you better rest up quick, because the night is half over.

**Aikeiro hangs his head.**

Thresh-Now get out, and don't come back unless you have the Extreme title again. We have new members on the way, and we have no room for a loser like you. Now LEAVE.

**Aikeiro slowly turns and walks out the door, as Morbid Angel slams the door behind him. The scene fades.**


Fredericks-Definitely some problems within Anarchy. And it seems as though they have a new member on the way. Who in the hell could that be?

Erikson-Forget about that for now, we've got a huge match up next!

Fredericks-Damn right…The title for title match that the President signed earlier in the week. It was apparently only supposed to be for the Extreme title…but we all know how the President can be.


Fredericks-Well, I was going to say indecisive, but that'll work too.


**"Wonderboy" by Tenacious D begins to play as "The Real Thing" Jackson King appears on the stage. He holds his Extreme Title, and elevates it above his head. After a few moments he walks down the ramp and slides in, handing the Extreme Title to the referee.**

Erikson- So let me understand how this works… You can use weapons, that is what makes it an extreme match.

Fredericks- Right… and they must stay in the ring though.

Erikson- So a kind of tying the two matches together.

Fredericks- Right.

**"Confession" by Cold strikes up as Jason Moore appears on the stageway. He keeps his North American title belt close to him as he makes his way down the ramp. He slides into the ring and eyes up King. He gives the NA belt to the referee and he holds them both high into the air, signaling for the bell.**

Fredericks- This should be interesting.

The referee attempts to get out of the ring, but King runs by him and snatches the Extreme belt. Jason Moore, looking for his own weapon, reaches for the ref and his North American belt. But before he can reach it King gives him a swift kick, raising his belt into the air, he slams it down on the back of Moore. Moore quickly tries to pop back up, but King slaps him with the belt strap! The sound echoes through the arena with the "oh" sound from the audience. Moore keeps trying to get back up, as King whips him again, and again, and again. King laughs to himself and throws the belt aside, but as he does this Moore quickly gets up on his knees and lowblows King!

Erikson- Now is that legal?

Fredericks- Yes, that is legal.

King falls to his knees and holds his groin as Moore grabs the belt used in his whipping. He makes a windup, swings, but it is caught just inches in front of his face by King! He stands up as Moore stares in disbelief. Moore tries to retaliate with a clothesline from his other arm, but King ducks it and wraps his arm around Moore’s head, dropping him in a reverse DDT! King quickly goes for the pin….1….2.. Kickout! Moore slowly rolls over to show that he had received the DDT onto the Extreme belt, and he holds his head in pain as King steps out of the ring. The referee begins his counting as King begins to fish under the ring….1…..2….. King pulls out a trash can and throws it into the ring…3….4……5…. King finds a chair and holds it up in the air, receiving the crowds praise.

Fredericks- Well… it is Extreme… Do we like Extreme?

Erikson- Yes, we like extreme.

King puts down the ring apron and hops onto the apron. He takes a look up in time to see the trash can get smacked across his face! King teeters on the edge, holding onto the ropes. Moore takes the chair that King was holding and he brings it over his head. Moore gets ready to bring the chair down, as King grabs Moore’s head and yanks down aswell! King falls back as the chair bounces off of the top rope and smashes into Jason Moore’s head! Jason instantly flies back as a bit of blood can be seen dripping from his forehead.

Fredericks- Okay, do we like that one?

Erikson- We love it.

King jumps back down on the floor and grabs the trash can. He then slides back into the ring and places it over Jason Moore’s head. King then grabs the chair and proceeds to climb the turnbuckle. He reaches the top and turns to see Jason Moore lying there. King holds the chair above his head and gets ready to jump when Aikeiro grabs him by the back of the head and bulldogs him onto the trash can on top of Moore! Aikeiro rolls back out of the ring as King and Moore lay there next to each other, both bloodied on the head.

Erikson- Oh my…. So what is the ruling on this one?

