**The NMW logo flashes over the MilleniTron, and then quickly cuts to a small, dark room. Some scuffling can be heard in the darkness, as a few gleams of light struggle to shine upon what is making the sounds. A door then opens, letting some light through, but the figure that opened it cannot be made out completely. The figure walks through the door as the camera follows. The person then begins creeping down a long hallway, which by its looks appears to be part of a sub-basement. The figure then enters another door, when two homeless crew members go walking by. The figure quickly throws itself against the wall, in an effort to hide from the two crew members. The homeless guys go walking by, chatting all the way, as the figure can be heard sighing in relief. The person then continues on his journey, as he turns the corner and looks behind him, into the camera, to reveal…Zack Macomber!**

Zack-Winters is gonna have to learn that he can't suspend me, and then I'll have to teach him the hard way why Macomber rules!

**The crowd cheers as the view cuts to the main part of the arena, where fans encircling the ring are going crazy. "Violent Reaction" by American Head Charge cuts in, and lights and fireworks begin emitting from the main stage. The MilleniTron begins flashing brightly, showing the events from last week…Zack Macomber smashing the Lawn Gnome…Seth Winters superkicking Zack, and suspending him…Gravedigger being attacked by Anarchy. The music continues as the camera begins to spin around the arena, picking up the normal signs:

"Winters is two donuts short of a baker's dozen."

"Porcelain Deathmatch!"

"I pinned Aikeiro."

"Thresh is an insincere…genius."

"Crazy who?"

"X-Pac is my god, and I worship him."

After all the signs have been shown, the camera once again remains settled on the fan with the last sign. This time, instead of security guards rushing him, Tank can be seen pushing his way through the fans, approaching the man with the X-Pac sign. Tank rips the sign from the man's grasp and tears it in half, before kicking the man in the gut, and powerbombing him into his seat. The camera then twirls around and lands on the angelic figures of Tyler Fredericks and Brian Erikson.**

Tyler Fredericks-Hello folks, and welcome once again to Saturday Night Revolution. We're told that tonight is a very special night, because we will be remembering our late commissioner.

Brian Erikson-He's not late, you idiot. He'd dead!

Fredericks-And so is your brain. Now, on to the matters at hand. Just a few days ago, the President released the card for this historic night. Let's take a look at how it has shaped up.







Erikson-That looks like a pretty decent card I suppose…considering it's dedicated to a friggin lawn gnome.

Fredericks-Hey now, try to be civil for this show.

Erikson-Civil isn't in my vocabulary.

Fredericks-A lot of words aren't in your vocabulary, you never graduated high school.

Erikson-Shut up Tyler. They weren't supposed to know that. Now my reputation is ruined.

Fredericks-Brian…I wouldn't worry about your reputation if I were you.

**Just then, "Just Got Wicked" by Cold hits, and the fans give a mixed reaction, though mostly boos, as President Seth Winters emerges from the backstage area. However, following closely behind him are several homeless crew members…one pulling out some sort of large bird on a leash, one dragging out what appears to be a large chunk of bloody raw meat, and a third who is wearing a crown and has a long, purple cape hanging down over his shoulders. Winters holds a solemn look on his face as he makes his way down the ramp, followed by the three crew members. Winters is handed a microphone by ring announcer Anna Lopez, and he steps into the ring, as do the homeless crew members and their various…crap. Winters walks to the center of the ring as the crew members circle around him.**

Winters-Friends, St. Louisans, lend me your ears. Tonight is a very special night, for we are honoring the passing of a great commissioner. He was the second commissioner of NMW's new era, following that Greenwood nincompoop. Hehe, I said poop. Anyway…

Erikson-Heeeeee's lost it.

Fredericks-I would have to agree.

Winters-This gnome was the epitome of greatness, as he helped me to lead NMW into its new state of being. He helped rebuild NMW to what it is today. Now, please join me in a moment of silence as we remember the late, great Commissioner Lawn Gnome.

**The lights in the arena go dark, as the MilleniTron comes to life, with a picture of the fallen commissioner glowing upon it. "I Will Remember You" by Sarah McLachlan begins playing over the speakers, as Winters bows his head. The crowd begins chattering in the background, almost drowning out the music. Winters raises his head with an angered look on his face.**

Winters-SHUT UP! You damn people need to be respectful. I asked for a moment of silence, and you jerks just decide to keep on talking! Shut your mouths and help me honor a great man!! NOW!!!

**The fans begin booing.**

Winters-Stop it! STOP IT!!! I'll kill you all!

**The boos become louder.**

Winters-Fine then! We'll carry on with the ceremony. Now I'm sure you're all wondering why some of these strange objects are in the ring. Well, I can assure you, this microphone is nothing to be afraid of. I'm sure you've all seen microphones before, so just chill out. Now that that's out of the way, I'll move on to the bird, the meat, and my homeless king over here.

Fredericks-This is surreal…

Erikson-It's friggin weird too.

**Winters approaches the homeless crew member who was dragging the oversized piece of raw meat. Winters puts his hand on the man's shoulder and looks down at the meat.**

Winters-Ladies and gentleman, tonight, in memory of our fallen commissioner, yet another NEW era will begin in New Millenium Wrestling. In a world where mediocrity is the norm, NMW will rise above the rest…with a new level of mediocrity! You see, this large slab of bloody meat here…it isn't really a bloody slab of meat….it's actually a SYMBOL. A symbol of what's to come for NMW. You see fans, this here is the best damn piece of meat I could find, straight from the local SLAUGHTERHOUSE, if you catch my drift.

**The fans continue booing Winters.**

Winters-Joe! Get the tools!

**The homeless man with the crown and cape jumps out of the ring, and begins searching beneath it. He quickly pulls out a large sledgehammer, and slides back into the ring. He walks over to Winters, with the sledgehammer rested over his shoulder.**

Winters-Like most of you may know, NMW, as well as its brother federation, UAW, are just two out of many federations around the world. Out of these many federations, there are three that are revered as the "top" companies. Well, right here and right now, this sledgehammer represents our little federation, New Millenium Wrestling. And would you fans like to guess what this bloody slab of meat from the local Slaughterhouse represents?

**The boos increase even more, as some fans even begins chanting "Asshole".**

Winters-Joe, show them what NMW is about to do…

**The homeless man raises the sledgehammer above his head, and slams it down onto the meat, sending blood spewing all over the place, even into the first few rows of the crowd. He raises it again, and takes another chunk out of the meat. He then raises it a third time, and this time, the slab splits into two halves. Winters grins, and walks over to the man with the large bird on a leash.**

Winters-And here, we have our next "federation" symbol. Hmmm, it seems to be a large bird, with an odd-shaped beak. Well, it looks to me that it may just be…a PELICAN. Hmm, I wonder which federation this could represent. Oh well, NMW will crush it! For the commissioner!

**The homeless man with the sledgehammer walks up to the bird, raises the hammer above his head…and brings it down onto the bird's back!!! The bird crumples to the ground, and releases a loud squawk of pain. The man then raises up the hammer again, this time in a golf swing, and connects with the bird's skull! The pelican's head drops to the canvas. Winters once again grins, as the crowd's boos just keep getting louder and louder.**

Winters-Aw, poor birdie. HA! That's two down, and one to go. Hmmm…Joe, drop the hammer.

**Homeless Joe drops the sledgehammer, and fixes his crown. He nervously smiles at Winters, who smiles back at him.**

Winters-Joe, you're wearing a crown on your head…and a purple cape on your shoulders. Why Joe, you seem almost…SOVEREIGN. Could you be the third federation symbol?

**Joe shrugs…when suddenly, Winters nails him with a swift kick to the groin! Joe doubles over in pain, as Winters takes off towards the ropes. He bounces back, and hops onto the back of Joe's head, delivering the Corporate Takeover (Fameasser) onto the sledgehammer! Joe's face bounces off the metal part, and his nose instantly starts bleeding as he slams to the mat unconscious. The fans begin throwing things into the ring, creating even more of a mess. Winters just gets back to his feet, gathers himself, and smile once again.**

Winters-Tonight marks the end of the reign of the "Big Three". NMW will soon rise above the rest, and there is no one who can stop us. And we will do it all…for the Commissioner!!!!

**"Just Got Wicked" by Cold hits up once again, as Winters and the two remaining conscious crew members leave the ring. They walk up the ramp, avoiding any trash that the crowd throws in their direction.**

Fredericks-Wow…it appears that Mr. Winters has declared war.

Erikson-I don't get it…they smashed some meat, killed a damn bird, and he knocked out one of his own guys.

Fredericks-They were all symbols representing other federations, Brian.

Erikson-There are other federations??? NO! It can't be…That shatters my whole concept of everything that is true!

