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I am a west coast type, I first saw the Magickal Formulary in 1986 when I started dating my ex.  His copy was very old and worn and we used it a lot, finally cutting the binding and putting it in a ring binder.  When we separated it went with him and I looked and looked for a copy.  I remembered the name of the shop in NYC and tried to call but could never get anyone and I finally gave up until a friend sent me a link to your site.  Finally!!!! I have ordered the books and look forward to recieving them and using them again this will be like getting together with an old friend or perhaps the son of an old friend who has passed.  my ex passed in 2000 and this will always be a reminder of alex to me.  thanks you so much for making these again available. 
yours truly
steve d
yakima, wa

I happened to find this site and it brings back such wonderful memories!

I met Herman when he had the Warlock shop in Brooklyn and he was truly patient in helping a seeker.  I remember him walking me through and recommending “serious and must have books” versus “pop-wicca” books.  Also, can we forget that Herman always remembered your name and the last time he saw you.

The last time was a few months prior to his passing and he walked me around the shop and pulled books off the shelf saying, “you must have this one, that one, etc.”

I miss him and I miss the whole family that made up Magickal Childe!

Hi, Joliett
Your brother, Steve, was really special – fantastic personality! 
I have the one with the white cover/black print (old,old, old). Please let me know how to order both these books
!Do you remember John Kallis?  Worked at the Childe for a few years.  He passed away in 1990.  John loved working there.
I love your website.  Have you thought about writing a book!   Heavens, I remember the afternoon gatherings and listening to Ray Buckland, Bonewitz, etc. – lectures (2:00PM to whenever).  Everyone I talk to always says, “…there’s no shop like the Childe.”  I remember you could get anything and everything you needed no matter what direction you were in and the advice was sound and ethical.  And, too, I remember that Herman and the staff would push you to study and seek wisdom.
You know, everyone would like to see the Childe “reborn” – have you considered it?  Herman had asked me if I wanted to buy the store and at the time, I was thinking about moving to D.C. and said, no.  I wish I had – I would have been a passive person and let the store continue on it’s marvelous journey.

I know the MAGICKAL FORMULARY'S are great, they were among the first I bought as a witchling many years ago. I don't know how I lost track of them but I'm really glad they are coming back into circulation... there are way to many witchcrap books out there. Clay

It is great that my book has already been shipped.  It has been far too long since I looked through those pages of wisdom.   You see, it was "Uncle Herman's" influence so many decades ago that made me the formularist that I am today.  I like to feel that he is proud of me and I know if Magickal Childe were still open he would carry my oils.  I have no doubt of that.  After all, while my oils are in no way copies of his, his influence can be seen, for I have researched extensively every one.  I wish to the God(dess) I stilll had the letter of encouragement he wrote to me in the early 70's.   So, for many reasons, I am mourn the demise of the shop along with Herman Slater.   Blessings Toni Anne

What a pleasure to do business with Magickal Childe once again.  It is also a feeling of nostalgia as I bought from the shop since the late 60's.  It was one of the shop's earliest people, Jason Brown, that sent me my first pentagram ring.   And as the decades went by, unfortunately, so did my copies of Herman Slater's "Magickal Formulary."   It is time that I replaced it. 

'tis a shame Magical Childe no longer exists... the best bookstore the east coast has ever known (with a nod to the old Abyss in Northampton).  early memories of fellow OTO/EGC members across the street in the alley, imbibing illicits before attending the Gnostic Mass deep in the bowels of the Childe. bought some of the best books, pamphlets, oils, blades, robes, etc., ever to be found!  alas, and alack! lamentation & gnashing teeth! -R.P.Stoval -R:. III -o'maoilmhiadhaigh -G:.G:.G:.G:.G:.    

It's my unfortunate task to let you know that Ray Buckman, Linda Brinkerhoff's partner of many years, has passed away.
Ray will be remembered by many of the Magickal Childe regulars as a bountiful fount of knowledge of Egyptian magick, and goodness.
We all mourn his passing, and send Linda all our condolences.  His passing stands up as important as Herman's, Steven's, and Scott's to the Magickal community.
Please let this be known to other appropriate communities.
best wishes,

I, too, had problems finding the store at times when I was looking for it--times I walked up 20th street or 18th street.