Fredericks- Well… there is no DQ by other people, but they cannot stay in the ring. The other downer for these two men, is that there is a 10-count…

Erikson- Ouch…

The ref begins to count…1……..2…..3……4……5…. King begins to roll around a bit……6….. He slowly creeps to Moore….7……8…..He pins…..1….2….. Kickout! King can’t believe it as he stares at the referee. He begins to get up, pulling Moore up with him. He whips Moore into the ropes as Aikeiro jumps onto the apron behind King, with a chair in hand. When Moore comes back is when Aikeiro swings the chair, but King ducks, allowing Aikeiro to smoke Jason Moore with the chair! Aikeiro hops back off of the apron cursing in his Korean little ways as King goes for the pin again!….1…….2……Kickout! King rolls out of the ring and lands on the ground as Aikeiro slowly makes his way around the ring, but when Aikeiro gets there King jumps in the air and shatters a glass bottle in his face!

Fredericks- Wowza… I do believe we like that one?

Erikson- Indeed… there is no telling what is stored under that ring…

King kicks Aikeiro several times before reaching under the ring, and pulling out a table! He slides the table into the ring and quickly follows into the ring. He begins to set it up in the ring as Moore comes up behind him, clutching the Extreme Title, he takes a huge windup, and cracks it over the back of the head of King! Jackson King falls onto the table and sits there. Moore pulls King off of the table and puts him into a headlock. Moore tightens his grasp as King fumbles around for something to hit him with. Finally King grabs onto the back of Moore’s leg, with the other he grabs Moore’s neck. He lifts him into the air wit Moore on his shoulders and jumps in the air, landing on his knees as Moore lets out a scream of pain!

Erikson- Oh we definitely like that.

Fredericks- Indeed

King holds on as Moore screams again. Jackson King manages to get back to his feet and he jumps into the air again, landing on his knees again! King pulls back on Moore’s legs again like a bow as Moore howls again. Finally King releases the hold and Moore falls to the mat, holding his back in pain. Moore tries to get to his feet, but King just rolls around him and rolls him up for the pin…..1……2….. Kickout! The Real Thing picks up Jason Moore by the hair and drags him over to the turnbuckle near the still set up table. He puts Moore up on the turnbuckle and sets him up for what seems to be a back suplex, when Jason elbows King in the face! Aikeiro slides into the ring with a chair as King wobbles a bit, but holds on as Moore stands up, Jason leaps off the turnbuckle, grabs King’s head and pulls his neck down on the top rope! King is stunned and pops back up off the ropes, he turns around and gets completely laid out by the steel-chair-armed Aikeiro! Jason Moore quickly slides into the ring as Aikeiro exits. Jason goes for the pin…..1…….2…… Kickout!

Fredericks- Oh my god! The referee almost got to 3, there is no way King is going to get back from this!

Erikson- Damnit, will you leave the negative commentary to me… I get paid on commission for it y’know.

Fredericks- That would explain why my paychecks have dropped…

Jason Moore slaps the mat in anger as he glares at the referee. He takes a look down at King, then at the referee, Jason reaches down and grabs the chair. The crowd begins to roar behind Jason Moore as he continuously bashes the chair over the back of Jackson King. Jason goes for the pin again……1……2…. Kickout! Jason glares again at the referee as he picks up King, he locks his arms and pulls him back for the Confession only on the mat rather than the turnbuckle! Jason lifts him up in the air, and plants King onto the chair! Jason Moore then rolls over and makes the pin…..1……..2……… Kickout!

Fredericks- Oh my god! This is becoming too unreal!

Jason Moore gets up and stands over the referee, he shoves the ref, but the ref comes back and shoves him! Jason Moore begins to laugh to himself as the crowd begins to boo for the unruly ref. Jason Moore reaches down and grabs the chair, he turns and smokes the referee! Jason slides the chair under the table and raises his arms, receiving the crowd’s praises. He picks up King by the hair again and drags him to the turnbuckle.