Fredericks-Chill out man, it's a damn wrestling show.

Erikson-*ahem* My bad.


**The cameras cut to a shot of the inside of Jackson King's locker room. He apparently has just arrived, and he is unpacking some clothes and such out of his gym bag. He laces up his wrestling boots, stretches a little, then walks over to a mirror on the wall. When he looks into the mirror, he sees not his own reflection…but that of Gravedigger! "The Real Thing" quickly backs away from the mirror, with a confused, and slightly frightened look on his face. He then slowly turns around and looks into the mirror again, only to see his own reflection.**

King-Damn…I better lay off those tacos.

**King goes back to unpacking his gym bag, as the camera pans over to the door of his locker room…to show the feet of Gravedigger walking off down the hallway.


Fredericks-And now, we have a match pitting NMW's only woman against the North American champion, Jason Moore.

Erikson-How did she manage this? It's only her second or third match in NMW!

Fredericks-Apparently the President has been teaching her how to wrestle.

Erikson-But how would that…OOOOHHHHH.



**"Confession" by Cold plays and the leader of the Mexican rebellion and North
American Champion, Jason Moore walks out to the ring. The fans boo him like

**"Fuck You Gently" by Tenacious D hits and Desyre walks out. The fans cheer
for her, since she is a newcomer and, well, not Jason Moore. Like she did
with Triple J last week, she does the snap thingie and talks trash to Moore.
Moore, not to be outdone, attacks Desyre!**

Fredericks- Now, a cheap move by Moore!

Erikson- Suck it up, she deserved it! Stupid finger-snapping bitch…

Moore continues the assault, nailing Desyre with rights so she falls off
the apron. He looks to end it early, grabbing a hold of the top rope and
using it to slingshot him to plant a missile dropkick on a standing Desyre.

Fredericks- Ouch.. do you think a woman can hold that?

Erikson- Only Desyre and your mom, I bet.

Moore rolls Desyre back into the ring and pins……1…….kickout.

Erikson- What did I tell you. Now go get your mom.. see if she can stand a
missile dropkick from Jason Moore.

Fredericks- You will never, ever shut up, will you?

Erikson- Nope.

Moore picks Desyre up and nails her with a suplex. Then, Moore starts
dragging her towards the ropes, possibly getting ready for the Confession,
but Desyre low blows him! She then nails him with a huge powerbomb! She

Fredericks- Looks like Desyre is stronger than I thought.

Erikson- So is your mom.

Fredericks- Shut up about my mom!!

Erikson- But.. she’s just irresistible to insult you about..

Fredericks just shakes his head as Desyre gets back to work, Irish whipping
Moore into the turnbuckle. She gets ready for a super suplex off the top
rope, but Moore punches her off. Moore then grabs her feet, looking to
launch her face first into the turnbuckle, but Desyre puts her hand in the
way, not harming her. As Moore celebrates, he turns around, only to get a
kick in the gut, followed by a Jackknife Powerbomb! She does the snapping
once more, and Irish whips Moore into the turnbuckle again. This time, she
doesn’t get punched off, and she sets Moore up for a Jackknife Powerbomb
from the top rope!

Fredericks- If she gets this, we’ll have a new North American Champion!

She gets him up no problem, and she jumps.. but Moore gets his legs free,
and they both land on their feet. Moore, taking advantage while Desyre’s
stunned, nails her with an uppercut. He then sets her up… and hits the
Confession! {Top Rope Vertebreaker} He drops and pins………1…….…..2………..3!!

Anna Lopez-Your winner, and still NMW North American Champion, at 2:34,
Jason Moore!

{Moore slowly gets up to his feet, with the crowd booing. Desyre lays
unconcious in the ring. Moore holds his title high and heads backstage.}

Erikson-Well, that was awful quick.

Fredericks-Dude, she's a woman, what do you expect?

Erikson-You chauvinist pig.


**Suddenly, "Just Got Wicked" by Cold begins to play as boos from all angles strike at the homeless crew coming from behind the curtain. The Millenitron lights up to show Seth Winters sitting at his desk. The crew members walk over to the commentators table and begin taking apart the indestructible table. Brian Erikson quickly grabs a microphone.**

Erikson- Winters! What is the meaning of this!?

Winters- Look, ratings have been slowly dropping because of your damned table. Now sit down and do your job, or I’ll be forced to expose you to Lenny.

**Lenny holds out his cattle prod and grins with only 2 white teeth. Erikson turns and sits back down.**

Erikson- You know what I hate the most about this?

Fredericks- Someone’s goin’ through the table tonight…

Erikson- **Sigh** Damn skippy.


**Triple J is shown walking through the back area reading a fitness magazine. (you know, the ones with the men posing on them.) He stops for a moment, turns the magazine sideways and the poster folds out. Triple J’s eyes widen and a large grin forms on his face as he starts dashing down the hallway. He spots a Janitor closet and starts running to it, but before he can get there a foot trips him and he skids across the floor, face first! The camera pans around and Kaltuul is there! The camera keeps turning around to show the rest of the Anarchy group. Thresh walks over to the magazine that skidded away and picks it up. He walks over towards the downed Triple J as he speaks.**

Thresh- Whatcha readin’?

Triple J- J.. J… Just reading a m… magazine.

Thresh- Ah…

**Thresh turns the magazine and the poster folds out. Thresh looks in disgust and looks back at Triple J.**

Thresh- So I take it you really want this back don’t you?

**Triple J’s face turns from a frown to a happy look.**

Triple J- You betcha!

Thresh- Alright, here.

**Thresh throws the magazine into the air, but before he can catch it Belthazar snags it!**

Triple J- Oh stop playing around, just give it back.

**Belthazar throws it up and Aikeiro catches it, then throws it to Kaltuul.**

Triple J- Oh come on guys! Guys just give it back. Come on!

**Kaltuul shrugs and tosses it up, Triple J raises his arms in the air and Thresh grabs him and hits the Riot Act (STO 2)! The camera then focuses on the magazine as it falls from the air and lands on the ground. The cam clicks back to show no one around but the magazine, and a fallen Triple J….**


Fredericks- Oh my…

Erikson- You don’t even have to say it. You can tell me what’s next on the card though.

Fredericks- Looks like Crazy Joker and Aikeiro for the Extreme Title.



**"Waiting to Die" by (Hed) PE begins to play as Aikeiro comes out of the back with a 2x4, the boos are prevalent, but he just soaks them up and continues his way. He keeps the 2x4 slung over his shoulder and makes his way down the ramp. He slides into the ring and sits poised for the Clowny wonder.**

**"Smoothe Criminal" by Alien Ant Farm strikes up as Crazy Joker thrusts his way through the curtains. He too receives the multitudes of boos but shrugs them off. He runs down the ramp and slides into the ring to come face to face with Aikeiro.**

Fredericks- Let’s get it on!

The two men circle around one another for awhile when Aikeiro takes a step forward, Joker takes a step back. Joker takes a step forward, and Aikeiro takes a step back. Finally both men raise their weapons in the air and swing, but Joker got his chair around quicker and knocks Aikeiro down to the mat! Aikeiro holds his head in pain as Joker holds the chair like a knife and leaps into the air, attempting to drive the chair into Aikeiro’s chest, but Aikeiro rolls out of the way. Aikeiro gets up and Joker runs at him with the chair high in the air, Aikeiro picks him up in a scoop slam and Joker drops the chair. Aikeiro swings Joker’s body around and plants him on Joker’s dropped chair! Aikeiro goes for a quick elbow, but Joker rolls out of the way to safety. Once again they circle one another, but in the circling Joker finds himself with the chair again! Aikeiro bends over to pick up the 2x4, but when he does Joker slams the chair over the back of Aikeiro, dropping him right back to the mat on his knees. The fans begin to boo for the cheap shooter.

Fredericks- So who are you rooting for? They are both heels.

Erikson- It doesn’t matter either way I win.

Fredericks- Good point.

Joker raises the chair up again and Aikeiro punches him right in the groin! Joker lowers himself in pain as Aikeiro runs and bounces off the ropes, going for a huge superkick, in sheer stupidity, Joker raises the chair to protect his face and the foot and chair slam right into him! Joker, however, doesn’t fall over, instead he stumbles backwards and Aikeiro grabs his arm and whips him into the turnbuckle. Aikeiro grabs the 2x4 on the way there and places it under the neck of Joker. He pushes forward, and holds it there. He then winds up and punches Joker right in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. Aikeiro pulls the 2x4 out for a moment then repeats the process, placing Joker into excruciating pain.

Fredericks- Oh my…

Erikson- That’s Korean torture for ya baby.

