**The scene opens inside a packed NMW Arena, where in the ring, several homeless crew members are scrubbing the canvas with mops to clean the splattered pelican blood that had not been cleaned up since the last show. The camera then pans out to the show the crowd, and zooms in on one particular overweight man who is struggling to get up the stairs and reach his seat. He is almost to the top of the flight of stairs, when one boy in a group of teenagers sticks his foot out into the aisle, causing the fat man to trip and fall, taking a nasty spill down the stairs. The crowd pops at the sight of this, as "Violent Reaction" by American Head Charge strikes up, echoing throughout the already loud arena. The camera flies around the frenzied crowd, picking up a few signs along its path:

"Chang got screwed."

"Step on up to the Real Thing."

"Buddy is a threat to the elderly."

"I want a French omelet."

"Re-instate Zack."

"NMW and UAW team up to kill X-Pac."

After showing the signs, the scene cuts to show a hot dog vender just outside the main part of the arena. No one is giving him any business, and the vender looks very depressed. Desyre then comes walking by, and buys a hot dog from the unsuspecting vender. Immediately, a swarm of middle-aged men swarms the vender, as he looks on with a large smile on his face. The cameras then cut to the announce table, where everyone's favorite mouse trap designers, Tyler Fredericks and Brian Erikson, are sitting.**

Tyler Fredericks-Welcome, NMW fans, to a somewhat abbreviated version of Revolution! I'm Tyler Fredericks, and with me as always is the bane of mankind, Bri…

Brian Erikson-The bane of mankind? I'm hurt Tyler.

Fredericks-Sorry Brian, but we gotta get the insults kicking fast tonight, because apparently this show isn't gonna be as long as most NMW ones are.

Erikson-Ah, I see.

Fredericks-Yeah, that's what I said to your mom last night!

Erikson-You suck Tyler…You just…Well, you suck. Let's look at the friggin' card and get it over with.




Fredericks-Wow, only three matches…We're not used to seeing that.

Erikson-Yeah, we're used to seeing four.

**Just then, "Jingle Bell Rock" hits, and the fans turn their attention to the entrance way. The man who was shown in a promo last week, Chris Cringle, steps out onto the stage, still wrapped in Christmas lights and wearing a wreath around his neck. He carries a small pouch over to the corner of the stage, and begins throwing fake snow out into the crowd. The crowd cheers him on, as he skips down the ramp, and slides into the ring.**

Cringle-Happy Holidays, NMW fans! I am not well-known around here yet, but I will be. As you all saw last week, I am here to spread joy and cheer throughout NMW, while at the same time plowing my way through the ranks and gaining a reputation in this great federation!

**The crowd pops.**

Cringle-As some of you may know, I've already been somewhat regarded for my innovative moves. After all, I'm the originator of the Shooting Star of Bethlehem, not to mention the Christmas Lights Suplex. Many people have already felt the wrath of my Cringle Crunch, and many more here in NMW will taste defeat at the hands of the Mandible Santa Claw. Now, on to more important business. My purpose over all others here is to spread the Christmas spirit to all you NMW fans. Therefore, later on tonight, I have a gift for each and every one of you, to help celebrate Christmas a little early!

**The crowd pops even louder at the sound of free stuff.**

Cringle-That's right, I have a little something for each and every one of you! Well, I'm said my piece, and now I must go back and prepare for my…

**"Breathe" by Nickelback hits.**

Fredericks-And here comes the personification of Christmas cheer…

**Thresh Crest steps out onto the stage, with a pouch of his own. He walks to the corner of the stage, imitating Cringle's action from a bit earlier. He reaches into the pouch, and pulls out…coal! He grabs a handful of the black rocks and chucks them into the crowd, pelting several fans. The crowd boos him loudly, as he grins and makes his way down the ramp. Cringle just smiles back at him, as the NMW Champ slides into the ring. He grabs the mic from Cringle's hand.**

Thresh-So sorry to interrupt you Mr. Cringle, but Lord knows we can't have holiday cheer around here without Thresh Crest.

**The crowd boos.**

Thresh-I feel that it is my duty as NMW champion, AND as the President's favorite performer, to come out here and wish all NMW fans a very Merry Christmas!

**The fans become confused, and some even start to cheer at Thresh's apparent change of heart.**

Thresh-See, I'm not ALL bad. I know that this is a time to be friendly to all mankind. I mean, the fact that I never got any presents as a child doesn't mean anything. Or the fact that Toran and Zion always got first dibs on the fresh cookies. That doesn't matter, does it? Tell me, Cringle…Do YOU have any family?