Fredericks- No way…

Erikson-I think we will love this one…

Moore pulls King up to the turnbuckle and locks his arms for the Confession again! King gets locked on as Moore begins to turn, but King thrusts himself up and plants Jason Moore through the table and chair with an Impaler!!! The referee begins to come to slowly as King goes for the pin…

Fredericks- OH MY GOD!

1…………..……….…..2……………………..Aikeiro pulls the referee out of the ring! Aikeiro gets ready to land a swift kick across the face of the ref, but the ref manages to call for the bell!

Anna Lopez- This match has been declared a No Contest due to outside interference!

Fredericks- WHAT?!

Suddenly, Buddy the Clown leaps the barricade and slides into the ring. He picks up Jackson King and kicks him the gut, King drops down and Buddy lifts him into the air, bringing him down into the Psychopathic Slam! (Sitout powerbomb/pin) Buddy waves to the back as another referee comes running down the ramp, he slides into the ring for the pin…1…..2….. Kickout!

Fredericks- Doesn’t he know the match is over?

Erikson- Tyler, the Extreme Title is 24/7! It’s not over!

Fredericks- Oh no…

Buddy gets ready to perform his finisher again, but before he can pick him up, King low blows him and slides out of the ring! King makes his way down the ramp with Aikeiro slowly following as "Wonderboy" begins to play again!

Fredericks- Something tells me this is far from over.

Erikson- Indeed…


Fredericks- We’re taking you to the back where it seems like the battle between the world vs. "The Real Thing" Jackson King is far from over!

The camera cuts to show King getting thrown up against a garage door. He bounces off and right into the awaiting arms of Buddy the Clown, who drops him with a full nelson slam! King lays there unmoving, when the camera pans up to show Aikeiro on top of a Pepsi truck! The camera zooms in to show a chair in his hand, he raises it high into the air and screams. Aikeiro leaps off and does a flip in mid air, landing a viscous Korean Facebuster! (Flipping leg drop with a chair) The rest of King’s body lifts up into the air as Aikeiro holds on for the pin, a referee comes running out of a nearby room…1……2…. Out of no where Chang Mustafa appears with a fire extinguisher and hoses Aikeiro! Aikeiro flies off of King and backs up as him and Buddy take a look at the situation.

Fredericks- It’s Chang! He’s here to save the day!

Erikson- Where there is one there shall be followers…

Buddy lifts a nearby chair and chucks it at Chang, which knocks the extinguisher out of his hands. Chang rushes at Buddy, but is laid out with a huge boot to his face! Buddy gets down to pin King…1…..2… Kickout! Buddy and Aikeiro stare at each other again and then begin to stomp and punch the downed Chang and Buddy! Suddenly the garage door slowly begins to open as Buddy and Aikeiro remain focused on their downed opponents. A forklift comes careening out of the garage and runs into Aikeiro! Aikeiro’s force knocks into Buddy, downing the two men! The camera focuses around the cockpit of the forklift….

Fredericks- Oh my god! It’s Cliff!

Cliff steps out of the forklift and grabs a chair, he takes it over to Aikeiro and begins to smash it over his head! As if on cue, Morbid Angel and the Tides of Darkness appear! They surround Cliff, who still has the lone chair…

Erikson- Well…it was fun while it lasted…

Fredericks- Those dogs!

Cliff looks around at his new enemies. Morbid Angel dashes at him, but he levels him with a chair, Kaltuul goes next, but Cliff is caught off guard and he nails Cliff with a hard clothesline, knocking the chair from his grasp! Kaltuul and Belthazar pick up Cliff and set him up for a double powerbomb when Chang comes flying in the air with dropkick that knocks Belthazar back! Kaltuul swings a punch, but Chang grabs his arm and flips him onto the ground! Chang begins to build up some momentum when Aikeiro comes across with a superkick! The camera cuts quickly to show Morbid Angel pinning the still unconscious Jackson King….1……2……..3!

Referee-New Extreme Champion, Morbid Angel!