My last physical experience inside the shop was July 11, 1998. It was the day of a memorial for a friend who had died in a freak accident. I went in and had my cards read. I truly believed I would always be able to go in there.

I was saddened when it disappeared a year later. That day, I remembered 19th street, middle of the block. I stood, mouth agape, to see what looked like a photograph place. Then I began to laugh--what incredible images could be captured on film in a place like that! The universe does have a sense of humor.

I was always at home in there, among the herbs and candles. It was introduced to me in 1987 by a friend I've lost contact with, but he set me on the right path in terms of my magickal workings. For that, I'm grateful.

There is nothing there anymore, that photo place is gone. You can stare thru the glass now at brick walls and the floor straight to the back. I hope something of its kind opens up in that space. Thank god(dess) we still have Enchantments and Other Worldly Waxes. The spirits always provide, but it sure does take a lot given this city's rents.

This is a lovely site, and I'm happy to have stumbled upon it!

Webmaster's note about above comments:

There was more than one MAJOR MOTION picture that was filmed in MAGICKAL CHILDE.

DISNEY STUDIO's reportedly offered to buy the store to make the place a permanent movie set - and was declined by Herman.

Hello!   My name is Matthew and I'm a close friend of Lady Rhea's.  I currently teach the pagan way in her shop in the bronx and was really excited to see a small remaining tid-bit of the Childe on line.  I miss that shop even though I only visited it in its last few years - it was great just to be there.  I'm writing to find out who you are who so lovingly keeps Herman and the Childe alive on this site.  I don't think I met you as I was still a witchling in the last days of the childe but Istill frequented it.  Please say hi and introduce yourself if you wouldn't mind.  And also - thanks for making the formulary available again and keeping it alive- as we know - such an important piece of information and history!   Blessed Be! Matthew Lord Apollo 3*

THE MAGICKAL FORMULARY SPELLBOOK I is a very good book for incense and potions oils and powders for magickal purposes. Good for all level witches, very fun also. Many items in this book were at the magickal childe bookstore in NYC. as healing incense, esbat, sabat incense, oil dressings for spell candels, like money drawing oil! and then some more powerful ones were included too. An experienced blender would know, like the Black arts mix... not my cup of tea but very popular for those black cat lover broom stick types a must buy for those who like mixing up stuff and I think there was very good blends for planetary incenses jupiter venus saturn sun moon mercury(hard to find recipes) learn by doing book )

I worked at the Magickical Childe off and on for seven years.  Herman was my spiritual father.  Ijust adored him and hated him alternately, and vice versa.

I miss you, Lady Rea: I am so saddened to hear that Steven died.  I can't stand it.  I hope that some of us from the old community can still be in touch.

Rea, we are old warriors from the Magickal Childe days!  I'm in Vermont - do you still remember me?  It's Laura, who took your place when you left the Magickal Childe!  I'm not sure that was a good thing... :>>>>>

Thank you so much, can not wait to have the book.  I have been looking for these books every where, no one seems to have them, or for that matter where to get them.  Thank you.
Voodoo Shaman

I am neither a practicing Wiccan, nor did I know Mr. Slater personally, but Magickal Childe played a major role in my adolescence.  I first set foot in the shop in 1991 when I was 15 years old.  I don't remember how or where I had heard about the store.  Ever supportive of my endless and directionless quest, my parents drove me to the tiny shop on 19th Street from our home on Long Island.  I instantly fell in love with the place and, henceforth, pestered my parents constantly to take me back.  It was the site of my first tarot card reading, my first talisman purchases, my discovery of Wicca.  For reasons unkown to myself, I stopped making pilgrimages to Magickal Childe in 1992.   Last month I walked from one end of 19th St. to the other, trying to find the store.  In its place I found 'Witch Craft, a sandwich shop.  I figured the store had either finally gone under, or it had moved.  This morning, out of the blue, I went online to do a search in hopes that the latter was true, and found this website.  I don't know what to say...  I knew who Mr. Slater was and what he stood for.  I had seen him in documentaries, been in his presence...  Eleven years gone and I had absolutely no idea...  It may seem more than a little ridiculous, but I consider it a personal loss.