**Thresh holds the microphone up to Cringle's mouth.**

Cringle-Why yes I do. I even…

**Thresh yanks the mic away.**

Thresh-Good, you have family too. And I suppose they are watching this program tonight, correct? I mean, one of their own has made it to the big time, and they wouldn't wanna miss an event like that, right?

**Cringle nods.**

Thresh-That's good, that's very good. Now, did you see me throwing that coal out to the crowd at the corner of the stage up there? You know why I did that? Because that's all I EVER got for Christmas! COAL! They said I was a bad kid, but how else am I supposed to get attention with two older brothers hogging the spotlight??? I'm human, I deserve presents just as much as they do! But did I get presents? NO! So now, that part of the crowd knows what it's like to get coal for their holiday gift. And now, so do you…

**Thresh lifts the bag of coal up into the air, and smacks Cringle across the face with it. Cringle spins in a 180, as Thresh hooks his head from behind, and drops him with the Clash (Jumping Reverse DDT)! Cringle's head bounces off the canvas, as Thresh gets back to his feet and grabs the microphone again.**

Thresh-Now YOU know what it feels like to be screwed out of Christmas! But you know who else has been over-privileged? Not just at Christmas, but all the damn time?? ZACK MACOMBER!!! That lap dog has gotten way too far in this business, and the worst part is that he's had it all handed to him! I've worked my ass off getting to where I am, to be better than my brothers! AND I AM BETTER THAN THEM! But then fools like Macomber come along and try to shatter my whole plan. Winters suspended him, and what does he do? He shows up anyway, and attacks me from behind…and yet you idiots cheer him!!!

**The crowd cheers for Zack Macomber.**

Thresh-AAAAARRRRRGH! That's it! Tonight…Macomber, I know you're in this f--king building! I don't care if you're suspended or not! You and I are going to meet in this ring, whether it's sanctioned under NMW rules or not…we are going to have us a match. I'll put my f--king belt on the line if it'll get your carcass out here to face me! I'm going to show all these punks once and for all that…THRESH RULES!!!

**The crowd boos Thresh, as he spikes his mic down onto Cringle's broken body. Crest then jumps out of the ring and heads backstage, as some of the fans begin trying to hit him with the coal that he threw at them earlier.**

Fredericks-Well, it seems that we have a new main event for tonight. That is, if Zack decides to show up.

Erikson-He'd better show, because if he doesn't, everyone will know his true colors.

Fredericks-What ARE his colors?

Erikson-Black and blue.

Fredericks-Very nice.


**The camera cuts to President Winter's office, where he is flipping through some sort of files. He has three folders laid out on his desk, and is sitting with his chin in his palm, in deep thought. The camera pans upward to show that each one of the folders is titled with a federation name on it: MOW Slaughterhouse, PWF, and SEW. Winters looks back and forth at the folders.**

Winters-So much competition. I think I sent a positive signal last week, especially killing the bird…I'm sure all the kids at home enjoyed that. But we need something more attention-catching. NMW needs a gimmick…something that hasn't been done before. But what hasn't been done before? Hmmm…

**Winters glances at the folders once again. Each one is filled thick with papers.**

Winters-Hmmm, what is it that each one of these companies have that make them so well known? Let's see…Well, they all have been around for quite a while, so longevity must be a factor. What else? They obviously have smart guys behind them, which is no different from NMW…

**Brian Erikson and Tyler Fredericks are then heard in the background, at the announce position.**

Erikson-Tyler…He actually sounds like he's putting together some coherent thoughts.

Fredericks-I know…The insanity must just come in phases or something.


**Winters continues pondering, when there is a knock at his door.**

Winters-Ugh…come in.

**The door opens, and Desyre walks in. The fans are heard cheering in the background, and Winters instantly begins grinning from ear to ear.**

Winters-Desyre…what a pleasant surprise.

Desyre-Thank you Mr. Winters, but I…

Winters-Please, call me Seth.

Desyre-Seth…I was wondering if maybe you had time for another wrestling lesson?

Winters-I always have time for a wrestling lesson, Desyre. Where did we leave off last time?

Desyre-Hmmmm, I think it was a bearhug.

Winters-OH yes! I remember now. Let's see, next on the agenda…the powerbomb!

Desyre-Oooo, I like the sound of that.

Winters-Ok, I'll try it on you first. Here's what ya gotta do. First, put your head between my legs…

**The camera fades.**


Fredericks-Wow, Desyre and the Prez are getting hot and heavy, so it seems.

Erikson-Just wait til she runs into him while he's in crazy mode…



"Waiting to Die" by (hed) PE blasts throughout the arena as Aikeiro walks out onto the ramp with the Xtreme title around his waist, a kendo stick in one hand, and nunchucks in the other. The crowd boos him as he walks to the ring and slides in, waiting for Buddy.