Finally Aikeiro lets Joker go and he falls to the mat, nigh on unconscious. Aikeiro pins Joker ……1……2……Kickout! Aikeiro gets up and slides out of the ring and pulls the skirt up. He looks under the ring and pulls up a stop sign and throws it into the ring. He goes back under and finds… ANOTHER LAWN GNOME! As the gnome is placed on the ring the crowd erupts into boos and cheers. Aikeiro slides back into the ring in time to have the stop sign slammed over his head from Crazy Joker! While he’s down he reaches out where he placed the lawn gnome, but instead he can’t find it! He looks up and sees that instead of it being where he left it, it’s underneath the turnbuckle on the other side of the ring! Joker raises the stop sign back into the air and gives Aikeiro another huge whack across the back. Joker holds the stop sign at an angle and raises it into the air, Aikeiro turns and sees what he’s about to do and he sweeps Joker’s legs out from under him. Joker falls on the mat and the sign falls shortly thereafter busting Joker in the face. Aikeiro runs to the nearby ropes, bounces off and does a handspring, landing a body splash on the stop sign as the crowd gives an enthusiastic "OH!". Aikeiro stays on for the pin…..1……..2……. Kickout!

Fredericks- That was… awesome!

Erikson- I have taught you well my son.

Aikeiro looks around for the chair but he can’t find it. Suddenly he hears a loud clatter. He runs over to see what is the matter. He looks down the side of the ring and sees the chair, then looks down below the bottom rope to see…. The lawn gnome. He looks at the gnome and backs away slowly, he turns just in time to see the word "STOP" slam right into his face!!! Aikeiro’s head snaps back into a whole new shape as he falls back on the mat. Joker throws the sign out of the ring and goes for the pin…..1……2….. KICKOUT! Aikeiro gazes drowsily at a bloodied Crazy Joker. Crazy Joker lifts Aikeiro onto his feet and whips him into the ropes, Aikeiro bounces back and Joker puts his boot into the air, Aikeiro slides under it and keeps running, he bounces off and performs a flying lariat, throwing himself over the top rope and out to the outside! Crazy Joker slowly follows after being tangled up in the ropes after the hit from the fast paced Aikeiro.

Fredericks- Aikeiro is a martial arts expert, Joker should know that… Geeze.

Aikeiro grabs Joker by the hair and lifts him up to his feet, he grabs Joker’s arm and whips him into the nearby stairs. Aikeiro then lifts Joker into the air and slams him down onto the steps! Joker kneels where he landed with his head not moving. Aikeiro grabs the stop sign, he takes a huge wind up, and slams the sign on top of Joker’s head! The crowd lets out a very… gruesome "OH" as Aikeiro throws an unconscious Crazy Joker up on the table!

Fredericks- You’re kidding me…

Erikson- Dammit! They had to make it breakable today!

Aikeiro hits Joker across the face with the stop sign again and he runs back to the ring but stops cold just short of the apron. He looks to the side and sees.. the lawn gnome! He runs over and grabs it, runs back and places it right on top of the stop sign! Aikeiro slides back into the ring and grabs the chair. He jumps up on to the turnbuckle.

Fredericks- NO WAY!

Aikeiro leaps off of the turnbuckle and places the chair under his leg, slamming into the mix of weapons and flesh! The lawn gnome gets shattered as the stop sign bends under the opposing weight, shattering the commentators table aswell! Aikeiro slowly rolls over from where he landed and places an arm over Joker’s chest as the ref gets down….1………2…………3!

Anna Lopez- You’re winner and still Extreme Champion…. Aikeiro!

**"Waiting to Die" plays again as the camera focuses on the downed Aikeiro and Crazy Joker mess.**

Fredericks- Geeze, good thing no one else is running down here, someone could easily win that belt right now.

**Erikson gets a greedy look in his eyes as he slowly begins to take a few steps towards Aikeiro when he is pulled back by Fredericks**

Fredericks- You want to defend the title against other people?

Erikson- …. Good point. Let’s go take the French announcer’s table…

Fredericks- Great idea!

**The two French announcers stare at Erikson and Fredericks in fear as the two commentators begin walking over there.**


**The cameras quickly show a locker room somewhere in the backstage area. A man with bright flaming red hair is standing there…wrapped in Christmas lights, and wearing a wreath around his neck. His locker room is decorated with all sorts of Christmas decorations, including a large tree in the background. He is smiling and looking into the camera.**

Chris Cringle-Hello NMW, I'm sure most of you are thinking "Who the hell is THIS loser?" Well, I'll tell you who I am, I'm Chris Cringle, and I'm here to tear the NMW apart…for one season. You see, I tend to enjoy Christmas, it's the only time of year that I actually leave my house. So I figured, show me the nearest wrestling federation, and I'll compete there. So I contacted the great owner of this company, SethWINTERS, and he hooked me up lickety split.

**The lights wrapped around the man begin flashing.**

Chris Cringle-So NMW stars beware, because when I lay you out, climb to the top rope, and hit you with the Shooting Star of Bethlehem, it'll be lights out for you. Or I might just lock you in the Christmas Tree of Woe and stomp the crap out of you. I might even lock you in the vicious Triangle Ho-Ho-Hold, and make you tap out. But if you're lucky, you may not have to feel the wrath of Stocking Bottom, or even the Sleigh Ride.

**He smiles with his rosy cheeks lighting up his face.**

Chris Cringle-But no matter what, I'm going to insert some jollyness into each and every one of YOU!

**The scene fades.**


Fredericks-Moving right along, it's about time for our Tag Team title match.

Erikson-Can I get a hallelujah?




**The lights begin to go into a strobe effect as The Star Trek Federation Theme Song begins to play! Melvin Frost and Knife slowly emerge from the curtain and stand up on the stage, doing the Vulcan hand gesture to the crowd. They then continue on their way down the ramp, and slide in, awaiting their opponents.**

Fredericks- They look focused.

Erikson- Don’t say that.

Fredericks- Why not?

Erikson- You’ll just jinx the entire operation.

Fredericks- What operation?

Erikson- Oh dear, I’ve already said too much…

**The lights kick out and "Long Hard Road Out of Hell" by Marilyn Manson and the Sneaker Pimps begins to play. Light bits of shimmering rain fall in front of the stage as Kaltuul and Belthazar step out. The lights slowly begin to go back on, but they can barely keep a strobe effect going. Kaltuul and Belthazar take advantage of this and begin running down the ramp. They slide into the ring and immediately rush at the squinting Melvin and Knife!**

Fredericks- It looks like this match will kick off into a doozy!

Erikson- Hehe… you said doozy…

Belthazar gets in first and is able to leap into the air and take out both Melvin and Knife with a double clothesline. Kaltuul quickly follows and stands over Knife. Knife reaches up and grabs Kaltuul by his tights and flings him backwards, through the ropes and to the outside! Belthazar kicks Melvin then knees over him and grabs his head, pummeling it with his fists. Knife runs to the opposite ropes, bounces off, and as Belthazar turns and looks, Knife kicks him off with a dropkick! Knife then rolls out of the ring and ducks an oncoming clothesline from Kaltuul, and lays him out with a hard pump kick!

Erikson- This is insane!

Fredericks- It just started…

Belthazar and Melvin lay there for a moment then slowly begin to get onto their feet. Melvin rushes at Belthazar, but is lifted up in the air and slammed down in a spinebuster! Undaunted, Melvin quickly gets back up and Belthazar kicks him and drops him hard with a DDT! Belthazar turns and sees Knife on the turnbuckle, he rushes at him with a clothesline, but Knife ducks and yanks back on his head bouncing it on the ropes! Belthazar drowsily walks forwards then turns, in time for Melvin to catch him and drop him in a back suplex. Belthazar gets back up to his feet and Melvin whips him into the turnbuckle. He grabs Belthazar again and whips him yet again! Belthazar rebounds off the 2nd turnbuckle while holding his back, Melvin kicks him in the gut and Belthazar bends over. Melvin raises his hands in an axehandle above his head and slams them down on Belthazar’s lower back, releasing a loud howl from the big man.

Fredericks- Looks like Melvin is turning into a regular Triple H.

Erikson- The anal assassin?

Fredericks- No… That’s Triple J…

Melvin drops a few kicks on the downed Belthazar, he leaps into the air and also drops a leg drop on the big man. Belthazar takes the move but then rolls out of harm’s way. He groggily makes his way to the turnbuckle and raises his hand for a tag to see Knife! Knife swings across with a giant punch that makes Belthazar swing around to see Melvin rushing at him with a spear! Belthazar gets slammed into the corner by the first NMW champion and quickly begins to receive punches and kicks of all sizes and flavors. Melvin backs up and rushes at Belthazar in an axe handle smash. Belthazar catches him in mid air though and squeezes him in a bearhug! Melvin screams in pain as Belthazar tightens the hold even more. The ref asks if Melvin wants to give, but he shakes his head. Belthazar, getting a bit impatient, wisks Melvin’s legs around and slams him down in a front slam!