The referee raises the hand of Morbid Angel as Aikeiro steps up and glares at him. Morbid Angel turns around, then turns again with a huge smile on his face when Aikeiro unleashes a superkick on him! The Tides of Darkness look at both men, then, as if reacting on instinct, rush at Aikeiro! Aikeiro dodges one clothesline, but doesn’t dodge the other as the Tides manhandle him! Buddy gets up and he joins Aikeiro in battling the Tides as they spill out through the garage. Cliff picks up King by the arm and begins to drag him over to Morbid Angel. But Angel starts to get up behind Cliff. He taps Cliff on the shoulder, and as he turns he swings a punch at him. But Cliff catches the punch, grabs Morbid Angel under the arms… Over the Edge onto a chair! (Sky High into an X-Factor) Cliff puts King’s arm over Angel, the ref shrugs and gets down….1…….2…….3!

Referee- New Extreme Champion, Jackson King!

**King is lifted up by the ref, and he is handed the Extreme title. The Tides of Darkness quickly glare at him, as he sees them out of the corner of his eye. King quickly takes off running down the hallway as the scene fades.**


**The camera fades in, to show a close-up of Chang Mustafa's face, which shows him out of breath from the recent rumble.**

Chang-Tonight, I face three really big peoples. Thresh Crest, and the Tides of Darknesses. But, I have Zack "The Mack" and Gravedigger on my side, so there is not way I can loses. Then, I'll make sure the Prez sees that I can wrestle good, so he puts me in the MilleniDome at the PPV against Thresh. Then I can live my dream and be NMW world champion. Now, I have to go start getting readies for mine match tonight, so get out of here cameraman!

**Chang takes the ice off of his knee, as the camera starts to fade.**

Chang-Oh wait! Me almost forgot something.

**Chang raises his hands and does the thumb pointy thing.**

Chang-We're going to win tonight, because I am C…U…M. Chang Ulysses Mustafa. Now I go kick some ass!

**The scene fades as Chang gets up and leaves the room.**


**"The Real Thing" Jackson King is walking around backstage, finally free from all Extreme title leeches. He is walking carefully, looking around every turn, making sure that no one is waiting to attack him. Just then, Cazz Selmer comes walking by. Selmer sees King and stops for a moment. King readies himself for a fight.**

Cazz-Whoa, chill out man. I'm not here to fight. I saw what those guys did to you during your match, and it was bullshit. You should have won the North American title from that pussy Moore.

King-No kidding. Those bastards screwed up my concentration, and then they tried to screw me out of this.

**King taps on the Extreme title.**

King-But I'm too good for those talentless no-names.

Cazz-Damn right you are. You know, I've been watching your matches ever since you debuted here, and you and I are a lot alike.


Cazz-Well, you claim to be a pure wrestler and mat technician, which you have more than proven in the ring. And I also pride myself on being quite the submission wrestler. Have you seen me almost rip out mutiple guys' arms?

King-Yeah, I've seen a few of your matches. What of it?

Cazz-Well, the way I see it, we could make a good team, if only a temporary one. You have beef with Aikeiro and Buddy, and I already proved that I can kick Aikeiro's ass earlier tonight, so how about you and I team up at the next Revolution to take out those two in a tag match? I've been wanting to rid myself of that clown, and I'm sure you and I can eliminate him from NMW. You show him the Genuine Article, and I'll just rip his arms off. What do you say?

King-Sounds good to me. It'll get that freak off my ass and out of the Extreme title contention…Same with that little Korean shit.

**Cazz and King shake hands.**

Cazz-Great. Then I guess I'll see you next Saturday. Oh, we should get a team name for our one match together. How about something like the "Mat Rats"?

King-Don't push it…

**Cazz shrugs as the two men shake again, and go their separate ways. King continues to be weary of any would-be attackers, as they each head back to their locker rooms.**


**President Winters and Desyre are still sitting back in his locker room, only now they are both relaxing and watching "Mad Max and the Thunderdome".**

Winters-Crap, I suddenly got the urge to pee. I'll be right back.

Desyre-Ok hun.