Just then, "What Is A Juggalo" by ICP begins to blast throughout the arena as Buddy the Clown drives out onto the stage in his little clown car. He drives down the ramp and circles the ring, slapping hands with the crowd as he does so. He pulls his little car to a stop up on the ramp and pops the trunk. He reaches in and grabs some brass knuckles, his patented flower, and some other zany clown stuff before turning to face Aikeiro.

Erikson-This is gonna be a great matchup! I mean...Aikeiro is the greatest Extreme Champion to ever hold the title!

Fredericks-And the fact that Buddy is 7 feet tall, and 350 pounds makes no difference to you?

Fredericks-Hehe, that's what I thought.

Buddy tosses his weapons into the ring and climbs in, but is met by several shots to the head by Aikeiro and his nunchucks. Aikeiro then goes to town on Buddy with several of his martial arts type kicks before walking over and picking up the kendo stick. Aikeiro turns and swings, but is caught by a choke from Buddy. Buddy lifts Aikeiro into the air and slams him down with a thunderous chokeslam.

Fredericks-Not even his educated feet could have saved Aikeiro from that one.

Erikson-Damn it! Yes they could...they just didn't.

Buddy then picks up his brass knuckles and puts them on. Aikeiro groggily gets to his feet, when he is met by a punch to the temple from Buddy! Aikeiro drops to the mat like a rag doll as Buddy the Clown picks up his flower and sets it up on his outfit. Aikeiro crawls over to the turnbuckle and uses it to pull himself up. Buddy walks over to Aikeiro and sprays him with the flower! But instead of water, a greenish liquid sprays out into Aikeiro's eyes! Aikeiro fights to get the liquid out of his eyes when Buddy runs out of the ring and over to his car. He pulls out a pie and climbs back in the ring. Buddy taps Aikeiro on the shoulder and as Aikeiro turns around, Buddy smashes the pie in his face! Aikeiro drops, seemingly out of it. Buddy tosses the pie pan over to where the announcers are seated.

Erikson-Holy shit! I wonder what was in that pie!

**Erikson walks over and picks up the pie pan and walks back over to his seat.**


Erikson-Dude, feel this's not aluminum.

Fredericks-Hehe, Buddy used a steel pie pan. Impressive.

Erikson-No it's not! It's cheating!

Buddy grabs Aikeiro by the hair and lifts him to his feet before giving him a swift kick to the nads and setting him up for a powerbomb. Buddy lifts Aikeiro into the air, takes a few steps, turns, and lands with a devastating Psychopathic Slam (Sitout Powerbomb w/Pin)! The referee drops and counts………………1....………….…….2....………..……...3!!!

Anna Lopez- Winner at 2:39, and NEW NMW EXTREME CHAMPION, BUDDY THE CLOWN!!

"What is a Juggalo" begins to blast throughout the arena as Buddy places his newly won Extreme title on the hood of his clown car and drives to the back.

Fredericks-What an easy win for Buddy.

Erikson-Hey! Aikeiro put up a fight!

Fredericks-HAHAHA! No he didn't!


**Chang Mustafa is walking around backstage, and he looks pissed. He walks past a snack machine, which he punches. He then holds his fist in pain, and whimpers. He marches down the hallway, before passing a door that reads "Gravedigger".**

Chang-HmMmMm…Maybe Gravedigger is help me…

**Chang knocks on the door, and waits, but gets no response. He knocks harder this time, then holds his fist again after hitting it too hard. The door flies open, and the dark figure of Gravedigger is standing there.**

Chang-Um, Gravedigger…you want help me?

Gravedigger-What did you say?

Chang-Um, I don't like Thresh. You don't like him either. We beat him and Anarchy up. Ok?

Gravedigger-Get out of my sight. I don't need you to kick Thresh's carcass all over this place. I've already dug his grave, all I have to do is put him in it.

**With that, Gravedigger slams the door in Chang's face. The door hits the bridge of the man's nose, and knocks him backwards. A tear rolls down Chang's cheek as he storms off down the hall, holding his nose.**


Erikson-Chang makes the world go 'round.

Fredericks-What makes you say that?

Erikson-Without him, where would NMW be?

Fredericks-At the top of the ratings.



**"Fuel" by Metallica hits, and Tank walks out to the ring, as the crowd showers him with boos.
He sees a fan’s sign that says "Tank is Seth Winters bitch" and Tank rips it
to shreds. He walks into the ring and awaits.**

**"Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit hits, and Cazz Selmer walks out, to a mixed reaction. He looks at Tank, the assistant of Winters, and stops at the end of
the rampway. He stares down Tank for a minute.
He then roars in anger and runs into the ring. Tank sees this, however, and
starts stomping Cazz.**

Fredericks- Smart move by Tank.