I used to drive from one end of 19th Street and Fifth Avenue to 6th Avenue, and while I was actively looking for the store constantly drive past it. At times, the Magickal Childe was actually invisible. I even used to walk right past the store while I was actually going there.

The Magickal Formulary, edited by the late Herman Slater. What also makes this work so invaluable is that it is from the inner workings of Mr. Slater’s shop, Magickal Childe, which used to be one of New York’s oldest Witchcraft Centers. (Magickal Childe closed several years ago, after the owner had passed away). His Formulary work is worth its weight in gold simply because the recipes for some of the most effective and potent incense and oils utilized in the craft are within its pages. Slater guarded these recipes more tightly than a 5-star restaurant chef.

THE MAGICKAL FORMULARY SPELLBOOK I is a very good book for incense and potions oils and powders for magickal purposes. Good for all level witches, very fun also. Many items in this book were at the magickal childe bookstore in NYC. as healing incense, esbat, sabat incense, oil dressings for spell candels, like money drawing oil! and then some more powerful ones were included too. An experienced blender would know, like the Black arts mix... not my cup of tea but very popular for those black cat lover broom stick types a must buy for those who like mixing up stuff and I think there was very good blends for planetary incenses jupiter venus saturn sun moon mercury(hard to find recipes) learn by doing book )

I am glad this site is up.  It's nice to have a reminder of an important bit of craft history.  So, many young folk don't know who Herman Slater was.   Herman may have cultivated his nickname as "Horrible Herman", but he was often kind to me, even gave me a candle as a gift once. Imagine that!   Carole ... NYC

Dear Friends,

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

I am very excited to have found the website online! I've wanted an excuse to publicly reminisce about the Magickal Childe for years now.  I started going to the Childe when I was around 12 years old, and consider the time I spent shopping and hanging out there some of the best times (and most informative!).  I'm 27 now, and miss the store terribly...I'll never forget the shock of walking down 19th street and not seeing that tattered old banner - what was it? - "Hardcore New Age" or something like that.

Herman himself was always extremely helpful, and the fact that he took time out of his work to deal with a pestering young kid always amazed me. Hell, once my older sister went there without me and he even brought out some photocopied out of print books he knew I'd be interested in and had her pass them on.

The Childe played an indispensible part in all Pagan cultures, but in my opinion it's loss has hurt the Thelemic community greatly.  There's a billion shops to get Wiccan material (admittedly, without the atmosphere and oddly comforting claustrophobia of the Childe), but I've yet to find anyplace that had such a wide variety of Thelemic materials - from nicely printed UK Typhonian zines, to the Horus/Maat Lodge chapbooks and a gazillion other obscure titles, it was truly an excellent place to find anything you needed.

Aloha Joel,   My book came today, and I have to say that I'm even more pleased than I ever thought possible.  What a valuable resource this is.  Thank you for all the help, and the wonderful customer service.  

Dear Friends at Magickal Childe,
How happy I was to receive a fresh, new copy of the Spellbook Volume I !
My original copies of the originals have become tattered and torn from use.
Am eagerly awaiting publication of Volume II!!!!
As well as any other re-issues of the late Herman Slater's works.
During the late 80s and early 90s, the highlight of any trip I made into the city from CT was stopping by the Magickal Childe and stocking up on books, oils and candles.  Still have my bottle of Flying Oil and Herman's video.
The staff at the Childe was always helpful and the shop always chock full of new and interesting things.  Every trip revealed something interesting.
What can I say about Volume I being reissued?  I have told all of my associates...get this book NOW..and forget the fancy stuff in the new age bookstores...
everything is between two covers..the oils..incense..spells..enough to make one actually smell the shop.
Along with Dr Martello, who was one of the funniest and most sarcastic people I met in the Craft, Herman contributed more to the Craft than anyone else.
Although I never spoke with him personally (I was in awe of him), his work has made a valuable contribution spreading correct information and mixing the best oils in the world!
Was so happy to see the Childe on line!
Please add me to your mailing list.  I would like to be notified of any forthcoming publications.  An anthology of Herman's works would fly off the shelves....sort of like The Compleat Herman Slater...historical newsletters and of course his wonderful books.

