This section will outline my favourite Niles and Daphne episodes and moments. I will include quotes and pictures when I can find them.


Taking the Daphne and Niles engagement very seriously, the producers of Frasier didn’t mess around when it came to finding the perfect ring. The show’s prop master descended on Harry Winston last month and pored over various gems until he narrowed it down to five. The final say went to Jane Leeves: The blushing TV bride went for a three-carat oval-cut diamond set in platinum. The bauble’s value? A steal at $75,000.
--People Magazine (10/02/02)


Niles:  Oh, my God! Frasier, how long was she standing there?

Frasier:  I don't know. If I'd known Daphne was standing there, I would have said "Shut up, Daphne's standing there."

Frasier: cooking dinner... for your date with a fictitious woman. Why not just set a place for the March Hare and the Mad Hatter?!

Niles: I didn't plan for this to happen, but we are having the most perfect evening! I'm feeling my confidence return, I just need a few more minutes alone, and I'll be able to tell her everything. [The doorbell rings.]
---First Date-season 5

Daphne:  I can't imagine what you must be thinking. Me barging in asking to stay the night...

Niles:  Well, gee I'm just thinking so many things. [takes a long sip of his wine.]

Daphne:  The two of us and just one fan. Well of course, your are the host, you take it.

Niles:  No I couldn't sleep at all knowing you were in the next room hot and... hot.

Daphne:  I mean I have been keeping myself on the shelf lately, I'm feeling a little out the good China.

Niles:  Someone should be eating off you everyday. Hmm. Music?

--Daphne Hates Sherry-season 4

AT LAST! They are married!! In a wonderful, absolutely fabulous episode, they got married in Reno, and then again back home...and then again. ;) It was very sweet, but not over done and no wedding cliches. It was perfect :) So now Daphne is in the Montana, can call Frasier and Martin by their first names and needs to find more work. It looks to be quite an eventful year for the new Mrs. Crane. I am look forward to what the writers have in store for the newlyweds this season, now that all the major relationship events have passed. I request one thing. Please no least until the show ends.

 I hate Season Finales!!! I just watched Moons Over Seattle,  and although it's not a huge cliffhanger, it still leaves me wanting more!! Daphne  shows up at the Montana and tells Niles she wants to marry! It ends with Niles taking her hand and they walk  out the door!!! They are going to elope, or so we are led to  believe. They had better show us this wedding, or I will                                               be mighty pissed off! September is months away!! uhg!

The Wedding date has been set and it's September 1st. I don't know if this means we will get to see any of it. I don't think they will make it a part of the season finally, but it can definitely be a very exciting season premier. I guess we will just have to wait and see what the writers have come up with. I, for one, can't wait!

The Proposal Wow. Last night the proposal aired and it was very sweet. It was funny too! Frasier silently directing everyone out was very clever. I especially loved the final tackle of the trumpet player as Daphne and Niles remained in their own little world. I will ignore the fact that they didn't hear a *THUD* as Frasier plus "guy" hit the floor, since the scene was so lovely. So that is it. My favourite TV couple are engaged. I can't wait to see the upcoming preparations and then the wedding. Other moments of the episode I enjoyed:

  • Roz and Niles in Nervosa.
  • Frasier criticizing renowned chef Wolfgang Puck's cooking..."when I said they looked brown, I meant in burnt", "It's Cajun!"
  • The waiter guy stuck on the other side of the room

One thing they could have done is cut down on the Martin/Daph's Mum scene on the Ferry. I understand they seem to be setting up this Martin/Peg relationship arc, but I thought it took away from the main plot. Over all, I thought it was a well done episode.

First Date - season five

Aclassic episode and as of a few years back, DHP's favourite. The episode begins by Niles arriving at Frasier's intent on asking Daphne out on a date. However, when the moment presents itself, he freezes and can't work up the nerve to ask her. Back in the kitchen Niles has a conversation with Frasier about being frightened of rejection and he exclaims "Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to be completely in love with someone and not be able to tell her how you feel?". Niles turns around to see Daphne standing in the doorway with a shocked look on her face. Terrified that she has overheard the truth, he goes to have a talk with her. Daphne has heard that Niles is in love with someone, but not who that person is. Niles almost builds up the nerve to tell Daphne the truth but ends up chickening out again and blurts out the name "DaPhyllis". Daphne urges him to make a date with "DaPhyllis" and he pretends to phone this make-believe woman. Later that night, Daphne turns up at the Montana with a dessert for Niles' dinner, but of course he was not expecting anyone. She finds that he is not prepared for company and begins to prepare a romantic evening. Niles and Daphne have fun cooking and setting the place up for his fake dinner date. After a small crisis is averted when a neighbour named Phyllis shows up, Niles asks Daphne to stay for the meal they made and she accepts.

This episode has one of my favourite endings. I just love the way they sit down to a nice evening together with Vissi D'arte playing in the background.

I like the episode because it shows that Daphne cares about Niles as a friend not just her employers brother, and Niles gets the evening he wished for, even if it wasn't exactly a date.

"DaPhyllis"                              "Heart and Soul"                              "to us"

Daphne Hates Sherry - season four

An absolutely brilliant episode. I have not one complaint...although I am sure I did at the time ;) The script, the acting, the title cards...I love it all. It's a scorching day in Seattle and Frasier is fighting off a cold. Daphne and Sherry get into a heated argument and Daphne storms out of the Elliot Bay Towers. She finds herself at the Montana, much to the utter shock of Niles who faints when she asks to stay the night with him. The sexual tension is at an all time high as Niles and Daphne deal with the heat and their urges. Innuendos are everywhere and just when you think something could happen, fate steps in. Daphne and Niles return to Frasier's to fetch her thyroid pills. Frasier ends up helping them to reconcile and everyone is happy again. Except Niles, who lost out on a chance with his goddess. Frasier makes things worse by pointing out his PhD status and the 24 hours pharmacy across the street. Fantastic!

This episode is a homage to Tennessee Williams. The heat, the tension, the title cards were even a play on words of TW's plays.

"so hot"                               "passion fruit?"                               "it does...oscillate"

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