The bell rings, and Tank keeps stomping Cazz for a few minutes, and finally picks him up by
the throat, and tosses Cazz into the turnbuckle. Again, he stomps on Cazz,
ending it by choking Cazz with his boot.

Erikson- Let the man get up!

Fredericks- It’s only smart to keep him down.

Erikson- Yeah, but I wanna see blood!

Tank puts Cazz on top of the turnbuckle and tries to hit a
belly-to-belly-suplex off the top. However, Cazz lands on his heels, and
while Tank celebrates, Cazz recovers. When Tank turns around, he’s met with
a spinning heel kick from Cazz! Cazz drops and starts nailing the monster
Tank in the head with punches!

Fredericks- Cazz’s pissed!

Erikson- Wouldn't you be?

Cazz mounts the turnbuckle, and when Tank gets up, Cazz hits Tank with a
hurricarana! Tank flies through the air, hitting the mat with a huge thud!
Tank slowly gets up, and Cazz gets down on one knee and punches Tank down.
Cazz picks Tank up and goes for a piledriver, but
Tank flexes, and Cazz can’t execute the move. Cazz screams in pain and
determination and lifts Tank and hitsa HUGE Cradle Piledriver!! Cazz goes up top,
chants something, goes for a Shooting Star Press…but Tank moves
out of the way! Both rally to get up, with support from the fans. Cazz
tries for a punch on Tank, but Tank ducks, and hits Cazz with the Reload (Huge Chokeslam)!

Fredericks- It’s all over!

Tank pins, but the ref is distracted by a woman flashing him her breasts in
the front row. The ref turns around, sees Tank pinning Cazz, and

Fredericks- That damn referee!!

Tank gets up, outraged. The ref shakes his head, begging Tank not to do
what he thinks he’s going to do, blaming it on the flashing woman. But Tank
doesn’t agree. He grabs the ref by the throat, and drops him with a Reload (Huge Chokeslam)!!!

Erikson- The ref’s out! Go hardcore! Go hardcore!

That’s exactly what Tank has planned. Seeing that Cazz is still on the
ground, just recovering from the chokeslam, Tank goes out and grabs a steel
chair. He goes back into the ring, and holds the chair up in the air while
the fans boo him. When he turns around, Cazz does a spinning heel kick on
the chair, smashing it into Tank’s face! Tank drops the chair, moves back,
and flips over the top rope onto the ground!

Fredericks- OH MY GOD!!!

Erikson- YES! BLOOD!!

Brian Erikson is right, Tank’s now bleeding from the forehead from that
chair shot. Cazz still has the chair, so he decides to use it by going up
onto the turnbuckle, and hitting a leg drop on Tank with the chair under his
leg! Tank is almost out cold!

Erikson- Tyler…do you feel what I’m feeling???

Fredericks- No, Brian, I’m not gay.

Erikson- Your mom. I feel…like it’s TABLE TIME!!

Cazz grabs a table from under the apron and sets it up on the announcers
table. He sets Tank up on the table, punching him once for luck. He puts the
chair on Tank’s face, setting him up!

Fredericks- Either Cazz’s gonna kill himself or kill Tank!

Cazz signals to the crowd…and leaps off the turnbuckle in a Five-Star
Frog Splash! Tank just barely rolls out of the way, onto Erikson! Cazz goes
through both tables!!!


Erikson- Get this guy off me! He reeks of B.O. so bad, he makes your mom
smell like flowers!!

Tank slowly gets up, while another ref runs down from the back. The ref
starts trying to count Cazz and Tank out. Tank gets up at about a 4 count,
regaining his senses. He picks Cazz up and tosses him into the ring at a 9
count. He gets back into the ring. He drops and pins……………1………………..2……………...KICKOUT!!!!

Erikson- HOLY SHIT!!!

Fredericks- The old bull won’t stay down!!

Erikson- Stop quoting JR!!

Tank is absolutely furious! He gets up, and mounts a turnbuckle, preparing
to put Cazz away!! He tries for a legdrop across Cazz’s throat.. but Cazz
barely moves out of the way, and only Tank’s foot hits Cazz! Cazz
struggles for breath while Tank holds his back in pain! The ref starts a 10

Erikson- Someone’s gonna get up.