**Winters gets up and scurries out of the room. Desyre continues sitting and watching the movie…when Tank bursts into the room, apparently angry.**

Tank-Where is he?

Desyre-Uh, he went to pee.

Tank-Just perfect. I lost again tonight, and it's HIS fault!

Desyre-Why is that?

Tank-Ever since he made me his bodyguard, I've been losing left and right. It's like a bad luck charm. I've gotta tell him that I'm resigning from this position. I need to win some matches.

Desyre-Maybe you just suck.

**Tank stares at Desyre, and begins walking closer to her.**

Tank-What did you say?

Desyre-I said…Maybe you suck.

**Tank reaches over the desk and grabs Desyre by the throat. Her face is quickly overcome with fright, as Tank pulls her over the desk.**

Tank-Wanna say that again???

**Desyre struggles to get away from Tank, but he holds her neck tightly. Just then, Winters walks back in.**

Winters-TANK! What are you doing???

Tank-Your little bitch here needs to watch her mouth. Winters, I'm through with your little bodyguard position. As far as I'm concerned, SHE can guard your ass. I'm outta here…and I'll see YOU next week, slut.

**Tank glares at Desyre, before leaving the room. Winters wraps his arms around Desyre as she starts coughing, and a tear rolls down her cheek.**

Winters-It'll be alright. If he wants you in a match next week. He can have you.


**Winters just smiles stupidly and stares blankly off into space, as Desyre stares at him in confusion. The scene fades.**


Fredericks-How disturbing…

Erikson-Wow, Tank vs. Desyre next week? Someone's gonna die, and it's not Tank.

Fredericks-How disturbing. Anyways, it's time for the main event.

Erikson-This is gonna rock. As the Prez said, the man who puts on the best show gets to face Thresh at Winter's Wonderland. This should be good.


**"Bodies" by Drowning Pool hits first, and the crowd emits a few cheers as Chang Mustafa walks onto the stage. He trips and falls flat on his face, but quickly gets up, gathers himself, and walks down to the ring, snagging even more cheers from the crowd. Chang steps up onto the apron, then turns and waits for his partners.**

Erikson-Well, Chang is definitely ready for this match.

**"Synthetic" by Spineshank hits, and the newly reinstated Zack Macomber walks onto the stage to a huge pop from the crowd. He marches down the ramp way, slapping the hands of some fans on the way down. He climbs onto the apron and steps into the ring, and Chang follows him in. Zack and Chang have a staredown for a moment…then shake hands.**

Fredericks-Zack and Chang seem to be on the same page…but what of Gravedigger?

**With that, "Blackened" by Metallica hits, and the fans emit a mixed reaction, though it seems the majority are booing. Gravedigger pays them no heed as he stomps his way down the ramp, and climbs into the ring emotionlessly. Gravedigger doesn't even look at Zack and Chang as he stands in the corner opposite to them, and waits.**

Erikson-This is gonna be great. There's no way those three can function as a unit. And even if they could, they'd still be no match for the NMW champ, and the Tag champs!

**"Breathe" by Nickelback hits, and the crowd's mixed reaction immediately turns to a reaction of hatred…hatred towards Thresh Crest and the Tides of Darkness. Each man steps out wearing his respective belt, and they taunt the crowd as they walk down the ramp. Referee Matt Springfield pushes Zack, Chang, and Gravedigger to one side of the ring, as Thresh and the Tides slide in, and prepare to fight. The ref checks all three men for hidden weapons, then commands two of them to step out onto the apron. The Tides take a backseat to Thresh, and step onto the apron. Zack Macomber then steps up to start the match…but he is pulled back by Gravedigger, who steps in front of him, ready to start the match himself. Zack begins to retaliate, but is held back by Chang, and they reluctantly step out onto the apron as Gravedigger stares at Thresh. The bell rings.**

Fredericks-There's tension already between Zack and Gravedigger. Both men want Thresh so badly, but only one can have him.

Erikson-I know how it is.