Erikson- Geezus that would hurt.

Fredericks- Which is why we got the desk job. Score!

Melvin keeps his legs in the air after receiving the move, and Belthazar capitalizes by grabbing them and putting Melvin into a Boston crab! Melvin once again screams in pain as the ref runs over and asks Melvin to give up. Melvin, along with one of his screams in pain, says no and reaches out for the ropes. He slowly crawls forward as best as he can and reaches. Belthazar sees this and begins to pull back, but it’s too late as Melvin snatches the bottom rope! The referee breaks the hold. The two men slowly get up and Melvin runs at Belthazar again, this time Belthazar picks him and drops him on his knee in a rib breaker!

Fredericks- Melvin has got to make a tag.

Erikson- The tacos have tags.

Belthazar picks Melvin up by the hair and stands in front of him. Belthazar grabs Melvin and whips him, and reverses it for a short arm clothesline but Melvin ducks and swings around him into a rear grapple. Melvin lifts and slams the man down in a Blue Thunder pin! The ref gets down…1…..2… It’s broken up by a huge boot to the face by Kaltuul! Melvin’s head snaps back and he does a backwards tumble and lays face first on the mat! Belthazar slowly comes to and looks to see Kaltuul with his hand open for a tag! Belthazar slowly crawls to the turnbuckle, dives, and makes the tag!

Erikson- And the cheeseburgers…

Kaltuul takes his time entering the ring, but that is downfall when he turns and is speared into the turnbuckle by Melvin! Melvin begins to kick and punch when he feels a punch on his shoulder. Melvin turns to see Belthazar, he winds up and smacks Belthazar off of the apron and turns back to Kaltuul. Melvin begins to stomp, and stomp, and stomp some more on Kaltuul until he is sitting on the canvas. Melvin turns to see Knife, begging for the tag! He slowly makes his way over, reaches, and makes the tag!

Fredericks- Finally, some fresh blood.

Kaltuul, however, managed to follow Melvin, and as he got under the ropes, Kaltuul was able to get the huge boot over the top rope and knock Knife back onto the floor! Melvin swings a punch and misses, Kaltuul grabs him by the head and performs his own neckbreaker on the ropes as Melvin too flies off! Kaltuul stands in the ring and points at the two downed wrestlers, laughing at them. Knife slides in and once again Kaltuul goes for the boot, but Knife kicks him in the gut first and grabs him around the waist, flipping him over in a belly to back flip! Knife goes for an elbow, but Kaltuul rolls away. He looks up to see Belthazar’s awaiting hand, and he tags out. Belthazar laughs to himself as he steps into the ring. Knife backs up a bit and Belthazar charges, but Knife catches him and drops him with a Manhattan Drop! Knife, a bit surprised with himself pops back up and his arm shoots out to the side. His other arm shoots out and his fists curl in. His legs suddenly spread a bit. With an amazed face, Knife begins to slowly sidestep to the left and his left arm moves out. His left arm moves back and he takes a few steps to the right, this time uncurling his right arm. He then drops a huge elbow into the upper sternum of Belthazar, causing him to flop around like a fish out of water!

Erikson- Belthazar is flopping around like a fish out of water!

Fredericks- Dude! What was that move?!

Erikson- I don’t know… but I want it.

Fredericks- Me too…

Knife goes for the pin….1……2……..Kickout! Knife slaps the mat and gets back up. He stands there waiting for his body to take over again. He closes his eyes and prepares himself again… Knife is cut off from his trance as Belthazar lifts him up and slams him in an atomic drop! Belthazar quickly tags in Kaltuul, Belthazar picks up Knife by the hair, but Knife grabs Belthazar and drops him with a scoop slam, he turns and grabs Kaltuul, slamming him with another belly to back flip! Belthazar comes up behind him though and drops him with a back drop. Knife quickly gets up and turns to get leveled with a high-paced clothesline! Kaltuul grabs him and puts him in a Boston crab as Knife feels the pain that Melvin was receiving earlier. Melvin quickly dives into the ring and kicks Kaltuul in the head! He begins to walk out but Belthazar grabs him by the arm and spins him around and Melvin throws some white powder into his face!

Fredericks- Oh my god! They’re cheating!

Erikson- How else do you expect them to win?

Fredericks- Farfinoogin.

Belthazar spins around, holding his eyes when someone taps him on the shoulder. Belthazar turns and kicks the man in the stomach and drops him down between his legs. He lifts the man high into the air and gives him the Low Road To Hell! (Last Ride) Belthazar gets down for the pin but the ref isn’t counting. He stands up and wipes his eyes to see that he just gave his finisher to Kaltuul! Knife spins Belthazar and gives him The Cutter! (Stone Cold Stunner) Knife quickly scrambles for the pin….1…..2……3

Anna Lopez- Winners at 6:14, and new NMW Tag Team Champions, Melvin Frost and The Knife!!!!

Fredericks- Oh my… talk about a wild change of events!

Erikson- Those cheaters.

Fredericks- Oh shut up, you cheat all the time.

Erikson- Yes, but we aren’t talking about me, are we?

**The Star Trek song kicks on again as the two tag team champs walk out of the ring, the camera settles on the face of Belthazar when it stops and opens up outside the locker room of Thresh Crest.**

Thresh- Shit! They lost the titles!

Aikeiro- Calm… Down…

Thresh- Calm down? Calm down!? Zack Macomber could be anywhere in this arena, and you are telling me to calm down!? He could be right up inside that pipe right there, would you know!?

**Aikeiro shrugs and stands up on the table, he reaches up to the pipe and knocks on it. He gets down and looks at Thresh.**

Aikeiro- See?

**Faintly the sound of the knocks being returned shakes Thresh up, he grips his NMW Title as the scene cuts down to dark. The screen splits to show Zack the Mack in the pipe on the right hand side, with Thresh on the other view. They both look into the camera… and speak at the same time.**

Thresh- I’ll get you Zack.

Zack- I’ll get you Thresh.

**The camera slowly fades away back to the faces of the commentators.**


**Jason Moore is standing at the podium in his locker room, preparing to addresss his Mexican troops. All 30 or 40 of them are standing around, chattering and waiting for their leader, and North American champion, to speak.**

Moore-Quiet please!

**The Mexicans hush.**

Moore-As we have just witnessed on the monitor, a great injustice has been committed. The Knife has won an NMW title belt.

**The Mexicans boo.**

Moore-Luckily, I am still your North American champion.

**The Mexicans cheer.**

Moore-Anway, as I was saying, The Knife is an untalented piece of mule crap that does not deserve to hold a title in the same federation as us. We showed him last week what the Mexican rebellion is all about, and it appears that he has already forgotten. And that is the problem, we have been forgotten about. All this talk about Thresh and Anarchy, and no talk about US!

**The Mexicans boo.**

Moore-By the way, did I mention that I'm still North American champion?

**The Mexicans cheer.**

Moore-We must rise up and take what belongs to us. And next week, two of you will be chosen to take those Tag Team titles away from The Knife and Melvin Frost, and the Mexicans will rise again!

**The Mexicans yell their version of "Amen".**

Moore-Now let's get to planning, and let's remember that I am STILL North American champion.

**The Mexicans cheer, and the scene fades.**


Fredericks-Next on the agenda is a match which was originally scheduled to be the first ever Toilet Bowl match.

Erikson-But our President decided that that match would be a little too silly, so he made it a three way for the #1 contendership to the Extreme title.

Fredericks-Then, moments before we went on the air, we found out that a fourth competitor had been added to the match to make it a fatal four way elimination match.

Erikson-However, the fourth man's identity has been kept a secret, and he has thusly been deemed, the Mystery Opponent!



**"Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit hits the speakers, as Cazz Selmer walks out, igniting some boos from the crowd. Selmer storms down the ramp and slides into the ring, before crossing his arms and awaiting the competition.**

Fredericks-I'm anxious to see who this mystery opponent is going to be.

Erikson-Knowing Winters, it'll probably be another disgruntled member of the staff. Remember Maurice?

Fredericks-Yes, but actually from what I hear, the President had nothing to do with this.

Erikson-Well then who signed the extra guy into the match?

Fredericks-I'm afraid I don't have the answer to that.

**"The Kings of Rock" by Run DMC hits, and the crowd spurts a mixed reaction, as Triple J…skips down the ramp towards the ring. He gets to the apron, and shakes his butt around, to the disgust of the fans, and hops into the ring, keeping his distance from Cazz Selmer.**

Erikson-I'm getting a word from backstage…They're saying that the mystery opponent is the newest addition to NMW's roster. He's a Luchadore from Tiajuana, Mexico.

