Emma Frost

Midi Playing: No Scrubs

Name: Emma Frost


Codename:The White Queen

Origin: Boston, Massachusetts

Template: Wild Card currently associated with the X-men, previously of the her own vigilante group the Hellions

Gender: female

Age: ??

Height: 5' 10"

Weight: 144 lbs.

Hair: blonde

Eyes: Blue

Distinguishing Marks: None

Relatives:Sisters Cordelia and Adrienne Frost (deceased)

Clothing style: Revealing. She knows what she has, and Likes to flaunt it.

Powers/Mutations: Can assume nearly indestructable diamond form, and has some telepathic ability

Extent of powers: As a consequence of continued mutation, Emma Frost can assume a diamond-hard, nearly indestructible form. She also possesses various telepathic talents, including the ability to read minds and influence the thoughts of others.

History: Emma Frost is a leading member of an old Boston mercantile family that arrived from England in the 1600s. She inherited a good deal of wealth, but most of her large fortune resulted from her professional success. She ascended rapidly to the upper echelon of the business world on the strength of her intelligence, drive and personal charm...and the secret use of her psionic abilities.

Eventually, Frost became majority stockholder of a multibillion-dollar conglomerate principally involved in electronics and transportation -- both the building of ships and aircraft, and their use for freight and passenger conveyance. Despite her relative youth, she was named chairwoman of the board and chief executive officer of the rechristened Frost International. She also became headmistress and chairwoman of the board of trustees of the Massachusetts Academy -- a college preparatory school for students in grades seven through 12 located in the Berkshire Mountains in Snow Valley, Massachusetts.

A madman's brutal assault plunged Frost into a deep coma. With Frost's consciousness still active on the material plane, and her body was kept in the med-lab at the X-Men's mansion. Seeking to ensure her students' welfare and the school's future, Frost had willed responsibility for the Massachusetts Academy to the telepathic, telekinetic Professor Charles Xavier, founder of the X-Men. During her psychic incapacitation, the school was added to the rapidly expanding Xavier Institute.

When she recovered, she assumed a place with the X-men, as a teacher, out of respect for her deceased friend, Charles Xaiver, and his dream for peace.

Personality: Aloof, reserved. Cutting Sarcasm.

Hobbies: Wheeling and dealing in the business world. She likes control.

Likes + Dislikes: control, to flirt. dislikes: being ignored


Nonmutant abilities: Highly intelligent, she is a formidable strategist.

Other stuff:


Sexual Preference: Males

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