Gravedigger goes right after Thresh, and the two men lock up in a strong grapple. After jocking for position for a moment, Gravedigger is able to push Thresh into the turnbuckle, where he begins pummeling him with right and left jabs. Gravedigger then whips Thresh towards the opposite turnbuckle, and then charges…but Thresh gets a boot up, hitting Gravedigger in the face. Thresh charges, but gets smoked by a large clothesline from the Unholy One. The crowd pops as Thresh is knocked down, and the Tides of Darkness start calling for him to tag. Gravedigger pulls Thresh to his feet, as Zack begs for a tag, but Gravedigger ignores him. Gravedigger rocks Thresh with another right hand, then whips him off the ropes, but Thresh reverses the whip. Gravedigger bounces back and ducks a Crest clothesline. He bounces off the ropes again, but this time he is tripped up by Kaltuul. Gravedigger quickly gets back up, and knocks Kaltuul off the apron with a haymaker, then does the same to Belthazar! Gravedigger then turns around…and is slammed with a high knee from Thresh! The NMW Champ pulls Gravedigger back to his feet, and whips him off the ropes. Gravedigger bounces off the ropes, and as he does, Zack Macomber makes the tag in!

Fredericks-Blind tag by Zack…Gravedigger isn't gonna like that.

Zack climbs into the ring, as Gravedigger stops on a dime, and spins to look at Zack in anger. Thresh takes advantage and tries to hit Gravedigger from behind, but the Unholy One ducks, and Thresh nails Zack! The ref then makes Gravedigger get out of the ring, as Thresh begins pummeling Zack. Thresh whips him, but Macomber reverses…Crest, however, hangs onto Zack's arm, and pulls him into a short-arm clothesline! Thresh then lifts up Zack, pulls him to Anarchy's corner, and tags in Belthazar. Belthazar kicks Zack in the gut, then follows with an uppercut. Zack then quickly explodes with a series of right hands, getting the crowd fired up. Zack hooks up Belthazar, and hits a Vertical Zackieplex. Macomber then pulls the Tag champ up, and whips him, but Belthazar reverses it, sending Zack into the ropes…and right into the knee of Kaltuul!

Erikson-THAT is how a tag team functions.

Zack rebounds, holding his back in pain, and Belthazar scoops him up and slams him down. Belthazar follows with a leg drop and a quick pin……………1……………2………Kickout. Belthazar drives a knee into the back of Zack's neck, then pulls him up and tags in Kaltuul. The Tides both whip Zack into the ropes…but Zack come back with a double clothesline…which the Tides ducks. Zack bounces off the ropes again…and flies right into a Double Flapjack from the Tides of Darkness. Macomber comes down face-first hard on the mat.

Fredericks-Holy crap! They must have launched him 20 feet into the air!

Erikson-Stop exaggerating JR…It was more like 10 feet.

Belthazar then leaves the ring, as Kaltuul pulls Zack back up. Kaltuul pushes Zack into the turnbuckle, and begins stomping into his midsection. Kaltuul then begins choking Zack with his boot, before stepping back and taunting the crowd. Kaltuul turns his back on Zack, and when he turns around, Macomber explodes out of the corner, only to be dropped by a quick drop toe hold from Kaltuul. Kaltuul then rolls over and locks on an STF, stretching Zack's neck backwards. Zack struggles to reach for the ropes, as the ref checks him. Thresh spits on Zack, causing Chang to get pissed and try to get into the ring. Referee Matt Springfield attempts to hold Chang back…when Belthazar gets into the ring…and dropkicks Zack in the face while he is still locked in the STF. Belthazar quickly leaves the ring, as the ref turns around again. Kaltuul rolls Zack over and covers him…………….1………………..2……………….Kickout. Belthazar slaps the turnbuckle in frustration, as Kaltuul pulls up Zack, and gets ready to make a tag to Belthazar. Macomber, however, drives an elbow into Kaltuul's stomach, and then a second. He then shoves Kaltuul into the ropes. Chang reaches up from the apron, and grabs Kaltuul by the hair, pulling him down and getting a large pop from the crowd. The referee runs over to admonish Chang, as Zack begins to pull Kaltuul up. Just then, Thresh Crest leaps into the ring, runs up behind Zack, and hits the Clash (Jumping Reverse DDT)!!! Zack gets planted, and both he and Kaltuul struggle to get to their corners.

