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Mad Matt's Game Place

Update - 10/29 - Psystorm
My site is finnaly up! My nicley designed deck garage is open and running if anyone would like to submit a deck. Mine supplys nice easy forms and automatic posting.
Update - 10/29 - MadMatt
I'm gonna be working on this site a lot! Expect to see a ton more info and pictures up. Added a lot for Majora's Mask in the Zelda Section, downloads for Adrift, and some Pokemon info.
Update - 10/29 - MadMatt
I'm gonna be working on this site a lot! Expect to see a ton more info and pictures up. Added a lot for Majora's Mask in the Zelda Section, downloads for Adrift, and some Pokemon info.
Update - 10/28 - Psystorm
Hey! My site is still regretably down so don't try to go to it.... Well It should be up by the end of the day... Well guess thats it.
Update - 10/28 - MadMatt
I've got templates for all of the sections up. Adding some downloads and more info.
Update - 10/27 - MadMatt
I'm adding a deck garage in the Magic section and probably some game downloads for Adrift.
Update - 10/26 - Psystorm
My site is currently down due to the fact the friggin angelfire deleted it for no good reason!!!!!! Luckily I have a backup. My site should be up and running again quite soon. You can visit it when it's up by clicking this link.
Update - 10/26 - MadMatt
Got a new layout and a staff member. His name is Psystorm. You can visit his site at