Fredericks-A masked man, eh?

Erikson-Yeah…a mask…

**Just then, "What Is A Juggalo" by the Insane Clown Posse hits, and Buddy the Clown drives out in his tiny clown car. The seven foot clown steps out of the small vehicle, and makes his way down the ramp…when the car suddenly begins rolling forward. Buddy looks back at the car as it comes sliding towards him. He slaps his forehead, remembering he didn't put on the emergency brake, as he sidesteps the rolling car. The car then hits the steel stairs, causing it to ricochet and take flight, before landing on an elderly woman in the second row! The woman is pinned underneath the car, as security rushes to help her. Buddy shrugs and climbs into the ring.**

Erikson-Friggin clown.

Fredericks-Well, it's time Brian. Who is this mystery guy???

**"Bounce" by System of a Down kicks in, as the fans go wild. A masked man in a blue spandex jumpsuit (think of good ol' AKI Man) walks onto the stage and pumps his fists in the air. He then turns around and points to his back, which reads "Z-Man". The Mexican grappler struts down the ramp to the adulation of the crowd, and he looks up into the ring at the other three competitors.**

Erikson-Wait a minute…


Erikson-Think about this Tyler…This "new" guy, he wears a mask. You can't see his face. His name is Z-Man. And just last week, what NMW star got suspended, and had the letter "Z" in his name?

Fredericks-I suppose you mean Zack Macomber.

Erikson-That's right. Think about it man. It's GOTTA be him.

Fredericks-Anything can happen in NMW…

Back in the ring, Buddy the Clown gets blindsided by a shot to the temple from Cazz Selmer's elbow. Buddy falls back, as Cazz continues the assault. Triple J soon joins in, as all three men engage in a three way brawl. Z-Man looks up at the melee, and jumps onto the apron. He then jumps onto the top rope, sprinboarding himself on top of all three men and sending the group crashing to the mat! Z-Man stands up and pumps his fists in the air again.

Fredericks-See, it can't be Zack. He was never much of a springboard kind of guy.

Erikson-Don't kid yourself Tyler. Macomber was a versatile guy, he could definitely pull out a move like that.

Fredericks-Brian…you just broke the first rule of wrestling. You're a heel, and you just complimented a face.

Erikson-Uhhhh, what I meant to say was….Macomber sucks! Damn, I hope this isn't coming out of my paycheck.

Triple J is the first to get to his feet, and Z-Man quickly whips him off the ropes. Triple J bounces back, right into a standing dropkick from Z-Man, who lands on top of Triple J directly out of the move, in a pinning combination! Z-Man hooks the leg……….1………….2………….Kickout. Z-Man pulls Triple J off the mat, and begins pummeling him towards the corner, as Buddy and Cazz each get to their feet. Buddy jabs Cazz, and Cazz fires right back. The two men begin throwing rapid punches at each other, as Z-Man whips Triple J towards the two. Triple J runs at both men, and knocks them both down with a double clothesline. Triple J, proud with himself, does a little dance, when suddenly Z-Man jumps on his shoulders from behind. Z-Man spins around and nails a Hurricanrana on Triple J, maintaining contact for the pin………..1……………2…………..Kickout. Z-Man once again peels Triple J off the mat and whips him into the corner. Buddy the Clown quickly gets up and grabs Z-Man from behind, locking him in a full nelson. Triple J charges out of the corner at Z-Man…but Z-Man quickly jumps, using Buddy's arms to catapult himself into a backflip, landing behind Buddy! Triple J smashes into Buddy, as Z-Man rolls the clown up in a schoolboy pin……………1…………..2……………Kickout.

Fredericks-Holy crap, this guy is good.

Erikson-Yea…er, Macomber sucks!

Cazz Selmer is now to his feet, and he quickly begins stomping on Z-Man. Z-Man is able to slowly get to his feet, when he catches one of Cazz's legs as he goes for a kick. Z-Man spins Cazz around in a full circle, and goes for a clothesline…but Cazz catches him in a reverse armbar! The crowd instantly boos, when Triple J creeps over to the downed Z-Man. Triple J grabs one of Z-Man's legs and locks him in a half crab, while Cazz still has the armbar applied! Z-Man struggles to break the hold…when suddenly, Buddy the Clown comes out of nowhere with a kick directly to Cazz Selmer's face! Cazz releases the hold and falls to the mat holding his nose. Triple J maintains his crab, but Z-Man is able to roll over and hop up onto one foot. Triple J now releases the crab, but holds into Z-Man's foot. Z-Man then kicks up his other leg for an enziguri, but instead of kicking Triple J, he locks his ankles around Triple J's neck, and twists him into a head scissors takeover! Z-Man then hobbles over to the turnbuckle, and climbs to the top rope, keeping his focus on Triple J.

Fredericks-This should be good.

At that same moment, Buddy the Clown whips Cazz off the ropes, causing Z-Man to get crotched on the top rope! Cazz then comes back at Buddy and nails him with a flying forearm. Cazz then sees Z-Man sitting on the top rope, so his runs over to him and climbs onto the middle rope. Cazz locks Z-Man in a superplex, before climbing to the top rope himself. Cazz prepares to deliver the move…when Buddy the Clown sticks his head up between Cazz's legs, and walks backwards, causing Cazz to release the Superplex as he sits upon the seven foot clown's shoulders. Cazz begins punching at Buddy's head, as Z-Man stands up and steadies himself on the top rope. Z-Man looks down at Triple J, who is still out cold, and then he looks back at Cazz Selmer, who is sitting atop Buddy's shoulders. In one smooth motion, Z-Man leaps off the top rope, and hooks his legs around the head of Cazz Selmer…before falling backwards and nailing a Hurricanrana on Cazz, sending him toppling off of Buddy's shoulders!!! Cazz lands on top of the downed Triple J, as the ref drops to make the count…………1…………2………..3!!!

Anna Lopez-Eliminated at 4:54, Triple J!

Fredericks-Big surprise there.

Erikson-Holy crap, that was an amazing move! I can't believe he…I mean, God I hate Zack Macomber!

Triple J is pushed out of the ring by Buddy, who pulls Cazz up off the mat. Buddy kicks Cazz in the gut, and sets him up for the Psychopathic Slam (Sitout Powerbomb/Pin)! Cazz is able to slip out of it, and he quickly pulls Buddy's legs out from under him. Cazz lifts up both of Buddy's legs, and looks to Z-Man. Z-Man nods and bounces off the ropes, nailing a flipping leg drop on Buddy as Cazz nails a double leg drop to Buddy's groin. Cazz then gets up and smiles to Z-Man in a thanking gesture, and Z-Man extends his hand to Cazz. Cazz shakes his hand, before pulling him in for a short-arm clothesline. Selmer laughs as he picks up Z-Man and hooks him up for a suplex. He lifts Z-Man into the air, but Z-Man twirls out of the move, and lands behind Cazz. Z-Man pushes Cazz towards the ropes, and Cazz bounces off of them. Cazz swings a clothesline at Z-Man, but Z-Man ducks it. Cazz bounces off the opposite ropes, and flies right into a big boot from Buddy! The clown quickly drops and covers him………….1…………2………….Kickout! Z-Man then climbs to the top rope once again, with Buddy paying no attention as he concentrates on Cazz. Buddy kicks Cazz in the midsection, and lifts him up into the Psychopathic Slam (Sitout Powerbomb/Pin)!!! Z-Man all of a sudden shoots off the top rope, nailing a missile dropkick on Cazz, as Buddy send him down into the Powerbomb!!!!!!! Buddy holds on for the pin combo………..1…………2……….."Fuel" by Metallica hits.

Fredericks-IT'S TANK!

Erikson-Now we're in for a treat.

Tank comes walking down the ramp as Buddy looks up in anger after the referee has stopped counting. Z-Man watches as Tank slides into the ring. Tank looks down at Buddy and Cazz for a moment, then stalks towards Z-Man! The crowd starts booing…as Tank grabs Z-Man around the throat. Tank lifts him up for the Reload (Huge chokeslam), but Z-Man kicks him in the chest on the way up. Tank drops Z-Man, who quickly shoot off the ropes. He comes back at Tank and nails a swinging head scissors! Tank spins to the mat, as Z-Man hops out onto the apron. He waits for Tank to get up, then springboards onto the top rope again, this time attempting a cross body block…but Tank catches him! Tank falls forward, squashing Z-Man underneath his huge frame. Tank then gets up and pulls Z-Man with him, before lifting the Luchadore into the air, and delivering the Reload (Huge chokeslam)!!! Z-Man's body bounces nearly a foot off the mat after the impact, and he lies motionless, as Tank gets up and smiles. Buddy the Clown then sneaks up behind Tank, and spins him around. Tank's face turns to anger as Buddy smiles at him…and sprays his flower! But Tank raises his large hand, blocking the spray…before grabbing Buddy by the throat as well! Cazz Selmer has now gotten up and he comes running at the large Tank…only to have his throat clutched in the large palm of Tank! All in one motion, Tank lifts both men into the air, and chokeslams them both to the mat!! Tank then stands in the center of the three downed men, and lifts Z-Man back to his feet.**

Fredericks-Uh oh, I think he's going to unmask Z-Man!