Fredericks- I don’t know…

Neither man moves as the ref counts……….1……….2……….3………Cazz starts to get to a knee……..4………….5………Tank begins to get up………6……….7……..Both men are not to their feet. Cazz charges first, only to get caught around the throat by the hand of Tank! Tank prepares to execute another Reload (Huge Chokeslam)…but Cazz charges forward, pushing Tank back, until he is slammed into the turnbuckle! Tank lets go of Cazz's neck, as Cazz hurries and lifts the big man onto the top rope. Cazz steps back, runs forward, and delivers the Psychotic Armbar (Jumping Armbar Takedown)!!!! Tank hits the mat hard, as Cazz screams and pulls on Tank's arm…………… the President's assistant starts tapping out! The ref calls for the bell.

Anna Lopez-Winner at 5:59, Cazz Selmer!!!

Fredericks-Holy cow…that was a war.

Erikson-Yes it was. Great match.


**Jackson King is shown standing backstage with Frank Williams. Williams is holding a microphone, and waiting for the cameraman to give him the signal. Finally, King rips the mic from William's hand, and starts the interview himself.**

King-Frank, you and I have been seeing way too much of each other lately. Since I've been here in NMW, there's been too much talk and not enough action. Well, that's got to change. I may have lost to that demented freak Gravedigger last week, but that's nothing. He cheated, and he won…That's not a man, that's a pretender. He pretends that he's good because he gets by on cheap wins. Well, it doesn't matter, I'm through with him. I stated earlier that I'm willing to work my way up from the bottom of NMW, as long as I get my fair share…and like I said, I'll even fight fools like Crazy Joker.

Williams-Well, that concludes our interview.


Williams-Well, you just said what you had to say, and I have more interviews to do.

King-Williams…You just made a big mistake…

**King grabs Williams by the shirt collar, and immediately he is surrounded by homeless security guards with cattle prods. "The Real Thing" lets go of Frank, but keeps his eyes trained on him. King then looks at the guards.**

King-Shouldn't you guys be out looking for that loser Macomber? Geez…

Williams-*cough* Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go interview Jason Moore.

King-Moore? What does he have that I don't have?


King-We'll see about that. I saw a clown lurking around back here that seemed a little too cocky.

**Williams pushes through the guards and leaves the scene, as the camera fades.**


Erikson-Alright! More action on the horizon!

Fredericks-Meanwhile, it's time for a rematch from last week for the Tag Team titles. We saw Melvin and Knife finally wrest the belts away from the Tides, and now the Tides get their rightful rematch.




**The lights kick out and "Long Hard Road Out of Hell" by Marilyn Manson and the Sneaker Pimps begins to play. Light bits of shimmering rain fall in front of the stage as Kaltuul and Belthazar step out. The lights slowly begin to go back on, but they can barely keep a strobe effect going. The Tides climb in the ring and face the ramp they just came up, waiting for the Champs.**

**The lights begin to fade back into a strobe effect again as "Boiler" by Limp Bizkit hits again. The song plays about half way, but still no sign of Melvin or The Knife. Katuul and Belthazar turn around to be met by two swift chair shots from The Knife and Melvin. Melvin tosses the chairs out of the ring as Knife forces the ref to ring the bell.**


Fredericks-Would YOU face the Tides without cheating?

Fredericks-Well, there ya go.

Melvin stays in as the legal man and stomps Belthazar out of the ring. Melvin starts trash-talking Belthazar, then turns around right into a chokeslam from Katuul. Katuul motions for Belthazar to raise his boot up, and Katuul slams Melvin's face into the huge boot of Belthazar. Katuul then tags in Belthazar as he whips Melvin off the ropes. Melvin comes running back, only to be met by a vicious double spinebuster from the Tides.

Erikson-Serve's that cheater right!

Fredericks-Poor Melvin....he really needs to make that tag.

Knife is standing on the apron, pounding the turnbuckle to get a tag. Melvin starts to crawl in that direction, but Belthazar grabs his foot and pulls him into a single leg crab. Melvin struggles to get to the corner. Melvin reaches the corner and tags in Knife, who climbs the turnbuckle. Melvin struggles under the ropes, as Knife flies off the turnbuckle and grabs Belthazar's head, landing in a Diamond Dust. Knife begins to stomp the hell out of Belthazar. Knife pulls Belthazar to his feet, only to give him a swift kick the nads. Knife runs off the ropes and connects with a swinging neckbreaker to Belthazar. Knife crawls over to Belthazar and locks on a dragon sleeper.

Fredericks-Wow, Knife is doing pretty good against the mammoth, Belthazar.

Erikson-Yeah, he is...

Fredericks-You're complimenting faces again.

Erikson-DAMN IT! Knife sucks!