Fredericks-What a cheap move by Thresh.

Erikson-Uh oh Tyler…Both men are trying to get to the corner. That means whoever tags first will have the advantage.

Fredericks-But you know that they always tag at the same time.

Erikson-Good point.

Kaltuul crawls closer and closer to his corner, as Zack gets closer to his as well, reaching out to Chang Mustafa, who desperately wants a tag. Kaltuul is able to tag in Belthazar, as Zack reaches out to tag Chang…when Gravedigger pushes Chang of the way and tags Zack's hand! Gravedigger steps into the ring, and knocks down Belthazar, who gets up and is knocked down again by Gravedigger. Zack, meanwhile, gets onto the apron, and is fuming over Gravedigger's tag. Gravedigger continues going to town on Belthazar, hitting a Swinging Neckbreaker. Belthazar quickly tries to scurry to his corner, but Gravedigger grabs his leg and pulls him back in. Gravedigger kicks Belthazar in the midsection, then hooks up for the Last Descent (Screwdriver)! Gravedigger lifts Belthazar up…when Thresh gets into the ring, and kicks Gravedigger in the gut, causing him to release Belthazar from the move. Gravedigger goes after Thresh, as the NMW champ retreats to the apron. The Unholy One nails Thresh with a right hand, and Thresh fires back with one of his own. Belthazar quickly rolls Gravedigger up from behind with a schoolboy pin……………1……………….2……………….Kickout! Gravedigger quickly gets back up and smokes Belthazar with a vicious clothesline! Belthazar gets up, and runs right into the palm of Gravedigger's hand, and the Embalmer (Chokeslam from Hell)! Gravedigger lifts up the Tide, but Kaltuul tags Belthazar's foot on the ascent. Gravedigger plants Belthazar with the chokeslam, as Kaltuul scales the turnbuckle. Gravedigger turns around, right into a missile dropkick from Kaltuul!

Erikson-Once again, good tag team strategy by the Tides.

Fredericks-That's why they're the champs.

Gravedigger slowly gets to his feet, as Kaltuul begins stomping on him. Gravedigger is able to get to his feet, but is rocked by a jab to the jaw from Kaltuul. Kaltuul then whips Gravedigger, but gets it reversed. Kaltuul bounces off the ropes, and runs directly into a big boot from the Unholy One! The crowd lets out a small cheer, as Gravedigger looks over at Zack and Chang. He walks over to them, raising his hand to make a tag…then turns around and walks back over to Kaltuul. Gravedigger pulls Kaltuul back up, and grabs him around the throat. He lifts Kaltuul up quickly, and slams him down with the Embalmer (Chokeslam from Hell)!!! Katuul hits the mat hard, and quickly drags himself over to his corner. Gravedigger backs up a bit after the slam…and Zack Macomber reaches out and tags him on the back! Gravedigger spins around…and takes a swing at Zack, but Zack sidesteps him. At the same moment, Kaltuul tags in Thresh, who runs over and blindsides Gravedigger, knocking him out of the ring! Zack then steps into the ring, and waits for Crest to turn around. The NMW champ, turns, and he and Zack stand toe to toe for a moment. The crowd's cheers erupt.

Fredericks-This is the matchup we've been waiting to see for a while. These two never got to finish what they started when NMW first started running again!

Erikson-That's for sure. Remember their first match at UAW's Season of Screams? Thresh disqualified himself in order to brutalize Zack with a chair.