Erikson-Good, now let's all get a good laugh as Macomber is exposed.

**Tank pulls off Z-Man's mask, and reveals…a Mexican! The Mexican's face is bloody and bruised, and Tank's face is now full of anger. He kicks the Mexican in the gut, and lifts him high into the air, before delivering a HUGE jackknife powerbomb! The Mexican lands on his neck, as Tank climbs over the top rope and marches backstage.**

Erikson-This can't be! It wasn't Macomber?!?

Fredericks-Hahaha, you were wrong! But I feel sorry for that poor Mexican…


**The camera cuts to a commercial showing Santa Claus sitting on his throne as if in a shopping mall.**

Santa Claus- Ho! Ho! Ho!

**Santa rips off his beard exposing sharp, shark-like teeth.**


**"Violent Reaction" by American Head Charge hits and the screen cuts to a poster advertising the Pay Per View with an announcer speaking.**

Announcer- Live on December 30th, from the NMW Arena in St. Louis, Missouri; NMW presents, Winter’s Wonderland!

**The camera cuts back to Santa.**

Santa Claus- Do YOU want to play a game?!


**The scene cuts back to the destroyed commentator’s table. It then moves over to show the bright and cheery faces of Fredericks and Erikson sitting behind the table of the French Announcers. They begin talking as the camera cuts back to show two Frenchmen tied up and their mouths gagged with socks from which we can only guess came from our friendly announcers.**

Fredericks- You know… I never did learn French.

Erikson- Neither did I.

Fredericks- I wonder what this button does.

**Fredericks pushes a button and a slot along the side of the table opens with a cup, Tyler pushes another button and the cup fills with cappuccino. Tyler and Erikson look at each other and Erikson pushes a button. A little ding is heard and part of the table opens up to show some freshly made ham sandwiches. The two commentators look at each other then down to the two Frenchmen.**


Fredericks- GET THEM!

**The screen cuts to a yellow one with the words "Technical Failures" on it and then comes back to show an even more pleased set of commentators.**

Fredericks- So…. Onto our next match. What’s up?

Erikson- Gravedigger and The Real Thing, Jackson King.

Fredericks- Interesting.

Erikson- Sounds cocky to me.

Fredericks- Oh well…



**"Wonderboy" by Tenacious D begins to play as "The Real Thing" Jackson King walks through the curtains. He raises his arms high into the air as the crowd cheers for him. He laughs cockily and makes his way across the stage and down the rampway, eventually sliding into the ring.**

**"Blackened" by Metallica hits as the lights go out. A streak of lightning strikes across the arena and explodes on the stage as Gravedigger appears in the smoke! He strides with the usual calm state of mind, and emotionless look on his face. The towering man steps up onto the apron then steps over the top rope. He confidently walks up to King and stands above him. Not losing eye contact.**

Fredericks- Why do I have a bad feeling about this.

Erikson- Because you are a Scorpio.

The two men stare at each other. King backs up a bit and Gravedigger takes a step forwards, but King quickly follows his step with a hard kick to the stomach! Gravedigger stands back up angrily and swings a right hand, King follows with one of his. The two men exchange punch after punch when finally Gravedigger kicks King in the stomach and drops him hard with a DDT! King quickly gets back up though and stares at Gravedigger. He retaliates quickly with punches and kicks that force Gravedigger into the corner. Gravedigger grabs King by the head and throws him into the corner, followed by more of his own punches.

Fredericks- It seems like every match Jackson King gets into, it becomes personal.

Gravedigger steps back a bit then lunges at King with a vicious clothesline. King walks out of the turnbuckle and begins to get weak in the knees when Gravedigger picks him up and drops him with a scoop slam. Gravedigger quickly follows with an elbow, then a pin….1…..Kickout. Gravedigger picks King up by the hair and goes for a grapple, but King ducks and gets behind him, Gravedigger turns and is kicked in the gut. King then whips Gravedigger into the turnbuckle. Gravedigger bounces off face first, and is slammed down with a bulldog! King goes for an elbow, but Gravedigger gets up, when King turns he is kicked and dropped yet again with another hard DDT! Once again King pops back up and the two men meet in a grapple. Gravedigger wraps his arms around the waist of King, but King raises his arms in an axe handle and brings it down over his back. Gravedigger gets back up and King punches him right in the stomach, hunching him over! King grabs him and lifts him up in a suplex, but turns in mid air dropping him in a corkscrew suplex! King goes for the pin….1……2….. Kickout!

Fredericks- This match seems to be quite balanced.

Erikson- I think I’m going to say King will win.

Fredericks- Why?

Erikson- He’s become very agile and quick. Gravedigger seems to be very powerful, but not fast enough.

Fredericks- Congratulations. You have just analyzed your first match.

Erikson- I feel the power…. Oooo….

King slaps the mat in anger and picks up Gravedigger by the hair. He whips him into the ropes and runs at him, but Gravedigger puts up his hands and grabs King by the neck, he turns and throws King into the turnbuckle! Gravedigger grabs the arm of King and begins to walk up the turnbuckle. Instead of going up the ropes however, he gets ready to jump off the turnbuckle itself into a move, but King bounces on the ropes, racking Gravedigger! King stands poised as Gravedigger gets up, he runs up the turnbucle, grabs the arm of Gravedigger and leaps off, slamming him in an arm drag! King quickly goes for the pin again….1…..2…..Kickout!

Fredericks- Another close one. Gravedigger can’t afford these much longer.

Gravedigger slowly manages to get to his feet. King tries to run off to the ropes, but Gravedigger grabs him by the hair and pulls back, placing King’s head under his arm and dropping into a diving reverse DDT! King slowly gets to his feet and the two men are locked in a stare once again. King grabs Gravedigger’s arm and flips him over his shoulder. Gravedigger gets back up and King goes for the same move, but Gravedigger grabs him by the throat! Gravedigger calls for his finisher The Embalmer! (Chokeslam from Hell). Gravedigger gets ready to pick him up when King elbows him the side of the head! Gravedigger lets go and stumbles to the side holding his head. King runs at Gravedigger, who picks him up from under the arms and flings him upwards. King comes back down from flying and lands his throat on the upper rope! King comes bouncing back, but instead of the finisher, Gravedigger whips him into the turnbuckle!

Fredericks- I think Gravedigger will call this, unfinished business.

Gravedigger grabs King’s arm and slowly steps up the turnbuckle. But once again when he reaches the top, King slings the ropes. King forms a grin on his face and steps back, he runs up the turnbuckle and grabs Gravediggers arm, but Gravedigger swings his other hand around the throat of King!

Erikson- SWEET!

Gravedigger hoists King up on top of the turnbuckle. Gravedigger stands poised while King tries to escape. Gravedigger lifts him even higher into the air, and jumps off, driving King’s body into the mat as the crowd gives a very over-enthusiastic "OH!". Gravedigger composes himself and places an arm over Jackson King….1……..2……..3!

Anna Lopez- Winner at 7:25, Gravedigger!

**"Blackened" plays again as Gravedigger stands up from his win. He glares at King and grins. Gravedigger walks to the ropes and climbs out. As the screen fades.**


**President Winters is sitting in his locker room, leaning back and watching a monitor. Some unidentified wrestlers are shown on the screen.**

Winters-Ah, nothing like a good ol' UAW Pay-Per-View to break the boredom between showing of "Mad Max and the Thunderdome".

**One of the wrestlers on the screen falls onto a burning trash can.**


**The screen then flashes and shows a replay of the scene.**

Winters-Wow, those UAW guys sure can take some shots. I wish the underachievers around here could do stuff like that, then I'd REALLY get ratings. Heck, I also wish they'd stop going around smashing defenseless lawn gnomes, but I can't stop that from happening I guess.

**The monitor then shows and advertisement for NMW.**

Winters-Well, it's good to see that Rymiel is keeping up with his side of the bargain.

**The NMW logo is then scratched out by a large red X, and replaced by a UAW logo.**

Winters-Well I'll be damned…

**The monitor then goes back to showing the man falling on the trash can.**


**The scene fades.**


**The Knife and Melvin Frost are standing backstage, holding their newly won NMW Tag Team titles.**

Knife-We did it Melvin! Who's the man???