Belthazar fights his way to his feet and shoves Knife to the ropes. Knife runs back with an attempted clothesline, but Belthazar ducks and connects with a huge flapjack! Knife struggles to his feet, a bit dazed from the flapjack. Belthazar walks over and tags in Katuul, who climbs in and stalks Knife. Knife turns around, only to be met by a thunderous spear from Katuul. Katuul stays on to deliver some hard rights and lefts to the sides of Knife's head. Katuul picks up Knife and sets him up for a powerbomb. Katuul lifts him up, but Knife kicks his feet out and plants Katuul with a hard DDT.

Erikson & Fredericks-Damn....

Knife runs over and tags in Melvin, who runs in and starts stomping away on Katuul. Frost goes for an elbow drop, but Katuul moves out of the way. Katuul gets to his feet and rushes right into an arm drag from Melvin. Katuul gets back up and angrily runs right into another arm drag, but this time Melvin holds onto Katuul's arm in an armbar. Melvin, still holding onto Katuul's arm, pulls him to his feet. Melvin give's Katuul an arm wrench, then whips him into the ropes. Katuul comes running back with a clothesline that nearly takes Melvin out of his boots! Katuul picks Melvin up and slams him back down with a vicious Jacknife powerbomb.

Erikson-Now that's more believable.

Fredericks-Are you saying that Melvin beating Katuul is unbelievable?

Erikson-Heh, YES!

Fredericks-Alright, then. Who was our first Champion?

Erikson-Ugh..bu...ah, shuttup!

Katuul tags in Belthazar and picks up Melvin. Katuul holds Melvin's arms allowing Belthazar to just pumel the hell out of Melvin. Belthazar kicks Melvin in the nads, dropping him. The ref forces Katuul to leave the ring and Belthazar covers Melvin. The ref drops and counts………..1..…………...2.……….....KICKOUT!

Fredericks-Go Melvin!

Erikson-How in the hell....

Fredericks-I don't know.

Belthazar picks Melvin up and connects with a sitdown powerbomb. The ref drops and counts………….1…………....2...……….Knife comes in and dropkicks Belthazar in the face, breaking up the count. Knife drags Melvin to the corner, climbs out and tags himself in, then comes back in and punches Belthazar. Belthazar just stands there and laughs, as Knife connects with another punch. Knife runs into the ropes and connects with a flying forearm, knocking the big man off his feet. Knife runs off the ropes and lands an elbow drop onto the dark heart of Belthazar. Knife pulls Belthazar to his feet kicks him in the gut and attempts the Cutter (Stunner), but Belthazar picks him up and launches him across the ring. Belthazar picks up Knife and whips him into the turnbuckle, and the referee!! Belthazar kicks Knife in the gut and powerbombs him into the turnbuckle...and the ref!!

Fredericks-This doesn't look too good.

Erikson-It's perfect!! HAHAHA!

Katuul grabs a chair and slides back in the ring with it, but Melvin runs in and dropkicks the chair into Katuul's face! Just then, "Confession" by Cold is heard as Jason Moore runs to the ring with the North American title. As Katuul and Belthazar give Melvin a double brainbuster to Melvin on the chair, Jason Moore lays the North American title in position, then sets Knife up on the turnbuckle.

Fredericks-Now who's cheating?!

Erikson-Ah, yes..That's Moore like it! Hahaha!

Fredericks-You make me sick.

Jason Moore lands with a Confession (Top Rope Vertebreaker) onto the North American title. Katuul walks over and puts a foot on Knife as Jason grabs the ref's hands and counts……….……1……………….….2…………………….3!!

Anna Lopez- Winners at 6:32, and NEW NMW Tag Team Champions, The TIDES OF DARKNESS!!


**Frank Williams is seen in the back waiting for Jason Moore. Jason comes running by, when Frank stops him.**

Williams-Hey, Jason. You just cost The Knife and Melvin their tag team titles. Does this mean you and the Anarchy have something goin on?

Moore-What the hell are you talkin about? You see this belt? This North American title, right here in this hand. Do you see it?

Williams-Well, yeah....

Moore-THIS, this right here...this championship belt that the Knife will never, ever have. This is why I did what I did. I don't give a rat's ass about the Anarchy, and I know they don't give a damn about me. I did what I had to do to make sure this belt stays with ME! Now get the hell out of my face before I go Thresh Crest on you're bitch ass!

**Moore storms off, still carrying his North American title.**


**Buddy the Clown is walking backstage, smiling even bigger than usual. He has the Extreme title over his large clowny shoulder, and he is walking with a strut in his step. Suddenly, Crazy Joker jumps out in front of him.**

Crazy Joker-Hold it Buddy! You're not the only one around here with tricks!

