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About Me








































Random Nonsense


Mikes Bookmarks





Wah Hey

So the old Podcasts are gone :-(  That is to say the host that served them has gone :-(  The actual Podcasts live quite happily on my hard drive, and still supply me with a chuckle if I ever listen to them.

"So what now?" you may ask.  Well check the SoundClick site out for any music updates.

Meanwhile the site redesign I may undertake, might be something worth looking at.  Of course it currently resides in my looks great though.  3D graphics floating by and lots of exciting stuff.



July 17th 2008

Hola !  These updates keep coming thick and fast....  Anyway check out the photos for some great holiday snaps from our stay in Tenerife.  


Jan 12th 2008

Ah....yes....the old website.  Not so much forgotten as it is left alone for a considerable time.  Don't blame me.  It's the writers strike you see.  Yeah that's it.

One day though...soon.  There will be a fantastic return to the world that is Random Nonsense.


Happy New Year


I got married (for the interests of heightened drama I wont mention to whom until the next Podcast!)

May 31st 2007


...  The new look website is getting there and more pics of Oliver at the photo album.

The Big change is happening...slowly

May the 4th be with you

Podcast #10

.....find out about Quantum Electronics, what happened with Vue cinema, A brand new 3/4 word phrase, why we all HATE Clover and the location of the "Hidden Link"!!!!!!!!!!!!!

29th March 2007

New Podcast player on homepage (it seems those of you still using Microsoft Internet Explorer couldn't hear the last one!)

28th March 2007

Want to join the Hi Def Revolution ? Check My Hi Def Store

 Podcast #9

  available.  The good news is I'm back on the Gin?!?!

20th March 2007

New Interactive Photo Album

New Demo Friends are the Flowers....available via the

14th March 2007

Here's a couple more pictures of Oliver...the day of his dads tube removal!!!  Find out more in the next Podcast (coming soon).

10th March 2007 (8:16am)

Alright now he really is asleep...i realised all you got to do is give him a good shaking (not really, I just started to tell him about my exciting time spent playing Trainz and how building the scenery was just the start....).

New Sponsors Temptation Direct are available through the site...

10th March 2007 (7:15am)

Oliver has finally drifted off after a feed, change, bout of hiccups and half an hour of making his mind up what to do next.

He now weighs a healthy 9 lb 4oz, so the feeding thing works !


2nd March2007


 Podcast #8

Find out why Vue cinema are evil, like Tesco and Chiquitos... in fact there all ripping us off.

One week on and Oliver is doing fine.

Use the PHOTO GALLERY to see more pic's of Oliver (around page 4)

22 February 2007


 Podcast #7

8lbs 12.5oz..(phew)  5:10pm 22 February 2007

Oliver Michael Wright

This is Oliver  at 5:11pm

and this is him a little bit later.

After almost 2 hours of pushing Mel (his mum) managed to produce this fantastic bundle of joy.






SoundClick Now!



Temptations Direct

Hi Def Amazon Link




Podcast #10

Podcast #9

Podcast #8

Podcast #7

Podcast #6


Email feedback for Podcasts



Want to contribute to a good cause ? A few simple clicks will buy Oliver some shoes....or get his dad more Gin and Tonic...

You Decide !

Help Oliver's Shoe Fund  

  Buy me a "Greenall's Gin and Tonic", it also goes towards the site costs.


Richard Branson  Press this Button 181 times to give me £1,000,000 !

Use these links to buy goods at great prices 

Allow yourselves forbidden pleasure's....

.......and they'll help run the site !



This site was last updated Thursday July 16, 2009

podcast,mike,wright,random nonsense,funny,southport,merseyside,lancashire,star wars,naked,review,tv,god,oliver,melanie Random Nonsense is home to the many Podcasts of Mike Wright. There very funny and can bring enjoyment to all...maybe




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