Melvin-I am!

Knife-No, I am!

Melvin-You are!


Melvin-That was awesome! We are unstoppable.

Knife-Heck yeah. Bring on the contenders, cuz WE are the champions…of the world.

Melvin-No time for losers.

Knife-Cuz WE are the champions. Oh crap, you're missing Star Trek dude! Better get back to the locker room!

Melvin-Screw Star Trek, I have to shine my belt.

**Melvin walks off as the Knife smiles, clutching his title belt.**


Fredericks-It's main event time Brian.

Erikson-Woo hoo!



Fredericks-This should be a good one.

Erikson-Chang's got NO CHANCE…no chance in hell.

**"Just Got Wicked" by Cold hits.**

Fredericks-Not again…

Erikson-Oh boy.

**President Seth Winters walks down the ramp smiling as the crowd boos him. He walks past the ring and takes a seat next to Brian Erikson at the commentator's table. He slips on a headset and looks at the two confused announcers.**

Winters-Mind if I join you guys?

Fredericks-Go right ahead.

Erikson-Fine with me.

Winters-Goody. I want to make sure there is no unwanted interference in this match. Plus I needed to get out of my office after watching "Mad Max and the Thunderdome" all night.

**The crowd's boos turn to cheers, as "Bodies" by Drowning Pool begins playing. Chang Mustafa steps out onto the ramp, looking as focused as ever. He high-fives some fans on his way down the ramp, always slipping and falling when he gets to the bottom. Chang steps into the ring, and waits.**

Winters-I hope Chang is ready for this. I gave him what he wanted, now he'll have to take what he wants. Just like Rudolph did in "A Time to Kill".

Erikson-Rudolph…an actor?

Winters-No…a reindeer.

**Suddenly, "Breathe" by Nickelback hits, and Thresh Crest steps out with the NMW title slung over his shoulder. He walks to the front of the ramp, when the rest of Anarchy walks out behind him. Morbid Angel steps up next to Thresh, and they are followed by Belthazar, Kaltuul, and Aikeiro. All five men walk down the ramp, and the Tides of Darkness and Aikeiro walk to ringside and take a seat next to the timekeeper. Thresh and Morbid Angel slide into the ring.**

Fredericks-And here we go.

The bell rings as Morbid Angel is the first to go charging at Chang. Angel nails a right cross, and Chang fires back with one of his own. Angel swings again and misses…only to be poked in the eyes by Chang. Chang quickly hooks Angel up and drops him with a Vertical Suplex. Mustafa gets up and is hit from behind by Thresh. Chang is knocked halfway across the ring, and Crest smiles as if to say "This is too easy". Chang gets back to his feet and runs at Thresh, but is tripped up by a drop toe hold from the now-recovered Morbid Angel. Thresh quickly drops a knee onto the back of Chang's head. Thresh and Angel then look at each other and grin as the crowd boos them. Thresh picks up Chang and boots him in the gut. Crest then lifts Chang up for a Powerbomb, as Morbid Angel grabs Chang's shoulders and slams him down hard in a vicious double Powerbomb. Thresh then hooks the leg and covers……….1…………2……….Kickout!

Winters-My God, Chang kicked out.

Erikson-Don't get used to seeing that.




Thresh growls and pulls Chang up again, and once again kicks him in the gut. Angel prepares as Thresh lifts Chang up for another Powerbomb…but this time Chang starts punching Thresh in the face as he sits atop his shoulders! Angel quickly bounces off the ropes, leaps up, grabs Chang's head, and pulls him down in a HUGE neckbreaker!! Morbid Angel now pins………..1…………2………….Kickout again! Angel pulls Chang off the mat and both he and Thresh whips Chang off the ropes. Chang flies back with a double clothesline, but neither man budges. Chang then goes for a double eye poke, but both men raise their hands to their faces and block it. Thresh fires a right hand straight into Chang's face, and both men lock him up for a suplex. They lift the challenger into the air, and drop him with a double Brainbuster!

Fredericks-That'll put an end to any coherent thinking.

Erikson-But Tyler…it's Chang.


Erikson-Uh sir, don't you mean "Touche"?

Winters-That's what I said.

Chang sits up after the impact, and falls flat on his back. Thresh then signals for Angel to climb the turnbuckle, as the NMW champ pulls Chang back to his feet. Thresh, in a show of power, lifts Chang high into the air with a Gorilla Press. Angel meanwhile steadies himself on the top rope. Thresh then pushes Chang upwards, launching him into the air, as Angel springs off the top rope, landing on top of Chang in mid-air, and both men come crashing down as Angel completes the elevated body splash! Angel stay on top of Chang for the cover…………1…………2………..NO!! Chang rolls a shoulder off the mat.

Fredericks-Christ, how did he escape that one?

Winters-He must have eaten his penguins.

Erikson-Or his Wheaties.

Winters-That too.

Threhs angrily pulls Chang up once again, and whips him into the turnbuckle. Thresh then signals to Angel, who whips Thresh towards Mustafa. Thresh goes for a vertical splash, but Chang raises his leg and catches Thresh in the face! Thresh stumbles backwards, as Chang runs forward and clotheslines him down. Morbid Angel takes off towards Chang, but Chang hammers him with a spinning heel kick. The crowd erupts in cheers, as Chang carefully climbs to the top rope. Thresh gets to his feet, as Chang leaps off and hits a missile dropkick! Morbid Angel then gets to his feet, and Chang kicks him in the mid-section. Chang then sets up for the Buzzsaw (Tiger Driver)!

Fredericks-It could be over here! Chang might win it!

Chang hooks Angel's arms, but Morbid Angel stands up, back body dropping Chang to the mat…but Chang holds onto Angel's legs and pulls him down in a Sunset Flip………1…………2………….Kickout by Morbid Angel. Chang quickly pulls Morbid Angel back up and whips him off the ropes. Chang is then hit from behind by Thresh Crest, and Angel bounces back at Chang, planting him with a DDT. Chang slowly gets back up, and he falls into the corner. Both Thresh and Morbid Angel begin stomping on him. Chang slumps down onto the mat, and Angel drags him out of the corner to make a cover…………1…………..2…………NO! Chang kicks out again. Thresh now shoves Morbid Angel out of the way, and grabs Chang by the hair to pull him up. Thresh quickly locks in the Riot Act (STO 2), but Chang elbows him in the head. Thresh retaliates with a large clothesline that almost decapitates Chang.


Winters-You know, I've never noticed how great of an athlete Thresh is. I guess I spent so much time trying to get rid of him that I didn't see it. That really puts thing into persecution.



Thresh begins stomping rapidly on the mentally defunct Chang Mustafa, as Morbid Angel slides out of the ring. The crowd heavily showers the NMW champion with boos as he now drops an elbow onto Chang, then a second, and a third…and then a fourth elbow drop! Thresh and rolls over and pins Chang………..1………..2………..Kickout! Thresh begins slapping at the canvas in frustration, when he looks out and yells something at Morbid Angel. Angel nods and grabs the ring bell from the timekeeper's table. He grins and says something to the other members of Anarchy, who watch as Angel rolls back into the ring with the bell.

Fredericks-Are you going to let this go Mr. Winters? Morbid Angel looks as if he is about to disqualify himself and Thresh with that ring bell.

Winters-Eh, the way I see it, the geese will still fly over the moon tomorrow afternoon, so I'll let it mold on their epitaph.

Erikson-Tyler, if you can tell me ANYTHING he just said, I'll give you a cookie.

Fredericks-In that case, I think I'll be going cookieless tonight.

Thresh grabs Chang off the mat, and holds his arms behind him. Angel prepares to hit Chang with the chair…when referee Matt Springfield yanks the chair out of Angel's hands! He points his finger at Morbid Angel, and begins yelling something at him. Angel looks to Thresh, who drops Chang, and Springfield hurls the chair out of the ring, causing it to nearly hit Aikeiro. Morbid Angel gets up in the referee's face, and then shoves him back, causing him to bump into Thresh Crest, who spins him around and hits the Riot Act (STO 2)! The ref rolls to the corner of the ring and lies there motionless. Thresh and lifts up Chang again, and whips him into the corner. Morbid Angel then sets Chang on to the top rope, before climbing up himself. Angel hooks up Chang for a Superplex, but Chang shoves him off, sending Angel crashing to the mat below. Thresh then furiously runs up to the turnbuckle and pushes Chang's foot, causing Mustafa to crotch himself on the top rope. Morbid Angel slowly gets to his feet, and looks up at Thresh, who growls an order at him. Angel nods and shakes the cobwebs out, when Chang suddenly bursts off the top rope with a double clothesline, knocking both men down!

