Penis is GOOD
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This is myself, the creator of this waste of time

This is Courtesy of Bart

My Car

The one and only, Jack Fay

Funny Lines

Jlafay00 [11:01 PM]: his chursh. he is a babpist

buffgril [9:54 PM]: i got smotherd by the old mant, guy that work`s at night at home deput

lipsets9: i think someone should clam the pope's body stat 

lipsets9: i have desided if i sit on my front step i will carry my gun

lipsets9: idamm him nooooo

Homer1041: What did you do today?
Jlafay00: jerked offed

Jlafay00: if a person from the kitchen moks u

NITTANYNUT11: well im pretty sure the drawing was today ( im not sure ), so keep your fingers crossed.

Jlafay00: oh christ this people are talking about the wwf

Jlafay00: reminds me of a big mr kosmalia

Jlafay00: they ordered 200 cheezy pritzels

lipsets9: nape time

Jlafay00: that girl from mardle beach

Jlafay00: does she know a guy name adem?

Jlafay00: housekippy

Jlafay00: watch a rooling stones thing on cable

Jlafay00: hour for the trool to get on

Jlafay00 [10:50 PM]: mel gippson sucks

Jlafay00 [10:51 PM]: mel gippson war movie

Msoa714 [11:40 PM]: i am getting that oppartion on my elbow

Msoa714 [11:42 PM]: i never had a opporation


I was a young man of four years when this photo was taken....surprisingly, Mr. Fay doesn't look that much different today.  Just add 100 to 150 pounds.

I've decided to resurrected this old webpage for a bit of nostalgia, as well as to have a location to vent and mention funny topics and events. Its almost summer and I have no shore house, but I'm not upset. I have classes this summer, so going down the shore every weekend would not be feasable. However, the idea of getting a house for a month is still afloat, and I will attempt to court potential roommates in the coming weeks. There were some funny antics at Knights the other night......Chuck B. was bombed out of his mind and hysterically funny, Mr. Fay was attacked by a giant water buffalo, I was smothered by several people, Nicole embraced Mr. Feeney's coat as if he was in it, I learned that Nicole R's sister is a virgin(no surprise), a Franny D. can ramble quite a bit when wasted. All in all, a funny night. I've been asked to go out tomorrow, but I don't know if I'm going to. Mr. Smigo asked me about going up to Hodo's school again this year for they're homecoming thing. It was a real good time last year, and probably would be the same this year, so I'm looking forward to that. Mr. Fay is insisting that I will pay for getting him smothered about Rossi.....and I welcome the challenge, because even if he gets me, which he has done countless times before, it usually leads to an amusing story. I have some plans of my own in the works, I will not roll over and die.....and THATS THE BOTTOM LINE!


I hate working, or at least going to work at the hospital. Its almost like a daily form of punishment for not completing school yet. But there are some amusing qualities as well, plus the ability to show up late and leave early can not be frowned upon. Mr Fay has told me that his revenge plan will be in action by summer. I am looking forward to whatever he is planning, but if it involves telling an innocent civilian that I like them or something along those lines as he did with Nicole......I offer this warning; I will immediately tell that person exactly what you are doing and why, and the smothering will be flipped right back at you. May the best man win.

Friday is less then a day, and the weekend planning has begun. I got a drunken message last night from senior fay, stating that he had the best revenge plan to get me today. After a brief bit of research, I found out it was Clardy. Needless to say I was disappointed in Mr. Fay's weak effort. He can do much much better then that. I've suddenly gotten the desire to go out again, which I had lost for several months. I intend to go somewhere other then knights this weekend, though that doesn't mean that knights will be skipped altogether. I obviously have nothing to say here, but I did a little soft and I have no one nearby to smother, so I did by typing. OVER AND OUT

So the East Stoudsburg adventure is over, and while not as eventful as the previous trip......still a very good time. The Nitrous and other drugs helped make for and interesting evening. I believe I have a permanent leg injury from having Lord Downey dive into me about 17 times, but it was all in fun. I'm in really bad shape and I'll explain why: I went to the driving range with Mr. Fay and Nikki on Saturday, and now I feel as though I was placed in an industrial press. I got to start doing a bit more exercise to prevent this from happening again. I'm comtemplating taking this overnight postion at Bucks if its offered to me. I know that I swore to myself that I would never work overnight again, but that was at an entirely different time in my life......I think I'm a tad more mature now, and if the job happens to pay more, its a guarantee that I will take it. Updates to follow.