Blessed Be and
Please keep me posted of forthcoming publications.

Jeffrey K.

Looking forward to receiving the Magickal Spellbook I. I've been to Magickal Childe many times while it was in existance. My parents lived on 17th Street and I grew up in Chelsea.
Again, thanks

Hello,   I used to shop at the Magickal Childe, and then one day I went there and it was gone.  I was very surprised and saddened, because I loved to shop there, and even more, I just loved to be inside the place because of it's ambience. It just "felt" like everything an "occult store" should be, from the incredibly high shelves of glass containers of herbs, right down to the black cat suddenly sneaking up on me and brushing my leg.  When Magickal Childe shut its doors, I never knew what happened to it or why.  But I still love all the books that I bought there as well as the oddball stuff like a weird record album by some folkie warlock, and my cool looking gargoles.   Recently I read an atricle in THE NEW YORK PRESS by HP ALAN CABAL that explained how and why the shop closed down, and the deaths of Bonnie, Herman, Ed etc etc.  After reading this, I thought I'd do a web search to see if I could discover anything further... and I came to your site.  I have no idea how old the site is but it advertised a Magickal Formulary Book #1.  Is this book still available?  Does Magickal Childe still exist in some form?   Tony

YES !!! We exist as do all our heavenly brother and sisters (somehow, anyway)...just CLICK Here to ORDER MAGICKAL FORMULARY SPELLBOOK I

I look forward to receiving the book, it will be the centrepiece of a friends Birthday presents!!

United Kingdom

                         It is reassuring to note you have maintained your service to the public despite falling on hard times.As an adolescent, I began venturing into Manhattan from my central Long Island residence to procure texts and supplies, as well as to catch a glimpse of what curios were left to behold.Through the years I have grown in wit and wisdom, and must credit M.C. with the accolades it deserves. Thank you for the wonderful access to the necessary materials and the air of drama your location provided.
                           I am also writing to inquire as to the whereabouts and well-being of Peter Conte.I am aware he had been outcast sometime ago, but I would very much like to contact him in reference to his revisions in Liber ABA, and to the spot on tarot insight he afforded me.If there exists any avenue to establish contact, please aid me once more in my travels!
                                       Thank You For Your Time,
                                        Kelly Rhodes

I was surprised and pleased to find
the Magickal Childe website.  It's comforting to know that it is being
continued at least in some form.

"The Shop", as I always called it, was a huge part of my life for a few
years, and was my first and most important exposure to the Craft.  This
would have been around 1977-1979.  I was a young teenager and thirsty for
knowledge - and became a regular in the Pagan Way group, though I couldn't
be initiated because I was under-age.

I stayed away for many years, and finally got up my nerve to visit, and of
course found to my dismay that the shop was gone!  So much history - so many
personal adventures and experiences had been contained in that store!

I remember Herman very fondly.  I know there is controversy about him, but
overall I found him to be very loveable.  He made me laugh, and treated me
with respect in spite of my age.  (I remember coming into the shop in a
terrible mood one day, and Herman took one look at me and quacked!)

I would love to know what has happened to some of the people I used to know
there, in particular, Valerie, who was the HPs of Earthstar when I was

If you have any information that you'd be willing to share about some of the
old regulars, it would be most welcome.  In any case, thank you for bringing
the Magickal Childe back to life, in cyber-spirit, at least.