**Crazy Joker quickly pulls out a pie of his own and throws it at Buddy, but the large clown is able to dodge it. Buddy quickly pulls off his rubber red nose, and chucks it at Joker, pegging him right in the eye! Crazy Joker collapses, holding his eye in pain. Buddy chuckles, and continues on his merry way.**

Buddy-Dum dee dum…

**Buddy walks a bit further, when Aikeiro charges at him from around a corner. Buddy doesn't notice him in enough time, and Aikeiro connects with a large running superkick! Buddy falls to the ground, as a referee scurries around the corner. Aikeiro gets down and pins Buddy…………..1……………2……………Buddy throws Aikeiro off of him. Aikeiro gets up and charges again, but this time Buddy raises his big clown shoe, and nails Aikeiro with a big boot! Aikeiro hits the floor hard, and lays there. Buddy chuckles once again, and looks around for his Extreme title.**

Buddy-Where did that belt go?


**Suddenly, "The Real Thing" Jackson King flies up behind Buddy, and nails him in the back of the head with the belt! Buddy stumbles forward, and King jumps on the 7 foot clown's back, and begins choking him with the belt strap! Buddy struggles to pull King off, but can't quite reach him.**

King-Give up clown! You're not even a damn wrestler! You're a joke like everyone else in this damn federation!

**Buddy throws an elbow back, which catches King's jaw. King drops off of Buddy's back, as the clown turns and swings a clothesline. King ducks, and grabs Buddy's arm, hooking him in a Cobra Clutch! King then lets out a yell of determination…and delivers the Genuine Article (Cobra Clutch Suplex), onto the concrete floor! Buddy lands head-first, and doesn't move. King crawls over and hooks the leg, as the confused ref counts………….1…………….2…………….3! The ref gets up, as does King. The referee picks up the Extreme title and hands it to Jackson King.**

King-See that NMW? I won't be denied. Throw all the 7 foot clowns, gay interviewers, and cattle prod-toting homeless crew members you have at me…but you can't stop me. This piece of sh-t title is just the first. Wait and see.

**The scene fades, as King steps over Buddy's body, holding his newly-won title belt.**


**The cameras cut back to the arena, as "Breathe" by Nickelback hits. Thresh Crest stomps down the ramp, microphone in hand, and steps into the ring as the crowd's boos pour down on him. He pays no attention, and turns to face the entrance way.**

Thresh-Well Zack, it's put up or shut up time. I laid out the challenge…do you have the balls to accept it? Come on Zack! Show these people what their hero is all about!

**Thresh waits for a moment, but nothing happens.**

Thresh-Macomber! Don't let your fans down! You wouldn't want them to see what kind of a pussy you really are, would you? Get your ass out here now! Come get me Zack! Come get my belt…Isn't that what you want? To be the champion? Come get it…come get it!

**Thresh paces around the ring, and yet nothing happens. Thresh's face becomes flooded with anger now, and the fans start to chant "Zack, Zack, Zack".**

Thresh-ZACK MACOMBER! GET OUT HERE RIGHT F--KIN' NOW! I'm through playing games. Last week you hit me from behind, now let's see if you can fight me like a man! Come on Zack, the NMW title is on the line…Don't let your fans down, you f--kin' sissy!

**"Synthetic" by Spineshank hits, and the crowd goes nuts. Inside the ring, Thresh smiles. Zack Macomber appears on the stage to a huge pop, as he paces back and forth across the stage, soaking up the adulation of the crowd.**

Fredericks-Yes! We're going to have us an NMW title match, right here and right now!

**Macomber grins as he stares down at Thresh. Zack high fives some of the fans, as he begins to make his way down the ramp. Suddenly, he is knocked down from behind…by a swarm of NMW homeless security guards! About five or six guards come charging from the back, each attacking Macomber. Zack falls to the ramp, and the guards punish him all the way to the bottom of the ramp. Then President Winters appears up on stage, and he too begins pacing down to the ring. Thresh just stands in the ring and smiles.**

Fredericks-It was a setup! Winters and Thresh tricked Zack!

Erikson-Not like it was a hard task to do.

**The homeless security guards pull Zack up to his feet, and roll him into the ring, where he lands at Thresh's feet. Thresh immediately begins stomping on him, as President Winters slides into the ring, along with his half-dozen guards. They all surround Zack and begin stomping on him, before Winters calls them off.**

Fredericks-The President called them off…maybe he figures Zack has had enough.

**Winters takes a microphone, and gets down on his knees next to Zack.**

Winters-Zack, you've just made the biggest mistake of your life. You defied me. I own NMW, and everything within it…including YOU. All you had to do was leave for a while and take a break while you were suspended. But no, you had to come back like the "fan-pleaser" that you are, and totally break all the rules. Well, since you're the first to do so, you WILL be made an example of. Nobody will ever drink cold flashlights and bathe in wild turkeys EVER again while I'm the President! Now get him!