A few seconds pass, before Thresh throws the first punch…which Zack blocks. Zack then throws his own punch, which Thresh blocks! The two men then engage in a strong grapple, and begin twisting and turning all about the ring, each trying to gain the advantage. Eventually, they spin out of control, and both fall out of the ring, on the side of the entrance ramp! They topple to the floor, but both are quick to get to his feet. Thresh takes a big swing at Zack, but Zack ducks, and catches Thresh in the Riot Act (STO 2)! Zack kicks his leg out…but gets elbowed in the head by Thresh, who then drops to one knee and nails Zack with a blatant low blow! From inside the ring, the ref yells at both men to get back into the ring, but neither pays him any attention. Crest then pulls Zack up, and whips him into the steel stairs! Zack topples over them, and lays in pain on the floor, as the Tides of Darkness hop down from their part of the apron. All three members of Anarchy begin stomping on Zack repeatedly. Suddenly, there is a yell from up in the ring, as Chang bounces off the opposite ropes…and sails over the top rope in a suicide dive, onto all three Anarchy members!!! Chang jumps back to his feet, and begins hopping around, as the crowd cheers him in delight. Mustafa then helps Zack get to his feet…when Gravedigger comes around the corner. Chang sees Gravedigger coming, and tries to stop him, but the Unholy One pushes Chang out of the way. Gravedigger grabs Zack, and rolls him back into the ring.

Fredericks-Oh man…Gravedigger's anger is getting the better of him. He's lost focus on the match and is going after Zack now.

Erikson-Meanwhile…all three Anarchy members are laid out on the floor, thanks to Chang Mustafa. Bet you never thought you'd hear me say that.

Zack is rolled into the ring, and he slowly gets to his feet, as Gravedigger climbs in as well. Chang just watches from the outside, in fear of what may happen to his teammates. Gravedigger steps up to Zack, who gets up in his face and starts yelling. Gravedigger says nothing, and just watches Zack as he screams at the Unholy One. The crowd begins chanting for Zack to hit Gravedigger, as Chang Mustafa finally slides into the ring, and gets between the two. He separates them before they come to blows, and tries to talk some sense into them. Gravedigger looks at Chang for a moment, then looks at Zack again. Gravedigger raises his arm to throw a punch at Macomber, but Chang grabs his arm! Gravedigger's head spins to look at Chang, as he then swings his free arm around, and almost decapitates Chang with a HUGE clothesline! Chang falls onto his neck, and bounces out of the ring, next to Anarchy, which is finally starting to come around.

Erikson-Oh goody, Thresh and the Tides are finally waking up from their little nap…Now they're ready to kick some ass!

Fredericks-I don't think they'll have to kick anyone's ass…Zack and Gravedigger might do it for them. Poor Chang.

Gravedigger then turns his attention back to Zack, and wastes no time in headbutting him, sending him sprawling backwards. Gravedigger then kicks him a little low, and hooks up up for the Last Descent (Screwdriver)!! Gravedigger lifts Zack into the air vertically, and holds him there for a good 10 seconds or so, letting the blood rush to Zack's head. The Unholy One then drives Macomber down head-first, planting him with a sickening thud, and possibly even injuring Zack's neck with the painful maneuver. Zack holds his neck, and rolls away from Gravedigger, before falling out of the ring. Gravedigger stands alone in the ring for a moment…when he is hit from behind by a low blow from Thresh Crest, who has crawled back into the ring!! The Tides are also in the ring now, and they spin Gravedigger around and whip him into the ropes. Both Tides grab Gravedigger on the rebound, lift him up, and Thresh leaps into the air, grabbing Gravedigger's head and driving him down with a Triple Team 3D! Thresh then rolls Gravedigger and makes the pin, as the Tides stand by…………..1………………2…………………….3!!!

Anna Lopez-Winners at 7:12, Thresh Crest and the Tides of Darkness!

Fredericks-Wow, that match really deteriorated.

Erikson-Was there any doubt that it would? Gravedigger and Zack each other, and Chang is an utter moron. I'm surprised they stayed together as long as they did.

Fredericks-You may be right, but what does this mean for Winter's Wonderland? Which one of these men will get a shot at Thresh's title?

Erikson-Well, we still have one more show before the PPV, maybe we'll find out next week.

Fredericks-I sure hope so…


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