All the best,



i just got the book in the mail!
thank you...cant wait to start reading it.
i have only been to the magickal childe 2ce in my life,
and that was at least 12 years ago when i was in high school.
i hope it will be rekindled one day!
kim g

I taught the Earth Star Temple/Pagan Way for Lord Govannan (Herman) back in the early '80s, and the picture you have of Herman on his biography page was taken at the Childe back in '81 (full picture attached).

It's really nice to see some form of the old Shoppe up and running on the internet.

I still have all the material Lord Govannan gave me from the old Earth Star Temple, as well as copies of the Earth Religion News.

I still miss the old "Troll."

Tuan Cú Mhara, Coven Hensiarad
Welsh Rite Gwyddonaid

    I always looked forward to running into the Magickal Childe on 19th st. whenever I was in New York.THERE was  place I found the goodies, herbs oils and books too obscure to fnd anywhere else.Often I'd have my astrologer wih me.

        I am so glad I purchased the Magickal Formulary 1 and 2 there. They were more more valuable and useful to me than any other glossy tomes at twice the price.

         It would be so very wonderful if you guys could reopen a bricks-and-mortar store in New York again.I dug the energies of the place,the people were cool, and in all my cross-country travels , I can honestly say there was no place else that had everything I use, that taught me so much through the years!


Am I reading wrong or has the store really closed down for good?  My parents and I use to go to the store alot when we were living in NJ.

Answer: Yes, the  Magickal Childe's physical store has closed.  BUT, we the VIRTUAL Cyberspace Store of MagickalChilde is still alive.  And we are selling the most important of ALL our books and wares...Herman's MAGICKAL FORMULARY SPELLBOOK I and II  on the Internet.  
Thanks for your email.

P.S. When my son (Steven's nephew) was around 4 or so (about 25 years ago), he refused to go into the store.  It was really funny.  He just said "I'm not going in there."  And he wouldn't explain.. 

Joel (Steven's brother)

Steven the manager/cashier passed away...February 3, 2003; 6:20PM

Steven one of the partners of the Magickal Childe had two brothers. His baby brother is Kenneth, and the middle brother is me, Joel - and Steven was the eldest.

The morning of his funeral, Kenny says to me, did you see the WHITE BIRD? I had an instinctive thought that he meant something to do with Steven's passing, but no knowledge about what he really meant.

After the funeral that night, at a dinner with Kenny and my friends and family, my close friend's wife says, (without ANY knowledge of anything said about a white bird) ---- it was very weird ---- she says: "I saw a white bird outside my window this morning. It was very strange since it was still winter - freezing and snowing."

Very weird...maybe the weirdest thing ever happening to me -- especially since there are no coincidences.


Full Moon Paradise:
"I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time."

Jack London
American Author 

Joel, we are very sorry to hear of your loss. May your brother's soul rest in peace! you know that the white bird is a symbol of death, it usually appears to warn you that someone is going to die. be stong, and hold your brother's memories close to your heart. be well, and take care. Fondly,T&A

Dear Steve,
The web site looks fantastic.   I have many great memory's of my visits to the store.   I don't know if you remember me or not, but either way I know he would be pleased with what you all have done...   I love the floating comment from my uncle....  
Best regards,
    Ronn S   Herman Slator's Nephew....

I am thrilled to see that the Magickal Formulary is back in print!  We miss having Magickal Childe, used to refer people to you guys all the time.  No one has filled the hole left when MC closed.
Blessed Be,
Morgana, Morgana's Chamber, NYC

Dear Steve,
Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your store and all those years, especially the dark back and all...We made some great magick with MAGICKAL FORMULARY, and I was delighted to have found you and that book on the web. Your new edition has some really great spells that I just LOVE...Thanks and keep the brightest blessings glowing...
Ellen Schwartz

Herman was a business acquaintence of
mine, we used to speak at least once a month for many years,  and although he
was a gruff old bastard,  I liked him alot :o) and always glad to sell his
books, as they were some of the few classic ritual magick wiccan texts
Thanks again & Best of
Wishes !!!  Steve 

This is site is awesome!! I am sure Uncle Herman would have really enjoyed this!!  Glad to see his legacy continues.  Feel free to e-mail me.  As he would say........ Blessed Be!  His parents have passed over recently, Grandma first and Grandpa shortly after.  My mother is still alive and well!!

