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A hike in Wiltshire during my 2013 UK trip

Aldbourne to Ramsbury was the hike that I had completed many years before and it was time for a re-visit.

Had to set my hiking GPS!
Like most villages in the area, it is very picturesque.
Chloe got a picture of me videoing the old milestone.
The weather was perfect lo!
We were walking through farms just after the fields of stubble!
Another top view...
The lone tree in the field...
We arrived in Ramsbury hungry and thirsty and the pub was about to close....disaster!!
However after an enquiry at the local shop we found that the Bell down the road was open for business.
No cooked food, but at least they sold sandwiches!
The stroll back meant a lot of downhill walking with Aldbourne in the distance.

A video of the days events. Not spectacular, but a damned fine walk!

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