I didn't take the Bucks job cause the money just wasn't there. I'm somewhat happy I didn't. Its another Knights night, and I'm already drinking. I have absolutely no money, but I have a line of credit with Mr. Fay. I intend to stop or at least drastically reduce my "soft" intake, and its not because of health reasons. Its because of the money situation. I never have money anymore and its pissing me off. Class has begun at PSU, and its not bad, it gives me something constructive to do with my time, and hopefully I'll be able to finish this year......FINALLY.

Nothing much new here......we went to nikki's country music fest and I have surprisingly not committed suicide yet. I got so fucked up that day that I still don't think that I have fully recovered. I just got Jimmy Eat World tickets for the Electric Factory......needless to say, I'm looking forward to it.

I was talking to a guy I work with yesterday, and he's and older fella in his sixties. He said something that I thought to be somewhat interesting, he said "I don't have many more summers to go." Its interesting because its true. I mean I obviously have more summers then he does, but in reality, its not that many three month stretches.

Another evening at Knights, somewhat boring......but Mr. Fay's level of smothering was unheard of. I accused him of having percocets. Bart physically smothered me. I guess this is to be expected at that place.

The bottom line is this my friends.......Jack was under the impression that Rocky Dennis was the actual Elephant man, and proclaimed that Cher was the elephant man's mother in the movie. I will say nothing further about the day of The Who concert.

The Jimmy Eat World concert was awesome, really. I enjoyed it more then I thought I would. I definitely think they're ready for places bigger then the Electric Factory, but I'm still happy that thats the first place I've gotten to see them.

I finally graduated college.......please, please, hold the applause......I'm no more superior then I was before. .

Pearl Jam concert was awesome, minus the first half hour. Everything there after goes in the history books. My question is, who really wants to ever hear "Nothing as it Seems?" Is this maybe the worst song ever? 1/2 full isn't much better. For being my favorite band, their shitty songs are really really shitty. I'm going to myrtle beach in a week and Vegas at the end of the month. Both trips should be good, I can't wait to get on the beach. Nikki's going to be a mess and she's bringing the beer bong with her. Maybe they'll be some hot fellas down there as well. The Vegas trip will be with Kenny and those guys, but the interesting part will be Anthony heading to the gambling capital of the world. Luckily he doesn't own a house, or the casino would definitely be owning that. I may report something in the near future, maybe.

I leave for Myrtle Beach on Sunday, and I have to say.....I'm looking forward to this trip. I may commit suicide on the ride down, because I'm sure it will be 8 hours of country music. I need to find that goddamned walkman or earplugs. My main goal is to get some sun, see Stinsman and get loaded on a daily basis. Whatever else happens, happens. I'm happy that I got tickets to the PJ show on July 6th. I'll have the company of Donovan, Mr. Fay and Anthony. It should be a good show in that I enjoy being on that lawn for some reason. There's something about listening to good Music under a star lit sky. I've got some serious decisions to make about how I intend to live my life. Now that I graduated, I have to look to be moving out of here in the very near future. All for now.

Just got back from Myrtle Beach with Nikki. Thankfully it was a good time. Good weather, Nikki antics, the whole nine yards. With that said, I wouldn't recommend dating her in that she has the wandering eyes. Regardless, I have the Las Vegas trip in the next couple of weeks and I'm hoping that I start getting excited about it soon because I'm sure the antics out there should be amusing. I will report back at my earliest convienience.