I just received Herman Slater's Magickal Formulary Spellbook, Book 1, ordered
through I was extremely happy to receive it- I have many fond
memories of the Magickal Childe store in NYC. Can I dare to hope that there's
been a resurrection? Also is Volume 2 of the spellbook  available for sale?

Thank you and blessed be!
Judika I

Dear Steve,
   My name is Rick Kelly (know as Kelly). I was a friend of Herman Salter In the late 70's and 80's while living in NYC. Herman introduced me to The Craft. He was a great influence and wonderful man. I'm so sorry to learn of his passing. Even though we hadn't seen each other in many years I thought of him often and shared stories of  him with friends. He was legendary. The reason for this email is that Herman came to me in a dream last night offering guidance in an endeavor I plan on undertaking. I felt compelled to search him out immediately after awakening. I was over joyed when I found a listing for the Magickal Childe still in business. I took a while to find the website, but eventually there I was, and that is where I read of Hermans passing.
Blessed Be.....Kelly

Mystic Garden ~ * ~
Greetings Steve,   
Hello,  I use to be a patron of Herman's at the Magickal Childe shoppe in NY on W. 35th Street...On my (unfortunately last) visit to the just so happened to be one of the very last days you were open....(we had no idea you were closing, what a shame....I love your store...and your products)...  You probably don't remember us... but it has been a long time... There was 3 of us girls... A tall redhead, a tall thin blond, and a chunky brunette . You and another man were there... You were giving us all sorts of extra discounts and throwing in things for free... especially to my friend Eve... The  blond with  the great personality...who was chatting alot with you both.......any how... I remember you guys were really sweet.

Thanks so much, hope to hear from you soon....and it was so nice to see that you are still in business and doing well....  

Blessed Be  
Thank you in advance
Lady Raven

I remember the Childe from 1980 when I started going there for the Pagan Circles. It was such a landmark of Pagan history to go there each weekend.

I do know Herman's early work is pretty much in demand, so I am quite surprised that many didn't jump at the chance to get a reprint of the book. Thankfully I had written the Minoan Incense recipe in my Shadows, so I was able to make an almost duplicate of Herman's version. (There simply is NOTHING on this planet that smells any greater!)

At any rate, thanks for reprinting this book because digging through storage is not something I look forward to at any time soon.

^v^ Mike V ^v^


Thank you so very much for your prompt attention.  I received the book on Wednesday and I'm thrilled.  Around 20-25 yrs ago, I was a frequent visitor to the Magickal Childe on East 19th Street.  Herman was a great influence on me and taught me so much.  
Please let me know if you have any of his other writings available for sale.  
Thanks again.

Brightest Blessings,
Trom )0(

 Hi Herman  how ya been Long time no see :-) sill married to same lady
from the witch meet in 78
hey  you have the formula for what is known as VooDoo OIL
also in the south there was a home incense of Brown sugar and ???? I
forget did you have that one?

Ask him if He knew "Karar of An Bandia Oseailite"
but I only once got to the Warlock Shop aka the magical child

It is a thrill to see the Childe reborn! I remember the store in NYC well, and happy to see it back and in cyberspace.


I know this is a shot in the dark, but what the hell.  I am putting together a website on the Minoan Brotherhood, and I believe that at least for some period of time Herman was friends with Eddie Buckzinski.  We are trying desperately to find a copy of his obituary, or at least an exact date of death.
Does anyone at the cyber-version of the Childe have any records regarding Eddie's death?  (If ANYONE knows any more information pertaining to this
email me)
I would be most grateful to get that info. Also - great to hear that part two of the Spellbook might be coming out in print soon.  I have the Formulary (book one), the one with the white cover and a version with a blue cover, but I've been looking for the spellbook for quite some time I miss the Childe - I used to live around the corner.  Nothing quite compares. Regards, Chris.

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