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My Home Page


Hello there and thanks for taking the time to view my profile ;))). I am a 32-year old French woman currently living in Mougins, near Cannes, France.

I'm pretty tall (172 cm), a blonde with short hair (color sometimes changes, depending on whatever!), grey-blue eyes (two of them - what a bonus..), considered attractive with a curvy figure with said curves mostly in the right places....hmmm what else?

Personality wise, I suppose that I'd say that I'm romantic, honest, trustworthy, affectionate, independent yet like to be taken care of occasionally by the right person in return for same, excellent sense of humor with a wide spectrum (from plain funny aha to ???). I absolutely love music (from Jazz to Heavy to Classical and some bits in the middle and back again) and enjoy going to concerts, theatre, cinema etc.

I enjoy sailing, diving, swimming, photography, making music, sex (oh yes!!). I am a voracious reader and the rest I'll let you question me on as this litany is getting quite long - oops.
Have a wide range of friends and interests, which I hope to broaden. My values are simple but important to me. I'm outgoing when the mood hits, but also introspective and peaceful and respect other peoples' space as well as my own. Love the sea and find it energizing and tranquil and am usually at my happiest on a moonlit beach.

I'm divorced with two kids, a boy Mathieu, and a girl, Maud.

I 'm a systems engineer. I architect web servers and database servers for large corporations in Sophia Antipolis, the French 'Silicon Valley'.

I'm bisexual (shocking ??) with an exhibitionist side...(love to turn people on...he,he) Definitely I'm not an angel.
If you are obsessive...and you think you may become obsessive over me, please register with my lawyer.
None of the above should be taken too seriously.. unless you are in desperate need of drama...

Life facts : I'd like to meet a decent, tall, intelligent, compassionate, humorous single (!) guy who will hopefully turn out to be my soul mate...or at least great friends if we hit it off. Am I asking for too much? Maybe...but I have a good feeling on this.
I have a lot of love and respect to give to the right person, hopefully also someone who enjoys good conversation/debate and a close personal relationship based on trust, warmth and sensuality, amongst other things.

Anyhow, I'll stop rambling on and leave it up to you whether you wish to contact me. Looking forward to hearing from you soon......wherever you are in the world. Take care.

Oh....and EVERYTHING tastes better in a martini glass...