Erikson-He's alive! ALIVE!

Chang begins stomping on Thresh, when he is spun around by Morbid Angel. Angel drops to his knees, and hits a blatant low blow! Chang doubles over, and Morbid Angel sets him up for the New Abortion (Hangman's DDT). Angel lifts Chang up, but Chang is able to flip out of it and land on his feet. Mustafa then kicks Angel in the gut, hooks his arms, and executes the Buzzsaw (Tiger Driver)!!!! Chang quickly drops and pins………….then realizes that the ref is still knocked out! He is then kicked in the back of the head by Thresh Crest.

Fredericks-Dammit! Chang should have had it there!

Thresh kicks Chang in the head once more, before turning and spitting right into the crowd! Thresh then pulls Chang's limp body up…and hits the Riot Act (STO 2)!!! Chang's body folds as it hits the mat, and Thresh quickly helps Morbid Angel get up, and yells at him to get the ref. Thresh gets down and pins Chang, as Morbid Angel struggles to wake the referee. Finally, referee Matt Springfield comes around, and Angel points at Thresh covering Chang. Springfield crawls over and starts the count………………1………………………..2……………………………NO!!!! Chang gets a shoulder up!

Fredericks-Oh my God!

Winters-Scooter my daisy heads!

Erikson-Shoot me…

Thresh is now irate, and cannot believe that Chang has kicked out again. Thresh begins throwing a temper tantrum, when Chang all of a sudden gets to his feet, and nails the NMW champ with a right hand! Thresh quickly snaps out of it, and levels Chang with an uppercut of his own. Chang stumbles backwards into Morbid Angel, who whips him into the ropes. Chang grabs onto the top rope, holding himself steady. Thresh then screams and charges at Chang…but Chang quickly drops and pulls the top rope down…low-bridging Thresh and causing him to soar to the floor below! Thresh hits the ground hard and slides up against the announce table. Chang then slowly gets back to his feet, when his head is grabbed from behind by Morbid Angel. Angel hooks Chang's head in a Reverse DDT hold, then lifts him up for a Reverse Suplex. Chang, however, backflips out of it and lands behind Morbid Angel…before locking him in a full nelson and delivering the Blade's End (Full Nelson Driver)!!!!!! Chang puts an arm over Morbid Angel as the ref groggily drops and starts the count…………………..1………………………….2…………………………….3!!!

Anna Lopez-Winner at 12:52, and new NMW World Champion, Cha…

**Anna Lopez is cut off as Seth Winters grabs her microphone. The timekeeper, meanwhile is preparing to hand the World title belt to Chang, who is celebrating in the ring. The fans are going absolutely crazy. Winters quickly walks up to the apron with the microphone.**

Winters-Whoa whoa whoa, not so fast. Chang, did you just pin Morbid Angel?

**Chang nods.**

Winters-Ok, just making sure.

**"Bodies" by Drowning Pool hits, as the timekeeper hands Chang the title. Winters shrugs and steps down off the apron. The Tides of Darkness and Aikeiro are standing in shock.**

Fredericks-I can't believe this! Chang is the champion!

Erikson-Oh dear God…

Fredericks-But what in the hell is up with the President? I think he's having a conversation with himself.

**The camera shows Winters, whose lips are moving…and then he looks up as if he has an idea or revelation. He steps back up onto the apron, and Chang stops celebrating for a moment to look at him.**

Winters-I just remembered…Chang, you're not the Champion.

**Chang looks confused, and the crowd starts to boo a little.**

Winters-Yeah, I guess I forgot to mention that you had to pin BOTH men!

With that, Thresh slides in behind Chang, spins him around, and hits the Riot Act (STO 2)!!! Chang lands hard on the mat, and doesn't move, as the NMW title falls to the mat beside him. Winters steps off the apron and walks back to the announce table.

Fredericks-WHAT??? That isn't fair!

Erikson-Mr. Winters, what was that all about?

Winters-Eh, I guess I just forgot to announce that stipulation…These things tend to happen when you're flowering your mutton chops.

Fredericks-This isn't right!

Winters-No, it's left.

The camera cuts back to the ring, where Thresh is stomping away on Chang. Morbid Angel has now gotten back up, recovering after Chang's attack. Angel pulls Chang's limp body back up, as Thresh hooks his head and drops him in the Clash (Jumping Reverse DDT)!!! Thresh and drops and covers Chang, as Morbid Angel yells at referee Matt Springfield to make the count……………..1…………………2……………….3!!

Anna Lopez-Uh, winner and still NMW champion, Thresh Crest…

**Thresh picks up the title and raises it above his head as the crowd begin launching beer cans and nacho containters at him, and booing the roof off the arena. Thresh climbs up onto the turnbuckle and raises his arms in victory, as Morbid Angel begins stomping on Chang. The rest of Anarchy stand up and are clapping their hands at the sight. Winters is shown behind the announce table grinning an incompetent grin.

Fredericks-What a screwjob! Mr. Winters, can't you see that Thresh is playing you for a fool?

Winters-Hold your tongue Tyler. Thresh is a great athlete, and an honorable competitor. Much more than I can say for that delinquent Zack Macomber. Man, if he were here right now, I'd kick him in the crotch and curse his mother's grave.

**Suddenly the lights in the arena go dark, as all movement in the ring stops.**

Winters-AH! It's Macomber! HIDE ME!

**All direction is pointed towards the stage…..when "Blackened" by Metallica hits! The crowd goes wild as a dark light emits from the MilleniTron, and Gravedigger comes walking out onto the stage! Thresh immediately yells something down at the Tides of Darkness and Aikeiro, as well as Morbid Angel. All four men go charging up the ramp to meet Gravedigger as the lights come back on. Kaltuul is met by a big boot from Gravedigger, and Belthazar engages in a fist fight with the Unholy One. Morbid Angel attempts to attack Gravedigger from behind, but he gets thrown off. Aikeiro goes for a kick to the head, but Gravedigger grabs his leg and launches him back down the steel ramp. Thresh is standing in the ring screaming his head off and waving his hands in the air, as Chang rolls out of the ring, barely conscious.**

Fredericks-OH MY! All hell has broken loose!

Erikson-Dammit Gravedigger! Just let the guys celebrate their win!

Winters-Yeah, no kidding!

**Gravedigger continues to rumble with the four members of Anarchy up on stage, as the crowd is going nuts. The camera cuts back to Thresh in the ring, who is going absolutely crazy with anger. Suddenly, everyone in the crowd looks up, as a figure comes scaling down from the rafters on a cable. The camera zooms in to show……….Zack Macomber! The crowd pops as "The Mack" lands behind Thresh in the middle of the ring!**

Winters-NO! He's suspended! What is he doing here!!! SECURITY!! AHHHHHHH!

Erikson-Dude! Quit screaming in my ear!

Fredericks-The Mack is back!

**Thresh doesn't notice Zack as he continues on his tirade, until he paces backwards, and bumps into him. Thresh quickly spins around, and his face lights up with even more anger and shock. Macomber smiles and waves at Thresh, as the NMW champ throws a punch at him, Zack blocks it and plants Thresh face-first with a Reverse Russian Legsweep!**

Fredericks-Reverse Russian ZackieSweep!



**Zack gets up and plays to the ignited crowd, as a couple homeless security guards slide into the ring. Zack makes quick work of them, hitting one with the Zackinoku Driver (Michinoku Driver), and nailing the other with a large clothesline. The security guards roll out of the ring…when President Winters suddenly throws off his headset and jumps into the ring. He runs and jumps onto Macomber's back, trying to strangle him! Zack snapmares Winters to the mat quickly, and then stares at him as the President gets to his feet again. Winters looks straight into the eyes of Macomber, as Zack lunges forwards, slips under Winter's arm…and hits the Riot Act (STO 2)!!! Winters is slammed hard onto the mat, as Zack stands up and raises his arms towards the crowd. Just then, about a dozen more security guards rush into the ring. Zack speeds out of the ring, jumps the barricade, and rushes out through the crowd, with the homeless security guards in hot pursuit.**

Fredericks-HOLY CRAP! I can't believe this! There's too much action to call!

Erikson-It's out of control!

**The camera zooms in on the unconscious face of President Winters, who is still lying in the ring. It then cuts up to show Gravedigger, who has now battled off all of Anarchy and is standing alone on the stage. It then shows Thresh, who is finally getting up off the mat, with an uncanny expression of anger on his bloody face. It finally cuts back to Winters, who is still out cold.**

Fredericks-We're out of time folks, what an ending to the show this was!

Erikson-We can't go yet, Thresh has to get his revenge! Don't cut out, don't cut out, don't cu…

**The scene fades as the show goes off the air.**


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