The Vegas trip was great and I really want to go back. In other news, I leave for Michigan in the morning, which sucks in some ways but is good in others. I need the change of pace and leaving the hospital, with whats been going on lately, seemed like the best thing to do. This job is also going to allow me to buy my grandmothers house which I always wanted to do. I have a thing for old houses like that, so what if its on Cottman Ave. Even more strangely, I'm really happy about being a Philly kid again(not that I ever wasn't). So I jumped ship in Hong Kong and headed over to Tibet and got on as a looper at a golf course in the Himalayas...... looper, a caddy. I'm interviewing potential roommates, but I'm not sure what to do. I don't want to cut ties with the people who are my friends and have been so, regardless of my situation......but I need to make some other friends in my other community that I have more in common with. Downey would be good as well, clean freak, good with money, but I really don't want all the other people over all the time, and I believe that would be the case. This has definitely been an eventful couple of months and there doesn't seem to much of a let-up in sight.

This is the first time I looked at this site in a while and God Damn its out of date. Its more history then anything else, but I'm way to lazy to change it. In other news, I'm now a Mayfair resident which has so far been good, I haven't been robbed or mugged yet. The job is going OK, though I'm not sure that I'm cut out for working from home, as good as that sounds, but I'll stick with it till I see whats available to me. I'm really looking to suck some dick though, as its been a while and I'm getting restless. But all things in due time.

End of September,Back again, still in Mayfair, still without mortgage, but seemingly on my way. Still need to suck dick and haven't lately. Went out last week with Kenny and the gang for the first time in a while....as always a great time. I was hungover for three days. Needless to say, Miller High Life will never touch my lips again. Friday is upon us again and I intend to get shitfaced at the bar and there will be no question about it. I may be fallover guy but thats OK. Hopefully some hot dudes present. Need to hit some gay bars one of these days, Kenny willing to go, could be interesting. till next time.

Back again, Saturday night, October 19th 2003. I hate my job, but now that I got this mortgage payment, I don't have the luxury of quitting....not that I ever did that kind of stuff anyway. Since this DUI nonsense, I've been less willing to go out if I'm driving which is understandable. 24 hours in the Round House is an experience that I never want to have again. This is the first weekend that I haven't gone out in some time. I took these tombstones last weekend and basically blacked out. I remember getting into an argument with this dude that I used to work with about being disgusted by gay people. I feel that Mr. Fay may have started this conversation knowing the condition I was in. Bottom line is that I'm not really sure what I told this dude other then that I was gay. I don't mind people knowing that, I just wouldn't recommend tombstones being the catalyst for that kind of discussion. I actually got a lot done around the house, the past few weekends I've been completely hungover and useless. Having a house is lot of work, but its enjoyable also. Its an old place and needs all kinds of attention, kinda like an elderly relative. I have a roomate search on, and surprisingly I have too many applicants. My goal is to basically live here for free. I will have to see who I can tolerate living with, though. My leach friend Nikki is getting the boot, there is no two ways about it. She has no consideration for anyone other then herself. Its true what they say that you don't ever really know someone until you live with them. No wonder she's been kicked out of four other houses, including her boyfriend's place twice. Enough about that, I'm just aggravated about the whole situation. I feel its an abuse of the friendship. But thats neither here nor there. The bottom line is that I need a some sex soon. Hopefully I will have some good news on that front by next entry.

November is almost over and I finally made settlement on the house, its officially my place......needless to say I got horrendously drunk this weekend to celebrate. Actually it was for Brenda's going away thingy, it was a mess as was I. In my previous entries, I mentioned the booting of Nikki. It never happened. I actually transformed her in to a good roommate, then she decided that it was too expensive to live on her own and moved home. Now I'm stuck with my Italiano friend Anthony, who is a walking medicine cabinet and I have no interest in fucking....this sucks.

Reach me at Homer1041@aol.com in the mean time.

Its been a long Decemember, and I don't have shit done. I hate my job but I have no time to look for another one. Anthony is still here, and while not really progressing, he's kinda grown on me. I have Patrick moving in between Christmas and New Years. That should change things around here somewhat. I would rather have gay roommates, but thats not all its cracked up to be either, and I don't have any gay friends that I would trust enough to have live here. I just feel that I'm never where I want to be in life, but I guess you can't always get what you want, and if things suck, you have to change them for the better.