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After I came back from the UK in May 2012, we continued with the hikes.

Pamela is the new addition to the group...Mandy seems to have retired!


皇帝殿 Huang-Di-Dien

Hike number four about to begin. Three new additions to the group, Jeff, Pamela and Ann. We didn't have to wait too long for Laura!!

The first part of the walk is just a solid uphill slog up steps...

...which was a tad tiring!

The view from the top makes the climb worthwhile...then you've got two peaks to conquer and the famous ridge to come.

Ann was still smiling at this point!

Uh Oh!! Ann not looking so sharp now! Laura and Regina are experienced hands now

Made it to the top of the East peak, but there were hordes of other folk there so had to take a perch further down

The new guys were holding up well

The ridge line to the West peak.

Fun on the ridge.

Using a chain to go down a steep rock face

Tiffers was the only other person to have a go on the chain...

...and except for some heart in mouth moments, she did a good job!

I think Ann and Jeff enjoyed it...but not sure if they'll come back again!!

Before getting to the West peak there was a long metal ladder to negotiate.

After the hike we went to On Tap to eat, followed by a game of giant Jenga. Laura, being the clumsiest was favourite to send them tumbling!

But it was me who sent them down instead. Punishment was a Tequila shot!

Everyone was most amused...


Ping-Xi is full of excellent hikes and this time we decided to hike the Water Buffalo trail. Laura was only ten minutes late for this hike!

It was raining at the beginning, but soon cleared up. However, the trail was very wet and muddy. The first part had us following a swollen river.

The buffalo didn't disappoint us and were to be found on the hillside munching on grass.

Me surfing over the bridge.

This is the romantically named "Farm Number 13", where the buffalo come from.

The forests of Ping-Xi seem to be more tropical than others in the region. Probably because of all the rainfall.
After the walk we went to an old Japanese wooden building to eat...very pleasant setting!

外雙溪 to 內湖 WALK TO NEIHU

Not many could make it for this walk, so it was just the hardcore of Myself, Regina and Laura, who brought her friend. Laura was of course half an hour late!

We took the bus to deepest Wai-Shuang-Xi for the beginning of the walk...Here is Laura's friend, Vanessa.

We were already quite high up, so there views right from the beginning. This was not a strenuous hike, just a long distance one.

There were a lot of different trails at the beginning and it was hard to know which one to follow.

We got some advice on which direction from one of these guys.

The first snack break

Part of the walk goes through an abandoned amusement park. Here is the old car park.

Some fibreglass goats left behind.

The God looked kind of surreal, stuck away in the trees...I said it was probably a ghost...Laura was not afraid!!

A good close up of a Formosan Bluejay

We stopped at one place where I was given some training on how to use a hula hoop! I don't think I was very good...but it's a tricky sport!

After four hours walking, we went to eat Mexican at Macho Taco followed by the best ice-cream in Taipei...Cosi o Cosi....Very Yum.


A hot day, but a walk mostly in the forest so we didn't die of heatstroke

We started out by following the river.

This is a pleasant stroll past all the picnicers and the water must be clean because there are a lot of fish.

Ann was in good spirits so I reminded her that soon she would be complaining and that smile would be wiped off her face!

I told Ann that the fish would nibble her toes if she dipped them in the water...her feet must have been too smelly, because they weren't interested!

The bench break before we headed off into the bush

...and the beginning of a long uphill climb.

Good bit of forest.

Sure enough....Ann was no longer the chirpy girl from an hour before!!

I also started to feel tired...must have been the lack of drink the night before!!

We met a guy near the top who said he knew a short cut down that would only take twenty minutes. Ann, who by this time was close to death, seemed happy to get down quicker and I was interested to see where this alleged path went. Well, predictably, it was no short cut and took more than an hour to bring us out on a road that was miles away from where we wanted to be. Luckily, the guy had a pick up truck nearby and gave us a lift to the MRT station with us sitting in the back.

And here are the happy hitchhikers!

Nice video of Ann having a whinge on the top of the ridge!!

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To see the first three hikes, click on the image

Older hikes in Taiwan
March 2009 trips to the Monkey Mountain for great views and tea drinking!
We had a short lived White Monkey club running that went on various hikes around Taipei