**Winters gets back to his feet as the guards and Thresh begin their assault on Zack once again. Thresh then slides out of the ring, and lifts the apron skirt up, searching underneath the ring.**

Erikson-Yay, Thresh is looking for weapons.

**The guards in the ring continue stomping the crap out of Macomber…when Thresh pulls out a ladder! He slides it into the ring, as Winters grins and looks down at Zack.**

Winters-Put that thing around his leg. If I can't suspend him, we'll injure him…and then he'll have no choice but to sit at home! Gnome-killer!

**Thresh laughs and opens the ladder, inserting Zack's leg in between it. Thresh then climbs onto the second rope……and drops a leg onto the ladder, closing it onto Zack's leg! Macomber screams in pain, but Winters looks displeased.**

Winters-It didn't snap yet! Do it again! I want him to know how the commissioner felt when he was shattered!

**Thresh nods and heads towards the turnbuckle again…when "Bodies" by Drowning Pool hits! The crowd erupts as Chang Mustafa comes charging down the ramp with some sort of steel rod! The security guards immediately leave the ring, but Thresh just stands and watches as Chang slides into the ring. Chang raises the pole above his head, preparing to hit Thresh, but Thresh just laughs. Chang, with a confused look on his face, lowers the steel rod.**


**Thresh points at, or behind, Chang…as Anarchy slides into the ring behind him! Chang notices them at the last moment, and is able to nail Kaltuul with a backswing to the head! Belthazar then tries to get in a shot, but Chang knocks him down too! Then Morbid Angel low blows Chang from behind, causing him to drop the pole. Chang falls to his knees, as Aikeiro hits him with a stiff kick to the head! Thresh then pulls Chang to his feet, and locks him in the Riot Act (STO 2), when "Blackened" by Metallica hits!**

Fredericks-It's Gravedigger!

Erikson-Damn, almost the entire locker room is out here now.

**Gravedigger is nowhere to be seen on the stage, as Anarchy turns it's attention to the ramp. "Blackened" continues to play, but still no Gravedigger. Thresh quickly connects with the Riot Act (STO 2) on Chang, then gets back up to his feet and readies himself for Gravedigger. Morbid Angel hops out of the ring, and heads for the ramp…when a hand shoots out from under the ring, and drags him under! Thresh and the rest of Anarchy watch in disbelief as Angel disappears underneath the ring. Aikeiro and the Tides then hops out and look underneath the ring. Suddenly, a loud shot is heard, like steel hitting skull. The camera pans around to show Aikeiro lying unconcious, as Gravedigger emerges from underneath the ring, holding a chair! The Tides charge him, but he swiftly takes them out with chairshots to the head. He then looks up into the ring to see Thresh, who doesn't falter.**

Fredericks-Oh man…looks like we're going to have a confrontation here!

**Gravedigger slides into the ring with the chair, and stares down Thresh. Gravedigger then charges up a large swing, but Crest quickly slides out through the bottom rope, and begins retreating up the rampway, followed closely behind by President Winters, who is still clutching his microphone.**

Winters-Gravedigger!!! You want to defy me too? FINE! You and Macomber are in the same boat now! Screw you both! Next week, you're all gonna die!!!! Zack, consider yourself re-instated, because I'll find something much worse for you than suspension…Chicken-fried beef patty!!! Same to you Chang…you too will feel the wrath of the Bushnell telescope!

Fredericks-Say what?

Erikson-He just ended Macomber's suspension? What a retard!!!!

**Winters and Thresh continue up the ramp to safety, as Gravedigger watches from the ring, and Chang watches from the floor. Zack slowly slides his leg out of the ladder, and gets to his feet. Zack stands up, and sees Thresh and Winters walking backstage. Zack begins to go after them, but is cut off by Gravedigger, staring face-to-face with him. Gravedigger nails an uppercut to Zack's jaw…and delivers the Last Descent (Screwdriver)!!!! Zack slumps to the mat, as the crowd, shocked, gives a mixed reaction to Gravedigger. Chang Mustafa just watches in amazement from the floor.**

Fredericks-Gravedigger just hit Zack with the Last Descent!

Erikson-What do you expect? Gravedigger never said he liked Macomber, and now they're in the same boat, as the President said.

**Gravedigger steps out of the ring, and heads up the ramp, as the crowd starts booing him. Chang slides into the ring and checks on Zack who is unconscious once again. The camera shows Gravedigger, who has stopped at the front of the stage, and is staring back towards the ring.**

Fredericks-What could by going through Gravedigger's mind?

**The scene fades on the face of Gravedigger.**


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